X) MONDAY EVENING, MAY 28, 1860. Maini bag still 1,800 men la the service. An attempt was recently mads to- barn th State Prison, at Concord, N. If. A strong effort Is being made to revive tbe Breckearidge- party In Kentucky. Thebi are aearly thirty-millions of sores of public land in the Sooth open to settlement. Portland, Middlesex county, the banner town of 1865, makes a big bid for tbe same honor this, year,- showing a Union gain of 242. Tni;8tatutes of Tennessee prohibit negroes from. keeping billiard and drinking saloons. Tbe validity of the lairs will be tested under the Civil Rights Bill. Hon. John P.- Hale,, present Minister to Spain, is an applicant for the position of S.. District Judge, la New Hamprbire, made vacant by tbe death of Judge Harvey. Tni Franklia Oil Company in Tennessee, are meeting with good success.. Tennessee papers profess to believe that State will go ahead of Pennsylvania on oil. The Jewish Congregations, Beth Eiohlm, or "House of God" and "Shearit Israel," or i Remnant of Israel," at Charleston, are again united after a separation of twenty-five years. A colorsd jury reoently sat in a civil case at Augusta, Georgia.. Tbey gave a. verdiat for the- plaintiff, in the sum of b!x dollars. He thinks.tbe jury did right. This is tbe first negro jury that ever sat in Georgia. Ges. Sheridan, requires passports from, tbe New. Orleans Provost Marshal for all persons departing thence for Vara Gruz, Tamplco or Hatamoras, Mexico. It is taken, to be against Confederate colonists.. A Nsw Hivih firm has shipped' a. splendid carriage to Maximilian in Mexico. The car-- risge was lined with blue satin, and was known as the Landeau sty la of. carriage, and cost $2,500.. Tbe candidates- tor the. Legislature in this county will address tbe citizens at Cbapin's Hall to-morrow evening.., The canvass is get ting intereslng about this time. Everybody is at work.. A RionMOMD paper says Castle Thunder is being overhauled and transformed into a vast mercantile amphitheatre.. We infer from tbe name tbat it is to be a. place for-contests be tween the Bulls" and. "Bears" of commerce Taa : Hartford, insurance oompanies have advanced their premium rates twenty-five and flftv oer cent, on extra . hazardous risks. They have added but little to their surplus accounts tbe present year, on account of their numerous losses. . The American Union says the colored troops just mustered out at Chattanooga spend their money very iceely. . Many white soldiers ex hibit 4he earn kind. of. recklessness when mustered out,. but it Is never said that they. ought to be enslaved Jor it.. Cork Sail. The. Mobile, Alabama, papers report tbe a: rival of a great curiosity at tbat city, a vessel made entirely of cork, which is lying, at one of the. wharfs. That Bhe will never sink .may be true enough, but tbe other claim of the Mobiiians that she will last foe ever, is a Utile venturesome. of Tbe Hartford Timet says the expense. driving the piles - foe the foundation of Colt1 pistol taotory (on the-site of the burnt edi lice) will, with the cost.oMhe timber for oiling, exceed $60,000.. Tbe new edifice is to h.n a . front . of 500 . feet, all of beautiful ci nmaaad belck." with stone caps and facings and tbe total. cost of the new. building must v be about $250,000.. r The Columbia river, from present, appsar- aacs. wlU soon start tbe residents of Mai street to bunt. dry quarters.. During Satur- dav and Sunday the water rose about six feet, and at present: it threatens to be on.. Main ' drsBthv to-morrow.. Should it. continue to rise as at present, .we may look, out for repetition of the high water scenes of 1862, Tbi Canvass. On Saturday last Messrs. Etogue, Kegel and Hu mason, candidates for tbe State Legislature, addressed the citizens of Fifteen Mile Creek precinct. Mr. Huma son led off in a speech of near two bouri in length,. in which be labored bard to show tbat the ETulon party is opposed to President John son, and tbat it Is a universal