I MONDAY EVENING, MAY 21, 1860. LETTER VB.OM. CAM 1 OS CITV. Canyon Citt, May 11th, 1866. Editor MouNTiiNKKn: The most important rveut of tbe week in tbe John Day mines bag Lceo the advent of a small patty of Chinese miners. These may be looked upon a tbe forerunner s( a horde of these indurtrious people. Heretofore the prejudices of the luiuers have been so violent against China- Vien that one of them stood about as much. chance here as a Tal-piug in the hands of an Imperialist in their own Celestial Empire. bine dr ten miles below Canyon Creek, is tbe cinnabar lfiadj of which to much has been said. Some weeks since tbe Indians attacked two men who went' up to examine tbe nine and, was, found necessary to tend out six men with Henry rifles, and other shooting and cutting utensils, to take possession or the ground. During tbe last week this patty has been engaged in sinking upon it, aud the gra tifying fact is established that tbe cinnabar lies in a true lead. Tbe ore rapidly increases in richness as tbe miner go dowp on it, and the presumption is, that it will yield as well as tbe new or old mines of Idria and Alma den. - v . ; . . . ..-'' ABOUT THE COUNTRY IN OBNBBAL. With the advantage o) some observation', Tbe. character of the diggings here, and tbe and, milch inquiry, I arrive at the conclusion declining prospects of a considerable portion of the' mines, has at length induced claim holders to turn their attention to the intro duction ol cheaper and more abundant labor, nud it is probable that the result will prove the wisdom of tbe movement. Tbe bed of Canyon Creek, the flats at the mouth of the creek, and the newly discovered prospects on the main John Day River, prom ise well to employ thousands of laborers for years.to come; that is to Bay, of that class that tbe waters of tbe John Day have been less prospeoted than the distant section on the bead-waters of Salmon River. ', This is easily accounted for.: tbe population of tbe country is sparse, and it is quite impracticable to raise prospecting parties strong enough to tra verse these mountains, infosted, as they are, with tbe most wily and murderous Indians on the continent As a body, miners are pro verbial for recklessness; but the idea of .being suddenly extinguished some morning about who can and will work ior a, compensation of daybreak is too much for even the most fool from $3 to $5 a day The best of Canyon Creek is yet but par tially worked. The ground ranges in depth from twelve to twenty feet. In order to facil' Uate "stripping," .expensive hoisting ma uhinerv.has been erected. In all, about twenty derrick have been put up for this pur pose; ail of which boist'by water-power, but one which 1b driven by steam. Upon an av crage, these derricks have cost about $2,500, hardy. In this conntry, "in the midst of life we are in death," and at some unexpected moment a man is liable to be beset by half-a- dozen jellow-go-nakeds," and incontinently killed in his boots by a fligbt of arrows, or peppered over by a rifle or a Hudson's Bay musket. On account of this unsettled state of affairs, whenever a man make i some money he usually leaves the country;, and thus, to tbe evils of a chronic Indian war, is added a making a total of $50,000 for this particular ,teady Md exhausting depletion of tbe best species of apparatus, to, say nothing of the vast expense entailed in pumping, draining and opening claims. ' I believe it is still open to debate'whether the- derricks have proved more economical than wheel-barrows and or dinary hand-labor. At any rate, it seems us if the introduction of Chinese labor would do ii way with this cumbrous method of working the creek claims. But this will soon be dem onstrated by actual experiment. ' PltOSFKOXS OS TUB MAIN JOHN DAT. part ef the population, and a corresponding drain on tbe means which would otherwise be largely applied to tbe discovery and develop ment ot tbe mines and tbe improvement of agricultural lands. .' As a grazing country, tbe foothills of the Blue Mountains are not