nmiiinttT. EASTEBNNEWS, .Washington, May 21. Tbo Senate postponed Iho Constitutional amends ttient until Wodnesday, May 23d, and mado tho Colorado question the spe cial order for Tuesday, May 29th. Tbo Colorado Senators elect and otber friends of tho bill, are working strong ly to pass it over the veto. New York, May 24tb. The U. S. commissioner .has ordered the dis charge of Otto Burstenbindcr, deciding tba he could not bo bold for trial here, lie not having been personally engag ed in tho shipping of nitroglycerine to San Francisco, and being absent from tho city at the time, and also that he cannot be held responsible, for the crime committed. Columbus, May 24. Tbe Democrat io State Convention nominated Chas. Wikey, of Cincinnatti, for Judge of the Supremo Court, and II. S. Levern, of Shelby county, for Secretary of State, adopted resolutions declaring that the Domocracy will adhere to its organization and to its ancient faith as enumerated in tbe wcll'settled prin ciples of Thomas Jefferson ; but tho one great question of the day. being tho immediate and unconditional res toration of all the Stales to the exor. iso of their rights within tbe Federal Union under the Conutilution, wo will cordially and actively support Andrew Johnson as President of the United States in all necessary and proper means to carry out his policy as di' rooted to that end, and for the purposo above set forth we will cordially ct) operato in publio meetings, conven tions and at tbe polls with all men without reference to past party posU tions, who honestly and by their acts as woll as by their professions support the President's policy as now declar ed. Goorgo II. Pondloton addressed the Convention, congratulating the domocracy on having once moro re gained its legitimate position in the hearts of the people lie limited his endorsement of the President, but re garded him as tho present salvation of tho country. Vnllandighain spoke in tho evening, saying the support given by the Democracy to Andrew John son was tho most honest ever given by any party to a Presidont. It was un selfish support with no demand for of fice. The Democracy owed nothing to the liepubucan party and did not in tend the Kopublican party should owe it anything. Tho battle would be fought out on this lino. lie was Cop perhead and gloried in it, and would tell the Republicans that in five years they would bo making affidavits to provo that they were -real Copper heads and wb tho pretenders; but Copperheads did not intend to be swallowed up by the Prceidont, nor the President by the Copperheads The Presidont was not going over to the Copperheads, for they would noith or ask nor lake office at his hands though they intended to hold all the offices after March Ibb'J. New York, May 25. The Herald's Washington special dispatch says: The trial of Jeff. Davis under the Nor- folk indictment will probably bo posti roned till August or September Much animosity prevails in Virginia against the memberB of tho grand ju ry who returned the indictment, and until tho popular feeling somewhat subsides the Attorney General thinks it best to dolay tho trial. Judge Thomas, of the Circuit Court of Virginia at Alexandria, rctusea to admit negro testimony in" case where a white man is concerned on trial be fore him, declaring Congross cannot decide that persons or classes of peri sons may testily in Virginia courts Fortress Monroe, May 25. Instruc tions from Washington were received this morning by Gen. Miles to give Jeff. Davis, on his parole tho freedom ot the tort, retiring to his room at Car roll Hall at eight. His counsel Sbea and O'Connor, have been allowed ao cess to the fort and can have private interviews with him at any timo. Mrs. Jeff. Davjs arrived vesterdav for the purpose of asking the Presi dent to remove Davis from his pres ent quarters, as suggested by tho Surgeon's report. Unless hi triai is to take place in Jono.it is believed a change ot the locality of his confine ment will be muuo. Wilson of Massachusetts, called ur his joint resolution allowing