"I fixe jTi I Vt . . l. ' i GRAND UNION RALLY GOV. 'A.. C. GIBBS" .. ' !. . . ' AND . . . ' . : GOT J HAWKINS WILL ADDRESS TUB 'MTIZKNS OF DALLES CITT, THIS ''At 8 o'clock p'm., on the corner of Washington and ' Second litre. t-1. opposite Froucli A. Oilman. Everybody turn out tint lieur hlml Democrats are particularly invited to be present A"Jonks" Convicted. At tbe candidate's meeting ui Aurora the other dav. Samuel Brown, a candidate on he Union ticket for Htate. Senator, ciiart!.( M Savage the Copperhead candid te, with being a member of the itBsitssiuating, Democratic secret league o" Old Uuaids.". . Mr. Savage fiercely denied it and demanded the prof ' Mr. Brown called on a well known gentle man in the crowd to testi y what he knew of the mat er. He arose, and turning upon Savage, said . cltberately : " You 'old me in tbe presence of my moth er that you bel ng d to the ' Old Guard' or Jones Fami y,'aud that the Democrats were 'organized all over tis State for tbe purpose of rej sting the draft and to resist military arrests iimt you we e ready for tbem Un ion moo if they attempted to make my more arrests " Mr. Brown then asked Savage if be bad any rebu'ting testimony. Mr. Savage bad UUpw IU UUCIi AlO ITUO UUUTIUIQU IUU bull foanded so much so that be could not face tka audience to make a speech. He slunk . r : . I:- - l. . .. ., : i A j uuivi l lltvv nuijiusu optimal auu icbircu, probably to counsel with tbe " Jones Fam ily," wbicb, tliere is good reason to believe, is now in full o gabization in various parts f tbe State. Oregonian. Oiva tbi old Traitor, Jo. Lam, Anothib Kick. Do you want Jo. Lane to sit again in the Senate uf the United States from whence he was driven in'o Ignominious retirement ' by the people of Oregon ? Do you want this infamous traitor to the country which bad honored him, and this vile betrayer of tbe people who had trusted h tm, to hold again the highest office which tbe people of Oregon can bestow upon any one? If you do not, rote for the Union candidates for the Legis lature in eery county in tbe State. Of the Democratic nominees for the Legislature, by far the greater part t.re pledged, if elected, to vote for Jo. Lane for Senator.. His friends tbrougtiout the State ofoim that if their party carry the Legislature, bis eleotion is awe. We know that an immense majority of the people of Oregon woald repudiate old Jo. Lane to-day if he should ask fpr their suf frages. Voters of Oregon,, your suffrages are indirectly asked for him. in this canva-s. If you vote to elect a Democrat to the Legis lature, you vote for Jo.. Lane for tbe United States Se ate I: Electa Legislature which will choose. a. loyal and honorable man lor tour Senator, and let the reprobate tnvtor, Jo. Lane, remain, undisturbed ia his infamy . and. retirement I Ureyonian. 'Tbi steamer Oneonla arrived at abont half past four o'clock having . on board the Portland Brass' Band. This being tbe night for Gov. Welter to speak at tbe Dalles, the Democracy naturally thought that the Governor was honored with tbe band. Im agine their surprise when it was known that the band was procured by the Union party, and that Ool. Hawkins, who had left for Port land ibis morning, was also on board. The Union men are up and doing and succesi will crown their efforts on Monday next. ." ' Gov. Girbs and Col. Hawkins arrived from below last evening.) The Colonel returned to Portland this morning, where he has an engagement to -speak this evening. Gov. (ribbs will address tbe citizens of tha Dalles tuis evening! ' They report everything in the Willamette all right. The Union ticket vfill be elected in the Slate by 1,000 mnjoiity. , Am EaglUh lady bus applied to a lawyer to know whether, having married a id in for Ins money, and