- - NEWS. - Wdshnqton, May 10 The Presl dent Vetoeq the Colorado Bill on the roio8 of inefficient population. ,4 In tw-ScyMrtef Mr. Fessenden gave notioo that be wo'a'ld on next Mondav. call up the Constitutional Amendment ii proposition proposed by the Eecon- nt.rnotirm uornmittee aa nnRseri rv thn ITonse. and cress it to an earlv vote. ' Mr.: Trumbull reported a bill for noiuing ine uunu ointea uouris in Iticbmond instead ot Norfolk, whicb passed. Mr. Sherman reported the bill here tofore introouced by bim for the con solidation of the .National debt, and reducing the rate of interest of the same and tbe expense of issuing bonds, In the House, Wilson obtained an order for printing a substitute for tbe , enabling act reported by the -Recon struction committee. JLbe material differance being any - State establish ing an equal and just system of snf. fraire may have its representatives ad" mittod ' before tho final act of other States on the Constitutional Amend ' rnent. It is understood that tbe en ; abling aot, or the abt excluding cer tain classes or. persons from holding office, will not bo pressed to a vote in the House until the Senate has acted upon tbe amendment. . Tbe House also passed a bill to amend tho organic acts of the lerri. tories of Montana, Washington, Idaho, Arizona, Utah and New Mexico. The 'bill prohibits legislative assemblies from passing special acts conferring separate powers, but authorizes thorn ,to pass general jaws for the purpose. It declares null' and void all special charters heretofore granted by those Legislatures. The sixth section pros vides that no person appointee by the President to office in any Territory, shall receive compensation unless he shall havo entered upon the discharge of his official duties within the Terri ' tory, and no officer shall be paid for the time ho may absent himself from the Territory without authority from the Presidont. It prohibits legislative assemblies from granting divorces, but leaves that authority with the Courts of the United States in those Territories. Tbe 9th Section provides that within tho Territories aforesaid, ' there shall be no denial of the elective franchise to citissns of the United States because of race or color, and all persons shall be equal before the law. The 10 Section .gives the Territorial Secretary the same pay as the Govern. ' or while performing duties as Govern ' or. The House refused to strike out Section 9, by a vote of yeas 86, nays 69, and the bill passed as above,' by yeas 99. nays 43. Tbo House also passed the Post Of fice Appropriation bill with the Senato amendments, one . of which provides that all the Government advertising ' in Washington bo given to the daily papers having the largest circulation and no other. j Tbe Colorado veto message was re ceived in the Senate at 3 o clock, but not read before adjournment. K ' Washington, May 16.rlt is under stood that the Vote in the Senate fin. anoe committee on Shermnas oonsoli. dation bill was laid over by a vote of 4 againBt 81, and is heartily approved nf hv all of those who voted in tbe " affimativej the general feeling among tbe members of the ways ana means committee respecting It is of a hostile character, and several leading mem bers of the House 'declare it cannot nass that , body, without material amendment. It appears that all tbe failures of the national banks have . been caused by their keeping accounts with private banks, and tbe controller . of the currency has, (issued a circular ordering them in no case, to acoept such hereafter. : Chicago, May 15. Generals Stead- man and Follerton who were appoint "" ed April 7th, to .inspect and report up on the Freedraen's Bureab in the Southern States-, completed a tour of Virginia and North Carolina, and re ported to tbo Secretary of War, under date May8th, giving their impressions at length, and closing witnarecommen dation that tbe services of tbe ngonts of the Bureau in ,Virginia and North Carolina, be dispensed with, and that their duties be performed by officers commanding , troops in the depart ments. They say there are 114 mili tary officers and 290 civilians employ ed as agents of tbe Bureau in these States, and that neither tbo service ren dored nor that recoived for the char. acter of very many or most of its agents warrants the discontinuance of their services. Jn those districts where tbo affairs of the Bureau have been fairly and impartially adminiss tered, by a general judgment, there has been no direct conflict between the agonts