II ST. SATURDAY EVENING, MAY 28, 181(0. Tun Now York Tribune bas been enlarged and. otherwise improved. ' . A history of California bas jusC Veen pub lished. Que Suthill is the author..- A Mobile paper of March 22d,' slated Ithot; a caso of cholora had iappearcd, in that city. Victor IIuoo was offered $100,000 for. ft new work, just published-, and- refused to take it. Wa are indebted to, Mr. J. B. Cro9sen for a good supply of ice. Not bad, this, of.a warm day. .. : Tub number of deaths in Sin Francisco during the month of April was 203. Of these 02 died' of consumption. ' 1 Childbkn have been poisoned by putting card pictures in their mouths tho effect. of the chemicals used. by the artist. An old man, eighty-nine years of age, mar ried a woman aired seventy, in Connecticut, a while since. . Happy couple I At the request of Gens. Grant and Sherman, Gen. Ilardet has been aaaured that ha will not be molested in civil pursuits in the United States. ' ' iM.the Odd Fellows procesdionjn Sonora on the 20th of April, one Aldy participated, lie was with Thomas Wildey in the organiza tion of the first Lodge at Baltimore.. . Uuriko the last two years the Government, has realized. from sale of . confiscated and abandoned cotton, Btigar, etc., in the State of Mississippi, over six millions of dollars.. WAtfT k Tooth-Cabpentkb. The Woodland (Ctl.) Kew't; on bohalf.of .its readers, calls for tin services of .a dentist in that village. Hard grub has worn their teeth badly. EgrgBiMENTS made in France prove that a, horse will live twenty-five days on water. On h:rd food, without water,, only five day, without either food or water, seventeen days. Tut widow of the late Gen. Houston is to receive the salary of her husband for the full term ai Governor of Texas, It will be re numbered that be was deposed by secession ists when Texas seceded. - 8TEAM OS TUB UPPER SNAKE RlVER. , A correspondent of th Idaho Statesman, writing from Boite Berry. May 16th, says : . Thai' first link in tbT chain of steam com- rafinication,; to be made continuous at no istnnt day between Suit Lake and the Co lumbia river, was welded to-day. The new steamer Shothone, of the O. S. N. Company, ut on steim yesicrday and ran irom this place up to the Owyhee Ferry, a distance of forty-five miles. It being late in the after noon when she started,. Captain. My rick l-id over at- dark last night and' ran up to the Ferry this morning, arriving at ten o'clock, in nine and a halt hours' running time with fifty pounds of steam. This was the first time her lines were let go, and she behaved n a manner to reflect credit upon builders and olbcers. The boat has been built under isadvaptages, pariicularly. in getting her machinery in. order, every pieee of which had. to be brought fiom the shops on the Columbia.. Sho-daws light about twenty uches water and is of capacity to cairy one undred and seventy-live tons. Anticipating tue nrrival ot tue boat at the Owyhee Ferry, a small party of gentlemen from. Ruby City, and another from' Boise City, camo over on the .stage this morning ust in time tor bear the music of the steam whistle reverberate for the fust time along the sage brush solitudes -of the Snake. It was pleasant music to tne ears ol us who have for two years heard no- other but the wboa-haw drivers whip, or lho Jehu's horn. Fir.-t taking a good dinner at the bospitablH invitation of Captain Myrickr we started down the river at half past one o'clock, running down to the Boise Ferry in five hours, including, tim-e to wood and othci delays. The-wind several times blew a crale as it generally does on the Snake and (Jolum- la. The boat being entirely light it was illicult to keep her bead to the wind. Two or three times it turned her complete y round in spHe of helm nnd steam. The banks of the Snake are nearly level full, and. the, current strong, but there ar-e no rapids of any consequence in tin part of the river, and but few dangerous rocks to be bserved at the present stage of. water. here is no better water to navigate-in west ern rivers ijinn ihU portion of the Snake ; ow it is above and below remains to be tried. To morrow we start down the river to Old's Ferry. , TiigBi is a man .liviug in Hardin