I. m to A ta W'V I IB S vol. r, DALLES, OREGON, TtmSDAY, MAY SO, 18CO, NO. fflB Yir&ftK !1 H A IB II 11 1 M S II I r I PUBLISHED EVERY EVENING, (SUNDAYS K.XOKPTBdJBY ; E. G. COHNG & J. IIALLORAIVj IDITOUS AND PR0PBIKT0R9. ': ., I'tRxaTweuly-flvtcentt per week, payable to the carrier , yjier month, by mail, f 1 j three months, ti 60 ; tlx months, to; uue year, $8: Advertisements ianrted at low rates. , . . ' ir . Job Printing, ' Kvery description of plain and fancy Job Printing exe nted wltli neatuess aud dosp.uch, andorwar'ded ua per order to any part of the country. Payment Jor Job Print ing mutt he made on delivery nj work. W. B5. 1 lift LASS, Practical Watchmaker,; And Sealer In FIXE WATCHES & JEWELBY, ' ' ' ; DALLES, OREGON.'' ' Established 185.. BALDWIN HTt0.9 DEALERS IN '('': ' CORNER OF . ' Main and Union Streets, Dalles. J. C. BALDWIN mli21-tf , F. W. BALDWIN. FURNITURE J FURNITURE! DIERLAM & WENXZ? ' ilWNIT0A GLOBE HOTEL BUILDING, , Household Furniture, kembracing Tables, Chairs, Bnreans. w Heus and bedsteads, Bedding, uarpets etc., etc, all of which will be sold at low rates, furniture Repaired, and Upholstering done to order. Also, on hand Mattresses and Pillows. Spring Beds made to order. aula WM. 110ABC8. 0. B. KQiOSL. WM, MOABUS &.CO.', ' CITY.. BA-iEJUY '. j. XL. ' '- .1. J - .1. iT JS 0 r50iV STORE, ' ' Carnerof First and B Streets. t ' WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALERS In BREAD, CRACK WIS and Family GROCERIES. . tRUOrdersfroin a distance carefully filled andprompty fspatcbed. 1-tl , ,f" i WIIOIESAll AND BKTAtL iEALSB trf i Fancy &. Staple Dry . Goods, CLOTHING, BOOTS AND SHOES, ' - HATS' AND 0APS,MND ' 11 A Gentlemen's Furnishing Goods Flre-prouf Btone Store, corner of Main audi Court streets. , .,, ,, ..... ATTORNEYS & COUNSELLORS AT LAW WILL PRACTICE IN THE SUPREME AND CIR cult Courts of Oregon, and the District Courts o Washington Territory. . ' . i i i t ' : Particular attentiou paid to the collection of claims. , 0. 1I0MAS0N Dalles, 0n. J. A. ODKLL. FURNISHED ROOMS i By the Night, Week or Month, ' NEXT DOOR TO JACKSON KNOINB nOUSE. ' ni2tf MRS. 8PRENOER, LANGLEY, CROWEU & CO., IMPORTERS AND WIIgLESALB ' i RTJ Gr GrI ST Corner of Clay and Battery Sts., SAN FRANCISCO, tnli22:d(!m.. V4. ' - - 74. WM. BUOWRJ WARNER. M. OFFICE 74 SECOND STREET, between Wasbington ' and Court. .' Ornc Houn8 9 to 12, A.V; 2 to 4 p.m.; and 8 to 10, r. DR. II. Ww MITCHELL. ' '"'Office WALDRON'S BUILDING. rj. HEjiDEiica Corner of Third and Washington Streets. C' B. BROOKS, M. D. Office At Xr. Craia'fi Tims Store. . DALLES, OREGON. i . kotice: WB CALL TtlE ATTENTION OF THE rUDLTO to the fact, that we hare coni-ludoilto glTa nobii lness nnd.them.ore. all parties indebted to, us MUST PAY .ITP WITIIIN BINETt DAYS' or legal proceedings will tabd. , . H.BROWN J1R0.; . Tmlles, March 10, 