Cry- lailg fPottttiaittOT. WEDNESDAY EVENING, MAI 30, 1SC6. Ala. Rort. Baow&, residing in Lino county, had his right leg amputated above the knee lastwee't. Thb fruit in Northern California and South ern Oregon has nearly all been killed by frost. ' Til city election in Indianapolis, Ioj., on April 8th, resulted in the election of the Union ticket by an average majority of nearly 4,000. . V. B. Carter, of the Corvallis Gazette, is preparing to commence the publication of a monthly p'apor, to be devoted to the temper ance cause, and to be the organ of the I. 0. of Good Templars. A Fizzle. L, Stout and Judge Wait tried hard to raise a crowd In Corvallis last week, to tell men how to vote ; but the people did not appreciate being bored, and so would not attend,, which causod the rally to fizzle. What has become of the Index t We have not seen its familiar face for about a month. We are inclined to the opinion that its Dem ocratic boiler must havo " busted " from an over-dose of bad whisky bat we are mis taken, for the editor of the Index belongs to tUo (intemperance society. Fay said in bis speech at Eugene City that he would be In favor of admitting Jeff. Davis to a seat in the United States Senate if be should, be elected by Mississippi or any other Southern State. .Do' the citizens of Wasco . county desire to be represented in Congress by such a man as this ? We think not, and will so decide on Monday neit. " Things, have changed very much in the latt tour years, f our years ago we naa a great war npon our hands." Lane, in hi tpeeeh at the Court Uoute tn Eugene City. Should'nt b surprised. Four years ago you would have gone South to fight with Davis & Co., if yon could have got there. Your bree-thren were there so the family were represented. Wi learn that Lieut. W. I. Henderson has bwn' transferred from the 12th U S Infantry t&' the" 1st U. S. Cavalry, in the regular army. -State Journal. Wonder if there are such things as exam ining boards In the regular army ? If there are, we tbiuk Lieut. Henderson's chances of getting Into any regiment are very slim. We see it going the rounds of the press that the Grand Lodge I. 0. O. F. had an ex cursion to Celilo, while In session in this city, by Invitation of the O. S. N. Company. 'ibis is a mistaicer iue invitation was ex tended by Columbia Lodge, of this city, who paid the Company for the trip. This, we believe, originated in. the Oregonian, and should be corrected injustice to the members of Columbia Lodge. Ever citizen of this county who desires to see our local interests advanced must vote the whole Union ticket. The candidates are all honorable men,, and are well known to every citizen. True, there are some good men, and some we personally respect on the other ticket, yet they are in bad company, add will have to be classed with the com pany they keep. The proof that some of the candidates on the Democratic State ticket are disloyal, and have taken treasonable oaths, is overwhelming. The standard bear ers dt' the Democracy say they are for "prin ciples"' and "not for men." They are for the ptinciplos of their oath-bonnd, treasona bio associations. The Onion party are for men and principles. It is for the voter to choose between, the black sheep and the wuito. - Jons B. WHr.LSR, whose name is notorious 'throughout the coast as a traitor to. his country, an advocate of a FaciBo Republic, ana a plotter or treason), has bis thumb paper posters out to speak at the Court House on Saturday. We learn that he intends going with the Rev. Carvingfork Smith to Brownsville on next Tuesday. We wonld adviso our Copperhead friends to endeavor to procure a piece of .Airs, euratt's old dress or a lock of hair from the bead of J. Wilkes Booth for their speakers to exhibit.. Great enthusiasm could be raised among the faith ful by exhibiting such precious Democratic relics. Albany Journal. A man of the same name is " posted" to speak here on Saturday night. The Rev Carvingfork is not announced ; ' but we have a natural curiosity from Polk here, who lbs vwuiuvrma siuton occasionally. .