lailii iclonntamccr. GRAND UNION RALLY tifms.- ... 5 ' .MR.' J. GASTON WILL ADDRESS TUB CITIZENS OF DALLES CITY, THIS EVISINING, jst Kveryli My turn om tun near uuui a;uii;w hb , particularly Invited to ue preneiii. A New Invuhimn. Th S in Francisco Call .ays that man uamed B' T. Barlow, living In Ban rianci cu. u-ie iiirnncu ...... chine for nailtnit hoot anil shoe heels and soles, - and it) more su-prising W its operations and ' destined to be quite 8 useful in its way as i-fha .ewintf mat hine. This new machine makes nails and drives them home at one mo tion,, aud with it a man can easily make and " drive one hundred and sixty nails in a mluute. The maehine ' j'ga'' the nails, points them, beads, drives them how, tnd clinches them, all at one nvtion. An entire machine will not weigh to exceed ten' pounds, and tt can hn readilr adiofted so as to cut nails from ' two It ches in length down to the thrirty-sec ond part of au inch. U can be used for riv; etlng fcelts, or for any other purpose where nails are driven into leather j iu fact it is dif ficult to say where it caunot be used. The invention is well worthy of general attention, and will create a great revolution in the boot and shoe bitsines. , ' Hion Watkb is really upon us. It isslowly but surely crawling ou to Main street. A party of men were engaged to day In strip ping the planks from the 6.8. N. Company's bridge to allow the water to come tnrougn and thereby prevent a pressure on tne oriage The ptoprii tors of the Umatilla and Colum bia hote s were comp Ue l to close yesterday 'evening, and at present there is about a foot of water on the first floors of the buildings Merchants genorally along Mam street be tween Uuion and Washington, are moving their good's to the back streets. The wuter bas riseu about one foot during the past twenty four hours, and is sun coming. Sad Affair. On Tuesday morning, says . . r. if... nj TT 1. WI.! the Virginia union, oi amy u, uu n whose wife had separated from him, taking with her their little boy sixtceu months old, reshiiuir in Austin. The fnther on Tues day morning etole the child and mounted a horse and started off with It to Nevada. He was pursued by the Constable, and when about to be overtaken, a few miles away, deliberately shot the child and himself in the bead, both be ng ki led almost Instantly, The bodies were taken back to Austin, where the informant s utes that cousideraDle ex citement exists about ihe affair.. Tns Alcxanditv Untitle says a disturbance occurred at Leesburgh recently, in conse quence of an attempt of the military guard to take from Colonel Mosby, who was in town, his overcoat, .which had on it some Confederate buttons, or was giey cloth or something of tho kind.. lie tefused to give it up, and mounted his horso to leave town, when be was pursued and fired at by those who followed him. T;.e next day this mili tary company, it is said, were ordored from Xeestiurgn. A CoupsMY boring for oil on the farm of William Cunningham, in Jackson county, West Viiginia, six miles from Ripley's Land- in. struck a veiu of metal, recently, about 18 inches in' thicknoss. A quanti y of tbe metal boriugs was sent'to New. York, where , - " i j ,,:.,i,l itiias boon astayed and pronounced to j tela ninety dernea eiffht Dor O. Ut. Of pure SilVir. , UU eigm put iu. r dnrneath this VHD, which IS tliree nunarea and forty feet let irom the Surface, 18 Vein Out of Look 1 Tl editor of the Yreka Union is cerhtirily out of Itink.r Ashort time elnee soma pmun Went Into his office during his absence, printed "posters," and catlered the type about. t S' ill later, a nearly married friend sent biro'snm cake and wine, On which ! Co.. h got off ttie following :. ,-; vs : ', . Person" sending win, or anything else, to this