THURSDAY EVENING, MAI 81, 18C6. EtsaybodT go 'and bear Mi. Gaston's speech 41.1. Should the river continue to rise, a ferry on Main atreet will be a profitable investment. Tbi Canyon City stage la due. to-day. The Uge for Canyon. City will leave the stage office at 2 o'clock, a. it., to-morrow morning. Tbi tbird effort at laying tbe Atlantic cable will be made tbia summer. Tbe partiea inter-. sted feel confident of euocesa tbia time. - A DADdHTBR. of ex-Senator Qwin baa been married la Paris to a Mr. Coleman, of St. Louis, Missouri. ' ,' , Wi bave beard U aaid. tbat tbe; Democratic candidate for County Surveyor does not know oompasa wben be aeea it. How is tbat?; Gs. W. W. Wood, of ityssissppl, thought he could'nt. live in this country on ac count of. the Yankees, and went to Brazil, baa returned home. . . Jo-dob Bakstibd, of the United States Court in Alabama,, baa decided tbat a steamboat .captain who permits a gambler to awindle a passenger is. liable for tbe money lost..' As English Court bas decided tbat a eecond marriage In Utah, according to Mormon rule, is not legal. Thla may worry Brigbam a little. .. " " During the year 1865, in the oity. of London, one bundred.and forty peraona were run over and killed, and one thousand seven hundred and seven were Injured by tbe same cause, Tfli Democratic Standard says that " wben Democracy dies, God dies." Tbat is a. mis take. When Democracy la wholly dead, the Devil will have lost his occupation.. Is. reply to those who compliment him for Ja services in winding up the rebellion, Gen. Grant aaya tbe soldieriand aerve tbecredit ; tbat their bravery, patriotism and endurance win, the day.. Tub only difference between voting the Union and Democratio tickets is,, that by Toting tbe former, yon advance your local in terests, and by voting tbe latter you help to end' the Rev. Joseph Smith to the- U. 8. Senate. - Tbi crops in Colorado, says- the Denver Gazette, are being, destroyed by a small grub sr worm, which was last year-a welcome vis itor, as It was very destructive to the grass hoppers, fastening upon those insects and -depositing its eggs in their bodies, causing. death. Already, tbia grub bas destroyed some Ail tne larmers most promising crops. Thanks to Hon. J. W. Nesmith for a copy -of the Reporter, a. paper published in Wash Tington, devoted, to religion, law, legislation .and publlo events, ins number before us -contains the argument. ofi Hon. Ji S; Brack), "before the U. S.. Supreme Court, in tbe Indi :na Conapiraoy cases. Also, to Hon, E. D, ' Holbrook, for, a, speech-of-Hon. H; J. Ray MaiTiBT. Company "I," 1st IT., S. Gav -airy, arrived at tbia place, last evening, en route for Camp Watson. It is understood tbat -Gen. .Steele will be here this evening with bis 4taff, and will take Company " H;" D. S. Gav -airy, now at Fort Dalles, to Camp Lyon, as . bis escort. Gens. Halleck and Steele bave an appointment to meet at Camp .Lyon on June 10th. We hope much good will result from their observations in this Department. Tbi London- Timet says the courage and discretion exhibited by President Johnson in refusing bis assent to the Freedmen'a Bureau question, confirms the respect in which bis policy bas been held in England, and will en title him (o be credited .as one of tbe ablest statesmen who bave ever conducted a great ' nation through a perilous crisis by firmness, moderation ana wisdom.. - . . Thi Rev. Joseph Smith fs tbe Democratjo . candidate for U. S. Senate, and every Demo crat in tbe Legislature must support him after be bas been nominated in. caucus which is ure to be doner Has not tbe people of 'Wasco, county got enough , of voting, for. preaohers T If you bave not, vote tbe Demo-, cratie ticket, and thereby elect Rer. J. Smith injppoaition to J W. JJestnith. , CONSISTENCY. , But a few days ago Vallandigbam, tbat devoted patriot of Copperbeadism and seces sion, aaid tbat unless President Johnson did not commence appointing Democrats to office, in three weeks he would not bave a single adherent fn that party. Hear bim in the Ohio Democratic State