-.. v Speaking Last Etching. The candidates for the Legislature addressed the citizens at Cbapin's Hall last evening. The Hall was well filled with anxious listeners to the speak ers. Mr. Hogue opened the debate, and took the ground on national affairs as has all the candidates of the Union party. On local is sues he showed, and we think to the satis faction of all present, that in regard to the petition for the reduction of the salary of the County Judge, that it was gotten np through personal and political motives, and not for the benefit of the tax-payers of this county. He stated, on authority, that somo of the names attached to the petilion were forgeries, and, as good authority, he men tioned that of J. E. Kelly, who, he said, never signed nor authorized the signing of bis name to the document by any one. We' also noticed in the reading of the names that J. W; Blakely was" not satisfied with his sig nature'once, for his name ngpears three timee on the petition. Thus it will be seen that the whole thing was gotten up through po liiical and personal prejudice, as stated by Mr. ITogue. On the matter of county finan ces he showed that when the present county officers came into office that this county had a heavy debt banging over it ; and that now we are out debt and the county scrip is worth ninety-five cents the value of sccip four years ago was forty cents on the dollar. His position on the Senatorial questioa is as we noticed a day or two since. He is thor oughly a friend, of J. W. Nesmitb for re electiona friend that will be found when he is wanted; not bound up by party cau cuses, but free to cast his vote for he man who is by far the choieeof the people of this county. Mr. Uumason followed Mr. Hogne through his argument in national affairs. He said that the Democracy was always on the side of the Constitution and the laws ; be did not want red banded traitors admitted to Con gress nntil they were pardoned then be was In favor of admitting them. This, be said, Is the position of J. D. Fay and his party. Now, this sounded rather bad, coming from Judge Hmnason. Did be think two years ago that the Democratic party was on the side of the Constitution and the taws? We think not. If be did, he certainly acted wrong in bis opposition to and denunciation of it at that time. Was not the Democratic party the same then that it is now? They say their principles never change. If they were opposed to the Constitution and the pcrpetui.ty of the Government two years ago, as then advocated by Mr. Uumason, are they not still opposed to them? We caunot see by what presto change arrangement this par ty is brought to be the Union party of the country if we take their doctrine for it- that their principle- never change, Mr. Uumason grossly misrepresented J. D. Fay's position on the admission of Representatives to Con gress. Mr. Fay has declared In every speech he has made that be is In favor of admitting everybody who presents credentials with out questioning ineir loyally :. ana we are compelled to take bis as the doctrine of the party. We have not space to follow Mr Humason through his entire speech. On our county affairs be dealt some time on bis pe tition be said he was the author of it ; he drew it upand circulated, but he failed to explain how the name of the Democratic candidate for Governor J. K. Kelly came on it, and bow it was. that I. W. Blakely's name appeared on it three times. He thought the salary of the County Judge was too high that f COO a year was sufficient compensation did not know why the salary had been in creased to $1,200 ; no persons petitioned or asked the Legislature to do It. We are cog nix-ant of the factsin thecase,having been Sec retary of the Convention that put Judge Den ny in nomination for the office. In that Con veatlon he was solicited by Messrs. Newell Logan, and others, then prominent men in the Union party in this county, to withdraw from the nomination for tho Legislature and they would, give him County Judge, an promised, in our presence, to have the salary