suffrage party; in fact, a disunion party; he ntterly ignored the Democratic party but claimed tbe pres ent organization, in which be is working to be tbe Johnson-Seward party. He said that the former principles of tbe Democratic party were " dead issues," and have no bearing in the present canvass ;. that all should be for gotten, and tbe people rally now and put down this universal suffrage, disunion party, and support the nominees of the glorious "Johnson-Seward " party. He insisted that Congress Bbould not question tbe qualifica tions of any person claiming a seat In that body more than bis credentials so. that if a known rebel presented credential's he should be admitted, no difference if elected by traitors. Mr. Hogue followed-in a speech of neat the same length. He showed tbat the leaders of the Democratic parly had rendered aid. and comfort to. the rebels during tbe war; that tbey. believed in tbe right of secession ; had pronounced tbe war a failure In tbe Chicago platform, and upon them, more than any other party, was tbe responsibility of the late war, and the present debt of the Government; tbat tbe; are a party In favor of repudiation and opposed to protecting American manufacture. Us successfully showed tbat tbe present Union paaty Is not a universal suffrage party that it is tbe only trueUoioq party. lie also main tained that tbe present Democratic party never did. nor does not now endorse President John son, but despises both bim and Mr. Seward and others wbom they now claim to be Dem ocrats. Mr. Hogue claimed tbat Mr. Nosmitb was a. true Union man and does not endorse the present so-called Deocratic party; that be aoted and belonged to the Union party; tbat we as a people are more indebted to Mr. Nes uiith than all tbe rest of our delegation in Congress, and while he did not agree with all of Mr. Neamith'e poljcy, nor did be all of any man's policy in Congress, he believed bim to be a thorough Union man, and would favor bim for tbe position of U. S. Senator, all things existing as tbey do now. Mr. Kcegel made a short but truly patriotic, sensible and effective speech, expressing himself tn prefer trusting men for bigb positions at our hands who had proved them solves true and loyal men during tbe war rather than those men who rejoiced over every rebel victory and Union defeat. He thought that Mr. Nesmith has proved a friend to our local interests; that be has claims upon ns as a people tbat were deserving of consideration He believed the Democratic party to favor re? pudiation ; be held . tbat a contract on th part of tbe Government was as sacred as a private contract; that the Gov't.bad contracted with bond holders on the face of the bond not to tax them ; and ,to do so, as is urged by tbe Democratic party, is nothing less than repu dlation. Mr. Koogelreferred to the late civil war; be said tbe people of Oregon had been free from its devastating. scenes ; bad lived in peace and prosperity ; .but few of the sons of Oregon bad. been .slain or wounded on tbe battle-fiold; our houses had not been dressed in mourning.as those of our brothers in the Eastern States, and. we.. should be thankful for these great favors and . blessings, .and should be ever. willing cheerfully to contrib ute our small portion l&susteining this great. free Government.-. He thought Jugde Huma- son had not made- more tbaa a stand off on bis argument that the Union party could not endorse a part of the policy of. the President and .part of Congress, but must take either one or tbe other as a whole. The Judge bad un wittingly done this same, thing, as be bad claimed the President .and his policy as being Democratic policy, and at .the same time en dorses certain sections of; tbe Civil Rights Bill, which the President had. vetoed.. Hence the iland of. . Messrs. Crandall and Ferguson followed in a few remarks, .and the meeting, dispersed It will be seen from. tbe synopsis of tbe speeches of the Union, candidates that tbey both fully endorse