MOXDiT EVENING, JUNE 1, 1830. Irt order that we may be around to-day we publish a paper this morning. TUe exci'e raeat of the election and thai every man should do his whole duty in defeating this monocracy party recommends this course to us. . In VQting for Kelly you support repudiation. His party is pledged to it. Ir you vote, for Fay or Lane you support men wbo voted la the Legislature to change the location of the Branch Mint to Portland. Let every man wbo desires to soe the coun ty prosper vote for Wood and Mays, Union candidates for County Commissioners, Voti for Reed who has honestly and faith fully discharged the duties of. County Clerk during tbe past two.veacs. Vote for George W. VTaldron, who every body know a good, honest and compe tent man one. who owns property and is thoroughly identified with us. The-friends of Senator.Nesmith must be up and doing to-day. See that tbe Union can didates for the Legislature are elected, and thereby elect your friend. . Iv you vote foe Kcogal and Rogue, you vote for men who own property, arq.ideniified with the interests 0 tbe county, and will support your choice man for the United States Senate. Ir you vote for Dodge or Humason yon vote to send Jo Lane, the traitor, to tbe United States Senate.. The party is. pledged to him,, and tbey go with the party. Remumdeb, if you vote for Kcogel and Hogce you will vote for men who will support J. W. Nesmith for re-claction, and. who will, work for your interests. Lax every man ask himself whether be can conscientiously support men who .will enc.our age riot and Insult the. citizens in this city and tbe Governor, of the State. If you can. not, vote the Union ticket. Remember, that in voting for Dodge you Tote for a man wbo is not identified with you j who owns no, properly in the county, and wbo is merely a eandidate for. the Interest of the Navigation Company. The 0. S. N. Company are making.a switch on their road nearly opposite the residence of Mrs. Laughlin. Tbis will be found cooven ient at the present Blago of water, when tbe locomotive and cars are kept .afc.tM end.of 'town?; ; ' : ' ' .' ' ' Remeubeb, that Bumnsoo, Dodge, Ferguson ' t and tbe Demooratio party insulted. the Execo tire of .the. Sto.te of Oregon, by blssipg. bim while addressing a peaceable.meeting of cili zeni on Saturday night last Can any man who loves order and lejpec.ts. tbe, laws vole. for either of. them? - " , . Tsh conduct of-the Democratic party on Saturday night baa been tbe general topic since. Every honest man, Union and Demo crat, acknowledge that the, instigators of that Insulting conduct who. were, np.less than the candidates of the Democratic ticket are. not worthy of any fn,vors at the ba,nds or tbe re spectable raters of tbis town.. ' Tbe Democracy of tbe Dalles have made a riicVrocord for themselves iy their conduct on last Saturday, night. The,. Oregon Steam Navigation Company is also, made a party to the insult given to the city aniitbo Governor of this State,. An apology Is due both from the citizens of tbis town and from the 0, S. N. Company ta Governor Gibbs for the insult. ine and unmanly conduct of these would-be rioters, andwe have no doubt but that If, will be made. 1 ' 'Hx-Gov. Welles addressed tbo would-be rioters laBt evening at tbe Democratic Club Room. Tbe Governor's reason for the late civil war Is on a different tack from that of the- leaders of the party hore;. lie says that " the cjergy of New England, are responsible for the late war." Dow do our church-going "men like that.? The clergy is responsible! Tlie Governor moy bive been on orator; but .his day is pasti The people of this county . have bad whloers enough here In tbe shape x of. Lane k Co.. and bare Brown, tired. of them THE GRAND UNION RALLY SATUR DAY NIGHT. The largest and most enthusiasts Union meeting ever held in. Wasco county was that of Saturday night on tho corner of Main and Washington streets. The Mechanics' Brass Band, from Portland, headed a procession previous to the speaking, and marched through some of the streets. About 8 o'clock Gov. Gibbs took the stand, and for an hour and a half kept