spent the whole of it, she Is mot now entitled to marry another mm for hi! money. . '. " j Mr.' J. Qa$t and Colonel Hawkins spoke to a large ciowd of citizens Ian ereuinft on the corot-r f Main and Wa-h. ington itrcrtt. Tbe sneenhn were full i f lound argument and were terribly an noy'uijf to the 'opposition. Dining Colonel Hawkins' speech the Demoi-rnts present were apparent! very uneasy and aniioiis for the speaker to finish. At the close of the Col's, speech he displayed two battle Hug, whii-h he si (I belonged to Pennsylvania and New Jersey regiments, and had pained through the terri bla struggle for four ymt. .. Tin three Indiana conspiraiors have been released from the Ohio Penitentiary, by or der of the President. ' . V Tub river roi-e about thieiiichesiiurlng the. pat twenty-lour hour. ; ' . Isaao -F. Dloch, Can Frauclsoo. C. 8. Miuir. - Dallea. Bloch, Miller & Co., WHOLESALE , O R. O C E R S , . '.'.' . AND DEALERS IN ' I ... Wines &. 1-fiqu.ors, And Importer and .lob ben of CLOTHING Boots & Shoes. ' ' ' Viidcr Ulolhiii Blankets, etc., etc., r etc. " LSS AYOFFIOE. WE IUVB AN ASSAY OmCK IN CONNECTION wlih our busiueas, under the entire supervision of Mr. Miller.. We make returns In Ban in six honrs We guarantee all our Assavs anil pay the IUU II EST OASII PKIOH for Bars. We also pay the Highest Cash Price for Gold Dust. .. , DLOCfl, MILLER A C)., niy6tf 1 Cor. Main and Washington ttreeta. Dallea. Ordinance No. 39. AN ORDINANCE to Lleenu Hotel and steamboat ' k ' Runners. rjthe people of Dallea City do ordain aa follows i ' Bsorioxl. Any person who ahall solicit patronage for a Hotel or Steamboit, com uoaiv oil I oil a " Huuner," within the corporate limits of Dallea City, ahall thereior procure a Licenae from the Recorder, and ahall pay therefor Into the city treasury the sum uf Tea Dollars for erery three months. Seo. X Any person who shall do business as a runner, who by malicious misrepresentations shall injure, or attempt to injure any Hitol. Itettauraot or steamboat, ahall, on conviction thereof, be punished by a fine In any eum not exceeding twenty dollars for each and every offeuse. ' , . Bsc 8. Any person who ahall do business as a runner without procuring a license therefor, ahall, on convic tion thereof, be punLhed by a flue In the sum of . twenty dollars. Bio. 4. Tbls ordinance shall take effect and bain- force from and after the 2d day of June, 1868. Passe May 18th, 1888. 0. B.QILMA1, H. Catlit, Recorder. my28ritt Mayor .A. CARD. MADAME LB TKLLIKR WOULD RESPECTFULLY Inform the Ladies nf the Dallea and vicinity, that ahe ia now prepared to do all kinds of DRESS, CLOAK, and PALSrOT making. Also, CUTTING and FITTING In a new and Improved style, never before Introduced in this place. She will warrant to give satisfaction, and woald most respectfully solicit a liberal patronage. In the Rooms lately occupied by Mrs. White, over Degener'a Store, on Washington street, between Second and ThlrS. , Dalles, March 27th, 1&8 ' mr27tf FRED. LIEBE, GROCERY, PROVISION, AND FRUIT STORE, Washington Street, opposite French A Oilman's, Dalles, lias on hand a large aud well-assorted stock of GROCERIES & PROVISIONS, resh XJutter s& Efftj Received dally. A large lot of CHICKENS always on hand. FRUITS qf all kinds. FRESH VKUKTABLKS every morning. All articles warranted. ' Give Me a Call, Everybody PBIOEH ;LOW." an!8:tf f. LIEBE. , J. F. KELLOCSQ, DENTIST, Alain St., Dalles, Oregon. A FTER NEARLY SIXTEEN YKARB JW Practice in bia profoMion would )g5f?-. 