CV Satin fttoimtatucer. WHO HAS FAVORED NEGRO 8CF- Prestdonf Johnson, whom the Democracy bypoerionlly profess to endorse, said that if 4ie was in Tennessee he would endeavor to have the negroes vote. On the 15th of Au fiint, 1865, he wroto a lotter to Governor Sharkey, of Mississippi, in which he used this language : , -" I am gratififd to see that jou have or ganized a convention without difficulty, and "hope that without delay ihe convention will nine ill the Stute Constitution, abolishing sluvery, and deny future Legislatures power to make property in man. If you could ex tend the elective franchise to all persons of tolor who can read the Constitution and write their name, and to all persons of color who own real estate viifued at not less than 1 $250 and pay taxes thereon;, you would completely disarm the adversary, and set an -example that other State will follow. This you can do with perfect safety, and yon will thus place the Southern States, in reference persona of color, upon me same oasis wijj lo States. 1 hope ana trust tour eonve in will do this.1' . Tha niimnrntio. nartr rfivn the negroes w " " - " 1 1 n i tho right to vote in New York, and that Stale lias been mi ler the contro'l of that party much of the time since, yet the provision lias not been changed. Martin Van. Buren took an active part in extending the right of suffrage to the negroes, and bis acts were Approved by the Democratic party in electing liim President. Negroes voted is Delaware for fifty-five years. In- North Carolina for sixty years. In Georgia for over sixty-two years. In Ten Q033eo for forty years. Ia Maryland for thirty two years. Parson Brownlow snyi : ' My recollection is that in every Southern State, except South Carolina, the right of fluff, airo was orieinally exercised by free blacks. The original Constitutions of Dela ware, Maryland, Virginia, North Carolina Md Georgia, members of the old thirteen, make no mention of color in defining.the .qualifications of voters. Up to the time of tho adoption of the amended Constitution, la 1835, negroe voted in Tennessee, and the leading politicians of the State Importuned them for their votes. In Maryland they voted until 1833, and in North Carolina they voted as late as 1835. Oregon Statesman. TO THE PUBLIC. Mr S. S. M irkham publishes the following letter in the A'lbany Journal, of the 25tU Instant : Albany, May 24th, 1866. llaving been Informed that it is being re ported tuat I have retracted the statements which wtre published in the Albany Journal, of May 18th, over my signature, exposing the schemes of the treasonable organization into which I was initiated in the office of Cranor & Helm, In the town of Albany, I deem It my duty to publicly pronounce such, report false. The statements contained in my communication in the Journal, above re ferred to, I here reiterate. They are true, ard I will make affidavit to them if neces sary. Oeorge R. Helm knows they at true. He was the man who with all solemnity ad ministered to me the oath of secrecy, I hav ing first been assured that there was nothing treasonable in the order. Afterwards I learned that the assurances that had been given were false by the Instructions- given me to give signs to the rebels on the battle ' field to make them know I was their friend. .With all the evidence now before the public, proving the existence of this treasonable or der in Oregon, I am surprised that some havo attempted to make it appear that Mr. Helm was merely perpetrating a little joke upon me. I know and Mr. Helm and others know that the meeting I attended was ear nest, plotting and tre-isonable, If voluntarily going over' to the enemies of our country upon the field of battle is treasoni . AVe herebY certify that we have oeon per- snnallr acaiiftiDtea witn