C3 mkw aitntameer. Owviikh Nmva. From tiie Avalanche we take the following : la most all Hie gulches mining bas been vigorously commenced end is remuniatively carried on, claimholders generally hiring ell the banda they can advantageously work. In the main creek, men have rightly got to work, the stream having been ao high as to com . pletely wash away all dnraa and fill up claims. 4 They expect to get at it soon now, and we may look lor a few months nf lively mining. It will be necessary to have creek claims rep resented by the 1st of June, as on that day the time fur which they were " laid over" eipires, and every claim nnrepresented will then be subject tojnmpers. All gulch claims have to be represented on and after the 15th instant. Rnmor has It that Capt. Collins, with' a detachment of men, have bad a fonr days' fight with the Malheur Indians, and come off second best. The Malheur has always been ft favorite Indian country and we have never heard of any punishment being inflicted upon its inhabitant. In 1860, a party of one hundred and forty-three men, from Oregon, pot driven back from there with a loss of their stock; and in 1833-61 several parties of forty and fifty met with the same treatment, these latter we personally know to be true. In 1865 (about one year ago) Lieut, Hobart, with a detachment of Oregon Cavalry, pur sued some Indian thieves from Reynolds' Creek overtook them and bad a spirited fight, but had to " fall back," Ac, and before he eould get ready to go at them again was mustered out. It is represented as being a fine locality for Indian life ; also, has Indications of a good placer mining region. Soldiers or others can always get a fight there, and a small aqnad will mostly get whipped. It is asserted by many that the Malheur is the retreat of the Indians who plunder and murder along the Owyhee river. The material for the Democratic paper in Silver arrived last Saturday and Monday. Col. T'Vault Bays it will be a week or ten days before it will appear, owing to much of the type being pied " in freighting. We notice a number of claims being worked by bydraulio process. Since our last, two have been put In operation up In Long Gulch. Notwithstanding It has been reported that only China placer diggings list in Owyhee, there are hundreds of white men working them very contentedly. The Cosmos Company are putting one more pan into their mill. This will make six pang to ten stamps which is a proper proportion for Owyhee. Several weeks ago we annonnced the ex itonce of immense bodies of chalk along the foothills east of here bordering on Snake Valley. We are informed that for many pur poses it is a good substitute, thongh not the genuine article. It is as good for billiard cues as chalk! It is, however, said to have been proved pare clay by chemical analysis. It is white as snow, with less grit than chalk, and has been used to good advantage in white washing. Major Marshall came over to Owyhee a few days ago and took a survey of matters and things. Is disposed to move on the work of the enemy. Ia trying to find out the haunts and is willing to go after male and female. Has gone to the Owyhee via Flint District. Kxpects to establish a station or two in that direction. Will do all be can to protect too workmen while they bridge the Owyhee and make the road passable. We are informed that with this understanding, Col. Fogus is bound to open the route immediately. It will shorten