Convention, which assem bled at Columbus, May 23d. ' In a speech be fore that body be said : "Tbe support given by tbe Democracy to Andrew Johnson was tbe most bonest ever given by any party to a President. It was unselfish support' with no demand for office. The Democracy owed nothing to the Repub lican party and did not intend the Republican party should owe it anything. The battle would be fought out on this line. He was a Copperhead and gloried in it, and would tell the Republicans tbat in five years tbey would be making affidavits to prove that they were the real Copperheads and we tbe pretenders ; but Copperheads did not intend to be swal lowed up by tbe President, nor tbe President by the Copperheads. Tbe President was not going over to the Copperheads, for they would neither ask nor take office athis bands though they intended to hold all the offices after Maroh, 1863." .. phjuo l Copperheads would not take of fice at the bands of President Johnson 1 He knew they endorsed his actions not because they loved bim or approved of bis adminis tration but because tbey did want office, and sought office by endeavoring to deceive him through false and shameless assurances of support. He knows the fundamental rule now governing and controlling the Copper heads and leaders of the self-styled so-called Democratio party is divisions ; tbey divided the Democratic party at Charleston ; divided the Union and gave aid and comfort to rebels and traitors, and have, true to their Instincts, endeavored to divide tbe Union party; but in tbat they bave signally failed, and only in tbe State of Oregon at this time do they longer labor for this object, After the eleo tioo is ovr yon will find the Democratic party here, a in Ohio and throughout the Union, boldly, defiantly assuming their old principles,, contended for during the war, and denouncing President Johnson as an usurper and tyrant. Vallandigbam truly says tbe President is not one of them ; be will neither go to them nor tbey to him ; tbey will not ask nor take office atbis baods that point is settled. Th( (Ar..UM&'hav eipired and yet no appoint ments J . and no longer will Democrats support or endorse him or bis policy. President - m Johnson, the patriot and statesman, knows who are the friends of this Government, and wilt carefully, guard and guide, with tbe counsel and co-operation of true loyal men, tbe old Ship of State into tbe harbor of safety, peaca and prosperity. Tbe friends ofi President Johnson should reflect and consider with which party they act and .vote at the coming election. If you Vote for the candidates on tbe Democratio ticket, you are supporting the enemies of the President, and free government, yon are voting to sustain Vallandigham and bis party boast oft their Copperhoadism. If you vote with the Union party, you sustain the President and hia . friends. Each of the candidates on tbe Union Slate and county ticket are'-th friends of President John' sonr and the advocates, of freedom an liberty, who are opposed, to submitting this Government- Into the bands of traitors, an equally opposed to-universal suffrage.. On Monday next let the friends of Johnson an liberty march to tbe polls, and there, by you votes, tell tbe Vallandigbam traitors tbat Or egon will sustain the President aud tbia glo rious Government agaiastitbem and hia treas enable cohort. Mb Rort. Bttowd, residing in Linn county, had his right leg amputated above tbe knee last wees. . Thi fruit in Northern California and South ern Oregon has nearly all been killed by frost. Trt It. Hall's Sarsaparllla, Yellow Dock and Iodide Potiuta Is the beat blood purifier in the world, aud is peculiarly adapted, to the Pacific Coast. CoirauiirTioif . This fatal disease la prevented by the timely uae of Hall's Pulmonary Balaam. Give It a trial before It la too lata. Sold by all druigists for fifty cents. Columbia Lodge, No. S, I. O. O. F.