nr. is. a. juiuKnani, maoy of us for a period. of fifteon year, and he has borne -me' reputation ui u uumn, truthful and upright man. We know him to be in every way. worthy of confidence and belief: J. U. Foster, A, Aanan, John Smith, O. H. Baker. J. Men.lenhall, Milton Hale, D. Froman, E. H. Griffin, D. Beach, B. R. Free land, D. II. Bodine, W. Monteith, J. 0. PoweJI, Thomas Monteith, D D. Gray, John Forster. Tu MiaaiMa Hoy. No tidings of the son of Captain Smith, who was lost on Saturday, morning, had been obtained up to last event ine. H is barelypos8ible that he is safe, having taken passage In some skiff going out of town. Farmers who .use small boats to visit tho c'ty, and others who may be In the habit of rowing in the river, are requested to. give any iniormatioo, concerning the . boy tuev may be possessed of. Oregomaa. Little Fay. An old (uhabitantremembers tlm bachelor's hall once kept by this black- truard and negro barber. Sam. Harris, in a. Tittle building opposite tho City HoteUii Corvallis. Ham soon nocamB msguaiuu. iv his companion and dissolved partnership j since that time no negro u u willing to equalise bimsolf with this little foulmoiHlwd bummer. Corvallis Gazette. 0. 8. Miun, Dalles. Bloch, Miller & Co., WHOLESALE O It O C E R'-S , AND DEALERS IS I. Wines fc Liquors, And Importer! and Jobbera of OLOTHI3STG Boots & Shoes, Under Clothing, ltlankets, etc., etc., etc. ASSAY OFFICE. iwru HAVE AN ASSAY OFFICE IN CONNECTION W with our bnalneas, under the entire supervision nf Mr. Miller. We make returns in Bare In six hours- We guarantee all our Assays and pay the UIOIIK9T CASH PIUUIs ror uars. we also pay me uignssi Cash Pr ce for OoJd Dual. BLOCH, MILIAR OJ., myStf Cor. Main and Washington atroeta, Dallea, DEALERS IN HARDWARE, IRON & STEEL. GROCERIES. BY TUB PACKAGE. FOR CSH," At San Francisco Prices, Adding coat of Transportation. GUMMINO k GRANT, Dallea, Oregon. mlJtf Ordinance No. 39. AN ORDINANCE to Llcenae Hotel and ateamboat Runners. he people of Dallea City do ordain aa follow! s Skotiox 1. Anv person who ahall aollclt patronage for a Hotel or Stemnumt, commonly called a unnner," witliin the cnrporiite limits of Dallea City, ahall theretor procure a License froia the Recorder, and ahall pay therefor into the city treasury the aum o( Ten JMliara fur evorv threa inontha. Sis. 2. Anv noraon who ahall do business aa a rnnner, who by nmllclou A misrepresentations ahall injure, or ai tempt to Injure any Hotel, Restaurant or ateamboat, ahall, on conviction thereof, be punished by a line in any aum not exceeding twenty dollars for each and every offense. Han. 8. Anv nerson who ahall do bualnesa aa a runner without procuring a llcenae therefor, ahall, on convic tion tuereoi, oe punianea uy a n ,e in mo sum tvumj gio. 4. This ordinance ahall take effeot and be la force from and after the 2d day of J una, lobtl. Pasae May 16th, 1808. G. B. GILMAV, II. CtTLiY, Recorder. my28d6t M'f, A. CARD. mflT ADAME LE TELLIEK WOULD RBSPEOTPULLY 11 m Inforni the Idiea of the Dalles and vicinity, mat aha ia now prepared to do all kinds of DRESS, CLOAK, anrfPAI.KiWmaklnir. Also. CUTTING aud FITTING In a new and improved stylo, never before Introduced lo She will warrant to give antlafaction, aud would moat respectfully solicit a liberal palrouage. In the Rooms latelv occunied by Mm. White, over Degener's Store, on Washington street, betweea Second and Third. Diilles, March 87th, 1868 mr27tf FRED. LlEBEa GROCERY, PROVISION, AND FRUIT STORE Waalifngton Street, oppoalta French Gllmmn'it Dulles. Iltu on nana ft large uuu weu-Kawr-au w u GROCERIES & PROVISIONS, ITirosh Butter Egsay Received dally. A large lot of CHICKENS always on ..