the road to California by fifty miles. Have not seen the Major but are told that be is "on it" that is, the Indian busi ness RBAD THIS. TBI GRAND SECRITART OF TBI "OLD GUARD" CONVKSBSS BIS QUILT. Tom Caton, for a long time the leading Democratio lawyer in Marion county, told the editor of this paper, in the presence of the Clerk of the Court and others, that he (Caton) was the man that organized the " Old Guard" society in Polk connty ; that the olject of that society was to resist toe arrest of perrons by the United States authorities; or, io other words, that- tbey, the Old Guard, would not allow their men .to be arrested by the military for hauling down the American flag, rejoicing over the- murder of President Lincoln, etc. Caton further said that tbey were prepared to resist the United States adtborities in this matter, and tbat if another snch an arrest as thatiof Fulkerson bad been made, they would bave resisted. Oregon Siatetman. Voters of Oregon, the proof of Democratio conspiracy in Oregon, in behalf- of treason, is full, conclusive and overwhelming.. If you are not ready yet to be represented in Congress and in the Executive and Legis lative branches ot the State Government, by convicted traitors, you must not vote for the Democratio candidates, for they were implU uated in the treason confessed by Tom Caton, the Grand Secretary of the "Old, Guard." Ortgonian. 0. S. MlLLIR,. Dalles. Bloch, Miller & Co., WHOLESALE GROCERS, AND DEALERS IN Wines & Liquors, And Importers and Jobbers of CLOTHING Boots & Shoes, Under Clothing:, Blankets, etc., etc., etc. ASSA.Y OFFICE. WE IIAVB AN ASSAY OFFICE IN CONNECTION with oar business, under the entire aunervision of Mr. Miller. We make return! in Bare In tlx hours We guarantee all our Assays and pay the HIGHEST CASH PRICK for Bare. We also pay the Highest Cash Price for Gold Duet. BLOC IT, MILLER AO)., my8tf Cor. Mala and Washington streets, Dallee. DEALERS IN HARDWARE, IRON 8l STEEL. GROCERIES. BY THE PACKAGE, "FOE OA.SW At San Francisco Prices, Adding cost of Transportation. CUMMINO A GRANT, Dallee, Oregon . mlStf A. CARD. MADAME LB TBLLIER WOULD RESPECTFULLY Inform the Ladies of the Dallee and vicinity, that he ia now prepared to do all kinds of DRESS, CLOAK, and PALETOT making. Also, CUTTING and FITTING In a new and Improved etyle, never before Introduced in this place. She will warrant to give attraction, and would moat respectfully solicit a liberal patronage. In the Rooms lately occupied by Mm. White, over Degener'e Store, on Washington street, between Second and Third. Dallea, Maroh 27th, 1868 mr27tf FRED. LIEBE, GROCERY, PROVISION, AND FUU1T STORE, Washington Street, opposite French A Oilman', Dalles. Uu on hand a large aud well-assorted stock of GROCERIES & PROVISIONS, Fresh Butter 4c. 'Esfgrn, Recelred daily. A large lot of CniCKENS always on hand. FRUITS of all kinds. FRESH VEGETABLES every morning. All articles warranted. Give Me a Call, Everybody PRICES LOW. au!8:tf F. LIEBE. J. F. KELLOGG, DENTIST, alia St., Dallea, Oregon. Main AFTER NEARLY SIXTEEN YEARS Practice In his profession, would respectfully Inform the citiaens of the Dallea end the oubllc generally, that ha haa leased the Dental Office lately occupied by J. W . OURLKY, Dentist, where he can be found prepared to at- tena to inoee requiring nis proiesalonal services. Omci Hoinu From 8 o'clock, A. K., to 12 M ; and from 1 o'clock, r. to 6 r. at. m3tf .X. . DICKERSOJV, Dealer