'" i ',' i t rr it ft H . .' . ' r .: mm i a. , 52;. ' 'J' 1 ? J. li vou r. DALLES, OREGON, MOTwtAY, BAY 1, 1866; 1 No. so. "WW' e"iI.TBSk PhPMT H II II Hr i ' 1 I II 17 1 .11 r . wmi 'am ' : m V vi o nil m r i . PUBLISnED EVERY EVENING, (SUNDAYS MOIPTIB,) BT ';' E. G. COWNE & J. IIALLORAN, " EDITORS AND PBOPBIBTOM. 1'kiuM 2Viat-e(ni per week, payable to the carrier per month, by mail, II; throe monlha, $1M; fix Months, J&; one year, $8. Advertisements Inserted at low rate. . . Job Printing. 1 Krary description or plain and fancy Job Printing exe - uted with neatness and dospatch, and forwarded aa par order to an J part or the country. FayvuHt Jar Job Print ing mutt ba mad on delivery of work. W. U. DOUGLASS, . Practical WatohLmtikor, And Sailor la FIXE WATCHES & JEWEIJEtT, ' , DALLES, OREGON. ' Jbtetabllshed 1857 , BALDWIN BItOU DSALEBS IN GROCERIES 4 00KN8R OF Mala ancf Union Streets, Dall J. 0. BALDWIN mh21-tf V. W. BALDVU rURNITUEEI eurniture; DIERLAM &. WENTZ, 1 ' "a flf An. frnm.T tt-tt ttt JtVi . JUT. ... -. ' DalleeCity.haveonhandavatlety IIoDschold Furniture, embracing Tables, Chairs, Bureau! 'BedsandUedstoada.BeddiDa'.Gitrneti etc., etc., all or which will bo told at low rates, jrurultnre Repaired, and Upholstering done to order. Also, on hand Uattrossaaandl'illowa. Spring Beds made to order, anil WK. MOABUS. o. b, Kdiaab. WM. MOABUS & CO.; OITY- BAKERY, ' ' aicd . PRO VISION STORE, . Corner of First and B Streets. ' WnnLB8AI,K AND RKTAILDKALBR8 In BEE AD, CRAOK HUB and Family OU00KHIK3. - w?l.0rdera from a dlatanoa carefully filled and prompty lanatched. ' . 1-tf . ' wnoresau ass bxtail muLam ni ;' Fancy & Staple Dry Goods, CLOTHING, BOOTS AND SHOES, HATS AND CAPS, AND Gentlemen's Furnishing Goods Fire-proof SVine Store, corner of Mala and Court streets. . . ,. . oo4-M llV.lIA.SO.ir & ODELL, ; ATTORNEYS & COUNSELLORS AT LAW WILL PRAOTIOH IN THB 80PRRMB AND OIR colt Courta of Oregon, and the Dhtrlct Courts o Washington Territory. i Particular attention paid to the eoUeoUon of olalma. 0. IIUMA80N Dalles, Oira. J. A. ODKLL. ITTJRNISIIED BOOMS ;' TO LET, V '', p By the Night, Week or Month, NHXI DOOR TO JACK80N ENOINB 1I0U8B. mltf MR8. SPRKN8KR. LANGLEY, CROWELL & CO., IMPORTERS AND WHOLESALB . , DHTJG-G-ISTS, Corner of Clay and Battery Sts., - l 1 - v' - '.J- ; rRANOISCO. ' L A- ' mli42:d6m.'. 47 WM. BROWN WAUWER, III- D- OFFICR 74 ' SECOND STREET, between Washington AfedOonrt.' f - ' I Omoi nonns OtoliAiai.! 