and citizens. Many of tho agents are acting in harmony with tbe civil officers of the States, and are as sisted and supported by tbe citizens in the performance of their duties, but in many places, where agents are not men of integrity and capacity, a very bad feeling exists. This originates in the arbitrary measures and offensive inter ference of agentsorotbers, between the planters and the freedmen. Ihese agents exercise tho widost latitude over judical functions, and tho effect produced is bitterness and antagonism' between whites and freedmen ainrriov ed j prejudice against the Govern ment by planters and tho expectations. on tho part of freedmen that can never be realized. Prudent and industrious froedmcn rarely call on the Bureau for assistance; h is the idle and worth less who alone look to it for support! These do not include tbe infirm and helpless.. The restoration 6f civil lawF and tho recognition of their civil right! rnmoln nathnv hntrn riAftn na oririontl ly thero'is no change in the law givin - j , tbem the right to bold property, bu and be sued, ect. The report further states how th Agents of tbe Bureau have been inte ested in plantations, and wielded tbe power in a manner to aid their ow individual interests. The report iurther says that opp sition existed on the south bank Trent river, in a settlement with a exclusively freedmen population, 4,01 in .number, whose condition is trul aepioraoip. inoso nntortunate pec pie came in our lines, and were the1 living in small buts built by thorn solves from lumber manufactured their own hands. The settlement wa recently, scourged by small pox, an tbeir condition is well calculated excite sympathy. The decrepi among them are supported by Govern! ment, ana tne remainder procuro very scanty living from little jolf aoout JMewnem, ana by nsbing small boats, ect. Da. Aldkrman, the man indicted by t grand jury of Umatilla county for the hanJ ing of Boughton, some time biucp, Was if quitted, tbe jury returning a verdict of iL? guilty. DR. DAVY'S SPECIFIC ."' COMPOUND, An Expeditious Cure for all diseases of the SEXUAL ORGANS. THIS prompt and efflcatlons Remedy for the enre Ghonorrojs. Gleet, Btrlctnrea, and Diseases of the Urinary Organs-makes a speedy cure wlthont the least restriction to iHst, exposnre or change In application bnnlness ; ft will radically cure any case whicb can be produced. The dlsoese It removes as speedily as is eon slstcut with the production of a thorough and permanent cure. Further, the disease cannot be contracted If the SPKCIVIO COMPOUND Is taken when exposed, Its IngredleHte are entlrel r vegetable, and no Injurious effect, either Constitutionally or locally, can be caused by Us use. Price Ono Dollar and Fifty cents pet bottle. Sent by Express carefully packed. . , nOBTKTTBK. SMITH k MAN. Agents, ! 401 and u8 Battery street, cor Clay, Jy22-6m. Ban Francisco. LfNCOLN HOUSE, i Currier Vashlngton and Front Streets, PORTLAND, OREGON. ' j FIRST-CLASS HOTBL. LARQXST IN THE 8TATX. Charges Reaaonnble. AN OMNIBUS will attend all the Boats and convey PaaseigeM and their baggage to the House Free of Charge, or to any other Ilouseln the Ciry for AO cents. . ! B. COFFIN, Proprietor. P. 8 HOT AND COLD BATHS In the Honse. All the Steimen for Oregon City. Vancouver, Monti eello and Astoria land at tb lmcoln Uuuse Wharf: , leultCtB ; .... ' . UALXES CITY DRUG STORE. P. CEAIO, WHOLKBAtil AND BJTA1L ' ' DEALER IN DRUGS. MEDICINES, Perfumerv, Fancy Soaps, PATENT MEDICINES, Ac. fl-tf DRUGS AND PATENT MEDICINES!! DRUGS AND PATENT MEDIClNESU DRUGS AND PATENT MEDICINES!! WHOLIBAll AND UTAH. DBUGGI8T, Washington Street, between Main and Second Street .DALLES, OREGON. Ol LEMON Is able to supply parties In want of Drag, t Patent Modlolnes. Chemicals, Adda, Perfumery, ana over; oiner article enumerated wita ine WHOLESALE DRUG BUSINESS, At the lowest market rated. Physicians anil Merc Physicians add Merchants Intending to purchase for the Mines, will do well to give him a caii. TRUSSES & SHOULDER BRACES In great variety. 8. 1EMOIT. ap.S:tf. Washington Btn between Main adn Second. PORTLAND FOUNDRY AND MACHINE SHOP, FIRST STREET, between Xamhill and Morrison. Steam uncrinea of from 4 to 4U horse-' pnwer.eitherPortableor Stationary. Also. CIR COMPLETE, constantly kB BffiOTat' CULAR SAW MILLS Jf.XvJ on hand. Also, liny Pros- SfJSjSMS Res of Ml sigpn! Planinir aT-Sa!. W ; iaciunes.