IlESDiy EVEXIXG, MAY 22, 18US. Si'Kakikii. lienj. llaydeu addressed 1U0 rilizens of this city lust evening fit Chopin's 1 f x4 1 1 TIim l-.nll nriLi waII ftllnrl nnri thn cnpnk- rr rushed through a speech of about one hour nnd a-half. lie commenced in thensuaH Hlyle of All the Democratic speakers we have lierd during the canvass by' praising the xirttf fill It km Hnna ami I. . ... 1. .. licit the Government, through a number of year- of peace and war. . He took the Freed man's Bureau and Civil Rights Bills up and we have never listened to such misinterpre tation of anything in the course of our ex istence. Io defending Fay and Lino he brought Fay's old argument of the Branch Mint in ; said that by defeating t ho Union ticket we would secure the Mint la forty days. Mr. Haydon had forgotten, we pre sume, when ho brought up the names of Fay n ud Latio in connection with the Mint, that I, nne sold himtelf to the Portland people in the Legislature of 1864, when he voted I ir the memorial asking Congress to clinnge the location of that institution from the Dalles to Portland, and to avoid casting - a liU vote on the same question, Fay remained ii'itent from his seat until after the vote was taken and the memorial passed to change the location. This is the record of the men on that question which Democratic speakers in this city during tho present canvass, have tried to make Capitol out of. Let the people hear in mind that both Fay and Lane were, nud arc still, opposed to the location of a Branch Mint horo tho latter was bounht and paid for by Portland, and the' former by ab senting himself from his scat when the vote was tuken shows that ho does not desire to see the law carried out as it now stands. This fiuch for Fay and Lano's record on the mint question. The speaker, thinking to strike another tender spot in our local interests, branchod furtb on the unprotected condition of tho road from this peiut to Owyhee. Fay and Lane were also brought in hero ; they would furnish all the protection needed; they would keep the roads leading to the minoi open ; and to prove all this, the speaker called th'e attention of Lis hearerj to the fact that these two individuals had stood up in tho Legis lature almost alone, and fought ngaiost tho raising of troops by Gov. Gibhs, on the plea that it increased tho taiation. Was there ever such an admission made by any indi Letter from Umatilla. Umatilla, May 19tb 18C6. Editor Mountain keu : Tho May term of Court began at nine o'clock, A. M.,' with a docket of twenty-nine criminal and thirty two 'civil causes. Tuesday whs wholly occu pied in the trial of Daniels, ono of the safe robbers, ' with tho result of. conviction. Wednesday, in the trial of Williams, (the other safe robber. Williams plead his own cause and conducted the examination of wit nesses, evincing a readiness of mind and tact worthy of one occupying a high stand ing in life. The result was that he shared the same fate as did Daniels, and they were sentenced to six years punishment in the penitentiary.: . Thursday was occupied in the trial of Alv dcrruan, charged with tho murder of Stough ton. Tho case disclosed the commission of a horrid crime. The widow of Stougbton recognized the defoddant ns the person who came into the house, and,' by authority ns Sheriff, Induced Stougbton to go with them: The defense claimed that Mrs. Stougbton must have been mistaken, and undertook to prove an alibi. Too defense was so success ful' as to acquit the defendant. It is proba ble' that the citizens of Umatilla county will uot in future favor any such acts of violence. The Court was held each day' until a late bour each night on some evenings until midnight. Tho large number of causes re quired a mure speedy disposition of business than properly should be on the part of tho Court. Eight jury trials have been had and several causes submitted to the Court. . A construction was had upon Section