bis hearers, as it were, spell bound. He reviewed tbe history of the pres ent Democratic party j -showed clcaily that they were leagued with traitors during tbe rebellion ; that on every occasion where men and money were needed to carry on the war, that tho Democratic members of Congress voted against all measures tending in that direction. lie showed that the present lead ers of the Democratic party aro members of a treasonable organization, that was ready to resist tbe Government in raising troops in tbis State. He proved that the charge of squandering the Slate's funds was false, by tbe report of Lano, now candidate for Sec retary of State, to tho Legislature, last fall. We have not space to follow tho Governor through his speech. Suffice it to say that it was the ablest, most logical, and bad a moro telling effect upon the enemy, than any we have heard during the canvass. And here we might mention one of the scurril ous tricks that the Democracy resort to during, the canvass. After Governor Weller had finished bis speech tbe Democratic party mounted on railroad cars, which the Oregon Steam Navigation Company fur nished them, and accompanied with a band, went up the railroad track, and when in front of Gov. Gibh's stand, stopped and did all they could to interrupt the Union meeting. Tbe same Insultwas aain repeated while Col Hawkins was speaking. These insults, not only to- the Union men of tbe Dalles, but to tbe Executive of the Slate of Oregon, were not resented, for tbe reason that it is better that the people Bbould see of what material a party is composed that will resort to such low, scurrilous and unmanly conduct to dis turb a Union.meeting,.atd probably tbe peace of tbe city. We are more than astonished that the Oregon Sienru Navigation Company would lend itself to this contemptible conduct to insult not only tbe people of tbis town but the people of Oregon represented ia their Governor. Col. Hawkins was then introduced, the band playing a national air. He defcr-ded himself against a charge of cowardice that tbe opposition worked up. He never belonged to the Seventh Tennessee Regiment; his was the Second East Tennessee Cavalry. ' Tbis bo had. explained to Judge Humason, and he bad expected that the Judge would do the speaker justice in connection with it, Not having done so, Col. Hawkins sailed into Judge Humason rough Bbnd. Tbe speech was a masterly one and reflects credit on tbe speak er... That old battle flug was exhibited and reference to it drew forth cheer after cheer from the audionce. Cot,. Hawkins has done nobly' in this canvass, and especially In this county. May tbe Union of the States and the. great Union party of the country always have such able defenders as Col. Hawkins. After, tho close of the speech a procession was formed of TWO HUNDRED AND FORTY .Union men, with torches and candles, and beaded by the brass hand, marched through the streets of the city. It was a glorious tri umph, and one that made the opposition hunt their boles.1' On the corner of- Third and Washington streets, as the procession was moving along tbe street; a group of ladies stood'on tbe corner and sung patriotic songs. Tbe procession bolted, and at tbe close of the singing, three rousing cheers were given for the ladies, and three more for tho Union The procession then marched to the corner of Main and WasbintOn streets. and were dis missed. ; ' ,' Let tho Union men of tbe Dalles turn out to-day, and in solid ranks march to the polls and there yoto the whole ticket. Tell those men who disturbed your meeting, and who would disturb the public peace that tbey are unworthy to govern the people of this county Tell them that their loud c ics of freedom of speech, .like all other professions, are false, and voiuruive tho proof in their conduct on Saturday, night. They, are not deserving of your confidence ana shoull not have it.. We bad the pleasure of. meeting Dr..W. II Watkins, of Portland, yesterday. The Doctor is on a visit to onr city, and will return to J Portland tbu morning. 