'A iaito Hlonntemccr, Steam on ths) Dppib Snake River. A. cor Tespomlent of the Idaho Slatetman, writing from Owybee Landing, May 21st, gives an in ' tereeting description of an exploring trip made by the steamer Shothont from that place up the Snake river. The letter is loo long for publication in onr columns. We take the following from the correspondence : Just above the Bruno the river emerges from another canyon, not so deep as the first, but full of rapids, whiob the boat surmonnted without difficulty. At adisianoe of about sis 'miles we came to swift, rough water which, with eighty pounds of steam, brought the boat to a halt. The captain .backed out of tbe situation and tied up and proceeded to make explorations by land. We found two miles of rapid, swift and rongh water, with a considerable fall at the bead. With some doubt in bis ability to go over it, explain My rick ordered a full head of steam aud started again with one hundred and ten pounds. The Whole length of the rapid was made with ase till the prow of the boat touched the break in the very head of the fall, when she refused to go any farther. Steam was raised to the highes) point allowed to ber boiler and tbe boat held to ber work fr over half an hour, but 4o no purpose. The fall whs too much, and with a few turns back of the wheel we went darting down that two miles of rapids with nnusual steamboat velocity.. With a good line tbe boat might have been taken over tbe rapid, but there was no safe-one on board, and the Captain therefore declined to try it. That point is probably ahout sixty miles by the. course of tbe river, from this ' landing ; bow far above tbe boat might go, there was, of course, no means to ascertain. High bluffs and a smooth river were all that could be seen abead. The river is inaccessi ble on both sides, so that nothing can bo gained by running' np to tbat point, unless a higher one can be reached. Of that there is, however, but little doubt, as with the aid of a line boats can go over tbat rapid as.easily as they do over some in the Willamette and Co lumbia. . We made the run back to the landing in .bout four hours, arriving here at sundown to-day, and thusendetb the further navigation ot Snake river above tbis point for tbe pres. ent. Tbat another and successful trial will be made before lorig, I have no doubt, as the falls that terminated tbis trip can easily be overcome, and there may be no more serious one for many miles above. ' By Owvum Stags. News came from Ruby Ji t ni(bt of anothes Indian raid, made prin cipally upon Cbinamen. A messenger came tor Major Marshall from C.imp Lyon with the statement that a Cbinamanliad come into tbat camp reporting tbat be was the only one of a party of huy wbo was known to have escaped an attack upon their camp, about four miles beyond the California ferry, on the Owyhee river. There were also two white men with tbe Chinamen, and all are supposed to be killed- Lieut. Pepoon started immediately for tbe spot, and found twentr-twVdead bodies there, corroborating in the main, the story of (be Chinaman. Lieut, fepooo sentamessen ger back to Col. Coppinger, wbo has followed in hopes to overtake tbe Indians. Tbe mat' acre is supposed to have occurred last Moo.' ' day or Tuesday. Idaho Slatetman. Senatorial. The present Congress, ending on, the 4th of March next, terminates tbe Sen atorial career of the following gentlemen, unless they shall be re-elected meantime : Clark, of New Hampshire ; Foster, of Con necticutt ; Harris, of New York ; Poland, of Vermont; Cowan, of Pennsylvania; Trumbull, of Illinois ; Brown, of Missouri ; Davis, of Kentucky f Nesmitn, of Oregon ; Pomeroy, of Kansas ; Lane, of Indiana ; Howe, of Wiscon sin.; Crowell, of Maryland ; and McDougall, of