KOMANTIO BUT JDOUBTFUL StoUY OV Robert Lincoln. The Washington .correspondent of tlio Nashville Ban ner Buys: . . . ' " You romerabor Robert Lincoln, son of the late President? He was generally liked hero as tin amiable nnd intelligent young gentlemuii. not quito equal to his father in ability, hut of superior culiuro. A story is just now curront in which his oaruo Is so freely bandied, and bo universally, that, 8-joing-that all the parties are of jiublio notoriety, tlioro may bo no im propriety fn alluding to, it. Nearly two years ago, bo tbo story runs, Robi crt fell in love with a young lady whose father was at one time out of office and out of money. To bo in this condition in Washington is next to being convicted of forging a Gov ern men t bond or murder in the first degree, and the idea of marrying the lady in that condition was not to bo thought of. So the arniablo Robert sot about mending tho matter, and ra ado a desperate, effort 'le secure tho proposed father-in law a seat in the Lower House in Congress. lie failod in this, however, and was nt a dead halt, vrbon luckily a mom bor of tho Cabinet died. Ilcro wata a vacancy, and tho lover,, speeding on tho wings of passion, amorous, flew to the President, and 'stated tho whole case to him with great frankness.. "I like your way of doing business, Bob," said Mr. Lincoln, " and, if possible, I will work the thing for you." To cut a long tale short, ho did ""work it" tho broken-down politician became a rncinbor of the Cabinet; tho young affiance was soon converted into a lead er of fashion and all wont sweolly as n marriage-bell toward the wedding day. But tho adage never fails to hold its own, and in this, as in every othor case, the course of true love did not ruu smooth. Tho hand of the, as sassin interposed. - Tho young gontloman found himself bereft of a father, of fortune and of .place at one fell swoop. On theoth or hand, the Cabinet momber created by his interposition had experienced a change of fortune ; for, having shufs fled his cards skillful 7, he was just re turned a Sonator in Congress. The lady wavered, tho nuptials were post wooed," and finally, as visions of a guy career and hotter match began to flit- aoross her beautiful blue eyes, she re solved that sho' was not so much in love as she had boon, and she broke off "the engagement altogether. I . tell you tho talo as it was told to mo.,, ' 1' 1 Polyoamy. May God bless . the righteous; but tho men or wonven who raise their voices, or uso their in fluonco against that holy order of plu ral marriugos will bo cursed, and thoy will wither awuy for thoy havo urn dcrtaken to fight against God. Ilebcr C: Kimball in the bait Lake U abcmade, April 4r7i, 18GG. ; Proposals! for Grain. Atsistant Qu,UHTHMM'tin' OmcE, ... Font DsibLs, OuuaoK, Aluv lUih, WW), j CI KALED PROPOSALS, In duplicate, will be received n at this olllco until J'Jo'clo. kM. tin the 1st diiyoi June. 1SU0, for the supply of 1(M,0C0 pounds of Oats, to bo of good merchantable quality, and delivered and stored by the Contractor in such manner as tho Ass't Quartermas- tornt this Post may Irect, between tho time of the ii provul of said Contract and the 26th day of .liny, 1K;1. . Oats to be put up In sacks and weighed upon tiiu scales Mt this post betore being reccivou. Bids will be rceelvod for 25,000 pound and