In all kinds of GROCERIES & GRAIN, AT THE Lowest Cash Ifcates. ALSO, JOSLYN & CURTIS' BUTTER, On hand, and recelred Freeh erery week. Come One, Gome ill, ana Give me, a Call, AT CONSBR A BARTER'S OLD STAND. NEW Y01if.lt 1IAKEUY AND. GROCERY STORE, Main. Street Dallea. mhMtf FREDERICK BENZER. NOTICE. ALL PERSONS INDEBTED to the undersigned art respectfully requested to oome and Mttle their ac count, within THIRTY DAYS, and tare coata. a63dlm A. I. BLOCH A 00. JOSLYN AND CURTIS' BUTTER At 50 cent p.er pound, For 8al by J. B. DICKER80N. . ' niMl Second Street. Isaac F. Bi.och, Ban Frauclsco. WALDRON BROS., Wholesale & Retail Druggists, Main Street, Dallea, Oregon. irE NOW OCCUPY OUR NEW TWO STORY FIRE proof Stone building, opposite Bloch, Miller A Co., and offer to the public a full and complete stock of Drugs, Mediciues and Chemicals, consisting in part of KEROSENE, LAMP WICKS A CHIMNEYS 110PS, BAGE, 8P0N0KS. LEECHES, TURPENTINE, ALCOHOL. ACIDS, LIN8KED, LAKU, COHKN, CASTOR AND INDIGO AND LANPBLACK NEAT8F00T OIL, TRUSSES, SHOULDER BRACES. SUPPORTERS. AND PAT1CNT MICIJICITVICS. Onr stock of FANCY GOODS 1 a of the flneet. and beat quality; new styles ond large- aaeortmeuta, auch a LUBIN'8PER'UKBKY, HAIR, liUlfin D TUibJS.1 DOAr,. JU.liSH, . POMADES. BHAVINO, COSMETICS, HAT, HAIR OILS, CLOTHKS, COLOGNE, TOOTH AND FANCY SOAPS AND NAIL BRUSHES TOOTH POWDERS,- AND COMBS. PURE WINES. AND LIQUORS, For Medicinal purposes. our niciimes rur buying goods are second t none In the State, aud we shall at all times sell at a email aur fance from coat. Ready-sales and email profits. PHYSICIANS' PRESCRIPTIONS Carefully oompoundod at all hours of the day and night. VERY IMPOR.TAXT TO Merchants, Families, Hotels and UAU-KOOMH. JULIUS KRAEMER HAVING BOUGHT THE EN tire Stock of Merchandise and Book Acconuts of the lata firm iif M . Anlln. Jk r In .!.. ui.i. u- .- added of his own Importation (while doing bnslneae In s v. iwwif h 11UIUOU.H Diuca oi we uesi manufactured Crockery, Glassware, Plated Ware, Lamps, Chandeliers, Table Cutlery Looklng-Glasscs and All Kinds of Oils. " - " .W...VVU . Mvo. .CI Bull. W 1 O II Ing to buy any of the above-mentioned aticle, will do All nf w)ilr-h Ka nftai. . Milti.ul ... T i-v "" v k- ul n vim ue.ure purcnas.ng eisewnere. Ordera from the interior promptly attended to, and good! packed to go secure. Don't fall to call on me. Radio's Stone Building, Washington atreet, Dallee. t . , JULIUS KRAEMER. Dallea. March 17 th, 1865. mh!7tf ONE HUNDRED MILES SAVED! BLACKFOOT&BIG BEND MINES BY WAY OF White Bluflk! THE SHORTEST AND SAFEST ROAD For Land. Travel. Distance from Dallea to White Bluffs 100 miles " ', White Bluffs to Pen d'0iellle......l80 " ' " toCoWille ...170 Traveler! by land for either of the above Gold Fields, will tare Save Time Distance and Money By taking the White Bluff) Road. Wood, Water and Grass, Am found on this Road within easy drive. The road la now open, and possesses advantage over any other land route from the Dallea. Published by order of .. VUK CITIZENS 0? THE DALLES. Dallea, March, 20, 1800. m2u:2m. W. 13. DOUGLASS; (Successor to William Birnbaum.) PRACTICAL WATCHMAKER, AMD DIALS IK JFino Watches AND. JEWELRY, INVITES THE ATTENTION OP HIS FRIENDS AND the Public to hia choice selection of - New and Fashionable Goods, Respectfully soliciting their patronage. ' Watches PROMPTLY, and PROPERLY- repaired and WARRANTED, mstf Next Doo to (ho Poat Office. J? DRUM,. Watchmaker