excelled by any other part of ibe Columbia Basin; and to an abuad anee of grass and water is joined a climate by tar tbe most moderate of any that I know of in the same latitude. A sufficiency of ara ble land is to be found conveniently located, Twbodyof a man was found in .the - UTfl TlftV IVn fAl 1111 CHAM be ! ilUUUUll illlU UVillUIIUlHUll HOUSE! body was entirely stripped of clothing Jand from appearances must have bte'n in, the water a long time. We are. informed, that, evidence of foul play was ou tbe body in the shape of a gun-shot wound in the. left side; and that tbe facewaB so disOgured. that, it was impossible to recognize it. It was taken charge of by the Coroner. TltK great Democratic war-horse, Benjamin Haydon, is announced to address the citizens of tbe Dalles this evening, at the corner of Main. and Court streets. . , r.iii.1. Spriro. Nowlsthetlmetopurlfyyour blood, noil's Sarsnparilla, Yellow Dock and Iodide of Potass is decided ly the bent thing In use for that purpose. ' Sold by drug gists everywhere. . . Religious Notice. CATnouo Cnoacn Morning service: ., Mass, at 10 o'clock. Evening eorvlco: Vespers and Benediction, at Vi o'clock. Sunday School at 2 o'clock, p. rti. azw jtaiuku Li. iijuiJ&aA&n,.ruior. , Columbia Lodge, No. 0, I. O. O. P. Moots every Friday evening at 7 o'clock, la Gates Hall, corner of Second and Court Streets, toothers In good standing are invited to attend, lly order. . fJ.O. Wasco Lodge, No. 15, A. F. St A. M. ITolda He stated Coinmunlcntlon on theFlretand Third Mondays of each month, at their hall. In Dalies City, llrethron in good standing are iuvltod to attend. By order of the W. M. Beth l. Pops, Sec'y. 3o. 100 MALVSTREET, DALIES. THE UNDERSIGNED THANKFUL, FOR PAST Favors, respectfully Informs the cltiaen nf the' Dulles, aud the public generally, that he continues to sell at ... N ,, , . . jPU"Bli,IC AUCTION " - OR PRIVATE BALK, Real Estate, General Merchandise, ' .-, Giocerles, UorseN, " : ' ,.. Mules, DEMOCRATS OF DALLES CITV ABSK..111LE AT THK CORNER OF MAIN ft COURT Streets. T11I8 EVENING, at 7 p'clock. Hon. Ben. Uajden '.. Will address the citlions. All are invited to attend. By order of tlio Executive Committee, JOHN WILLIAMS, Ch'n. FOR SALI . NH HUNDRED AND SIXTY ACKKS OF LAND, tho property of the heirs of John Kail igan, lately de ceased. The land is coiivoulontly locatou ou mill ui'oex, between the cliimsot Theoilore Mesplie and Caldwell's, about three miles from Dalles City. It Is well watered, and contains a good house, barn and stable, a good or chard and about twenty-live acres under Improvement. For Information or purchase apply to ratuer 1. juespue, ' uates llait, Attorneys. Dalles, May Ml. 18UC lm T. MKSPLTE. and nnthtno la wanting hut tha finhiuo-Rtlnn The first prospects in the main John Day f the Indians to render these bills and River were obtained about nine miles below valleys the. Arcadia of the Nortb-west. trie mouth of Canyon Creek, and continual Toe f-rrhlng interest is already very great, .m,ro-Bment is derived from the develon. Rnd 8olid improvements aud well-cultivated NOTICE. . DURING MY ABSENCE Ma. W. LORD Is authorised to transact my business. Any persons knowing themselves indebted to me, will pleaso call upon htm. . Dalles, May 10, liJtW. luylUwt H. 11. WOUIl. uieuts of each week's labor. For many miles above and below where these prospects were obtaiued, the John Day runs through prairie hills of very Irregular formation, and the river bottom is of the average width of a quarter of a mile all of which is good meadow 'or ara ble land. Prospects have ulso been obtained eighteen miles below Cauyoo Creek, on a bar . where the bed-rock is above high-water mark. Wuiteitis not to be expected that all tbe river bottom will pay, it is pretty well settled that a large proportion ot it is rich.' Tbe couth. and flatness bf the around render its development a very Slow process; Out even .ana citizens cuuie ana uorses at most in Bigot twelve ieet or "stripping will not -prevent of the military camps. History proves