eiHhliiimuot tor mir own enjovmerit are requested tisdo 'O when wp are at borne. Our newly ninrrial friend, Periling, ?ent us a quantity of wine and oak hut on'lv the cad t'-liiid of it greeted onr em ;. an empty ttot'le and a paper in wliirh the cake had been, and a blue rihhon with the following; words writ ten on it : ' Oke a- d wiie received and duly' disposed of we may he l'HMy y'l" ' only satisfaction, For a Jew eiro'u)s our re . ligioiis notions (rave way. and we curbed loud, long and deep.. It's the menesi tuintr In the world to steal from a printer, nnd we have an idea that when Onhrlel Mows his whistle all such Individuals will he compelled to take the left-hand road. Thh Wilming'on, Delaware, Journal says that Senaor Snulabiiry knew very weli he uttered a gross misrepresentation when he stated in the Sonate that th Civil Rights law Am, 14 nn k . anfrina1 In Hoi .1 IV Q rO linH H. UW on the people of that State for uiui w eujr dj Isaio V. llT.oon, C. S. Miller, Dalles.' San Franclsoo. FMoclll. MlllCl' COl , WHOLESALE . G- It O C E E S , AND DEALERS IN . s ' , . v "Wines & Liquors, ; And Importers and Jobbers of CLOT HI 1ST a Boots & SJioes, . Under Clothing, , , ,". . .' , Blankets, etc, etc., ' ; etc. ASSAY OFFICE. WD HAVE AN ASSAY OFFICE IN CONNECTION wi'hour buslnoss, under tho entire supervision of Mr. Miller. We make returns In liars In six hourt We Bjusrantee all our Assays ami pay the HIGHEST CASH IMUCU for Bars. We also pay the Highest Cash Price tor uuld Dust, . inyStf Cor. Main and Wahlni;ton streets. Dalles. Ordinance A'o. 39 AN ORDINANCE to License Hotel and steamboat Runners. T ;he people of Dalles City do ordain as follows : Riomo!C 1. Anv neraon who shall solicit patronage for Hotl or Btiwnboie. 00111 nonlv oallol a ' Runner,'' within tbe corporate limits of Dalles City, snail tnereior procure a License from the Recorder, and shall pay therefor into the city treasury the snui of Tea Dollars for every three months. ' Rut. ! Anv nerson who shall do business as a rnnner. who by mallci'ius misrepresentations shall Injure, or a' tempt to injure any H itel, Hastaarant or stoainooat. shall, on convicnou tnereoi, oe puuutuou vj uua m uj sum not exceeding twenty dollars for each and every nffMnHR. Sso. 3. Any person wno suan uo nusmess h it runner without procuring a license therefor, shall, oq convic tion thereof, be punUhed by a n ,e In the turn of twenty dollars. 8lc 4. This ordinance shell take enect ana oe in lorco from snd after the 2d day otJuue, 18i. Paue Mayiuth. 18UU u. u. uii,Ji.i , II. Cutr, Rocorder. piy28i!6t Mayor A CARD. MADAME LB TELLIER WOULD RESPECTFULLY, Inform the Ladies of Ihe Dalles anil vicinity, that she is now prepared to do all kinds of DRESS, CLOAK, and PALETOT making. Also, CUTTINU and FITTING in a new and Improved stylo, never betore lutrouncea in tins place. . . She will warrtnt to glvosithfactlon, and would most respectfully Solieit a liberal patronage, ' ; ; . ' In the Rooms lately ocoupiou uy Mm. nmiu,u,w Degener'e Store, on Washliutou street, between Second and Third. , : , : -,' Dilles, Mircli 27lh, 1806 mrai . "FIliED. LilEBE, GROCERY, PROVISION, ITIt XT IX HXORE, Washlniiton Stroet, opposite French A Oilman's. Dalles. . liiu ou liaml a targe auu weii-aBaoriau iwu m GROCERIES & PROVISIONS, ITretsU JUutter &. 1TK Received dally. A large lot of CHICKENS always on band. FRUITS of all kin U. FRESH VEGETABLES evury morning. All articles warranted. ,. Give Ms a Call, Everybody I'lllClfif LOW. aul8:tf . . LTEBB. J. F. KELLOGG, DENTIST, Main Ht., Dalles, Oregon. AFTER NEARLY-SIXTCEN YltAllS Practice in. his pnifelun(, wonld ruspectlully iuforin the cillsoiis uf the n.linj -,,il tliM itnlilU' ffBtidrnlU'. tliat ll ' h is leased the Dental illllce lately occupied by J: W UUKLKY. Dentist, whore he can bo found prepared to at tend to those requiring Ins proieionai services. ofhos Hours From 8 o'clock, A M., to 13 K i and from 1 o'clock, r. m. i 4 p. m. .' -!