.ill i' VOL, 7. I VLLES, OllEpON, SATURDAY; MAY li),1800. iwntainur, PUBLISHED EVERY EVENING, r (ffDMDATS noinu,) n . , JB. G. COWNE & J. HAIXORAN, , 1D1T0B8 AND PB0PBIBT0B8. : 'Tsrmj Ttotnty-fivtantt sr week, payable to the carrier per month,- by mail, 1; three months, 12 60 i six , . . months, iij'one year, $8. 'Advertiaeinenta inserted at low rates. , Job Printing, , Every description of plain and fancy Job Printing exe .nteil with ueaamess and despatch, and forwarded as per '-order o any paw of thecouutry. tayntntjvr Job Print ng ww pc wuw on delivery tj toorav Practical Watchmuker, And Dealer In FINE WATCHES &. JEWELRY, DALLES, OREGON. ' BALDWIN BRO., DEALERS IN OROCERIES! ' .CORNER OF . IMaln and Union Streets, Dalles. J. 0. BALBWIN mh21-tf V. W. BALDWIN. FURNITURE ! FURNITURE DIERLAM Sc WIVXZ. J) UN ITUI GLOBH nOTEL BUILDING, tswfcwswspeaisk riBiioa nt i - .... v i . ... ....... .. .,.. ...v, Household Furniture, .embracing Tables, Chairs, Dureaifs Beds and Bedsteads, Beddin it. Gurnets to., etc, ill f which will be sold at low rates, furniture Kepaired, ana: Upholstering done tovrder. AlBo.on hand .afeitrossesaaa Pillows. Spring Beds niado to order. aul2 WK. kOABDg. ', . ; ' 0. B. KCKQKb. WM. MOABUS &CO., CITY. JBAKERYj PROVISION STORE,. 1 HCorner of First and B Streets. r in B A-l 1 ".,... 3 - WVTHOLEBALK AND 11KTAIL DEALERS In BREAD. I - WW CRACKERS and Pauilly GROCERIES, j. B4M)rders from a distance carefully filled and prompty , Ispntcbed. 1-tf r JOSEPH KLF"EL.T, WHOIESALB AND )IITAIL DIAUB IN ' " t Fancy & Staple Dry Goods', CLOTHING, BOOTS AND SHOES, flATS AND CAPS, AND Gentlemen's Furnishing Goods Fire-proof Stone Store, corner of Main and Court etreets. . oc4-tl HUH YSO Ti & UDELL, ATTORNEYS & COUNSELLORS AT LAW WILL PRACTICE IN TUB SUPREME AND CIR euit Courts of Oregon, and the District Court o Washington Territory, Particular attention paid to the collection of claims. O. HUMA80N- lMlloa,Oiin. . J. A.ODKLL. 1TUBNI8HED BOOMS . . . .TO LET, . By the Night, Week or Month, NEXT DOOR TO JACKSON ENGINE HOUSE. mJT ' ' . MRS. 8PRKN0ER. LANGLEY, CROWELL & CO., IMPORTERS AND WHOLESALE JDIllLTQaiSTS, Corner of Clay and Battery Sts., . . t SAN FRANCISCO. mli22:d0m. 4. ;, WM. BROWN WARNER, M. D. OFFICE Y4 SECOND STREET, between Washington and Court. Orncs Hdims 0 to 12, A. 2 to 4 r. it.; and 6 to 10, p. M DU. II. W. MITCHELL, , officb waldroN'S building. "' RESinsNca Corner of Third and Washington Btraots. C b. mtoolfcs, M. 13. Office At Dr. Crala'i Drua Store. : - ' dalles, oregon. ' " ..',, notice. : . ; Wk CALI.Tnn ATTENTION OF TnE PUBLIC to the fact, that we have, concluded to gWr, up bus iness, and there.orfl. nil pnrtlns indebted to us MUST PAY i UP WITHIN NINETY DAYS or legal prooeedlnirs will "be had. ltM.BR0WN.Jt BIlOl I DMlcs, March 10, 1665. milt . IMr0KTtE8AHSWB0USAU :, ! . Dealers