mm laili) fflbuntaiiicerl ROSENBAUM'S BITTEES! faTliIESE JUSTLY CBLEllRATFTD UPPtBrrS ARB JL last driving nil others frnm the market, no they nro acknowledged, bj nirwlio use them nnd the Med'cal 'Fraternity generally, to be the PLEASANTEST uii'J ntoat EUiCKCioua iiemeuy tor 0 Dyspepsia. N ' 1 .Loss of Ape tit, Jllornlngr Headache Bowel Complaint, 'Fever and Agttc, Jaundice, iLangotitv, LITER COMPLAINT la all Its distressing forms. RoNciibaum's Hitters ARE AN EXCELLENT APPETISER. lloscnbauni's Ultters ARB 8TRENOTni5NIN8 AND INVIGORATING. Roscnbaum's Ultters ARB AN AGREEABLE TONIO. ' r .f 1 ' Rosenbaums Bitters Aro mndo In tho most careful ninnnor, from pure old Wheat Whisky, medicated with roots and herbs especi ally adapted fur the cure of nil Stomach and Llvor dis eases. . A TliY Tl tlEM t For Sate every wliore by Druggists and Liquor Dealers, or by N.B. JACOBS CO.. 4S1 Front Street, Sun Frnncisco. SMITH & DAVIS. mtwCm Portland. Agents for orcenn. U m a t i 11 a, !$ o is e, : Iand idaho -r. . . Express and Fast Freight line. rms line is now in complete. running H order from Umntilin to ldnho City, via .Boise City, nttri prepared to curry Freight and Valuable -Packages between these and alt intormcdiatopoluts with certainty nnd despatch. The Line is Stocked wit h the Best Teams the-conntry affords and' entirely -New Thorough-Brace CONCORD WAGONS,. "iiuii unfit ren fjn-rii nun cimi-tj in tnu cr'iiiPnMHMinn Ol Frufulit, never beforo nffcml to tdiiho. Wo oftr Puno- -i..-i..,i. r.... qi. i.i..:..., rin...i. c. v IMU llJi.Mll-llll.-UID lll'pill uixnis IM'III (T'I X I ItflUIf CO and l'urrliuu) to Idfilto, )i8 our iirinojieitieiitfi with tlio "Ocean Steiui.Hiiin Coninnny nml the Oregon Strum Navi gation nm micli Jlitr all Woods' plilppcd hy tit In Line will not bo ttubject to tlio uMml tlolnvR. hut ptiss through as ast f reight. vim-iin ninj'ii. ihmii i mi niiiiltwii ill Ultr ft TO 111 I'Ori- larjd. Charm will bo puid und Goods shipped to destination. nnnna qitaitt n nif iintrvni n a n t 'CO.. F. MN K, Htvl Shipping, to our Agents fit Purlin nil nnd IIiMiitilln. . Advance Charges for Transportation Paid 'by the TJn and Collected nt Destination. Goods will be :f,irur,ii-,1ti.i will. Til u i V. stai-..1. .A n...l PASSENGERS CARRIED AT GREATLY REDUCED RATKS. Families will lie f'iirniilicrl with Fuuprior Ac- cnmniinlatliins In New mid Busy Hidlnir Thnn.ii h llrace Wagons on the Most Liberal lerms. We lay over each nKht n the ltoad nt Good and Conronlent Stations, ao that passengers will not lie deprived of regular rest AOMNTS'i . 'inCHAKDS k McCIIAKKN San Frnnclsco IIICIMIIIH McCKAKKN Portland JOSEPH THAI, rialle. T0WK1.I, & C K Umatilla J. H. u.kinsi:v LeGrnnd II. M. Dultl'.IX i CO noise fity II. 1. Dull KM. 4 CO Malm Tlri M A.TOlt Sl'KKII Iloeky Knr fSotttli Il.ilse) DullEU. 