Last Moments of Daniel 8. Dick inson. When he received tho intellii gence, only two hours before his death, That his disease -would in all human probability prove fatal,und -that the end was last approaching, ho heard it with perfect calmness, and said to bis wife, taking her hand : "Let us meet it like Christians." After expressing the deepest affection for, and sending messages of love to absent members ot his family and affoctionato'iidvioe to bis fatherless' grandsons, ho became weaker so rapidly that ho had little opportunity for speech. As ho felt the time was near, he said : " I am faint" -"significant"'-" the conflict is strong, but the other side is ours." Then raising himself in a sitting posture, and leaning against his brother-in-law, he gently breathed his Inst in perfect calmness, and apparently without suf fering. Mr. Dickinson had nominated just prior to his docoaso, his wife and brother, as the executrix and executor of his last will and personal property. After a union of 41 yenrd with this estimable, lady the dying husband clothed her With his wealth, as an ev idence that up to his dying moment she held the first place in his earthly affections. Binghamton Republican. ' Arrebt op a California Homier in New York. The following particu lars of the arrest of tho nmn who rob bed Collector Adams, of Oregon, are given:. On the arrival of the steam ship Santiago de Cuba from Grey town at New York, April 12th, she was met in the lower, bay by a boat containing a detachment of the Now York dotoc. live police, who proccoded to overhaul the ship on tbo strength ot a tele, graphio dispatch lrom San.Franciscb, charging one John Lambert with hav- . ntt vrthhoi r!nllnntnr Aflnnm nt Ore gon, of $20,500, on tho passage from Astoria to San Francisco, February 3d, on board tho steamer Oregon. "When the New York dotectives reach ed the deck of the steamship, one of the first persons whom they met was the object of their search. lie was at once taken into custody, very much to. his surprise, and, together with his baggage, taken to police headquarteis. On searching his trunks, the sum of 84,520 in double envies, and ?300 in greenbacks, together with 15,000 in California mining stocks, were found, the proceods without doubt of the robbery, The nccusod. in detained to await tho requisition of Governor Low ot California, lie is a nu.tivo of Engi land, aged 24 years, and refuses to say anything about tho robbery. A Losing Game. Lieut. JI. F. T$&u ry, lato of- Mexico, has bren hoard from at Paris, whoro ho is writing let' terB. to the London pitnorp, sotting forth the losses of tho .South in the late rebellion. lie puts tho mini total down at 87,000,000,000, tm follows : By emancipation $.V00,000,000 Expenses of . tho wrtr 2,000,000,000 Loss of private .property 1,000,000000 Taxation, including tun t for Federal War Debt 1,000,000,000 Total $7 ,000,000,000 ' "This 87,000,000,000," says tho Lieutenant, " wuh tho , accumulated wealth of centuries; it constituted tho whole industrial plant and capital of tho South." The Lieutenant is pe titioning the rebel sympathizers of Franco and Lnglana to help tue ooutn erners. 