, y Mpr" t v--'"" isa5x kiip-TIn ew777 ' "JTasiiVon.'May 21 The whit-key nd tobucuo 'interests aro represented 'almost daily before the Ways ' and Means Cbthrnittoe. The delegates to. Wesentirig the whiskey dibtillers ure urgttig the reduction of ibe ' tax lo We dollar per gallon on diiHil..ed.srii. 'its. They claim that the manufactur ersand Government would be largely benefited. - ' . WashingtonM&y 22. In the Senate, Mr. Williams, of 'Oregon, introduced a Mil granting lands to aid the 'construc tion of a railroad and telegraph Irom Salt Lake to the Columbia river. The bill opening the pTiblic lands ot Ala bama, Misissippi, Arkansas and Flor ida to settlement under the Homestead laws, without reguTd to color, and ox tending the act to late rebels who take the oath of allegiance, was debat ed and passed. Mr. Sherman spoke iot two hours in advocating the bill for consolidating the national debt. The House passed the Bankruptcy bill reported last Tbursday-ihe bill reported by a select committee, and which differs from the former bill only in some Blight particulars-yeas, 69, nova 1V7. The House had an elaborate debate nn t.h tnh.if.ao tax. and agreed on the following rates; On cavendish plug and twist, ou cenis perpounu, u" uuc, 40 i-ents ciirars $4 ner thousand, and 40 nnr cent, ad valorem : provided, the first ten dollars valuation do no, abated. Washington, .May 23. The Senate took up the reconstruction question. Mr. Sumner of Mass., urged delay, de claring the country had gained much by postponement already. Mr. Fes- eendon, of Maine, and Mr. Conness ol California, opposed postponement. Mr. Howard, of Michigan, opened the debate, speaking two hours in defense of the plan as reported by the commit tee. Several' amendments were offer find 'nrriered printed. Washington, May 23. Dr. George Cooper, post surgeon at Fortress Mon roe, reports .the result of the medical Avamtnalion of Jeff. Davis, made in !fim'nlinnce with the instructions of the President.'. He says, Davis is con niHprnhlv emaciated and bis nervous sratom orniitlv deranered. Want of sleep has been the-great and almost th urinninul causa of his nervous ex citement." This is produced by the tramp of sentinels, and the guard re Mat olmnst. invnrifihlv awakes him. He has scarcely enjoyed two hours of unoroKen sioep since ma uuuuuc mcnt. Vrpr-Riitions have been taken , by the surgeon by . placing matting (Ka auntrv walks to alleviate this' souroe of disturbance but only With partial success. Singular, if true. One of our exchanges says there is a young man In Vermont uvio cannot spean w maju thr PrnvimiR to his birlb some dif forannn nrnRn hat ween his mother and ber buBband, and lor a consideiable time she would not speak to him. The .difficulty was subsequently healed the child' was born, and in due time began totals; but when" sitting with his father was invariably silent.. It continued' so till it was five years old, nkon ihn fnitiAr. nlinp hnvinir exhaust ed his powers of persuasion, threatened it with punishment for its stubborn nees. When the punishment was in. HtntuA St nlinled nothing but siffhs and ..M-na tuhir.h Inlrf hut. tnn nlninlv that ivw.' - " J- J the little sufferer was vainly endeav oring to epeak. All who