county, Iowa, who lost bis right arm in the war, who can chop .and cord, .with tba use. of hit baft arm, two and a half cords of . wood per day. Who can beat that? W.os'r.WoBKc Thirteen. .divoroe suits ar.e pending in the pretty little village of Santa flosii, Sonoma county, California. "Lore in a .cottage" sounds well ; but, it would appear, it impossible of. practicable application, . Captain John Suite, the A cent, at Warm Spring Indian Reservation, arrived in town , Thursday. dipt. Smith informs us that (he crops look well oa the Reservation f bat the grasshoppers, threaten .to eat everything up before harvest. Owing tq , the. threatening aspect of. affairs, he has allowed the Indians , tq go to the. fisheries on the Columbia to put up salmon for, their, winter' foqo. - . , Tbjs) Idaho, Statctmun .says Judge -MoBfide. ' and Col. Preston .telegraphed .on the 11th inst-, from Penrec,to Judge Kelly, that they . were to leave there on the 12th ins)., and ' will be here ..as. toon as possible. " High ' water and bad roadt ahead." They will .be here about the 23 Inst. to tbey will have a Supreme. Court this time. Notice will be published of Judge UcBrlde'i arrival, at . which time the Court will enter upon busi DCS.. - Tai San Francisco Examiner, the recogi nited organ. of the Democracy of the West, speaking about the trial of Jeff. Davit, says " And what becomes of the distinguished . coovioi V It tho country to be disgraced by his execution? Are humanly,. Uhridtiauiiy and civilization to be outraged in to revolting f a manner " ' . Tbelabove qucsilom are easily answered Joffi neck will be stretched by the aid of good .'jrop.' The country . will, not .be die - graced, but will be honored by the civilize world foctho act. Neither humanity, ChrU. tisnity, or cJvitizaiion will suffer a particle. KEOULAR MEETING or the Dulles Social Club, T0 MOBROW EVENING, at 7 o'cloik. By order. 1 L. NEWMAN, Bee'. Columbia' Lodge, Ma. 5, I. O. O. F. Meets every Friday evening at 7 o'clock, lu Gates Ilnll, corner of Second and Court Streets. Brothers In good standing are invited to attend. By order. N. O. Wasco Lodge, No. 15, A. F. do A. SI. Holds Its stated Communication" on the Firpt and Third Mondays of each month, at their hall, in Dalies City. Brethren in good standing are Invited to attend. By order of the W. M. Eetu L. Pops, Soc'y. Religion Notice. . Catiiouo Ciiubcii Morning sorvice: Mass, at 1( o'clock. Evening service: Vespers and Benediction, at 7 A o'clock. Sunday School at 2 o'clock, p. m. 23dtf . FATHER L. DIKLKYIAN, Pastor. To Bi.TaiHo The telegraph announces that Jefferson Davis- has been indicted at Norfolk, Va., by thje U,. S. Grand Jury, for igb treason. It is stated tlrat He 18. to be- tried in Richtnondi next- June, by Judge Chase. Underwood, a modern Jeffreys in malignity, exhibited, in bis charge to the ury, an tne moody, instincts ot mat execra ble model.. Tbo iuryJiad evidently been packed for the purpose and registered the instructions of the judfciul wolf with appa rently little hesitation. It was, no doubt, with tbera a labor of love. What a misera ble contemptible farce I ' What a mockery of justice is -ibis I -What- a violation of all the rules of, decency and common sense I Here is a Judge overflowing with malice and ha tred. towards an. accused party, delivering an Juflaininatory . appeal to a Grand Jury to bring in an indictment against uim ana openly . prejudging a case in the trial of wnicu be, nimselt, is to Bit as one ot tne District Judges. Judge Chase, too, who is tq preside, is well known to have long Bince prejudged the case, an I a trial before him wjould be the sheerest humbug that was ever gone through with in a civilized country. and bow. is-tha.jury to be formed ? Will the Marshal summ.Q-0 any man whose sympaiuies were wrth the South ? Of course, if he be of the Underwood.) stripe, an embodiment of malice, yindiutiveness, bigotry and Radical ism, he will notv Men ot bis own teenngs wiU be.seleated, who, without regard to ar gument, theories or facts, will do the work for which they are assembled. A verdict thus procured, before a biased and pmu diced jury, will be held up before the world as evidence more strong than proof