incrilori ots soldiers over twenty one years of age to bo appointed cadets at Wont Point. Nt'sikith moved an amend ment that hereafter the Superintend ent of the Military Academy may bo selected fiom any corps of the army : lOBt, la to l'J iho joint resolution was then passed. The Senate ut half past one adjourned till Modday, 28th, and tho Republican Senators immedi ately wont into caucus upon tho con stitutional amendment, to determine the basis for united action in opon session. Thirty four Senatorial votes were, it is understood, cast in caucus this morning lor whatever may be adopted by the majority. Terrible Affray Between Whites andNkqko Soldiers. A 'fatal affray recently occurred near San Antonio, iexas. Captain JNolen, of tbe Thir teenth Regiment of uegro cavalry, was sent with sixteen men, to arrest a bad character by the name of Porlor, who had killed, an old gentleman last August, and for whoso arrest an order had been issued. A son of tho mur dered man informed Captain Nolen that Porter and bis comrade would bo at a neighboring house to attend a weaaing. The uaptain went to the house with a squad, entered it, placed his band on Porter's shoulder, and or dered him to surrender. A man then stepped up and shot tbe Captain through the wrist. A bergeant then shot tho assailant dead. Porter drew a pistol and shot thb Captain through tbe breast, nour the heart, the ball coming out near tho shoulder. Tbo Captain then shot Porter doad, and mortally wounded two others. By this timo the soldiers had entered the house, where they drew up in line and were ready to nre into tbe crowd. when Nolen stopped them, exhorting them not to kill the women. Twen ty of the wedding company were ar rested and are under heavy guird. The recovery of Captain Nolen-is doubtful.. . 1'ioposals for Grain. Atsistam Quarter miktkr's OrncE,1 Fort Dali,iw, Okuioh, Muy Will, 18M). J C3EALED PROPOSALS, In duplicate, will lie received c9 nt (hlii cfllce until 12o'clo.kJi. on the Utdayol June. 18(16, fur llio supply of K.U.OuO pounds of Oats, tu be of goou merchantable quality, and delivered and stored by tlie Contractor in such manner as the Ass't Ouartornms- tor at this Post may irect, between thetlmuof the nj provul of said Contract and the 26th day of July, 18(10. Oats to ho put up In sacks and weighed upon the scales at tins po-t beiore being received. aids will ba received for 5.000 pounds and upwards; must sat- tho price per pound in coin, and be accompa nied by tKe names of at least two responsible parties as sureties, and be accompanied by an oath of allegiance to the limited States. In case a Did is accepted, tho Contractor will 1)6 re quired to enter into a bond for a reasonable amount, for the faithful rcrhnninuce of the Contract. Pnymont for the nhove-inoutionou unplies will bo made iu such lunds as may be furnished by the Govern ment, at a rato equivalent to the coin price at the time oi payment. 'J he right to reject any and all Bids Is reserved. Bids to be endoieed "Proposals for Oats." Contractu will be subject to the approval of the De part mout and Division uoninianuers. JAMESOILL1S, mytd Captain and A.Q. M., U. 8. Aimy DALLES CITY DKIIG STOKE. P. CRAIG, WBOLIBALI AMD BITA1L : DEALER IN DRUGS. MEDICINES, Perfumery, Fancy Soaps, PATENT MEDICINES, Ac. 1-tf DRUGS AND PATENT MEDICINES!! DRUGS AND PATENT MEDICINES!! DRUGS AND PATENT MEDICINES!! S. M. HOLDKUNKSS, CGMJIISSION RIEEICUAIIT 403 Front Street, BAN FKANCISCO, Ar a BUYER tins hftfl many year experience in San Francisco, mid ftnttorn liliiiHelf as bolmr nblo to itivesnt- isfitctinn. 'Will till orders for rospuimible pnrtleii, and allow tlie ummI credits. For advance made, will charge the cuptumnry interettt;. Cumin intrfons will be retiBoniv ble.