" PUBLISHED EVERY EVENING, ijUNlMVa KXOKPTltD,) BV ' ... JE. G. CO H x C &. J.' UALLORAN, kBlTOHS AND PBUf HJKTOMij, . tins- Txmty-fire cents per week, payable to the carrier .'' per mouth, by mail, $1; three months, 2 60; six uiuntlm, a ; one year, is. Advertleemeut lnaerted at tow rate. . ... Job Printing. ' - Every lencrlptlon of plain itud fane; Job Printing exe ated with neatness and despatch, and forwarded a per rder to any part of the country. Fuymtnt Jor Job Print en mutt be made on dtlivtry oj work. W. BP. IHH . l, !. Prtxcticul Watchmaker, And Dealer la ' FIXE WATCHES &. JEWELRY, '...' DALLES, OREGON. ' , . ltalllMiiel 1857, BALDWIN BTtO., DEALERS IN ' j GROC KTIIE ! CORNKH OF Main and (Talon Streets, Dalles. . -J.0. BALDWIN., m'i21-tf F. W. BALDWIN. FURNITURE ! FURNITURE , DIEBLAM Sc WENTZ. iuWNITIiA.. OLOBH nOTEL BUILDING, ' tifM Household Furniture, ajtjLmbrelir .Table, Chairs, Bureau W9 "UiEStofM jifg ami UedHteada, Beddln g, Carpot tc, ate., all of which will bo aulil at low rates. Furniture Repaired, and Upholsteriug done to order.. Also, on hand klattrraiwi and Pillow. Spring Bed made to order. aul2 tPPJI. UOABUa. , 0. B. KdQIL. ' . WM. MOABUS &CO.,. .. CITY BAKERYj v i v ''.' r i - ". . ' PROVISION STORE, Corner of Flrot and B Street. WHOLES ALE AND RETAIL DH ALKR8 la BREADj CRAOKBKSand Family GROCKK1E8. ' j3,0rders from a distance carefully Oiled and prompt; tpatched. , 1-U ' .JOSISIMJ: ELPELT, ' " j ,WH0tC3AU ASD BRAlt DBALBB Ut , . Fancy Staple Dry Goods, CLOTHING. BOOTS AND SHOES, ..,UAfS AN U CAPS, AND . Gentlemen's Furnishing. Goods Fire-proof Stone Storo, corner of Main and Court atreet. oci-tl IIILTI1SON & ODELL, ATTORNEYS & COUNSELLORS AT LAW WILL PRACTICE IN THH SUPREME AND CIR cnit Court of Oregon, and the Dlstrlot Court o 'Washington Territory. Partlcu lar nttention paid to the collection of claim. -O. HUMASON Dallea, Ogn. J. A. ODELL FURNISHED ROOMS v TO LET,.' : By the Uight, Week or Month, . NEXT DOOtt TO JACKSON ENGINE HOUSE.' tn2tf MRS. SPRENGER. LANGLEY, CROWELL & CO., ' IMPORTERS AND WHOLESALE 'DETJGG-ISTS, Corner of Clay and Battery Sts., ' SAN FRANCISCO. mh22:d6ni. ' ' 74. -.'',. V4,. WM- BROWN WARNER. M. P. FFIOE 74 SECOND STREET, between Washington . And Conrt. OrncK Hours to 12, A. sr.; 2 to 4 r n.;nd 8 to 10, ?.i DB. 1$. W. MITCHELL, , , OrririE WALDRON'S BUILDING. Rmidiho Corner of Third and Washington Btrenra. o. n. BROOKS. M. to. Office At Up. Crnia'H Drug Store. DALLES, OREGON. : NOTICE. WE CALL TITR ATTENTION OF TnR PUBLIC to the fact, that we have concluded to give njt hue. Ineaa and there. ore. all parties Indebted tn na MU8T PAY OP WITHIN NINETY DAYS or legal prnreetllnm. will chad. , M. BROWN BIIO. , 'Dalle, March lftloM.; , , milt r u tisvu a, l to A n , . IMrOR' AND WHOLUtU Dealers in Wines, Liquors ttUOCKltlES, Miners' Goods, U oat Mores, &c, u . BAT IUMOVID TO tHtUA ' NW STONE BUILDING, - COKHIlor Second and H aliiiigion Streets, DALIES CITY, NOW IN STORE A LARGE AND COMPLETE AS ortnicut of the very beat brand of VVIIVldS AND LIQUORS. , , ., Alao, a lull aaaortinent of , ' GROCERIES & STAPLE GOODS. 