-- Meets every Friday evening at 7 o'clock, In Gates Hall, corner of 8ocond and Court 8treets. Brothers in good atandlug are invited to attend. By order. N. 0. Wasco Lodge, No. IS, A. F. A. SI. Holda Its stated Communication" on the First and 'Miird Mnmlava of each month, at their hall, in Dalles City. Brethren In good standing are Invited to attend. By order of the W. M. Brra L, Pori, Bec'y. Religious Notice. Caihouo Cannon Morning aervlce: Mom, at 10 'clock. Evening service: Vespers and Bonedlction, at TA o'clock. Sunday School at 2 o'clock, p.m. NOTICE. , . . . FROM AND AFTER THIS DATK I will b found a tbe Law-Office formerly occupied by Huuiasoa Udell, on Main street over Walflron' Drug 8 tor p. Dalles, May Slut, ltftio. mytfltr U. XV. uawwx. FroposalH lor FresU I Jeer, Ornci or A. G. S Fort Dalles, Oregon,) Way autli, I860. SEALED PROPOSALS In duplicate will be receded at this office until 12 o'clock M.. Saturday. June Oth, I860, fur the furninliing of FKESH BEEF To the Troops and Employees at this Pout, for the fiscal year commencing July iat, loot), aim ending June eutn, 1807. Said Fresh Beef to be of good and merchantable qual ity, and lu equal proportion oi fure and ilnd quarter meat, (necks, (thanks and kidney tallow to be excluded) and to be delivered on such days and In such quantities as the Commanding Officer of this Post may designate. Tne necks or tne cattle siaugnterou snail ue cut on at the fourth vertebral luint, and tbe breasts trimmed down; the shanks of the fore quarter shall be cut off from three to lour Indies aoove tne Kneejoint. ana oi ninu quarters from six to el it lit inches above the icambrel or bock Joint. Each bid to be accompanied by a bond (with at least two sureties) in the sum of TwoThousand Dollars for the faithful performance o the Proposal contained la the Uft. in case the Uid is accepted. All Bids must state tbe price per pound In U. 8. Gold Coin, but payment will be made In suuli fuDds as may be on haud on the day of payment for that purpose. at coin rates." The undersigned reserves to himself the right to reject any or all bids tbat he may deem unrertsonable. Hidden are invited to be present when the bids are opened. Proposals to be addressed to the undersigned, and en dorsed tnus: proposals tor rresn ueei. JAMES GILLISB, my30t8 Capt. A A. Q.fc., V. S. A , A. 0. S. ft Tns river Is beginning to cause considers ble alarm to tbe citizens os Main street. During the past twenty-four hours it bas risen about eighteen inches. T!ie dining room floor of tbe Umatilla House bas about one Inch of water in a part of It, and several stores along tbe line of Main street are beginning to leak, The. water now lacks about twelve inches of being on tbe. railroad track. Houses io tbe back part of town are in demand, and as consequence rents are up. Tbis has been very busy day on Main street; everybody, is either moving or making arrangements to do so... Tbe 0. Si N. Company's steamer, Valid bas been engaged in hauling rock to weight down tbe railroad bridge, which, we under stand, bas raised a little. . We are anxiously awaiting our turn. I'leasant thing moving printing office; we appreciate it highly, as do an printers,.. DALLES AND CANYON CITY STAGE company! Are now running regularly their line of CONCORD STAGES, BETWEEN UALLK8 & CANYON CITY TWICE A WEEK, CARRYING THE U. S. OVERLAND MAILS AND Wells, Fargo &Co.'s Express, Leavlnir Dalles every Tuesday and Friday, at 2 o'clock a. m., and canyou city on tne same days at ao'ciock a.m. Through In Two and a Half Days JAMES A. HENDERSON, Agent, Canyon City. Dalles Office Next door below Jos. Elfelt's, Main st. SAMUEL L. BROOKS, Agenti Dalles, May 26th, 1866. ' myJMt HO, FOR THE DEALY ROAD! SNOW OUT OP THEWAY. THIS B IAD IS NOW 80 FAR COMPLETED THAT it may be traveled by waicons uroat and small with ease aud safety. It Is Not Less than Fifty Miles Nearer to Boise Basin or Valley, or Owyhee thauany other route from Dalle. City. It Has Lower Kate, of Tolls, better gross, and shortei drives between waterlog places than any other rood across the mountains. This road though not completed io .all its sections, is offered to the trav.. eling pun 10 at very roiauuuble raies or toll. Teamsters, packets aud freighters from the