C3J latlg IPonntaraecr. MONTANA. NKWS. From the Radiator, of May 5th, we take the following items, from Elk Creek diggings : J. W. Keenan, with four meo, it cleaning up from $130 to $230 per.day, to the sluice, in the main creak; Johns, with same force, from one to two hundred. The claim on Bilk Qulch, in which Charley MurJen is interested, yielded $680 with one rocker, one day last week. Pres. Standefer, Has. Wood, Dad Hul vey, and others Uavo been doing well, in a awale, near the head of Shanghai Gulch ; but it is about to ' peter " out. Al. Peacock is making good wages in Day's Gulch ; Peter, the whilom devil in the Radiator office, has gone far down the creek, and thinks lie has twelve dollar diggings. There are thousands of others whose prospects I am not posted on. Pritchert and Barlow's tarin, which left Umatilla Oct. 14th, arrived here yesterday, being out six months and ten days. Tbey wintered on Uorae Prairie, and lost twenty four horses. John Hildreth has found a ledge nf good looking rock, well defined, and many feet thick, beyond the Billy Weasel. A stampedo took place last night. "Oregon John" and Frank Trumble were prospecting oo Saturday, near the bead of Deep Gulch, when John fell down on the crust or the snow and broke through. Taking the circumstance for a lucky indication tbey sunk a bole and found irood prospects: Hence the stampede. More gold has been exhibited during the week tbau is usual in this town. Many coarse pieces have been picked up. Wheelock KcBride picked up $100 or over in lumps lu the ground sluice. Charley Marden's claim bas paid between six and seven thousand dol lars witbin two weeks. (Duolap & Uubbell have started a storage and commission house in town. The packers all know "Jack," ane tbey will do well. TOWN SITES. Fairchild has laid out a city at the mouth of the Jocko in the name Savage, Abrams, & Co., and calls it Jocko City. The same firm, through the same agent, will establish another town at the' Pen d'Oreille Falls, and another at Cabinet Rapids, and secure the portages at those places. Bloch, Miller & Co., WHOLESALE G- IR, O C E JEt, S , AND DEALERS IN Wines $g Liquors, And Importers and Jobbers of CLOTHING Boots & Shoes, Under Clothing, Blankets, etc., etc., etc. A.SSA.Y OFFICE. WE HAVE AN ASSAY OFFICE IN CONNECTION with our business, under the entire supervision of Mr. Miller. We make returns in Burs in six honrs We guarantee all our Asaava and pay the 1110 II EST CASH PRIOM for Bare. We alto pay the Highest Cash Price for Gold Dust. HijUUH, Miiii.uu a V., myOtf Cor. Main and Washington streets. Dalles. The Fknuh Faros. The New York corres pondent of the Bulletin, in bis letter of April 20th, says : If your correspondent bas had little or nothing to say about Feniaoism, it was be cause be had no taitti that the movemen would result in any beneSt to Ireland by means of what the organization would actu ally do. The grand conspiracy bas already pnBsed its zenith of popularity bas lost all dignity of character, and fallen to the grade of a very pretty tarce. D or raontns toe Dent an organs have been full of Proclamations or Pronunciations or the uomoastes t urioso or der but nothing comes of them all. A fort night ago it was announced that the adrance- of tbe host which is to invade ana capture Canada bad actually started and a Fenian ehia left tbe coast oi Maine a little more re cently on a " secret expedition." But to this bonr we bear nothing of this "Fenian navy" on tbe Northeast coast while tbe 11 Army of 'Invasion" bas