1 IIemkuiibh, If yon have a cold i r cough, that Haifa Pul monary Balsam will enre you quicker than any other known remedy. The genuine is put up In ttlty cent bottles only. Columbia Lodge, No. 5, I. O. O. P. Moet every Friday evening at 7 o'clock, lu Qatea Hull, corner of Second and Court Street. Brothers In good standing are Invited to attend, lly order. N.Q. Wasco Lodge, No. 10, A. F. & A. 91. Tfolda Its stated Coniuinnlcntlon on the Fire t and Third Mondays of each month, at their hall, in Dalles City. Brotliren In good standing are invited to attend. lly order of the W. M. Beth L. Pops, Soc'y. Religious Notice. . C.tritouo CnURcn Moruiim servico: Mass, at 10)4 o'clock. Evening Bervico: Vespers and Benediction, at u' clock. Sunday School at 2 o'clock, p.m. uSldtf FATIIKRL. DIBLEMAN, Pastor. S IIF.RKI1Y GIVEN that there will ho a meeting of tho Wasco County Acriroltural Society, held at the Court House, in Dalles Cltv, on SATURDAY, the llitli of May, A. D 18tm, at one o'clock p. m. A general at tendance la solicited, as an election of officers uud other Important hUHinoss nil! publloly bo transacted. Jiy order or the JSxocutive i;oinnmree. E. E. Haft, L. L. ROLAND, fcocretarjv ' Je2tf Chairman. , NOTICE S IIKJIEBYOIYKN TO AU WHOM IT MAY CON corn, that t'uo Annual Mat of AHaurtumeiiU of 'ho In terim. Itevonuo, fur tho 9tli PIviion, Stuto o Oregon, will bo upon at my ofllce tor oxrwirlimtion. for tbe Huice of ton ilnys from the date hereof, when and where ap neftla will bo received relative to. any erronoous or ex cessive valuations, UHaesaiueutti or enumeration;! returned in suit! I Ant. Ollieo ou tjecond atreet. 2d door above Court, sonth eldo, K. II. COMFOKT, A 8 n't AtKHHor, Olli Division, State ol Oregon. Dalles, June 1st, 1SG0. .'el-lOt NOTICE. Itotf AND AFTER T1II3 DATH I will ho found In the Lnw-Otilce formerly occupied by Iiunmton fc Udell. on M-iln street over Walt Iron's Druir Store. Dulled, Muy 31st, niylillT O. N. DENNY. Proposals lor Fresh Heed Officjs of A. 0. 8. Fort Dalles, Oregon,) May 30th, 18Utf. J SKALEI) PROPOSALS In duplicate will be received at thiftotlice until Y2, o'clock U., Sutuiitay, Juno 9th, 1800, fur the fm Dialling of . To the Troops and Employees at this Pout, for the fiiral your commencing July Int. 1800, and ending June 30th, 18U7. 8aid Fronh BcQf to be of cood and merchantable rmnl- ity, and in equal proportion ot fore and hind quarter tnent, (necks, flmnke uud Kidney tallow to be excluded) and to be delivered on such dnys nnd In such quantities ne the Commanding 0 111 cur of this Post inny denitrnftte. a lie dcckh oi tho cattle slnuKhtercd bIimh im cut on at the fourth vertebral Joint, mid the breasts trimmed dnwu; the linuks of the fore quarter shall be cut off from three to four inches above tbo knee-joint, and ot hind quarters from six to eight inches above the gainbrel or hock joint. Each bid to be accompanied by a bond (with at least two Fmeties) in tho sum of Two Thousand Dollars for the faithful performance o' the Proposal contained in the liiil, In case the Bid is ncceptod. All Bids must state the price per pound in U. P. Gold Coin, but payment will bo made In such funds as may be on hand on tbe day of payment for that purpose, "at coin rates." The underslirnod reserves to himself the rleht to reject any or all bUU that ho may doom unreasonable. Bidders are invited to be present when the bids are opened. Proposals to be add re-sea to the undersigned, and en dorsed thus: " Proposals for Frtsh Boef." JAMKS GIL tTPS, my30t8-. Capt A.Q.M., U. 8.A , A.O.B. DALLES AND CANYON CITY STAGE feC0MPANY Aro now running rogularly their line of , ' CONCORD STAGES, BKTVVEBK - ' DALLKH &; CANYON CIXY, TWIOU A WEEK, CARRYINO t THE U. S. OVERLAND MAILS AND t VcIH, Fargo & Cos Express, I.ouvlnt! Dalles every Tuesday and Friday, at 2 o'clock a. in., and Canyon City ou tlie same day s at & o'clock a. m. Through in Two and a Half Days JAME8 A. HENDERSON, Agent, Canyon City. Dalles OlBce Next door below Joa. El felt's, Main at. SAMUEL it. BRO0K3, Acent. Dallea, May 20tli, 1806. ' my2tlt( HO, FOR THE DEALY HOAD! SNOW OUT OF THlfl WA V. THIS U IAD IS NOW 80 FAR COMPLETED THAT It may be traveled by waxona creat and small