L. atlif'lllonntamccr. Epitome of Telegraphic News. OOHPILSO FROM TIt OItn)OMA!C. DATES TO NAY 91, New York, May 21. The Panama Star and Iltrald elctm, of May 13tU, has thefollowing: " Tile Uuue l Suae flag- ship VandcrbiU uud monitor Mo(iadnock arrived in tbe baruor of Panama on tbe evening of May 12th, haviug It ft Ciilliio on tbe 3d. From these vessels we have hows or the bombardment of C.illao and the result. The action commeuced a noon Irom the shore batteries, the fire being re turned by the Vilte de JUadrea and Hianca on the, northern aide of the harbor, and'lhe Nu viancia. IteiolutionnnA Alamanza on the south. Tbe Ville de Madrid and lieremjuela were 'badly damaged early iu the fiirlit, and they were obliged to withdraw to Sun Lorenzo, and were afterwards followed by the Numancia and the restof tue Ueet All were tuoie or leas dam aged, and tbe Spauis Admiral wad said to be badly wounded. During the fight Sf nor Gal vesr, the Peruvian. Secretary of War, was killed by au explosion in the battery. Tbe fight lasted till 4 o'clock P.- M., when it win terminated by tbe withdrawal of the Spanish ileet. Very little damage wasdone to Oallao. A few hundred dollars worth of property was destroyed, and teu Peruvians reported killed und wounded. . , Nothing reliable has been heard ot the loss . of the tloui, but it was supposed to bo heavy. . It was not kDown whether the Spaniards would resume the attack, but it was supposed they would nut at present. Tbe Spanish de leal was received at Panama with great eu-tbusia-tn. Advices from Valparaiso to the 18tb of April, report that the blockade has been raised and that the Chilean Gouernment : have in force the import and 'export duties ni.Uing beto(e tbe blockade. Market dull. Washington May 21. In tbe Senate, Wilson, from the Military Committee, reported the bill creating the grade of Lteneral. Wilson ottered a resolution, wbloh was adopted, directing tbe Judiciary Committee to inquire into and report as to tbe expe dient') ol adoptiLg a unilorm mode of elect iug D. S. Senators by Legislatures. In the House, McRuer Introduced a joint , resolution authorizing increased pay for let' lercarriets in San Francisco. The resolution whs referred to tbe Posioffice Committee, ,. Hitchcock, of Nebraska, introduced a bill r.reattug Omaha and Nebraska. City ports of entry. Inferred to tbe Committee ou Com merce. Wuo Siiall Wear Tin Breeches? Judge Mix, of San Francisco, lately sentenced the jierumbulating Doo ress DeWolf to pay $21 or go to jail ten days, for wearing breeches when walking the streets with DeWolf him elf. The odd dollar was thrown in to en able the advocates of affinities, etc., to ap peal the case to the County Court, where they propose to test the question whether a married woman has or has not the right to wear the breeches if she sees fit, and ber husband don't object. .' Mr. Geo. G. Gibson and his son Samuol, met' with a severe accident, on Thursday, while taking down a bnrn frame- on their farm, )J miles above Sulcmin Polk county They were engaged in taking off the slates . of the building, when the frame fell with them, breaking three ribs of Mr. Gibson, and injuring . him otherwise internally. Samuel escaped with a. severe sprain of one wrist and ankle.. PiusoMAii. Mr. James O'Menra, editor of the Democrat is in town, and called around during our absence to-day. Mr. OMeara is on ''tho stump" for his ticket poor business tip this way. i Public Sale. Of Land for Delinquent Taxes for IS05.. TTJY VlRTUB OF A WARRANT ISSUED OUT OF the County Court of the State of Oreuon. tor. the