C3J Thb Northern Pacific Railroad. The Senators and Representatives from the Pa cific States nud Territories, as also those from Minnesota, hare written an appeal to Congress, in favor of the passage of the Northern Pacific Railroad Bill. The appeal sets forth the necessities for the passago of the bill and the construction of the road in figures and argument, which no doubt will have the desired effect in aiding its con struction. In referring to tbe resources of the country, the report says : Tbe single Express line of Wells, Fargo ft Co. has transported from tbe Columbia river to San Francisco, coming from our North western mines during two years, twelve mil lions of dollars in gold and silver. While the population of Montana, which', as a Territory, has hardly found a place on the map of tbe country, is not officially known, tbe returns of internal revenue for tbe past year sbow that it pity the largest tax of any of our national. Territories, nod an estimate of two millions of treasure per month will no doubt be short of the' actual amount which she Benils forth, to (quicken tbe commercial pulse of the noxioo. From statistics furnished by the Treasury Department it is estimated that Montana, Idnho, Oregon, and Washington Territory have yielded $39,000,000 during the paBt year, Steamers now .run to Fort Benton, oa lhe Muiouri ; from Fort Benton to the nearest point navigated by steam on Clark's Fork of the Columbia, via Helena., is about three hundred miles. On Clark's Fork and Pen d'Oreillo lake, there is perfect navigation for one hundred and ten miles. A railway of fifty miles to Wbite Bluffs, on tbe main Co lumbia, lands us upon the regular line of tbe Oregon Steam Navigation Company, and tran sit by steam to the sea, six. hundred railec, is continuous. Thus a few hundred miles of road on this line would place the two sborej of the continent in direct steam communica tion with each other. It is true tbe neviga tion or these waters is often interrupted, and during winter, especially on the Missouri, suspended: yet their importance in supplying tbe country and aiding in tbe rapid building of tbe road itself, cannot be well overstated. The argument which we wish to press upon -your attention is, that it will bring the two oceans together in tbe briefest time; and de velop a vast region along our northern fron tier of incalculable value and wealth, which without it will lie dormant and worthless for years . to come. It enters into competition with no otherroute projected. Ita nearest approach to tbe great Central route will not be less than six hundred miles, while its west ern terminus Is nearly one thousand miles from tbe bay of San Francisco. Validity of Legal Instiiuments Unstamped la a case before the Supreme Judicial Court, in Taunton, Massachusetts, lately, the ques tion of the validity of a deed, to which no Revenue stamp was affixed, was raised, Judge Hoar unhesitatingly decided that the absence of the stamp does not Invalidate the " deed. He questioned whether Congress so . Intended in framing tbe Revenue law but was clear In the opinion that a statute of the United States, undertaking to Invalidate an instrument, which, by tbe laws of a State, Is valid, would be unconstitutional. Tbe Gov ernment may exact a penalty for failure" to affix a stamp, bot cannot make void tbe in strument for lack of tbe stamp. TbatMassa. chuseits Judge is evidently a stickler for 'State Rights." . Never Had ah OrricK. Lately, just after an adjournment of tbe House of Represents tivos, of tbe Iowa Legislature, a