C3J Epitome of Telegraphic News. OOHflLEn rSOM tH OlMOKIAlf. DATES TO 91AV 1. New Orleans, Miy 14. Dr, Uin look the w released itom Fort Jackson yes ti-nJav Portrait Monroe, May U. It is antborita . ttrelv umJuriiLuoii h flftV IW lhii raji.1t .r O.... relary MvCullc.ch'i late visit, that" President Johnson lias directed ( tie Surgeon of the post to makk a special report on (tie bahli-ot Jeff Chicago, Mj 10. The indictment of Jeff. Davu and the reported preparations for trial attract very little .attention, and excite no comment Tne 'following is the text of the iiidicnuent, as especially telegraphed to the rn.i.... ... . The trrilllfl i.irnri nf lha TT..ti...f C... i - ..... vniti uiutrg ill and furibe Uiftiictof Virinm, upon their vvus, prcMfiib inni jenerdoi uavu. lute of the ClLV of R C.linnft.i in lha i. .vf Ll., rico, in the District of Virginia aforesaid. jouiu.ui, urmg an iiiiiaonaiii ul, ana residing within the United Sihihj jug ulleinnce and iideliiy thereto, nut bnv intr the fotir nf Cl.ui hi. I..., l,, ....j o - -,--. w.n wt.!ij nuu ll Wt - weighing the duiy ol Ins said nlltyiuuce, but i.n;M.. ... ....-. ....j i.. ....... . . . 1 . iuucu nuu eeuuueu oy tne institution of the devil, mid iviRkHitlv iinviir ...., l tending to vioiatn the peace and tianauilitv f.i,.. ri..:...j a. ... . ? - vi ww. uuiioa ouiies oi America, to disturb me governnieni oi tue unued mates or Aiuer ica.-to urnied and tti niir i.wtL-a unH .....i... i . - i-- -j--- , -- wu.v.iuM in,ur in AUrrjOctlOM. re:eltlmi nnii umii .Urania, il... I - .. ... ...Mug. yuK oilIU United Stales of America on the 1 5i b day of niur, in me year i our ioia 1HU4, in the city of Richmond, county ot Henrico, District of . iiKuii. ainiesnio, ana within the jurisdic tion of the Circuit Court of the United Suites Jor I tie Fourth Circuit mid tor the Dis tnct ot Virginia aforesaid, witb lorce and arms unlawfully, falsely, maliciously and uuiiuruiiBiy am compass, en ieavor nnd in tend to raise, levy and carry on war, insur reCtlOn nnil rnhn inn nndinsf I.A TT-:.J - . ..g.maV fcuc . uuucu States ot America, and in order to fulfill and bring to effect said traitorous endeavors and intentions of harm, tho on lit r.n',.r0 rta..i. afterwunlB, to-wit: on the said 14tb day of Jnna ! n 1 1. . . ( . . . . . iu tun your u OUJ LiOid 1804, 1U tbe SAid ci V lif 11 f.hmrtnA Mnnl. ' IJ : .. - nnd district of Virginia, aforesaid, and wi b itt the jurisdiction as aforesaid, with a great multitude of persons whose names to tbe jurors are at present unknown, to tbe num ber of DUO pers ins and upwards, armed and arrayed in warlike manner, that is to say, v'nniuu, ui'ig&eis, pistols, swords, dirks -And Other Warlikn vnnnnna aa- n11 ,lr.... u , .. j nn ucicll- sive and offensive, being then and there un- J.iurf..ll i i . .. nniuiijr, lunnciuusiy ana traitorously assem- hlorl anA ..U.J .1 j .. i. . . uu (..iiicicu ingeiuer, aia taiseiy, trai torously aud in a warlike manner, dispose themselves Arrttinar. tl.A TTn;tn,l c..nM a , " r viiibcu uinica Ul iVIIl- ertca, and then and there in pursuance of tliA! -.:. . . ucn "iMiuiuuj intentions ana purposes foresaid, he, the said Jefferson Davis, with the said persons as atoresaid, traitorously assembled, armed and arrayed in ' the man ner aforesaid, most wickedly, maliciously -uu iiniiuruusiy aia