T 11 I MS fl - MM r M IMF P SB: TOffMij, j. -c : x i . r,i i .m . n a u n n n ts . ; b b b . m . jtk t - VOL. V. D LLES, Oil) GON, SATURDAY, MAY SSO, ls00. NO. 85. nuttintx, PUBLISIIEL) EVERT EVENING, ' (SUNDAYS EXCEPTED,) BT " E. G. COWSE & J. IIALLORAN, EDIT0H8 AND PROPRIETOR:). ' Terms Taenly-fivecmtt per week, payable to the carrier per muntli, by-until, L; tlireo months, t2 60; six mouths, $6; one year, $8. Advertisements Inserted at low rutee. Job Printing. Every description of plain and fancy Job Printing exe nted witli ueatnoss and despatch, and forwarded as per order to any pari oi the country. iMymauJorJoorrmi ing tnttic oe mnae on tieixvery tij work. .XV. 88. DO U LASS,. l?rm;tlciil Watchmalcor, And Dealer in FIXE WATCHES & JEWELRY, DALLES, OREGON. BALDWIN I3TIO., DEALERS IN ' GROCERIES! '' CORNER OF - IHaln and Union Streets, Dalles. J. 0. BALDWIN mli21-tf F. W. BALDWIN. FURNITURE! FURNITURE. DIEBLAM & WENTZ, -rN ITl OLOBB IIOTEL BUILDING, ..'WW-.'tllWH? Tl.llu.nittt ttnv. .in h.nit . vurl.lv ' . n J ' Household Fnrnltare, yi&vjT! embracing Tables, uhatrs, Bureaus """""Vf-i Beds and Bedsteads, Bedding, Caruets tc, etc., all of which 111 be sold at low rates. Furniture nopairea, ana upnoisiering none to oruer. Also, on nana Mattresses and Pillows. Spring Beds made to order. anlli WU. 1I0ABD8. 0. B. ECHO Kb. WM. MOABUS & CO.. O I TY" BAKERX, t X .' ' '.. AND .. ... ... JTR 0 VISION STORE, i ' -"Corner of First and B Streets. -' WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DKAI.KRS In BREAD, CRACKERS and Family GROCERIES. tp0rdors from t distance carefully filled and prompty spatched. - - 1-tl apfeJEI?ri ELFELT, '" -' 1 WHOIISAU AND BKTATi. UtALli IN V . Fancy & Staple Dry Goods, CLOTHING, . BOOTS AND SHOES, HATS' AN I) CAPS, AND r Gentlemen's Furnishing Goods Fire-proof Stone Store, oorner of Main' And Court streets. ' - , oc4-tl j laihtfASOra & ODE L Si, ATTORNEYS & COUNSELLORS At LAW WILL PRACTICE IN TUB SUPREME AND OIR cult Courts of Oregon, and the District Courts o WaslilngtoB Territory. '. ... ' i'. Particular atteutlfn paid to the oollectlon of claims. O. UUMASON Dalles, Ogn. J. A. ODKLL. BURNISHED ROOMS , i TO L.ET, . i 'By the Nigit, Week or Month, ' NEXT DOOR TO JACKSON 'KNQINB HOUSE. .. ; m.tfi .' '.'.I! . MRS. BPRENOER. , LANGLEY, CROWELL. & CO., IMPORTERS AND WHOLESALE 'DRUGGISTS; ; Corner of Clay and Battery Sts.; v . s . i. -io , ;- u . t uj i .': Kl SAN FRANCISCO, ' ' mli22:d0m. 74'. 74. WM. BROWN WARIVEIX. M. j OFFICE 7. SECOND STREET, between Washington Nind Court'. . ,' lu ,', Omoi Hod8 9tol2. A..;2to4p K.;andetolO,p.M lfc. IS. V. MITCHELL, , Office WALDRON'S BUILDING. ' BraniNOE Corner of Third end Washington Btreots. C. B. BROPK8, M. 13. j Ofllce At- Ir. frrtict'n Drug Store. DALLES, OREGON. NOTICE. 