CM tiimiiiTiTii ntTTtirrmrsyiii ," West fointfJ!?. Y., May 29. Lieut. . .'Gen. vWinfield Scott died this morning ' ut half past 11 o'clock.- ,. Washington, May 29. The Sermje, by unanimous 'vote ot 43 ayes,' struck out the 8d section of the constitution utl amendment, when Howard offered a substitute us agreed to in caucus, as follows : No person shall be a Sohuior or .Representative in Congress, or elect or for President and Vice President, . or hold any office, civile military Hinder the United States, or undornny 'State, who having previously tuken tin oath as member of any Slate 'Leg islature, or an executive oj Judicial officer of any State, to 'Support tfio Constitution of the tJnited Sta-tes, shall have engaged in insurrection or rebellion agaiixst t'bo same, or given aid and comfort to the enemies thereof ; but Congress 'may, by" vote of two thirds of each bouse, remove suclrdis ability. jHowaVd also proposed an amendment to the &rBt section byeub stituting the words, " born in the United States and subject, to the juris' diction thereof, are citizens-ot the United States aud. of the State where--in they reside-" lie also proposed to amend the second section so as to ap portion representation according to voters. Mr. Saulsbury said this was the first-notice the minority had ro-; coived of the result of the caucus bold by the majority. He therefore moved that the amendment to printed and that the subject be postponed tAU to morrow. On motion of Mr. Fesson den, this order was entered. Mr. Sumner substituted a bill for the ena bling act wiiicb provides that when , any State lately in rebellion sjiall have ratified Uie foregoing amendment, and shall have modified its Constitution and laws in conformity therewith, and shall have further provided that there shall be no donial of the elective franchise to citizens of tho United States because of race and color, and that all persons shall be equal bofore the law, the Senators und .Represent atives from such States as are found daly elected and qualified may, after . having taken the required ouluofof fico, be admitted into Congress as such; provided, that nothing in this soction shall bo so construed us to require the disfranchisement of the man who is liow ellowefi to vote. The House passed Elliot's bill re ported lust week continuing the Froedmon's Bureau for three ' Mr. Sumner also introduced a bill to enforce tho article in the Consiiution abolishing slavery by securing the electivo franchise to colored citizens. It provides that ovory citizen, of whati , ever race or color, bIihIJ have the right' to vole at all elections; Slate laws to the contrary snail be void Chicago, May 30. Horace .Rubles, editor ot tho Madison (Wis.) Journal, late appointed Consul to Kutlendam publishes u card saying tho application tor the appoinlment was mude lust fall, but now, in viow ' of tho political situation,, he should decline it aud sluy at home, earning his own broad und butter. Mulligan, the Indiana corippirator lately leleuscd from imprisonment, nnneared bef'oro. the United States ' Cour of Indianapolis 3-eBterday and gavo LotitU to appear for tnul for treu son next November. The Tribune s spcciul says the Con Btitutional