r,-. flitntainm EAfsXEIN NEWS. , Washington, May 28th. 4;n tbV "Senate, VVilxon of Massachusetts, lien. derBOD of Missouri, Yuri "Wiukle Of "West Virginia, Johnson of :Maryland and Buckalew of Pennsylvania wore appointed a speoiall committee to in vestigate the oondition of the Nations a Banks.. .. . ' The Senatorial caucus renewed its Sessions this mowrfng and also in the! evening. . There was a lull attendance ; bat no vote was taken or any definite conclusion reached, the various Sena tor ba'vrrfg previously expressed their -views tm the reconstruction programme.- Pessenden of Maine (How ard of Michigan and Grimes of Iowa1 were appointed a committee to draft the report on the same. Neither Doo little of Wisconsin, Dixon 'df 'Connect icut nor Cowan of Pennsylvania were Invited to attend the caucus. It seems to be the well setl'idd opin ion in official quarters, that Davis' trial will too postponed till next X)a tober. Tbere seems to bo food eu tbority for denying tho statement which bas been published, that a new indictment against Davis has been drawn up in the Attorney Gen. oral',8 office since Speed's rotura to Wfl.nhinnrt.nn and timr. .TnHorn Tlnrfpr. o wood's indictment would be quashed. Jt is not improbable, however, that some changes will be made in the in dictmcnt presented by the Norfolk Orand jury. Mrs. Davia has been in receipt of a largo number of calls to' day. The President has granted ber permission to remain with ber hus band at . Fortress Monroe. Burton Harrison, Davis' Private Secretary also arrived to-night in company with oue of Davis' counsel. , :,. San Francisco, May 81. A bout 8 J o'clock last evening the' Steamship Orizaba lying at Paoifio street wharf was discovered to be on fire and alarm was immediately sounded. 'The flames soon burst op through tho hatchways, enveloping that portion of the ship in a sheet of flame, Tho Department was promptly on band and through Aeir extraordinary exertions the flames "were driven back to the hold and in about an hour were entirely ex tinguished. Contrary .to the expect, ations of neatly every one, the ship sustained. comparatively slight injur. ies. - Tho damage does not exceed 1, 500 to $2,000. . The fire caught in tbe engine room, amidships, but bow is not known. The Bbip caught fire Tues day after noon but broke out afresh lust night. ' ' ' ! - The court is engaged in tbe invesi gation of chargos and counter charges growing out of the squatter troubles in tne western addition, in which Daane, Boss and others were engag ed, and which led to the shooting of Koss by Duane. ' The charge of mur . dor has been set for next Thursday, at halt past one o'olock , p. h. Tho Du- ane'sare in court to-day, listening to testimony ana making suggestions in tne matter to tneir counsel. .- ROSENBAUS sFlbal Settlement. , TfcXOTICB 18 HEREBY GIVEN to all persons Inter im! ested lb the Estate of John Loew, deceased, that V. 0. Bell, Administrator of mid estate, hai filed tali Ann! account in the County Conrt of the State of Oregon, for tbe County of Grant, and tint Monday, the 2d day ot July next fniulng.hu been fixed by auid Court for aaid nnat aewemem.. uj orucr ot . W. LAIR niLL, ; Canyon City, "May 8, 18BB. tajlBwa County Judge. Administrator's Notice. laTOTICK IS HRRRBY OIVBN THAT ON TUB TTH vmj vi Aunt, low, inn unuenngiieo. was appoiniea administrator of the estate of A U. Powers, deceased, by the Hon. M m. Lair Hill, County Judge of the county of Grant. State of Oregon, at Chambers. All persons having claims against said estate- are hereby notified and required to present then) with proper vouchors, to the undersigned, within six months from the date here u., at the office of V. Adams, In Canyon City, In said count. nrio-e avw. jucukak, Administrator, Dissolution Notice.. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN) that the co-partnership heretofore eilstlng between 1. M. EVANS - and A. W. DAVIS, in the Livery Stable business, has been dissolved -, that A. W. Davis Is indebted to the co partnership; and that a bill In eqnity has been filed for the settlement of the co-partnership acconnts. All per sons are notified that A. W. Davis has no power to dls ro Bf the pioperty, nor contract debts on the credit eiinenrm. : 1. it, i. vans. Dalles, April 20, 1808. ' ' aiSdlm THESE JUSTLY CELEBRATED BITTBR8 ARE tint driving all othera from the. market, as they are acknowledged, by all who-use tleei and the Medical Fraternity generally, to be the PLEASANTEST and most Efficacious Remedy fore - , . t , Dyspepsia, ., Loss of Apetlte, . . . Morning Headache Bowel Complaint, , ' I ' ; iFever and Ague, j ' "Jaundice, Langour, ; ; Oliver complaint . In dll Ha distressing forms. ' Rosenbaum'g Bitten . ARE AN EXCELLENT APPETISER. liosenbaum's Bitters ARE STRENGTHENING AND INVIGORATING. Bosenbaum's Bitters ARE AN AGREEABLE TONIC Bosenbaum's Bitters Are made In the most careful 'manner, from pure old Wheat Whisky, medicated with roots and herbs especi ally adapted for tbe cure of all Stomach and Liver die- TtlY them: For Sale everywhere by Druggists and Llqnor Dealers, or by N. B. JACOBS a CO., . ... - ii' u rront street, - ! ' San Francisco. - SMiFirri & DAYIS. mtwdm Portland, Agents for Oregon. Slierlfi's Sale of Real Estate. BY VIRTUE OP A DECREE of Poreclosnre of Mort gage and execution thereon, by the Clerk of the Circuit Court, in and for Wasco County. State of Oregon, to me directed. I have tills day levied "upon the follow ing described Real Estate, to wit: The South half of the Southwest Quarter of Section one, in Township one North, Range twelve east; also, the Northeast quarter ot tho Southwest Quarter of Section one. In Township one North. Range Twelve East: also, the Northwest y. of the Noithwest li of Section Twelve, In Town afilp one North, Range '1 welve East, being 1G0 acres more or leas, being the property described In the aroresaid de cree of foreclosure of mortgage, in favor of Elisabeth Ilradshnw, Plaintiff, and against Joseph Trow and Jassee llaya, Defendants, for the sum of Two Hundred and two seventy-five ($202 76) dollars principal, and twenty-five eighty-four ($26 841 dollars costs of action, with interest and accruing costs. I will proceed to sell tbe above de scribed premises atPublio Auction, at the Court Huuse door In Dalles City, to tho highest bidder for cash in hand, on Saturday, June Olh, I860, between tbe honrt of 12 o'clock, and 4 o'clock, P. M. to satisfy aaid execution, interest and coata. CHA8. WHITE, Sheriff. ; By K. W. CaAitiMU; Deputy. - ' mllwt. Dalles City, May, 1806. . , Proposals for Grain." 