1 .J ' I- CI 3 .1.-.. .. fjwwiwwi rr M tKKSiasxs vol., r. ISO. Ol. rt'BLISllKD EVERY EVENING, ! . S SUNJAYj BXOKPTcD,) BV r, U.' G. COWAIE & J. HAL LOU AN, BDIT0H3 AND PUOPltlKTOR:!. if--:. . Terms Twenty-Jlvecentt nor wink, payable to (lie carrier i ! per mouth, by wail, l; three mouths, (IN; aix ntvnths, ib ; ouu year, $8. Advertisements inserted lit V. . Mm MM, i . ' ' Job Printing. Every description of plain and fancy Job Printing exe rted with uoutiiess and donpatoh, and (brwarded aa per ardertoany part of the country. iayiKinLJor Jtb Print 4nff mutt he niude im itolivtry ut work. - .XV. BJ, LtOKiU$K. , Practical Wutelinmltor, And Dealer in .JFINE WATC HES At. JHTELUY, ' " ' ' D.i llfiS, OREGON " " ' : BALDWIN BROj . i . .... DEALERS IN ;, i CilllNEH OF V' '- ' Main n nd Union Streets, Dalles. .-J.O. BALDWIN,., nihzl-tf F. W..DALDWIN. , ftJRNitURE! FURNITUW1 " DIERLAM &c WEISTZ. : vjflNjTUWj, GI.OBK HOTEL' BUILDING, j1 f .wefWytja iiiiujcBuiu ruiiuiurc, 'r vijl embracing Tabled. Chairs. Bureaus lleds and UedteailM, liildiriir.Citriiets tc, etc., all of wliicli will be sold at low ratei. Furniture 4tepalrcd, aiid Upholeterlnx done to order. AlMo,oti hand . fclaUrnAsVftandl'illowR. 8prinuUed8inadetoirder. aulU w. MOAItUH. 0. B. KOfUKL. - WM. MOABUS & C0.V .CITY- BAEIy, i. j .!.. '. and t .5. u.'i . .i. r. 0 VISI ON STORE, '. V " ."t ' ' Corner of First and U ltreeie. '' ' "' WIIDI.KSAI.K AND It 41' AIL UK A I. ICRS In BREAD, CKAI!Hmt8and Kamlly UitugKRlKS. ' I-vOrflersfroufadiMtaucopareliilly nUodaadprotnpty fspatohed.- 1-tt JOSEP II EL If KLT, ', '"'l l iMI!U.llI AND EITAII M4HB IS i (. J. Fancy & Staple Dry i; Goods, CLOTHINC. BOOTS AND SHOES, 1 U.iTS AtfO OA Pit, At D ' " "Gentlemen' rui-nislilni; Goods , Fire-proof Stone titoru, corner of Main; and Court vstroeti.' ;.r, - , . . , . . oc4-tt ATTORNEYS COUNSELLORS ATLAV WILL IMUCTIOK IN TIIK BUPItGMK AUD 01R cuit CourtH of Urogou. and the Djatrlct Courts o WashiitKCou lei'rUory.'' . . ' r . 1 1 ji W. ' Particular attontiuu pail to the collection of claims. . O. IIUMASON Iiallon, 0n.' ' ' J. A.ODKtX. il .ij. ! 1 1 'g'O LET, "1 3y 'tte Night, Week !. or Month! ., NKXS DOOIt TO JACKSON itNOlNB li0U8Bi '. j. n,2tf i- H MIIS-. 8PKHN0BR. LAH3LEY, GRQWELL & CO;, IMtOItTERS AND WaOLESALB . . f'f'MI i'!V. ? ,'.''' H ' . DEUGGISTS;' , Corner of Clay and Battery Sts., SAN FRANCISCO. WM. .BROWN WARMER. 51. I OFFICE 74 SECOND fcTKEET, between Washington and Court, , OrncB Houns 9 tola A..; 2to4p M.;ond8tol0, Ml lt. n. w. mitciieli Owcr WALDRON'S BUILDING. Rksidinos Corner of Third nnd Waslilngton Btrenls. c. n. it h ooks, m. r,. Office A.t Ir. Cralor'ts Dptic Store. . DALLES, OREGON. NOTICE. w-MT-ROATiIiTTIB ATTF,NTI0N OF TTIR PUBTJO to V the fic't, that wo have concluded to (rive nplius 1nes and there tiro all parties Indebted tn ns MUST PAY WP WITHIN NINETY DAYS or leirnl prooeodlmts'wlll Vo had. I M. BROWN nil 0-1 1 , 'Dalles, March 10, 186S. mitt 1 ki iu i t u A 4 .m A i , ' ' ummms'ini wuouuau ',. ! .. Dealers