Epitome of Telegraphic News. faonriUD from toi oeioohur. " DATES TO 91 AY 10.' '' ':' Chicago, May 16. There seems to be a liitch in the election of the United States Senator by the Connecticut I-egislature The House on its part elected Gen. Ferry on the 16th, and the Senate was to have been called the n-xt day, but the S-nate post poned the election one week. Republicans tfrqm Wa bington say Ferry will certainly bo beaded off. He claims to have intelligence, which the Johnson men in Washington are very happy over, that three votes have been secured in the Connecticut Senate, sufficient to secure a dad-lnck of the Scoviil pattern. The report of the vote in the House incor rectly gave Foster 19 votes, it shouli have been 7 thus giving Ferry a majority in that bodv. . ' .' - ,4 Chicago May 19. The 'lenneaaos SannU yesterday rejected the resolution looking to the creation of East Tennessee as an inde pendent State. ;'" " ' The' Union : State Johnson Convention of , all who voted for Linco n in 1859, and now support President Johnsdn, hae been called , to meet at Indianapolis on the SOtb inst. " Wathington, May 17. In the Senate," the bill to prohibit the carriage, sbipmeet or "transportation of .nitro glycerine on passen ger vessels or railroads, was passed. The Senate also passed a bill to grant lands in aid of the construction of a railroad from the Central PaciBc Kailroud in California, to Portland. Qrecno .' . . ..' Washington, May 19. As the contract for the colonization of Lower California seems to be misunderstood, it may be of Interest to from official data, that Jacob P- Leese, with the endorsement of the local mirhnrition made a contract with the Mejicin. Govern ment for the colonization of parts of Lower California. He was to receive land at a tar iff of prices, and to advance certain sums of money as a part ot the payment which it was agreed should be pnid in San Francisco. This was afterwards changed' so that t.he sura should be paid- at New York, and was paid to Romero. The Mexican government therefore: baa soliT' BAIHA VAf.nnt Inn?.' Ktit not the sovereignity of the country. ' i r'Xtw l'ark, May 17. A special dispatch to tub evening papers says the President's mes sage to-day, enclosing Gen. Grant's letter, asks tor the immediate passage of a bill to increase the regular army. :The Lieut.Gen. assigns as a reason for this request the fact thai more troops are needed on the frontier and at the South.. He also expressed the opinion max me troops cannot be withdrawn from the South with safety for some time to come. '.' ' " ' v. .-. , . ,. The Columbia river at this point rose very rupiuiy on oaturaay nigut, and on Sunday liad reached the height of two feet above Wgh water mark of last year. The cellars of several buildiugs nn Main street were drowned out in the Umatilla House cellar there, was. three feet of water. ' It rose at the ' rate of three Inches an hour up to 2 o'clock p. m. yesterday, when It came to a stand. From that time Hp to' the present writing 2 o'clock g. rr.. it.has receded about one foot. All fears of- high water the present season are now patse'd.- The present cold weather will tend to check the melting of the snows until , the present. fliJbd has had sufficient time to run out.I ;.. ; laiAO V. toe:, 8aa Francisco. 