Couutv of Wasco, on the 1-kh dsv ofi Anrll. A. D. ISiul. und tome directed, for.thecolloctlon of delinquent taxes lor the year. 1863-64-66, 1 have this day levied on the following described.plecrsand.Darcels ol laud, lvlnsr aud belig iu said State and Couuty, in Dalles City, according to the plat'thoreof, and on the 23d. dny .of June, A. D, 1H66, 1 will expose the same, or so much thereof as sliall be necessary to pay the taxes and. eosts due thereon for tho years 1863-64-66, at publio auction, at the Conrt . House door in Dalles City, in said Btate aud Couuty, be- wouu tue iioutb in e o'ciock a. ni. ana 4 o'clock n, to the highest bidder therefor, lu.U. 8. Uold Coin.. K. Lot.. BLOCK. IAX, Jas. H. Fruit, (Lauglilln's ad)1863 12 B" $ 6 50 I " " " " M..186 12 9. 6 60 0 13. 14 8 ' ' A. . jonuurnnt ,...1866 . 4. 800 Simeon llouyrets..: " .Mrs. M. Button (Trerltt's ad).. Mrs. II. Bell, (Blgelow!sad).. ptlO 6 11.12 w'10 10 80 00 4 00 400 Chas. Coolldge- " Ueorge II. Elliot " .las. II. Fruit, (Laughlln's ad) . Frank lliinka ' Ueo. Johnson ' ' , A. 1. Miueas. . ; Frauclsco Yelardt 2. 6 172 .' a .12 9' 1 14 200 10 00 800 86 80 . " 374 8 ... " partll 1 .. " ptofll 0 00 16 00 121)0 ' CIURLEB WUITK. RherllT ' andiTnx Collector of Wasco count, Ortgun. 0. S'. MlLlta,"" Dalles. Bloch, Mtllcr & Co., WHOLESALE : "'. G E O O EJ IR, S., AND DEALERS IN ' Wines- fc Liquor's, And Importers and Jobbers of - CLOTHING- Boots !fc Shoes, Vncter Clothing, Blankets, etc., etc., ctc. ASSAY OFFICE. BUrE HAVE AN ASSAY OFFICE IN CONNECTION H with our business, under the entire supervision of Mr. Miller. We lnime returns In liars In six hour We guarantee all our Assart and par the HIGHEST CASH PRICE for liars. We also pay ihe Highest Cash Price for Gold Dust. BLOOII, MILLER O J., myOtf Cor. Main and Washington streets, Dalles. " DEALERS IN HARDWARE, IRON & STEEL. GROCERIES. . BY TUB PACKAGE. FOR CASH,'; At San Francisco Prices, Adding cost of Transportation. CUMMING k GRANT, Dalles, pregon. mI3tf A. CARD. MADAME LB TELLIEIl WOULD RESPECTFULLY Inform the Ladles of the Dulles anil vlilnlty, that she is now propared to do all kinds of DRES, CLOAK, and PALE I (IT milking. Also, OUTTINU and FITTIMI In a new and improved style, uever before Introduced In tms place. She will warrant to give satisfaction, and would most respectfully solicit a liberal patrouago. In the Rooms lately occupied by Mrs. i White, over Dogener's Store, ou Washington street, between Secoud ana num.. Dalles, Mnrcli27th,1866 mrZ7tf PBED. LIISJBIS, GROCERY, PROVISION, AND FIIUIT STORE, Washington Street, opposite French A Oilman's, Dalles. lias on nana a lai gaaua well-assorted stock or GROCERIES & PROVISIONS, Fresh. Uutter & EjjffS, Received dally. A large lot of CHICKENS always on band. FRUITS of all kinds. PUBcUL VEUETAliLES very morning. All articles warranted. Give Me a Call,, Everybody PRICKS! LOW. anl8:tf ' F. LTEDB. J. F. KELLOGG, DENTIST, Alain St., Dalles, Oregon. AFTER NEARLY SIXTEEN YEARS Practice la his profession, would respectfully iuforin the citizeus of the i Dalles and the public irenerally, that h' has leased the Dental umce lately occupied by J. W. UUllliBi, Dentist, where he can no tounu prepared to at' tend to those requiring tits prolesslouul services. Orrioi IIoobs From 8 o'clock, i. h., to 12 v ; and from 1 1 O'ClOCK, p. m. to o p. m. nun J. li. JLICltlditROJN, ' Dealer In all kinds of GROCERIES '& GRAIN,. AT THE Lowest Cash: Hates. ALSO, ' JOSLYN & CURTIS' BUTTEB, ' Oa band, and received Fresh every week, Come OllCt C0H16 All. &nl GlVC me A tall, . m 0 ..,;,,., , . .... AT C0NSER k BARTER'S OLD STAND. NEW YORK BAKERY AND GROCERY STORE Mala Street Dalle. mh23tf ' FREDERICK BENZER. "' :. ..''':.'