were present tmifaH in Ilia rtnininn I hut it. rtbR ITTL UllltVU asw V " w - possible for the child to speak to his father, ' and time Droved their' opinion to be correct. . At a mature age its effort to converse with its paront could only produce the most bitter sighs and groans. """" rosn bauds' . T THESE JUSTLY CF.LF.HK AT KD iuxtrkb -an. tiiHt driving nil other from the market, as they are acknowledged, hj nil who use tl em and the Medical Fraternity ireuernlly, lo be the PW,ASANTEST and most Efficacious Remedy for ... Dyspepsia. Loss of Apetlte, Morning Headache, Bowel Complaint, Fever and Ague, I Jaundice, . Lnngour, LITER COM Fl, AWT In all Its distressing forms. . Rosenbaum's Bitters ' ARE AH EXCELLENT APPETISER. . Bosenbaiim's Bitters ARE STRENGTHENING AND INV1Q0RATIN0. Itosenbnum's Bitters ARE AN AUREEADLE TONIC. Rosenbaum's Bitters i An.ar1 man nor frnm tinrft old Are inline m niw i" f oily adapted for the cure of all Stonmch and Liver die- eases. TBY.THEMS; For Sale everywhere by Dnig(rlBe iinrt Liquor Dealers, San Francisco. SMITH Sl DATIS. m4w8m Portland. Agents for Oregon. UALLES "'ciT'w'oUUO.'yiQRE.. P. CRAIG, . WHOLI8ALI AMD RITAIL i DEALER IN DRUGS. MEDICINES, ' ' AbiMi'ivivf y r ' .... ... PATENT MEDICINES, C. fl-tf U m a til l a, 13 o i s e, :AND IDAHO " ' ' Express und Fast Freight Llhtv THIS LINE IS NOW IN COVPLKTE DUNNIKO order from tnimllia to Idnlio City, via Bii City, and prepnred to carrv Frelplit i.nd Talnable Paekaiife between Iheiwaud all iuteruudiate puiufs withcertaiuty and despatch. .' The Line 1b Stocked with the Beat Teams the country affords and entirely Ijfew Thorough-Brace Kiirina Kale of Real Ewtate. .1 9 " aiid'execiitlon tbereon. by the Clerk of the Circuit uonrt. in ana ior n anro wiumj ... . . ii .. .i i t...A tl.t. .t.. lnvfuit titinn the fiillnw- Ins described Real Eiate, to wit: Tlie Fouth lialf of tl,A Mnnihwnat Ousrler of Section one, In Township one North. Ilanire twelve east; also, the Noitheast qnarter '..s.S. Pa ot the Fonthwest Quarter of Kectlon one. In Towasblp (ifeKOIl StCtllll IaYlgllU0Il tO. one North. Kaneo Twolve East; also, the Northwest vl . . hi of the Nmthwest hi of Section Twelve. In lown. 7, v .1. I. .Vup.UaV.at linlnir 1 HO HCreS more BIND One OUrill, ivi.llc a .... """r . . 7 , or less, belnn the property descrihed In the afi jesnid de cree of foreclnMire of murtiiBp. In favor of Elizabeth .. ,,i..i.ir . 1 .mIp..i Tnaanti Trnw and JtnMAB Jiraasnnw. x-uiiiiiim. nun r'..p" "'"'" , r ---- Ilavs. Defendant, fi r the sum of Two Hundred and two eev'enty-flve (t202 75) dollars prlncfpal. and twenty-five 1 .lt 04V .l,.llaH nat nfttiptlnn with Interest i . T nrnaaan n Mill tllfl allOVtt de- scribed premises at Public Auction, at the Court House dir in uaiies uiiy, 10 me iukv i""" Hand, on . . , '. Mo.tTirdii.v. June Oth, 1SHO,' between the hoors of 12 o"i lock. M , and 4 o'clock, P. M. totatlsty ..iaiecuuon,.n.T-vi.M .w,. n R. W. CuAKtuu. Donuty. ... nillw. Danes uiy. aiay w, Jiou".. CONCORD ifm Which ensnres Speed end Safety In the tricntnilsslon of FreiKht, never befuro olfered to Idnho. e offer Supe- . rlor Inducements for Shippiim Oiwiii Ircm tan i raiicisc and Portland to Idaho, as imr arrangements with th Ocean Btuatnshlp