upwards; must 'Ate the price per pound in coin, and be uccomna. uled. by the names of at least two responsible parties as surotles, and be accompanied by an oath of ullegiauco to the (Jolted States. , . , ' In case a Bid Is Accepted, tlio Contractor will bo re quired to outer Into a lJuud for a reasonable amount, for the faithful performance of tlio Contract. Payment for the above-moutloneu tuuplies lll lis inoilo In such funds as mAy be furuisliod liy tho Govern .. nieut, at a rato equivalent to the coin price at the time or payment. The right to reject Any And All Bids In resorvod. Ulils to bo endoi sod " Proposals for Oats." Contracts will be subject to the approval of the De partment aud Division Commanders. , JAMES GILLIP, mytd Captain and A. Q. M., U. 8, Army. NOTICE. US IIEREDY GIVEN THAT A CALL MEETING OP M. the "Stock Kaisers' Mutual Aid Society" will bo held at Union School House, near A, D. Helton's, on Fifteen Mile Crook, nt 1 o'clock p. m., on Saturday. June 2d, 1808. D) 23td h. Lt HOWLANE, C, Si, A. S. Umatilla Boise, , AND IDAHO Express and Fast Sreiglit Line. nruiis line is nowin complete kvnntnq JL order from Umatilla to ldulm City, via Boine City, And prepared to curry Freight nnil Valuablo Packages between these and all iutermediate points withcertuiuty una despatcn. - - The L'lneia Stocked with the Best Teams the country affords and entirely New Thorough-Brace TiVliloh ensures Speed and Sifcjoty In the transmission of Freight, nover before ollered to Idaho. AVe offer Supo rior inducements for Shipping Goods from fan Frnnclro Ami Portland to Idaho, as our arrangements with the Ocean Steamship Company and the Oregon Steam Navi gation are such that all Goods shipped by this Line will Dot bo subject to the usual delays, but pass through as ITust Iroifjlit. Onods shipped from Pan Frntirlsrn to our care at Tort land, 'Charges will be paid and Goods shipped to destina tion. GOODS SHOULD BR MARKKD: CARE I). M. D. A CO., F. LINE, and Shipping UeceiptB sent to our Agents at Portland and Umatilla, Advance Charges for Transportation Paid by the Line anil Collected at Destination, floods will be forwurdod with Dispatch to owyhee and South Boise. PASSENGERS CARRIED AT GTIEATLY REDUCED RATES. Families will he furnlHhed with Superior Ac commodations In New and Easy Riding Thorough llrace Wagons on the Most Liberal Terms, Wo lay over each night on the Koad at Good nnd Convenient Stations, so that passengers will not be deprived of regular rest. AGKJSTSi RTCIIARDS McCHAKKN...'. Pan Francisco RICHARDS A McCltAKEN Portland JOSEPH TEAL .'. Dalles POWELL t 0E .; Umatilla .1. 11. WILKINSON Lc Grand 11. M. DullKLL A CO KoiBe City 11. M. DuRKLL & CO l Idaho City MAJOR Sl'KKIl Rocky liar (South Boise) DuKELL A MOORE llul.y ami Silvor Cities B. M. DuKELL &, CO., n23tf , Proprietors, - DR.. DAVY'S SPECIFIC COMPOUND, An Expeditious Cure for all dlBCABcs of tho S EXUAL ORGANS. fHIIIS prompt and efflcattouii Ht-me.ly for the cure .EL - OhononuBii, Oleet, Htricturen, and DinflaseB of the Urinary Organs, makes a speedy euro without the least restriction to diet, exposure or elm n go In application busiimBB; it will radically cure any case which can be produced. Tlio disease it remove as Rpeedliy an 1b con nistont with the production of a thorough and permanent cure. Further, tho iUhmiso cannot he