6arrw this immenso load. Perhaps he would liko to be tho custo dian of tbe relief fund it will bo vory large as he was of tho Mexican Em igration X una. . In th Circuit Court of the Ftlito of Oregon lir the County of Waco. W llmnth Htllwoll. plaliitlll,vs. Lauan Btllwoll, defendant. In Equity. rlilI.AIHIN BTILWKIX. defendant: Yon are hereby JL summoned nnd rninlred to appear und answer the complaint Int.e above entitled suit, vh ch Iim been fled in the officii o! tho Clerk of Wnsm County, prnylng fur dissolution of tho'muirlngo t-onlrnet niuf a decree of personal property to the plaintiff. nv expenses and colli, within six weeks fmm the tlrst publication of ttiia summons, or if yon full to. so nppt-ar, tho plnititiff will apply to the court fur the relief demanded In the com plaint; tMTKS A HAFT, iiiiinimii Vt""r'K.f;i '''"'"'iff. U m a t ilia, B o i s o AND IDAHO Express and Fast Freight Line. THIS LINE IS NOW IN COMPLETE RUNNING order from Umatilla to Idaho City, via llolne City, Knd prepared to carry Freight and Valuable Packages between these aud all intermediate pointa wilb certainty and despatch. Tbe Line Is Stocked with the Best Teams the country affords and entirely New Thorough-Brace ,gasaBfe.3 wagons. Which ensures .Speed and Safety In the transmission of Freight, rover before offered to ldnho. We offer Supe rior iuducemonU fi.r Shipping Gooda from San Francisco aud Portland to Idaho, as our arrangements wilh the Ocean Steamship Company and the Oregon Steam Navl Ration are such that all Moods shipped by this Line will uot be subject to the usual delays, but puss through as Fast Freight. Goods shipped from San Frnnclscn to our care nt Port land, Charges will bo paid and Goods shipped to desttua tion. GOODS PllOULD HE MARKED : CARE Tt. M. D. k CO. F. LINK, ami Shipping lteceipts sent to our Agents at Portland and Umatilla. Advance Charges for Transportation Paid by the Line anil Collected at Destination, floods will be" forwarded with Dispatch to owyhee'aud South Boise. PASSENGERS CARRIED AT GREATLY REDUCED RATES. Families will be furnished with Superior Ac commodations In New and Easy Hiilinir Thoi-uiuh Brace Wagons on tho Most Liberal Terms, We lay over oacii night on the Koad at good and Convenient Stations, ao that passengers will not be deprived of regular rest. AGEM'Hi RICHARDS McCHAKKN San Francisco RICHARDS A McCHAKEN Portland JOSEPH TEAL Dalles POWELL C"B Umatilla ,k B. WILKINSON Le Grand P.. M. DuRKI.L A CO Boise City B. M. DuRELL CO Idaho City MAJOR Sl'KKIl Rocky Bar (South Rolse) DuRELL A MOORE Ruby and Siivor Cities B. M. DuRELL . CO., n25tf Proprietors. DR.. DAVY'S SPECIFIC COMPOUND, An Expeditious Cure for all disoiues of the SEXUAL ORGANS. rjMIIlS prompt and efflcatious Remedy for the cure B. Uhonnrrwn, Oloet, Strlatnres, and Diseases of the Urinary Organs, makes a speedy cure without the leaa! restriction to diet, exposuro or cluwgo in application busliieasi it will radically cure any case which can be produced. The disease It removes as speedily as is con sistent with the production of a thorough and permanent ruro. Farther, tho disease' cannot bo contracted if the SPECIFIC COMPOUND Is taken when exposed, , ' Its ingredients are entirol v vciretnldo.aiid no inlnrtons effect, either constitutioually or locally, can be caused by its use. Price One Dollar and Fifty cents por bottle. Sout by Express carefully packed. UUBTETTKII, SMITH A DEAN. Agent", dill unit .treat, rur Tlfiv. ! Jy22-0ra. ' San Francisco.. LINCOLN HOUSE, Corner Washington and Front Streets, . PORTLAND, OREGON. F IRST-CLASS HOTEL. LARGEST IN THE STATE. Charges Reasonablo. AN OMNIBUS will attend all