'W-tPTB CATX TnE ATTENTION OF TnF, PUBLTOto ff the fact, that we have concluded to give npbns iiiess and thorn. ore. all parties Indetitrri to u MUST PAY tip WITHIN NINETY DAYS or legnl nrooeoillnes will jkehad., . ., .r ...... H. BKOWM A BH0.I, Pajles, uarcn in, itm. nuu. t'KUA Cli X. U 1 L,H Aft, ' IMPORTERS AMD WHOLESALE Dealers in Wines, Liquors GltOCEHIES, Miners' Goods, 15 oat Stores, &c, BATE BXKOTID TO TBEIE NW STONE BUILDING, CORNER OF ' Second and XVaNlilngton Streets, DALbES CITT.. NOW IN STORE A LARGE AND COMPLETE AS sortmctit of the very best brands of WINES AND LIQUORS. Also, a-tull assortment of GROCERIES & STAPLE GOODS. Constantly receiving our supplies direct from New York aud San Francisco, we are able and willing to sell at a very small odvnuce on Sun Krnnrisco nrlrn.. TIiav hope by adopting a strictly sorrect and prompt method ot doing business, tuoy will receive the patronage of the pub. no. seio-tr UMATILLA HOUSE. DALLES, OREGON. HANDLE Y 4iSl.OTT, Frop'rs. TBIS POPULAR BOUSE, OIKTRALLY LOCATED, Near the Steamboat Landing St Railroad Denot. lias been recently enlarged and improved, and will now accouimuaaie ... 300 GUESTS. IT WILL BE CONDUCTED as heretofore, as a FIRST CLASS HOUSE, and the patronage of the traveling public Is respectfully solicited. ,. 7 llaggnga takeu to the Honse fro of charge; House opeu all night. - LARGE FIRE-PROOF SAFES TO DEPOSIT VALUABLES Dalles, Oct. 4-tf. EMPIRE HOTEL, MAIN STREET, DALLES, 0REO0N, ' THOMAS SMITH, Proprietor. A FIRST-CLASS HOUSE. IN THE OBttTRB OP BUSINESS, ' Near the. Steamboat and Railroad Landings Superior Accommodations for Families-Hind oan Ao commodate one Hundred and t itty Uuests. Meals. ...,;....'.....60 est. '' Lodglng.............60 cts. Fire Proof Safe for depaslteof valuables. ! VA.nouse open all night. Baggage tnven tothenonse tree oi cnarge, i, .,. ... ...THOMAB BM1T11, mhS-tf i i i ... ! .. ... Proprietor, CO UMBIA RIVER MINES. , A:. jR,. T3 0 0TH,: ", . , ; WHITE BLUFFS, W. T., . V , . ' FORWARDING AND COMMISSION MERCHANT, .I k: AND OXNERAL DEALER IN.,.., ... j ME R O II AN DISK! ; and MlIVGltS' SUPPLIES. PACK AND SADDLE HORSES FOB SALE, i JTREIOUTS CONSIGNED to my cure for Colvllle EL' Kootenai, or the Upper Columbia Mines, will re cefve prompt attention ' White bluffs, Oct. 1st, 1864, oc.2tf! VKW P1UIT, XiftOCEUY PROVISION STORE. ! rnilB UNDERSlQNliD INFORMS niS FRIENDS and X the pnblic generally, (hat he has Just established on Main street, next door to J. Juker, Tobacconist, " I A NEW STORE!' where he keens constantly' on hand a large assortment o selected FKUIT. Also, in store a complete stock ofchoice UKUVEK1ES. 1-KOYllSlUJVN, YJSUKTAISlilUS, C0. j All of which will be sold, wholesale aud retail, at Kq DUCED PRICES. Come and see and satisfy voursclf. , , ,se!3-t., j ,v - , . n JOHN SP0S1TO. j COLUMBIA RIVER MINES!' ' B00TR.W.'..'.....'.;.......,,..,..'