. NOTICE. ALL PERSONS INDEI1TKD to the Underslgnod are rettpctfuliy reauestod toonie and settle their ac counts witma TUittTX daub, ana save eosts. - auuiu i A. 1. ULUUll uu. JOSLYN ANU CURTIS' UUTTEU At SO cents per pound, For Sale by J. B. DICKERS0N. mOdl H Second Street. NOTICE. fJEMOYINO MY RESIDENCE TO CLATSOP, MR. ii- lL.Jt W ALDHON.will aotas ms Aaeut. aud la au. i moriaoaiio receive ail moneys aue me. - IsjUO F. Bioch; " -Ban Francisco. waldrois .buos., Wholesale & Retail Druggists, Main Street, Dalles, Oregon. WE NOW OCCUPY OCR NEW TWO STORY FIRE proof Stone building, opposite VloCh, Miller A Co.. and offer to the pntillo a full and- ounipleto stock of Drugs, Medicines und Chemicals, consisting lu pnrt of , KEROSENE. - ' LAMP WICKS A CHIMNEYS HOPS, ,. .-, , SAGE, t " SPONGES. LEECHES, TURPENTINE, AMHHilib, ACIDS LINSEED, LA Ull. COHKe, OAfTOR AND INDIGO .AND NEATdFOOT OIL; . . LANPDLACK TRUSSES, SHOULDER BRACES. SUPPORTERS. . :. " and , : ' ': Our stock of FANCY GOODS 1 s of the finest and best rjuallty; new styles ond large assortments, such as LU1IIN 0 1" ISIlf UKKUI, HAlll, LUlllN'S TD1LKT DUAf,. FLKSII, . ..' JUiMAUr.B, BMAVIIHU, COSMETICS, . i HAT, HAIR 01 1 A CI.OTIIFS. ' COLOGNE, TOOTH AND ' FANCY SOAPS AND' NAILUItUSIIES TOOTH POWDERS, AND C0M11S. PURE WINES AND LIQUORS, ,. .For Medicinal purposes. Our facilities lor '.buying goods are second to Bone tn the Sta.H, and we shall at all times sell at a small ad vance from cost.. Ready salo and small profits. . PHYSICIANS' PRESCRIPTIONS Carefully compounded at all hours or tha day and night. Dunes, oi'pt.u, iboo. muu-ci VERY IMPORTANT -TO . , . Merchants Families, Hotels and BAR.UOOM8, TULICS KRAEMER HA VINO UOUOHT THE EN V tire Stock of Merchandise and llooit Aocotiuts of the late firm ot M. SellerA Co., In this oity, to which he has added of his own iinpurtation (while doing busiuess Id I'urtiauu; an immense &iock.oi tue uesi mauuiaoturea Crockery,. Glassware, Plated Ware, Lamps, Chandeliers, Table Cutlery Looklug-tilaascN and. All Kinds of Oils, All of which ho offers at reduced rates. Persons wish lngto buyauy. of the above-mentioned nrticles, wilt do well to give ma a call before purchasing elsewhere. Orders from the Interior promptly attended to, and goods packed to go secure. Don't lail to call on ms. , Itudio s stoue liuuuing, n asuiugton street, Danes. ' JULIUS KRAEMER. Dalles. March I7th. 1865.mhl7tf ONE HUNDRED MILES SAVED I BLACKFOOT & BIG BEM) MIXES u x. nx. or , Wliite Sluflk! THE SHORTEST AND SAFEST ROAD For Land. Travel. Distance from Dalles to White DluiTi.. ........100 mites ', White Blurts to Pen d'0iellle......l60 to Colrllle... 170 ' Travelers by land for either of the above Gold Fields, will save .. Save Time Distance and Money By taking tbe White Bluff. Road. Wood, Water and Grass- . Aro found on this Road within oasy drives. . The road is now open, and possesses advantages over any other land route from the Dalles. t . ruuusnea ov oruer oi THE CITIZENS OF THE DALLES. Dalles, March, 20, 1866. . .. , m20:2m. W. 13. DOUGLASS, (Successor to William Blrnbaum.). PRACTICAL WATCHMAKER, . . . abb dBaleb is TTiiiri Wntolioft J. lirO WaiClie AND JEWELRY. TNVITBSTIIB ATTENTION OF HIS FRIENDS AND JL the l'ublio to hlsohoice selection of V , New andt Fashionable Goods, Respectfully soliciting their patronage. . Waichos PROMl'TLX and. PROPERLY repaired and mOtfi Next Door to the Post Office. '- ; '. s ' F . I E H 1VI , Watchmaker and