the Boats and convev Passengers aud their bnggago to the Ilouso Free of Charge, or to uny other Uouso In the Ciry for 60 cents. . r). vukfin, proprietor. P. S HOT AND COLD BATHS in the House. -I All tho Steamers fur Oregon City, mconvcr, Monti cello and Astoria land at the Lincoln House Wharf, aepl:3m Sheriff's SaJo of Real Properly. TrgY VIRTUE OF AN EXECUTION issued by the Clerk HJt of tho Circuit 'Court. In and for Wasco t'ounty, State of Oregon, to me directed In favor of Thomas Howe, et. al , Plaintiffs, and against the Dalles anil Boise Road Company. Defendants, for tho sunt of Four Hundred ami forti-fivo iio-100 (?446 25) dollars, prinol pal, and sevonty-threo lUMul) (S";i 611) dollars, coats of action, with interest and costs of this writ, for want of personal property, I have tills day levied upon that por tion of the Dalles and Boise Road, being and Bltuiited in Waaco County, Oregon, commencing nt Crops Hullows aud running Kast to thoCounty Lino botweon Wasco and Grunt Counties, containing seventy-four (74) mile.., more or loss. I will proceed to soli the above described pro perty at Public Auction, before the Court House Door, In Dalles City, to the highest bidder for cash In hand, on "Wednesday, June Oth, 1HOO, Between the hours of 12 and 4 p. m., to satisfy the above execution, interest and coats. CUAS. WHITE, Sheriff. By R. W. Ctunntn, Deputy. inllwl city drug store. P. CRAIG, BOLS8ALB AMD K1TAIL DEALER IN DRUGS. MEDICINES, Perfumery, Fancy Soaps, PATENT MEDICINES, Ac ri-tr DRtlQS AND PATENT MEDICINES!! DfiUGS AND PATENT MEDICINES!! DRUGS AND PATENT MEDICINES!! J S. LUMON, WH0LE8AU AND RETAIL DRUGGIST, Washington Stroet, between Main and Second Stroets DALLES, OREGON. gj LEMON Is able to supply pottles In want of Drugs, k5 Patent Medicines, Chemicals, Acids, Perfumery, and every other article enumerated with the WHOLESALE DRUG BUSINESS, At the lowest market rates. ' Physicians and Merchants Intending to purchase for the Mines, will do well to give him a call. TRUSSES & SHOULDER BRACES In great varloty. 8. LEMON, ap.3:tf. Washington St., between Mnin adn Second. PORTLAND FOUIVDEIY AND MACHINE SHOP, FIRST STREET, between Yamhill and Morrison. Steam Engines . Offroiu4to4tl horse. -JnVf'!i'4(? 9j power.eltherPortableor jfZfflpr (S"f Htatlonary. Also, CI 11- S :' .SwilSs K -KHi. CULAR SAW MILLS S fV-fV-'ft'S COMPLETE, constantly f fiRfisS IW-JiWI -S&vfo onband. Also. Hay Pres- eJfJtlMt&W'ifiil J-ff. a Planinir fr.'iw, i,"i-:;;5:'5S Maclnnos,(W oodwortlrs patteru.) WrouKht and Cast Iron work for Ver tical Sawand Grist mills; Brass and Iron Castings and . . . WROUGHT IRON WORK of every description. I am also prepared to furnish Quartz Mills complete, of the Latest & most Improved Patterns. 1 These Mills can boforwarded to any part of the mines as the welttht of the entiro machinery will not exceed 3. 000 pounds. Horsa rowers s Agricultural implements manufactured loonier at the very LOWEST CASH PRICE N. B.Particulor attention paid to REPAIRS. fe20-tf Oregon Steam Kavigation Co. SUMMER' ARRANGEMENT. ' Summons. In Justice's Court for West Dalles rrccinct. John Kpplnger, plaintiff, vs. John Young, deleudnut. Civil Action. rnyt) JOHN TOTJSO, DEFENDANT: In the name of JL the Stato of Oregon, yen are hereby required to np pear before the nnilerslcped, a .luxtlreot the Pence of the efnreaid precinct. on the 2d day of.Iune,18ti, nt tho hour of 10 