omitawccr. Epitome of Telegraphic News. , coxpiito mow rat obegoxiax. . DATES TO MAY 10. " Philadelphia, May 10. The Academe- of Hnsio was crowded tonight by nn enihuiins- in audience to lieur Senator! Donlittlo and Cowan on national Issues. Doolittle derUrcj tli nt tbe mail who denies tbe Union of the States under the Constitution, is himself a lluunionist. He referred to the many calum nies that bad been raised against the personal fbaracter of the President, and expressed the lirm belief that no man living vim more as Diduoiislr and conscientiously engaged In the discharge of his duty to his country thnn An ilrew Johnson. . lie illustrated Jlia policy of I're'ldent Lincoln, to show the policy of Pres ident Johnson was nut a new one, but that it was In ohediei ce to thn-wishes of the Union Jiarty, instead of the President proving false to the men who were lending tlia Union party and were preventing its' grand objects and intentions the restoration of the Union aud eofnrcment of the law, Cowan followed in an nrgnnfent in defense of sustaining laws by virtue nf which the re bellion had been crushed. The President's plan of reconduction relies alone upon the nullionty'of the Constitution and the. law of the land. If the Southern people had not forgotten their allegiance to the Constitution, there would have hem no rebellion. Ha was opposed to any amendment to tbeConstitu tion at present, Xea York, May 19. During fonr tnonths ending April 30th, 48,722 immigrants ar rived, and since that date 17,001, ranking a total of 66,813. From this time forward the heaviest immigration of the year may be looked for, and tin total is already estimated lit 300,000. Whether the influence or tbe cholera will exert a checking or accelerating effect on immigrniion, is not taken into ac count. The Mexican Club of this city ha passed n series of resolutions denouncing Santa Anna ns nn enemy to liberty and entirely un worthy the confidence or sympathy of the Liber il cause. The club charges him. with being an accomplice of Mapoleon and Maxi milial. ORAXT COUNTY UNION CONVENTION Pursuant to notice, the Uuion Convention met at tbe Court House, in Capyon City, on Tuesday, My 1st, 186(3. After being duly organized, the1 following nominations were perfected : For Senator L, O. Sterns. , Fop Representatives M. M. McKean and Thos. H. Brents. ' .. For County Judge Frederick Adams. For Sheriff M. P. Berrv. For County Clerk A. Morehead. -For Treasurer F. C. Sels. ' For Assessor W. B. Whitten. ; For Surveyor C. II. Barrett. For Coroner Dr.'Brunny. For. Supt. of Public Instruction V. B. liiueuurl. Tbe Committee on Resolutions reported the tollowing, which wore unanimously adopted : Reioleed, That the veto by President John son of the Civil Rights Bill, intelligence of which, has been received since tbe adjourn went of the State Union Convention, affords just cause to fear that the unhappy difference existing between the Presidentand Congress is radical and irroconcilahlo. ltttolved, That we have implicit confidence in the wisdom, patriotism and integrity of Congress, and la the ultimate success of its efforts to throw the safeguards of the law around the liberties of all the people of tbe United States, and secure to every man his right in the courts ot justice Rttoloed. That justice?" sound policy and the honor of the nation alike require that the recent adopted amendment to the Con- titution of the United States should be faithfully carried out, as