California. The only elections that have yet taken, place foe the term commencing in 1867 and ending in 1873, are, Mr. Sherman, of Ohio, and. Mc. Cole, of California. Greenback Gibe Decided. Judge Rix, of tbe Sau , Francisco Police Court, lately de cided. a. street car greenback case, and held tbat the car conductors and .companies are compelled to receive greenbacks in payment' for tickets. The decision gives universal sat isfaction to the publio, but is nut relished by tbe street railroad companies, ho have given t otice of their intention to appeal to tbe higher courts. In log-rolling a bill through , tbe Legislature, authorizing them , to raise' the fares, the companies accomplished their ob ject, but it is not likely to benefit them.. Not Arrived Judge McBride, Col. Pres ton, and other ldabeans, who were expected to arrive yeaterday,on the Overland stage, did not come. Tbey are supposed te.be detained fait of Salt Lake by high water, at Hast such is-tbe report of tbe passengers that bare come tfough,-Idih)JStammaiu,. 0. 8. .Mima, Dalles. Bloch, Miller & Co., WHOLESALE GROCE 3R, S , AND DEALERS IN Wines fc Liquors, And Importer and Jobbers of OLOTHING- Boots & Shoes, Under Clothing, Blankets, etc " etc ASSAY OFFICE. WjhB HAVE AN ASSAY OFFICE IN CONNECTION Y with our business, under the entire supervision of Mr. Miller. We make returns in Bars In six hours We guarantee all our Assays and pay ths HIGH EST CASH PRICE for Burs. We also pay the Highest Cash Price for Gold Dust. ' BLOCH, MILLER A OJ., my6tf Cor. Main and Washington streets, Dalles. . DEALERS IN HARDWARE, f IRON & STEEL. GROCERIES. BY TUB PACKAGE. FOROASH," At San Francisco Prices, Adding cost of Transportation. CUMMINO GRANT, Dalles, pregon. ml3tf Ordinance No. 39. AN ' ORDINANCE to License Hotel and steamboat Runners. rjphe people of Dalles City do ordala as follows : Sbotion 1. Any person who shall solicit patronage for nutei ur aieamuoat, comtiomy caiteu a ' lltlnuer," within the corporate limits of Dalles City, shall thereior procure a License from the Recorder, and shall pay therefor Into the city treasury the sum uf Ten Dollars iur every inree monilis. -8ko. 3. Any nt'rson who shall do business aa a rnnner. who by malicious misrepresentations shall Injure, or .'tempi io injure any Hotel, Keitaurant or steamboat, shall, on conviction thereof, be punlihed by a fine In any sum not exceeding twenty dollars fur each aud every offense. Sao. 8. Any person who shall do business as a runner wimouc procuring a license therefor, shall, on convlo tion thereof; be punched by a flue tn the sum of twenty dollars. 8 to. . This ordinance shall take effeot and be la force rrom sud alter the 2d day of June, 1806. Passe May loth, 18d. O. B. GILMAV, H. Catlst, Recorder. my28d5t Mayor, A. OARD. " WADAME LB TELLIElt WOULD RESPECTFULLY i."JL Inform the Ladles of the Dalles and vicinity, that sue m uow prepared, to do all KIWI or UUK33, CLOAK, aud PALETOT making. Also. CUTTING and VOTING In a new and Improved style, never before introduced in this place. She will warrant to give satisfaction, and would most respectiuiiy solicit a liberal patrouage. In the Rooms lately occupied by Mrs. White, over Degeners Store, on Washington street, between Second iiu xuiru. , Dalles, March 27th, 1869 mr27tf FRED. LIEBE, GROCERY, PROVISION, AND , FRUIT STORE, Washington Street, opposite French ft Oilman's, Dalles. uas ou uauu a large sua weu-assorteu stoca oi GROCERIES & PROVISIONS Fresh Uuttor &, Egrjj s, RArtlwt ilallw A I .rninnimua .1...... - hand. FHU1T3 of ail kinds. FRESH VEGETABLES very morniug. Ail articles warranted. , Give Me a Call, Everybody PRICED LOW. anl8:tf F. LIEBE. J. F. KELLOGG, DENTIST, Mala Bt.