Mr. Nesmitb, and we- have no fears but that tbeyvwlll be found .to.be J.rnnr.r.iaiirls, nUht,rrntlmarUflUhftjlRco, Rehembib, If yon have acold or cough, that Hall's Pul monary Balaam will enre jr"u quicker than any other known remedy. The genulue li put up In fifty cent bottles only. Columbia Lodge, No. 5, I. O. O. F. Meets every Friday evening at 7 o'clock, In Gates Hall, corner of Second and Court Streets. Brothers in good standing are Invited to attend. By order. N. O. Wasco Lodge, No. 19, A. F. & A. M. Tfolda Ita stated Communication! on the First and Third Mon.lays of each month, at their hall. In Dalles City. Brethren in good standing are Invited to attend. By order of the W. M. Bkih L. Pom, Bec'y. Religion Notice. Catholic Cbokob Morning aervlce: Mass, at 10J 'clock. Evening service: Vespers and Benediction, at o'clock, 8unday Scliool at 2 o'clock, p. m ISTotice. TIIE COMMON COUNCIL OP DALLES CITY, OreRon will sit as a "Board of Equllliatlon " at the Recor der's office on Satur ay, June 2d, 1809, at 7 p. m. All parties who may feol aggrlevod by any assessment maae bv the Recorder of Dalles City, are hereby requested to attend, that all errors In valuation or description of lota land or otner property, may aa mere correcteu, oeiore the eity taxes for the current year are levied. By order or the Uommou council niyJ8td II. CATLEY, Recorder. Ordinance No. 39. AN ORDINANCE to License Hotel and steamboat Runners. rjpbe people of Dalles City do ordain aa follows : Siorioif 1. Anv nerson who shall solicit natronatre for Hotel or Steamboat, commonly called a " Runner," within the corporate limits of Dalles City, shall therefor procure a License from the Recorder, and shall pay therefor Into the city treasury the aum of Ten Dollars for every three months. Bsc. 2. Any person who shall do business aa a runner, who by raalicioua misrepresentations shall injure, or aitempt to injure any Hotel, Restaurant or steamboat, shall, on conviction thereof, be punished by a fine in any aum not exceeding twenty dollars for each aud every offense. 8bo. 8. Any person who shall do business as a runner without procuring a llceuBe therefor, shall, on convic tion thereof, be punUhed by a flue in the turn of twenty dollars. Sic. 4. This ordinance shall take effect and be la fore from and after the 2d day of June, 1806. i'asse may 10th, 1800. u. u. uiLMA, II. Catliy, Recorder. my28d6t Mayor. DALLES AND CANYON CITY STAGE ouadtr PATH Kit L. MELKMAX, Paator. COMFANY Are now running regularly their line of CONCORD STAGES, BETWEEN DALLEH & CANYON CITY, TWICE A WEEK, CARRYING THE U. S. OVERLAND MAILS AND Wells, Fargo & Co. '8 Express, Leaving Dalles every Tuesday and Prlday, at 2 o'clock a. iu., and Canyon City on the same days at 3 o'olock a. m. Through In Two and a Half Days JAMES A. HENDERSON, Agent, Canyon City. Dalles Office Next door below Joa, Klfelf a. Main st. SAMUEL L. BROOKS, Agent, Dalles, May 26th, 1869. ' my26tf BOTTLED BEER.. riHK UNDERSIGNED IS NOW PUTTING UP AN J. excelleut article of BO'lTLED BUBO, which he will deliver to dealers or private famillos in quantitlea to suit. Orders left at the Philadelphia Brewery will be promptly attended to. 11. BUMWEHSUllfilN uaiies, may. zju, aouq. ntyiu MD COMMISSION HOUSE! No. 100 MAIN STREET, DALLES. TIIK UNDKR8IGKED THANKFUL FOR PAST Favors, respectfully Informs the citisens of th Dnllro, and the public generally! tbat he continues to sell at PUBLIC AUCTION OR PRIVATE SALE, Real Estate, General Merchandise, Giocerles, Horse), Mules, Furniture, StockH, &.C. &c. REGULAR SALE DAYS, Tuesdays and Saturdays. Cash Advances made on Consignments, And PROMPT RETURN nfile of aales. Out-door and Special Sales attended to in any part ot the city. JOHN WILLIAMS, Auctioneer. J. JUKEE, Main Street, Dalles, WHOUSAU AND EMAIL DIAUR IK CIGARS. TOBACCO, SNUFF, PIPES,. fc o . ALWATS III ST0B1 TBI BIST B BANDS OF Cigars, Tobacco, Matches, &c. PLAYING CARDS, POCKET CUTLERY. PORT MONIES. COMBS and BRUSHES, o' all