oiintamter. Fbok Owybk'b. From tb uoioncA of May 12th we condeoae the following : The Oro Fino Company is now working aixty hands, and supplying. gjxtj stamps with ore. ' The Silver Legion owned by the Cosmos -Co. has been worked all winter. The melt ing (now has made water troublesome, but it ia nearly free now. A .'splendidly working whim baa been erected for hoisting, ore Bod water, lowering timbers, &o,r into the mine. The discovery ground'pf the Legion has passed into the Cosmos Co's. possession, at a large price, and it will be worked from two shafts, Considerable of the ore shows free metaT At the present works 1st South , Extension there must be fully three hundred tons of pay ore taken out. ' The Allison mine is being worked with large force of men, under the superintendence of Cant. Prescott and control of the Lincoln Co. Three shifts of men are employed. Th mine is being worked in the old tunnel and shaft, and a new tunnel, is started two hun dred feet south to strike the ledge at a differ ent place. The way work is being pushed forward on this ledge it will net be many months before Ha trne value wity be est'ab- lished. .. .... " The rate of tax levied on real and personal property of Owybee county for the year 1866, 1s $t 35 on the $100. This tax covers schsol, county and Territorial assessments. Leading citizens of Silver and Ruby are fa . Vorably entertaining the proposition of abol ishing the names Huby and Silver and select a new one for both. ' It ia proposed the new one be' Owybee," and that boundaries be made that will include both towns. ' Hydraulic. Another ' of ' these mining Agents is at work just below Bloom & Herd's lumber yard, washing down the bank with good prospects of making a " heap" of dust '. the original make, too. ' Tbi Stkam br Furty-Niss. A correspond ent writes us from Colvilla, udder date of May 5th, as follows ; " 1 left the Lit tle Dalles on J the steamer Forty-Nine, on the 16th day of April and saw the foot of Dea th Rapids on the morning of the 25th. -The steamer has proved a perfect success ; she found no.obsta- c'les that aba did not readily overcome. There was some little ice in the upper end of the lower lake, and about five miles of musb ice ia the lower end of the upper lake, The river from Little Dalles to the bead of the 'Upper Dalles, a distance of about fifty miles from the mines ia aa easy of navigation as the Columbia below the mouth of the Wil lamette; above that point, at extreme low water, the navigation is difficulty In going up the water was so low that the' boat had to wait at the foot of some of the rapids for the - water to raise. Tbe snow on the banks above the upper lake, we fount! from eighteen inches to two feet in depth, and I was told that . the snow on the divide was from four to five feet deep, and very soft. Tbe steamer will -continue to run during tbe aeaioa between Little Dalles and Death Rapids. She left again on Monday, the 30th ait;, taking about 30 tons freight and 82 passengers. On tbe .first trip she took 15 tons freight and 75 pas sengers, 'me trip was made in 9 days up and 26 hours aown cutting her own wood. W. ' nr. Btaiunan. Important Decision. A very important decision In relation to tho powers of the United States .Assessors, has just been ren dered by Judge Smally, of the United States Circuit Uourt. A dispatch from, buffalo, N Y., dated April 19th, announces that be de elded In the case of Thomas. Brown, of that city, that the Assessor hae.no-right to review any assessment made by bim and which has been transmitted to the (Jotloctor and paid and (hat the Assessor has no authority under the law to require any man to appear for ex animation ia regard . to