young la.l who was 11 running for office," approached Mr. Brown, of Winnusbeik.and laid bis case before him in tbe following .pertinent and convinoincr style : " Mr. Brown, I am. a can dldate for Messenger.. Her is one of my uiuata ior jaesBeuger.. tm m u uij cards. I wlsb you. would vote, for me aud help me. I live lq Dei Moioe, nd I itm thirteen vein old. (tnd I nave never, bad ao office yet I" ' When our reporter left several memben were In learob of tbis enterprising lad, witb a. determination of 11 patting him. through.: i DEMOCRATIC CLUB ROOfflU - CORNER OF COURT AND MAIN STREETS. Open Daily, until 10 ocl'K, p.jpn. . -arvBHOCRATSOF WASCOOOUNTTareluTitcdtoat- JLF tend, and euroll thenuelve as uemiwr ci m Cluu. UOQD 8PSAKINQ may be ipected each evenlog. By order of the Commute, -n22d2w JUUN WJLLLAMS, Ob'n 1 FOR SALE.. ONE HUNDRED AND SIXTY ACRES OF LAND, the nmiMrt of the heirs of John KalllKan, lately de- aeed. The land I oot.venlMtly located ou Mill Creek,. ketw, en the olulm ol Theodore ueepne and uaiuweir, about three ralUM from Dalle City.. It i well watered, and contains a good house, barn and stable, a Rood or ..w,mA na Bi,niit twentv.flT ecros under tinDroremeut. ' for Information or purchase apply to Bather t. Mespile, ' ntes A Haft, Attorney. Utojisw... ; pl.. I.mesplui. 0. 8. MlLLU, Ban tfranclsco. Dallea. Hlocll filler (HOs. WHOLESALE GROCERS, AND DEALERS IN "Wines & Liquors, And Importers and Jobbers of OLOTHING Boots & Shoes, Under Clothing, IHankets, etc., etc., etc. XSSiVY OFFICE. -TK HAVE AN ASSAY OFFICE IN CONNECTION M wtth our business, under the entire supervision of Mr. Miller. We make returns in Dare in six hours We guarantee all our Assays and pay the UIOIIKST CASH PRICK for Hare. We also pay the Highest uasn rrice ior uoiu vust. BLOCff, MILLER 4 01, my6tf Cor. Main and Washington streets. Dalles. DEALERS IN HARDWARE, IRON & STEEL. aROCERIES. BY THE PACKAGE, ti FOE OASH," At San Francisco Prices, Adding cost or Transportation. . CUMMINQ GRANT, . m!3tf Dallea, nree-on. A f!A RT1 11.4" AD AME LB TKLUEIt WOULD RESPECTFULLY IT- Inform the Ladles of the Dalles and vicinity, that she is now prepared to doall kinds of DRESS, CLOAK, aud PALETOT making. Also, CUTTING an 4 FITTING In a new and improved style, never before introduced In this place. . She will warrant to a-lve satisfaction, and would most respectfully solicit a liberal patrouaire. In the Rooms lately occupied by Mr, white, over Degener's 8tore, on Washington street, between Second and Third. Dalles, Maroh 27 th, I860 mrzrtr FRED. LIEBE, GROCERY, PROVISION, AND - : TP T? TT1 T U T O T? IT! Washington Street, opposite French A Oilman's. Dallea. Has on hand a large aud well-assorted stock of GROCERIES & PROVISIONS, fresh Butter St,. "Egga, Received dally. A large lot of CHICKENS always on band. FRUITS of all kinds. FRESH VEGETABLES every morning. All article warranted. Give Me a Call, Everybody PBICKS TX-W. .- nl8:tf V. LIEBE. J. F. KELLOGG. DENTIST, . Main St., Dalles, Oregon., AFTER NEARLY SIXTEEN YEARS Practice In his nrofenslon.. wonid respectfully Inform the cltliens of the Dalle end the publio generallr. that.be has leased the Dental Office lately occnnlad hr l. Vi auwiRi, ventisi, wnere ueoan oeiouna prepared to at- lena to uioee requiring nis proresslonal aervlce. Omci Hoohi From 8 o'clock, a. at., to la : and from i o-ciock, r. to v. at. moti sT. 13. DICICEHSON, Dealer In oil kinds of GROCERIES & GRAIN ATTHI Lowest Cash Hates ALSO, -, JOSLYN & CURTIS' BUTTER, Ott bond, and received Fresh erery week. Come One, Gome All, and Give me a Call, AT OON8BR BARTER'S OLD STAND. MEUT YORK UjY.IlltY AND GROCERY STORE Maln.fetreet Dalles. - Bih23tf : .. ' FREDERICK BBNZBR. NOTICE. 