Dalles will do well to examine this roud. If they do not like it. they can go tilty miles lurther round for about three times tne toil, aua nave no better road. By order of theJlood. Company. my23ml NOTICE. rmnit Montana transportation company aV will now receive and transport freight from Whit Bluffs to the upper end or navigation on Pen d'Orellle Lake, at the rate of $140 per ton. Freight sent to White Bluffs, marked "To the care of II, T. Co." will be for warded wltn dlspatou . J.A.ODKLL, myifiltf ' Agent, AUCTION AND HOUSE! No. 100 MAIN STREET, DALLES. THB UNDERSIGNED THANKFUL FOR PAST Favors, respectfully Informs the citizens of the Dalles, and the public generally, that he coutinues to sell at PUBLICAUCTION OK PRIVATE SALE, Real Estate, . General fllercuandlse, Giucerles, llorseN, Mules, ' Furniture, Mocks, &.C. titif REGULAR SALE DAYS, Tuesdays and Saturdays. Cash Advances made on Consignments, And PROMPT RETURN m de of sales. Out-door and Special Soles attended to in any part ot ' the city. JOHN WILLIAMS, Auctioneer. J". JUKE H , Slain Street, Dalles, WBOUStU INS BITAIL BEALSB IX CIGARS. TOBACCO, SNUFF PIPES, Sc o . ALWAYS III BTOai THI BUT BXAlfnS Of Cigars, Tobacco, Matches, &c PLAYING CARDS. POCKET CUTLERY, PORT MONIES, COMBS and BK08UE8, o' all kinds, PERFUMERY, ot every deecrlption, CHINA ORNAMENTS, TOYS, DOLLS, etc. FISH HOOKS and FISHING TACKLE, MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS, FANCY GOODS, Ac. Also Powder.Shot, Lead, Powder Flasks, Basket!, an many other articles too numerous to mention. ' H" Interior dealers supplied with Cigars, Tobacco, etc. at less than Portland prices, with freiaht added. ocJJ SELLING OFF AT COSTt J. GOETZ & CO.. BTONK BUILDING, WASHINGTON STREET, DALLES. Offer their well-selected stuck of TOBACCO, PIPES, YANKEE NOTIONS,. "v AND 8TATIONEEY, AT SAN FRANCISCO COST. mr27tf GATES & CHAPIN; WHOLESALE RETAIL ' D BUG GISTS,. STONE BUILDING, WASHINGTON STREET, , ' DALLES, OREGON,. Importers and Jobbers of,. PATENT MEDICINES, CHEMICALS A FANCY GOODS, , SODA, CORKS A ACIDS, . OILS, A ALCOHOL, PUKE WINES A LIQUORS, . PAINTS, GLASS A BRUSHES. . PHYSICIANS' rKESCBiPTIOJfSl Accurately compounded, i . PHOTOGRAPHIC EMPORIUM.. A full and eomplete assortment of all article! In th Photographic Line, at a SMALL ADVANCE ON SAN FRANCISCO PRICES. rMereuouta will please get our prices before ordsr- . Ing below. II. L. CHAPIN, JUSTIN GATE8. Dalles. Sacramento, Cal.-. UEMOCRATIC OLITD ROOM.. CORNER OF COURT AND MAIN STREETS. Open Dally until 10 o'cl'k, p.m. DEMOCRATS OF WASCO COUNTY are Invited to at tend, and enroll themselvei-aa members of the Club., GOOD SPEAKING may be expected each evening. By order of the Committee, m22d2w. JOHN WILLIAMS, Ch'o FOR SALE. ONE HUNDRED AND.8IXTY ACRES OF (AND, the property of the Mrs of John llalllgan. latelyder ceased.. The land is conveniently located ou Mill Creek, betwten the ol lims ot Theodore Mesplie and CaldwU't,. about three mile fiom Dalles City. It Is well watered, and contains a (rood house, barn and stable, a good or chard and aoont tweuty-Ave acres under improvement. For iulormatiou or purchase apply to Fether I. MeepUey or Gates A Uaft, Attorneys. Bailee, May O, IBM. tm, T.MESPI4E. . LAST CHANCEr: WE WOULD CALL THE ATTENTION OF THB -publlo to tbe lact that. w are Glueing out omr stock of . CLOTHIK.G,. DRY. GOODS, &C.,.&C; At Greatly Reduced Rates, And offer barira'tis which cannot fall to satisfy anybody wanting articles In our line. IJaJjn "WarlliIlg, ! : WTE INTEND CLOSING OUR BUSINESS HERE bv , It' the FIRST OF JUNE next,and we take this op portunity of once. more calllnK "pon those Indebted Io " us to rail and settle. We will not, if we can help (I place auy or our accounts in the hands of legal coiled tors; but if pbliged to do so, v.e shall have recourse te that when this notice expires. a28tjl M. DROWN A BRO. ' t DALLES Sc ItOCKLAlVO" FEEEY.. Landing Foot oflnon street. Tm? PROPRIETORS ARE NOW I REPARED WlWi' BTAUNCU ANDJtOOMY BOATS, to Travelers, Horses & Stock, In a Bah and expeditious, manner, and at JteatoaaVI Rates.. -