in Wines, liiquors , 'iltOJl:itll!:ia, :, j ' Miners' Goods, Jluat Mores, &c., f pvi HtMovio to iusie i ; N VV.. ST O N E B U I L D I N j , ' ' ... i -,. . .WWW , .. ; ' Second and Hashlnglon Streets. DALi.ES CITY. j ' OW IN STOKK A LAUGH AND COMPLETE A ortmcut of th very best brtiuiiu ol AN1) LlQUOItsf. . ' . ,' Also, a full tweortmtut of ',, '. , GROCERIES &. STAPLE; GOODS. r Constantly reoeiving our supplies direct from New York and fjan Vrancisco, we are aulb aud wilitnb to sell at a ver? small lulvauce on San Francisco prices. They hopo by adopting a strictly sorrect and prompt method ol doing business, they will receive the patronage ct the pub lic. - ... . - . i : selo-lf UMATILLAHOUSE, ' DALLES, OREGON. : , HANDLE itSlAWOlT, I'rop'rs. tHIS PhPUL tte H0OSI, 0" NIBAtLT MOAItD, : ' Near the Steamboat Landing & Boilroad Depot, Has been rucently eularged.aud Improved, aud will now accommodate . I aOO .OUESTS. ; . , , t IT Wll.t BE CONDUCTED as heretofore. as a FIltST CLASS IIODE, aud the patrouuge of the traveling public Is rosperllnlly sollclte '.. ' llagitaKe takeu to the House free of charge. House open all night. j . . LARGE FIRE-PROOF SAFES TO OEPOSIT VALUABLES Dalles, Oct. 4-tf. ' i ; i ,. EMPIRE HOTEL, MAIN BTRKliT, DALLKS, ORBO0N, , ;...',u, t THOMAS SMITH, Proprietor. A FIRST-CLASS HOUSE. ! ' .IN THK OGNTRB OP BDSfNESS, , . ' ; Kear the Steamboat and Bailroad landing i' Superior Accommodations for Families and can Ao soiitiuodate Oue lluudred and Filly Quests., : , Moals......,'......;69cst. 1 lodging.. ....... ......SO eta. ' i ' I Fire Proof Safe for depositt of valnables. j House open all night. Baggage tnkfen to the nous froo of charge. . THOMAS SMITH, , t tiiliK-tr . .- , , . ' . ,- . : Proprietor. 1 - . n : H nn . TnwRTa tjtvpu mtwt?c i A. : R O T il, -1 -" 1 whit B Bluffs, W.' t., FORWARDING AND .COMMISSION MERCHANT, ! '': "and oxnibal dealer in ' 1SL ERC! II A 1ST T3 I9E ; ' i-.'i 'and ioy.o'.) ltil IV E 6SS SU'P PLIES. . JACK AND SAO0L8 H3R3E3 FOB SALS 1 FIIEIQHTS CONSIONFD to my fare for Colvllle Kootenai, or the Upper Columbia Mines, will re cuive prompt attention. , ...... t White muffs. Oct. !, 1861. " V.' 1 Coe.Itf . " 'K ' . " " and " ;, " ; ; 4 3pii.oy is ton, store. ,. rpHB UNDRRPIONKD INFORMS H.I8 FRIF.ND8 and 1 the pnbllc generally, that he haa'jitnt established on Main street, next door to J.;Juker, Tobacconist, ' X,. . A NEW STORE I .-;v'f where he keeps eonstiintly on hand a larire assortment o selroted KHUIT. Also, In store a complete stork ofcholce (1KOVKRIKS. PROVISIONS, VEQETAHLES, dc. All of which will be Bold, wholesale and retail, at RB DUCKD PllICES. ' Come and see aud satisfy yourself. .sul3-tf ; ,-1 . i .. t , JOHN 8P08ITO. COLUMBIA RIVER MINES ! .. A. B. BOOTB.l BABRT HETIBOIf. BOOTH NEVlSON, Forwarding and Commission Merchant! ' AND DKLKKS IN GKhEKAT MERCHANDISE, White Illufl's, , W. T. , FREIGHT FOR C0LVILI.E. UPPER COLUMBIA, KOOTENAI and BLA(:KF00T MINES promptly torwardrd. Mark Goods B. k N., Wilt