that fields attest the prosperity of that portion of the community. A grist-mill has been erect ed at John Day City, at the mouth of Canyon Creek, and with seven cents a pound the ad vantage of the Dalles market, the growth of wheat must prove the most remunerative bus iness in tbe Slate. " ; ; THB. FALLACY OF II1MTABT PROTECTION. There is no more, erroneous idea than that 1 tbe military ever can or ever will, subjugate tbe Indians. You may carry on " a war of posts" for ftfty years against tbe Snakes, end they will still -be eating government mules mnE UNDERSIONED AlOTlCE. HAVING BOUGHT the Schooner Perttveranct and half the schooner Ha.' fid, from Torence Uoin, all debta against the above named Boats must ue presenteu to Die u me win uay May. ABA D111U.1U. Dalles, May 8. 1800. Uil0d2w. Herald copy, 3 weeks, and send bill to this office. PROF. MURRAY'S - M A. G-IC OIL,! For Sale by .GATES t CIIAPIN. ALSO, AGENTS FOR DR. DUNCAN'S i i Whooping Cough Specific. the irrepressible Chinamen from making money out of this ground, if properly directed by Intelligent while men. It is to be hoped 1 that by another year each honest miner in ibis country will have his dozen coofict delv- inz in his claims- There is an eminent fit . ness in this relation of tbe races, which, I think, must recommend itself to the reason of every uuuer who looks forward to a time when be can Quit Uts present laoorlous audexhaus ting mode of life with the means to engage in ' some aiOre congenial vocation. i ' TBI MIDDLE FOUIl MINIS, . . The mines on. the Middle Fork of Johu Day are confined to three creeks or gulches, which Indians never were subjugated by regular sol diery. In New England, the savages in Nar ragansett Swamp sunk under tbe unpaid prowess of the psalm-singlng Puritans, aud in Wisconsin, Blackhawk's warriors, fled be fore the militia of the country, who were dressed in "butternut trowsers ' and 11 lmsey woolscy" hunting shirts. The Florida In dians were never beaten except by Gentry's Missourlans, and in Texas the rangers iuOict ed vengeance on the Comancbes, wrth nothing ror pay ana a corn-pone" tor rations. Mad Anthony Wayne did defeat tbe Indians in Ohio, but he did not subjugate them; twenty years after tbe battle on the Mauruee the same empty Into tnat stream trom me norm. Uolng Indians were again defeated by Harrison with down stream, they are named, respectively, raw Kentuckians and Obioans, on the same r.iv'n.t umh Oreelt anrl Ruelr Onlnh ground. On the Spokane Plains, tbe confed- These creeks appear to be crossed by a range J19 ba9dsof Palouses, Spokanes and Coour of gold-bearing rock from two to turee miles " e-" " - ui'"'",l ul .,n ...h-nf ti..m: An'frnm ihia rnpk hae h.n gulars, and were defeated : and if this is "sub- dislodged the heaviest rnmps of gold ever JKation " u 18 tue on. olitary instance .Sound in the John Day mitres: but like ,u that occurs to my memory. But subjugation, - coarse gold countries. tbff pif it Irregular, la .ouiuing more. ,i . .,..,!. nf ,h ,in.r. r m.k ' means the defeat of the Indians, the perron nent occupation of their countrj by a pro gings ar shallow near the mouths of tbe ducty9 eS?taM, of bU . creeks, and grow deeper as you Moend.-uatil ? ther Indians in a positron where t ie r la tbe upper lectious the ground bas to be drilted. ,r."-t r.-y.ji i ' Some claims, at the 'month of Elk Creek, in ' ' tbe mala Middle . Fork, have paid well, and ara still paving. . Good prospects have also been obtained in tbe river, from' the mouth of '. Elk Creek for three or four miles down ; and ' tf these should turn out as expected, a great lieia lor labor wtil be opened. 1 1 coustder the lives are absolutely at the mercy of the! conquerors, c To bring about this state of affairs, we need more population; and urttil we have it, occasional murders will bo per petrated by tbe Slakes, and occasional bands ot horses ana cattle win ue stolen ' The most that the government can do is to distribute arms amongst tbe miners an settlers here. As to the balance, we wi have, peace and security when we have in h. .1... ...... h. nave, t . i . . . T i ' I dliced a sufficient population hitherwards to - .". '.:, occupy thd minci-aad' W cultivate tie val- ,-j.U yn J ; aB Bn vay, j leyg. ,v;. i i r;;y jm.xj .'