o'clock In the forenoon of said day, at the of fice of said Justice of thn Penco, to answer tho ubovo named plnlntiff In a civil action. Tho dorendant will take notice, that If be fail to nppenr itml answer tie plaintiff's comp alnr. tbe plnlntifl" will take judgment ngnlnst him for the sum of Ninety Dollars, with lutorett thereon. utven umtor my namt, tins xutn day or April, ikoq. ; r apiOWO . F. S. HOLLAND, Dalles, AprlUO, lSltR. Justlcoofthe Ponce, Summons. In tho Circuit Conrt of the State of Oregon for the County gt Qrant June Term. 1 fillO. A. L. Sutton, plain tiff, vs. T. A. Whiting, defendant. ' rlnO T. A. WHITING, Defendant t Tn the name or JL tie State of Oregon yon aro hereby notified and required to appear and answer tho complaint agninst you uoW on lllo with the Clerk of the nbove entitled Conrt by the plaintiff In the above entitled action, with in ten days from tho service of this summons on you, if served in the County of Grant, and if served in any other County lit this State, then within twenty days after such servlco: and in case of publication, within ten days after expiration ot publication, and utiloss yon shall soappear and answer said complaint, the plnlntiff will take judgment agalnt yon at the next term of tho said Court for the sum nf $l'iI2 60 and interest from tho 16th day of August, 1864, and for his costs and disburse wonts. W. LAIR HILL, Att'y forl'ltbT. Dated, April 17, 186(1. . . . Ordered, That the foregoing summons be served by publishing the same for six consecutive weeks' tn the Wsfklt MonxTMHtxn; a'paper published at Dalles City, - " i ituJLiiiaumi'JKa Mm, SMd rir f THE STEAMERS ' ' J XEZ PERCE C HIEF, . WEB-FOOT, . . TENINO, OW1MEE, YAKIMA, ' . . . SPRAY & KAXAGOIS, Captains E. F. COE, C. C. FELTON. J. II. D. GRAY, and ' T1I03. J. STUMP, Will run during tbo season from CELII.O to UMATIL LA. WALLULA, WU1TB BLUFFS,. PALOUSH and LEWISTON. . i One of the above named boats will leave CEI.IT.O for UMATILLA and WALLULA, on TUESDAYS, THURS DAYS aud SATURDAYS. . . , Tlio Passenffer Train to connect with steamers nt Celilo will stort from the Railroad Depot, DALLES CITY, at 6 o'clock, a.m. FOR WHITE BLUFFS. .. THIS "YAKIMA,"; CArT. E. F. COE Commander. Will have CELILO every SATURDAY, for WHITE BLUFFS. FOR LKWISTON. THE "OWYHEE," CAPT. FELTON i Commandor. Will leave WALLULA every WEDNESDAY (upon the arrival of the steamer that starts from Celilo uu Tues day), for LEWISTON. , '-. , FOR PORTLAND THROUGH IN ONE DAY. ". ' Tho Steamers . ' "ONEON V A. , " I . , . OR . , f IDAHO,"; CAPT. J. MoNULTY, .......Commander, Will leave DALLES, DAILY, (Sundays excepted) at fi o'clock, A. if. connecting by tho CASCADE RAILROAD, with the steamers' .. ' NEW WORLD, ' CASCADE, or WILSON O. HUNT, CAIT. J. WOLF,'. '. Commander, f. i Portland. . FRANK T. DODGE, 1 . Dalles, Apt 11 3, 1800. u!2tf Agent 0. B. N. Co. B. DAILAM, C. W. AEMES. O. W. ASHXI ( ARMES DALLAM, ' Importers and Jobbers of . , v WOOD AKD W11LVLOW WARE, I . . BRUSHES, TWINES, CORDAGE. 