..'.,..BAitilT NEVtSOW,l' ' BOOTH &c NEVISONV. ! Forwarding and Commliblon Merchants ; AND DELKHS IN OENERAT MERCHANDISE, : , ;.wiiite ,; BiuffH, yv; T, I IREIOnT FOR COLVILLB, UPPER COLUMBIA, KOOTENAI und BLACKFOOT MINES nromntlv lorwardi'd. . . , . , Mark Goods B. ft N.4 White Bluffs, W.T, .,'... i ' '" 'RIP'RENCESI ' Portund Richards McCraken, Allei It Lewis, and ' Hodge Calef. ) Dalles Bloch, Miller t Co., French s Oilman. ' 1 M., BROWN & BEO.i .. WBOLBSALB AND RETAIL DEALERS IN FANCY AND STAPLR DEYGOODS! GROCERIES, PROVISIONS, &o. ! Mr. M. BROWN, being resident of San Francisco! wa ire enabled to oiler great Indcements to nnrohasnra. Wa respectfully invite the publio to examine our stock befor purchasing elsewhere. mlt-tt Btone Store, north side Main street, tallws. -TBt Democratic State Ticket. ' FOR CONGRESS; JAMfcS l. FAY, '"'' 0 1 Jackson. - FOR GOVERNOR: JAMES It. KELLY, . Of Wasco. FOR SECRETARY OF STATE: ' ' LAFAYET'lE LAKE, Of Multnomah. . ' FOB. STATE TREASURERS JOHN V. II ELL, Of Marlon." , . - FOB STATE PRINTER: JAMES O'ME.illA, , Of Linn. .; FOR FBOSECTJTING ATTORNEY FIFTH DISTIIICT, J. II SLATER, Of Union. Democratic County Ticket. For Representatives, 0. IIDMAS0N, ' F. T. DODGE. '' .:, . . v For Sheriff, . A. W. FERGUSON. . . V For Clerk, .'' , '7' .' , F, S. HOLLAND. ' ' For Treasurer, A. W. BUCHANAN. ' ' , , "' - For Commissioners, ' G.F.HERBERT, ' ' ' ,r , . JOHN WILLIAMS. ' '1 1 For Assessor, HARRISON CORUM.' For School Snperintendnt, 1 c E. P. FITZGERALD. . For Surveyor,'. .'... W. T.NEWCOMB. j '.: , For Coroner ' ! :i ! ,' .'': DR. C. B. BROOKS. ' ' ; " t , Virginia City, Montana & Blackfoot " OVERLAND STAGE LINE! ; BEX.' ilOLLIDAY, Proprietor. COKORD STAGES .. LEAVE BOISE CITY ETERT OTHER DAT FOR ( i i BLACKFOOT, .! ' Salt lake! City, Denver, City, MISSOURI RIVER, ' ' Connecting at SALT LAKE CITT with Concord Stages ..:?! i. i-'i .1 Running to:. . ,i . ,; . " Vlrgliiln, ; City,' Nevada, 7.. "AND BAfjRAMENTO, CAliORNtA'"'.(' ' I !'v, pABKi .::' .(.:. ,.'il j Boise City to Fait Lake City.. l...;.......A;i...'..ira 00 .i . i. u , virgnl City, Montana IU& 00 " " ilissoiirl River, Legal Tender MOO, ' Gold, tlOO... : 400 00 For furthor information apply at .! ; ' ,1 OVERLAND STAOE LINE OFFICE, v.,'. :, .... TIaI.j. r.ft.v. . V . . k "mh6d3m ' ' ;' ' J. N. TODD,' Agent, i TO TEAMSTEBS AND DAIRYMEJi.! FEED ! PEED! ! ' ; BRAIV; ! AND -' . ' ' ! i:;.!:inii3i33j ;.?.jy: OF ALL KINDS, FOR SAE BY ' ' " 'J.!-J ' Tt. II. TL.A.XV; I 2iFroht Street, Portland, , j j ' Opposite 0. 