. ; a. M. Furniture. StockH, &LC. &c. ''.' I BEOULAB 8 ALU DAYS,.. Tuesdays and Saturdays. dash Advances made on Consignments, And PROMPT RETURN m tie of sales. . Out-door and Spoclal Sales attended to in any part ot the city. , , JOHN WILLIAMS, Auctioneer. J . J XT K E H Malji Street, Dalles, ' " , . ' WB0LI8ALS AUD KSTA1I. DEAL1B I!t CIGARS. TOBACCO, SNUFF, PIPES, ctoc. ALW1TS III STOBI TBI BIST BBAICD8 OF Clears, Tobacco, Matches, &c. PlLAYINO CARDS,' POOKRT CUTLKRY, ... T-ORT MONIES, COMBS and BRU8IIES,.o' all kfhds, , I PERIfUMBRY.ot every descriutlon, ' OUINA ORNAMENTS. TOYS, DOLLS, etc. FI8U HOOKS and FISHINQ TACKLE, - .-MUSIOAIi INSTRUMENTS, FANCY GOODS, to. Also Powder.Bhot, Lead, Powder Flasks, Baskets, and many other articles too numerous fc locution. , f Interior deal era suiiilledwlth CIrrs,Tobacco.tc. at less than Portlaud prices, with freight added, oc-8 SELLING OFF AT COST! ,T. GOETZ & CO. STONE BUILDINO, WASUINOTON STREET, DALLES, Offer their well-selected stuck of TOBACCOS . PIPES, YANKEE JNOTIONS, , ' ,, ..AND " .. STATIONERY. . AT ' BAN FRANCISCO COST, ., njrirttr FRED. LIEBE, GROCERY, PROVISION, ' AND , .;. ... FRUIT STORE, Washington Street, opposite French k Oilman's, Dalles, Has on Hand a large aud well-assorted stock or GROCERIES & PROVISIONS, Fresh Butter & Es, Received daily. A largo lot of CHICKENS el way n on hand. FRUITS of all kinds. FRESH VEGETABLES every morning. All articles warranted. Give lVte a Call, Everybody . FIWCKSl LOW. aolSttf F. LTEBK. J. F. KELLOGG, DENTIST, Main St., Dalles, Oregon. A FTF.R NEARLY SIXTEEN YEARS Practice lu Ills Drofumion. would tosiectfnlly Inform the cltlsens of the Dalles and the Dttulle ceiierally. that h has lonacd the Dental Olllce lately occnnieil br J. W OUItLEY, Dentist, wkere he Cftry bo fonud prepared to at' tend to thoae requiring Ills proloaslonal services. Ornci Hours From 8 o olock, a. m., to.l2n.: and froiu. 1 O OlOCK, r. Hi B r. Hi - - ' ' lllObl T. B. UICKBRON, ft-; ' - i - .. . i Dealer in all kinds of ; : GROCERIES & GRAIN, Ml 1 Lowest i t Itates ATTnB Cash. , ALSO, - JOSLVN & CURTIS' BUTTER On hand, and received Fresh every week, j Come One, Come All, an oive me a Ca 1 AT CONSERt BARTER'S OLD STAN. , HtTPERlOK CAL.IFUKWIA. ', A Few Fsckages Choice, is, ausatltlfS to tulLst i mt v? -,.. . BALDWIN lIU)8. GATES a& CIIAPIN WHOLESALE 4 RETAIL ' DRUGGISTS, STONE BUILDINO, vyASBlNOTON STREET, DALLES, OREGON, ' ;. ' Importers aud Jobbers of , .. v PATENT ilKDlCINKS, . , CHEMICALS FANCY GOODS, SODA, CORKS ACIDS," . , ' OILS, ft ALCOHOL,' ' tUHE WINKS ft LIQUORS, ' , . 1'AiNTS, GLASS ft ItltUBIIKS. .' ' ' rUISICIANS' PRESCRIPTIONS Accurately eompcondedi I ' ; :'i ; . PHOTOGRAPHIC EMPORIUM. A full and complete assortment of all articles In the Photographic Lino, at a. SMALL. ADVANCE O.N SAN JHT Merchants will please get our prices before order ing below, , U. L. CIIAPIN, Dulles. JUSTIN OATKS. . Sacramento, Cal. LAST CHANCE X WE WOULD CALL THK ATTENTION OF THB uuhllo to. the Lict.thut. we are cluslnit out our Stock of. 4 1 J... ) " : '- , CLOTHING, dry goods; &c, &c, At Creatiy Reduced Rates, And offer barira'ns which cannot fall to satisfy anvbodv wautiug acticlea lu our lino T15 INTKNB CLOSING OUR BUSINESS HERE bv V the FIRST OF JUNK next, and we take tl.i, portunlty of ouco niore callinii upon those iudebted to. us to rail and settle.' We will not, If, we can heln It. place any of our accounts in . the hands of legal colloo tnrr, but If obllgeil to do so, we shall have- recourse to that when this uutlce explres. ali9l- ;,-! : ,,.U. DROWN ft BRO. DALLES Sc MOCK LAIt D Landing Foot of rpion street. THE PROPMETORS ARB NOW PREPARED WI1U STAUNCH AND ROOMY BOATS toetoM7V- i Travelers. Uorses & Stock'. In a Bafe and eznsditlous msndtr! and' fct Rcaebanklai lutes. .. . n ... , ,, i.LjOl