4 MflOUE Ilnliy and.Silvcr Cities V. M. Dull ELL & CO., n2Gtf Proprlctora. Sheriff's Sale of Real Property. BY VIUTUR OK AN EXF.CUTION Issued liy the Clerk of the Circuit Conrt. in and for Waicu rnnntr, Btato of Oregon, to me directed In favor of Thomas Howe. et. nl , I'lnintifl"', mid against the D.illcs and llolse llond Company. Dei'endant. for tlie sum oi Four Hundred and fort -five 25 100 (W45 25) dollars, pr.ncl pal, and si'vanty-tlireo CB100 ($711 AO) dollars, coots i f action, with intereit and costs of this writ, for want of personal property. I have this day levied upon th..t por tion of l he ntlles'and llolne Hoa.'. Iielng and sltnnted in Wasoo County. Oreg-m. commencing at Cros Hollows nd running Kan to thoCotinty Lirw between W asco and Grant Conntie, containing stvent-four (741 nitle -more or lea,. I will proceed to wll tlie -nliove desrrilicd pro. pertv at Pnldie Auction, before the Court Honso Door, In Pa lee City, to the hiheU bhlder for cash In band, on WednrHdny, .Tune Oth, 1800, to Mtlsfy tho above execution. Interest nnd-costs. CIIA8. W HITE, Sheriff. By B. W. CnaMDtu. Dernty mllw4 DR.' DAVY'S SPECIFIC COMP O.TJ TV I ) , v An Expeditions Cure for all diseases of the SKXUAL O Tfc O A N S. railUS prompt and ofllcatlous lle'niody for the cure a Ohonorroiii, Gleet, 8trl(;luros. and lliseaees of the Urinary Cignus. mnes a speedy cure without the leant restriction to diet, exposure or change In application business; It will radically euro any cash which can be produced. The dl'ense It remove, ns sneedllv as Is eon. sistent with the prndnrtion of a thorough and permanent t-.iv. rill. oil. lllv illHt'line rilllllOl UU COIHrHCIOU II tllO SPECIFIC CiiMlMiUMl Is taken when exposed. Its limredlcnts are entirely vogeta'dcaud uo Injurious olfcct. oitlior coustitulionally or locally, can be caused by it iifte. Price lino Dollar nml Fifty cents per bottle. Sont by Express carefully packed.; SMITH 4 DEAN. Agents, 401 and 403 Uattery atreel. cor Clay, Jy22-6m. , San Frnnclsco. ' Sheriff's Pale of Real Instate. BY YIItTCH IF AN F.XECUTION Issued by the Clerk ot the Circuit Cimrt of the State of On ion. for the connty of Grant and to me directe', in favor of Chan. Ileeker. iiiaintm. ami against vt . iicvino. Barncsand R. FummerlleM. defendants, for the. sumo1 .m bonrred and slxlv-ix dollars (Slf6.1 In irild eoill. and lxt-four dollars and ninety llvo cents ($04 051 costs, accruing costs, and cosis of kIo and execution. I have I vied upon nndwill sell at pldlc nticilou, Imfore the Court House door In Canyon City, to tlio ldcbest bidder for cnili in hand, (Gold coin nl tlie .United Htutos) QAnwln,. .TnnA Om.1 tftltll I . . .--...MAW.-.. " . . . . - , - . , . Between the hours of 12 and 2 o'clock. Hie following ml eel'ite. vlr. : One-fonrlh i'( nndlvlded Interest in four placer mining claims, sitaatfl In Ollvo Prcrlnrt. Grant conn'v. Stnte of Oregon said Ager4Co claims are bounded as follows: Conimenoltig at the low er lionn. dary of patler'nn's clnims. ami running down Olive n . . .IV ... Hlllulaiiw.iwlu. urecK lour v,i iit,.,i-,, oi, , W M. P. BEltltY. Sheriff. Cnnjon City, April 30th. 1808., . .. , mvHw4 Summon. r T Justice Canrt. for