in Wines, Liquors Miners' Goods, It oat Stores, Vc, . .' BATl UIIOTIO'tO THIIl NW STONE BUILDING, coHina or Second and Wastilngton Streets, rtAT.: T?Q -"TTiTT . . . OW IN 8T0KE A LARUH AND C0MPLKTB AS sortmcnt of the very best brands of WINES AND LIQUORS. Also, a lull assortment of ' . ' GROCERIES & STAPLE GOODS. BS- Constantly receiving onr supplies dlreot from New York and Sun Francisco, ws are. able and willing to sell at a very small advance on San Francisco prices. They hopo by adopting a strictly sorrect and prompt method ol doing business, they will receive the patronage of the pub lic w selo-tf UMATILLA HOUSE. DALLES, OREGON. HANDLE V & S1NNOTT, I'rop'rs. , THIS P0PUUE H0U81, CINTRAU.T IocAtID, Near the Steamboat Landing ft Railroad Depot, Has boon recently enlarged and improved, and will now accommodate .. . ; :," ; 300 OUE8TB. ' . " IT WILL BK CONDUCTKD aa heretofore, as a FIRST CLASS HOUSE, and the patronage of the traveling public is respectfully solicite,!. . . j- Baggage taken to the House free Of charge. House open all night. LARGE FIRE-PROOF SAFES TO DEPOSIT VALUABLES Dalles, Oct. 4-tf. ... ' , - EMPIRE HOTEL, MAIS STRUT, BALUS, 0R100H, , . TIOMAS SMITH, Proprietor, A FIRST-CLASS HOUSE. . .. IX TBI 0EKTBI Of BDSIKBsa, . Near the Steamboat and Railroad Landings Superior Accommodations for Families and can Ao commodate One Hundred and Fifty Oocits. , Heal 60 est. , Lodging .......60 c'tl. ' Fire Proof Safe for depotiteof valuables. . - S. Hoese open all night. Baggage taken to the House free of charge. THOMAS SMITH, mh8-tf ...... ' ; . ... Proprietor, CO UMBIA RIVER MINES. . A.'R..BOO'THr' - ' WHITE BLUFFS, W. T., ,-r - "FORWARDING ANO COMMISSION MERCHANT, AMD QINtRAL DIALU IB MERCHANDISE ' , . AND ;' ... MINERS' SUPPLIES. PACK AKD SADDLE HORSES 70S SALE. . FREIGHTS CONSIONFD to my care for Colvllle Kootenai, or the Upper. Columbia Mines, will re ceive prompt attention. White Bluffs, Oct. 1st, 1864. oc.2tf NEW Fit IH T, GIIOCEKY ' AND '" PROVISION STORE. rpHE UNDERSIGNED INFORMS HIS FRIENDS and X the publlo generally, that be has Just established on Main street, next door to J. juker, Tobacconist, A NEW STORE! where he keeps constabtly on hand a large assortment o selected KKUIT. Also, in store a complete stock ofpholce OROCKR1KS, PROVISIONS, VEGETABLES, o?e. All of which will be sold, wholesale and retail, at RE DUtJED PRICES. Come and see and satisfy yourself. , selU-tf . JOHN BP08IT0. COLUMBIA RIVER MINES! A. R. BOOTH.. ....OASRT ItlVISOM. BOOTH &, NEVISON,- Fbtwardlnfc ana CommlSkton Merchants AND DELERS IN OENERAT MERCHANDISE, ' White Blfl, W. T, -. FREIOHT FOR COLTILLR. UPP.R JD0LUMBIA, KOOTENAI and BLACKF00T MINES promptly torwardrd. Mark Goods B. t N., White BluiTs, W. T, KEHREncr.Bi - ; .