0. B. Utun," - Dallas.' AVe noticed 'several men with skiffs en gaged yesterday in catching drift-wood;, which came down the river in large quanti ties. . One man, at the upper "end of Main 'street, must bare got tea or-fifteen cords," judging from the number Of large logs which lie had made fast to the shore. .'At the pres ent rate at which wood is selling, this is a pruiiiauie onstness. ' i ; , .... ;' It Is rumored iihat O'Meara and Ilayden have given up all hopes ot carrying a county in the great Wiflamett'e for their ticket," and ' henoe their appearance in this section tn endeavor to. accomplish what; they cannot do lielow. The'cftrds. bave 'already, been sbuf. fled and dealt up 'this way,- and aot a point made so far.,,1 i ; ',',! TV;I'' ,''!; t'Iw I "Tm " constituents are becoming very, anxious to bear , Aom their would be repre sentatives to1 the Legislature. Let tbe'denr people hare light on the "grave issues'." Uomogenllemfen, 1H us hear from" you. j ' ' WBnotlced In the show-case of Mr. Doug lass' jewelry store, a specimen of gold from Olive Creek, which weighs 8 oacce'sand is. worth $17 BO peronnce.1 We would like to find it iu pieces about that siiof j, Bloob. Pnrlf your blood bj uId Uoll's Sarsaporllla, Yillow Dock ud Iadidt Potass.' It contains neither Hi. leiilo B mercury, it : l " '. ; . I Block, Miller fc Co., WHOLESALE Ifc O C E R S , V AND DEALERS IX Wines; & Liquors, ' ' And Importers and Jobbers of OLOTHINa Boot? & Shoes, 1 Under Clothing, - ir'T''--rr Blankets, etc.', etc.,"' etc. ASSAY OFFICE. IV nAVE N ASSAY OFFICE IN CONNECTION V with pur business, under the entire, supervision of Mr. Miller. We make returns In Bars In six hours We (tuarnoe all onr Assavs and nay the I1IQIIK8T CASH PIUCB fur Dure. We alio pay the llla-tiesl Cosh Price Tor Gold Duet. ' . ' ' ' Btoon, MIU.EU 0)., . mydtf Cor. Ma(n and Wnsliingtun itreetn. Dallea. ' HARDWARE, ! iRON fit STEEL. GROCERIES. BY TUB PACKAGE, FQE CASH," At San Francisco Prices, Adding cost of Traniportatlixi, ' , m!3tf CUMMING t GRANT, " .' Dallea, Oregon. A. O. jLTJL Inform the IMiih of the Dallea and rldulty, Unit lie is now prepared to do all kind of DKHdS, CLOAK and PAliElW makloi. Also, CUTTING and MTMNd In a new and Improved style, novur before iutrodnced In thlilnco. i . , .. , . , v She will warrant to give satisfaction, and1 would most respectfully solicit a liberal patrouago. In the. Iluoiiu lately oocuplnd by Mrs. White, over Sogener's Sturo, on Waehlngtou street, between Ckicoud und Third. - Dalles, March 27 til, 1369 i mr27tf ' kw york uaiceuy .,,: ' anb .". ; ; GROCERY STORE, -Mala (street Ualles. ; a -r.. : ' " wotice. o -r j: :r I A IJ. PERSONS INDEBTED to the undersigned are A rnspocTrnlly requested to come and settle their ac couuts within XUIRi'X DAYS, and save costs, sA3dlm - - . A. I. BLOCK A CO. JOSLYN ARID VUTI8 BUTTER 1 At 50 cents per pound, , J FoiSoiity vfi. ..'! j ?.r t.M.mauaumii i "V .' I ' ! Sond Rtreot. ni9dl . . ; ;;'",notic:e.' i R- BMOVINO M RESIDENCE To'ciATSOP, MR. H. J. W ALDKON will actus my Agent, and Is an Utorlnd to receive all monoye due me. 2Wlmy . A. U. 8TEGLB, U.V. i rt WALDBOJI BnOS., hi 1 Wholesale & Retail Druggists, main street, Dalles, Oregon. WE NOW OCCUPY OUR NEW TWO STORY FIRB proof Stone building, opposite Dloch, Miller A fin . U Iwl ..fta ... 