8. N. Warphouse. nlOrtf. . GATES Sc IIA.FT, ! Atlorncyfi & Counsellors ut Law, . DALLES, OREd.. ,,, j Union State Ticket. . FOR CONGRESS , , . . RI FUS MALLORY, Of Marion. . FOR OOVERNOli: . GEO. L. WOODS, ' ' ' ' Of Wasco. ' r TOR SECRETARY OF STAT: SAMFEL E. MAY, Of Marion. :.'":' s -. , FOR STATE TREASURER: ' E. N. COOKE, , '. .. Of Marion, j ' ' FOR STATE PRINTER: ' W. A. MCPIIEUSOST, ' ' , ;t ; Of Liun. 7. FOR PROSECUTING ATTORNEY FIFTH DISTRICT: C. H. MEIGS, ; . ' Of Wasco. Union County Ticket. For Representatives,. , . H. A. HO QUE, . , C. B. KCEQEL. , For Sheriff, , . R. W. CRANDALtt. " i , , , , , i . - . t . . For C.1erkt . , R. B. REED, , For Treasurer,, ' G. "W1: WALDR0N. ' V For Commissiooore, r. ,. ,. R. MAYS, " 'n. h.'wood. ,. ' ' .: u '' For Assessor,' ; ( , ;, j L'. L.' ROWLAND. ' ' '; For School Superintendent, "'! T. CONDON. "' !' ; ' ... ' . - !.i . .;- a U Vi , .. For Survey oi, fJ t h .,W.B,.CAl?SELh.;.j:.. For Coroner,-.;;' .r(v." DR. W. B WARNER. i . i .: A-.:y ,, iW V,A CARD FOR TUB Spring & Summer Clothing Trade '; OF SAN FRANCISCO.' " BADGER & UiSeNBERGER; No. 41 ly 41 3 and 418 Dattary Street, Cor. Merchant. San Franoiana. - Importers ana Wholesale Dealers. 'ENTIRE' NEW AND iFRESU''STdCKl- ..I .. ...in,.; j J....' 'i .. c i...... i..' WE WOULD CALL ATTENTION of Country Mer- stock comprises every article In ti e Clothing and Fin - ' .,K nun o nnw v"""iKi"ij ub iianu me larpfst and (treatost variety of Casslmera and .Wool UATS of any house In San Francisco, and. our pries, for these n. miliar. 1... tl.an thu. n bm I..... - i. t , . " v. ..u mmmv, h .UL'flVV them direct from the manufacturer's consignment . Onr mi- ui oiimmeraim ran uoops is particularly attract ive, and the groat feature to the country merchant is the uuusually low prices. less Than the Cost of Importatiou ! We also keep the STAPLB ARTICLES in the Dry ood. ...v. wu.na i.v iiuid iiiituuu.vii iu mis jnorac, un der the hammer, and ar. ftntn ll,nm x-.n. v... i. Cost, and less. . - , , . ' We publl,H this card in srder ttia we may make new acquaintances, and Induce those who have not heretoftro purchased of us. to call and examine our stork. Good Articles and LoW Prices ArA the ffmnfnkt In.iAAMMH.a . .11 i 1 - ll luuiiwaiDiii, iu l. WIIU llinllN.F It. sell agalu. . Merchants who bny of us can make good remain, respectfully, ' , t i out uwiutent sorvanto, ; tf;?i fin ; , - , . BADOlll A LINDENBERGER, . :U i: . Wholesale Olothlns; a nd HAt WarehonW. "' .1 .i- . ' No-1a. 413u441.Baerjti't,7 Son Francisco, Aprir 20, 1806. ". " ; " Sinw. MRS. LEESER'S FRENCH MILLINERYSTORF, ' AND Dress Mnklnar EmtabIlHh'nxn. '. i1-' OpposLte Cohn at Bolima. ' ' I WOULD CALL THE ATTENTION f the tsdlvs . , the Dallea tp,my,)ar. s and Bne stock of. i.,.... FLOWERS, 1 EMBROIDERY. ' DONNETS; II ATS; FEATHERS, Dress TrImmljsriB,,&;.. ITAvlntT APiirf.rl .Via MMrlHaaf una Tfttinn .. w ' Dress KHklng apartmeut, wc will doall work in that line ' and gnsrantee perfect mtiBthctlon. - " - V livikn i.. n ...i . ' Olve me an i nrly rail 'and I win e'mfraor To' tulf Terybody In TASTE and t .REASONABLE PBlCKf. 'tttbroltleryand'Briijt