Jeweler, MAIN STREET, DALLES, DHALEU IN FINE WATCHES, JEWELRY, CLOCKS, Gold Pens.Biiver. aud Plated Ware. spectacles, tjutlery, Ac. ' - . ib-S -l'aniculivr attention naia.to rena r ni Onetaui Watches, Clocks, Jewelry, ete. All Watnhes repaired by me wiuranieu lor twelve nionms. ' N. B. All orders from the upper oountry, by Express or uiiierwieu, prvmpi.y aueuueu to. PROF. MUIIUAY'S F I o I c o il . For Bale by . OATE3 CUAPIN ; ALSO, AGENTS FOR DR. DUNCAN'S JVJ T ll , . FRANKLIN MARKET, v corner of second and Washington streets- DALLES OREO ON, .., I IOHN"EPPlNGEB .Proprietor HUE UNDERSIGNED. having fitted np the above Market In. the 11 lit T . STYLE, will keop,constant I i .. .1 a- ij UU UIUIU Mil SUriB VI 4 Fresh and Cared meats, " Of the best quality, furnished at the LOWEST RATI My motto Is to " PLEASE ALL." . , PARTIES UAYINQ SUPERIOR STOCK FOR BALI will do well to call at the Franklin Market. JOUN EPP1N0ER. ' .Dalles, February lath, 1806.; . , i ..-,!' UASUOrl'Ox MARKET. CORNER. OK COURT AND SECOND STREETS, DALLES, OREGON JOHN MiCHELBACH, Proprietor. ' -rw- WILL KEEP !Ti.t"conta!itIy on band all tlie Tarle- j 1wlliiWtles that the market cun possibly auoru, oi IT It XSSI I & CURED MEATS, '.' and always, of the btst quality. ' . FAMILIES, HOTELS, AND STEAMBOATS ; ' supplied on reasonable terms. ' ", Tbsunderslgueq Is always prepared to pay tbe high ost cash price lot i'AT CATTIJi. parties bavlug stuilc In good condition, aia requested to rail on him bei'orer going elsewhere. . JOUN M1C1IELBAC1I. Dalles, Maroh 31st, 1865., : . ,. ; mbSUf . NOTICE TO FARMERS. fBMlB DALLES LUMDER AND MANUFACTURING JL OOMl'ANY has recently attached a FLOUKIISGMILL; ' ta their Steam Sash and Door Fdctory, In this City, and are now prepiu-ed to CllOt FEED, UK1ND WUEAT audt CORN, and warrant to glre the best satisfaction. Oa. baud constantly and for sale , -. FXIRA FAMILY FLOUR, ' ;' ..' SECONDS OR MIDDLING, . . . w .1 BRAN AND SHORTS, " CUOf FEED, CUICKEN FEED'. : ' ' ' ' Also, a Superior article of CORN MEAL, from new Corn. , ... The hlghestmarketprloe paid for WHEAT, CORN a BARLEY.. U..A. I100UK, Agent. - Dalles, Nov. 2,1866. , u8tf. IMPORTER AND JOBBER OF Wines Sc Liqiiors FRONT STREET, Portland. i im .Oregon, v A VERt LABQE ASBOUE' Q' 8AU! Brandies, . 1 . ; Liquors, ' .' Case Goods,, , &C-. .'4c, ". .'. &,c. ;i' The Trade Is particularly Invited ta .n.l.. I stock before pwebaslug elsewbere. . ... u24-tf II. ILEUM AX & CO., MAIN ST.; TlAM.Ka DPnilHTTn nimno tmiror WJ- AVE JUST KEOKIVED A DEAUTUUL STOCK OF SriUXG. AXO SU3IMEU GOODS Consisting In part of. '! ' r Fancy and Staple Dry Goods.1 : ClotMngr, .' Ilootg & Shoes, . . , "t UaU& Caps,.- ' Which they offer to sell at SMALL P40FITS. , . . Dalles, March 27tli, 1868. mr2Ttf MONTANA! IDAHO L WASHOE. . i m i , WB ARB PUTTINQ BP OUR. , U1UUINAL SUI'KIUOR BRAND OV- GROiriVU JAV.i. COFFEE, ; CIIARTRES COFFEE,. M DOUDLE. Q LAZED JPAFEHS,. J" P". I strength and flavor for 'the length of tinioreiiuiredtobot rwarded to the above ojwea. . tot sale v) all tbe Jobbs's, and 7 , marden a foloer, . WpnrSte.mCoffe..ad8plc.MilK 7 v vq I'll ItS.. IVftllf. fln " . nmzsi casu,price taid fob. itTUILS, WOOL, AND HIDKS, at MoCRA KEN, MERRILL k CO 'S 16 North Front Street, Portland; '' mbl83m HOOIiS! BOOK; VEOLESALE AND RETAIL.. aCHOOl.. BOOKS, STATIONERY. 3 Standard and Mlscellanaim. wnmii' Late NOVELS, MAGAZINES, PAPER?.!??, Bookstore, Main Street. Dallaa. Garden seeds for the Million. ma7-tf H. J. WALDR0H I n t o I A L SALOON i :. AND . ' niT.T.TAWT -w-. ,. .i . " i-.- -sk.xnj.3X, WASHINGTON BT., .xt dr t, FRENCH A OILMAN