1 1. & .. t.l I n - J ... I . , . r " . ,p.i.v m .wit mm UUUIJIIOIW IHKK 01 Drugs, Medlclues and Chemicals, consisting lu part of KEROSENE. TURPENTINE, ALCOHOL, ACID3, LINSKKD, LA Kl). MKATSFOOT OIL, V LAMP WICK8 CHIMNEYS ' HOPS, ' ' - SPONGES. t " -. 0LKECUB3, i :! ; i mtwiru INDIGO AND ' i LANP11LACE TRUSSES, SHOULDER BRACES. SUPPORTERS, ... . AND i 4. ! ' PATKNT MttDICINEBi ; Our stock of FANCY GOODS I s of the finest' and. best quality; new at.vlfsond large nnsortmouts, such us LUlllN'S VEItFUKHIlV. li AIR, . t "".-( , LUBUN'S TOILET SOAP, i'LKSII, . . . ! POMADES. ; B11AVING, 1 ' ' ' COSMETICS,' . 1IAT, ' r j 1 .-' , ' uaiiioils, ., iCLOTira, ''. ' . COLOGNE, '' TOOTH AND 1 KANCV SOAPS AND r, . NAIL 1IUUSIIK8 TOOTH POWDERS, AND COMBS. , PURE WINES AND LIQUORS,' j For Medicinal purposes. V, ' ' .''',' . . ;.' ' ' 1 ; Our facilities for buying goods are second to none In the StatH, mid wo shall at all times sell at a small ad vance from oost. Ready sales and suinll profits. ; PHYSICIANS' PRESCRIPTIONS Carefully compounded at all hours of the day and nlglit. , Dalles, Sept. D.18H6. . selu-tf M ; FRANKLIN MARKET CORNERF SECOND AND WASIUNTQN ElREEts V ' DALLES, OREQOX, Jv OHN VYPltGH& troiLtls- "JL Imrlns; fitted up tlief jmv aVore Uarkel in tk iilt if ?TU , ly ou hand ail sorts.oA, ' 1 ' '' ' ' t OftheWqnaMty furnished UieLOWKSX JUTB . , 'J .M -j-MASS ALU" ,' 1 ( PARTIES HAVINO 8UPEUI0R UOUK FOR BALI will do well to call at the lirankiil iii-tY. .BAL" , kta, February WU., I860. "NGER. VEKY IMPOKTAMT Mercbants, Families, Hotels and T T -- . . . . JULIUS KRABMJSK HAVING BOUGHT THE EN tire Stock ofMorchaudlie and Book Accounts of the lute firm ot M . Seller A Co., Id thin city, to which he lias added of his own Importation (while doing bualuesein Portland) un immense Stock of the best manufactured Crockery, Glaus ware; Plated Ware,' " Laiupn, 1 7 CbandellerN, Table Cutlery Looklng-Glaasetj and 1 i ' 4 ' All Kinds of Oils,"' ' All of which he offers at reduced rates. Pnranii. wl.li. log to buy any of the aoove-uentloned articles, will'do well to glvo me a call before purchasing elsowhere. s Orders from' the interior promptly attended to, and gnu,., uatntiu IU KO necure.' mttyi lau to call on me. Iludlo's Stone Building, VTashlnfrton streot, Dalles.' ' JULIUS JIUAEMES DMIes. March lTth, 186S. mblTtf ONE HUNDRED MILES. SAVED I BLACKFGOT&BIG BE.DMI.ES - .:: 'i ! BYWAY OF , -Wliito 331wflk! THE SHORTEST AND SAFEST tfOAD For Land. Travel.' Distance from Dalles to White Blutt..........!....100 miles " ' ', White BluHs to Pen d'Oiolll 100 ";, toColrllle ...170 Travelers bv land for either of the ilmn vi.u. will save .. .1 , , . . 1 Save Time Distance and Money uy laaing me nuiie mnn itoau. ' i . Wood, "Water and Grass " ' j Aro found on this Rood within cosy drives. ,' , ' , The roid la nowonen.and nosseasea lutvnntnJ.'l any other Und route from tho Dalles. . . ; , ,1'uDllslHHl by order of ' , THE CITIZENS OF TIIE DALLES. ' ' ' rol:im. talle", March. 20. 