Company and Ilia Orcnnn fleam Navi gation are such that all Goods i-lilpped by this Line will, not be subject to the usual delays, lint pirns tbt uugb as Fust Kx-eljK11- ' Goods shipped from fan Franclfco to oi r care at Port land, Charges will be paid and (Jowls shipped t destina tion. (100D8 SHOULD RE MARKED: CANE B. M. D. CO- F. LINE, and Shipping Receipt! sent tnonr Agents at Portland and llmatilln. ,, ,, . ,; . Advance Charges for Transportation raid l, th I. In. and Cnllertnl at Dcftlnr.tidU. Hin ds Will h forwarded with pispattli to fjwjhcc ami South Uols. PASSENGERS CARRIED AT GREATLY REDUCE RATES. Families will be furnished with Superior Ac commodatliins In New nnd Ew-y Kiilinir 'ihnn.u;h flrace WaRons on the Most Literal Toiny. V e lay over each nlpht on the Road at .Good and Convenient Stations, s that passengers will not be deprived ol regular rest. RICIIARDS k McORAKhN San Francisco ltlCIMRDS A SlcCRAKlsN Portland' JOSEPH TEAL Dallee POWELL A C'K UmatillH J. B. WILKINSON LeOraud B. M. DullKI.L 4 CO Rolse City B. M. DhRELL A CO Idaho City MAJOR HPEKII Hoeky llnr (S'Uth Rolse)i DvRELL MO0hE... Ruby and Silver Citle 11 M DullGLLitCO.. n26tf Proprietors. no r.AVR CPFr.lFlfl l "MMP COMP OXJ TST I , v. ss . An Expeditious Cure for all diseases of the SKXUAL OltGANS. nIIIS prompt and efflcatlona llemedy for the cure -. 1 Ghonorrrea, Gleet, Strirlnres. and l:tense of th Urinary Cleans makes a sjwdy cure without the least restriction to diet, exposure or chanp:e in application nusiness; it win rntiicniijp iuid nuj vm produced. The disease It remove as speedily as Iscon- .1.. a t.k. al.& n.na...lU ..t n ll.nrt.ip.li Mtial lVilinant Binieilt win, me jpiipuuitptpuvi .. - .-- cure. Further, the dlnease eaunof be contracted If the BrKUtrll. Uliflll'UUiNU isiaaen wneii exyiiMTii, Its InEredients are entircl t vegetable, and no injurious effect, either constitutionally or locally, can be caused by Its use. ' ' ' , Price One Dollar and Fifty cents per Dome. Bent iij Express carefully packed. " " . . ..innn a nmu I '. . . UVBirii t lin, ruiin uiiAn. aiK""1.". " DRUGS AND PATENT MEDWiNBSli DRUGS ANJ) PATENT MEDICINES!! DRUGS AND PATENT MEDICINES II TB0LBBIJ AMD EMAIL DRUGGIST, Washlugton Street, between Main and Second Btreeta . .. DALLES, OREGON. - C LEMON Is able to supply partlea In want of Draw, Patent Medicines. Chemicals, Acids, Perfumery, and every other article ennmorated with the WHOLESALE DRUG BUSINESS, At the lowest market rates. Mf Physicians and Merchants Intending to purchase for the Mines, will do well to give him a call. TRUSSES & SHOULDER BRACES I a 1 - ap.8:tf. Washington St., between Main adn Second. PORTLAND FOUNDRY AND MACHINE SHOP, TITlST ATRF.F.T. between Yamhill and Morrison. Steam Kngines affmrn 1 tnlll hnrnia. power.either Portable or SSxf PI ' tf Stationary. Also, uui- m CIJI.AH SAW MILLS CV.'4 COM on hand BBS OI nilBl7.rn, riiaiipiin MjL Kir'JT . 'i,. Machinee.