-" ,y- iu3tf Notice. THE COMMON C0UN01 L OF DALLES ClTY.Oreooo will sit as a -Hoard of Kiplllljatiou " at the Itocur der'sollluo on Satur lay, June 21. 18110. ntT p. m. All der solllco on muuriny, Juno , , wll0 m,iy fel.i aggrieved by liy any assessment mane are heri by .requested to iitti or ilesi-rililloll of lota - by the iteconnr oi oa,io . wy. . 1 ottend, that all eiMrn in VMimtiou . ind or other properly, limy ee mere cornciou, uoioro Of By 0I.,icl. r the Common Council. j WAtDROS BROS., j Wholesale & Retail Druggists,. I Main Street, Dsillea, Oregan. W' I NOW OCCUPY OTJ1S NEW TWO 9-TOHTmE unit Uttmm lintltllnz. nminalte. llloch. Miller A and offer to the public a Pill and' complete stock ot Drugs. Medicines and Chemical consisting iu part oi KEROHENB. TURPENTINE, ALCOHOL, . ACIDS. UNSEED, LAMP WICKS A,GHT3JKY8 HOPS. ' 8A0R. ' i- 1 ". ' 8POVOES. LEECHES; . LARD, COIIKH. CANTOR AND NEATSFOOT Olt, l.MMWIJ ATtir l TRUSSES, SHOULOER . BRACES, SUPPORTERS'. ' '" AND : ' v- JPATKNT, MKDICIf ES. Our stuck of FANCY 0'l! 1 of the ".nest and bett quality; new ctylrv nnd large assortments, such as LUHIN'H PHHFUKEIIY. I1AIK. . LUBlN'ST'ULliTSuAP, FLUSH, POMADES SHAVING, . i OSMETICS. ' HAT. II AHUM 1,3, CLOWS, 'COLOGNE, TOOTH AND' FANCY SOAPS AND NAILBRUSHES- T WTH P nVDBUS. .AND COMBS. PURE WINES AND LIQUORS, For Medicinal purposes. Our facilities for buying goods are second to none in. the 8tai. and we shall at all times sell t a smell ad vance from lost. Ready sales and small proms. PHYSICIANS' PRESCRIPTIONS Carefully compounded at all hours of the day and night. Ialles,3cpl.u. tooo. , , eeiu-n. VERY IMPOHTANT TO Merchants, Families. Hotels, and HAH-H OOMM. V JULIUS .KRAKMER IIAV1NO BOUOHT THE KN tlre Stock of Merchandise end Book Accounts of the late Arm ot M .'Seller A Co.. in this city, to which he has added of his own importation (while doing business in Portland) an immense stock oi tne nest mauuiaciprea Crocker, Glasmware, Plated Ware, Lamps, Chandeliers, Table Cutlery - Looklng-Glassen and All Kinds of Oils. All of which he offers at reduced rates. Persons wish ing to bny any of the above-mentioned articles, will do well to give tne a cult before purchasing elsewhere. Orders from the Interior promptly attended to, and goods packed to go secure. Don't tall to call on rue. ttuuios otone uuuuing, uasoinniou .irepi, mum. JULIUS KRAKMER. Dalles. March ITth, 1866. mhl7tf , , ONE HUNDREDJAILES SAVED! BLACKFOOT&RIG BEND MIKES BY WAY OF , i Wliite Bluflfe ! THE5II011TEST AND SAFEST ROAD For Land Travel. : Distance from Dalles to White Bluffs......... 100 miles - . ; White Bluffs to Pen d'i)iellls......l0 ,"., toColville ....;....170 " Travelers by land for either of the above Gold Fields, will save, . , , h'-.m ' Save Time Distance and Money By taking the White BlufT Road, ,. Wood. Water and Grass Aro found on this Road within easy drives .. The road Is now open, and possesses advantages over any other lanu route irom tue uaiiee. l-noiisnen ov oruer oi THE CITIZENS OF TU1 DALLES. Dalles, March, 20, 1808. w m20:2m. 13. DOUGLASS, ' . (Successor to WIllnuuBlrnbaum.) PRACTICAL WATCHMAKER, ' 1 , ' and siAtnt m . ' . Fine Watclies. AND JEWEL RY, INVITP.STnR ATTENTION OF HI8 FRIENDS AND the Public to bis choice selection of . New and Fashionable Goods, Respectfully soliciting their patronnge. ' . Wa'ches PROMPTLY aud PROPERLY repaired and -" ' niUlf Next Door to the Post OlUce. 