of holy wcit, .pat : treason is odious r - The above,i,fr,om the San Francisco Ex aminer, ft-tborougbjy Democratic paper, and such a pae.es Fay, Lane 4 Co., heartily en dorse. The editor -of 'the Examiner would have the arch-traitor,- Davit, turned loose without, trial, and Fay , would vote for hit admission to a teat in Congress immediately after. -A nice party, that I ; ' Starting Niwspapkbs. At a dinner party in New.York, lately, Mr.iOreeley stated that since the commencement of the Tribune, in 1841, something -like five hundred daily newspapers have been started in the city of New York, of which not more than fire turr vive. The Tiilunt was started on a capital of one thousand dollars, and that, as Mr Greeley states, borrowed money. To estab lish the World, the editor says, and no one Will douht it, cost two hundred thousand dollars. DALLES AND CANYON CITY STAGE Are now running regularly their lino of CONCORD STAG1CS, BETWEEN DALLKS &c CANYON CITY, TWICE A WEEK, CARRYING; THE U. S. OVERLAND MAILS - AND Wells Fargo &Co.'s Express, Leaving Dalles every Tuesday and Friday, at 2 o'clock a. m.j uud Canyon City on the same days at 3 o'clock a. m. Through In Two and a Half Days JAMES A. HENDERSON, Agent, Canyon City. Dalles Office Next door below Joe. Elfclt's, Main it. SAMUEL L. BllOOKS, Agent, Dalloi, May 20th, 1866. niyliGtf Proposals for Grain Atsistast Qua&tkrmetkr's Office, Font Dallbs, Oasaox, Muy 24lh, 1866. CJEA1.KD PROPOSALS, In duplicate, will bo recelvod at this ofllce until 12o'c)o ku.on the 1st day of June, 1868, fur tho supply of 150,01)0 pounds of Oats, tu be uf good merchiintubtt- quality, and delivered nnd stored hy the Contractor in euch manner as tho Ass't Quartermas ter at this Post may irect, boiween the time of tho ap nroval of said Contract end the 25th day of July, 18C6. Oats to be put up In sacks and weighed upon the scales at this po-it before being received. Bids will liu reeeiveu lur xa.uuu pouuue anu upwaras; must s'at-. the price per pound in coin, and be accompa nied by the names of at least two responsible parties as sureties, and be accompanied by an oath of ulleghuiceto the United States. In cose a Bid IS accented, the Contractor will be re quired to enter into a Bond for a reasonable amount, for tue laitntui performance oi ine uomraci. l'ayment for the above-meutionea supplies will be made lit such tunds as may he furnished by tho Qoverrf- ment, at a rate oquivaleut to the coin price at the time of payment. Til rtgnt to reject any anu an uius is reserveu. Bids to be endorsed " Proposals for Oats," Coutracts will be subject to the approval of the De partment and Division Commanders. t i ...in on . .a mytd Captain and A. Q. M., U. 8. Army. - MCTM AND COMMISSION- HOUSE! No. 100 HUM STREET, DALLES.- TnB UNDERSIGNED THANKFUL FOR PART Vaxon, rttMiiect fully Infoi-ius tho citizens of tha Dallefl, and tba public generally, thai be continue! t iullat PUBLICAUCTION Oil PKIVATE SALE, Real Estate, General Merchandise, iocerles, llorsex, , Mules, ft'urnlture, . stocks, &.c. &c KEOULAIt BALE DAYS, Tuesdays and Saturdays. , Cash Advances made on Consignments, And PROMlTUETUUNm .de of salos. . Out-doorand Special Salos attended to In any part ot tho city. ' JOHN WILLIAMS, Auctioneer. NOTICE. S HEREBY OIVEN THAT A CALL MEETING OF the "Stock Raisers' Mutual Aid Society" will be held at Unlou School House, near A. D. Bolton's, on Fifteen Mile Creek, at-1 o'clock p. m.,on Saturday. June 2d, 1866. in 23td L. L. KOWLAND, C. 8 A. 8. Andrew Campbkll', who killed the noted guenllla, John Morgan, baa been made a Lieutenant la the U. 9- Army. . J . J IT K E JEl, Slain Street, Dalles, WROLES41I AND ftSTAIL DEALB IN CIGARS. TOBACCO. SNUFF, PIPES, &.o. ALW1IS Ut 8TOKI TBI BEST BRANDS OF Cigars, Tobacco, Matches, &c PLAYING CAltDS. POCKET CUTLERY, - ' POUT MONIES, COMBS and BHCSHEg, o' all kinds, . PEKFUMEUY, ot every description, CHINA OKNAMENTS TOYS, DOLLS, etc. ' FISH HOOKS and FISHING TACKLE, MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS, -, FANCY GOODS, 4c. Also Powder.Shot, Lead, Powdir Flanks. Baskets, and many other articles too numerous to me ition. T Interior dealers supplied with Cig irs. Tobacco. etc. at less than Portland