. ' ' ' vol.. r D ALLKS, ORKGON. THTJUSDAY, MAY S4, isOO. NO. 83. PUBLIS1IED EVERY EVENING, (SUNDAYS BXOKPTKD,) BY 12. C. & J. HALLORAN, BDIT0113 AND PROPRIKTOkS. XnmTviady-Jivtcenti per week, payable to the carrier per month, by mail, $1; thruo month, 2 60; six mouths, to ; oue year, $8.. Advertisements Inserted at low rates. Job Printing.- Every description of plain and fancy Job Printing exe- tuon wuu neatness ana aeputcii, and rorwaroea as per xirder to any part of the country. it)mtntJor Job Print ing mutt os maae on atuvtry of yomK. Practical Watchmuker, And Denier In FINE WATCHES &. JEWELRY, JXALLKS, OREGON. . BALDWIN BRO., DEALERS IN CORNElt"OF Main and Union Streets, Dalles. J. 0. BALDWIN mh2l-tf ' P. W. BALDWIN, FURNITURE ! . FURNITURE. DIEBLAM &, WENTZ, - N I T If QLOBU IICTHL BUILDING, mMM Household Furniture, HS&WV:'l:Vml,r,,cll,S Tables, Chairs, Bureaus Heiln and lleiisteada, uedding, carpels etc., etc., all of which will bo sold at low rates, furniture Repaired, and Upholstorlnjr done to order. Also,ou hand .Mattresses and Pillows. Sprint; lludH niado to order, aula WM, M0A1IC8. ...... 0. B. KUIOISL. WM. MOABUS a CO.', CITY BAKERY. AND ) "TltO VISION STORE, s Corner of First and B Streets. WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALERS In BREAD, CRACK.ERBand Family UUOOUItlKB. .Orders from a distance carefully filled and prompty Ispatched. . , . i: 1-tf JOSICI'II ELFELf, WUOIESAIfi AND RETAIl? PEAIER U Fancy & Staplo Dry Good3, CLOTHING, BOOT3 A:JD SHOES, HATS AND CAPS, AND Gentlemen's FurnlalElng Goods Fire-proof titoue btoru, corner of, (Main aud Court streets. - oc4-tt . 11UJIA.S3JN &. OEM2E.L, ATTORNEYS & COUNSELLORS AT LAW WILL PRACTICE IK THIS SUPREME AND OItt ouit Courts of Orogon, and tlio District Courts o Washington Territory. Particular attention paid to the collection of claims. O. IIUMA80N IMltos.Onu. J.'A.ODKLL. JTtJKNISIIiao ROOMS ' ; ' , TO L2VT, By the Night, W eok or Month, NKXT BOOK TO JACKSON ENGINE HOUSE, matt MltS. 8PRKNGER.' .LAN6LEY,'GS0WLLft.G0., IMPORTERS AND WHOLESALE , . Corner of Clay and Battery Sts., SAN FBANCISOO. mli22:d0m. 74. . " , - . WM. BEOWH WAtlSEB. M. D. OFFICE 71 BSCOND STREET, between Washington and Court. . ' .' " .. i . . i v. Orncs Hours 0 toU.A.M.; 2to4r..;and6tol0, i. 3)X4. 13. ;V. HlXCHELLi . Omos WALDKON'S KUILDING. ... Resipesoi: Cornor of Third and Washington Btrects. HTrrIraopis:s,.M. x. " OfH.ce At Xiri sarnie's JJruc Store. DALLES, OREGON. , jyOTICE.. , . . WE CALL TIIK ATTENTION 0? THE PUBLIC to the fart, that wo have concluded to give np bus incus nndthore.ote.All ysrtlts Itldi'litedtimsMUSTPAY vVP WItUIN NINETY DAYS or lg"l proceeding will ktefhad. i u. : M. BKOWN BRO.H kDaUeii,,M.rclilO)lSC5. j mil IMPORTERS AND WHOLESALE Dealers in Wines, Liquors GUOCK1MK8, Miners' Goods, Moat Stores, &c, BATl BEHOVES TO TUBIB NEW STONE BUILDING, coRitsaor Second and Washington Streets, DALLES CITY. NOW IN STORK A LA11UH AND COMPLETE AS ortmcnt of the very best brands of j WINES AND LIQUORS. Also, a ran assortment of GROCERIES &, STAPLE GOODS. r J- Constantly receiving our supplies direct from New York atid Bun Fruucittco. we art able aud williuk to sell at a very niall advance on Snu Fraucisco prices. They hope by adopting a titrictly correctind prompt method ol doing bii9meBflftiiey will receive the patronage cf the pub- UMATILLA HOUSE. - DALLES, ORECON. IIAIVDLEY &,SI..OTT, I'rop'rs. THIS POPULAR HOUSE, CrMEALLt LOCATED, Near the Steamboat Landing & Kailroad Depot, Uas beeu recently enlarged and Improved, aud will