prepare, levy and carry on War licrainat th ouirf TTniia.1 o... . ... a -" - ' . wuibvu UkabCS Ul Am"nci, contrary 10 tbe duty of allegiance nit ...IKl.. nr . I. - T . t , ucuutj ui mc jeucrsou Liavts against the Constitution,-peaeo and dignity of the ITnifArl JA t .... , "u, " iu n.icu cases m 10.0 ana pro Tided. Wtuhmgion, My 16 The Senate proceed Fessenden. or M i II A Hi1 nnl nail n 1 1. - llause resolutions proposing amendments to lha nAn.i:i..i: L. . C. ... wua.i.uviuu, uui oiewart, oinevada. gave notice that he would move to amend the first rcHuiunon so as to dehue the word citizens. Without this, ha laid lha I ui-kiini ui UUIU IteUrst and second sections would depend upon tbe party in power. He should also propo.e to striKe out the second section dis franchising rebels, and make tbe first section f a law which he would off.-r. A a substi. tute fortbesevoral bills reported bp tbe com wlitee, he would then make the bill, exclud ing reb-li from office, the second section of this substitute, and in addition, require each B ate to cousent thereto, and authorize by amendments to their Ceostiiution, universal suffrage. This besng done by any State ucb State should be admitted without wait ing lor the action of other States. IUsolbtions. The following resolntions were adopted by Jackson Engine Company No. IS .; - Worrbas, Jackson Engine No. 1, have learned witb the profoundest regret of tbe death of onr lato brother fireman, John Dowd, who, after a long illness, has been taken from our midst; therefore bo it ' Rexled, , That in the loss-of our late bro tler this company has sustained the loss of an exemplary aud most worthy member, and the community an eateiprising citizen. Resolved, Tbats firemen and citizens wo will ever cherish tho memory of our deceased friend and brother. ReeoUed, That as a mark of respect, the Kngine House be draped in mourning for the space of thirty days. , : Resolved, That we tender onr sympathies and condolence to tbe widow of our departed brother, in this her hour of bereavement! bd that us a fui ther mark of respect, a copy cf this preamble and resolutions be present ed to tbe afflicted widow of the deceased. Isaao r. Blocs, San Vranclaco, C.S. Mum, Dalle.. Bloch, Miller & Co., WHOLESALE R O C E R S , AND DKALBRS IN "Wirea & Liquors, And Iniportura and Jobbers of CLOTH 1 1ST G- Boots & Shoes, Vnder Clothin?, .m.inket, etc., etc., etc. ASS4Y OFFICE. WS 114 VE 6SAY "FF'CE tN CON'NKCnON ? , ! our.bl8lno". nn-'er tho entire supervision of Mr. Miller. W e make returns In liar. In nix hour. c??afimwnoX ?" A,r A8"T," nndPay the IIIOHKST C'VrKGLSueV. W" U'9 BT,OCU, HIM.KK t 0) mjfltf Cor. Main and Wmhlnntun treot. Dalle. DEALERS IN HARDWARE, IRON 5l STEEL. GROCERIES. B? TUB PACKAGE. FOK CASH." At San Francisco Prices, ml3tf Adding cost of Transportation. CUMMINO k GRANT, Dalles, fjregon. LATEST NEWS! mi ALL THE LATEST EUllOfKAN, XASTKRN AND OALIi-ORNlA NEWSPAPERS & MAGAZINES. n i. s. j. Mccormick, J)MMMN BOOKSHiltE: IOC Front Street Portland Papers and Magazines packel and Forwarded by mail or Uxpregs TO ANY PART OP THB MINES In Oregon, Washington, Idaho or Montana." Suburlutlonj Recelredfcr mi 1TEWSP1PEB OE MAGAZIXK PUBLISHED. Hew Books, Music, Ao., by every Bteamer. S3 0bpo WORTH OF BOOKS, STATIONERY AND FANCY GOO'DSr CHEAP JPOlt CASH. alOdlwZw ' A. CARD. TAllAMn