2 to p.M.iandtttolO,. pit. U. W. MITCHELL. ' ' 0ncf WALDKON'S BUILDING. ' ii BiMDSift a Corner jtf Third and Waahlngtontreata. . c. la. BROOKS, M. t. Office At Dr. Cmla' Drug fetore. . DALLE3,V OREGON'. . ' n ,..!;..: ' . -,WOTICE. t ;; . WrSCAH.ftTS ATTENTION OF THIS PUBLIC to fV the fact, that we have concluded to give op liita 1sem and there or, all parties Indebted to nsMOBTPAT . BP WITHIN NlNElt J)AY8 or lepal proccedlnirs will aur. ; t .r UM.BROO A BR04 BaUaa,aIartBl4,18C6. ' mlU t UirUUTUW JU1V WUOLHIaUaB Dealers in Wines, Liquors GHOCEKIE8, miners' Goods, float Stores, &c, BAVI EIMOVKD TO tHBIk NEW STONE BUILDING, . ooanu or Second and WaNhlngton Streets, DALLES CITY. TtOW IN 8TOB8 A LAKGK AND C0HPUX1 18 JL aomuoot or the vary beat branda or WINES AND LIQUORS . lao, a toll assortment of ,' GROCERIES & STAPLE GOODS. AW" Oonetantly receiving onr anppliaa dlreot from New Tore and Ban Franoiaco, we are able and willing to aell at a very email advance on Ban Francleco nricea. Thav hope by adopting a atrictly eorrect and prompt method ol doing bnatneaa, they will receive the patronage of the pnb- uo. - , aeiu-u UMATILLA HOUSE. IIAJVDLEY & SENNOTT, Prop'rs IBIS rOPULAB BOUSE, 0XKTBAU.T UlCtMD, OW I8T jing open all night. , LARGE FIRE-PROOF SAFES TO DEPOSIT VALUABLES Dalles, Outa-tt EMPIRE HOTEL. . HAUT 8TEBST, BAUUU, 0EK1O9, THOMAS SMITII, Proprietor. A FIRST-CLASS HOUSE. , IM mi oratBi op Bunxxsa, Hear the Steamboat aad. Eailroad landings Snpeiior Accommodations for Families and oan Ao ooinmodate One uondred and Fmy Uueeta. ; Meals..un...Sa est. Lodglng..M..50 Ota Fire Proof Safe for deposits of valuables. I 1. Bouse open all night. Baggage taken to thetlotua tree ol Oiiirge.. THUUAB bmkiu, mhS-tf . .:.;!....... Proprietor, CO TJMBIA RIVER MINES. ' jL. It. T3 O O TH, WHITS BLUFFS, W. T., FORWARDING AND COMMISSION MERCHANT, , ABU OUrcEAl BIAI.XB IB . . ' MEBOHANDISE , AICD ' TllIwER!S SUPPLIES. PACK AND SADDLE HORSES FOB BALE. TTIREIGinS CONSIONFD to my care for Colvllle aU .Kootenai or the Upper Columbia Mines, will re calve' prompt attention', t n , . WWW Blufls, Oct. let, 1864. oc Jtf . NEW lllUlT, GUOCEllY " i AND ':: ''' 1 i ; PIQTISION . STORE. rpn UNDERBIONED INFORMS HIS FRIENDS and X the public generally, that he has just eatabllsbed on Main street, next door to J. Jukar, Tobacconist, A NE.W STOREI where he keens eonstsntlv on hand a larire assortmanto I selected FRUIT. Also, In store a complete stock ofoholce uauvBuiBS, ruu visions, vjcuhiauijiiis, m. All of which will be sold, wholesale and retail, at KB DUCKD PKIOES. Comeandaeeandsntlsryyonraelf. ael3-tf . ,- JOHN 8P0SIT0. COLUMBIA RIVER MINES ! ' A.B.BO0TB.. ...HilRT BXVBoir. ' BOOTH Sc NEVISON, Forwarding ana Comtniaalon Merehsuili AND DELER8 IN GENERAT MERCIIANDI8H, ' Wlilto Rluflssi, w. t, : FREIGHT FOR COLVILLR. UPPER COLUMBIA, KOOTENAI and BLACK FOOT MINES promptly forwarded. ! . . .. Mark Goods B. A N.4 White Bluffs, W. T, i i l '..V v BOTTOEKOHI l.i '. K, a) ; . Pobtubb Richards A McCrhken, Alia A Lewis, end , . Hodge.ACalef. DilLK Bloch, Miller A Co., French A Oilman. 