(Woo,lworth's T1 W pattern,) Wroui:nt ana jasl iron.wora ior er- li.al Anwnml (jrlst mills! Brass and Iron Castings ana f T.r rtcBurintion. I am also prepared to lurnish Quartz Mills complete, of the latest & most mDrovea raiiorus. . .i!, .' ,.r A in lurtnf Hi mines xnese oniiBcan uomi "wuw ... -..j kh tha, wetirlit 01 tue enure aiacuiuei j wn bvi uoo pounas. ... . . , . w n ga, m wiaw try . p Tn p p p .1 tip .. . p p i. MsutinfurttiiwH tnnrrinr ttt the verv iOVi hHL OAhll PKICK . B, rartlcuior aiiencion piuw ftmrAjno. SUMMER ARRANGEMENT. jyj2-6m. T Proposals for Grain. ATStSTAItl QOARTEDIIAItER'S OfnCI, Tori Dallis. Oreooh. Muv 24th, I860. J SEALED PKOPOSALS, In duplicate, will be receivea 1800, for the supply of 150,000 pounds of Oats, to bo of good mercliantaun quality, unu "i"i '" -j p. - , i . . p . .. 1 P . A....,mmaa. the Contractor in such mniir u m a . a ..i-ia..-a ..... 1... IpainiHiii Him t.lmn of the atV ler ai llll" nv iiiiJ ai"-a, . -iara prnval of said Contract and the 26th day of July, 1808. UatS 10 lie put up in !: nun " .i6pi.p.(u,p at HUB pol oeiure uwniaj iwvv-i.. ...in i r or nnji nnnnrtB unn nnwarda: UIOS Will U ItTlPllPH i. .. .-- 1-- . must s'at the price per pound In coin, and be acenmpa- . .... . .. . -a ..A nu.n.tnallilu nacHnM a nuretiee, and be accompaule4 by an oatb of alleglaDce to Hie UIMHU rimos. ... . in iT In ccwe a Bid la acceptea, ine urnirncmr wm ut ... ..... ip f . .......M. .mnnnt fnP nulred to enter Into a Kona ior a roanonaoie amuuua, u. A .... i r iLa (Vnlrial ine lauiniii perniiniii.t i a Payment for the above-menunnei. uopiie. win u raymen ior nio nupp.o pppp.ppp . . ' ., . a. a A. ha. fiini ah.il liV the Govem- luanein sucn niuui, no u.a,j ---- nient. at a rate equivalent io mo coiu ... 01 paymenr. ine rigni io rejre. "" BII1S 10 oe enuo'Beu riupuniai. .u. a,.. r . .. aa-iii I., .iiiilpct In the anuroval of tne Da- part ment ana aiivisiou vuiuiiuu,. . nTT , mytd' Captain and A. a M., U.S. Army. TT. HOLDEHNESS, COMMISSION MKIU UANT 4:03 Front Ktrpet. BAN FRANCISCO, . . pp-ppttpt, .... ti.pi Tn.ppp, .nr.' BTnerlence In San Francisco,- and nailers niniBrii bb n p f . .. ,-. i, ain i ,ain m Ilia nsrilea. and isfHctton. .. . r...... ...in n,. Allow ilia wUHi crefiiii. i" -- " . ble. mid suilea io uien.ium.ii" , , Befers to Messrs ilumason u uoen, nia... Dalles, Oreiron. w.,, i.Mmn For fuither particular, iam.i-.pap.- j Final Settlement. rn.T0TTCI.J8 IIHRliDT 61 vKN to an persons inier.- ed In the estate of Andri-w Watson, deceased, that AT ." ,..,..,.,,. Rf a.M aalata llMflledllia iJ-JZ: l,?ZwCoinih.i ofbreKon Sr he County of Or, lit, and that FK1DAY. the Sth day il June. WD, baa been set for bearinp rsald arcount by aid court; r nr.rui. AnrliSOth.1806. mllw4 THB STEAMERS ' 1VEZ PERCE C HIEF, WEB-FOOT, TE1VI1VO, OWYHEE, YAKIMA,. SPRAY & OKA1VAGOIV, Captains B. F. COB, Cv 0. FELTON, J. H. D. GRAY, and , . , TUUS. . Biuair, Will run dnrlrn the season from CELILOto FMATIL- LA, WAI'laULA, nuns iiiung, jiic laCiniOiy. -m .TT.ft fc. UMATILLA and WALLULA, on TUESDAYS, TUUR8- AiAxS ana SAiuuuAiD. Tlio Passenger Train to connect with steamera at Celllo will start from the Railroad Depot, DALLES tjixx. at a o cioo, . . . TOR WHITE BLUFFS. THE " "Y AKIMA," fAtT m. . nn .Commander. Will leava CELILO every SATURDAY, for WHITB FOR LEWI 8T0N. THE "OWYHEE," mvF ihji.ton Commander. Will leave WALLULA every WEDNESDAY (upon the arrival or tne eieamer max aiarie uuw vcmw v .aaaa.