contracted If the Sl'KCJKIO COMPOUND is taken when exposed, Its litKredionts aro entirely vegetable, and no Injurious effect, either constitutionally or locally, can be caused by Its use. Trice One Dollar and Fifty cents per bottle. Bent by Express carefully packed. nUMl'.TThlt, KM1TII ft DKAN. Agent, 401 and 403 Dattery street, cor Ciiiy, Jy22-0m. Kan Fnincinco. LINCOLN HOUSE, Corner Washington and Front Streets, PORTLAND, OREGON. F IRST-OLAS8 HOTEL. LARGEST IN THE STATE. Charges Reasonable. . AN OMNIBUS will attend all the Boats and convey Passengers nnd their baa-gape to the House Free of Charge, or to any other liousc in the 01 rv for 50 cents. S. COFFIN, Proprietor. ' P. 9-MI0T AND COLD BATHS In tho House. All the Steamers for Oregon City, Vancouver, Montt cello and Astoria laud at the Lincoln Iiouse Wharf. epl:3m , Public Sale Of Land for Dklisqurnt Txm for 1865. BY V1RTUB OF A WARRANT ISSUED OUT OF the Comity Court of the State of Oregon, for tho County of Wasco, on the Ulli day of April, A. D. 18U6, and to me directed, for the collection of delinquent taxes lor the year 18fi3-C4-J8, 1 have this day levied on the following described pieces and parcels ot land, lying and bei-ig In said State and County, In Dulles City, accoidinir to tho plat thereof, and on tho 2od day of Juno, A. D. lHfio, I will expose the enme, or siimuch thereof as shall be necessary to pay thotiucos and costs due thereon for tbo years I80S-C4-05, at public auction, at the Court IIouo door In Dalles City. In said Btato And County, be. tween the hours of 9 o'clock A.m. and 4 o'clock p. m., to the highest bidder therofor, in U. 8. Gold Coin. NAME. LOT. BLOCK. TAX. Jus. II. Fruit, (Laughlln's ad) 1803 12 9 $ l) 60 " " ' i..." MM 12 9 6 60 John Orutit 18C6 4 in ' " " "! 2 14 8 00 Simeon Bodyfets ." ' ptlO '8 10 80 Mrs. M. Million (Trovltt s nil).. '' 6 II 8 00 Mrs. JI. liell, (Ulgelow'suil).,.. 11 11-12 A 4 00 " .." ' . ... ," wUlO " '400 riias. roolldiro ... 2 0 2 00 Oeoige II. Elliot " . ... " 1.2 3 . 10 00 das, it. f ruit, (Langlillu s Ad) , " .12 1 0. 8 00 Frank Hnnka. " .. ." 1 14 36110 (loo. Johnson " vt . 14 Sat H 8 00 A. P. Minenr " '' ., " partU 1 1000 Francisco Velarde " .. " lit of 11 0 12 00 " CHARLES WI1ITR, Sheriff At d Tax Colloctor of Wasco couuti . Oregon. Dalles City. May 21t. 1800. my25w4 S. BI. IIOLDERNES8, 4 OS Front Street, BAN FRANCISCO, As A BUYER has lmd manv Years' oxnerletiee In Ran Frnnclscn, nnd Hatters himself as being able to give sat isfaction. Will All orders for responsible parties, and allow the usual credits. For advauces made, will charge the customary interest. Commissions wlll he reasona ble, and suited to the nature nnd amouutuf the tinsiness. llefers to Messrs. Ilumasou 4 Odoll, Attorneys At Haw, Dalles, Oregon. For further particulars, nddfoss as above. my23ni3 Final Settlement. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN to all persons Interest, ed in the estate of Andrew Watson, deceased, that A. L. Sutton. Administrator of said estate, lias filed his final account In the County Court of the State of Orcjron for tno County of Orutit, and that FRIDAY, the 8th day ot June, 1800, has been set for hearing Raid Account by aldConrt. W. h. HILL, - .Titdgo of Urant County. Canyon City, April 30tb, 1800. . mllw4 " DALLES CITY D KIT CI STOKE. p. craig, WHOLB8ALB AND RETAIL DEALER IN DRUGS, - MEDICINES, ' Perfumery, Fancy Soaps, PATENT MEDICINES. 