amendment as revised by tho caucus und reported in tho Senate yesterday, received a unanimous vote , ' und will receive u vote of at least 84 Senators, whilo at most there can be . but 14 against it. Tho prospects ore 1 bat it will bo. ucted uuon.iri two or three duysuslhore will bo no speech on tho Union side. It is looked upon with much fuvor in tho House- by ull leading Union morand. will be ndopt cd by solid vole as soon as it paseeB the Senate.' U m atil la, 13 o i s o. AND IDAIO ' Express and Fast Freight Line. THIS LINK 18 NOW in COMPLETE RUNNJNO order from Umatilla to IdnlioCltv. via Boise Citv. and prepared to carry Frulcht and Valuable Packages between these aud all Intermediate Doluta with certainty .and despatch. The Line is Stocked with the Best Teams thecdnntryaficrds and entirely Wew Thorough-Brace CONCORD WAGOJNS, Which ensiifoa Sneed llnd Snfetv In the trnnsmtii.titn nf 'Frelttlit, never beforo offered to Idaho. We oiler Supe rior inducements lor Shipping uoods Irom tan Francitco and Portland to iinho,,as our arrangements with the Ocean Stennwhlp Conipany and the Oregon Steam Nnvl gntioll are such that all UmkIb shipped by thin Line will not be subject to the unual delays, but pass ttirough as Fust Freight. ;i Qoods shinned from fan Francisco to otir care at Port land, Charges will bo paid unci Goods shipped to destina tion. OOODS SHOULD BF. MARKED: CARR II. M. Tl A CO., F. LINK, and Shipping Heceipta sent to our Agents at Portland und Umatilla. Advance Charges for Transportation Paid by the Line and Collected ot Destination. Goods will be forwurded with I)lsjaub to owyhee und Bouth Uolee. PASSENGERS CARRIED AT GREATLY REDUCED RATES. Families will be InruUhtd with Superior Ac commodations in New nud Easy Hiding Thorough Jirace wagons on the Most Liberal leims, ne lay over each night on tho ltoad at Good and Convenient Stations, so that passengers will not be deprived of regular rest. AGKNTHi RICHARDS McCltAKKN Ban Francisco RICHARDS McCKAKKN . Portland JOSEPH TEAL Dalles POWELL k Ci'E Umatilla U. W ILKINSON Le Grand B. M. DuKKLL A CO ...lloise City B. M. DuKKLL A CO '. Idaho City MAJOR SPEEII Jlocky Barmouth Boise) DvltKLL MOOhE Kuby aud Silver Cities U. 91. DuRELL . CO., n25tf Proprietors. F- TILLMAN, soli aoixt IX CAuronitiA ro TILTON & McFARLAND'S Fire A: Burglar Proof Sales. STEEL-LINED VAULTS, -WITH Combination Lock. Constantly hand a full assortment of SAFES. 3 1 8 BATTERY STREET, Jyd-Om San Francisco COLUMBIA BIVER MINES! A. B. BOOTH nARRT. NKVISON. BOOTH &c NEVISON, Forwarding and CommUblon Merchant! AND DELEltS IN OENEKAT MERCHANDISE, Wlilte UlnilH, W. X, F REIOIIT FOB COIV1LLE, UPPER COLUMBIA, KOOTENAI and BLAC1UOOT MINES promptly lorwardrd. Mark Goods II. I N. Wl Ue Bluffs, W. T, . REf BESCES: Portland Richards k McCraken, Allea k Lewis, and Hodge k Calef. Daixm Bloch, Miller k Co., Frourh k Oilman. DR. DAVY'S SPECIFIC COMPOUND,. An Expeditious Cure for all diseases of the 8EXDAL ORGANS, rwIMR prompt nnd e fficatiouB Remedy for the cure JL (ihuiuirnjea. Uleot. Strictures, mid I) I Reason of the Urinary Onj(ui. inukoH a npeedy cure without the leuet restriction to diet, expnanru or" change in application buBineBBf it will radically cure any cane M-hich can be produced, 'j iie uiBOHse it remove aa pecdiiy as 1b con Birtteut with tho production of a thorough and permanent cure. Further. 