1 Dallea end the public generally, that h- kas leaned-the Dental Oltlce lately occupied by J. W. QUKLUY, Dentist, where be can be found prepared to at tend to those requiring bis professional services. Ornos IIOOBS From S o'clock, A. K., to 12 M ; and from 1 o'clock, ?. H. to 6 P. K. m3tf Notice. THE COMMON COUNCIL OF DALLES CITY, Oregon will sit as a "Board of Equllitatlon " at the Recor der's olBoo on Saturday, June 2d, 1808, at 7 p. m. All parties who may feel aggrieved by any assessment made attend, that all errors in valuation or descriptiou of lots iniiu u umar inui-)rijr, uij UV mere currecieu, USlOro the city taxes for the current year are levied. By order of tbe Common Council'. my.'Rtd . , ll.CATLEY.Tiecnrdnr. FOU SALE. ONE HUNDRED AND 'SIXTY ACHES OF LAND, the property of the heirs of John llalllgan, lately de ceased. The land is conveniently located on Mill Creek, botw. en the claims ot Theodore Mosplie and Caldwell's, about three miles from Dalles City. It Is well wutered, and contains a good houie, barn and stable, a good or chard anil aoout twenty-live acres under improvement., For inloruintiou or purchase apply to Father T. .Mosplie,' c-rljUtns A llaft, Attorueys. Dalles, May 21, 1888. lm T. MESFLIB. ,' I HiLDItOSI BROS., Wholesale & Retail Drugists Main Street. Dallea, Oregon WE NOW OCCUPY null KW. TWO STORY FIRE lircmrxt.ine linll.llnir. .miuwilo lllmrh. Millar a Co.. and offer to the public a full and onniplese Mock of Drugs, Medicines and Clu mlcals. conalsllng lu part of KEROFKNE. LAMP WICKS OltTMNBYS HOPS. . 8AOR. ; . Sl'ONO K9. ' . LKKniIES, TURPENTINE, ALCOHOL, ACID.. LINSKKD, liAKU. COHKi, CA.-T'lR AND 1NDIOO AND' , LANPIILACK N KATSKOOT Oil, TRUSSES, SHOULOER. BRACES. SUPPORTERS, PATKNT MKDICINES. Our stock of FANCY O0OL- I s of the Anest and best quality; new stvlea ond largo aesortinonts. such as LUBIN'B PKKFUKKItY. IIAIII. , LUUIN'ST'IILKTSUAP, FLESH,' POMADES. SHAVING, O'.I.SMKTICS, HAT. llAIItOII.3. " CLOTH"S, U01.IK1NE, , TOOTH AND . FANCY 80AP8 AND NAILDItUSIIES T HJTII PoWOiiUS, AND COMBS. PURB WINES AND LIQUORS, For Medicinal purHise. ' Our facilities for buying goods are second to none In the 8tai. and we shall at all times sell at a amall ad vance from coat . Ready sales and small profits. PHYSICIANS' PRESCRIPTIONS Carsftilly ciHnimnnded at all hours of the day nnd nlirht. arsiVB,vj. v, iO'.u. ifllU-tl VERY IMPOUTA?JT Tfl ' ' Merchants, Families, Hotels and HAH-ltOOMS. TMLTfTR Klt&l.'MI.Ml lllvilvil iniilnivfn mvrn .... - m.- ....(i.... uwuuui AUDI fiil- tire Stock of Morchandise anil Book Accounts of the urui ui ii. neuer in tins city, to which he has added of his own importation (while doing bualuess in . v. ...m.v ?u u..unll.a .mjvk wi .lie um. inanuiactureu Crockery, GlactHware, I'laled Ware, Lamps, (Jliandclleris, Table Cutlery L.ookln?-GlaNcs) and All Kinds of Oils, . Ill nfukh t.- rr . .a... ' . . . ...............,,.,,,i, i ersons wisn tng to buy any of the above-mentioned articles, will do Wall tn ullr. ma - null l.f,..- I I , - , " " iroiuiv puiunMinK eieewiiere. . . . ....on,. piuuifiij nfcieuueu to. ana goods packed to go secure. Don't fall to call on me. HW.W.UHW..IUIUUII, n Munition Bireel, xiaiies. - , . . JUUUS KRAKMKR. Dalles, March lTth,180S.mhl7tf ONE HUNDREDJrIILES SAVED! BLACKFOOT & BIG BEXDMOES BY WAY OF ' Wliite Bluffs! THE SHOKTEST AND SAFEST ROAD For Land Trlivel. Distance from Dalles to White Bluffs 100 miles . White Bluffs to Pen d,Oiellle....180 -" " . " toColville 170 ' Travelers by land for either of the above Gold Fields, will save , , 1 Save Time Distance and Money By taking the White Bluff. Koad. Wood, Water and Grass Aro found on this Road within easy drive The road Is now open, and possesses advantages over ny, other land route from the Dalles. , Published by ordaf of u iJl'JL01111'8 THK wi Dalles, March, 20, 1868. m20:.m. W. B. DOUGLASS, (Sneoeaaor to William Blrnbannt) . PRACTICAL WATCHMAKER, An oiAtn is IJ'ine Watches, AND JEWEL RY. JNVITRSTnR ATTRNTION OF HIS FRIRNDfl AND jb. hu ruuno