( woodworm's j-"iiana . i"Bww yi, wtteru.) Wrought and last Iron work for Ver tical Sawand Grist mills; T) .... I !,. n u , I r.a ana . ' WROUGHT IRON WORK of every description. I ant also prepared to furnish Quartz miiu complete, or tno. latest 1 m THE ' OWYHEE," CAPT. FELTON ..............I .Commander. Will leave WAtMJLA every WEDNESDAY (upon the arrival of the steamer that starts from Cclllo on Tues day), for LEWIBTON. ' . .. , FOR PORTLAND TI11IOUGII IN ONI DAY. ' ' The Steamers ' " ' ONEONJTA," "IDAHO," CAPT. J. McNULTY,.... .'.Commander, Will leave DALLES, DAILY. (Sunday ceptedat 6 o'clock. A. (..connecting by the CA80ADB RAILROAD, with the steamers - - NEW WORLD,! - J!l CA8CADE, or WI1L.SOTV G. HXJISX, CAPT. .T. WOLF,........! f. Portland. "' Dalles. Apill 3, 186S, . .Commander, FRANK T. TtODOI. n12tf : Agent O.S.N. Co.! Bt DALLAM r - 0. w. AUMIS. S. W. AMU. l 'ARMES - D ALLAM, importers and Jobbers of - 1TOOD AND WILLOW WARE, ';":' BRUSHES, TWINES, CORDAGE, ' And Mannfacturers of California Palls, Tubs, Brooms, Ac. ' 517 k 210 BachiieMoStreet, between Front and DavM fan FranciKO. . . ; ' oclWrodsw. DAILY MOUNTAINEEE, POWER PRESBI BOOK & JOB PRINTING OFFICE. First Street, between Main and B " DALLES OREGON. JOB PRINTINOOP BVERTf VARIETY Executed with accuracy and dispatch. INA STYLE THAT WILL COMPARE FAVORABLY ' with the very best, and . AT BATES AS CHEAP AS THE CKEAP SX TO OBDOti ... Cards and Bil 1-llead. CHECKS, VRAFTS, RECEIPTS, : POSTERS AND PROGRAMMES FOB . THEATRES . CONCERTS EXHIBITIONS o1!ff ' . ' rfc . rBiOTBnis im host Arnucnvi hasmu. auo, TFAT-JilLLS, LETTER BEADS, : , RECEIPT BOOKS, piLLatADimr rfriefs and Pamphlets, mrriiTQ, wedding and -at home" cards Druegists Labels. In Short, everything that can be dene in a Book and Jib Printing Office, from the smallest and moat dollcnte Card1 or Circular, to the largest sl and most showy Posting BUI nnd which will be turned ouMa a style that cannof mil to Insure entire satisfaction. oca lAciUTiKS ron tin memos oi DECORATIVE PRINTING In the most beautiful Colon, Shades and Tints, Such as Fancy Posting. Bills! From a single Sheet to the Largest aiammoth. ' ' ORNAMENTAL BHQW CARDS. FURFVRXRS' LABELS. fc Are nnsurniused by those of any other establishment in Oregon. We devote special attention to this branch of th business, and are continually adding te our already exten sive and well appointed assortment ef material. NEW, TYPES, BORDERS, ORNAMENTS. ale. etc. Of tbe most modern and elaborate designs. Our stock o. FANCY. INKS. TINTS. AC. Are of the finest quality, and for rlehaees of color and durability, cannot be equaled In the State. 'ine principle upon wmcn Business ta asgea ror this ei tabllshmont Is, that persons will consult their own Inter' eets, by awarding their enstom to that office In which tneir money can be expended to the beat advantage. To this end we solicit all in want of good Printing, at very reasonable charges, to call and examine specimens, and Judge for yourselves, , ; . , Orders from tbe Upper Country Wfll have bur special care, and friends from the lnterlo may rely upon having their orders filled promptly, aa we HAVE THE ONLY IMPROVED GORDON POWER PRESS In tbo State' of Oregon I ,, , Address: MOUNTAINEER OFFICE ml8-tf Dalles, Oregon. JACKSON SALOON! CORNER COURT AND SECOND STREETS, DALLES. OKiEGON. ( T iHK UNDERSIGNED, HAYING REMOVED FROM TUB "BULLA UNIUfl" CELLAR, INTO : ' Gates' New Building', Bog to Inform the pnbllc that they are prepared to serve their customess with the best Wines, Liquors and Cigars, TflU MARKET AFFORDS. AlBO, A . , Free Lnncli I Ivery day and ovenlng. - .:; ii,:.v i E. SCHTJTZ B. KLKIN, dec?-lf . ' Proprietors. Hard. Wood Lumber. CARRIAGE AND WAGON MATERIALS WE BBG TO CALL ATTENTION or Carriage Man nfActiirers and Dealers to the Larrn and Onm . plete assortment of OAKRIAOE and WAGON MATKKI AL8 we are constantly receiving from tbe East, specially selected for. the California market, comprising, Oak, nicKory. ana eecona urowtn Aen rianx, uicaory Axles, Wagon Poles, II nbs, Spokes, Felines, Rims, Shafts, Ac. Ac. . which we offer at the lowest Cash Prlcea. i a- Orders addressed to owrbonse willrerelre nromn attention. ; ; 1 N. W. BRAGG A CO., Jel6:8m. 29 31 Battery Street, San Francisco, and If ' A 19 Seventh Street Sacramento. 0. WArntHOCSi, .. . II. W. Iiasa Co., J. W. Lirti nan rrancisco, vaeramento. " new York F-TILIiM A. 1ST lou Aoun w eitirouiiA ro . TILTON ' & " lNiciPARLAND' S Fire A: IJurslar Proof Sales. STEEL-LINED VAULTS, v J 1 -u" rwiri';i 'v'-'-CombinritiohOLibclr. "jfcaTHlSonstontty ' tanel a fnlt assortment of PAPKS. i. 8 BAITURT 6TRF.FT. JMb x--.PB Franctoce,' .