anil: Jeweler, MAIN 8TREET; LTALLES, DEALER IN FINE WATCHES, JEWELRY, -o CLOCKS, Gold Pena.BUver andflated Ware, Prv Bpectaclea, Cutlery, Ac. 1H 49"Partlcnlar attention paid to repairing ftaeKlu2tl Watcher Clocks, Jewelry, eto. All Walebee repaired by me warranted for twelve months. N. B. All ordera from the npper ooaatvy, by Ixpreee or otherwise, promptly attended to. l'UOF. DIVRRAY'S- MAGIC OILT lor Sal by GATES A GIIAPIK.. FRANKLIN MARKET. CORNER Or SECOND AND WASHINGTON 8TREET3- I DAIJLESr OREGON, JOHN EPP1NGEB Proprietor- TUB TJNDERSIONED having fitted up the above Market In the 11H.-T BTYLEjWlll keep constant- I tant- ! B ly ou hand all sorta ofi Fresli.and ureT Meats,. Of the best'tprality.rDrnlshed at the LOWEST BATS' My .motto la to "PLEASE ALL." PARTIES HAVING SUPERIOR STOCK FOR BALK' will do well to call at the franklin Market. - . t J0UN EPPINOER.. Dalles, February 10th, 18611. ooaaia on COURT AND SECOND STREETS, DALLES, OREGON JOHN MICHELBACH, Proprietor. will keep 0 conataatly on hand all the varle- , ktlea that the niarkt.nai.nnulKw ' afford, of . FRESH &s CURED MEATS,, and always of the beat quality. FAMILIES, HOTELS, AND STEAMBOATS ! auppiled on reasonable terms. Tbe underalgneq )s always prepared to pay the high eat cash price tor 'AT CATTLE. Parties Wing stuck ia good condition, are requested-to call. on. him before going elsewhere. JOHN MICUELBAC1I. Dalles, March 31st, 1865.- ' niuoltf NOTICE TO FARMERS. TnB DALLES LUMBER AND 'MANUFACTURING' COMPANY has recently attached a. JC JLtJ U Jit XXX tjr 1 .T. o their Steam Sash and Door Faotory) in- this City, and t are now-prepared to CHOP VBKO, GRIND WHEAT and i CORN, and w.rnnt t.. .. I ), hu, . ... ,banaoonttautly and for sal JrATRA FAMILY FLOUR, . SECONDS OR MIDDLINGS. I JMIAN AND SHORTS. CHOP mum, CHICKEN FEED1. . Also, a Superior article of CORN MEAL, from newt The highest market price paid for WHEAT, CORN a iui! U.A.UOGUE,Agent. Dalles, Nov. 2, 1B05. jjtf. A.. Gr. 13JRV.rFOXM) IMPORTER AND JOBBER OF Wines &el IicixiorSy, FRONT STREET, ,, Portland). - .. . Oraaran. OFPER8 FOR BALJ1 Ai VERY. LARfla.AS80UT meut of Brandies,. Wines,. ' Liquors, Case Goodta. &.., Sic, 4.c. A9aTheTvade-linanifrmlAvl.la.l.4 u , stuck before PKchasluaelsewhera.. .nui H.IIERMAN&CO.,, MAIN 8T.r DALLES, 0PM8ITI EMPIRE HOTEL, JJAV JUflT JtECEI FED A BEAUTIFUL STOCK OF." SPRING. AND 8V91S1ER GOODSf. Consisting In part of . Fancy an (LSIapIeDrj Goods ' ClotHlns;, Boots & Shoes,. Hats ,& Caps,, Which they offer to sell at SMALL. PROFITS. Dalles, March 27th, 186ot mr27tr MONTANA! IDAHO! WASHOE: WB. ARB PUTTING. TJB OVHl ORIGINAL 8UPKRI0B BRAND OF GROUND JAVA COFFEE,) CIIARTRES COFFEE, ZiV DOUBLE GLAZED PAPERS, . To preserve its strength and flavor ton the length off time required to be t rwarded to the above places. MARDBN A FOLGIR, , , . Pioneer Bteam Coffee end 8pc Mills. al8mlp2 : 220 Jfront Street, Sao Srauclato. . 1 LIIS, WOOL and UIOSi rjpnx manisT casu price paid for . :P0R8, WOOL., AND HIDES, at MoCRAKEN, MERRILL a CO.'S It North Fiont Street, Portland.! mlilSSm BOOKS! BOOKS E WHOLESALE AND RETAIL. CHOOL, BOOKS, STATIONERY, vv K-5 BMndard and Miaoellaneous WORKS. FlEltr. Lata NOVELS, MAGAZINES, PAPERSiJ-K """" 7.'J owiunor. roswimcewtaasaMaaisr Bookstore, Main street, Dalles. ' Garden Seeds for the Million. H. J. WALDRQH CRYSTAL SALOON! AND. BIIIA-KD ROOM, JOHH Rill OLAVB, PraprUlor. WAirtlKOTON 8T-, asxt deor to FRENCH A OILMAN ; NOTICE.