Bluffs, W. T, hep niseis: Pobtukd Richards k McCraken, Allea k Lewis, and , Hodge iCalef. '.. . Daubs Bloch, Miller k Co., French k Oilman... M. BROWN & BRO., WHOLBSAU akd betail dealers in . FANCY AND STAPLE DEY GOODS! OROCBRIES, PROVISIONS. &o. Mr. M. BROWN, belnir a resident of San Francisco, we ire enabled to offer rreat Indrements to purchasers, Wt 'espertfully Invite the public to examine our stock hefor purchasing elsewhere, ml6-ti 49 Stone Store, norlh Bid Main street, Dtllei.'TO liemocratic btate Ticket. 1.-1 : ; i..,, ,- : vjfi ' FOR CONOIlESSi .-'i- : ' A...'! ' JAIHliN i. Jb'AV, !,--'' , i ,' ' . :...m OlJatkkou, J ..j..-, . , ' A !, ( FOR OOVJHNOli: ' .''J;ii JAMES k; KELLY, ' 'i '. '"'-(. '' ' '" ' 1 Of Wasco. '; ' ' .;!";.!, v . r:-: r - .;... s it .' , FOR BKCKITAKY OF STATE; , ' ."J LAFAILI I E LA.E,; y , Of Multuouiab. .. , .-.WE STATE TltKALUllER:,, ! -n. : JOIl. L. II ELL, : ,., - ! ,0f4Urino..1. , -j; j,. ' ;; FOR BTATS PRINTERt - Jli ' - JAMES O'iMEiUA, f irj .. .'j - Of linn, ."'v...: . FOR PROSECUTING ATTORNEY FIFTH DISTRICT. j.'ii: slaieu. ';:' of Union.-"' '':' Democratic' County Ticket. '. , , For Repusmintlves, . , ' "' , ' 0. HDMASON, f.'t. dudue. ; " '"' , '. ".'Fur Sbcr.fi, . '. , , ,.( ' '. A. W.' FERGUSON. ' .' (, , ' .-, ; i .- ForOit-rk, ....U,,,. , .; , F, S., HOLLAND, . ,( , : ' !: t, For .Trraturer, . v: .) .! '!, j '! .A. W. BUCHANAN. ; .- i J l I .; j ' For Cnmmii8loner,' ' ' , ... t ' " '' G; F. HERBERT, 1 ' 1 ' ' 1 1 - - ' JOHN WILLIAMS !:H " ' ForAssor;" j "? ," " 1 " HARRISON CORUM', ." Z ', ' ' ' " .... .:.),.;.. .: -v .( .. iT ; .., , For School Superintendent, ..tlJj: rf j : t.j;.B.PjFiTZGERAl,P. : .'i' ,i ,i.For Surveyor, i w' t - i' i. '. '. ;WtT.NEW00MB. ri,.:i ..i-'pj Poir Coroittr,'' ! n :."'"'''- i I,-..-'-'' l " DR. O. B. BROOKSl" 'iv'''1-: Virginia City, Montana & Blackfoot OVERlArD STAGE LINE! ' BEX. IIOLLIDAY, Proprietor. CONCORD STAGES LEAVE B0I8K CITY1 IvBltV OT '' V.TL iA yVoR ' " : ;;;;; ' iiLAcicirobx,; Salt lake , City, ' Denver i City, 1 t, MISSOURI RIVER, i".n t Connecting at SALT J. A KB CITY with Concord Stages ,yir-ffnia Cifiy,,, ISTevaaa,; '' ' ABB SACRAMENTO, CALIFORNIA. ,' , ;1 ..,,..;. ' FAHKi -,.,;';,!',,,,. Boise City to Palt Lnke flty $100 00 .. .... ,. j.H' Virginia City, Montana...... 125 00 ' . " " Missouri Hlver, Legal Tender $300,,.. ' Gold, $100 400 00 w For Torther Information apply at ' i i , ' i OVERLAND STAGE MNE OFFrOH, ! '" 1 , Botae City, I. T . ,. mh8d3m J. N. TODD, Agent. . TO TEAMSTERS AND DAIC151EN! FTUEpi ,FTEiD'! nu BEto;;;;?:;' ". V,.; i l I AND ; : . I i; -) . ' OF ALL KINDS, FOB 8AE BY , ' ' ' . II. II. XA.XVi , t . K Front Street. Portland, nl9:tr. ' Opposite 0. B. N. Warehouse. GATES & , ITA1TT, Attorneys it rounNellorit at Law, DALLES, OREGON! ' . Union State Ticket. . '." ' " J0R CONGRESS Rl'FlS MALLORY, ' ' " ' 01 Marton.' '" " .'I .1: 'iFOR GOVERNOR': " i GEO. WOODS, u iWj.f.'l'; ' Li. ' Of Wasoo. j : .' 