49- Couatantly receiving our supplies direct from New York and San Francisco, we are able and willing to sell at a very small advance on Sau Francisco price. They hope by adopting a strictly sorrnct and prompt method ol doing business, they will receive the patronage of the pub lic . sellMf UMATILLA HOUSE, DALLES, OREGON. HANDLE feSlNXOTT, I'rop'rs. . TUI8 POPULAk BOUSS, OFNTRALLT LOCATID, , Near the Steamboat Landing ft Eailroad Depot, Him been receutly eularged and improved, and will now accommodate , 300 GTJESTS. IT WILL BE CONDUCTED as heretofore, a a FIRST CLASS UOUKE. uml the patronage of the traveling pi'bllc is respectfully soliclte i. ' 4y Baggage takeu to the House free of charge. Home open all night. , . . LARGE FIRE-PROOF SAFES TO DEPOSIT VALUABLES ' Palles, Oct. 4-tf. ' EMPIRE HOTEL, MAIN 6TR1BT, DAUH, ORaaOIt, ' THOMAS Sll ITU, Proprietor. A FIRST-CLASS HOUSE. ' , 11 tUl 0MTR1 OF BnsiKua, Near the Steamboat and Eailroad landing! Superior Accommodation for Families and can Ac commodate Oue Hundred and Fllty Guest. ,i Meals. ......'......60 est. '' Lodglng............60cts. , Fire Proof Safe for depositeof valuable. ' . House open all night. Baggage taken to the Hons Iree of charge, .,: ., THOMAS SMITH, i mh8-tf Proprietor CO UMBIA RIVER MINES. -A., n. boo th; , , WH1TB BLUFFS, W. T., FORWARDING AND COMMISSION MERCHANT,1 ........ AK) 0,NIau DIALXR IS ' " ' ' ' ' ; MERCHANDISE I M 1 N E R 8 S l) PL ICS. PACK AND SADDLE HORSES FOR SALE. : FREIGHTS CONSIGNED to my care for Oolvllle Kootenai, or the .Upper Columbia Mines, will re ceive prompt attention. ' . White Bluffs, Oct. 1st, 1884. "'. .' oe.Jtf SEW IIU IT, CtUOCGKY ' AND - . V' '" ' PROVISION STORE. ; rpHB UNDERSIGNED INFORMS HIS FRIENDS and X the public generally, that he has Just established on Main street, next door to J. Juker, Tobacconist, A NEW STORE I where he keeps constantly on hand a large assortmento selected KRU1T. Alsok In store a complete stock ofohoic GROCERIES. PROVISION., VEGETABLES, etc. All of which will be sold, wholesale and retail, at RE DUCED PRICES. Come and see and satisfy yourself. sel3-tf . JOHN SP08ITO. COLUMBIA RIVER MINES! i A. B. B00TB..1 BAtXT KSTISOX, BOOTH & NEVISON, Forwarding and Commlnlon Merohanta XND DELERS IN GENKRAT MERCHANDISE, White BluITs, W. T, , FREIGHT FOR C0LV1LLE. UPPER COLUMBIA, KOOTENAI and BLACKF00T MINES promptly forwarded. Mark Goods B. k N. Wl Ite Bluffs, W. T, Bmitncu: ' . Fobturb Richards k McCraken, AUea k Lewis, and Hodge k Calef. ' Sallu Bloch, Miller A Co., French k Oilman. M. BROWN & BRO., WROLUAU ADD RSTAIl DIA1IM IH FAKOY AND STAPLE DRY GOODS! GROCERIES. PROVISIONS, tto. Mr. M. BROWN, being a resident of San Francisco, w re enabled to offer treat Indrement to purchase ra. W reipectfnlly Invite the public to examine onr stock befor purchasing elsewhere. tnlt-tl Kf Btone Btore, north side Main street, rslls.t Democratic State Ticket FOR OONUltESS: JAM u. FAY, : OUackson. FOR GOVERNOR: - JAMES K. KELLY, 0( Wasco. 1 " - : ' : , FOR SECRETARY OF STATE; . LAFAlETkE LAXE,) Of Multnomah.' . . FOR STATE TREASURER) . . ' JOllft 1IELL, , Of Marlon. . FOR STATE PRINTER: . JAMES O'MEARA, . Of Linn, "i .- 'I '.'!' FOB PBOSECUTINQ ATTORNEY FIFTH DISTRICT. J. II. SLATER, : OfUniiin.' ". ' ' . . Democratic County Ticket. For ReprfseniHtires, . 0. HDMASON,- ' ' " 1 ' F. T. DODGE. '' " For Sheriff, ';' a. w. Ferguson " For Clerk, .,. .F.S.HOLLAND. ; i,'. For Treasurer, '; . t. A.W.BUCHANAN. For Commisslonera, ' ' - ; G. F. BERBERT, ' . ' ' JOHN WILLIAMS. ' ":J' Tor Aswf sor, '' " ' HARRISON CORUM. ' ' ' ' ' ' For School Superiutendent, ' 7 E. P. FITZGERALD. :; . ' .;. For Surveyor, . ":J , r ,,' ,; ,!. ' : W. T. NEWCOMB. .:-.', . - For Coroner, ! v - DR. 0. B. BROOKSi ' Virginia City, Montana & Blackfoot OVERLAND STAGE LINE! BEN. IIOLLIDAY, Proprietor. . M ' 'I ! . .' ( OA COUD STAGES J LEAVE BOISE CITY EVERY OTHER DAY FOB ' BLACKFOOT,' Salt Lake City,. Denver City, . MISSOURI RIVER, . ' Connecting at SALT LAKE CITY with Concord Stage Running to ytrtjlnia City, Nevada, AND SACRAMENTO, CALIFORNIA PAIlEi ' Bol City to Pnlt Lake rity..... ..M tlOO 00 " " Virginia City, Montana 120 00 " " ." MUaonrl Hlver, Legal Tender 1300, tiold.tlOO. 400 00 For farther Information apply at ' : OVERLAND STAGE LINE OFFICE, Bolaa City, I. TV, J. N. TODD, Agent. mhSd8m TO TEAMSTERS AND DAIRYMEN! FEED ! FEED III. SHORTS, v AND OF ALL BANDS, FOB SAI BY , It. II. LAW, 2C Front 8treet, Portland, Blfctf. Opposite 0. 