summed up its results in tbe capture of a British Revenue flag, taken by five armed- Fenians from a single Provincial oilier whom they encountered at an Isolated coiot iustover the border! Tbe American nablio generally, and the' better Informed classes among our Irish population as well are rapidly coming to the conclusion that this whole bQilness or f eniamsm nas aegeneraica into a simple swindle, ' by which to extort money from people who can ill afford to part with it, but who cannot resist the appeal to their patriotism. Colvillk Inns. Under tbe Impulse of tbe Bis Bend excitement, Colville has become Dlace of considerable aotirity and gives signs of improvement. One of the indications of progress is the erection of a. large hotel by Dr. I. L. Tobey, wnlcn win oe a greai accom modation to the traveling public. Catching tha snirii of the tlmeB. the faemersvof the VA1 ley hara" seeded" much larger quantities of grain this spring man osuai. inerepornoai the soldiers at Fort Colville bad deserted an gone, to, the- mines Is without- foundation. The deserters, all told, foot up nine men. n. W, Statetman.. r Obicwts. We are told.that tb cilokeU are making- thflrariDearm.ee in vast numbers in different sections of . the valley. --in souse localities ther are, to. nametous that the . .faroeri.feifjifetjr. will graatly injure,..if not . entirely destroy tbU,croDS. . Thenars, said to bejpf far, mora plentiful' than they hava- Kpfa? any former season, since me ipwvmcu of the valley. Thy apa npVyet more than naif crown. nd it will require a month to whether the fears in regard to their destroying crops are to-be realized, m. w. gfateiman.. DaowNBD, A little child of Mr. William H nlrrht. livlnir on the . UDDer Toocbet, Age 1 bout two years, was drowned in a well on. Isjuo F. Ulocb, can rrauclsco. C. 8. MlLLSR, Dalles. WALDROS BROS., Wholesale & Retail Druggists, Main Streett Dalles, Oregon. WE NOW OCCUPY OUIt NF.W TWO 8TORYFIRH proof Stone building, opiioslte Uloch, Miller and offer to the pnhlio ntfull and complete stock of Drugs, Mediciuea and Chemical, consisting iu part of LAMP WICKS 4 CUIMNKYS HOPS, SAUK, SPONGES, LEECHES, CORK, KEROSENE, TURPENTINE, AliUUilUIj, ACIDS, LINSKED, LARD. CASTOR AND INDIGO AND NEAT3FOOT OIL, LAN PULACK TRUSSES, SHOULDER BRACES. SUPPORTERS. AND PATENT MICDICIIVHH. Our stock of FANCY GOODS I or the finest and beat quality; new styles ond large assurtnieuts,.suea at LUIIIN'SPKHFUKKIIY, HAIR, LUBIN'S TOILET SOAP, FLESH, I'UMAIIKS, BI1AV1NU, COSMETICS, HAT, UAIKOII.S, OIA1T1IR8, COLOONK, TOOTU AND FANCY SOAPS AND MAIL BHUSnRS TOOTH POWDERS,. AND COMBS. PURE WINES AND LIQUORS, For Medicinal purposes. Our facilities for buying goods are second to none In the Stain, nnd we shall at ull times sell at a small ad vance from cost. Ready sales andeinnll profits. PHYSICIANS' PRESCRIPTIONS Carefully compounded at all hours of the day and night. vanes, sept, v, looo. aoiu-tt DEALERS IN HARDWARE, inrAii e. rTrri GROCERIES. BY TUB PACKAGE. FOE CASH," At San Francisco Prices, - Adding cost of Transportation. CUMMINO A GRANT, ml3tf Dalles, Oregon. ti ' A. CARD. m-AD AMR LB TK I. LI If It WOULD RESPECTFULLY IV 1 Inform the Ladies nf the Dalles anil vicinity, that she is now prepared to doall kinds or DttKas, UUMK, aud PALETOT making. Also. CUTTING and FITTING In a new and Improved style, never before introduced lu this place. She will warrant to give satisfaction, and would most respectfully solicit a liberal patrouage. In the Rooms lately occupied by Mm. White, over