G4 of the Justices Act. Held that a plaintiff can not appeal from a judgment in his favor un less the judgment given is more than twenty dollars lees than his claim. Deponant can not appeal unless the judgment against him is more than twenty dollars, and, when claiming judgment in his favor, be cannot nppeal unless the judgment upon his demand is more than twency dollars less than that demand. The Grand Jury were discharged on Satur day and at a late hour on Saturday the Court adjourned. Tun .report that George L. Woods cut or caused to be rut down the American flag at McMinnville, Yamhill county, was contra dicted by the man who was,said to have re ported it, getting np in the presence, of a thousand people and Sally pronouncing it as false. He also made affidavit to to the same effect. '' . . ' J . Thanks to Mr. Paige, Wells, Fargo & Co't. messenger, for full filer of San Francisco papers. ' Tub stage for Cnoyou City left here this morning with u full load of passengers. Travel on the' Canyon road is now rapidly increasing.' . - ... -. , 4 ' Coioit so Hani i Hall's IHil iiionar jr Balsam li war ranted tociire cimglis, coldis. hoarseness, ami at! affections olthe thruat ami lung. Fifty cents per buttle.. . . Ilellglou Notice. CATnouo Cnuacu Moruinit service: Mum, t 10 o'clock. Evening service: Vespers iind'ltonedlctlon, at 7l o'clock,. ' Sunday School at 2 o'clock, p. m. aililtf FATHER L.DIKLKMAN, Pastor, AUCTION SALE 1 will sell nt Public auction at 100 Main Street, on WED'SDA 1', Illay 33, at 10 a. m , fur account of whom It may conccru a large number of VALISES, TRUNKS, 8AGKS, BLANKETS, 4c, o. . With tlielr contents, gold to pay charges. A cbauco for Bargains. ilUIIII WlbblAMa, AUCC DEMOCRATIC CLUB ROOM. CORNER OF COURT AND MAIN STREETS. ' Open Dally, until 10 o'cl'li, p.m f-KEMOCRATS OF WASCO COD NT Y are Invited tbat- MJr tend, and enroll themselves as members ci the UHO. 11001 SPEAKINO msy be expected each evening. Jiy order of the Committed, m22d2w JOU.N WILLI AM8. Cli'n , AUCTION -AND COMMISSION HOUSE! , No. 100 MAIN STREET, DALLES. rniIK UNDKltSIClNKD TflANKMJL FOR ?AST JL VffYora. ruippctftilly infmntu the cUlzeim of Hi Dalles, and the public generally, that lie contiiiut to ull at , PUBLIC AUCTION Oil PRIVATE SALE, ,..'.'....'. Real Entate, General niercnandlse, -"' Oiuccrlett, HoiNeN, ; '; T. ' MtlleS. ,i i . . . Furniture, Mock, lac. &c. " REGULAR SALE BAYS, Tuesdays and Saturdays. , - Cash Advances made on Consignments, And PROMPT RKTUHN m ile of miloe. Outdoor and Special Sales attended to In any mrWol the city. ' JOHN WILLIAMS, Auctioneer. Thk Mines All Right. Tbe streams And waters generally being too high for practical operations, not much has yet been done in the way of prospecting for placer diggings, but we are iaforc.ed by Mr. Daniel Brock and others just in from the mining district, that prospectors are not only satisfied that thiugs are as favorable as tbey have been represented, but their confidence is on tho Increaso, bot,h with respect to the richness and extent ot the mines. Mr. Brock And his company have takon and recorded claims, virhinl tarho tlionrl.t l.n . n,Wi ,.ni.l uuu 1'PU. luru muiumwiy, us wu . . " 1 1 are intormed, to commence practical onera- lor his ticket 7 Mr. Hayden must Imagine tions. Mr. S.'W. llcall and others, we are tnat the people or Wasco coumy are incaoa- intormed, will visit the mines on Monday blc of understanding the EnglUli.langunee ncxk for the PurP08e of making an incline t.. . , . ., .,. ., . or shaft on one of the principal ledges. The .... uo . vubu, ueuuve vna( tcst of whose surface rock has been so favor- what he says means something else. If Fay able, with a view to trying its quality at a or Lane desired to protect our frontier they greater depth. Vancouver Kegutei I . . . .!... . I. n n1., ma 4. ..II V. . ' J 1 ln .u-. u. OJ lk luulu UB UUD Fboj h Montnna Radiator, of April 28th, T ; .7 . V we