w nit cnoice-fleiectloii ol New and Fashionable Goods, Bsspoctfblly soliciting their patronage. WAIU?ANTloMmY PR0PJSRI'Y "P11 " . m9tf. Next Door to the Post Office. F1. DEIIM, Watchmaker and Jeweler, MAIN STREET, DALLES, DKAl.Kll IN FINB WATCHES, JRWKMIY, CLOCKS, Gold Pena.SUverandPlated Ware. Mnaat..l.a Sl. .!... k. . " APllTtlcnlnr AttMHllnh nM rnMnaUln. n. "WalclioB, Clocks, Jewelrj, utc. Ail WtrUu rapmrud by tn A wurrnntarl f..r luralwa s l.a N.J1. AH orders front the upper flountry, by Kxprem va vuwtiu,VivuiIVI si.ieuuvu io . NEW YOKIC "' AND '''.'' ' ' '''" GROCERY STORE, Main Mreet Dalles. ' mhffitf- FBEDERICK BENZER. ' FRANKLIN MARKET. CORNER OF SKCOND-AND WASIIINOTON STRKSTt DALIES. OREGON.. 1 ..... JOHNRPP1NGKB Proprietor TIIK UNDKKSIflNKD having fitted np the alKive1 Market in the II K T 3(a BTVLB.will keep constant- ly uu iiaim ail sorts of . treNh and Cured Itleats, Or the best quality furnished at the LuWliST RAT Hy motto is to ' (LKAaK AU-" i ,t PARTI K8 HAYING 8VPKI11UII STOCK FOR SAL'S will.do well to call anil Franklin ilarlu-t. Dalle,, February 1Mb. 1H. J11N . UA!SIIlAaXO iriABUIST. - coaauor. COORTi AND 8KC0ND 8TRKETS. DALLES, ORKQONV JOHN MICHELBACH, Proprietor. WILL KEEP ' , - .waiMiMw. uniiu uu ine vane l attoruTof . . : , ltti' FRMSH & CURED MEATS. . and always of the btst quality. '' FAMILIES. HOTELS, AND STEAMBOATS sup,asd.on reasonable terms.. . ' '' Tbeundersigiieq Is al ways prepared' to nay thehlgnv est cash price lor IAt 0tn.K. rnrtles having stocks ui gouu coaauion, are roquesled to rail on hiiu. befors- JOS1N M1CUHLUACH. Dalles, March 31st,186&, . aiuttltr NOTICE TO FARMERS.. rHE DALLKS LUMBER AND MANUFACTURING M. OOMttANYhasreoeutlyattacheda FLOURINGM1XL to their Steam 8ah and Door Factory, ia rhls City, aneV are now.Rrepared ti OUOP fEKDnttKINU II K AT an CORN, and warraut t. give the best, satlsfaotion. 0b band constantly and fir sale 8KCUND8 OR MIDDLINGS, ' BRAN AND SHORTS, : CHOP.FKKD.CHICKES VED i Also, a 8uperl article of CORN MEAL, from n Corn, The highest marketfice paid for WIIKAT, CORN a HAKUHf. U. A. I10UUK, Agent. Dalles, Nov. J, 1866; Stf Gr. BRADFORD, IMPORTER AND JOBBER OF Wines & Liquor?; FRONT STREET, Portland,. -. - Oregon. "kVPKHR VAR QATA A VVDV t innn i oan... oieut of Brandies, Wines,. , Liquor Case Gooda,; Ac, &,c, &c. A-- Thu TnulA la M(l-nl..l. l.-t.. j ... ' . stock before puscbaalug elsewhere., , anU-tf II. HE KM A N & CO.?. MAIN ST., DALLES, OPPOSITE UMPIRE HOTEL, JJAVK JUST RECEIVED A' BEAUTIFUL STOCK 0 IV SPRING. AND tiVaiMER GOODS,, ' Consisting laj artof Fancy andLStaple Dry. Cioods. Clotiiins;, . Dooti&uSlioea, liats&Capij. Wlilch they offer to sell at SMALL. PROFITS. ' '' ; Dalles, March 27th, 18o. mrtTlf MONTANA! IlAHOLWASHOE; W ARK PCT.TISIO VP OVMi OklUlNAL BlU'EiUOU'. BRAND OP GROUND JAVA. COFFEE,, AlSO eilARTRJCS COFFEE, IN DOUDLE GLAZED PAPERS To.preeerve lu strength .and flavor for the length Wr time required to be I rwarded to tbe above n.aoea. FaraalebyaUtheJebbe-erand. "F.". ( MARDEN F0LOEBV ' .iami o Steam Ooffee and Spice Mlll V alSmlpa. m Front btraet, San Srauclsoo. . F II IIS,. WOOL and UIU fJlIE III0HK8T 0A8fJ PRICE PAID FOR' ' rUR8 WOOL, AND HIDES', at MoORAKRN, MERRILL 4 CO.'S 1( North Front Street, Portland.! mbl8Sm BOOKS! BOOKS C WHOLESALE AND RETAIL. eoCHOOI. BOOK!, STATIONERY, pvr dwuuhiuhu jniaceuaneous nuitlia, Late NOVKL8, S1AOAZ1NK8, PAPEItS, Ac, Ao.. by every Steamer. PostOffioo 0w.iiui wain vejiei. Garden Seeds, for the million. m7-tf ' H. J. WALDROU CRYSTAL S A LOON! AND BILLIARD ROOM, JOHN RINDLAUD, Proprietor. WASIIINOTON ST., next deor to FRENCU A OILMA.l';' ' NOTICE. . IVA!n !'V?Mi B 1- "AT my anlhorlted ageati to collect all moneys due me, and attend to n y ,(,.. acss generally. 1 " ' aattj . M. RkKW.