T.E TBM.IVI) WAttf itntannM iti i;s th-v. ,',v:,.r.""y"u''.1' "7 tun w;hi mm vicinity, that lie in Hour nrAnftruil i,i...i i.i.n.... L . ad PA I.H A I'aVl : "V," IhtaitaL ia,"rov!d f'y'. er heforo introduced In r,- ; .uiu. imeiy oocupinu oy Mm. Wh tc. over aThYrd8,r',0B WMhlaW 4bel 4Z Dalloa, March 27th, 1868 mr27tf NiaW YORK BAKERY AND '' GROCERY STORP Main Street Dalles. mfa2itf ' PEEDERICK BRNZBIt. WiLDROS BROS., : Wholesale & Retail Druggists, Main Street, Dallei, Oregon. TJS NOW OCCUPY OUR NEW TWO 8T0P.Y FIRE Irf 8tne bnlliilng, opnoalte Bloch, Miller A Co.. and offor to (lie miblto a full ami niinplete Mock of Sruga, Medicines and Chomlcala, eoneietlng lu pnrt of KRnriSHNE. TUItPKXTINB, ALCOHOL, ACIDS. L1NSKRD, liAHU, LAMP WICKS A CIII1INEY8 UOPS, SAOE. 81'ON'OKS. ., LEKCIIK3, AOTICE. A INDEBTED to the underelgned are .p.-otl.illr requested to come and eettle their oi ii - " TUllu,)f DAV8, aud aavo coete. a. j. jibuun co. , JOSLYN AND CURTIS' llUTXKK At oo cents per pound, Por Sate by jr. B. DICKEUSOH. nMl ' F-rnnd 8t.r-.r NOTKJE. REMOVING MY RESIDENCE TO CI.ATSOP. MR II. t. WALDRON wlUactamyAgout,aud Uau tUorliedtor,civoallinonojidueme. " ' aMlMa . . . . CATOR AND INmrm wn N KATSFOOT Oil, LANPBLACK TRUSSES, SHOULDER BRACES, SUPPORTERS, AND PATENT MKniCITVES. V mmll???.!.' f AN'CV .G,JU8 1 ' of flnMl "nd bMt Ll ill x ! .Z "iT ':ni' lar8B '"""""'oute, auch aa LUBliN'S PKItFUKKUY, 11 AI It. fOMADKS. BMAVTNfl ftwMsrrics, - a t ' . UAIItoil, CLOTH'S, COLOUNK, TOOTH AND CVaOAPSAND NALnilusnES Tuoril l'OWDEKS, AND COMBS. PURE WINES AND LIQUORS, For Mnllclnnl pnrposoa, n,?U.'".,'l""l'f f"r 'ay.ing '"d, ,M0'"' to none In the Stai., nnd we .hull at all times eell at a email ad vame fruin r.uit. Ready ealea and imall pruflta. PHl'SICIAXS' PRESCRIPTIONS V l: It Y IMPORTANT '; TO . ' Mercliants, Families, Hotels and UAU.UOOM8. TUL1D8 KHAEMEIt HAVING BOUGHT THB EN rT . of Merchanilli and Book Accouutu of the bile Arm j) M . Seller A Co.. In thl, city, to which hi h ' WD iml'urtl"i'' ("I'Ha doing buelnoa. " Portland) an Immense stock of the beat manufactured Crockery, Glassware, Plated Ware, Lamps, Chandeliers, Table Cutlery Looking-Giaases and , AH Kinds of Oils, All of which he oftera at reduced rateai Persona wlih lng ; to buy any of the abovo-mentloned artlclw, wl do well to givo me a call before purchaalng elaewhere. Uruera from t ha lnta-i... . . ii . i I V. r. .m'jj w iii i vu can on me. Kudlo'a Stone Buildiug, Waahington atreet, Dallra. T.n.a m.-v... " , JUIU8 KRAEMKE, ONE HUNDREDMILES SAVED BLACRFOOT & BIG BESD MINES OX WAY OF "White TtlnflTaf THE SHORTEST ANDSAFEST ROAD x- or Juana Travel. Dlatanc- from Dallea to White Blufl'a....J....-.ioo miles , White Blufla to Pen d'Oieille Ho " " " toCollll no wMm"' b7 Und fof eltl",r.of toe ,bove OoM tUUs, Save Time Distance and Money '"B riunv lillini MOM Wood, Water and Grass Aro found on Ihla Road within- aaav Hrtva. The mail la nnw man . . an, other land ror.t. from n.' r.T," aT.ntage oyer x uuiibiivii dt. oraer or THE CITIZENS OF THB DAlLKS Dallea, March. 20. 16n8. 