1 ho iliBeiwe cannot be contracted if the SPKC1F1U COMPOUND is taken when exposed. . Its iriKredlonttt arc entire! v vegetable, and no injurious eflect, oithor constitutionally or locally, can bo caused by 114 UhO. Vrico One Hollar and Fifty cents per bottle. Sent by Express carefully packed. UUbTJVlTKIl, tOIJTIl & DKAN. ApentH, 401 and 403 Battery street, cor Chty, Jy22-flm. . . San FranciMco. Hard. AVooti Lumber. CARRIAGE AND WAGON MATER'ALS WE BRG TO CALL ATTENTION of Carrlnpo Man ufacturors and Dealers to the Ltirpe and Com pit-to assortment of CAllltl AGK and WAOON MATKUI A 1.8 we are constantly receiving from the Kant, snectallv iwU'rU'd for tho California market, comprising. Oak. Hickory, aud Second UruWth AhIi Planlt, Hickory Axles, vtagnn t'uU', vciiots, l.unM,bimits,&o.&c. wiiicii we oner ar cue lowest Uasu l' rices. Orders nddveiiHed (o our houne will receive promp attention. N". W. ltKAtiO k CO., jcli:3m. 20 k 31 Battery Street, Ban Francisco, and 17 ft 19 Seventh Street Bncruineutn. C. Watkwiovse, 11. W. LitAou & Co.. J. W.Lkmtkr fcuti Francisco. fiacramonto. New York lahguy, mmi & CO,, IMPORTERS AND WHOLESALE DETJGGISTS, Corner of Clay and Eattery ts., SAN FKAjN'CISCO. n'ih22:dCm; " UOTTLKD 15KKTS. fiplIK tlNIlF.llSIONKO IS NOW PUTT1NO DP AN JS. excellent nrtlclo of flUITLKn IIKKIL, wlili-h he will deliver tt ih'iilcrs or prlvnlo Innillics In qunidliles to uit. Orders lett at the Philadelphia r.rrweiv will bo promptly sttomlid to. U. g0NKENB(!lli:iN. Dullui, May Kid, 1800. ' uyUtf ROSENBAUM'S FITTERS I THESE JUSTLY CELEBHATED BITTEHS A 118 last drfvitie. all others from the market, as they are acknowledged. h all who use them and the Medical Fraternity tierally, to be the PLEAgANTESI uud most Elhcacious lteniedy for Dyspepsia, Loss of Apetlte, ' morning; Ilcndaclie, . Bowel Complaint, Fever and Ague, v Jaundice, Langour, . Ili ER COMPLAINT In all Its distressing forms. ' Rosenbaum's Bitters ARE AN EXCELLENT APPETISER. Rosenbauih's Bitters' ARE STRENGTHENING AND LNV1GORATINQ. Rosenbaum's Bitters J ARE AN AGREEABLE TONIC. Rosenbaum's Bitters Are made In the most careful manner, from pure old Wheat Whisky, medicated with ntots and herbs especi ally adapted lor the cure of all Stomach aud Liver dis eases, i . TRY THEM ! For Sale everywhere by Druggists and Liquor Dealers, or by N. B. JACOBS A CO.. 423 Front Street, San Francisco. SMI Til & DAVIS. ? Portland. Agents for Oregon, Di4w6m A CARD FOR TUB Spring & Summer Clothing Trade OF SAN FRANCISCO. BADGER &LINDENBERGER, M os. 411, 413 and 415 Buttery Street, Cor. Merchant, San Francisco. Importers and Wholesale Dealers. ENTIBE NEW AND FRESH STOCK ' WE WOULD CALL ATTENTION of Conntry Mer chants to our usually large stock of Goods. Our stock comprises every article in tl e Clothing and Fur- niRiitng line, we havo constantly on nana the largest and irroatest variety, of Canal mere and Wool HATS ol any houne in Pan Francitico, and our prt ee for these Good3are U-m than those of any house, as we receive them direct from the manufacturer's consignment Our stock wf