4c, fl-tf DRUGS AND PATENT MEDWlNESH DRUGS -AND PATENT MEDICINES.!! DRUGS AND PATENT 'MEDICINES!! WIIOLF.SAI.S AND RKTAIL DRUGGIST, WAshington Street, bctweon Main and Second Streets DAMES, OKEGOX. 43 LEMON Is able to supply parties In want of Drngs, Patent Medicines. Chemicals, Acids, Perfumery, and every othor article enumoruted with tho WHOLESALE DRUG BUSINESS, At tlie lowest tnnrkot rntcH. I'byMlcianN and MurcliiuitB intend I np: to purchaue for the Minos, will do well to give him a call. TRUSSES & SHOULDER BRACES In groat 'variety. v 8. L1SMON, ap.S:tf. Waslitntou St., between Main adn Second. ' AXD MACHINE SHOP, FIItST 8TREKT, between Yamhill and, Morrison Clteam Knirlnei C? of from 4 to 4ii liorHe- . VjE?-tli& ft power.eithor lortaMeor tfr' VA Stfitlnnnrv. AUn. PIU. ? J . (tA 4fCl r.l7fsAll 'HAW MILI.M i,;vXl::f GOMPLK1K, constantly :M tlJV'"iA on hand. Also, llay f res- hand. Also, Hay Pres- fjf J$t&$t'& see s oi an sizes; I'lainnpt - i-p h1 v.r w Machines.(Woodwortl pattern.) Wroujr lit and Cant Iron work for Vor- tfral Sawand CI rint mil Ir; Brans and Iron Castings and WllOUGBIT IUOIV WORK of every description. I am also prepared to furnlnh Quartz Mills complete, of the Latest 3c most Improved Patterns. These Mills can beforwarded to any part of the mines as the weipht of the entire machinery will not exceed tt, 000 pounds. uorse rowers a Agricultural implements manulactiirud to order t thevorv IjWKST CAIHMtlCK IN. II. l'artlculor attention paid to 11KHA1K3. feiiO-tf Oregon Steam Navigation Co. SUMMER ARRANGEMENT, fir,?" ra-i iv ' (w TIIU STEAMEHS ... NEZ PERCE CHIEF, WEB-FOOT, ' TEMXO, ' , ' ; OWYHEE, ' ' YAKIMA, SPRAY & OK AX AC! OX, Captains E. F. COK, C. C. FI.TON. J. II. D. ai!AY,,and TIIOS. J, STUMP, Will run dnrlrR the season from CKI.II.O to I'MATTI LA. WA1.LULA, WI11TK lll.UFFS, l'AU'USJJ and LKWIKTON. One of te above named boats will leave CEUT.O for UMATILLA and WAM.ULA, on TUEHUAVS, TIlUHti DAVS And SATURDAYS. Xlo Passcncci' Train to connect with stvAmers at Oulilo will start from tho ltailioud Depot, DALLKS CITY, at & o'clock, a. h. , r FOll WII1TK PLDFF3. XIIE " YAICOXA.," CAIT. K. F. COK Commander. Will kn CEL1LO every EATUKDAY, for WHITE 1ILUFFS. . . . ... . FOB LKWIST0N. THE "OWYHEE," CAPT. FULTON Commander. Will leave WAIXIil.A every WKDNKfDHY (upon the arrival of tlio stennier tliut starts from Celllo on Tuea dayj, for LKWIKI'ON. FOItrOKTLAND T1IK0U0II IN ONE DAY. . ; The Steamers : "ONEONTA , 99 "IDAHO," CAPT. J. McNtJLTT,.... ......Coinmander, Will leAve DALtKS, DAILY. (Sundavs ejeeepted) At A o'eliKk, 1. M., connecting by the CASCADE UAlUtOAD, with the steamers - NEW WOKLD, - CASCABE, or WILS OTV G. IIXJJN X, CAP. J. WOLF ! Commnmler, f.. Portland. FRANK T. DODOE, Dalles, Apill S, 1860. ni:tf A Rent 0. 8. N, Co. B. V ALLAN. 