5w W. B. DOUGLASS. (Successor to William Blrnbanm.) ; , PRACTICAL WATCHMAKER, ' AND DRALES W U'ine Watches AND JEWELRY. Iiyl.T118 ATTBNTION OF HIS FRIENDS AND New and Pashionable Goods. ReapectfnllT olleltinir thfltr natmnrif-a. ' i FRANKLIN M ARKET. , . CORNER OF SECOND AND WASHINGTON STREETS DALLES, OREGON, ' '"- JOHN KP P1NGER Proprietor . fflUB UNDBKSIONED M. haTlug fitted up tho abovo Market In Hie II K T 611 LJ, will keep couatunt- lv On Imnri all mnrtm nf Fresh and Cured Meats, " Of the beat quality furnished at the LOWEST RATE My motto la to 'PLKASli ALL." PT,"", ,8BPlnbR STOCK FOR BALM will do well to call at tlio Franklin Market. Dall.a.FobruarylOth.iec,. J0Ut WAfUlMi'Xtm MAIIKET.- connEB 01 ' COURT AND SECOND STREETS, DALLES, OREGON JOHN MICHELBACH, Proprietor. TWg). WIU KEEP a. lUMfttloa that the market can poaslbly FRESH & CUBED MEATS, and alwaya of the bi at quality. . FAMILIES, HOTELS, AND STEAMBOATS ""supplied on reasonable terma. Tbe nnderaigneq la alwaya pn-parcd to pay the blrh. in good condition, are requeeted to rail on bini beluie going elsewhere; JOUN MICIIl'I llicn Dallea, Maich 81at,1865. ' hsuf ni9tf Next Door to the Pot Oflloo. f . r e n tvt . Watchmaker and Jeweler MAIN STREET, DALLES. - muiu rou, oiivur maa ria?ea TV are. w-rnioniar attention nald la renalrtn in. atclien, CJotkd. Jewelry, etc. All Watches rsuaired hv me warranted for twelve months. uj N T. All at or oti,.v;i..rnr.,m"Vi zzr&s "mtr-b' Eip" UlSMOlUlion IVntfoA. N.m2B IS.nrEEDT GIVEN, that th. co-partner-and A wP DATl'S0? Vk1"?? b,,tw,,", M- VANS of Ih.fl a.' on credit lle., April 30, 1864. ' , 7 .SSdlS ' NOTICE TO FARMERS. T raJpSK8. LDMDE.a AN MANUFACTORINO M. COMPANY has recently attached a lLOTJltiiSG MILL j to their Steam Sash and Door Factory, In tills Cltv. and rni.nWP?1WC'it,,CU01' WKD.UU1ND WHEAT nnd wii a' ,n? w"rran'. !" KiT0 ua atlafaction. On hand constantly and for aal FXTRA FAMILY FLOUR, SECONDS Oil MIDDLINGS, BRAN AND SHOUTS, ' CHOP FEED, CHICKEN FEED. Corn 8nprlor utlela of C011N MEAL, from new n VShnt marlt,!t Pf Ice paid for WHEAT, CORN a No-. 2.I8C5. - " A- U' Atf: -A-. G3-. 13rt-A-rIOH,I, IMPORTER AND JODDER OF Wines Ss Liquors, FRONT STREET, Portland, . - . . Or.gon. O m?nRtVB 8ALB A VRT lARG S0Jlt Brandies, - ; Wines, liquors, Case Goods, Ae. &C, itc. r .fSwl?? Trade' Particularly invited to oxamlne my stock before purchasing elsewhere. iua-tf H.HEKM A.LV & CO., MAIN 8T., DALLES, OPPOSITE EMPIRE HOTEL, J JAVE JD8T REOEI FED A BEAUTIFUL STOCK OF SPRING AND HUMMER GOODS, Consisting In part of ' ' i Farroy and Staple Dry GoodM sr?ki ' au.a.n - Boots & Shoes, Ilats&Caps, Which they offer to tell at SMALL PROFITS. Dxll-a, March Zlth, 1866. mt2lif MONTANA! IDAHO! WASHOE W1B ARB PUTTING VP1 OUR 0RIU1NAL SUl-muuii nn in "ut GROUND JAVA COFFEE,' . . ALSO CUARTRES COFFEE, 'IN DOUBLE OLAZSB PAPERS To pranrta lu rtrength and flaVor for the lerntth of ' MAKDKN At mi nvit floneer Stoatn Coffee and Splca MIIK 120 Front Btreot, San Srauciaoo. algmlpi FURS. WOOL and HIDE. fJpHK HIGHEST OASH PRICE PAID FOR ' V' ' . , IPURS, WOOL,, AND HIDES, at mhlfa MoCRAKEN, MEniHLL A CO.'S . mM8Sn 18 North Front 8trt vh.Za BOOKS! books:, ' WHOLESALE AND RETAIL. ' iCIIOOZ. BOOKS, 8TATI0.NRRV, Standard and Miacellnneoua W0HK8. Ia MAUL.la u An .......... .!..."? a- aa ha a. e . Z-T' "..','" "T"r- ''Mi-vuiooi Garden Seeds for tbe Million. n. J. WALDRON CRYSTAL SALOON AND JOHN ninni.lTln n . '. WASniNOTON ST., next deor to FRENCH 4 OILMAN' MOTICE. JBATB appointed B E. HAFT my anthmlted aB. to collect all moncri due mn. ?rX.-l'lcr'' h.gen.,al.,. am M. RKXiii