take the following : . ' the aamission of Mr. JIaydcn as their cham- , . , n : n i . - ' On Wednesday Capt. Barber's train, con pion, that they fought against the only gistlng of thirteen wagons, with one huu scheme by which the people of this whole I dred and twenty seven bead of cattle started section had any hope to got the protection for lfrt Benton for tu8 purpose of meeting .. j.j ... . . tbe boats and bringing their treigbt to this vuK u nuu properly. , j ue f and - h v . . .u-i i, ii. j . , r " y ..o iuu vuiii mm ir. uuyocn actea consider themselves Indian proof. The ad honestly in showing up the record of these vance guard of the emigration has arrived to chamntons of Demoorap In lL .rh On the afternoon of the 24lh, a large passen uat.v,ln. It hah.- H...r i.t, .1.- gef coach, all the way from the Golden State -"" " arrived. Un tne zatu, two ot Uliver & l'o . mice or his subjects as fairly as he repre- coaches came in, it having been fount that scnted the position of these men in our local ono would not accommodate those desirous' ir,ilrs. Tin wnul.l hn triad in i.i. -A;, of coming. Next week we are to have ... u ... i..... ; , ... .daily coach it is understood. Many oral nuuvav, . Pu.i.vB uuvwo. laaeuiuai ..-tw,on. that it woll,d tall6 -8nocnl he was aware that the records of Fay and service man to keep account of arc constant. J.ane on these local questi9ns were known to I ly arriving i .l .,.vU1.., ...u uu u,. , UB cnuguv CoAL.-We understand that coal has bee lu too ninny perversions or trutli. We would lntely discovered on tho farm of Mr. William uavise tbo Democracy It tbey nave any more Martin, in the lower end of tbe county.' speakers with the little honesty of Mr. Huv- Tu0 ground has not yet been pfospected to . . . ,, . .... t, - J any extent, but tbo surface appearances nr " lu """" ,ur lU0 Peo" such as to warrant the beliol that coal will pie aro anxious to learn more of the records be found in great abundance The bank 1 ia our local affairs. Altogether we must sar within a few rods of tbe river and convenicu iw w l.,. n.v,P n.i.n.' ,n . m.,.i, to a good landing. That coal will yet ,, , , . r found in various parts of tho county, w . as long nna ssy ns iittio as tne "war norso" llftVC nttle doubt. . We trust that this will of Ieuiocrary. It is woll for tbo poople to turn out as w'oll as 'appearances indicate. Jtear iu mindithat Lane was bouaht and Fnv Vancouver Utgutcr. I 1 DlNHolutlon Notice. rflUK CO-l'AKTN hKbllILMtcrutofurotxiBtlnf;1)otween JL 8. MilliKiui, V. V Harris, una McUullotiuh ft Hell niHii, Mining in Canyon Creuk, Oraut Cuunty, Ortjgtin, Is tliis tiny UUsiHvcil by mutmil consent. Suid MuCulluunb ft Heilma.s witiiuruwlngfrom u civ-pavtucraliip. McOUl-LOL'Oll 4 11KLLMAN. Canyon City, GmntCo., April 29, 1860. '21 ml FOR SALT. ONE HUNDItKD AND SI.tTY ACKKS OF LAND, tho property uf the heir of John KntHgan, lately do- cwiBeii. The mud U conveniently locatuu un Mill ureeK, betwten the cltitinu ot Theodore Meulie uuu Cttluwelrn. uUmt three mlluHiiom Dulled City. It i woll watered, and con t hi (in u kwmI Iioudo, Durn und etablo, a good or chard nnd auouttweiity-five acres. under improvement. ir iuloruintiou or purelmne apply to iatJier 1, aierfpue, urUites tliUt, Attorneys. Dallett, May ai, 180tt. lm T MKBI'MK. NOTICE. . TkVUINa MY AI13KNCK Mb. W. LOUD Is author lied tu transact niy liustness. Any persuns knowing liiumseivi's nidfutea turns, win piuasa. can upon mm. Dulles, May le, miw niyltiwl 11. 11. WOU1). , AlOTlCE; TUB VNDKKSIOSKD HAVING BOUQIIT tlie Hcliooiier iVsspcrancs anU half tlto scuooner Ha pto, from Torenca Uuln, all uubt against the abuva naaied lioats must uo pruseiiteu to mo u- the JUlli nay or May. ABA oiuu.xu. Vullos, May 3. 