now ncconiuiouuie l 300 GUESTSi IT WILL BR CONDUCTED as heretofore, as a FIRST CLASS HOUSE, aud the patronage of the traveling iuuuu hi reaped imiy soiiciion. Hmjirnge taken to the Uonse free of charge. House open all night. LARGE FIRE-PROOF SAFES TO DEPOSIT VALUABLES Dalles.Dct. 4-tf. . . EM PI RE HOTEL, . MAIN 8TBEIT, DALLES, OBE00N, THOMAS SMITH, Proprietor. A FIRST-CLASS HOUSE. IITIIB CENTBB Of BUSINESS, Near the Steamboat and Railroad Landings Superior Accommodations for Families and can Ao commodate One Hundred and 'Fifty Uuests. . Meals.. . CO est. Lodging SO cts. Fire Proof Safe for deposlte of valuables, - ; House open all night. Baggage taken to the House free of charge, THOMAS SMITH, muo-ti Proprietor. CO UMBIA RIVER MINES. A.. H . BOOTH, ' ' WHITE BLUFFS, W. T., FORWARDING AND COMMISSION MERCHANT, AND GENERAL DEALER IN , MEltCHANDISE AND MINE ES' SUPPLIES. PACK ACT SADDLE EOESES 70S SALS. FREIOHTS CONSIGNFD to my care for Colvllle Hootonni, or tlif Upper Columblu Mines, will re ceivo pruiupt attcntion.- . White Ululfs, Oct. let, 1804. oc2tf AND 3?R O VIS ION STORE. TnE UNDERSIGNED INFORMS HIS FRIENDS and the public Konornlly, that he has Juit established on Maln'streot, ucxt door to J . Jukor, Tobacconist, .. .. A NEW STORE!- 'where he keeps constantly on band a large assortment o selected FRUIT. AIho, In store acompletestock ofchoice OUOCEKIES, FliOVIHlONS, VEGETABLES te. All of which will be sold, wholesale and retail, at RE DUCED PRICES. Come aud see and satisfy voursnlf. se!8-tf . i .. JOHN SlOSITO. COLUMBIA RIVER MINES! A. E. BOOTU BARRY NIVIUON. . BOOTH Ac NEVISON, Forwarding and Commlsblou Merchants AND DELERS IN OENERAT MERCHANDISE, White liluflH, W. X,( FREIOIIT FOR COLVILLK, UPPER COLUMRIA, KOOTENAI and BLAOKFOOT MINES promptly forwarded. Mark Goods B. & N. White Bluffs, W. T, ... . REFXRENOSB i . .,, Portund Richards t McCraken, Allen 1 Lewis, and " Hodge ft Calof. . Dauis Blocb, Miller Co., French Oilman. M. JBEOWN & BRO., WH0LE1AU AND RETAIL DBALER8 FANCY AND 8TAPLS DEYGOODS1 j . GROCERIES, PROVISIONS, &o. ', Mr. M. BROWN, being a resident of San Francisco, we are enabled to ofler great Indcements to purchasers. We rcspeotinuy invite tno nubile to examine our stock lielor pnrcliaHihgelsewhere.', . m!6-tt 1 4V Rtoue Store, north tide Main street, Isllss. -t Democratic State Ticket. FOR CONGRESS: JAM Est O. FAY, 0 i Jackson. T. 1 ' ' FOR OOVilRNOR: ' . JAMES H. HEEET, Of Wasco. ' FOR SECRETARY OF BT ATE: LAFAYETTE LANE, . Of Multnomah. FOR STATE TREASURER: JOUW C. I1ELL, Of Marlon. TOn STATE PRINTER: JAMES O'MEAItA, Of Llpn. FOR PROSECUTING ATTORNEY FIFTH DISTRICT. J. II SLATER, : Of Union. v . ' Democratic County Ticket. For Representatives, 0. HDMASON, , ' F.T.DODGE. ' For Sheriff, , A. W. FERGUSON. ' '.; For'Clcrfc, ' F. S. HOLLAND. ,'' For Treasnrer, ' ' " ' , . A. W. BUCHANANS ' For Commissioners, ' ' G. F. HERBERT, ' JOnN WILLIAMS. . For Assessor, HARRISON CORCU. 1 ' . , For School Superintendent, . . ' E. P. FITZGERALD. . For Surveyor, , W. T. NEWOOMB. ' ' For Coroner, (1 . . '. DR. 0. B. BROOKS. . Virginia City, Montana & Blackfoot OVERLAND STAGE LINE! BE.. IIOLLIDAY, Proprietor. LEAVE BOISE CITY EVERT OTHER DAY FOR ULACKFOOT, Salt Lake City, Denver . City, MISSOURI RIVER, Connecting at SALT LAKE CITY with Concord Stages Kuuulng to .. . ; Vlrs-lnln, City, Nevada, ; AND SACRAMENTO, CALIFORNIA. . ' F AREi ' ' " Boise City to Pnlt Lake City... J $100 00 .i Virginia City, Montana Mi 00 ". " " Missouri lllver, Legal Timlertaoo, Uold, $100 400 00 ' For further information apply at OVERLAND STAGE LINE OFFICE, Uotae CUjr, I. T.', mh6d3m .. J. N. TODD, Agent. TO TEAMSTERS AND DAIRYMEN I FEED ! FEED t ! " SHORTS, . . and , t . ' h' OF ALL KINDS, FOR SAE BY . i , . , , . K. IX. LAW, ' ' " ' ". Front Street, Portland, ' if.