1R60, W- B. DOUGLASS. .ife) 11 t-iLij' " : t (Successor to William Biruuaum.) ; , PRACTICAL .WATCHMAKER, ; AND DEALER I . I AND JEWELRY,! INVITES THE ATTENTION OF HIS FRIBND8 AND the Public to his cholee selection of . ; - , New and Fashionable Goods Respectfully soliciting their patronage. .. ; WA?iKANTEtt0MPTLY 1ll0PJ!ttLlr "Prfwd Bd mtf Stxt Door to the Post OdBoa. ' F.DEHM, Watchmaker aud Jeneler, iv MAIN STREET, DALLES, ' Wv WIT UD IU DTV C A mnrr-mtrt . T t. CLOCKS, Gold PoM,3Uverud Plated Ware! ,, . .,i.. .... ' Spectacles, Cutlery, Ac. JKk-Particular nllnnf 'Watches, Clocks. Jewelrv. ate me warranted for twelve months, , i , N. D. All orders from the upper country, by Express or otherwise, nromntlv attended to.' ' 1 : ASsPartlcular attention paid to repairing flneUaa KatcUes repaired bj AIM Ulstiolutlon Notice. ' NOTICE IS IIEREltY 01VEN, that the eo-imrlner-ship heretofore existing between 1. M. EVANS and A. W. DAVIS, io the Llvory Stable business, bss been dissolved) tint A. W. Davis is Indebted to tbeco partnership) and that abill sacqulty has been tied for the settlement of the oo partnership accounts. All per sons are notified that A. W. Davis has no powi to dis rose of the pioporty, aot contiact debts on the crrdit oftheftm. i i ' ,. . X, U. EVANS. Dalits, April 30, 1869. u. Adlm ' COURT iAND SECOxND STREETS, DALLES, OREGON w inaxiKCAUH, Proprletori nu.n n.jicf i; 0 constantly on hand all the varie- i ktlflH tJlMi till. i FBKSH & CUBED MEATS. ni j. .-, and always of the best quality. ,., FAIRIES, HOTELS,, AND STEAMBOATS : ? " 4',',? wppiled ob retwouablo terma. : r In KOOd Condition, are r.,...,..l ...11 '"T, aoinirel.ewh.r- ' : P. .D.,.u' Dalles. Mar, b Sl.t ifiM "v"" vu61aw. luhUtf NOTICE TO FARMERS. 'X'COMPANYiaauSya 1 FLOURING MILL to their Steam Snsli and Door Factory, la this Cltv. and TOnUW""1 CU0? FJ5KJ)' 01"ND WlIKAT .!na h?S "? w."rm"tJ J' ivo l"t ifation. t)u band constantly and for sola . . . . , fXTRA FAMILY FLOUR,' '. ',' i , ' ' ' '., SECONDS OR MIDdLinOS, ' - ;' -.If.; I : ,1 v BRAN AND SHOllTJl, - '! CHOP FEED, CHICKEN FEED. corr.?,:aMUn"Ior,ftrtIC!e,ofC01'1' MEAI" twii n i ( ilhe,t ,1,t Prlc for WHEAT, CORN a' u(y. O. ADFORD, Wines & Iiquorfs, FRONT STREET,' ' ' JPortUnd, - - - . Oregon. O'iiSV-"t A TRy.in ASSORT Brandies, , i v , ' . . .. JLfquors, '.j. ..., '.-;!',.-. i . Case Goods, : : &c, . i, - ! t t TIlA TtdtA Ii tul...l t.. 1 a . .tbef7r.pnrehg.t.;7he7" " X?' , . 1 H.HERMAIV&CO., MAIN ST., DALLES, OPPOSITE EMPIRE II0TEl IlJf JUSI KfCEIVED A BEAUTIFUL STOCK SPRIKO AND SITAI31ER GOODS, '" '''1 u',.:"Coslsngluiiartof ; . i; sn 1 . "v; duu isaiue wry Hoods ..., !,,.J; ,. ,iiat4b'caps.' " : WJitph tfcoy offer to soil at SMALL PJtnprTii . ; . Dalles March 2ItU, 1808. . ; .. . . MONTANA! IDAHO! WASHOE Wa . ARB . POTTING. Up; oiin , 01UU1NAL SUPEttlim nn , OVIt A. .-I t i'U.t Iv . s ' Vf ... GUOUAU JAVA COFFEE - ;! CUARTRES COFFEE, Vil ' "! 'XV 'DOfrnr.M ar'Amn- n r, . To preserve Ita strength and flavor for the'len.th.f tluw repaired to be t rwardod to the above n'aw. 8 T Mltinuv av -n.". 1 1 1 ' ' ' 1 ! ' ' j i ' ' , FURS,, WOOL and HIDES. fjuK liioiiKSTCA'sa price pai'd ior ;' ; li laTUns, WOOL, AND HIDES, at ir i 'ddZL 7. ' '"tsORAKHK, 1IBRIUU, A OO.'S i . W.W.B; io Korih Fiont Street, PortTaui). J3 OOIfS r no oks: ': WHOLESALE . ANI) r vta tt ' r: .... i : ., ir , .rv", lOCHOOI, BOOKS, STATIONERY. ' Ir-iXL S3 Standard and tllsoelhtneous WORKS AfTWtl Late. NOVELS, MAOAWNES, PAPkSIXwI' , Ao.. by every Btm.r7' tWBc&SSLS Booksore,AlainstrettDaile,'r , iTj . waraen seeds lor the Million. r. d v o 1" a i . 1 1 r u . o A LOO N llILLlAUtt.iobax;; ' i inns; ntunr . ' --' - "... ffuriflE! .cv'.TVt f nAVB appointed E B. HatT v.. . Jl to collect all monevs dn m. .1 t'nt