Degener's Store, on Washington street, between Becouu and Tiura. Dalles, March 27th, 1868 mrtW FitEJO. LIEBE, GROCERY, PROVISION, AND FRUIT STORE, Washington Street, opposite French k Oilman's, Dalles. lias on hand a large auu weu-ossortea siock oi GROCERIES & PROVISIONS Fresh 13 utter Sl Eggs, Received daily. A lane lot of CHICKENS always on hand. FRUITS of all klnda. FRESH VEGETABLES every morning. All articles warranted. Give Me a Call, Everybody PRICED LOW. n!8:tf t- LIEBE. J. F. KELLOGG, DENTIST, Main St. i Dalles, Oregon. AFTER NEARLY SIXTEEN YBARS Practice In his orofesslon. would' respectfully inform the cltisens of the Dalles and the nubile generally, that h has leased the Dental Office lately oocnpled by J. W GURLKY, Dentist, where he can be found prepared to at tend to those requiring ins proiessionoi services Orncs Hours From 8 o'clock, &. M ., to 14 St.; and from 1 o'clock, r. H. to 6 P.M. man I J. IS. DICKERSON, Dealer In all kinds of GROCERIES & GRAIN:, AT TUB Lowest Cash. Hates ALSO, JOSLYN & CURTIS' BUTTER On hand, aud received Fresh every week. Come One, Come AH, anil Give me a Call AT 0ON8ER A BARTER'S OLD STAND. NEW YOlilC 1JAKKKY AND QAO.C ERiY STORE Main. Street Dalles. mh33tf FRKDE1UCK BJCNZER. NOTICE. A LL PERSONS INDEBTED to the uoderalgaed'are A- raspsctfully requested to come and settle their ac count within THIRTY DAYS, and save coste. . OOOUlU. A. 1, JJIAJVjfl W. JOSLYN AND UKTIS UV'l'XUH At 50 cents per pound,. J. B. DICKERSON, Second Street. t For Sale by ni9dl 1 NOTICK. -srF,MOVINO MY RESIDENCE TO CLATSOP. MR M M, J. WALDK03 will aotas my Agent, and is au- thoriieu to receive an moneys ane me. FRANKLIN MARKET. CORNER OF SECOND AND WA8IIINGT0N STREET DALLES, OREGON, JOHN EPPINGER Proprietor )cnr ly on hand all soi on hand all sorts of FrcMlt aud Cirred Meats. Of the best qoality furnished at tha LOWEST RATI My- motto la to PLEASB ALL." IT ARTIES HAVINQ SUPERIOR STOCK FOR HAI.B JL wllldowelltooallat the Franklin Market. , JOHN El'PlNUER. Dalles, February 19th, 1866. ooaaia of OOURT AND SECOND STREETS, DALLES, OREGON JOHN MXCHELBACH, Proprietor. Wllilj KEEP ionetantly on hand all the varle- i itteiua( the market can ixmiblv atford, of . FRESH So CURED MEATS, anAalways of-the best quality. FAMILIES, HOTELS, AND STEAMBOATS supplied on reasonable terms. Tbomnderslgneq Is always nrenared'to nav the hlzl estcash price for FAT CATTLE. Parties Wiug atocls. in good ooadltlon, are requested te rail on bim befota- going eisewnere. JUUft M1U11KLBACU.. uaii VEY IMPORTANT TO Merchants, Families, Hotels and HAIt-HOOMH. TULIUS KRAKMER IIAVINO 1IOUQ1IT TUB F.N. tF tire Stock of Merchandise and Book Accounts of the late nrm at U. Seller m Co., In this city, to which he hoe added of his owu Importation (while doing business la roruanaj an immeuse Mock 01 the beat manufactured Crockery, Glassware, Plated Ware, Lamps, Chandeliers, Table Cutlery L.ookln?-Glases and All Kinds of Oils. All of which he offora at reduced rates. Persons wish. lug to buy any of the above-mentioned articles, will do well to give me a call before purchasing elsewhere. Orders from the Interior promptly attended to, and gootis pacaea to go seoure. uon'i lau to can ou me. nuuio's stone uuuaiug, Washington street. Dalles. JUL10B KRAKMER, Dalles. March lTth, 1885. nihl7tf ONE HUNDREIMilILES SAVED BL4CKF00T & BIG CED SIDES BY WAY OF Wliite DBlnflk! THE SHORTEST AND SAFEST ROAD For Land Travel. Distance from Dalles to White Bluffs loo mile u ', White Bluffs to Pen d'Oiellie. 