such- returns, nor compel bim. to-submit bis books for examin ation, and that the Assessor's proceeding! in all such ca,Bes are a nullity and without color or law. ine inquisitorial powers ex ercised by Assessors have been regarded by many as. unwarranted. It has been believed that they had no right, either in law or equi ty k to. review assessments made and sworn to, much less to, compel a man to reveal the secrets of -his private business .to a Foderal officer, simply on the suspicion of fraud. If this decision bolds,.it wilt doubtless create s a revolution in the manner of assessing and collecting the Internal Revenue. -if ultetm Thb candidates for tbe Legislature will ad dress tbe citizens of Fifteen Mile Creek pre cinct at the school house, on Saturday next at 12 o'clock. Everybody turn out and bear 'them.' . ' " ' , ' Mbmobt. DrivA this poison oat of your system by the so of flail's Bareaperilla, Yellow Book and Iodide Potass. Gss bottle will comvlnoethe most skeptical of its merits. ISAAC P. BlOCB,' ' San f ranclsoo. . B. Molt & Bloch, Miller Co, WHOLESALE. O It O O IT,' It, & Co., an , , AND DEALRKS IN' Wines St liquors, ' . - And Importer! nt Jobbers of oXOT'siisra Boots & Shfes, , , tind er Clothing, ' ' Blankets, etc, etc.. etc. ASSATT OFFICE. WE H WE AW XSSAY OFFICE IN CONNECTION wtrh our business, under the entire supervision of Mr. MIMer. We .make returns In Bars in six hours- We guarantee all our Assays and pay the UjailKST CASH PRIOB fov Bars. We also pay the Highest Oaah flic for Oold Dust. ' BLOOfl, MILLER 03., niyOtf Cov. Main and Washington streets, Dalies. HARDWARE, IRON & STEEL. GROCERIES. BY THE PACKAGE. FOROASH" At -San Francisco Prices, i, . Adding cost of Transportation. ' : CUMMINS A GRANT, mlStf - Dalles, Qiegon. A. CARD. M ADAMB LB TELLIER WOULD RESPECTFULLY a the Ladles of the Dalles and vicinity, that she ia now prepared to do all kinds of DRESS, CLOAK, and PALETOT making. Also. CUTTING and FITTING In a new and improved style, never nerora introduced in this place; , . . - '- She will warrant to give sausiaoiion, ana wonia most respectfully solicit a liberal patronage. In the Rooms lately occupied by Mm. White, over Degener's Store, on Washington street, between Second iu inira. Dalles, March 27th, 1868 ' - mr27tf FlfcEJD. LIEI3E, GROCERY, PROVISION, AND FRUIT STORE,' Washington Street, opposite French A Oilman's, Dalles. Has on hand a large aud well-assorted stock or GROCERIES & PROVISIONS, Fresh Butter StEggm, Received dallr. A lane lot of CHICKENS always on band. FRUITS of all kinds. FRESH VEGETABLES every morning. All articles warranted. Give Me a Call. Everybody PBICKSl LOW. aul8:tf F. LIEBB. J. F. KELLQGG, DENTIST, Main St., Duallci, Oregon. v AFTER NEARLY SIXTEEN YEARS Practice In his profession, would resuectfully inform the cltiiens of the I Dalles and the nubile generally, that he has leased the Dental Urnce lately occupied by J. W. GURIiEY, Dentist, where he can be found prepared to at- tend.to those requiring uls professional services. (Unoi flooaa From 8 o'clock, l. si., to 12 it-tand from 1 o'olock, r. m. to a r. m. m3tf J. IS. DICKEUetOJN, Sealer Intsll kiada of GROCERIES & GRAIN, AT TUB ' Lowest Cash. Hates. ALSO, JOSLYN & CURTIS' BUTTER. On hand, and received fresh every week. Come One, Gome All, and Give me a Call, AT 00N2ER A BARTER'S OLD STAND. ' NEW YORK BAKERY ' , ' AND ' GROCEHY STORE h ' - Slain Street Dalles. mh23tf ' FREDSRIOKBKNZEn. NOTICE. A LL PERSONS INDEBTED to the nnderslgned are ,r resnectluliy requested to come and settle their so- souuts wllkia TU1RTX DAYS, and save costs. A. 1. BbUUU UU. JOSlUYIV AJVD CURTIS' I1UTTER ' At 5Q cents. pec pound,. for Saleby .. , J. B. DICKJBRSON. rn9dl Second Street. NQTICE. REMOJINO MY RKSIDHNCE TO CLATSOP, MR. U. JL. WALDKON will aotas my Agent, and la au thvriaed toraodv, all moneysdue me. tmirnf A. B. BTEBLB, M. B. waldron BROS., . 