1 ' Mr-BBOWH & BEO., , .,, WBOUSAU ARB BXTAa B1ALXU W I.I . FANCY AND STAPLE DEYGfOODS! GROCERIEa, PROVISIONS, &o.' 1 - Mr. M.BROWN, belnra resident of Ban Fratclsco. we are enabled te ofler great Indcementa to purchaaara. Wa respectfully Invite the public to examine our stock befor pnrchaalng elsewhere. - mlWi W Etona Store, north tide Main street! tsllsi.'C, Democratic State Ticket FOR CONGRESS: . , v , ."jAMIiSi U. FAI,,,,,', 0 ) Jackson. ji .. ... . : v.l; . , ' . FOB GOVERNOR: . , JAMES K. KEaLLT, . ; . OfWasoo. -r. . : .m, , .... ' ' ' IOR SECRETARY Of STATE: ' " , liAFAYET'IE I,AKE, ' : Of Multnomah. ' ' FOR STATE TREABURKBt joiincuell; ' 1 ' ' ' Of Marlon. . , .. ! i IOR 8TATB PRINTER: r () JAMES O'MEARA, ' i , ; Of Linn. ,,; ,t. , : - PROSEOUTING ATTORNET FIFTH DISTKICT ' J. II. 8 EATER, .1 Of Union.. ! ,I: ioa Democratic County Ticket. a For Representatives," t.. i ' .i : i ; r.t 0. H0MA80N, ,..,',! w i ,.. F. T. DODGE. ;. . , i.'.i i. -Fop Sheriff, ? i Ai W. FERGUSON. For Clerk, V F. 8. HOLLAND. ' " , For Treasnrer, . : AW. BUCHANAN. .' For Commission-erg, G. F. HERBERT ' JOHN WILLIAMS. ; For Assessor, ' ' ' ,' HARRISON CORUM. , ' For School Superintendent, .. B. P. FITZGERALD. For Soryeyor,, m TV. T. NEWCOMB. 1 JFor OoronerJ ... DR. 0. B. BROOKS. Si : Virginia City, Montana & Blackfoot OVERLAND STAGE LINE! .' BEX. IIOLLIDAY, Proprietor. CONCORD STAGES LEAVE BOISE CITY EVERY OTHER DAT FOR BLACKFOOT, ' ,' Salt Lake City,. Denver City, ..... MISSOURI RIVER, Connecting at SALT LAKE CITY with Concord Stages jiuun.ng w ', "Virginia City, Nevada, AND BACRAMBNTO, CALIFORNIA. Boise CItv to Fait Lake City ...................W0 00 .i it u Virginia City. Montana.................. tU 00 . , " Aussonri mver, igai 'Aenaer law, . .. , Uold, $100......... ss.es aswtM eeeeeeese 400 00 Vor further Information apply at '; .. .,' ' OVERLAND STAGE LINE OFT ICE, . Bolae City, I. T., m!i6d3m ' , J. N. TODD, Agenk.TJ TO TEAMSTERS AND DAIRYMEN 1 FEED! FiEED!! SIIOllTS, i 1 t'l In ,;i -y.'i i 1AND! .. .. : i v 1 -Hi . ! ! , OF ALL KINDS, FOR SAB BY-' ill ' ; f. t : i " V ' S Front Btreat Portland, nUitf.; .... . Opposite O.B.N. Warehouse. ' K.u. OAits. c. i. batt. GATES Ac IIA1TT,: , Attorneyg & Counsellor! ht Law, - w l DALLES; OREGON; . . : ; Union State Ticket FOR CONGRESS RUFUS MAL.LORT, Of Marlon', .' ,JI- , ! A .:l , . JOB GOVERNORS GEO. E. WOODSv Of Wasoo. ' IOR SECRETARY 01 STATES '. ' SAMUEL E. MAY, .. Or Marion, , ' FOR BTATB TREASURER! E. N. COOK.E, i ..1 , 'Of Marks m ... ' TOR BTATB PRINTER: W. A. MCPHERSON, ,'! . Of Linn. rROSECCTING ATTORN XT FIFTH DISTRICT: G. R. MEIGS, ; ' ' ' ' ' Of Wasco.' Union County Ticket. r ' aasMas i t For Bepreientatlves, H.A.H0QUB, . C. B. KCEGEL. . ,. For Sheriff, R. W. CBANDALL. 