well in spirit as in letter, aud ibat this be done only through Oongresfionul action: aud that we regaid tiny factious intetference by the President Kith the Cotistitntional It illation of Congress upon this subject as opposition to the Con stitution and encouragement to disloyaly, and a violation of bis oaths and the nation's solemn and oft repeated pledges. Retained. That we are in favor of thoSutes lately in rebellion being represented in Con- gyen by loyal men, and opposed to their being represented by men who are disloyal. Ketolvca, mat we heartily endorse the nc tion of those of our Representatives in Con greet who voted for the passage of the bill known as the Civil Rights bill, and that we look to the President for a strict enforcement of the samo, thereby securing to all equal and exact justice. ' Uu motion that a report of the proceedings be putilisliea id tne mooktaixeku and Urejo fitun tbe Convention adjou-ned. ' . M. M. McKEAN, President. II. C. Gregory, Secretary.' C,?r. Small's Company of Oregon 'Cat plfy, arrived here yesterday evening nnd will ' 4:0 to Vancouver to-morrow morning to be mustered out of service. C.8., v : ", , Dalles, Bloch, Miller & Co., WHOLESALE Gt R O O E It , AND DEALERS IS "yVTines & Liquors, And Importers and Jobber of CLOTHING Boots fc Shoes, Under Clothing, Blankets, etc., etc.,. etc. ASS AY OFFICE. WE HAVE AS ASSAT OFFICE IN CONNECTION wliti our hnslneas, under the entire supervision of Mr. Millar. We make returns In Bars In six hours- We guarantee nil our Assays nnil pay the IIIQHKST CASH PRICK for Bar. We also pay the Hitches! Cash l'rlce for Gold Dust. BLOCII, 5111,1, KR ft C)., myOtf Cor. Main ami Washington streets. Dalles. DEALERS IX f HARDWARE, IRON & STEEL, GROCERIES BY THE PACKAGE. "FOR CASH," At San Francisco Prices, Adding oust of Transportation. . ,' CUMMING ft GRANT, m!3tf Dulles, pregon. , LATESOJEWS! ALL THUS LATEST EUROPEAN, EASTERN AND CALIFORNIA NEWSPAPERS & MAGAZINES, i Received Regularly evory steamer, by S. J. McCORMICIi, .FMMLW BOOKSTORE, 105 Front Street Portland . i t , Papers and Magazines packed. and Forwarded by mail or Express TO ANY PART OF THE MINES In Oregon, Washington, Idaho or Montana. Subscriptions Received fcr any. NEWSPAPER Oil MAGAZINE PUBLISHED. Hew Books, Uatio, &o., by every Steamer. 8 3 070 00 ' WORTH OF BOOKS, AND FANCY GOODS, CHEAP FOB CASH. ' alfdlw2w ' A CARD. MADAME LB TELLIER WOULD RESPECTFULLY luform the Ladies of the Dulles and viulntty, that she is now prepared to do all kinds of DRESS, CLOAK, aud P ALE I'OT making. Also, CUTTING aud FITTING In a new and Improved style, never before Introduced In this place. She will warrant to give satisfaction, and would most respectfully solicit a liberal patrouugo. . 1 In the Rooms lately occupied by Mrs. White, over Degener's Store, on Washington street, between becoud and Third. . . Dalles, March 27th, I860 mr27tf NEW YORK BAKERY AND GROCERY STORE, ' Main Street Uallen. nih23tf FREDERICK DENSER. " NOTICE. ALL PERSONS INDEBTED to the undersigned are respectfully requested to come and settle their ac counts within THIRTY DAYS, aud save costs. aMdlm . ... A. 1. BLOCII CO. JOSLVN AND CURTIS' 1IITT12U At 50 centa per pound, For Sale by . ' ' - J. B. DICKEKS0N'. niddl ' ' Second Street. s-V- NOTICE. REMOVING MY RE81DUNCK T0MLAT80P, MR. II. J. WAI.DRON will act as my jfju(, and Is au thorised to receive a.'l moneys due me. ' 211 A. 11. 