-' Poutukd Richards k McCraken, Alloa Lewis, and ' Hodge' Calef, ' . Dai.Iis Bloch, Miller A Co., Trench Gllmao. . ' M. BROWN & BRO., .WB0LI8AU AND BSTAU BIAXsnS IB ' FANCY AND STAPLE DEY GrOOlDS! GROCERIES,' PROVISIONS, &0. atr. M, BROWN, being resident of Ban Francisco, we tre enabled to offer grent Indcements to purchasers. , We fesnectfully Invite tlie Dublio to examine onr stock, bafor purchasing elsewhere. mlo-tt SJ cftouv awtv, uunu piue aiuiu street, aiies. ns Democratic State Ticket. 1 FOR CONGRESS: ' ' ' JAME l. FAY v .' vl ..OUaokson. . ". -t FOR GOViJRNORi ' :-' " ' . JAMES K. iiEJLEY, ", 1 "'.'. Of Wascu. . , ' ", i ' FOR SEORETARY 0? STATE:. JLAFA l'E'l' l E JLANE, Of Multnomah, . '. . . ; FOR STATE TREASURER: v . JOHN V. II ELL., f ! ' . : -,t '; OrMarion. ... . .' ; ' ' .. FOR STATE PRINTER; ' - "VJAMES O'MEARA,' ."' ' ' ' ' ' Of Linn.'.' .-'"' ' "' , ' FOR f? ROSECUTING ATTORNEY-FIFTH DISTRICT. , J. II. S EATER, , . Of TJnron. Democratic County Ticket. For Rcpreseniatives, . ' ' . O. HDMAS0N, " . , , ' ' P. T. DODGE. " , "' ' , For Shtsriff,. . ' , ' '', ' A. W. FERGUSON, , . . For Clerk, , ,. :.- ;, , F, S. HOLLAND.". ; . - For Trrasnrer, .., ! A.W.BUCHANAN. '- ' ' FortJommiMloners, " ' ' ' ' : ,: G. F. faERBERT, ; '' ;; ; ' -J-OIIN WILLIAMS; '' '' ' '' ; , . ' For AsteeBor, ' " ', ! HARRISON CORUU. ..." ' ' ' ' , ' , For School Superintendent, , . . , , E. P. FITZGERALD., . For Burrcyor, . ;. i , W. T.NEWCOMB. .... , ; por CoronerJ ' DR. C.B.BR00KS. Virginia City, Montana & Blackroot OVERLAND STAGE LINE!, BEN. IIOLLID AY, ProprletoiiN CONCORD STAGES mm LEAVE BOISE CITY EVERY OTHER DAY S0R - BLACKFOOT, ' Salt lake City, Denver City, MISSOURI RIVER, Connecting at SALT LA KB CITY with Coitcord Stages ' Jlunnlng to : Virginia City, NeVada, AND 8ACJRAMENTO, 'CALIFORNIA. . ''''.'' ' Fa"bK:' . ; Boise City to Pnlt Lnke City , '..i....;..'..fl00 06 i.i .. Virginia City, Montana.. .126 00 m ' Missouri River, Legal Tender $300, ' (Uold,$100 400 Ofl For further Information apply at . , OVERLAND STAGE LINK OFFICE. .. . ! Boise City, I. T., mhSd.lm . J. N. TODD, Agent.j 0 TEAMSTERS AND DAlSYMENt FEED) EEEt)!! AND. OF ALL KINDS, FOR SAB BY ' , ; - 1 , .- ., , ...... .; B. H. LAW. r . .... HZ Front Street, Portland, - ' nlflitf. ' ' ' ' ' Opposite O.S.N. Warehouse, bh. B. OAItK. . a. 1. uatt. " gates hAft, ': Attorneys & counsellors vt law, DALLES, OREGON. Union State Ticket. (,! fi i ! . foil CONUKES6 : ' . RVFVS MAEEORY, , v .'..)' ;'i . -i '! 'Of MarioB.;'" ; .. ;' . ' V ,' ; " '-' FOKfOOVEferOR: :'.''v' &EO. K WOODS, ' ! Of Wasco. - ). ., ' ' . ' JOE BECRfiTARY O? STATE : ; '"'""'; "SAMUEE E. MAY, ' " . Qj jjejien, ' 1::. ' I :' l'i ! ' : ' , . ' FOB STATE TREASURER: . " E.N. COOKE, . ' ; I .' ' ' Of Marlon. : JOB BTATB PRINTER: ,'-,, , , W.; A. MePIIERSON, , Of Lion. , , . i v ' (..( ; .. .... .i.'.-, - . JOfe PKOBSCUTING ATTORNEY FIFTH DISTRICT! ,.v. ; :;v'a,,.:c. R. MEIGS, :.i Union County Ticket. . , . 