( Dallas, Oregon. AFTMl NEARLY SIXTEEN YEARS n , -. Practice in his profusion, would KS"? renpecuuny imurin .me aniens or. the Un Vtr Dnllos tnd the public generally, that h -l ill I lias loasod the Dental Office latoly occnpled by J. W. OURLK Y, Dentist, where he can be found prepared to at tend to those requiring his professional services. Orrics Uoomj-From 8 o'clock, A. to 12 u s and from 1 o'clock, p. M. to 6 F. M. mstf YOU1C UA.liaitY AND GROCERY. STORE, Main Mreet Dalles. mb23tf FREDERICK BBNZER. Notice. TM COMMON COUNCIL OF DALLES 01TO, Oregon will sit as a "board or Equtlisatlon " at the Recor der's office, on Satur lay, June 2d, 1806, at 7 p. m. All parties who may feel aggrieved by any assessment made by the Recorder of Dalles City, are hereby requested to attend, that ail errors in valuation or. description of lot land or other property, may be there corrected, before the eity taxes for the curxent year are levied. By order of the Oomniou Couuril . myMld UrCATLIY, Recorder. Isuo F. Bloch, San Francisco. TTALDROSi BROS., Wholesale & Retail Druggists, Main Street, Dalles, Oregon. WIS NOW OCCUPY OUR NEW TWO 8T0RY FIRE proof Stone building, opposite Bloch. Miller A Co.. and oner to the publio a full and complete stock of Drugs, Medicines and Chemicals, consisting in part ef KEROSENE, LAMP WICKS ft CHIMNEYS 110P8, . ' 8A0E, SPONGES, LEECHES, ; . TURPENTINE, ALCOHOL, ACIDS, . LINSEED, LtAtlU, UOKKS, CASTOR AND NEAT3FQ0T Oil, INDIGO AND LANPBLACK TRUSSES, SHOULDER ' BRACES, SUPPORTERS. . AND . i PATENT MKDICI1VK8. Our stock of FANCY GOODS I s of the finest and best quality; new styles oud largo assortments, such as LUMN'S PKRFUKKKY, HAIIt, LUIIIN'S TOILET SOAP, ILKS1I, POMADKS. BI1AVINQ, COSMETICS, 11 AT, HAIIt OILS, CLOTIIKS, COLOGNE, " . TO0T1I AND FANCY 80AP8 AND NAIL BRUSHES - TOOTH POWDERS, AND -COMBS. PURE WINES AND LIQUORS, For Medicinal purposes. Our (acuities for buying goods are second to none In the State, and we shall at all times sell at a small ad vance from oust. Ready sales and small profits. PUISICIANS' PRESCRIPTIONS Carefully compounded at all hours of tbe day and night. uaiies, oepi. v, xooo, seiu-tl Vllt Y IMPORTA.XT TO ' Merchants, Families, Hotels and BAR-ROOMS, - TOLIUS KRAEMER UAVING BOUGHT THE EN, v tire stock ot Merchandise and Book Accounts of ths late firm ot M . Seller ft Co., in this city, to which be has wiueu or ma own importation (wiiue doing business In roruauuj an immense aioca oi tue best manufactured Crockery, . Glassware, . Plated Ware, Lamps, Chandeliers, Table Cutlery Looklng-Glasgcs and . All Kinds of Oils, All of which be offers at reduced rates. Persons wish, Ing to buy any of the above-mentioned articles,, will do well to give me a call before purchasing elsewhere. Orders from the interior promptly attended to, and gwus uncatm w go .wore, uon-t lau to can on me. Radio's Stone Building, Washington street. Dalles. JULIUS KRAEMER, Dalles. March 17th, 1805. mhlTtf ONE HUNDREDMILES SAVED! BIsMKFOOT & BIG BEND MINES BY WAY OF Wliite 331 villk !. THE SHORTEST AND SAFEST ROAD For Land Travel. Distance from Dalles to White Dlufh 100 miles ' . . " ', White Bluffs to Pen d'Oieill ISO " . ' toColvill ...170 Travelers by land for either of the above Gold Fields, will save , Save Time Distance and Money uy taking the While Blnfr Uoad. . : Wood, "Water and Grass Aro fonnd on ibis Road within easy drives The road Is now open, and possesses advantages over uuioi .nun luuio iiuiu (no uniios. Published by order of Til K CITIZENS OF THE DALLES. Dalles, March, 20, 1806. m':2m. W. 33. DOUGLASS, PRACTICAL WATCHMAKER, . AND DEAItta IB Fine "VTTatclies AND JEWELRT, WNYITBS THE ATTENTION OF HIS FRIENDS AND JL the Public to bis choice-selection of New and Fashionable Goods, Respectfully soliciting their patronage. Wa'ches PROMPTLY, and PROPERLY repaired and n AitnaniH. niOtf Next Door to-the Poat OlBee. F. IEHM,, Watchmaker ami Jeweler, main street; dalles, DEALER IN FINE WATCHES)' JEWELRY, CLOCKS, Gold Psns, Silver and Plated Ware, Bpectacles, Cutlery, Ac. 4l-Particular attention paid to repairing fins1 Watohes,.01ocks, Jewelry, etc. All Watches repaired by me warranted for twelve months. . N. B. All orders from the uppetoounUy, Jy Express . 