1865, - , V111,, U li X II & ii I L Jl A 1 , IHPORTKRS AND WUOLKSAliB Dealers in Wines, Liquors GROCERIES, miners' Goods, Roat Stores, &c, EAVl RtMOVID TO TUII& N W S TONE BUILDINGf ' . ' coutn or Second and Washington Streets, DALLES CITY. jaTOW IN STORE A LARGE AND COMPLETE A3 X sortnicut of the very beat brands of WINES AND LIQUORS. f. i . Also, a tull assortment of ' ' 'v GROCERIES &, STAPLE GOODS. aT Constantly receiving our supplies direct from New York and San Francisco, we are 'able and willing to sell at a very small advance on San Francisco prices. They hope by adopting a strictly correct and prompt method ol doing business, they will receive the patrouage cf the pub lic selO-tf UMATILLA HOUSE. DALLES, OREGON. HANDLE &S1JVNOTT, 1'rop'rs. THIS rOPULUl II0USI, 0IMRAU.T LOCATED, Near the Steamboat Landing & Bailroad Depot, Has been recently enlarged aud improved, and will now accommodate 30 O GUESTS. IT WILL BE CONDUCTED as heretofore, as a FIRST CLASS 1IOUHE, and the patronuge of the traveling public Is respectfully solicited. ' M& Baggage takeu to the llouse free of charge. House open all night. .' j . LARGEFIRE-PROOF SAFESTO DEPOSIT VALUABLES Dalles, Oct. 4-tf. . . . .s . EMPIRE HOTEL, HA1H STRUT, DAUI8, 0RB00K, THOMAS SMITH, Proprietor. A FIRST-CLASS HOUSE. : ' ' ' IN TUl OKHTRB OF BUSINESS, Near the Steamboat and Bailroad Landings Superior Accommodations for Families and can AO commodate uue Hundred ana Jfitty uuosta. Meals ..........CO est. Lodging.....'. 60cts. ' Fire Proof Safe for deposlte of valuables. iKS, Honso opon all night. Baggage taken to the House iree ni cnarge. , , nwjlAO n.un 11, mh8-tf , '' , : Proprietor. CO UMBIA RIVER MINES. "a", it. 13 o o t nyv1 WHITE BLUFFS, W. T.,".'., i ii ,'. FORWARDING AND COMMISSION MERCHANT, AND OKNKRAL DXALER IN ' ' ' ; MEB O H AND ISE ' ' " " J J ' ' AND ' HimBRS' SIIPP1JES. FACE AND SADDLE HORSES FOB SALE. FREIGHTS CONSIQNFD to my care for Colvllle Kootonat, or the Upper Columbia Mines, will re cetve prompt attention. , , .. . " YVhite Bluffs, Oct. 1st, 1864. : , ; , t, octf NEW FKIJ1T,., 'CiltOCEUY , ... , ,.- ..... . AND. , , .... . , ... PROVISION store: riMIS UNDERSIGNED INFORMS HIS FRIKNDS and J. tho public generally, that he has Just establisbed on ualn street, next door to r. Juker, Tobacconist, !l .. : . , ; A?NEW STORE! . . , . where he keeps constantly on band a large assortment o selected Miuix. Also, in store acompietestock nionotce ViiOCKKIEX, rHOriSlONH. VEQE.TA BLKS, Cc. All of which will be sold, wholesale and retail, at HE DUCED PRICES. Come and see and satisfy yourself. sol8-tf ., ; JOHN SPOSITO. COLUMBIA RIVER MINES! A. R. BOOTH. .',....'. !....DAP.RT REV780N. BOOTH &c NEVISON.'