Tinner Canyon City Precinct. Conntv of Grant, State o' Oregon. P. II. Poiadexter.vs. John Btrlnvbneli. mn J.iIIN STKlNCnACH. defendant above-named I You are hereby required to be and appear before the underelgned. a .iivtlceof the Pence In and for said Preolnrt. county and State, on the 2flh dny, nl May. 1 8n0. at 10 o'clock In the faneuoon of said Hay. at his office In said precinct, then and there to answer In a civil action ,iil,i enmnlalntrf P. II. Polndexter. now oh die. In my office; aed defendant will take notice that If Jie Ml to appear anil answer said complaint, plaintiff willjtake Judgment agaldst him for tho mm of $52 30. and costs o this action, and take notice further, that ynnr property has been attnrhed to secure the payment of the said sum of2 39aiidco"is.. Given under my rami th's flth day of April. 1IT0. aplSwO B. TVI11TTEN, Justice oflho Poace Summons. In Jnstlce'a Conrt for Vest Ballea Precinct.- John Fpplnger, plaintiff, s. John young, ueirnuani. uni TO JOnN YOUNG. DF.FFNDANT: In the,nnmo of the Slate or Oregon, yoti are liereVy required to ap pear be)bre the underslf red. a Justice of the Pence of the aforiwaW precinct, on the 2ihdey i.fJope.l'r,et the hour of 10 o'clock In the forenoon of snlil n y. at tne m flee or said Jnstlce of tho Tence, to answer the nhnve named plaintiff In a civil aclltin... The deieodant will take notice, that If lie fail to Brpeor and answer the plaintiffs comp alnt. the plaintiff will take Jni'rmcnt acalnst him for tin mm nf Ninety I)nllnrs, wltli interest thereon. , Given under nt hand, tills 10th day of Anrll. apWwB - . ; , V.O.HOMiANn. " Bailee, April 10, 18C6. Justice of the Pool!. ItrAirn. Beerrlt your nealth lry pnrlylng . jnnr bleoo with Hall's Parsaparllla. Yellow Bock and Iodide ' '' of PotaM. Sold by all druggists everywhere. . LJNCOLN HOUSE, Corner Waalitnglou and Front Streets, P0UTLAXD, OREGON. IITIST-CLASSHOTKI,. I.AKOEST IN THE STATE. ; Charges ItcivonaMo. AN 0MN111US will attend nil the floats and mn. P.'i,sencora nnd their hnzcnire Ki tho Hons,, Free of Charge, or to any other House In the Ciiy f"r 50 cenis. i. i:ii'HfJ. proprietor. P. 8 HOT AND COM) BATHS In the House. All the Steamers for Oregon Citv. Vancouver. Mnntl- ccllo nnd Astoria laud at the Lincoln House Wharf. scpl:oiu , Summons. In tlio Circuit Court of tho Slate of Oreiron for the County nl drnot .Tune Term IHfiO. A. I,. Sutton, plain tiff, vs. T. A. Wh tiiiLV delondnnt. rgtOT. A. WHITING. Defendant! In tho namo of ML ll o St lo of Oiejon you nro hercliy iiniillrdand requiren to tippeiir and niiswor the complaint against yon now on Die with tlio Clerk ot tho ulimc entitled Uourl hy tne uiniotiit in the above eniitlen uctlon, wiih in ten days from tho service of this Mimmons on 3011, if served in tlie Coun'y of Grant, and if .erved In any other County In lliia Stalo. then within twenty days after audi service: ami In case of publication, wiiiiiu ten Toys alter expiration nt publlcniion. and unless you sluill soappenr and