1 ' '' : '' ForClerkv '!; ' E. B.RBED, ' For treagnrtr, 1 O.W.WALDRON. : For Commissioner! j ... , . B. MATS, . s R.H.W00D. t ' For Assessor, . . L. L, ROWLAND. Fof School Snperintendent, " T. CONDON. '' For Snrveyoi, ' ' ' W.B.CAMPBELL. . IOR Ford oroner, DR, W.B WARNER. a r! a it ii vnn. nrtin Spring & Sninhier Clothing Trade OP SAN FRANCISCO.' BADGER &LINDENBERGER,. Noa. 411, 413 and 15 Dattery Street. . Cor. Merchant, Ban Franclaoo. Importers and Wholesale Dealers. ENTIBE ' KEfr 'AND FRESIf STOCK j WB would Caix Attention of couht'ry Me r chants toour usually lorge stock or Goods. Our atock obmprisee every article In the Clothing and Fur nishing line. We have constantly on hand ths largest and greatest, variety of Caulmere and Wool HATS ot ' any house In Ban Francisco, and our prlres for these Goods are less than those of any house, aa wa receive them direct from the maautactnrer'e consignment. Onr tnck orHtimmMFRniiV.il ftnnn. la n.r.lf.nlkrl .,..... Iva, and the great feature to the oohntry merchant la the unusually low prices. . .... T.pca Trinn iha Fnkt nt Tmnnni.ilA. I wv vv. v. iiupvi iavu We also keep the STAPLE ARTICLES In the Dry Goods line. Which Good, we have nttrehnMd In thl. tn.rbnt nn. . oar us nammar, ana are onerlng them at New Yoik Cost, and leas. .. ' . . We publish this card In order that We may make new acquaintances, and Induce those who have not heretofore purchased of ue, to call and examine our stock. Good Articles and LoW Prl'ceg Are the sraktart lhan.nni .11 Bell agalri. MerchAnta who boV or U can make a good profit, and aell to their customers at a low figure. Vt e remain, respeatfnlly, i i , our uoeaient servahts, - BADGER A LINBENBERGBR, 1 Wholesale Clothing and Hat Warehouse, Noa. 411, 413 and 416 Batten street. Son Francisco, April 20, I860. 8mw. MItS. LEEaKlt'H . ' ERENCll MtLLINERY ST0RE, . a"" Breis MiaUlnk Establishment, Oppblte C8hn Behm'i, . I WOULD CAli TM7TTENTI0N of the ladles o thaDallaa to toy lar,a and fine stock or : , - . FLOWERS, EMBROIDERY.' BONNETS, II ATS, FEATHERS, Dressy Trlrnmlncb, ........ wu,.u ,v ..rTHranni aijio a7!. ah i, in the Dress slaking apartment, wc will do all work In that Una Sun frTi. n.ti Im Ti-f.. ... af...l i PYlNOdoiielnallcolors.il ' . Give ma an early call, and I will endeavor tnanit rerybody In TASTE and at REASONABLE PRICES. Particular kttcntlor paid to . ' tmbtblCcry efcifl Bralejiii; etaaptiifct