1 : th , i ' 'IP . p JE II Tl 9 Watchmaker and. Jcircler, MAIN STREEt, DALLES, TM5ALER IN FINE WATOIIEB. JEWELRY; . j uijuutvo, uoiu rens, silver una riaTeu ware, yJtny Spectacles, Cutlery, Ac. ' srrarticuiar attention paid to repairing nneuu&uti 'Vaiciie.. clocks, Jewelry, eto. All Watches repaired by me warranted for twelve months. ' N.B. All orders from' the upper ennntry, by Express MSif or otherwise, promptly attended to. NEW YOltlC, jlIA.1C1j2U,X grocery" store; : . Slain fctreet, Dalles.' . V" mb23tf FREDERICK BBNZER, FRANKLIN MARKET. eORNKR OF SECOND AND WASHINGTON STREETS). - DALIES, OREGON, ; ' JOHN EP PINGER Proprietor V Tire FNDKRSIGMED having ntted up the almre Market in the UK T BT VLB, witt keep oousiant- ly ou hiiud alt, sorts of I'vesli and Cued Meats, Of the bout quality furnished at the LOWEST RATS' I My motto is to PLKASB ALL " PARTrE8 HAVING 8UPKRI0R STOCK FOR SALS wUl do well to call at Um Franklin Market. JOHN KUP1NQKB. . . Dalles, February lth, HUi,.' . ' , ', ASIIL(TO IflAllliUT. .... j., . , ooaiinoi. COURT AND SECOND STHEKT8. BAI.UCg, OKKOON. JOHN MICHELBACH, Fioprletor. ' Jrwok ' WILL KEEP eMm nJ!i"constantry on hand all Um varte- L,e I I liinlfi't" '"' " -"-"- pasalbly anoro, oi ITliKSII & CUUKD MEATS,, antKalways of the bst quality.. ' V FAMILIES, HOTELS, AND STEAMBJOATS ' . supplied on reasonable terms. ' . Tbe underslgueq Is always prepared to pay tbe high est cash price top FAT (UTILE, 'parttea-having itock. In uod uuudlttoUf.are requested to-call on him before, goiug elsewhere. ,JOUN MJCUIvLUACU, Dalles, March 3Ut,1866., .. . rul.DHf NQTLCE TO FARMERS- TJf S , FLOURING MILL r tothetr Steam Sash and Door Factory, In this City, and' are now prepared to CHOP FEED, UltIND WHEAT anii CORN, wid.warrait Pi gira tbe. beat, satlifaotiou, Oa band constantly and for sale FXTRA FAMTLY' F10TJR, SECONDS OR MIDDLINGS,. ; . BRAN AND SHORTS, CHOP FEED, CHICKEN FEED. . Also, a Superior article of CORN MEAL, from new Corn. . Tne nignest roarKeepnoe-puu' ior n uhat. uuiin a 1IAHI.KK U..A.I100UK, Agent. , , nStf. Dalles, Nov. 3, 1865'. A.. GJ-. DBADFORD, ' Importer and jobber of , Sc Xjicnio.rer, FRONT STREET, , . Portland, ' : . y ' . Oregan. t OFFERS FOK BALE; A. YJiRV. LAJtOK AS30R11 ment of - Brandies','''" ' "Wines": ' " ': " ; '": ' . " Liquors, ' , " ;'. ; ' Case Goodv &.C., , &.C. : iff The Trade is particularly Invited to examine rayr s.,io ueiur. purouaaiug eiaewuere., , euze.ll H.HERMAN&CO.y, MAIN ST., DALLES, OPPOSITE EMPIRE HOTEL, J JAYS JUST RECEIVED A BEAUTIFUL BTO0K OF-' SPRIXC AND NtJillMEIl, GOODS, , ;i . Consisting in part of ;. ; , , . ; Fancy and Staple Dry Good. ClotMng,, (': '':','' i Boots & Shoes,. j Hats at Caps,. Which they otter to sell at SMALL PROFITS., Dalles, March 27th, 1868. i mrS7tf , MONTANA! IDAHO! WASHOE; ARB, PUT XI SO; VP QVXti. OIUUINAL BUPKltiOR. BRAND OF GRQVISD JAfi.V COFFEE,', ,, CIIARTRES COFFEJB j , IN DOUDLE, GLAZEIh PAPERS, To preserve It strength and flavor, for the length atr Mine required toI I rwnnled to the above p aees. . For saia by all tbe Jobbers, and. . MARDKN. A FOIXlEIt, . Pioneer Steam CorTee and 8plce Mills, . al8mlpa. 'i20 Front AtraaaaSrauclKO,. i rUItS, WOOIs and IIIDLS. fJAHE HIQUEST 0ASO PRICE PAID FOR ' ' " . ;ITUU8, WOOL, AND U IDES, at MoCRAKEN, MERRILL A CO.'S ' IS North Fiont Street, Portland. mbl83m BOOKS I. BOOICS WHOLESALE AND RETAIL. f i kulWUIi UOUas, or ATIUIVKK I , 3 Standaid and Mlncellaneous WUltKS, Late NOVELS, MAOA.UNKS, PAPEKS.. Ac, Ao.. by every Steamor. - Post)u1ce UouKatoro, jiaiuairuel. ualles. , .. .., Garden Secdj lor the Million ; ' ma7-tf 11. J. WALDROsf " CRYSTAL SALOON!, ' i-V ' 'I . '" ; AND BILOAUD ROOM,; ; JOHN IlINDItAVB, Proprietor. ' WASIIINOTON BT next deor to FRENCU i OILMAN, : ' . ' '. NOTICE. ' JHAYH appointed E K. II A FT my authnrlsod agent to collect all moneys due me,and attend ts n bnsi. ncss generally. lver quurU four feet thick. .alitfj U. ItrNW: Sl!