1 ' ATB1START QUARTIItMlXTIB'a OmOI, 1 . Poet Dii.ua, Ouooh, Muy 24th, 1860. J SEALED PkOPOSALS, In duplicate, will be received at this office until 12o'clo.k H. on tbe 1st day of June, 1806, for the supply of 160,000 pounds of Oats, to be of good merchantaLuV quality, and delivered and stpred by the Contractor In such manner as tho Ass't Quartermas ter at this Post may Irect, between tbe time of the ap proval of said Contract and the 26th day of J my, 1806. Oats to be put up in sacks and weighed upon tbe scales at this pott before being received. V Bids will bs received for 26,000 pounds and upwards) must a'ate the price per pound In coin, and be accompa nied by the names of at least two responsible parties as eureties, and be accompanied by an oath of allegiance to the United States. In case a Bid is accepted, the Contractor will be re quired toenter into a Bond for a reasonable amount, for the faithful performance oft he Contract. Payment for the above-mentloneb supplies trill be made In such tnnda as may be furnished by the Govern ment, at a rate equivalent to the coin price at the time of payment. .. - -. J '' , The right to reject any and all Bids is reserved.. Hide tn ha BmhirftAfl " Vrnnnsala fnr flats." Contracts will be subject to tbe approval of the De partment and Division commanders. - " ' ; . - JAMESQtLLIB, tnytd ! Captain and A. Q. M., U. 8. Army '8. 31." HOLDERNE8S, COTIISSIO niERCUAIlT -4oa Front Street, v . .. . SAN FRANCISCO, 1 As a BtJYER has bad many years experience In Ban Francisoo. and flatters himself aa being able to give sat isfaction. Will fill orders for responsible parties, and allow the usual credits . For adt ances made, will oharge the customary interest. ' Commissions will be reasona ble, and sotted to ine nature ana amount of tne business. Refers to Messrs. Uumasop A Odell, Attorneys at Law, Irenes, uregon. . For further particulars, address as above. " mj2Sm3 .r Final Settlement. . NOTICE 18 1IKRKBY GIVEN to all persons tnteresU ed in tbe estate of Andrtw Watson, deceased, that A. L, Sntton. Administrator of said estate, has filed tiis final account In the County Court of tho State of Oregon for tbe County of Grnut, and that FKIDAY, the 8th day of June, i860, has been set .for bearing said account by addCovrt, . .,. ... . W.IkUILL, . '' ' - Judge of Grant County. . Canyoh City. April SOth. 1808. mllw4 V : BOTTLED BEER. f Bins tINDEIlSIGNED IS NOW PUTTING UP AN Jl ekcelleut artcle of BOTTLED BEER, which he will deliver to dealers or private families In quantities to suit. Orders left at the Philadelphia Brewery will be promptly attended to. - U. 80NNKN8CIIKIN, Dalles, May 2!kl, 1809. f mjf2tf DALLES CITY DRUG STOHE. P. CRAIG, VBOLISALI AlfD klTAlL . DEALER IN DRUGS, , "MEDICINES.. , ; Perfumery', Fancy Soaps, 1"T1SNT UEDICINES, C ; ri-tf DRUGS AND PATENT MEDICINES!! DRUGS AND'PATEST MEDICINES 11 DRUGS AND rATENT MEDICINES It vor iS. LEMON, ..' WBOUSAU AHB E1TAIL ' DRUGGIST, Washington. Street, between Main and Second Btreet PALLES, OREGON. CJJ LEMON Is able to supply parties In want of Drags, Patent Medicines. Chemicals, Acids, Perfumery, and every other article enumerated with the, WHOLESALE DRUQ BUSINESS, At the lowest market rates. 4sT" Physicians and Merchants Intending to snrchase for tbe Mines, will do well to give him a call. TRUSSES & SHOULDER BRACES In great variety. . ... . 