1808. uilodi. llrraUI copy, 2 areek. ami snnd bill to tills office.' J . J TJ K E E, Main Street. Dalles, . WnoiuAU AND ETilL DEALER l.f ' CIGARS. TOBACCO, SNUFF, 3? I PES , &o. ALWAYS IN ST0R1 TOE DEBT BRAKD8 OF , Uigars, Tobacco, Matches, &c. 1JLAYINO CARDS, . l'OCKKT CUTLJSRY, . POKT MON1BS. COMBS and BKU8HK8, o' all kinds, PKKFTJMKHY. ol evsry description, CHINA OlINAMENTS, TOYS, DOLLS, etc. FISH HOOKS and FISHING TACKLE, MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS, FANCY GOODS, c. Also l'nwder.Shot, Lead,' Powder Flasks, Baskets, and many ether articles too numerous to meutlon. ; ' jj- Interior dealers supplied with Cigars. Tohacco.rtr. at less thau Portland prices, with freluht added, oc-it SELLING OFF AT COST! J. GOETZ & CO.. 7 fTONB BUILDING, WASHINGTON 8TP.EF.T, DALLKS, Offer their well-selected stock of TOBACCO, SEGARS, PIPES, YANKEE JNOXIONSS, AND ' , ST A T I O 1ST E R Y, AT TRaNCISCO COST. " inrintf ' PROF. MU 11 RAY'S ' MGJ-ICOIL, For Sale by OAThS I CIIAl'IN. ALSO, AGENTS FOK DIt. DUNCAN'S Whooping Cough Specific. PBED. LI13JBE, GROQERY, PROVISION, AND FRUIT STORE, Washington Street, opposite French k Oilman's, Dalles. lias on liana a large ana weii-iusorieu siock ol GROCERIES & PROVISIONS, Fresh Butter St, Cgge), Rerelred dally. A laree lot of CHICKBNS always on hand. FIlUlTd of all kinds. FHKSII VEUUTAULK8 every morning. All article, warranted. Give Me a Call, Everybody PRICES LOW. aul&ir F. LTKM5. remitlnrd nbsent from his seat w hoa voting on the Mint memorial ; and tlint tbe botb oitposed the raising- of troous for our nrotec- tiou. Sbouid the be elected the will suir us out, us tnojf iiia bergre, tu tUo bigbost bidder. . '. . . , Wills, Kargo li Co. esterda brought from above $100,000 in treasure, a large por tion of which belongs to merchants of this city. Thk Columbia river, ut this iioiut, full GiiEENtiACKa- arc i I liti at Virgluia Cl'y, about three feet wltbln the last tvrcDty four Montana, at par.. ; J I houn. '- -"' J. F. KELLOGG, DENTIST, Alain St., Dalles, Oregon. AFTER NEARLY BIXTKKN YEAI18 1'ractice In his profusion, would J ruspecthilly tnfurni the citisens of the ( Dalles flirt the nubllo KsneralLr, tlfat h- has leased the Deutal Office TiUely uccnpleil by J. W. UUllLKY, Dentist, where lie can no touml irepnred to at- teud to those roqulnng Ills pruressionai servicos. (irnos Hours From 8 o'clock, a. St., to l'i ; and rom 1 o clock, r. m. to o p. m. 4ii;ut ,t. n. iicKKitssoir, Dealer in all kinds of GROCERIES &. GRAIN, AT THK Lowest Cash Hates. ALSO, JOSLYN & CURTIS' BUTTER, . Oil hand, and recelted Fresh etery week, Come One, Come All, an Give me a Call, AT CON'SKR k B.VHTER'8 OLD STANO. SAN GATES & CrfAPIlV . WHOLESALE k RETAIL DRUGGISTS, STONE BUILDING, WASHINGTON STREET, DALLES, OREGON. Importers and Jobber of " PATENT MKDICINE8, CHEMICALS k FANCY GOODS, 80DA, C0HK8 k ACIDS, ' . . OILS, k ALCOHOL, . 'I'UItE WINES LIQUORS, ' PAINTS, GLASS I UKU8UES. PUYSICIASS' PUKSCUIPTIOSS Accurately compounded. PHOTOGRAPHIC EMPORIUM. A fuil and complete assortment of all articles In the Photographic Line, at a SMALL ADVANCE ON SAN FRANCISCO PlUCKd. Mir Merchants will please act onr prices before order ing; below. 11. L. (JIIAI'IS, JUf UB UATW, Dalles. Sacramento, Cut. ' LAST CHANCE I. . .. , , . . . ' WE WOULD CALL THE ATTENTION OF !! public ia the tact that we ore duaiue vat etr stock of . CLOTHING, DRY GOODS, &.C., &C At Greatly. Keduced Rates, And offer barira'ns which cannot fall to satisfy anttibdr I, wanting articles Id our line. ' IJ'nii "Wa-rniiigf ! WE INTEND CIiOMNG OUR BUSINESS HKReIt tho FIRST OF. JUNE ext,aud we take this oii- portunlty of once mora calllnx upon those indebted I us to mil and settle. We will not, if we can help ll, place any of our accounts In tlis hnnds f lei'il collec tors; Put i obllfteil to do so, we shall bare recourse Jo that when this notice expires. a.jyi , ; Jiitunn s imp. DALLES Sc HOCK LAUD LandingFoot of I nlon street. nRK PROPIUinRS ARE NOW I'KKl'ARED WfTtt JL KTAUNCH A.D KOOMV 1I0ATS, to cross siniiris, aiorsva , BiVCK, in a ean sal espoilitious mauuir, and at Rrssov), Ratca. m-yrtf