-ond suited to tlie nature and amount ot tbe uutnneAS. KelVrs to Messrs lluinabon k Odell, Attorneys at Law, Dulles. Ore nun. For fm tli or particulars, addroesas above. my23m3 Final Settlement. -mrOTICE T8 1IKKKBY tllVEN to nil persons Interest Xr9 I'd In tlio entnte of Andrew Watson, decenned, that A. h. Hit ton. Administrator of said cetuto, has tik'd bis final account in the County Court of the State of Oregon fur the County of (taint, nnd that KKIlrftY. the 8th day of June, iSCU, has been svt lor lu-uritifr said account by said Court W. L. HIM,, Judge of Grant County. Canyon City, April 80th. 1S68. mllw4 - WOOLISAI.B AMD BETAIL DRUGGIST, Washington Street, between Main and Second Streets DALLKS, OREGON. LEMON Is able to supply parties In want of Times, Patent Medicines. Chemicals, Acids, Perfunierj, and every other-article enumerated wilh the WHOLESALE DRUG BUSINESS, At the lowest market rates. 0f Physicians and Merchants Intending; to purchase for the Mines, will do well to give him a call. TRUSSES & "SHOULDER BRACES In great variety. S. LEMON, ap.3:tf. . Washington St., between Main adn Second. PORTLAND FOUND IS IT ' AND MACHINE SHOP,. FITIST STRUCT.' between Yamhill and Morrison. lTitfltm Enirlnsi - Jo offrom4to4u horse- : Ajpfa1" V;1? I nnwer.eltherPortableor iCKlWOT-U u. mo. r-.Tv. li CL'LAR SAW MILLS jfS ...fStjJ iMrl fmillf VPV anHslantl 1 iV ijrW ,' -. ' Ji' ifl VU.111 UJJl 13 . lllUDIIMItlJ onli 80S Maeliines,(Woodworth'8 pattern,) WroiiKht -and Cant Iron work fur Ver tical Sawand Grist mills: Brass and Iron Castings and ; - XVUOI GI1T IROIV WORK of every description. I am also prepared to fnrnlsh Quartz Mills complete, of the Latest & moat improved Patterns. . These Mills can beforwarded to anr part of tbe mines as the weight of the entire machinery will not exceed 3, 0U0 pounds. Horse Powers ft Agricultural Implements manufactured to order at the vury LOWEST CASH PKICH a. u. rarucuior attention paid to Kki'AHta. loxu-u Oregon Steam Kaiigation Co. SUMMER ARRANGEMENT. iriars pi JSJ rv . irts fc. Tnu STEAMERS MEZ PERCE CHIEF, 4 . ' WEB-FOOT, TEXIKO, OWYHEE, YAKIMA, SPRAY & OKAIVAGOK, Captains E. V. COE, C. C. FELTON, J. U. D. GRAY, and TIIOS. J. STUMP, Will run dnrlnn the season from CKLII.O to UMATIL LA, WAI.MJLA, WI11T8 BLUFFS, PALOUSK and LKWISTON. One of tho above nnined boata will lenve OELIT.O for UMATILLA and WALI.ULA, on TUESDAYS, THURS DAYS and SATURDAYS. Xlio Passenger Train to connect with steamers at Oelilo will start from the Ilallroad Depot, DALLES CITY, at 6 o'clock, A.M. for wurru bluffs. THE "YAKIMA," CAPT. E. F. COE...; Commander. Will Have CELILO every SATURDAY, for WHITE BLUFFS. FOR LEWI8TON. - THE "OWYHEE," CArT. FELTON Commander. Will leave WALI.ULA every WEDNESDAY (upon the arrival of the steamer that sturts from Cslllo on Tues day), fur LKW1BT0N. FOR PORTLAND TUUOUOII IN ONE SAY. The Steamers mV17.i'-i1VT1 A- 99 K . OR "IDAHO," UOTTLED 13 E ICR. rmilR UNDEHSIONED IS NOW PUTTING UP AN Jl excellent article oi BOTTLED BEEIt, which he will deliver to dealers or private families In quantities to suit. Onion left at the Philadelphia Brewery will be promptly attended to. U. SONNENSCHKIN. Dalles, May 23d, 18C0, , . Wjrffltf CAPT. J. MoNULTY, Commander, Will leave DALLES, DAILY. (Sundays ecepted)at 6 oVlnrk. a. H., connecting by tho CASCADE RAILROAD, with the steamers NEW WOULD, CASCADE, or WILSON Gr. HUNT, CArT. J. WOLF Commander, f Portland. iaaa i'. uonuc, Dalles, A pi II 3, 1866. n!2tf Agent 0. 8. N. Co, D. DALI.AM. 0. W. ARM K8. 0. W. ARMS. ARMES DALLAM, Importers and Jobbers of WOOD AND WILLOW WARE, ; BRUBIIES, TWINES, CORDAGE, 4a And Manufacturers of California Pails, Tabs, Brooms, &c. 217 ft 219 Sacramento Street, between Front and Davis ban Francisco. . ocll:3mdaw. Umatilla, Boise, AND IDAHO ; . Express and Fast Freight Line. THIS LINE IS NOW IN COMPLETE RUNNINt order from Umatilla to Idaho City, via Boise City, and prepared to carry Freight end Viiluahle Package between these and all intermediate points with certainty and despatch. The Line is Stocked with the Best Teams the country affords and entirely New Thorough-Brace CONCORD , WAGONS,Ei2i Whirli ensures "peed and Safety In the tranfnilsfion of Freight, never before oflered to Idaho. We oifor Puiie rlor inducements fur Shipping tiooils from an FranciK'. and Portland to Idalio. as our ariangetiieiits wilh the Ocean