4o. ' ', , ' '. And Manufacturers of Calirornla Pails, Tufts, Brooms, &c, 2lV A die SagruaueutoStrect, between Front and Davit San Franolsco. .... ,.;, i. . . OtUtSmd-. DAILY MOUNTAINEER t-OWKK FRE8B1 BOOK & JOS PRINTING OFFICE. First Street, between Main and B DALLES OREGON. JOB PRINTINC OF EVERY VARIETY Executed with accuracy aud dispatch. IN A STYLE THAT WILL COMPARE FAVORABLY with the very best, and AT BATES A3 CHEAP AS THE CHEAP ST to oxseb: ... Cards and It i 1 1-12 e d $ . CHECKS, DRAFTS, RECEWTS. . POSTERS AND PROGRAMMES . - FOR ' THEATRES CONCERTS EXHIBITIONS dte., vO?C, rfC, ; ' raiNTsn in tub hobt attractive mannkb. aibo, WAY-BILLS, BILLS OF TARE. LETTER HEADS. - - RECEWTPOOKS, BILLS LADING, ETriefs and P.iiMplslcts, nsmsa, wedding and "at home" cards Drutriglsts' Labels, tn short, everything that can be done In a Book and Job Printing Ofilce, from tbe smnllcst and most delicate Card or Circular, to tbe largest sir.e and most showy Posting Hill and which will be turned out in a style that cannot fail to insure entire satisfaction. OUR rAClUTICS FOR Till KXRCUTIOR Of DECORATIVE PRINTING . In the most beautiful Colors, Ehadoa and Tints. Such as Taney Posting Bills! From a single Sheet to tbe Largest Mammoth, ORNAMENTAL SHOW CARDS. ,1'UUi VMERS' LAJELS,(tc Are unsurpassed by those of any other establishment In Oregon. Wo devote specinl atte ntioto this branch of the business, aud are continually adding to our already exteu. eive and well appointed assortment of material. urui Ttinrn nnnnroi n cm a atrklTO Ntw 1 1 red) du nucnO) u i o. ' ' o2c. rfc rfc' Of the most modern and elaborate designs. Our stock o, FANCY INKS. TINTS, &C, iMnftUllnMl nnalll. anil fi.l ptMinf.u. nf enlnp ftMll durability, cannot be equaled in the State. . The principle upon which business Is asked for this es tablishment is, that persons will consult their own inter ests, by awarding their custom to that ollico in which their money can bo' expended to tho best advantage. Tn this end we solicit all iu want of good Printing, at very reasonable charges, to call aud oxamine specimens, aud fudge for yourselves. v Orders from the Upper Country Will have onr special care, and friondB from the Interlo may rely upon having their orders tilled promptly, iui we HAVE THE ONLY IMPROVED GORDON POWER PRESS In the.Btftle of Oregon ! i Address: " ' . MOUNTAINEER OFFICE ml8-tf ' Dalles. Oregon. JACKSON SALOON ! CORKER COURT AND SECOND STREETS, DALL.IE8, ORKCiON. , rrniiE undersigned, havino removed from H. TUB "BELLA UNION" CELLAR-, INTO - ; Gates Now X5uilling Beg to Inform tho public that thoy are prepared to serve their customers with the best .. . Wines, .-Liquors f.nd Cigars. THE MARKET AFFORDS. . ALSO, A ' ' j Free Lunch I . ; ' Every day aud evening. - B. 8CIILTZ &, S. KlEIIS, dccS-if Proprietors. TTsit-s-1 Wood Iumber. CARRIAGE AND WAGON MATERIALS WE 11 BG TO CALL AT3'ENTIN of Carriage Man ufiicturers and Dealers tti the Lnrge and Com pleto assortment of CAR1IIA0E and WAGON MATliRI ALS we aro constantly receiving from tho East, specially selected fop the California murhct, comprising, Oak, Hickory, and Second Growth Ash Plank, Hickory Axles, Wagon Poles, Hubs, Spokes, FullucB. Riius,hulU, Ac. Ac. Which we offer at tbo lowest Ciish Prices. : jfjr Orders addressed to our bouse w ill receive promp attention. ', . W. BRAGG A CO., Jel6:Sm. 2 A 31 Battery Street, ban Francisco, aud 17 & 1U Seventh Street bncrntnento. 0. Watmihodbs, II. W, Bn.tuu A Co., J. W. Lrw m San Francisco. i Sacramento . New Yoili IT. TILLMAN, BOLl AGENT IN CALIFORNIA ?OR - TILTON & McFARJ-AND'S Fire & Burfflan Proof Sales. : ( STEEL-LINED VAULTS, ' - '' .;!. wtTn .. ' Comtoiniation JUpck. 3-ConstanU hand a full assortment of SAFES. , ' , 3 1 8 BATTERY BTREKT, .' ,, ,. :'''"' .j. Ban Frahciscit x