answer said complaint, tlie plaintiff will hike Judumant agalnt von nt tlie next term of tho snid Court nir the sum of $1212 oO nnl interest from tho 10th dny of Augnst, 1864, and for his costs nnd dl'loira nionts. YV. LAllt Illl.L. Att'y fur I'll If. Dated. April 17, 18i:n. Ordered, That the foregoing summons be served' by piilillshing the enino for six Consei n'lvo weeks in tho h'eiki.t Mountaineer, a paper publli-hrd at Palles City, In Wasco County. .. , J. U. W ILSON. Judge. Sherlfl's Sale of Real Estate. BY VllllUE OF A DKCRKK of Foreclosure nf Mort gnue and execution tlivreon. by the Clerk of the Circuit Conrt. In nnd for Wasco Comity Mate of Oregon, to mo directed. I have this dny levied upon the follow ing nWrlbnl Ronl Etato. to wit: The South haltof the fouihwest Qunrter of Section one. In Township one North, lumce twelve enst; dIho, tho Noitbeast quatter nl tho Souiliwrst Quarter of Section one. In Towai-lilp one North, Itango Twelve Knst; also, tlio Northwest Qunrter of tlio Noithwrxt of Portion Twelve. In Town ship one North. Jlnngo Twelve Fast, being 1(10 seres more or less, being the property dcscrtl ed in the aforesaid de cree of forerloFuro bl mortgsg, In fnvor of Eliibeth Krndsliaw. Plaintiff, noil against Joseph Trow and Jnssee Hays. Pr'en.lnnis. f"r tlio sn f Two Hundred and twn seventy. five 202 75) -dollars prlnclpsl. and lv.enty-flve eighty-four ($'.'& 84) didlnrs costs of nctlnn, with Interest and ncoiulng costs. 1 w ill proceed tose'l the ntiovo de scribed premises nt Public Auction, nt the Court Houso door in Dalles City, to tlm highest bidder for cask lu hand, on . , ;. tSnturdny, June Oth, 1800, between the honrs of 12 o'i lock. M.. and 4 o'clock, P. M. to satisfy said execution, iutoret nnd costs. Cll AS. WHITE, Sheriff. Bv R. W. Cnsni.t. Depnty. mllwl. I hIIo Clt.i, May 9,18(10. . .Final Settlement. -T0TTCETS IIFtlKBY OIVF.N to all persons Interest. A ed in tlie estnte of .Andr vr Watson, deceased, tlint A. I'. Sutton. Administrator of nld estnte, has filed his final account In ti e County Conrt of ti e State nfOreuon for ll.e Connij f,(!r in. and ti nt FI1IIAY. the 8th dny nf June 1800, lias bteu set .for hrarlrg said aconnt by aid Court. W I. 1111,1,, , f ...1 . JuiIeo of Grant CoitnfV. -Canyon CltJT, April SOlli.1808. a; nillw4 -: MlhaaiUWitiMaltaaa DALLES (1TV DUIIG STORE. P. CRAIG,' WHOLK8ALB AND BBTAIL DEALER IN DRUGS. MEDICINES, Perfumery, Fancy Soap's, PATENT MEDICINES, 4c. fl-tf DRUGS AND PATENT MEDIQlSES!! VRUas AND PATENT MEDICINES!! DRUGS ASD PATENT MEDICINES!! 40 WHOLESALE AND RETAIL ' DRUGGI8T, Washington Street, between Main and Second Streets DALLES, OREGON. .0 I.RMON In able to supply pnrtlcs In want ofDrnpA, rO Patent Moilfclnnn. Chemlrnls, Aciiin, .'urfuinerv, and every other article ennmeratcd with the WHOLESALE DRUG BUSINESS, At tho lowest market rates. Physicians and .Merchants Intending to purchase for the Minos, will do well to givehim a call. TRUSSES & SHOULDER BRACES In great varloty. 