with easoand safety.' It Is Not Less than Fifty Miloa Nearer to Hoise lliisln or Valley, or Owyhee than any other ronte from Dalles City. It lias Lower Rates of Tolls, better grass, and ahnrtot, drives between watering places than any other rood across the mountains. This road thnuitb not completod m all its aocttons, la oncrett to the Irar. ollnx public at very retwjnable ra'os of toll, r - Teamsters, nackera and frelxhters from the Duties will do well to examine iliis road.' If ihey do.nutklike it, tbey can go titty miles further ronml for about three times ina ion, aua nave no uetter roan, , . Dy order of the Road Company. . . my23ml " NOTICE. " rWUK MONTANA TRANSPORTATION COMPANY V. will now receive and transport freight Trout Whlto DIufTs to the upper end of navigation nu Pen d'Orollle Lake, at the rate of 1 140 per.ton.. Kruigbtsent to WlUto isiuns. mat-Ken "to tne care or u. t, uo." win be for. warded with dispatch. J,. A. ODBLL, my23tf Agent. WEHOCUAT1C OLVU ROOM. ' CORNER OF. COnitT AND MAIN STREETS.' .. Open Dallyj until 10 o'cl'k, p.m. TJ-VEMOCRATS OF WASCO COTJNTT are Invited to at mw tend, and enroll themselves as member a if tbe Club. GOOD SPEAKINO may be expected ench evening. Bv order of the Committee. : m2aj2w . i JOHN WILLIAMS, Ch'n iTfimiAT inn HOUSEI Xo. 100 MAIN STREET, DALLES. TUB -UNDERSIGNED THANKFUL' FOR PART Favora, respectfully informa the cltissena of the' Dallea, and tbe public generally, that fie coutinaea to aellat PUBLIC XJCTIOIV ' OR PRIVATE SALE, Real Estate, General Merchandise, Uiucei'lesi .... II or sex, Mules, Furniture, Stocks, &.c. &c. , REGULAR SALE DAYS, . t Tuesdays and Saturdays. Cash Advances made on Consignments, And PROMPT RETUltN ni 'de of sales. Ont-door and Special Saloa attended to In any part ot tbe city. JOHN WILLIAMS, Auctioneer. J. JUKEE, 9Ialn Street, Dalles, . WBOLUALI A!ID RETAIL DEALZR IN ' CIGAHS. TOBACCO, SNUFF, PIPIES, &,o. ALWAYS lit BTOR1 TBI BEAT BRANDS 0P Cigars, Tobacco, Matches, &c. 1LAYINO CARDS. POCKET CUTLERY, PORT MONIES. COMBS and 1IIIU8HES, o' all kinds, PeitFUMEItY, ot every description, ' CHINA ORNAMKNTS, TOYS, DOLLS, etc. FISH HOOKS and FISniNQ TACKLE," MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS, , FANCY GOODS. Ac. Also Powder. Shot, Lead, Powder Flarta, Baskets, nnd many other artlclea too numeroua to mention, 67 Interior dealers supplied with Cig ira, Tobacco, etc. at leaa than Portland prices, with freight added. oc-S - SELLING OFF AT COST! J.GOETZ&cb.. f TONE BUILDING, WASHINGTON STREET, DALLES, Offer their well-eelocted stock of TOBACCO, SEGAI1S, PIPES, YANKEE JNOTIOISS, AND a, ' -.- STATIONEEY, -AT- . SAN FRANCISCO COST. mr27tf GATES & CHAPIN WHOLESALE k RETAIL DRU GGI S T S, . STONE BUILDING, WASBINQTON STREET,' DALLES, ORECiON. Importers aud Jobbers of ,, . PATENT MKDICINE3, : CHEMICALS k FANCY GOODS, SODA, CORKS k ACIDS, . - r . OILS, k ALCOHOL,' 1 - ' PURE WINES 4 LIQUORS, ; c ' " ', ' PAINTS, GLASS k BRUSHES. . PUTSICUNS' PBESCKIPTIOXS Accurately compcunded. ; PHOTOGRAPHIC EMPORIUM. A full and complete, assortment of all artlclea In tb Photographio Line, at a SMALL ADVANCE ON SAN FRANCISCO PRICKS. r 47-Merchanta will pleaae got our prices before order' inn below, r U. L. C1IAPIN, JUSTIN GATES. Dalles. . Sacramento, Cat. . LAST CHANCE I WE WOULD CALL THE ATTENTION OF THE . . publio to the loot that we are closing out.uur stockvof . , . OLO THING. DRY- GOODS, &C,i&C. At Greatly Reduced Kates, And offer barca'na which cannot foil to satisfy anybody wantlug articles iu our llne.- XTir' Warning !;- TTATE INTEND CLOSING OUR BUSINESS HERE by the FIRHT OF JUNK noxt.and we take this op portunity of once mora cnllliiK upon thoso Indebted to . us to rail and settle. We will nut, if we can help It, place any of our accounts In the hands .of legal collec tors; but If obliged to do so, we shall havo recourse to . that when this nulla expires-, affltjl M. DROWN DRO. DALLES & ItOCKLAKD LandingFoot of Tnlon Street; THE PROPRIETORS ARE NOW PREPARED WITH STAUNCH AND ROOMY BOATS, to cross Travelers, Horses & Stock, Tn a Safo and cxpedltiqus manner, and at Reasonable tutci ,ltC