1 Wholesale & Retail Druggists, cobneb of second and wasiuhoionmrkkt. Marin Street, Dalles, Oregon, B NOW OCCUPY OUR NEW TWO STORY PIBB nrcof Btono bulldlnir. apposite Blocn. ttiuer a ill id offer to the publio a full and complete stock of Drugs, Medicines and Chomlcals, consisting In Dart of krrosbnA, ' turpentine, ALCOHOL, ACIDS, LINSEED, ' LAMP -WICKS A CHIMNEYS , . HOI'S, SAGE, 8PONOF.9, ' LEECHES,' AlAKJJ, COKKS, CASTOR AND . . INDIGO AND ,' NEATSFOOT OIL, LANPBLACK TRUSSES, SHOULDER BRACES, SUPPORTERS.' AND ' ,', . ; PATENT MKDICITNTES. Our Hock of FANCY GOODS I a of the finest and bast quality; new styles ond large awinrtmeuts, such as LUBIN'S PEHFUKKRY, HAIR, LUBIN'STOILKTSOAP, FLK8H, -. r . r POMADES. SHAVING, " , , ' COSMETICS, ' ' HAT, ' HAIR OILS, CLOTOES, . , COLOGNE,: ' - TOOTH AND FANCY SOAPS AND ' NAILBRUSHES . TOOTU POWDKUS, AND COMBS. ; 'PURE WINES AND LIQUORS, f for Medicinal nurnosee. : ' ' alt Our facilities for bovine (roods are second to none In Uie State, and are shall at all times sell' at a small ad vance from cost. Ready sales and small p fonts. - PHYSICIANS' PRESCRIPTIONS Carefully compounded at all hours of the day and nlgbti. Dalles, Sept. W, lwo. . - M1WI VEltY IMPORTAXW TO . : ''?"'' lerchants, Families. Hotels and TI ATJ TKlTT .. I TULIUS KRAEMJSR HAVING BOUGHT THE BN- 9 tire Stock of Merchandise and Book Accounts of th late Arm of M . Seller A Co., in this city, to which be has added of his own importation (while doing business In Portland) an immense Stock of the best manufactured Crockerx, GlaHsware, , ' Plated Ware, Lamps, ... ; Chandelier), ..Table Cutlery Looklng-Glaases and, i All Kinds of Oils, , ' All of which he offers at reduced rates. Persons wish ing to buy any of the above-mentioned articles, will do well to give me a call before purchasing elsewhere. Orders from tbe interior promptly attended to, ana goods packed to go secure. Don't fall to call on me. UUUIO'S Stone Building, Washington street. Dalles. Dalles. March lTth. 186S. mh!7tf ONE HUNDRED MILES SAVED.! s BLACRF00I & BIG BEND MIXES BY WAY OF White Bluffs ! THE SHORTEST AND SAFEST ROAD For Land. Travel. Distance from Dalles to White Bluffa...M..........100 miles White Bluffs to Pen d'Oiellle 100 ' . ' ' to0olvllle-........m170 . " Travelers by land for either of th above Gold fields; will save Save Time Distance and Money By taking th. Whit. Bluff. Road, trr i Ti-r-i J rt ' I wooa, water uuu urass Aro found on this Road within easy drives . Th. road Is now open, and possesses advantages over any other lann route rrom me uaues. ., Published by order of THB CITIZENS Of THE DALLES;. Dalles, March. SO, 1866. - m2fr.2m. . ii. W. 13. DOUGLASSa K'0 S.- . I- ' (Successor to William Dlrnbanm.) ' . PEACTICAL WATCHMAKER, AliaBZiLia IN. 3Jine IrVatclies AND JE WEXeHY, f NVTTE8 THB ATTENTION Of HIS fRIBNDS AND JL the rabllc to bis choice selection or . a New and Fashionable Goods, Bespectfnrtf aolloltlng their patronage. Watches PROMPTLY and PROPERLY repaired and, n Aiitianijii;. mBtf Hcxt Door to tit Post Ofllee). Watchmaker and Jeweler, MAIN STREET, DALLES, , TEALKR IN PINB WATCHES. JEWELRY, EALiKK in riNB WA1UHEB, JHWBLRT, SO - CLOCKS, Gold Pens, Silver and Plated Ware, Mvnk :Ucles, Cutlery, Ac. ju'lL spectacles, uutiery, c. ju dt Csr-rarticuiar attentloa paid to repairing- flnelKiatU Watches, Clocks, Jewelry, eto. All Watches repaired by me varrantea lor twelve months. N. B. All, orders from the upper country, by Express iw wwwwim, ,njui.i j .maumi to. fATOTICE IS