- " Opposite O.S.N. Warehouse. N. H.IAIia. B. X. UAf iv GATES & IIAITX, . Atlornoys Coiinsellorg at Law, I ' 'DALLES, OREGON. Union State Ticket. -. FOR OUNUUESS i . . . t RVFVS MALLORY, ' " ' " OfNMarlon. .' ' i ,.!.' 'FOR GOVERNOR: . 'i. GEO. L. WOODS, ' Of Wasco. , ' . FOR SECRETARY OF STATU:' ' s ; SAMUEL E. MAY, Of Marlon. . ' ' : FOR BTATE TREASURER: ' i . ' E. N. COOIiE, '' ' !( Of Marion. ' , , . . FOR STATE PRINTER:. '! ' W. A. McPIIERSOIV, ' ' . ' Of Linn. ' ' ' v FOB PROSECUTING ATTORNEY FIFTH DISTRICT: '( C. R. MEIGS, .-; 'Of Wasco."' ; ' . ' . - . ii ' . i Wt. if Union County Ticket. . For Representatives, , m '' ' ; H. A. HO'GUE, '-)'' ' .' ',:.. ' C.B.K03GEL. ". ,!'V. For Sheriff, . ; . v . . ' ' R.W.CRANDALL. ; ;' J ; '. . , Fpr Clerk, , ' :' ; : .' R. B. REED, j- - . " 'For Treasurer,' ' ,, G. W. WALbRON. v. ' '' ' For Commissioners', , ,. , . ' .' . ,R. MATS, .. ' ' ft. re-. I ; 1; ;R. H. WOOD, ;; i: ;. r '''"' '"' For Assessor', ' , ;,; V' ; Li l. Rowland.',. :;; :;. For School Superintendent,' V- " 11 T. CONDON.; v; . For Surveyot,.,'. . ; ,. , v . : W. B. CAMPBELL. ' .-j ' For Coroner'1, .,' V '' i ' .dr. w."b. warner! ; ., u.'.X A CARD FOR THE . Spring & Snmmer Clothing Trade OF SAN FRANCISCO. BADGER & nNDENBERtJER,1 Horn. 411, 413 and 419 Hnitery Street,! Cor-Blerchan,.. fcnn ljir.nKl.An : Importers and Wholesale Dealers. ENTIBE NE IF AND FRESH STOCK WE WOULD CALL ATTENTION of Country MpK chants to our nauallv lariroatiKik of Omuls, lli.r stock comprises every artii le in tlio Clothing and Fur nishinir line.. Wn bav.. niTi.tixntiv nn i.....! i.. mnd feientest variety of. Casslmere and Wool nATS of ..uj iiuune in Dim i rancisco, ami our prties for these Moods aro li-ss than thnso of any houso, as we recelvo . .en. untn;. iron, nie iiuiiiuiaciurer's consifrnnicnt. Oiu stock of Summer aud Full Ooops Is particularly attract ive, and the great feature to the country morclmnt is tlx unusually low prices. ' , . ' LC8S Tlliin tlio Cost of Imnortntlnni line, which Oowis wo have purclmsud in till omrkct uu- rlnp lta llatnl..n . . . .... . .......Aio., oim mp uucring in em 01 new xois Cont, ami Whh. , " c , Wm iMi),liL.I, f.i. ,.r.rin awj.i..a . ACfiuMncttncQs, ami induce thoso Imlmve not herutofure nnrrhiusstd if t..n..n .....1 i ... .1. r x v. hd( iu inn mm .-Atriiniie our aiocK, Good Articles ond Low Prlcctj Are the greatest Inducements to all who purchase to sell again. Mercbanta who buy of us can make k good nrnnt. nnrf anil ... i.i- . . . . .... remain, roepeotfully, . ' . ' ' 1 our uueaieut servants, . , . UADOKK A LINDBNBERGER, Wholesale Cloililiigand lint Warehome, ,. ' Nos. 411, 413 uud 41ft Battery street,'! Son Francisco, April i!o,lS0O. 3mw. : MUS, IL.E.ESI2Itt! FRENCH MILLINERY STORE,' ' : " AND . 4 Opposite Colin Uohin'a, I WOULD CALL TDE.iTTKNTION of the Ladiea o the Dalles to my larpe and fine stork of FLOWERS, EMSROIDCRY. , BONNETS, HATS,' FEATHERS, navlng seonred the services hf MRS. FRARY, In 1ho ' Dross Making apartment, wo will uoall work in that licet ana guarantee perfect pnlivfiicUun. , - , DYINtt done In all colors. iGlve me an enrlroall, nrd I svlll endeaVer te s'uVt everybody In TA?TH anil Bt IIEASONABIJ. PRICES. ' . I -Particular attention nail to , , . , ,, ' 'EmbroiacTy vvA&nlt'S' ptnVt-,