8. LEMON, ap.S:tf. Washington St., between Main adn Second. PORTLAND FOUNDRY . AND - MACHINE SHOP, FIRST STREET, between Yamhill and Morrison. Steam Knglnea offromttotO horse- power,either Portable or Stationary. Also. 01 R- CULAR SAW MILLS If S COMPLETE, constantly Cj? : on nana. Also, uny tres ses of all sizes; Planing Machlnes.rWoodworth'a pattern,) Wrought and Cast Iron work for Ver- 'fcVl Q ticai D.w.nauiiHi niiue. Brass and Iron Castings ana WROUGHT IRON WORK . of every description. I am also prepared, to furnish Quarts Mill oomplat, of the Latest & . : moat ImproTed Patterns. These Mills can be forwarded to any part of tbe' Balnea aa the weight of tba entire machinery will not exceed 3, OOOpounda. Hone Foweri ft Agrienltnrnl Implement" manufactured to order at the very iAIW'KS'l' CASH PRICE N. B. -Partlculor attention paid to REPAIRS. fe20-tf far .- A f T iW JT 1 '-"T3T ...--jjTJsr .Oregon Steam Navigation Co. SUMMER ARRANGEMENT. ' " " THE STEAMERS NE2 PERCE CHIEF, ..WEB-FOOT, i TENINO, ": OWYHEE, "YAKIMA, -.' ."' spray & - okanagon, Captains X. F. COE C. 0. FELTON, J. It. D. CRAY, and TIIOS. J. STUMP, : Will run during the season from CELILO to UMATIL LA, WAI.LULA, WHITE BLUFFS, PALOUSB and LEWISTON. . - One of the above named boats will leave CELTLO for UMATILLA and WALLULA, on TUESDAYS, THURS DAYS and SATURDAYS. t The JPassetitrer Tr&in. . to connect with steainers at Celllo will start from the Railroad Depot, DALLES CITY, at 6 o'clock, a.m. . :'' . FOR WHITE BLUFFS. : THE "YAKIMA,'' CAPT. B. F. C0a....'....i...v.....i;'.;'...ui..ii;.Commander. Will leave CELILO (Very SATURDAY, for WHITE BLUFFS, i .,. , - : . ' ' FOR LEWISTON. - THE "OWYHEE," . CAPT. FELTON.... ......................;.;.. .Commander. Will leave WALLULA every WEDNESDAY (upon the arrival of the steamer that starts from Celllo on Tues day), for LEWISTON. , for Portland through in one day. ' The 8teameri ' - ;"ONEONTA, 99 "IDAHO," CAPT. JT. MoNULTY,............ Commander, Will leave DALLES, DAILY, (Sundays excepted) at t o'clock, A. connecting by the CASCADE RAILROAD, With the steamers . NEW WOULD, ' . ... . CASCADE, or wu-sorsr g. hunt, CAPT. J. WOLF, Commander, f Portland. FRANK T. DODGE, Dallea, Apill 8, 1800. n!2tf Agent O. S. N.Coi Umatill a, 13 o i so, AND IDAHO . Express and Fast Freight Line, THIS LINK IS NOW IN COMPLETE RUNNING order from Umatilla to Idaho City, via Boise City, and prepared to carry Freight and Valuable Packeitea between these and all intermediate poiuta Kiln certoiuty and despatch. The Line Is Stocked with the Beat Teama the country affords and entirely ' i New Thorough-Brace ; B. SALUK. o. w. lavas, ARMES. DALLAM, . .. Importers and Jobbers of , WOOD AND WILLOW WARE, BRUSHES, TWINES, CORDAGE, Ao. , And Manufacturers of " . , California Tails, Tubs. Brooms, Ac. 21T A 210 Sacramento Street, between Frontand Davis an rnmouci ociuomuaw. CONCORD WAGONS, Which ensures Speed and Safely In the transmission of Freight, never before offered to Idaho. W e offer Supe rior inducements for Shipping Goods from Can Francirro and Portland to Idaho, aa oar arraiigenienta with the Ocean Steamship Company and tha Oregon Steam Navi gation are such that all Goods shipped by this Line will . not be slhject to the nsnal delays, but pass through aa - . Fast Er eight. Goods shipped from San Francisco to our care at Port- ' land, Charges will be paid anu Goods shipped to destlna- OOOD8 SHOULD BR MARKED: CARE B. M. D. A CO, F. LINE, and Shipping Receipts sent to our Agents at Portland and Umatilla. - Advance Charges for Transportation Paid by the Line and Collected at Destination. Goods will liel forwarded with Dispatch to owyhee and South Boise- v PASSENGERS CARRIES AT GMCATI.Y nrnnrKTi RATES. Families will bs furnished with Superior Ac commudatibns liWew and Easy Riding lhorouith P.rare Wagons on the Moet Liberal Terms, We lay over eacn night on