0. W. AHMM. O. W. ABM18. ARMES DALLAM, Importers and Jobbers of WOOD AND WILLOW WARE, BRUSHES, TWINES, CORDAGE, t'o. And Manufacturers of California rails, Tabs, Brooms, Ac. 217 210 Sacrnment'o Street, between Front and Davis ton Francisco. . ocll:3mdw, DAILY M0UKTA1HEEK 44 POWER PItESSI BOCK k JOB PRINTING OFFICE. VI rt R I mat Vintwonn KTntn amA Tl DALLES... OREGON rSoB PRINTING OF EVERY VARIED executed witn accuracy ana dispatch, fH A STYLE THAT WILL COMPARE FAV0RAULY - with tho very best, and AT BATES AS CHEAP AS TEE CHEAP ST to ohdeh: Cards .1 l IS i B I -13 e n d d . CHECKS. DRAFTS, JIECKIFTS, POSTERS AND TROGKAMMES FOR THEATRES "CONCERTS EXHIBITIONS , ; fc, 6c, tie,, PRIHTKB IN ini HOST ATTBACT1VB K AKITUt. ALSO, WA Y-B1LLS. BILLS OF FAKE. ' LETT Jilt HEADS, KECEWT BOOKS. , BILLS LAD1KO, Eftriefs and iPatsspsiiel, YISITIKQ, WEDDING JKD "AT HOME" CAJIDS Irttgtslst.' Labels, Tn short, every thine; that can be done in a Book And Job Printing Oilice, from the smallest and most delimte Card or Circular, to the largest size and most showy 1'istiiiK Bill and which will be turned out in a ttyle that cannot fail to insure entire satisfaction. - oua rAoiunas run nil ixrcdtioh or 'JECOR ATI VE PRINTING Iu the most beautiful Colors, Shades and Tints. Such as Taney Posting Bills ! From a single Sheet to the Liugest alummoth, OKXA HEX TAL SHOW CA KDS. J'VllfVHEJIS' LA BEL,", rfc Aie unsurpassed by those of any other establishment In Oregon. We devote special attention to this brunch of t lie business, and are continually adding to our already exten sive and well appointed Assortment of material. NEW TYPES, BORDERS, ORNAMENTS. rfc- rfc., rfc, Of tbe most modern and elaborato designs. Our stock o. FANCY INKS, TINTS. AC, Are of the finest quality, and for richness of color And durability, cannot be equaled in the State. The principle npon which busiuees is asked for this es tablishment is. that persons will consult thoir own inter oats, by AwArding their custom to that oilice in which their nionay can be expended to the best advantage. To this end we solicit All in want of good Printing, at very reasonable charges, tu call aud oxAmine specimens, and ("due for yourselves. . Orders from the Upper Country Will have our special earo, and friends from the luterlo niAy rely upon having their orders lUle.l promptly, as m HAVE THE ONLY IMPROVED GORDON POWER PRESS In the State of Oregon I Address: ' . . , , MOUNTAINEER OFFICE , ni18-tf; Dalles. Oregon. JACKSON- SALOON! CORNER COURT AND SECOND STREETS, DALLES, ORffiOON, Till? TJJJDRTISiaNr'D, HAVING TtF.MOVED FROM THK '-UKI.LA UNION" CELLAR, INTO Gates' Now ISuiltlingM Beg to Inform the public that they aro prepared to serve their customers with the best , Wines, Liquors and Cigars, TUB MARKF.T AFFORDS. ALSO, A iFreeLunch! Every day and evening. i. . .. . B.SCHl'TZ A 8. KLEIV, , dcc2-lf Proprietors. Hard Wood Lumber. CARRIAGE AND WAGON MATERIALS WE BEO TO CALL ATTENTION of Carrlnge Jinn ufacturers and Dealers to the Large and Com plete Assortment of CARRIAGE and WAGON MATER I ALB we are constantly receiving from the East, specially selected for the California .market, comprising, Oak, Hickory, ond Second Growth Ash Plank, Hickory Axles, M ngim Poles, Hubs, Ppokes, Felloes, Rims, tjhalts, Ac. Ac, Which we oiler nt the lowest Cash Pikes. sT" OrdorB addrossod to our house will receive promp ' Attention. . N. M'. BRAGG A CO., . Jel6:3m. 20 k 31 Battory Street, San Francisco, and 17 ft 10 Seventh HI root Sacramento. -C. WATranorBx, 11. AY. Iliuaa A Co., J. W.Li8Tr Ban Francisco. " Sacramento. . Kow Voik TILLMAN, out AotKt is oAuroaittA ro TILTON & McFARLAND'S Fire fc Elurglar Proof Sales. STEEL-LINED VAULTS, wttn Com'binrxtion Lock. 4Ctmstantly band a full assortment of SAFES. 318 BATTERY STREET. JyC-Om , En Francisco '