. Forwarding and Commlakion Merchants AND DELERS IN GENF.RAT' MERCIIANDJSE, .Whlto RlullVi, , y. T, ' I FREIGHT FOR COL VILLE. UPPER COLUMBIA, KOUTENAI and BLACKFOOT MINES promptly loiwardrd. Mark Goods B. 4 N., White Bluffs, W. T, , , i , .. . BErsMtTCHt - : 1 Portund Richards A McCraken, Allen A Lewis, and ; ... t, Hodge A Calcf. , . . ' . DAUtB Bloch, Miller A Co., French t Gllmah. '. M. BROWN & BRO., WH0LE8AL1 AND BITAIL SIALIRS IN FANCY AND STAPLE DEYGGOD8! GROCERIES, PROVISIONS, &o. -( ; Mr. M. BROWN, being resident of San Francisco, w sre enabled to offer great Indcements to purchasers. We respectfully invite the public to examine our stock befor pnrctl'aaiag elsawlie'ro. ' . .' ' " 1 t mlt-tt 10- Stone Store, north side Vafq itrtot, tallrt. - Democratic State Ticket. FOR CONGRESS: - . ' ; 1 ' jXmes u. fay, , . , QiJackson. , . ., ' FOR GOVERNOR: ") JAMES It. KELLY, ' . ' Of Wasco. " , FOR BECRETARY OK STATE: . , LAFAYETl E LANE, , Of Multnomah. , .' , FOR STATE TREASURER: ' '. JOlIfll C. UELL, .. Of Marlon. :. ' J , FOR STATE PRINTER: "' JAMES O'MEARA, Of Linn. ; ; FOR PROSECUTING ATTORNEY FIFTH DISTRICT. J. II. SLATER, . , , Of Union. : : Democratic County Ticket. . For Representatives, 0. IIUMASON, F.T.DODGE. ,' . For Sheriff, , , A. W. FERGUSON. : , ForClerkj ; , . F.S.HOLLAND. ' ,, . , ''':'' "'. For Treasurer, "; A. W. BUCHANAN. ! For Commissioners, 11 1 1 G. F. HERBERT, .' , JOHN WILLIAMS. ..' ' ' : ' For AsMfBor, . ( ' ' HARRISON CORUM. '' ' ,; For School Superintenont, ' E. P. FITZGERALD. !' .For Siirvevork ... ; W. T. NEWCOMB. 1 ' , , JFor Coroner, . ,. ' ' DR. C. B. BROOKS. : v J....I I. .".'I.J! Virginia City, Montana & Blackfbot : OVERLAND STAGE LINE! BEST. IIOLLID AY, Proprietor. COXepRD STAGES LEAVE BOISE CITY EVERY OTHER DAY FOB . BLACKFOOT, ',! Salt Lake C.ity, Denver City, ' MISSOURI river,,: . Connecting at SALT LAKE CITY with Concord Stages . . ' . Running to , , , , "Virginia City,. Nevada, AND SACRAMENTO, CALIFORNIA. ,. " ' ' 1 :' '' ; , '" '" .' 'arhsi:; ;'':.,.'. V;- Boise City to Felt Lake City ..$100 00 . i. k Virginia City, Mnntar-a- 126 00 Missouri Iliver, Legal Tender WOO, ' . . Uold, I1U0 m 400 00 For further Information apply at .. . .a . '' ' ... OVERLAND STAOE LINE OFFICE, ' ' '') .. ,, . BoU City, I. T., mb0d3m , , . , J.N. TODD, Agent. TO TEAMSTERS AND DAIRYMEN I feed! feed! i ' ,;; 'shorts,''..;'." V ':;M?,A.iTsr, v..:;"'.:- J ' and;' '; .; ' ' 1 . .ijuejlx -.:;-:.v: .. . .;'V - OF ALL KINDS, FOR SAE BY ' , XI. II.miAW.ffl1 1 .". K'Front Street, Portland.JSQI nlO:tf. , Opposite 0. 8. N. Warehouse. , a. B. HAVt. . mvc 'to T A ' i.t i. Attorneys & Counsellors at Law, . DALLES, OREGON. m J. Union State Ticket. . ' FOR CONGRESS RUFUS MALLORY, " ' Of Marlon ' , FOR GOVERNOR .. . , , GEO. L. WOODS, Of Waico. . (i, . , .. ) ' FOR SECRETARY OF STATE! - ' SAMUEL E. MAY, , Of Marlon. ; FOR STATE TREASURER! :i , '. . E. N. COOKE, ' , :t ..'