8. N. Warehouse. B.H.OATM. l.B.aAP. GATES &, HAFT, Attoraeys V Counsellors at Law, DALLES, OREGON? . .- I:'" 1.' I Union State Ticket. 1 FOR CONGRESS RUFV8 MALLORYy . . j Of Marlon. ' !.,: i-.. ' , F0R GOVERNOR 1 ' " ' ' GEO. L. WOOD!, , of,wco. , , ,. ; FOR SECRETARY OF STATE: ' SAMUEL E. MAY, . .' Of Marlon, . . ' FOR BTATE TREASURER ; . , E. W. COOKE, ' f Marlon. . :!'.. FOB STATE PRINTER: . W, A. McPUERSOIV, Of Linn. .' FOR tROEECCTINO ATTORNEY FIFTH DISTRICT: C. It. MEIGS, 1 f Of Wasco. r Union County Ticket. ; " For Representatives,' . H. A. HOGiJB,, 0. B. KffiGEL. ' 1 For Sheriff, '' '' ' "''' R. W. CRANDAliL. ' "f ", "' For Clerk, '. '' ' ' R. B. REED,.' ' ' ' ; ' r v For Treasurer, , OW; WALDRON. ' ' x For'CommlssioDors, - ' ' R. MAYS," . ; "v " R. H. WOOD.' '' ' 1 For Assessor, ' ' L. L. ROWLAND.; "' For School Superintendent," ' , T. CONDON,' ' ;. For Surveyot, ' ' W. B. CAMPBELL. ! s ' ; v i For Coroner, , , . ' , , dr. w. b warner! ' A CARD FOR THE . r Spring & Summer Clothing Trade i OF SAM FRANCISCO. BADGER & LINDENBERGER, No. 41U413 and I5 Battery Street, Cor. Merchant, 8aa Franolsco. ., Importers and Wholesale Dealers. ENTIBE NEW AND -FRESH STOCK Wl WOULD CALL ATTENTION pf Country Mer-. chant toonrnsually large stock of Goods. Our stock comprises eVery article In the Clothing and Fur nishing line. We have constantly on hand the largest and greatest variety of Casslmere and Wool HATS of any bona In Ban Francisco, and onr price for these Goods are leaathan those of any house, as w receive them direct from tlfe manufacturer's consignment. Our stock ofSnmmerand Fall Goops Is particularly attract, lve, and the great feature to the country merchant la the unusually low price. less Than the Cost of Importation I W also Veep the BTAFLB ARTICLES (n the Dry Good line, which Goods we have purchased in thl market nn- der the hammer, atad ar oOerlng them at New Yolk Coat, and leas, . . . , ; . W publish thl card In orde'r that w"e may make new acquaintances, and Induce those whohave not heretofore purchased of ns, to call and examine onr stock. - Good ArtlcUs and Low Prices Are the greatest Inducement to all who pnrchaa to ell again. Merchant who buy of us can mak a good profit, and sell to their easterner at a low figure. W remain, respectfully, . Your Obedient servant, BADGER k LINDENBERGER, Wholesale Clothing and Hat Warehouse, N n. 41 1. 41 S and 41s Battery street, Boa Francisco, April 20,1866. . mw. MRS. LEES liR'S FRENCH MILLINERY ST0RE AND Dress MaklriK Establishment, Oppoalt Conn k Bohm's, I WOULD CALL THE TTENTION of the Udle i th Dalle to my larte and line atock of FLOVyERS, EMBROIDERY, ' BORTIVETS. IIATS, FEATHERS . Dress Trlrtimlnjgs, Sea. lTavIng secured th services of MRS. FRARY, In th Dreae Making apartment, wc will do all work In that line and marantee perfect satisfaction, DYING don in all color. . Glv me n early call and I will endeavor to salt everybody in TASTE and at REASONABLE FHICE8. Particular attention paid to Embroidery and Braiding Stamping .