'A LLPBRSON8 INDBRTKD to the anderslgned are -m rnHpctitiiiy requested to come and settle inoir count within TUlRi'K DAYS, and ar oosU. aooaim . a. i. biak;ii vo. JOSEYIV AlVp CURTIS' U UTTER At 50 cents per pound, For Sale by J.B, DICKERS0N. Oitdl ( Second Street. NOTICE. -nEMOTINO MY RESIDENCE TO CLAT80P. MR. MH, U. J. WALDRON will act as my Ageut, and la au- uiuris i wi I vvviit ai wnere nuv me. a2odlm. A. U. 8TRKLE, M. D. Isaac F. Bloob, "AUM(UJ rnios., . Mjholesale & Retail Druggists, . . , viniUII, I WE NOW OCCUP OUR- NEW TWO STORY KIRK JOHN HPP1NGKR Proprietor. proof Stone buildlnp;, opposite llloch. Miller I - - -.,... , V. .n.V i,.Min ftlil ., .1 milH UNDERSIGNED 1 ' Drugs, Medicines and Chemicals, consisting iu part of KEROSRNfc. LAMP WICKS & CHIMNEYS TURPENTINE, 110P8, - . . AIAJUIIUU, BAHK, ACIDS, t ' 8PONORS. AINSKED, LEECH KS, LARD, CORKS. CASTOR AND I.ND1O0 AND NBATSFOOT Oil, LANP11LACK TRUSSES, SHOULDER BRACES, SUPPORTERS, AND PATKNT MICDICINUH, Our stock of FANCY GOODS I s of the finest and beet quality; new style, ond large assortments, such ae liUliln a PEKsUlSKtli, HAIR, LUIIIN'S TOILET SUAP, FLESH, POMADES. SHAVING. COSMETICS, . HAT, UAIR01LS, " CLOTIfS, COLOGNE, TOOTH AND FANCY SOAPS AND NAILBRUSHES TOOTH POWDERS, .. AND COM 118. PURE WINES AND LIQUORS, For Medicinal DurDoses. ". . .- our MCllltlort ror buvincr vnnil. im HMnJ u the Stale, nud we shall at all times sell nt a small ad- Tuuee iroin cost, newly sales and sma II nronts. PHVSICIASS' PRESCRIPTIONS Carefully compounded at all hours of the day and night. vtuiBa,oeJI.V, AO'HI. SelU-tl VEBY IMPORTANT - TO Merchants, Families, Hotels and IIAIt-IlOOMS. f UL1U3 KRAKMEIl HAVING BOUGHT THB EN- - lire Block or Merchandise and Book Accounts of the late Brm ot M . Seller A Co., In this city, to whick be has added of his own Importation (while doing business lu "i; a imuieuse etoc- oi me best manufactured Crockery, - Glassware, Plated Ware, Lamps, . , : Chandeliers, Table Cutlery Looklng-GIasses and . All Kinds of Oils, All Of Which he offers at reriuend ratM. Panmh Ll.- ing 10 uuy any oi tne aDove-meutloned articles, will do wan iitb Die a caii ueiure puronasing elsewhere. Orders from the Interior promptly attended to, and iw,.uw,ftBiiW)unvura. uon't tau locaii on me. . Ituuiu'SBlone llulldtng, Washington street. Dalles. .-.. . JULIUS K.KARMRR. Dallea. March 17th, 1866. mhlVtf ONE HUNDRED MILES SAVED! m ArKPftnTifr ltlfi IIV1 nilXVH BY WAY OF Wliite Bluffs!' THE SHORTEST AND SAFEST ROAD For Land Travel. I Distance from Dalle to White Bluffs 100 miles ', White Bluffs to Pen d'Oi elite 100 . toColvllle .170 Travelen bv land for either of the shore Oold vi.m. I SaVC Time IHSiaTlCft anfl Mnilf Vl ... ... ,. ,,. . By taking the Whit Bluff. Hood. Wood, Water and Grass An found on this Road within easy drive The road I now open, and possesses advantages ove u uuiu iiui.1 niuie iruiu mi uaiiee. PUUllshea Dr order or THB CITIZENS OF THE DALLES: vane, moron, hi, iwo. mWrSm. W. 13. DOUGLASSj fm i5 (Successor to William Blrnbaum.) PRACTICAL WATCHMAKER, ARO.raAUB IM 33?in.e "Watches nTSim?. f NVITE8 THB ATTENTION 0 HIS FRIENDS AND jl ui ruMM toi cboiot electioa of .t New arrdraaliio-iable Goods, . Beepeotfntly ollciUn; their patronage. Wa'chee PROMPTLYi.aod PROPAVRLY -repaired and imiviianiM, mfltf Isxt Don t tht Post Offls. IVatchmakernnd .1ivlr. MAIN STREET: DALLES. ' DEALER