160 " " to Colville 170 Travelers by land for either of the above Gold Vlelli will save Save Time Distance and Money By taking the White Bluffi Rood. Wood, Water and Grass- Aro found on this Road within easy drives The road Is now open, and possesses advantages nm ay wmer mm roaio irom ine vanes. 1'uDiisiiea oy omer or TIIK CITIZENS OF TDK DALLKJ; Dalles, March, 20, 1800. m20:2m. W. 13. DOUGLASS, (Successor to William BIrnbanm.) PRACTICAL WATCHMAKER AHD MALBB IN ITine "Watclijes. ANBJEWELRY, WNVITBS Till ATTENTION. OF HIS FRIENDS AND M. the Public to his choice selection of New and Fashionable Goods, Respectfully sollcltlngihalr patronage. Watches PROMPTLY aaiLPKOPEULY repaired and ttAnnan rsiii. m9tf Next Dees tantne Post Omen F . D RUM Watchmaker and Jeweler, MAIN STREETVDALLES, DRALER IN FINE WATCnRS. JRWRLRT, ao CLOCKS, Gold Pens, Sliver eidPlated Were, tk. Spectacles, Cutlery, Ac. ik-t 4VPartlcular attention paid to renalrlnc fineQiSudS Watches, Clocks, Jewelry, etc. All Wetrthes repaired by me warranted lor twelve montns.' N. B. All orders from the upper country by Bxfjess or otnerwise, promptly actenaeo to, . PROF, NUBItAY'8 MAGIC O-XXj'. For Sale by OATKB-A CUAPIH ALSO, AGENTS FOR DR. DUNCAN'S Wliooping Cough Specific. TUB UNDERSIGNED having, fitted up the above Market In the BK.-T STYLE, will keep conatant- dlea, March 81st, 1806.. mhBltf NOTICE TO FARMERS. rmMlB DALLES LUMBER AND MANUFACTURING. J. COMPANY has recently attached a FLOURING MILL to their Steam Sash and Door Factor In this Cltv. snnS are now prepared to CUOP FEED, UIUND WHEAT and. CORN, aud warrant t.) give the beat satlafaotluu. OB, nanu constantly ana lor sale FXTKA FAMILY ILODRJ. BKCONDB-OH MIDDLINGS BRAN AND SHORTS, CHOP FEED, CHICKEN FEED.. Also, a Sonerlor article of CORN MRiTi. frnm na. Corn,. The highest market pries paid for WHEAT, CORN a BARLEY. II. A. IIOOUK. Anent. Dalles, Not. 2, 1868. B3tf. V. Gr. 13R,A.IFOEir) IMPORTER AND JOBBER OF Wines s& LiquorSy FRONT 8TREET, Portlatnd, m - Orvsesit- OFFERS FOR 8AL2.AV.ERY LARGE A&SOBV nient of Brandies,, Wines,. , Liquors, Case Goodsy &c, &.C., : Ilc. & The Trade ls nartlcnlarW Invited n H.HERMAN &CO. MAIN ST., DALLES, 0PP08ITK EMPIRE UOTEL, JJAVE JUST BEOKI VED A BEAUTIFUL STOCK Or SFRIN0 AND 8VIHMER GOODS Consisting, la part of Fancy and Staple Dry Good. Cloiblngr, Uoots & Siloes, Hats &. Caps., Wliich tlisy onVnto sell at SMALL PROFITS. Dalles, March 27th, I860. mrZIIf : MONTANA! IDAHOL WASHOE WE ARB PVTTINO TJF OVIU OttlUINAL BUPEiUOlt BRAND OI. GROUND JAVA COFFEE, uo CIIARTRES COFFEE, IN DOUDLE GLAZED PAPERS,, TO preserve) its strength . and flavor for-the length ef.' lluiBiciuini . w , EwitlUWU W IUS SUVVe D.!OCeS. rww tiy ii4Me tfuuueret ana alSmlpS ; MAKDKN sY FOLQER; Pioneer Steam Coffee and Spice Mills, . 210 Front Street, San Srancuwo, FUKS, AVOOL and IlIDESe. FjrBB IIIGUEST CASn PRICE PAID FOItt ;eurs, wool., AND HIDES, at mhl83m : McCRAKKN, MERRILL A CO.'B ' 10 North Fiont Street, Portland.' BOOKS! WHOLESALE books:: AND RETAIL. OVtlUU" DUUtkBiSIAIlUHKIlf, . 3 Standard and Miscellaneous WORKS. Late NOVELS, MAGAZINES. PAPERS. Ac, Ac. by every 8toamr. Post-0fflce Bookstore, Main street, Dalles. Garden Seeds for the Million a7-tf H. J. WALDROM CRYSTAL SALOONJ ANDL 4- 1 BILLrAIU ROOM, JOHN. R1NDI.ATJB, PraprlMort . WASIUNOTON ST., neat deor to FRENCH, k OILMAN. notice:. fllATB appointed B..X. IIAFT my authorised agea n to collect all moneys due me, and attend to my bwsiw aew generally, laoiij K. AUKlli WlMd-aj last n ... IX. oiaitiman... MOUta mmmmmmmmm