- day), for LEWI8TON. FOR PORTLAND THROUGH IN ONE DAY The Rteamera O NEONTA, 99 OR "IDAHO," CAPT.J. McNULTY,.. Commander, i-tiTTUS 1MTTV flnniinwl ftl intflHi At 111 Will ieaV0 lAuuCOs am u . L'uii'i",i - - - o'olock. A. .,conneotiuk by tbe CASCADE RAILROAD, witn tne steamera TV XT'. W WOBIaD. CAHDAUl!;, or WILSON O. HUNT, ......... m..... commander, VHAaNB. T. UllUUM, n!2tf Agent O.S.N. Co. 401 and 4011 Battery street, cur Clay, , . San F ranclecp. JAgKON SAIaOON ! pORNER COURT, .AND SBUUKU VUftHiXS, DALLES. OIIK&ON. ; ; IIIE UNDRRSTGNKD, HAVING RF.MOTED FROM THE "BELLA UNION" CIILLAR, INTO Gates New Uuliaing-, Re to inform the public that thoy are prepared to serv Wines, Liquors and Cigar THE MARKET AFFORDS. . ,ALS0, A T , ' 1 .FreeLiijich'! v. Every day and evening. " . K. BCIIliTZ A S. HaLJSin,. ; Proprietors. dec2-lf NOTICE. T EMOTING MY RR8IDRNCB TO CLATSOP, MR. MM li. J.WALDRON will aei as my Agent, anu ib i t I .a la., apll te.aw. rina M. hOWLED BEER. f IIIK UNDERSIGNED IS NOW ruvnnu vr n 1 excellent article of R01TLEDRKER, which he will ,ult. Order, left at th. PUWe Iphia Brewer, wl I b Aianee, aiay ow . CAPT.J. WOLF,., f rortiana. Dalles, Apill 8, 180". I. DALLAM. 0. W. ARMK8. 0. V. AHHES. ARMES DALLAM, Importers and Jobbers or WOOD AND WILLOW WARE, BRUSHES, TWINES, CORDAGE. Ac. , And Manufacturers of California Palls, Tubs, Brooms, 4c. J17 219 Sacramento Btreet,.between Front and Davla flan IrancUco. ocll:3mdw. LINCOLN HOUSE, ; Curlier WaaUlngton and Front Stracta, PORTLAND, OREGON. .Ttiaisi nv a no ttVPUT Y A DIDOT TV TTIW OT AT If t Charse Reusonftble. " l au nn v t l- T TCI .a.J kll All a DabIi finf fin - A UiTI lliVO W 111 OIICMU an ell v rnBBcii)$oi n iiu iiitis "MS"pp Chariie, or to any other House In tlie City ior 60 cenW. P. 8 HOT AND COLD BAT MB In tbe' Ilouee. A WW iL.. Ot.MnH fnt nmrnn Titv' Vflni-MIVAP. Monti. . All HIT Dtntailiut valgus . .... , - cello nnd Aeturia land at the Lincoln House barf. gepi:am , Hard. "Wood. Liwnber. CARRIAGE AND WAGON MATERIALS WE DRO TO CALL ATTENTION of Carriage Man ufacturers and Dealers to the Larpe and Com plete assortment ol iaiiiiiauj. ami v xwun maii.i ALD We aro tv lisiaimy leceivmif nuui inn p-.i,a, .papvinn SOIKCieU lUa IOC VOIimilll aaiiaiaaua. avppi ,.. ppi ppB, v-p- Illckorv. and Second (Irowth Ash Plank, Hickory Axlea, p.- ii-l.. 11..,.. 6...1... L'nll.pU. Iplma Hli.lt. An Ai . ,1 taglll! I llira. llllUD, riiuncn, c a iipppb, a........ aap..,p.p.p...' which we oller at the lowest Cash Prices. tea- ( irdera addressed to our bouse will receive prom attention. N. W. BRAGG CO., Jel6:3ni. 29 31 Battery Mieit, rim rrancisco, and 17 A 10 Seventh Mieet Sacramento. C. WATinnopst, 11. W. lHwco A Co., J. W. Liana can f ranciscOp cacrauieiuop.. , new im. F- TILLMAN, OU AOIKT ilk OALirORHIA FOE TILTON & McFAB LAND'S Fire & Burglar I'roof Sales. STEEL-LINED VAULTS, ' WITH Combination Locli. jtaTConstantly band a full assortment of SAFEV 318 BATTER V STREET, JyMm K ' San Francisco NOTICE. , 18 IIEREBT 6lVEN THAT A CALL MEETING OF the "Stock Ral.srs' Vntnal Aid Society" will t held at Union School House, near A. D. Bolton's, on FIReen Mile Creek, at 1 o'clock p. m.. on Saturday. Juna 2d, 1868. ' n)23td ' L. L. ROWLAND, C.&, A. Si UUri.lU HI a tv.ii . aaai aaauai-j - . " ,,. .a w i 2edla A. U. BTBKLB, II. V.