8. I.EMON, ap.3:tr. Washington St., between Mnln adn Second. POKTIJA.ND FOIINDKV AND MA.CIII3XK SHOP, FIRST STREET, betwecu Yamhill and Morrison. CJtenm Knclnca k!v of from 4 to 4n horse- -JVvil power.tither Pnrtnhlnor JbiSf jrW Stationary. Also. CI It- S5 " ftM! V&Zk- saw mills yjfj'i&fcm 'Kfv? COMPLETE, constantly S?jh5affl:Me on hand. Also. Hny l'res- W(f&MDfZ, ses of all : -Planing jHfnti- S?ii:-a vSKft oodworth's vtsS-rV-a-.. Mnphinos.(W attorn.) Wrought und Cunt Iron work for Ver tical BawnndOrlHt mi I In; IVftsflrtnd Iron Cast Inns and WROIJGEIT IRON WORK of every description. I am also prepared to furnish Quartz Mills complete, of the Latest & most Improved Patterns. ' These Mills can beforwarded to any part of the mines as the weight of the entire machinery will not exceed 3, 000 pounds. Horao Powors & Agrioulturftl Implements . maliillactured to order at the verv LOWEST UASM I'lllCE N. B. Pnrticnlur attention paid to ltKl'AIKS. feio-tf Oregon Slcam Navigation Co. SUMMER ARRANGEMENT. . THE STEAMERS - iEZ PERC E CHIEF, WEB-FOOT, . TE.M.0, OWYHEE, YARIIIIAy SPRAY & OKAXAGOS, Captolns E. F. C0E, C C. FEI.T0N. J U. D. GRAY, nnd TH0S. J. STUMP, Will rnn during tho senson frcm CEMIOto UMATIL LA. WALI.ULA, WIHTK BLUFFS, PALOUSE nnd LEW1ST0N. dne of the above named bonts will leave CF.T.TLO for UMATILLA aiKI WALI.ULA, on TUESDAYS, THURS DAYS and SATURDAYS.. The Pntsserifjoi Train to connect with steamers nt Cellln w ill stnrt from the llailrond Depot, DALLKS CITY, at 0 o'cloct, A. H. FOR WHITE BLUFFS. THE "YA 1CI5IA," , CAPT. E. F. C0E .'. '. Commander. Will have CELILO every SATURDAY, for WIIITB BLUFFS. FOR LEW1ST0N. THE "OWYHEE" CAPT. FKLT0N ;. Commander. Will leave WALI.ULA every WEDNEf BAY (upon the arrival of the slenmer that starts from Celilo on Tues day), for LEW1ST0N. FOR PORTLAND THROUGH IN ONE DAY. The Steamers " ONEONT A," on "IDAHO," CAPT. J. McNTJLTY Commander, Will leave DALLES, DAILY. (Sunday, excepted) at 6 o'clock, a.- M..eonnectiii. by the CASCADE RAILROAD, with tlie steamers t . . . . r NEW WORLD, CASCADE, or WILSON G. HUNT, CAPT. J. WOLF Comronnder, f Portland FRANK T. DODOB, Dalles. Apill S 18(!8. fnl2tf Airent O. S. N. Co. B. DALLAM. . 0, W. ARKS. 0. V. ARMES, ' ARMES D ALLAM, Importers and Jobbors of WOOD AM WILLOW WARE, BRUSHES. TWINES. CORDAGE. 0. ' And Manufacturers of ' , Callforafa Palls, Tabs Brooms, Ac. dl7 4 219Sncratnonto8treet, between Front nnd Dnvli Sad Francisco; . bcU:3tudavf . DAILY. E10TJ11TA1NEER 1 rw.-.&y JL -If I'OWKU PRESS BCGK&JOD PRINTING OFFICE. First Street, between Main and B DALLES OREGON. JOB PRINTING OF EVERY VARIETY Executed with accuracy and dispatch. JK A STYLE THAT WILL COMPARE FAVORABLY with the very best, and AT BATES A3 CHEAP AS THE CHEAP ST TO 0RPEK I Cards a n d Hi I l-II end . CHECKS. DRAFTS, XECEll'TS, rOSTEUS AND PROGRAMMES FOR THEATRES CONCERTS EXHIBITIONS rfc, etc ' ate.. TRINTF.n W TBI MOST ATTRACTIVE KAKHU1. ALSO, WAY-BILLS. BILLS OF FADE. LETIF.ll JTF.AHS. HECEI FT BOOKS. BILLS LADING, Pricfs and