-I VII IT! Til nf n kimla. VIllMII VEGETABLES every morniug. AH artlolea warranted. Give Mo a Call, Everybody PRICES LOW. an!8:tf J. LTEBE. J. F. KELLOGG, DENTIST, Main St. i Dallea, Oregon. AFTER NEARLY SIXTEEN YEARS fv i Practice in his profession, won Id JESel,??' respectfully inform the clttsene of the GxTTt1 riAiina ami the nublio aenerallr. that h I I I I has leased the DeuUl OlUce lately oocnpled. by J. W . UOIILEY, Dentist, where he can be found prepared to at tend to those requiring nia proiessionai services. Ornca Ilorms From 8 o'clock, a. ., to 12 u ; and from lo ClocK. f. at. to 0 P. at. "ion NEW YOUK JJA.lili.ltY AND. GROCERY STORE Main street Dallea. mh23tf FREDERICK BEN7.ER, Notice. TriB COMMON C0UNCIL0F DALLES CITY, Orfeon will ait aa a "Board of Eqvrili7.ntin " at the llocor der'a oftlce lin Satur ay, June 2d, 1808, nt I p. m. All Iiartlea who mny foel auttrlevod by aojr asuoaament made ly the Recorder of Dalloe City, are hereby requestt-d to that all errors in Vhiuutlon or deacriptiou of Iota land or other property, may be there corrected, bcfoi'i. the city taxes tor me current year are icvieu. n, ,..1. r tl,H Common Council . my '81d . . U CATLET.Uccorder. Isaac F. IUocn, San Francisco. WALDRON BROS., Wholesale & Retail Druggists, Malt Street, Dallea, Oregon. WE NOW OCCUPY OUR NEW TWO STORY FIRE proof Stone building, opposite Uloch, Miller A Co., and offeMo the public a full and complete atock of Drug!, Medloiuee and Chomlcnla, conaiatlng iu part of KEROSKNE, LAMP WlCItS 4 CHIMNEYS 110P8, BAUE, Bl'OSOKS. LEECHES, TURPENTINE, ALCOHOL, ACIDS, LINSEED. I.Ann COkkc CASTOR AND N KAT3Y00T Oil, INDIOO AND LANPBLACK TRUSSES, SHOULDER BRACES. SUPPORTERS. AND ' PATKNT MKDICItlES. Our atock of FANCY OOOUSIaof the finest , and beat quality; new atylesond large assortments, such as iiUllin'S f KUFUKBKI, 11A1K, LLBIN'STOILETSOAP, lfLKSH, ' POMADES. BIIAVINQ . " COSMETICS,. 1IAT, v UAIItOILS; CLOTUJ5S, COLOONB. TWWIIAND FANCY SOAPS AND MAIL BRU8IIRB TOOTH POWDKIle, AND COMBS, PURE WINES AND LIQUORS, For Medicinal numosea. Our facilities for buying gooda are aeoond to none In the Stain, and we aliall at all times aell aa a small ad vance from coat. Itooiiy aatea and email prouts. PHYSICIANS' rRKSCttlPTIONS Care(ully compounded at all houra of the day and night, DalUM.Bept.v, woo. eeiu-u VEBY-IMPOBXAJiT TO Merchants, Families, Hotels and UAR.ROUMH. TULIUS KRAEMEK HAVING BOUGHT TUB EN ej tire Stock of Merchandise and Book Accouute of the late firm ol VI. Seller A Co., In thlaclty, to which hehaa added or Me own importation (while doing business id Portland) an imuienae siock oi tne beat nianuiacturea Crockery, Glassware, Plated Ware, Lamps, Chandeliers, Table Cutler' Looklng-Glaftscg and -All Kinds of Oils, All of which he offera at reduced ratea. Pereon wish ing to buy any of the above-mentioned articlea, will do wen to give me a can Deiore purcnaaing eiaewnere, . Urdera rrom tne interior promptly attended, to, and arooda packed to ico aecure. Don't fail to call on uw. llndlo'a Stone Building, Waahlngton atreet, DaHea. JUliiUB B.AIUlJSn. Dallea, March 17 th, 1806. mhl7 tf ONE HUNDREDMILES SAVED 1 BL VCKFOOT & BIG BEND MINES BY WAY OF Wliite Bluffs! THE SHORTEST AND SAFEST ROAD For Land Travel. Distance from Dallea to White Bluffs .100 miles ', White Bluffs to Pen d'Oieille 160 to Colvllls 170 1 Travelers by land for eitherof the above Gold Flelda, win save . Save Time Distance and Money By taking the White Bluff Road. Wood,-Water and Grass Aro found on this Road within easy drive , The road la now open, and poaaeaaea advantages over any other land route irom tne uaiies. rUDlianeu UJ uruer ui ' JIIE CITIZENS OF TUB DALLES. Dalles, March, 30, 1866. m20:2m. W. 13. DOUGLASS, 4 (Suocessor to William Blrnbaum.) PRACTICAL WATCHMAKER AID DlAlta l!f - t Iiiro Watches ANDJEWBLRY, WNVITBS THE ATTENTION OF 1118 FRIENDS AND M. the Vubllo to hie ckoice.aelection or New and