8TKKLE, M D. ; Isaac F. Bioch, San Frunclsco. TVALDRON ItROS., Wholesale & Retail Druggists, Main Street, Dalle, Oregon. ris now occupy nun new two story,firr H proof gtmie bulbllng. opposite lllocli. Miller ft Co.. and oner to the public n full ami complete stock of Drugs, Medicines and ClioiUlcills, constating iu port of KKItn.oHNK. TUHPEXTtNE, ALCOHOL, ACID.S. L1NSKED, LAMP WICKS 0I11MNEY8 110 PS, SAUK. v ' . ', SI'OIWKS. ' LRKCIIKS, iiAltU. COHKS. CAfTOR AND NKATSFOOT OIL, INDIGO AND LANPRLAC& TRUSSES, SHOULDER BRACES, SUPPORTERS. AND PATKNT MKDICINPS.' Our stock of FANCY GOODS I s of the driest and best quality; new stylos ond large assortments, such as LUBIN'S PEHPUERIIY, 1IAIR, LUBIN'STOILKTBOAP, FLESH, POMADES. SlIAVINa, OSMETICS. -11AT. UAIItOll.S, CLOTH'S, : , COLOGNE, . - TOOTH AND . JlANCY SOAPS AND . NAIL BRUSHES k iuuill ruvtDEHS, . . AND COMBS. '' PURE WINES AND LIQUORS, For Medicinal purposes. Our facilities for buying goods are second to none In mo sun, aim we snail at all tunes sell at a small ad' Vance from cost. Ready sales and smoll profits. PHYSICIANS' PUKSCUIPTIOSS Carefully compounded at all hours of the dav and nliht Dulles, Supt. 0, 1816. selO-tf VERY IMPORTANT TO Merchants, Families, Hotels and ' HAB.ROOMH. JULIUS KRAEMER HAVING BOUGHT THE EN tire Mfju'lr ,f llam.h,nril.. ..J U....I. i - .... late firm ol M . Seller Co. , In tills city, to which he lies added of his own Importation (while doing business in cut tiuiiuj uu luimeuse oioca 01 me oesi maiiuiactured Crocker-, ClaNsuare, Plated Ware. I.amng. CnandcllerN, Table Cutlery L,ooklng-Glascs and All Kinds of Oils. All of which he offers at reduced rates. Persons wish ing to buy any of the above-mentioned articles, will do wen to give me a call uetore purchasing elsewhere. Orders from the Interior promptly attended to, and S1" "i;me. vim I (nil to call on llie. lludio's Stone Bulldiug, Washington street. Dalles. ' . . JULIUS KRAEMER, 'DallesMarchnth.lSOe. mhl7tf 0NEHUNDREDM1LESSAVED BLACKFOOT&MG BEXDIHLES BY WAY OF THE SHORTEST AND SAFEST ROAD ; For Land Travel. j Distance from Dalles to White Bluff....! ...loo miles " ', White Bluffs to Pen d'Oiellle......l60 ' , " " . toColvllle 170 '' Travelers by land for either of the above Gold Fields, will save Save Time Distance and Money Dy taking the White llluffi Road. Wood, Water and Grass Are found on this Rood within easy drives The road Is now opeu. and possesses advantages over any other laud mute from the Dalles. Published bv order of THE CITIZENS OF THE DALLES. Dalles. March. 10. 1800. ) m'JoVain; W. B. DOUGLASS, (Successor to William Blrnbaum.) . PRACTICAL WATCHMAKER, AND DBALEE I!f F'ino "VVfitclies and Jewelry, INVITES THE ATTKNTTON OF HIS FRIENDS AND the Public to his choice selection of New and Fashionable Goods, Respectfully soliciting their patronage. Waiches PROMPTLY and PROPERLY repaired and WARRANTED. niDtf Stxt Door to the Post Office. F I JB3I IM, Watchmaker and Jeweler, MAIN STREET, DALLES, DEALER IN FINK WATCHES, JEWELRY, OLOCKS.-Gold Peu.Bllver aud Plated Ware, ParticuUrEttention nuld tn rAniLlrlnff Mnw Tutchon, Glocki, Jewulry, etc. All Watnhw repulreU by N.B. All order from the upper nantry, by xprH v usiiviiinsi viuniyuy hi en u 01 10, . Dissolution Notice. " NOTICK IS IIEREIIY GIVEN, that the co-partner, ship heretolore existliiR between I. M. EVAN'S iimlA. W. DAVIS, In the Livery Stable business, has been dissolved; that A. W. Davis Is Indsbted to the co. partnership; and that a bill In equity has been Hied fur the settlement of theco partnership accounts. All nev onsaie uotided that A. W, Davis baa no po.' to dls rosr of the piojwrty, nor contract debts on the credit 0f,V,r.fl ' I.M.EVANS, bailee, April 30, lSet. aS3Ulm P " FRANKLIN MARKET. CORNER OF SECOND AND WASHINGTON STREETS DALLES, OREQON, : JOHN KPP1NGKR Proprietor nnHE UNDERSIGNED JL kaving titled up the above Market In the IIH.