HEREBY' GIVEN, that th. oc-partner-Xyi ship, heretofore existing between 1. M. MVAN8 aud A. W. DATIB, in the Livery Buble buslneaa, baa iraen uinuiVN , tnat A. w-. uevis is inoMted to Ul, 00 partnership; and that ablU In equity has Been filed for the settlement of the oo partnership aoeoogaa. , Ail per sons an notified that A. W. Davis ha no power to die- rosaor th. pioperty, nor oentract debt, on the eredit of the fit m. uaa.svAMB. Dalle April 30, 1B. jsmm iUdlm TRANKLIN MAEKET. DALLES, OREGON, JOHNKPPINGEB Froprietoi THE UNDERSIGNED, having fitted ud the above Market In the BEST STYLE, will keep constant- I ly on hand all sorts of ft-resn ana uurea Meats, : Of the best quality furnished at the LOWEST KATE ' My motto is to "PLEASE ALL." - PARTIES HAVING SUPERIOR STOCK FOR 8ATLE will uo well to call at the frankltnMarket.i i . JOHN EPPINQKR. . . Dalle, February 19th, 1808. . .. XV ASUINUTON MAIlKIiT.. ooxitia or , OOCBT AND SECOND BTREETS, DALLES, OREGON JOHN MICHELBACH, Proprietor., -gsp-M WILL KEEP -u fkj: ""constantly on hand all the varie- i ties that the market caajossibly afioiu, of XTRXCSIX & CURED MKATH,. ) ! ' and Always of the lst quality. ! FAMILIES, HOTELS, AND STEAMBOATS ' . " , supplied on reasonable terms. ' '. Tbaondersigneq Is always prepared to pay the hlgh 'est cMh price ftjr. FAT CATTLE. Parties having stock! in good condition, are requested to call on him beforov going elsewhere. . JOHN MIOUKLBACU. ' Aiaiies, jnarcuoisitiooo. .. , ,; . dhusiii NOTICE TO FARMERS. reym dalles lumber and manufacturing, M. COMPANY has rocently attached a FLOURING MILL to their Steam Sash and Door Factory, in this City, sndl are now prepared to CHOP FEED, GRIND WHEAT and. CORN, and warrant to give the best- satlsiaoUou. On, han constantly and ror sale , !. . IXTRA FAMILY FLOUR, , ( ' ; , . SECONDS OR MIDDLINGS, ; ! i' BRAN AND 8H0RT8,; ' , ' Also, a Superior article of CORN MEAL, from new,,'. Corn. i The hlnVest market nrlce paid for WHEAT, CORN a, - BARLEY. H. A. UOGUB, Agent. . Dalles, Not. 2, 1888.." . . nUtf. A.. Gr. BBADEOBD . IMPORTER AND JOBBER OF .f FRONT STREET, , , Portland, Onegan or.r' !te A yxm LARGE. ASBOUT. Brandlej, Wines, - 'UquotSs ' , .' v ''' . Case Gaodav ' &c.r. Jus.,'. ' ! c.; - (Ear The Trade Is particularly Invited to examine m ' stock-before purchasine;elsewhere., . aulit-tf. .. H.HERiIAN&CO. MAIN ST.. DALLES. OPPOSITK RMPIRH ItOTKL. TTAYE JUST RECEIVED A BEAOTIf OL BXOCK.Of (Pnilfi IKn HnMMRR cnn'ri. f Consisting In part. of . Fancy and Staple Dry Cioods. - ClOtallng, Hoots & Shoes,. '- ' Ilats&Capsa, 'V! Which they offer to aelUt BMALL,PB0fiTS. Dalles, March 27 th, 18W. mrt7tf:. MONTANA! IDAHO! WASHOE. WE' ARB PUTTING VP OVBt OK1CUNAL BUPEIUOR BBANDOf GHO.IIIKD JAVA COFJEEE, CUARTRES COFFEE, IN. DOUDL,E GLAZED PAPERS, To preserve Its strength and flavor for the length etr time requirtMi wwi rwarueu w llw aoorft places, for sal. by all th. Jobbers, and. MARDEN A- FOLQKR, Pioneer Steam Ooffoe and Splc Mills, -' , !UU front Street, SaaBraacisoo.. 18mlp2. TUItS, WOI1L and HIDES- ' rJtHB HJOHEST CASH PRICE PAID fOR . ! IP URS,, WOOL, AND HLDESKat MoORAKEK, MERRILL A OO.'B It North front Street, Portland. mbl83m BOOKS! books:- . WHOLESALE. AND RETAIL. aCHOOL BOOKS, STATIONERY, O Btandudand Miscellaneous WORKS, I nuVAka, MAUAiinKa, FArjUHS, I Ac Ae.. by every. Steamer. Poet-Ofllca I Bookstore, Main street, Dalle. Garden Seeds Cor the Million. ' maT-tf , H. 3, WALDR0K , CRYSTAL- SAL'O O Ml AND ii, ' ; ; BILLIARD ROOMi, JOHIT RIND&ATJB, Proprlatsur' WASHINGTON next deoi-1, f BENCH A OIBMAIt; : ii HOTICE.. ': I I HAVE appelateerE. B. BAfT minwhied agent-' tooolleet ail moneys doe nte, andattsad to my bust.. S nwe generally. ;tfj M. RENW..