1'IIOF. MUR KAY'S . ' MAGIC OIL, For Sale br : OATK8 ft CBAPIN... . ALSO, AQINTS.FOli DR-DUNCAK'S Whooping Cough. Speclfiic. HtANKLIN MARKET. CORNER OF SECOND AND WA8UINQT0N STREETS DALLES, OREGON, JOHN EfPlNGER Proprietor THB UNDERSIGNED having fitted np the above Market in the BH.-T STYLE, will keep,sonstani ly on hand all sorts of Fresh and Cured Meats, Of the best quality furnished at the LOWEST BATS. My- motto is to PLBAS8 ALL." PARTIES IIAVING SUPERIOR STOCK FOR SAL will do well tucall at the FrankliB.Market.. . . JOHN UPPINGBR.. ; Dalles, February 10th, 18M. . . coaaaaoF COURT AND SECOND STREETS, DALIES, OREGON- JOHN MJCHELBACH, Ptoprtetor. win keep , , i- I. ' 'constantly on hand all the varte- LZ - ties that the marknt nan nna.lhl I SSSuTof , r " Tfft IfUKSlI & CURED MKAXSw and always of the best qnalitja . FAMILIES, HOTELS, AND STEAMBOATS supplied on reasonable terms. , Tbe nndersiirnea Is always nrnnarM, tn nav tft t,tK. estcaeh price for-li'Al' Orf I.E. Parties having aloclc. in good condition, are requested to rail on him before going elsewhere. JOUN UIOUELBACU. uaiiea, march sist,iB0S, mboltr WOTICE TO FARMERS.- ffVIK DALLES LUMBER AND MANUFACTURING. JL uujirAiN i nas recently attached a FLOURING MILL to their Steam Sash and Door Factory, in this City, and , are now prepared to CHOP FEED, GRIND WUBATandvi CORN, and warrant to give tbe best . satisfaction. Oa hand constantly and for ealev . , - . FXTRA FAMILY FLOUR, SECONDS OR MIDDLINOSv . ' , BRAN AND SHORTS, ' ' CHOP FEED, CUIOKEN FEED?', Also, a Sunerlor article of CORN MEAI from . Corn.-. The highest market price paid for WHEAT, CORN a BARLEY. U. A. IIOGUB, Anent. Dalles, Nov. 3, 1808. u3tC A.m GJ-. BRADFORD, IMPORTER AND JOBBER OF . Wines Sc. Liquors, FRONT STREETf Portland, . - , Orasrooi. OFFERS FOR SALE A VERY. LARGB.. ASSOllTu meat of , Brandies, WIsiAa. v ' Case' Goodf. &c., &c, &c. I sTThe Trade Is particularly Invited to ciamlne my, st ick before purchasing elsewhere. auSartf1 H.IIERMAN& CO.,: MAIN ST., DALLES, OPPOSITE EMPIRE HOTEL, ' JJAVE JU8TBE0KI VED A 'BEAUTIFUL 8.TOOKI OF-- Sl'lllG AND SUMMER GOODS Conslstidg in part of ' Fancy and Staple Dry Good, ClotSilnK,, Boots & Shoes, ; Uati&Capg ' Which they offer to sell at SMALL PROFITS. ' " Dalles, Maroh 27th,. 1806. , . mr37tf MONTANA! IDAHO! WASHOE WE ARK PUTTING UP.- OVSL OU1UINAL.BUPEU10U BRAND Of GROTA'D JAVA COFFEt?, CIIARTRES COFPFI3. ' "IN DOUDLE GLAZED PAPERS,, To preserve Its strength and flavor for the length ov ...uv .v.,h,.vm ... vv iwniwii hi ms anove places. . For sale by all tbe Jobbers, and . MARDEN AaFOLGIR, . Pioneer Steam OofTae end Splce.MUIa at8mlp2 ajo Front Street, San Sr.nclico. I UtS, WOOL aad UIUESs ' eaawan rjpHB HIGHEST CASH PRICE PAID FOR IPtng, WOOL,, AMD HIDES, at ' McCRAKEN, MERRILL ft CO.'B . 10 North Front Street, Portland,, mhl83m JBQOKS! BOOKS L. WHOLESALE AND RETAIL. sOCHOOIi BOOKS, STATIONERY, 3 Stanrtiud and Miscellaneous WORKS, Late. NOVELS, MAOA7.INE8, PAPKK8!. c, o uy every .Duainer. Bookstore, Main street, Dalles, Garden Seeds lor the Million, ma7-tf H. 3. WALDRON . CRYSTAL SALOONi AND . BILLIAllD ROOM, . JOHN HIND1VATJB, Pr.prl.tor. WASIUKOTON ST., neat deor to FRENCH A OILMAN NOTICE. i tvi apln'trf E. E. HAFT my authorised ana'a . Jooil an moneys due ., aad atte.4.te.r Z ness generally. ajtfj M. BiNIO, I