Summer and Vail Goops is particularly attract ive, and the great leature to the country mercuant is the uuuBually low prices. T Ann ITlinii tlin rvo4 A TtMttniirnitAM I VliU03 All Ull liUU VUBI VI A 111 pUI M1I14JH e also keep the STAPLE ARTICLE in the Pry Goods line, which Goods we have purchased in this market un der the hummer, and are ottering them at INcw Yoik Cost, and less. W e publish this card In order that we mar make new acquaintance, and induce those who have not heretofore purchased of ub, to call and examine our stock. Good Articles and Low Prices Are the greatest inducements to all who purchase to sell again. Merchants who buy of us can make a good profit, und sell to their customers at alow figure. We remain, respectfully, Your Obedient servants, 1( ADO Kit & LTXDENBJWGER, Wholesale Clothing and lint Warehmno, Nos. 411. 413 and 415 Battery st-reet.J Son Francisco, April 20, 18G6. . 3mw. JACKSON SALOON ! CORNER CODRT AND SECOND STREETS DALLES. ORKGON. TnE UNDEnSIONHD, HAVINO ttEMOVED FROM Till', "LKLLA UNION" CELLAR, INTO Gates' IVew liuildiiifj, Pi'B to Inform the pnhllnjthnt they are prepared to serve their customers with the best Wines, Liquors and Cigars, THE MARKET AFFORDS. ALSO, A Free Lnnch. ! . Every day and evening. E. SCHTJTZ &, B. K1.EI1V, dcc?-lf Proprietors. LINCOLN HOUSE, Curuer Waslilngton ami Front Streets, PORTLAND OUKQON. TTlST-CIiAfiS HOTEL. LARGEST IN THE 8TATE. Chnrgen Huufonnblo. AN OMNIBUS will Attend nil tho floats nnd convoy Fa8etik'r nod their butrftire to tho Iloiiftu Free ol' Chargo, or to any other lluusy in tho CIry for 60 ccnis. n. wrriii, i'roMllor. p. s IKiT AND COLD BATHS in tho IIono. All tho Stoimors for Orcon City, Vncouvpr, Monti-, cpIIo nnd Astoria laud nt the Lincoln. U6uso W liarf. . i!pl:;im ' NOTICE. TfSIIEHEIlY OIVEN THAT A CALL MEF.TINO OP H the 'Miwk Kaisers' nlual Aid r'oolity" will bo hi'ld at Union School, Ilonse, near A. D. llnltnn's, on Fifteen Ulle Creek, at 1 o'cloik p.' m.. on Suturilny.Juno 2d, ItCC. myiSti L. L. HOWLAM', C. ?., A. S. - - THE CELEBRATED OHIO REAPER ! ! (Cnllrd tlie N'fw York Improved, or Seymonr k Blur )riiii. ) Couibiued Mucliius, with great iuiproTeiueiils, Laving a , Steel Cutter-Bar, And can be chnngeA from a Denper to a Mower In ten minutes; cuts 0 and 6 feot swalh, within one inch, or twoleet Inmi Hie crunnd; will cut 18 to 20 acres )ier dny: cn be used with two or more hordes; will work on tfiDi Mills, where other Muchinet will iot. Tliey aro easier to get the grain off tluin any other Machine, leav ingit out uf the wny of the Kcnper. The CSinut Reaper ' Cuts a Seven-foot Swath ; and Will out SO acres per day ALSO - . McCormlck'a 6-foot Reaper to Mowers f Ball's " " Mannyi Wood's Prize Blower's , Union, Dny State, Ktrby'c. etc., etc., ALSO Pitt's Improved Xliresli Iiifj Mueliines, Kussel's, Mnssillon aud Sweepwlnko, Thirty to thirty-six Inch Cyllm'eri. Also, HAINES' ILLINOIS IIAItVESTER, (Header) i . WIRE 1IORPE-HAKES, on whoels; KEVOLV1NO . " all sizes: VOKTABLE POWEtt HAY-PltESSKS. I Villi a general assortment of ACaItICUH ItAL GOODS As low as can be purchased elsewhere. J.D. McAKTHUK &: SOTV, Corner of California and Davis streets, my25m4 ; SAN FSAJXCISCO. DRUGS AND PATENT MEDICINES!!' DRUGS AND PATENT MEDICINES if DRUGS AND PATENT MEDICINES!! S. L.1GMON, WHOLESALE ASS BETAIL DRUGGIST, Washington Street, between Main and Second Streets DALLES, OREGON. 