rant? Mils, VISITING, WEDDIKQ AXD " AT IIOBE" CARDS JJruaeisls' Xinbfls. In short, everything that enn be dune in a flook and Job Printing Office, from the smallest nnd n ost delicate Card or Circular, to the ,V"Tost sise and most show y posting Bill and which will he tinned out in a style that cannot fail to insure entire satlsfartion. OUR FACILITIES KIR THE EXECUTION t)t DECORATIVE PRINTING In the most beautiful Colors, Shades and Tints. Such as Taney Tostinff Bills! From n single Sheet to the Laigest llamnioth, ORNAMENTAL SHOW CAliVi:. ribll HERS' LABELS, , Aie unsurpnsned by those ot nny other establishment in Oregon. ' We devote special attention to thisbrniii-Hof the business, nnd aro continually nduing lo our already exten sive and well appointed asioriineul ol material, NEW TYPES, BORDERS, ORNAMENTS. rfc, rfc, ofc. Of the most modern and elaborate dqslgns, Onr stock 0. FANCY INKS, TINTS. &C, Are of the finest quality, nnd for richness of color and durability, cannot be equaled in Ihe Suite. The principle upon which lutein, ss is asked for this es tablishment la. (hat persona will consult their own inter ests, by awarding their erst, 111 to that olllcc In wblcjt thoir money can be expinded to the beet advantage. To this end we solicit all in want or good Piloting, nt very reasonable charges, to call and examine specimens, and Judge ror yourselves. ' Orders from the Upper Country Will have our special enro. and friends front the lnterlo may rely upon having their orders tilled prompt)', as HAVE THE ONLY IMPROVED GORDON POWER PRESS In the State 6f'Or-(jon J . Address: . . ' MOUNTAINEER OFFICE m!8-tf Dalles. Oregon. JACKSON SALOON ! CORNER COURT AND SKCOND bTREETS, DALLES. ORKGON, nF UNDEP.SIGNKP. HAVING REMOVED FROM THK"11KLLA UNION" CELLAR. INTO Gates' New B 11 cling;', Beg to inform the ptihllc that they arc prepared to serve their customers with the best Wines, Liquors and Cigars, THE MARKET AFFORDS. , ' ALSO, A ' Free launch. I Every day nnd evening. ' E. HCIILTZ &, 8. KLEIN, dec?-lf proprietors. ilartl "Wood. lumber. CARRIAGE AND WAGON IvtfTER'ALS WE BKQ TO CALL ATTENTION of Carriage Msn iifacturors and Dealers to the Larue and Com plete assortment nf CARRIAGE and WACON MATF.RI AI.8 w e are 01 nstmitly receiving from the Fast specially ' selected for the California market, comprising, Oak, Hickory, and Second Growth Ash Plank. Hickory Axles, Wagon Poles, lluba. Spokes. Fellora. Hlm, hlmit., Ac. Ac. which we offer nt the lowest Cash Prices. eg- lirders addressed to our house will receive promo attention. N. W. 1111 AGO CO., jelS:3m. 20 A 81 Bnttcry Street, San I rancisco, and 17 A 111 Seveiilh Street Sncnimento. 0. Watkhiiovse, 11. W. llr.noo A Co., J.W .LrBTM finn Francisco Sncrnmento. 1 NewYoik TITlTfAlsr, ' SOU AdEXT I CAllfOIlIllA MR TILTON & McFABLAND'S Tire V IT n r?.l a i Proof SaJc. STEEL LINED VAULTS, ' ' " : WITH . Corbirioition I -.ooje. J-Constantly T JyfWjm hand a full assortment of SAr'KB. rSJfJ BAlTtHY fjvr.iT. . ' San Frabcbntor