SteaniBhip Comimny and the Oregon f-team Navir giition are such that all Goods shipped by litis Line will not be subject to the usual delays, but pahs through as . Fast FiNsIsylit. Goods'shlpped from fan Francisco to our care at Port land, Charges will be paid and Uoeds shipped to destina tion. Y GOODS SHOULD BE MARKED: CARE B. M. D. CO.. F. LINE, und Slilppiug Receipts sent to ottr Agents at Portland and Umatilla. Advance Charges for Transportation Fold by the Line and Collocted at Defltlnntiun. Gocds will fee- forwarded witli DiBpatch to owyhee and bontli ISoiss. PASSENGERS CARRIED AT GREATLY REDUCE RATE:?. Families will be furnitliid Willi fnperlor Ac- ' commodations in New and Eney Billing Thorough Brace Wagons on the Most Liberal 'J'eims. e lay over escsi night on the Road at Good and Convenient Stations, se that passengers will not be deprived of regular rest. AGKNTSi RICHARDS McCHAKKN Eon Frsnelsre 1UCIMRD A McCRAKEN Portland JOSEPH TEAL Dalle POWELL 4 COE Umatlllai J. B. WILKINSON LcOrand B. M. DultKLL A CO Boise Cltv B. M. DultELL t CO - Idaho City MAJOR SPEEIl Kocky liar (Snutb Bolse DuRELL MOORE Ruby and Silver Cltl.s U. M. DnliBLL & CO., n26tf ' Proprietors. DR. DAVY'S SPECIFIC -covi3?oxjivr, An Expeditious Cure for all diseases of the 8KXUAL ORGANS. rVlIUS pr.ompt and efflcattons Hemedy for tha cur I Ghonorrcen, Gleet, Strictures, nnil Dieaaes of th Vifnnry Organs, makes a ipeedy CNro' wfihout the leu I restriction to diet, exposure or clange in application buRiness; it will radically cure any cane which can b produced. The dinease it removes an ppecriily aa 1b con sinfout with the production of a thorough and permanent cure. Further, the dineiwo cannot bo contracted if the 8PKC1FI0 COMPOUND is taken wlien exposed, Its ingredients Are entlrol y vepntable.aud no injurtons effect, eitlier constitutionally or locuUy, cau be caused by Its une. Price One Dollar and Fifty cents per bottle fientbr Expross carefully packed. UUmKTTKJt, HM1TI1 UKAN. Agent. 401 and 403 Battery street, cor Clay, jy22-6m. Han Francisco. IHT? UNDER8TGNKD, n.WINQ REMOVED FROM TIIK "BKLLA UNION" CELL A It, INTO JACKSON SALOON I CORNER COURT AND SECOND STREETS,, UALLKH, OREGON. Gates' 3e-w Building BeR to Inform the public that they are prepared to serve, their customers with the best Wines, Liquors and Cigars, TIIE MARKET AFFORDS. ALSO, A Free Lunch ! Every day and evening. B. 8CHXITZ A S. KI.EIBf, decK-lf Proprietors. LINCOLN HOUSE, Corner Washington and Front Streets, PORTLAND, OREGON. - IIBST-CLASS HOTEL. LARGEST IN THE STATE. Charges Reasonable. AN OMNIBUS will attend all the Boats and convey PaNsengors and their baggage to the House Free of Charge, or to ahy other Iiouse in the Clry for 60 cents. K. COFFIN, Proprietor. P. B HOT AND COLD BATHS in the Iiouse. All the Steamers for Oregon City, Vancouver, Monti cello and Astoria laud at the Lincoln Iiouse Wharf. sepl:3m Hard Wood Lumber. CARRIAGE AND WAGON MATERIALS WE BEG TO CALL ATTENTION of Carriage Wa nfacturers and Dealers to the Large and Com plete assortment or CARRIAGE and WAGON MATER l ALS we are constantly receiving from the rlapt, specially selected for the California market, comprising, Oak, Hickory, and Second Growth Ash Plank, Hickory Ailes, Vagou Voles. llubs,Spokes, Felloes. Rims, Shalts,Ac. Ac. which we offer at the lowest Cash Prices. . Jff Orders addressed to ourhoure will receive proma attention. N. W. BRAGG k CO., Jel6i3m. 29 It 31 Bnttory Btreet, tan Francisco, and 17 A 19 Peveuth street bncramento. 0. WATrjnotiss, II. W. Rbaoo 4 Co., J. W. Lievaa San Fraucisco. Eacramento. New York TILLMAN, 0LI A01II IK CALirOBMIA FOB TILTON. & McFAR LAND'S Fire & Burglar J'rool" Saici. STEEL-LINED VAULTS, WITH Combination Iocli. , r-Conlantly JyrWlm NOTICE. IS TIEREBT GIVEN THAT A CALL MEETING Of the "Stork Raisers' Mutual Aid Society" will bel held nt Union School Home, nenr A. D. Bolton's, o Fifteen Mile Creek, at 1 o'clock p. m.. on Saturday. JnM lid, 1606. m)23td L.L. KOWLAND, C, 8., A. B, hand a full assortment of SAFES. 318 BATTERY STB EET. Fan Francises