4 I.EMON Is able to supply parties In wtint ofDmss, Patent Medicines. Cliemlcals, Acids, Perfumery, and very othor article enumerated with the WHOLESALE DRUG BUSINESS, At the lowest market rates. , S- Physicians and Merchants Intending to purchas for the Mines, will do well to give him a call. TRUSSES & SHOULDER BRACES In groat variety. 8. LEMON, ap.8:tf. Washington St., between Main adn Second. PORTLAND FOUNDRY AND MACHINE SHOP, FIRST STREET, between Yamhill and Morrison. Qteam Knglne 3 oftrom4to4U norse- powor.e: pattern,) Wrought nnd Vr,"; W Cast Iron work for ur- mi -wsj- Jrr 4ical8awanilOrlstmlllsi -SLr' Brass and Iron Castings , -W6i and vVROVGIIT IROX WORK of every description. I am also prepared to furnish Quartz Mills complete, of the Latest & most improved patterns. These Mills can beforwarded to any part of the mines as the welpht of the entire machinery will not exceed 3, 000 pounds. Horse Powor Agricultural .Implemrnta mnuulactiireil toonlcrat the very l.uWKST C'AbU I'll ICE N. U. Particular attention paid to Ill.l'AIKS. feMt lubllc Sale. Or Land for Dklinquent Taxes ron I860. BY VIRTUE OP A IVAltltANT IPSUED OUT OF the County Court of lhe,ftate of Uncoil, lor the Cuunty of Wusco, on the Hill dny of April, A. D. 1F.U0. nnd to me directed, for the colltctlnn of dt-liiiqueut taxes lur tho year 18(i3-64-:5, 1 have this d:.y levied on tli following described pieces ntld mrcels ot Irtnd, lyilio; and -bei"K in said State aud County, in Dulles City, according to the plat thereof, nnd on the 2IM dny of June, A. h. 1860, 1 will expose the snmo, or so muc h thereof as shnll bo necessnry topnylie taxes and cobts due therW'n for the y(ears, at public nurtion, at the Court House door in Dulles City, in said Stnte aud County, be tween the hours f 0 o'clock a. m.itnd4 o'clock p. ni , to the highest biUJcr therefor, In U. S. Cold Coin. KAMK. tnT. BLOCK. TAX. Jus. II. Fruit, (Lnnghlln'B ad) Ifittl VI 0 $6M) " " ' 18ii4 12 9 . 6 60 John Grunt.... " Ib05 4 13 " " ." " 2 14 8 00 Simoon nodyfet ' ptlO 8 10 80 Mrs. mHntton(Trovllt'siid).. 6 0 8 00 JlrB. 11. Boll, (Clgrlow'sud).... " 11-12 A 4 00 ' " ... " wUlO " 4 00 Cha,. Coolldire " ... " 2 6 2 01) Oconto H. Elliot " ... " 12 8 10 00 .las. U. Fruit, (Langhlin'a nd) " .12 9 8 00 Frank llniikt '" .. " 1 14 36 80 (loo. Johnson " . " Sti 8 8 00 A. P. Ml near " .. " paitU 1 18 00 Francisco Vohirdo " .. " ptol ll 0 12 00 'CnAKI.FS AVIIITE, Sheriff aid Tux Collector of Wusco count . Oregon. , ' Dnlles City, lluy 21st, Mj;0. . iiiy2l4 . kctks:. , . E CALL THE ATTENTION OF TTIK PUHIJC to the met. that wo lutvo cmn'Mulril to Blve on bus iness nnd tliere.ore.nll pnrtlen Indehiid Ions MUSI PAY. I ther Portable or jJf . Btntlonary. Also, (jiu- ? -S. I I'jos-;. CULAIl SAW MILLS yjf&Jt& ''-frF COMPLETE, constantly f i? (:St x3 'Mftfb onlmnd. Also, Hay Pros- M $ WAVft tfjZ sesof all; Planlnir '?-fVrJiSM'y: f Mar.hines,(Woodwortli's r-3'AwW:&XJ7' 1'P WVIUIN LUI 1)AX or lrjiol proreciliUBB will Lelm.l, M.B1.UM N t UHO. . Eallos, March 10, 16C5.; iullt ( A