-T 8TYLE.W11I keen constkiiu ly ou liaml ail sorts of fresu and Cured MeatN, Of tbe best quality furnished at the LOWEST KATE '. - My motto Is to PLEASE ALL." . PARTIES HAVING SUPERIOR STOCK FOR SAL will do well to call ui the Franklin Market. DaHe., February 10th, 1806. J"N " W'"KUK- , WASHINGTON MAKKliT. COEKEROr COURT AND SECOND STREETS, DALLE8, OREGON JOHN MICHELBACH, Proprietor. " . WILL, KEEP ,j constantly on nana all the varle- &irfy -! LiuB iuu. ilia muKULcn dimkiiiiv anord,of ' , FBKSH & CUKKD MliATS, and always'of the bst quality. ' !'; . . FAMILIES, HOTELS, AND STEAMBOATS - supplied on reasonable terms. . ' Th.niirfnrilii.uii'j.. ... .... h l.i.k. est cash price lor FAT OVITl.E. Pnrtres uavlug stork; In good condition, are roijuested tornll on him helui e MH,w.Fimv, WUU11 OllliUUliUAWl, iiaiiss, oiarcbBlst.lSOS. ' - nilitllit' NOTICE TO FARMERS. rmMlK DALLES LUMBER AND MANUFACTURING COMPANY has recently attached a FLOURING MILL 1 to their Steam Sash and Door Factory, In this Cltv, anil are now prepared to C.110P FEED, GRIND WHEAT ami CORN, and warrant to give tbe best aatUutctiou. Ou band coustanily aud for sale . FXTRA FAMILY FLOUR, ' ' ' , SECONDS OR MIDDLINGS, . "' ' ' BltAX AND SHORTS, , ' CHOP FEED, CHICKEN FEED. Also, a Superior article of CORN MEAL, from new Corn. The highest market orlce Dald for WHEAT. CORN a - U. A. UOGUE, Agent. Dalles, Not. J, 1806. -A.. O. BEADFOR1), IMPORTER AND JOBBER OF ! . Wines Sc Liquors, FRONT STREET, . .'. Portland, , - Oregon.' OFFERS FOR 8 ALE A VERY LARGE ASSORT ment of . , . .: llrandles. - . " . . ; ' t a . Wines, LlqUOrg, . -V'. .:. i , Case' Goods, Ac, &.C., ' &c. nr The Traile Is nartlcularlv Invited to oxamlne m stick before purchasing elsewhere. ' .. auM-tt II.IIEUMAJV&CO., WAIN BT., DALLES, OPPOSITE EMPIRE HOTEL, J J AVE JUST RECEI V'ED A BEAUTIFUL STOCK OF SPRING AND SUMMER GOODS, Consisted In part of Fancy and Staple Dry Goods Clothing, loots & Shoes, Hats & Taps, Which they offer to sell at SMALL PROFITS.' ' , Dalles, Match 27tli, 18ti0.. mrTTlf MONTANA! IDAHO! WA5H0i WE ARE PUTTHO UP ' OVH ORIGINAL SUPERIOR BRAND OF , GROUA'D JAVA COFFEE, ALSO I jmml .-m a aa su V K JC KdKjm IU DOUDLE GLAZED PAPERS, , ,j To preserve Its strenetli anil flavor f,,r (I.. l.n.,t. time reiiulred to be t rwarded to the ubove u acss. For sule by ull the Jobbe-s, aud HARDEN F0IX1ER, , , rioneer Stoam Ootfee and Spice Mills. . al8mlpi iii Front street, Sun grandson. VVltSx WOOIand UIDJis; rjtUE HI0IIK8T CASH PRICE PAID f OR , .PUttS, WOOL, AND HIDES, at mhiat ' ""AKKN, MERRILL A CO.'R ", Mhl83m 18 North Fiont Street, Portland!' -v m " WHOLESALE AND RETAIL. , 7 "OOKS, STATIONERY, t? 8'?,!",J1"J "ellaneous WORKS JlMi . r,,.o, JlAUAillXKB, PAPERS i Ac, Ac. by every Steamer. Post-Offlce' Bookstore, Main street. Dili- umce Garden SecUS lor the Million ""7-tf U. J, WALDR0N CRYSTALSALOOlsi BILLIARD ROOM, JOHW RIItDLAl B, Proorl.i. WA8IIINQT0W ST., net deor to VkSIv - - ' - mj . ... HAVE appointed E.K.IIAFT mw ti , V' ,: ocollt M monev. d. m ",ll,'' Ment I J nets piiiorally. geuorally, ' iaatf i ' " "L"'? i j a, Wm ,