FasMonable Goods, ReanectfntW sulicltlnc their patronage, Wa'chea PROMl'TLY- and PROPERLY repaired ana WAltKANTED. niUtf Next Door totbiePost Office F . D E,H M , ( Watchmaker aniL Jeweler, MAIN STREET; DALLES, DEALER IN. FINE WATUIIK8, JKWBiiin, CLOCKS, Gold Pena,8ilver and Plated Ware, PntlnFT. Ac. avPartinuUr attention nald to repalrinff fine' Watohea, Clocka, Jewelry, etc All Watches repaired by nie warranted ror tweue nionma N.D. All ordera from the upper nountry, by Lxprcas or otherwise, promptly attendod to. PROF. MURRAY'S MAGIC OIL, For Sale by QATE8 k CUAriNV. ALSO. AGENTS FOR DR. DTJNCAN'B Whooping Cough Specific.. FRANKLIN MARKET. CORNER OFSECOND AND WASHINGTON STREETS - DAIiLES,- OREQOK, . JOHN EPP1NGKR Proprietor milK TOUKRSIONED M. having fitted up the mve Market In the BE-T STYLE, will keopconstantJ ly on hand ail aorta of resu and enrea meats. Of the beat quality furalaheda the LOWEST. RATE My motto la to " PLEASE ALIh" PARTIES nAVINO SUPERIOR STOCK FOR BALI" X wiU do well to call at the V ranklin Market. JOHN EPPINGER. Dalloe,- February 10th, 188S. UASIlL(iHr MARKET. eoaasa or COURT AND SECOND STREETS, DALLES, OREGON ' JOHN MICHELBACH, Proprietor. WILL KEEP - conatantly on hand all th wirle- i mea mat tut niariuiioan poeeiuiy afford. of ii i FRESH &; CURED MKAT8K ' and alwaya of Uia beat quality. FAMILIES, HOTELS, AND STEAMBOATS nppiled on reaaonable terma. ' Tb nndersigneq.Ia alwaya prepared to pay the high eatcaah price lor "A9' CATTLE. Parties baTlug stock. In good condition, are repeated to call on hint before going elaewhere. . JOHN MIOUELBACU. Dallea, March 31at,1805r. mUSltf NOTICE TO FARMERS T nE DALLES LUMBER AND MANUFACTURING' COMPAN Y haa recently attached a FLOURING MILL to their Steam Bash and Door Factory, In this City, and-, are now prepared to CHOP FEED, GRIND WHEAT aaoW CORN, and warrant t give tlx best satisfaction. On- uand constantly and ror aaie VXXRA FAMILY1 FLOUR, SECONDS OR MIDDLINGS)1 DRAM AND 8I10KT8, a CHOP FEED, CHICKEN FEES.. Also, a Superior article of CORN MEAL, from Dew- Corn. The hlgheat market price paid for WHEAT, CORN a ' . BARLEY. U. A. UOGUE, Agent. Dallea, Nov, 2, 1868. n8tf. . A.. BRADFORD, IMPORTER AND JOBBER OF Wines JSc Liq,irors FRONT STREET, POrtIBdv m m- m. m- OngSB... OFTORS- FOR SALE. A TERY LARGS A880KT, ment of, Brandies, Wines,. Llquorth Case Good&v c5tOt- &Cs cVC 49 The-Trade la particularly Incited to examine mv stock-before purcbaaing elaewhere. . auM-tf II.HER31AN&CO MAIN 8T DALLES, OPPOSITE EMPIRE HOTEL, AVE JU3T3E0EIVED A BEAUTIFUL STOCK 01 8PRIWG; AHTD SUMMEtt GOODS,. ' Conaiiting In part of Fancy and-StapIe Dry Goods Clotailng,. . Uoots& Shoes, Which they offor to aell at SMALL PROFITS- ' Dalles, March 27th, 1866. mr2Ttf MONTANA! IDAHO! WASHOE. WE. ARK PUTTING TJP OVBk OR1UINAL SUPERIOR BRAND OF GROITKD. JAVA. COFFEE, CIIARTRES COFFEE, IS DOUDLE GLAZBD PAPERS, To preserre Its strength and flavor for. the length of time required to be t rwarded to the above places. Jtor sale by all the Jobbs"t,and ' MARDEN k I0LOER, . Fldnoer Steam Coffoe and Spies Mills, al8ml))2 2AI Front Street, Ban SraucUco F llltS, WOOL aud HIDES- fJMIE IIIQ UEST OABQ PRICK PAID FOR JFCRS, WOOL, AND HIDES, af MoCRAKKN, MERRILL k CO.'S 10 North Front Ulreet, Portland., mhl83m BOOKS! BOOKS V, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL. Btondurd and Mlacellaneone WORK8, NllVKI. MAGAZINES. PAPERS,, Ac.. Ac. by evory Stoamer; Post-0 til oe iiookstore, Main street, Dalles Garden SeetlS tor the million. BaT-tf " H- J. WALDR0X CRYSTAL SALOON! -AND . I3ILI-IA.r ROOM, ' JOHN RINDLAVB, Proprietor.. WASHINGTON ST., next deor lo FRENCH k OILMAN-! . NOTICE... , J If AVE appointed E. E. HAFT my Authorised A(Mit ' to collect all moneys due ma, and attend to nT pni-i teas generally,- lu3tfj M. IIEKIO,