Increased to the present figures. These are the facts in the matter, and we wore of th opinion that Mr. Hmnason knew all about it He favored the re-eleoiion of J. W. N'csmith to' the United States Senate, "first, last and all the time" Will he ot Mr. Dodge refuse' (o go into and support the nominee Democratic caucus? ? Not much.. Mr. Koegel was next called for, and made a short speech. ,He had the utmost confidence n the integrity of President Johnson, and the ial adjustment of the present questions by the party in power. He was sound on the Senatorial question; being a "brother chip" of ; NnRfniLh'H. hn wmilfl vntn fnr him. Air. llflB- i . ' . ..... . i get Uinus BC nioi JUU juiuiD su uta ''vvU and at different times " brought down the ouse." , Mr. Dodge was also very brief, in fact be ad notbine to say. He appeared much em barrassed, and without his mentioning it, any person could see that it was bis ''Drat appear ance on any boards." He said he was a Dem ocrat; always bad been one; endorsed the platform of the Democratic State Convention ; would favor the re-election of Mr. Nesmitb ; was in Washington last winter; saw the Sec tor ; found bim a last friend of Eastern Ore gon. JJe would work in tlie Le6lslalure, if elected, for the interests of this county. Mr. Dodge did not enlighten us how he stood on any political question, nor on-our county af fairs further than is noticed. Bring one of the "true blue," we suppose he swallows verything in the name of Democracy, even treason, when dUguisod in that shape. Mr. Hogue was replying to Mr. Humason's speech Then we left the hull at 11 o'clock p. m. Tnr It. Hull's Sarsaparllla, Yellow Dock and Iodide Potass is the best blood parifler tn the world, and Is peculiarly adapted to the l'aciflc Coast. Columbia Lodge, No. O, I. O. O. F.- Meets every Friday evening at T o'clock, iu Qates Uall, corner of Second and Court Streets. Brothers In good standing are Invited to attend. By order. N. G. Wasco Lodge, No. 13, A. P. efc A. M. Holds Its stated Communication on the Firet end Third Mondays of each month, at tholr hall, tn Dalles City. Brethren in good standing are invited to attend. By order of the W. M. Beth L. Pops, Sec'y. Religious Notice. Cathouo Cnuacn Morning service: Moss, at 10 oMovk. Evening service: Vespers and Benediction, at Vi o'clock. Sunday School at 2 o'clock, p.m. azomi rjriii&ii u. uiBLir.i.uAn, rasior. Proposal!! f or Fresh Beer. -Owes or A. 0. 8. Fort, Oregon, May 30th, 1800. J BALED PR0P08ALS In duplicate will bo received at this olllco until J a o'clock a., BaturJay, Juue Utu, 1806, for the furnishing of To the Troops and Employees At this Post, for the fiscal year commencing July 1st, 1880, and ending June Uutb, 1001 . Said Fresh Beef to be of good and merchantable Qual ity, and in equal proportion ot fore and Itind quarter uieat.inecKS. enaiiKS ana Kinney tauow to do excluded) and to be delivered on such days aud in such quantities an tne uomiuanuiag utneer ot tins rost may designate. 'xne necKs oi tne cattle slaughtered suaii be cut on at the fourth vertebral Joint, and tiie breasts trimmed down; the shanks of the fore quarter shall be cut off front three to four inches above the knee-joint, and of hiud quarters irom six to eigut incues auove tne gamurei or nock Joint. jsaeu uiu to pe accompanied iy a uona (witii at leas, two sureties in the euiu of Two Thousand Dollars for the faithful performance o' the Proposal contained In the Bid, in cose the Bid is accepted. All Bids mnit state the price per pound In D. 8. Gold Coin, but payment will be made In such funds, as inav be on hnnd on the day of payment for that purpose, "at coin rates." The undersigned reserves to himself the right to reject any or all bids that he may deem unreasonable. Bidders are iavited to be present when the bids are openeo. Proposals to be addressed to the undersigned, and en- aorsea tuus: "rroposais lor rresn beer." JAMES UILI.1FS, my30l8. Capt. 4 A. Q. M., U. 8. A , A. C. 8 DALLES AND CANYON CITY STAGE 2COMPANY& Are-now running regularly their line of CONCORD