the Road at Good and Convenient Stations, so that passengers will not b, deprived of regular rest. . - AGI&NTSt - RICHARDS A McCRAKEN....... Ban Francis RICHARDS A McCRAKEN Portland JOSEPH TEAL. Dallea POWKLL A CAE .........Umatill J. B. Vm.K)N80N...,..................Le8r.ad B. M. DuRKLL A CO..............; .Dolte City B. M. DuRKLL A CO ... Idaho City MAJOR SPKKR Jtecky liar (South Boise) DuRELL A UOOkE.n..,...N.,..n....Ruby and Silver Citi.s - - B. II. DuRBLIj efc CO., " n2Atr I. Proprietor,., DR. DAVY'S SPECIFIC C OMPOUN r , ' An Expeditions Cure for all dlseaaes of the SEXUAL ORGANS, TniS prompt and efficatlona Remedy for tha cure Ohonorreea, tileet, Strictures, and Diseases of tli Urinary Organs, makes a speedy cure without the least restriction to diet, exposure or change In application business; It will radically curs any case which can be produced. The disease It removes aa speedily as la con sistent wifh the production of a thorough and permanent cure. Further, the disease canuot be contracted if tha SPECIFIC COMPOUND is taken when exposed, - Ita Ingredients are entlrel v vegetable, and no Injurlona effect, either constitutionally or locally, can be caused by Its use. Price One Dollar and Fifty cents per bottle. . Sent by Express carefully pAcked.- UOSTETTKK. SMITH A DEAN. Agents, 401 and 408 Battery atreet, cor Clay, - Jy23-Bra. San Francisco. JACKSON SALOON! CORNER COURT AND SECOND STREETS, DALLES, OREGON, THE UNDER810NKD, HAVING REMOVED FROM THE "BELLI UNION" CELLAR, INTO . Gates New Building:, Beg to Inform the public that they are prepared to serve their customers with tha best Wines, Liquors and Cigars. THE MARKET AFFORDS. ALSO, A .. . Free Lunch ! i i Every day and evening. - ' ' B; SCHTJTZ afc 8. KLEIM, dec2-lf Proprietors. LINCOLN HOUSE,!. Corner Wb.lngto and Front Streets, PORTLAND, 0REGQN. 1 IR8T-CLAS8 HOTEL. 1 1 Chareee Reaaonahla.' LARGEST IN THE STATE, AN OMNIBUS will attend all tba Boate and convey I. Passengers and their baggage to tne House rree oir 'i Charge, or to any other House In the Ciry for 60 cents. r f H. uunin, rroprieior. P. 8 HOT AND COLD BATH 8 in tbe House. All the Steamers for Oregon City, Vancouver, Monti- cello and Astoria land at tne uncoin uouse nnari. eepl:3m Hard Wqod Lumber. CARRIAGE' AND WAGON MATERIALS VM7B DKO TO CALL ATTENTION of Carriage Man TV ufacturers and Dealers to the Large and Com Dlete assortment of OAHRIAOB and WAGON MATKRI ALB we are constantly receiving from tba East, specially selected for the California market, comprising. Oak, Hickory, and Second Growth Ash Plank, Hickory Axles, Wagon Voles, Hubs, Spokes, Felloes, Rims, Shells, Ac. Ac. which we oner at ins lowest uasn r rices. -aT Orders addressed to our honse will receive promp attention. N. W. BRAGG A CO., Jel6:3m. '' 29 A 81. Battery Street, San Francisco, and 17 A 10 Seventh Street Sacramento. C. Wirianoisr, , H. W. Braoo A Co., J. W. Liana San Francisoo. Sacramento. . New Y'oili F'TILiMAN; .aoti Aainr in caiivokmia ros ' TILTON & McPABLAND'S Fire & Burglar Proof Safes, 1 ' STEEL-LINED VAULTS, , . . ' ' WITH r .',-., 1 . . ' Combination Hioclr. '4Constantly band a fnll assortment of SAFES. . , jpj)Aiir.ni cihiit, Jy-m Pan Frandeco ' NOTICE. ' ' 18 nEREBT GIVEN TnAT A CALL MFF.TIN9 Of tha "Stock Raisers' Mutual Aid Society" will be held at Union School House, near A. D. Dolioa'e, on Fifteen Mile Creek, at 1 o'clock p. m..on Saturday. Juna 2d, 1800, m; 23td . L. L. I10WLANP, C, 8., A. 8i XT