IN FINS WATCHES, JEWELRY, CLOCKS. Gold Pens.Sll.er and Plated WJ CJftw. Spectacle, Cutlery, Ac. AWPorticnlor attention paid to Watch, Clock, Jewelry, etc. Alt Watoh r.palred by m warranien ior iweiv month. N. B. All ordr from th nnnr aonntrv. bv xnrea. i u win., rrunipiy aitenoea H,. PROF. MURRAY'S . M A G I O O I I , For Sal by OATIS A CHAPIN. ALSO, AQKNTS FOR DR. DPNCAN'S WllOOplDg COBgU SpCQlfiC. . A FRANKLIN MARKET. corner ok second and Washington streets iAiJXlU, VAilflliT, bore Market in tbe BR?T Ifr-V ' STYLE, will keep aonslant- HJslsWsMsS ly ou baud all sorts of Fresh and CuredHIeats. Of the best quality furnished at the LOWEST RATK" My motto it to "PLEASE ALL." , , PARTIES nATING SUPERIOR STOCK FOR 8ALM will do well to call at the i'runklln Market. , JOHN EPPINGKR. Dalles, February 10th, 1886.,. W ASIllNUTOlY MAKKIiT., ooRnsa or COURT' AND SECOND 'STREETS, DALLES, OREGON . JOHN MICHELBACH, Proprietor. WIlilV KEEP' constaatly on hand all the varle-1 sties that the oiarkutoan noaslblT auoru, oi ' FKICSd Ss CURED MKATM, , aud.olwya of the b st quality. FAMILIES, HOTELS, AND STEAMBOATS" supplied on reasonable termsk . ' Tkeunderslgnea Isalwava nrcuared to oav the hlsrh. est cash price for FAT CATTLE. Parties havlns stuck x In good coudltion, are requested to rail on him before going elsewhere. . JOHN MICUlfLBACll.i Kaiies, atrcU3it,i8eo. . mliSltf u NOTICE.TO FARMERS- rM MIR. DALLES LUMBER AND MANTJFACTURINO t X COMPANY ha recently attached , ... FLOURING M1TL.U to their Steam Sash 'and- Deor Fnctorv. In this Cltv. ami i are now prepared to CHOP FEED, URIND WHEAT and . uuun, aua warrant to give the .beat satisfaction.. Otu, hand constantly and for sale.- ..... JXTRA FAMILY FLOUR,' SECONDS OR MIDDLINGS, BRAN AND SHORTS, . : !? CHOP FEED, OIUCKEN FEED..', Also, a Bunerlor article of CORN MR AT.. rrnm Corn. ...... .. . . The hit-hest market nrlca nald (n wnH AT rnniu BARMtYj 11. A. IIOGUE. Asent.' Dalles, Nov. 2, 18M. i ..,; natf.- IMPORTER AKTW0BBER OF "Wines lLiciiiori . . FRONT. 8TREET, Portland, -. - . ... Orecan n-fFI!,'80R SALE A. .TERTiLABQH. ASSORT t Brandies,-. .' -; Wlneg, . .: . .! .. )(. v- Liquors,: .. - Case Goodly, . &cv,-. &.'ct, &c Mtwf The Trade'h nartlcnlarlr InilteA ta Tml. . tuck before pnrchasiug elsewhere. . , , , aojM-tf. H.HEBMM&CO 9 MAIN BT., DALLES, OPPOSITE EMPIRE HOTELH IAVE JST RECEIVED A BEAUTIFUL STOCK OF , ' SlUlinu. ANIF GOODS, 1 ' . r.ainalstnr In nf .. Fancy, and Staple Dry. Good Clothing,. . . ' V Boots ASliuoci ' Hats & Caps,, Which Ihey offer to tell At SMALL PROFITS... Dalle Ilarch 27th, 1808. , . mr27t(. MONTANA! IDAHO! WASHOE i WB-. ARB . PHTTIN&I VV OVR i 01UUINAL SUPERIOR BRAND OF . . GROiriVD JAVAXOFFJEIE,!, ' . CUARTRES COFFEE IX .DO VDLB GLAZED JAP&$, 11" bTra0ov.thP,h ,r f v. w v mi im nuiivn, sna . HARDEN A FOLOER, , Pioneer Steam Coffee and Epic Ullla," ' kltmlpl ! ui iron. Direct, sou Branouco. and IUDEJJ.. jy!B nronEST cash pricjb faid for IVCRSr WOOX.( AMD HLDKS, at MaCRAKEN, MERRILL A CO.'S "'. It North Front Street, Portion d.' mhloSa BOOKS! BOOKK WHOLES ALB AMD RETAIL, I ajcnooi. books, stamonhrt. ' I k3 Sundard and iliscellaoeona WORKS, I maoaeinks, papers,, I Ac A., bv verv Steamer.- Ptmtm Bookstore, Main street, Dalle, . Garden Seeds roc the Million ' H. J. WALDRQV CRYSTAL SALOONi ' AND-1 .; I 13IIIIJA.Itr : ROOM, ,- . JOHN HINDI, AUB. Prtorleier.' WASniNOTON ST., next deor ta FRENCH OILMAN . Iioticit.-. i W UAVB appointed E E. HFT'T othorlmd ., Jl- to collect all Bwnrjs due me, and attend U my t-M.. aaMSar)ty. . . .agtrj , Mi B-JIttT,