-i '. : 1 Of Marlon. '"..'' . ' '... FOR STATE PRINTER! VFk A. McPHERSOlV, Of Clnn. ' FOIt PROSECUTING ATTORNEY FIFTH DISTRICT: , . C. R. MEIGS, ' . Of Wasco. Union County Ticket. , For Representatives H; A. HOGUE-, v " " O. B. KCEGEIa ". ' '" ' For Sheriff, '.'.';'' R; W. CRANDALL. ' . ' ' ' ', ; ' For Clerk, ,'., ,,!,' '.;;'. ' "' ' ' ( R. B. REED, . ,, , ' , , For Treasurer .... , ; , ,G. W. WALDRON.. ,! ., . . For CommissioDorB '1 .' . R, MAYS, , ' '. " ; , i R. D. WOOD. . ; ' 'i i For Assessw, ' ' '" " : L. L.ROWLAND. " " For School Superintendent, , ; :'""'' t. condon; ,' ' "' For Survey oi, '. , . ' i M ' W. B. CAMPBELL. ',' , . : '. I u : v.l ' ''''.. - ', , For Corober, , ,. ; ' ' ' ' DR.'W.B WARNER.,. .'..' . .-, A CARD FOR THE ' Spring & SummcRClodilng Trade '"' '-"OF SAIV FRAIVXISCO."," B ADGER & LINDENBERGER, ' ; Koi. 411, 413 and 41ft Dottery Street, Cor. Merchant, Satt Frauolabo. . Importers and Wholesale Dealers. ENTIBE NEW AND FRESH STOCK , WE WOULD CALL ATTENTION of Country Mer chants to our usually large stock of Goods. Our stock comprises every article In the Clothing and Fur nishing line. We have constantly on hand the largest and greatest variety of Casslmore and Wool IIATS ..t any house. in Ban Francisco, and our brli-os for thne Goodinre Toss than thoso of any house, as we receive them dlroct from the manufacturer's consignment. Onr stock of Hummer and Fall (loops is particularly attract ive and the great feature to th country merchaut is the . uuusually low prlcea. ,,,, i ,, it Less Than tho Cost of Importation! We also keen the STAPLE ARTICLES in the Dry Oondk line, which Goods we have purchased in this market im- , der the hammer, and are odering them at Kew Yolk Cost, and less. , We publish tbls card In order that, we tnsy make new ' acn'naintancuB, and lndnco thoso who have not heretofore purchased of us, to call and examine otir stock, i , Good Articles and LoW Prices' " "i. u.vmwBfc .iiuiiti'iiicmB iu an w.io purctiose IO Bull ngaln. Merchants who buy of tar an mako n good nr-iflt unil ...11 ... n.,nn.H n. . 1... m..... 11 - remain, resectfnlly, . '. , ... Your Obedient servants, ' -..' IIADflKR k LINDENBERGER. , Wholesale Olotbingand Hat Warehomo, Nos. 411. 413 and 415 Battery street, 1 . Son Franolsco, April 20, 1808. 3iuw. 7 MRS. LEES ElfS FRENCH MILLINERY STORE .'..'., ; : , .AND ' f Dress Maklns EstasJllsnmcnt, Opposite Cohn & Bolim'i, , ,,... I WOULD CALL TnK ATTENTION cif the ladies o the Dalles to my lar e and fine stock Of FLOWERS, EMBROIDERY, BONNETS, HATS, FEAlHERSi Dress TrImjniii;, &e. Having seenred th sorvlces of MRS. FRA BY. In 1be Dress unking apartment, wo will ilooll work In that line and guarantee perfect satisfaction. , DYINO doiib In nil colors. , , ' , Give me an early call nrd T will endeavor n nlt everybody In TASTE and st llKAEONABLE WI1L16. Particular (tttentlor paid to i . rbbroiecry kuc! EralfiUiiE Etiirpfcr,