kinds, PERFUMERY, ot every description, CHINA ORNAMENTS, TOYS, DOLLS, etc. PISH HOOKS and FISHING TACKLE, MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS, FANCY GOODS, 4c. Also Powder.Shot, Lead, Powder Flanks, Baskets, and many other articles too numerous to ma ition. star- Interior dealers supplied with Cigars, Tobacco.etc. at leas than Portland prices, with freight added. oc-S NOTICE. THE' MONTANA TRANSPORTATION COMPANY will now receive and transport freiabt from White Bluffs to the uppor end of navigation on .Feu d'Oreille Lake, at the rate of (140 per ton. Freight sent to Whits Bluffs, marked "To luacace of, M. T. Co." will be for-. warded with dispatch J. A. UDELL, myaii . Agent HO, FOR THE DEALY JEtQAD! SNOW OTJX OF THJfi WAX;.. TUIS.RMB IS NOW SO FAR COMPLETED THAT ltniaj ba traveled by wajtuns.oToat and small with ease ami safety. It is Nut Less tlian Fifty Miles Nearer- to Boise Basin or .valley, or uwyuee than any other route from Dalle City. It Has Lower Rates of Tolls, better graas,-anu shorter drives between watering places than any other road across the mountains. Tbi. road though not completed In all Its sections, Is offered to the trav eung puauo at vory reasouaoie rates or ton.. Teams tors, pacaera ana ireignteri from tlie wanes wui do well. to .examine I his road.. If they do nut like it. they can go Any miles further round for about three times tne ton, ana nave no .natter road. . By order of the Road Company my.23mL NOTICE.. rWlHB UNDERSIGNED IIAVINO . BOUGHT.- the M. Schooner Fvruvtrance and half the schooner Jia- pid, from Torence Quin, all debts against the above namea uoau niusi ua proaentea to me uv tne zutn aay oi aiey..- AflA.Bl.llu.lu. . Dalles, May.S, 1806. mlOdttw. . .Herald oopy, 2 weks,.and send bill to this oQsa... i DEMOCRATIC CJLUB ROOM., ' CORNEB OF.COURT AND MAIN STREETS. . Open Dally, until 10 o'cl'k, p.m DEMOCRATS OF WASCO COUNTY are Invited to at, . tend,, and eurolL themselves aa members of the uui. , UO0D SPEAKING may beaxpected each svanlng... By or liar. of tbe Committee, m22d2w . JOILN WILLIAMS, Ch'n . FOR, SALE, TfcNI HUNDRED. AND. SIXTY ACRES OF LAND, the Vv progeny oi u neirs oi joun j&auign lately de ceased.. The land 1. oonvenieutly located on Mill Creek, between the olnlnts ol Theodore Mesplie and Caldwell's, auoui.inreejniie.irom iwiMl'lty. it is well watered. .nil nnnliiliii . irnml linniin iirn, .li.Me , ft r..rifli SELLING OFF AT COST! J. GOETZ & CO.. STONE BUILDING, WASHINGTON STREET, DALLES,. Offer their well-selected stock of TOBACCO, SEGAB8, PIPES, YANKEE JNOXIOINS, AND. 8TATIONEE "YV AT SAN. lTliANClSCO COST. mr27tf GATES & CHAPIN WHOLESALE k RETAIL . druggists; STONE BUILDING, WASHINGTON STREET, ; DALLES, OREGON,. i Importer, and Jobbers of . PATENT MEDICINES, , CHEMICALS A FANCY GOODS,.. SODA, CORKS ACIDS, OILS, ALCOHOL, i PURE WINES k LIQUORS, . PAINTS, GLASS BRUSHES, MUSICIANS' PRESCRIPTIONS. Aficurately compounded. ; RHOTOGRARHIC EMPORIUM.. ' A ful) and oomplete. assortment of all articles in th. Photographic Line, at a SMALL ADVANCE ON SAN, FRANCISCO PRICES. . 49" Merchants will please get our prices before orderi lng belqw, . U. L. CUAPIN, JUSTIN GATES. Dalles. . Sacramento, Cat, . LAST OHAN.CE!. WE WOULD CALL THE ATTENTION OF THE . public to tbe lact that. w are cloaing out our .j stock of i CLOTHING, DRY GOODS,. &CM &C.f At Greatly. Reduced Rates, And otfor bargans which cannot iail to satisfy anybody, , wanting articles In our line.. ; lJ'ail2"Warnillg!: Wl INTEND CLOSING OUR BU8INB8S HERB by, the FIRST OF, JUNE next, and we take this opv. portnnlty of once mors calling upon, those ludebted to -us to rail and.Mttle. We will not, if ,we..can help it, place any of our accounts In the hands of legal colleo-' tors; but If obliged to do so, we shall, have recourse to v that when this juttlca axpireSu. a29tjl. Mr, BROWN k BRO, DALLES & ItOCKLArVD Landing Foot oClTnlon Street.-. THE PROPRIETORS ARE NOW PREPARED Willi STAUNOU ANKR0OMY3OATB, tderoes