prices, with freiicut added, oc-8 BOTTLED BEEB. rrpHB UNDERSIGNED IS NOW TUTTINO UP AN JL excellent article of BOTTLED BEER, which he will deliver to dealers or private families in quautitlos to suit. Orders left at the Philadelphia Brewery will be promptly attended to. U. BONNENSUHEIN. vanes, may khi, 1000. , uiyAu NOTICE. THE MONTANA TRANSPORTATION COMPANY will now receive aud transport freight from White Bluffs to the upper end of navigation on Pen d'Oreille Lake, at the role of IW per ton. Frelaht seut to White Bluffs, marked 'To the oare of M. T. Co." will be for warded with dlspatcu. J.A.OUELb, uyzitr Agent. COilOIISSIOIV MEItCUAIMX 403 Front Street, . BAN FRANCISCO, As a BUYER 1ms had many years' experience In San Francisco, and Button! himself as being able to give sat. isfaction. Will till orders for responsible parties, and allow tue usual credits. Fur advauces mode, will oharae the customary iulerest. ittmmtssione will be reason ble, and suited to the nature and amouut of the business. Helen to Messrs. tiuimuon a uueu, Attorneys at Law, Dalles, Oregon. For mrtuer particulars, aauress as auove. mysims HO, FOR THE DEALY ROAD! jSWOW OUT OF THE WAV. THIS R')AD IS NOW BO FAH COMPLETED THAT it mav be traveled bv waaons treat and small with ease and safety. It is Not Less than Fifty Miles Nearer to Boise Basin or Yalley.or Owyhee tlmuany other route from Dalles City. It Has Lower Hates of Tolls, better gross, aud shorter drive between watering placos than anv uther road across the mountains. This road thonuh not completed lu all 4ts sections, Is offered to the trav eling public at veryreosonaDie raies ot toll. Teamsters, packers and frelghters from the Dalles will do well tvexamine Ikis rood. If they do not like It. they can go lifty miles lurther round for about three. times me loil,-uu uto iiu ue..vr-ruou, 4 , , By order of the Uod Compou. . my23ml Dissolution Notice. . THE C0-PAKTN KHalllF heretoforeexlstlng between B. Milllgan, W. P. Harris, mid McCnllough A Moll man, Mining iu Canyon Creek, Grant County, Oregon, Is this day dissolved by mutual CUNsant. Buid MoCullpugb a ltoiima.1 wituurawing trom int cn-pacinersuip MoCULLOUaii a U4.LLUAN. Canyon City, Grant Co., April 21), I8e. . iUml AlQTlCE. . TUB UKDKR9IQNKD HAVINQ . BODQUT. the Schooner Itruverance and half the scuouuer iia- piii, from Torence Uuiu, all debt against the above uameu uoais must uo preseuivu iw me ut me mjiu umj of May. - - o oinu.iu. Dalles, May S, 18fl. nil0u2w. Herald copy, 2 weeks, anil send bill to this office. .- SELLING Or AT COST I J. GOETZ & CO.. STONE BUILDING, WASHINGTON STREET, DALLES,. . Offer their well-selected stock of- TOBACCO SEGAKS, PIPE8h YANKEE NOTIONS, AND - 8TATIONEEY,- ' - AT- . BAN FKAN.C1SCO COST. mr27tf GATES & CIIAPIN WHOLESALE k RETAIL DRUGGISTS, STONE BUILDING, WASHINGTON STREET,', DALLES, OREGON Importers SDd Jobbers of PATENT MEDICINES, CHEMICALS a FANCY QOOB3, . SODA, CORKS ACIDS, s OILS, a ALC0UOL, PORK WOKES a LIQUORS, 1 PAINTS, GLASS a BRUSHES. 1 PHTSIQUNS' FKESCBIPTI0X8 i Accurately compounded., ; ' , PH OTP fl A P.H I C EM PP R I U M . , A full and comDlets assortment of all artlclm In 11,. Photographic Line, at a SMALL ADVANCE ON IkX ' FRANCISCO PKICB8. MGr Merchants will please get our prlcos.before order- ' lag below. U. L. OUAPN... JUSTIN GATES. DaltM. . Saonyofnto, Calf LAST CHANCE!. WE WOULD CALL THB ATTENTION OF Tn . public ,tlu loot tliat.we.ar closing, uui-oar. at.O.T.HXIG, DRY. GOODS &C., AC, At Greatly Reduced Rates, And offer bares ns which cannot fail to satisfy tuylnir wanting articles In-our-line. ,. r H'air.-TSrarning' ! : VirE INTEND CLOSINO OUR BUSINESS HERE k . If. the FIRST OF JUNK next, and we take this oi. ' portuntty of once more oalllng i.on those ludebtod i ns to rail and .settle. . We will not, If we can help It, place any of our accounts In the handt ut legal collet tors; but If obliged to do so. re shall have recourse t . that wlien this notice axplres,., -"V, . . M. BROWN a BSO. JDtALLES ,& ItOCKLAIl LandingFoot of lnlon Street. . THE PROPRIETORS ARE NOW-PREPARED WI 1 STAUNCH AND ROOMY BOATS, to cross Travelers, Horses & Stock, Ta a Bah and expeditious manner, and at BeasoaekH.- Sates, . ... . . aSR!,.