1 For Representatives, . 1 '','"', "'H. A. B0GUE, : '; , ''V I ' .' 0. B. KCEQEL. ; ,.r, .", :For SbBriff, . .;.,, , ' a. W. CRANDALL. . ' ::.!..:. For Clerks: . ..";r ::. i S'.'i.::' R. B, REED, : ', ''. ; t;i;y. "For Treasurer,"1 ' ' " 'G. W. WALDRON, !l ' ' Tor Commissioners, " " ' ' R. MAYS, '' , ;";'''': . ... ,,EBi W00D, . ;,-J. j u ' 1 i' " ' ' , For Assessor,, ', , ; ''i.t;t. Rowland." ' ;' . : V ,i ifor School Superintendent, .; j :. ;T. .CONDON.-. A ....- t . '' , i . . For Surveyor, . ii in. :; W. B.CAMPBELL. , .... , : ' T. For Coroner, ' -' " i '" DR. W. B WARNER. - A CARD FOR THE Sprlnx & Bummer Clothing Trade v.. OF SAN FRANCISCO, v BADGER & LINDENBERGER, noa. in, iiisas tis uattery street, ' Cor. Merchant, San Francisco. -, Importers and Wholesale Dealers ENTIBE NEW AND FRESH STOCK I WE WOtlLD CALL ATTENTION of Conntry Mer chants to onr usually large stock of Goods. Our stock comprls'et every article In the Clothing and Fur nishing line. We have constantly on hand the largest and greatest Variety of Casslmore and Wool HATS of any. house ffi San Francisco, and our prices for these Goods are less than those of any house, as we receive thern dlreot from the manufacturer'sonsignment. Our stock of Summer and Fall Goons is particularly attract ive, and the great feature to the country merchant is the ' tarasually low prices. . ,,. 4 less Thali the Cost of Importation! We alse keep the STAPLE ARTICLES In the Dry Goods line, which Goods we have purchased in this market 11 li tter the hammer, and are oMerlng them at Now Yolk Cost, and less. We publish this card Fh order that we may make new , jasqualtittinces, and Induce those who have not heretofore 'purchased of os, to call aud examine our stock. , Good Articles and Low Prices Are. the. greatest Inducements fo all who pNirchase tn tell again. Merchants who buy of us can make a good profit, and sell to their customers at a low figure. We remain, respectfully, ; : . Your Obedient servants, !.. . UADOKR LINDENBEROEn, " ' . Wholesale Clothing and Hat Warehouse, ' ' ' ' Nos. 411, 413 aud 416 Battery street, . Bon Franflsco, April ft), 1866. 8mw. ... 1, j MRSTlijES ER'S"T7" FRENCH MILIINERY STORE, t it:-.-- and : :' -' -' ., Dress Making; Establishment, ,,, Opposite Colin , Bohm's, : i t WOULD OALt TnB ' TTENTtON of the Ladle's a '. the Dalles to my are and Hue stock of ; , FLOWERS, EMBROIDERY, bONNETS, HATS, FEATHERS, drt-'eN Xriiiiminja'S, &'s. ' tfavidu secured tbo servici-a of HP.!), FRARY, In the' Dress Mnkint apartmotit, wc will dosll work in that line and simruntce prfwt Hiidsfattioii. . ... ... 1 imiVG done to all rotors, ' ' ' Oive in. An early rail, and T will enoTor to suit rryboilv In TASTE and at Hl ASONAIiLB PRICKS. Partlculas. attentioi' 1 aid to .. 4 . , SmWoidery and Brewing Staro'ping,