'FOR SECRETARY OF STATE : '". SA91VEL E. MAY, I .H ; '1 'i Of Marlon..; . , . i- J i).:' i. ., TOR 8TATB TltEAffURER! E. N. tO'OKE, Of Marloii. , j , ' rOB STATE PRINTI!R: ' ' j,' W. A. McMlERSON, Of Linn, i iflii i '""A , F0BlR0EECUTlKO ATTORN BY FIFTH . DISTRIC T: .,, , , C M.. MEIGS, , :, x ,, Of Wasco. . ., . , Union County Ticket. ! 1 5, 1 Pot RepresentRtivcsj'' H. A. HOGTJE, ' ! -;J. B.' KOSGEL.' - For Sbe'riir, ' ,f i n ," R..W. CRANDALL.' v. 1 ' ' "For ClerK, ' ; - ' R. B.' REED,'1' ' ", ' For Treasurer,' ! (, ,' .1. ck'W, WALDR0N. ; !' '" ' " For Commi88ionorE, '. ' " R. MAYS, t"'H't R. H. WOOD. !. ' For Assesfor,' . "L.L. ROWLANp. ';'! ' ,, . , For School Snp'er'nt.endent, r.:,- , T. CONDON.,,';., ' ' For Surypyoi, ,'i .'1 s.ii io. W. B. CAlirBKLL. ! i.-i. . I ;!T For Cn'ron- r", '.' ' t' .. i i:v i dr. w: b Warner. '' A' CARD FOlt Tim Spring & Summer, Clothing Trade l , OF SAN FRA.VC ISCO. BADGER & LlNDErfTJERGER, ' '. No. 41 1, 413 and 413 R niter y Street, , ,. Cor. SlercttaDt, San t-'rauolsco. . Importers arid Wbolcsalc Dealers. ' ENTIBE NEW 'AND.. FRESlt STOCK) WB WOULD CALI, ATTENTION Sf Country Mer chants to our tynially Inrtro sti.rk of llvods. Our .stock oomprlSRB every nrllnle In il fc Clnlhlng nnd fnr nlshlngllne. We have constantly op IjuDd.tlie larce.t and greatest variety of CassimWe and Wool HATS of any house In San Francisco, and our vrl os for thoso Gdodiare less than those of any hiso, as we roci lvo tbem direct from the msnufacturer's oousiKiimcnt. Our stock of Summer and Fall Qoopa Is piu tkularly altraci lve. and the treat feature to theoouiiti mi'irlm.,t i. unusually low prices, . , ., , ... , ,. , .... less Than thi Cost of Importation J , We also keep the STAPLE ARTNUKS in the Dry Gon.ls line, which Goods wo have purchlimiil in this murket nii der. the hammer, and are ollcring them at Ii'ew YoiU Cost, and less. F , We publish this card In order that wo may make new acquaintances, and Induce those ho have not horotufure purchased of us, tocall and examine onr stock." Good Articles and Low 1'rlcW Are the frrnAtit.t lnitn(,.man.a 4n nil ,, . , ,u nil nun puil.IIi.HD I., sell again. Morchants wlio buy of u can nialio a g'id. proUt, and sell to their customers at a low llguru. We remain, respectfully, i.k . ' ' . rour Obedient semntll,, J BADGKIl k LTNTillNBERflER, ". " ., Wholosale Clothing and Hut Warohomo, ' J-1 Kos. 411. 418 nnd Hi Battery stret,B Bon Francisco, April 20, 18C0. ' ' 8mw. -. ', M11S. LEESElt'S FRENCH MILLINERY STORE, Dress Maktntr Estltlimlament, . Opposite Colin fc Bohm'a.' I WOULD CALL TnB -TTHNTION of lbs l,dles u the Dalles to my larre nnd fine stock nf . " FLOWERS, EMBROIDERY. BONNETS, HATS, FEATHERS Uresis TrImmInKH, Sec. TT,YtniT UKn.. t.a 1. I r ...... . . i ,i,:i. t,i iuk. ruAKr, in the P'-tmeut, wc will donll work in that line and guarantee iHtrr-Luti.ru,.iL.- i uvuo in bi, colors. Give me an early call, and I will endeavor to smt everybody In TASTE and at II KASON Al LE PltlciiS Particular attentlop paid U Embroidisry and Braldlug Stamping, 2 nvivn a i ,,