STAGES, BETWEEN JJALIiKI & CANYON CITY, TWICE A WEEK, CARRYINO THE U. S. OVERLAND MAILS AND , Weill, Fargo & Co.'h Express, Leaving Dalle every Tuesday and Friday, at 3 o'clock B.UL, au utnyon Ulty ou the same days at il o'clock a, Through, in Two and a Hair Days JAMES A. HENDERSON, Agent, Canyon City. Dalle Office Next door below Jos. Kl foil's, Main t. SAMUEL L. B1100K8, Agent. Dalloa, Maja0thv136, HIS Mil DEMOCRATIC CLIU ROOM. CORNER OF COURT AND MAIN STREETS. Open Dully, mull 10 o'cl'k, p.m. HEM0CRAT3 OF WASCO COUNTY.nre Invited In ar. Mjf tend, and enroll themselves as members vf the vuio. HOOD 8P12AKINO may be expected each exiling. By order of tho Committee, B)22d2w joil.N Wli,UAMS, Cli'n l Oit SALE. J " nut. nn.ur.U. and contains a good houe, bam and stable, a good or chard and about tweuty-livo Korea under linpiovement. For lulormutlon or purchase apply to Father 1. MesDiie or Oatea a Haft, Attorneys. ' nit it i ..... i Dalles, May il, 1800. 1 lm . T. ME3PLIJI. ONK HUNflKKD AND SIXTY ACRKS OF. LAND, tho ' pi'ucrty .,f the heirs of John tlnlllguu, lately de ceased. 'Hie land 1. conveniently located on Mill Creek, between the oiims ol Tneodore Mesplie and Caldwell's, about three niilus ti-utn IhiiiH imiv it iM u.ii ..... . AUCTION AND COMMISSION HOUSE! No. 100 MI STREET, DALLES. nr,nB UNDER SIGN RR THANKFUL FOR PAST - I X Furore, reBiwcttully tutoring the eitlaone of t) DhNw, and the public generally, that he coutinues to gun uv PUBLIC AXJCTIOPi OH PltlVATK BALE, Real Estate, General Merchandise, Ciiocerles, Uoi-geN, Mules. Furniture, ' Mocks, &.C. &c REGULAR SALE CAYS, Tuesdays and Saturdays. Cash Advances made on Consignments, And PROMPT RETURN in de of nalos. Outdoor and Special Sales attended to In any partot the city. JOHN WILLIAMS, Auctioneer. J. JUKE 33, , Slain Street, Dalles, WHOUSAU AND BITAIL DIAUB IK CIGARS. TOBACCO, SNTJIT, PIPES, &o. ALWAYS IK ST0K1 TBI BIST BKAKSg OF Cigars, Tobacco, Matches, &e. P LATINO CARDS. POCKET CUTUJRY, PORT MONIK8, COM 1)8 and BRUSHES, o' all kinds, . . PKKFUMKRY, ot every description, CHINA ORNAMKNT8 TOYS, DOLLS, etc. FISH HOOKS and FI8HTNG TACKLE, - MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS, FANCY GOODS, Ac. - ' Also Powder, Shot, Lead, Powder Flaiks, Baskets, anil many other articles too numerous to mejtion. T Interior dealers supplied with Cig irs, Tobacco, etc. ' at less than Portland prices, with freight added, oc-a SELLING OFF AT COST! J. GOETZ & CO.. 8T0NK BUILDING, WASHINGTON STREET, DALLES, Offer their well-selected stock of TOBACCO, SUGARS, PIPES, YANKEE NOTIONS, AND STATIONEEYt AT SA.N FRANCISCO COST. mrtfTtf GATES & CHAPIN WHOLESALE A RETAIL ID R TJ GGI8T S , STONE BUILDING, WASHINGTON STREET, " DALLES, OREGON. ' Importer and Jobber! of PATENT MEDICINES, CHEMICALS FANCY GOODS, BODA, CORKS A ACIDS, OILS, A ALCOHOL, .. PURE WINES LIQUORS, . PAINTS, GLASS BRUSHES. PHYSICIANS' PBKSCBIPTIOXS Accurately compounded. PHOTOGRAPHIC EMPORIUM. A foil and complete assortment of all article in the Photographic Line, at a SMALL ADVANCE O.N HAS FRANCISCO PRICES. . ' Merchauts will please get our prices before order ing below. . U. L. CHAPIN, , Dalle. JUSTIN QATES. Sacramento, Cal, LAST CIIANCEl WI WOULD CALL THE ATTENTION OF TnR' publio to th tact that we are closing out our., took of . clothingV dry goods, c, &c.,, At Greatly Reduced Rates, And offer barga n which cannot fall to satisfy anybody ; wanting articles in uir II ne; ' ' Fair "Warning" ! VrE INTEND CL0B1NO OUR BUSINESS HERE by the FIRST OF JUNK ntt,and we take this op. . pnrtmiity of once-more calling npon those iudehted to , us to. call, and settle. We will nut, If we can help It place any ot our accounts In the hands of legal c. llec-' tors; but If obliged to do so. ,UaU have recourse to that when this nutloe expires.. "wmi.. , a2uU M-. BROWN k BHO. . DALLES Sc KOCKLAIlim . FERRY. Landliig-.Foot of Inlon Street., THE PROPRIETORS ARE NOW PREPARED WITH STAUNCH ANIUIOOMY BOATS, to oris. Travelers,. Horses & Stock, In a Safe and expeditious manner, and at Reasonable. atii.. J mUl