EVEtt.XG, MAT 18, 1860. . Henry A. Wigi Is permitted to go to any pvt of the United Sta'es he may choose. Railway communication between Charles ton and Augusta. Ga.f is now open for the first time since tbe close of the war. . It is probable that almost tbe entire sugar crop of Louisiana bad been destroyed by tbe overflow. ' ' Winter weather in the vicinity of Macki nac Straits n-rer was known to bo more se vere than during the present year. Tuts Columbia river at this point is rapidly rising, and profflUes to give Main street a ducking should it continue a week longer. Tui Los Angeles oil refinery lately refined a quantity of crude oil taken from the Pico Spring, Sin Fernanda. Tin Grand Lodge of Odd Kellowg will ad journ to-night, and the members will return to their respective homes to-morrow. Tui difficulties of tbe New Almaden quick silver mines having been settled, tbe company will soon resume work. A Pioti Indian lately entered tbe office of the Virginia City Union, and bought a copy of that paper. . Thiri was but a single death in Sacramento last week, and that, a youog child under three years old. Wi are nnder obligations to tbe messengers of Wells, Fargo & Co. for favors during tbe wnek. Tbs New York Iftwt beads an article " A little story with a little moral." Tbe same paper Is la the babit of telling big stories with no morals. A French company has formally signified their acceptance of the chartor of the Vir ginia Canal Company, as awarded by the Legislatures of Virginia and West Virginia. O.SB-FonrtTH of the persons just appointed to take charge of the twcnty-foui postofiices rc-opouei iu North Caroliba and Virginia are women. Tub New York Newt democrat is still imploring, arguing for and demanding a pro clamation of general amnesty from President Johnson to tbe Southern people. TBI Santa Cruz (dl.,) Sentinel says tbe weather was so hot in that vicinity a few days bjo, that the thermometer of the Powder Mills marked 101, Rather warm for making gun powder. " It is thought tbat the Democrats in tbe event of failing to nominate President John son, for re-election, and not liking Grant or Cutler, will take up and put forward for the position, General Amnesty Psniisvlvani- is the only State, thus far, which has actually assumed tbe care of the children of her dead soldiers, and two thous ' and of these are now in schools in that State. The cost per pupil is about $150 per annum exclusive of clothes. An agricultural reporter says the people 'of the Cardinal, Georgia, Alabama and Missis ippl are planting all tbe cotton tbey can, bu labor ii scarce, and tbe fieedmen are emigrn tins: to tbe Southwest. Corn and wheat are promising. , Gkiat damage was done to railroads and ctber kinds of property in Wisconsin, by tbe freshet which recently occurred there. No lives have been reported lost. At La Crosse the water was so high that trains oould uot get into the city.- 3 From recent scientific investigations in Eu rope it has been shown mdst Conclusive tbat in localities where impure water has been drank by the inhabitants , the cooler has principally rajed, proving impure water to be one of tbe tbief causes of cholera. Thi Maryirille Exprtu consents to enter into full political communion with tbe sup porters of President Jobnson out-side of the' Democratic party. It says, " we clasp tbeir bands In palitical fellowship." It then goes on urging tbe President to cut off without hesitation tbe heads of all appointees wbo are opposed to him and place Administration soldiers on guard everywhere: "'Adminis tration soldiers "on guard are not as odious to Democrats of tbe Ezpren school as former ly. We recollect when they were denounced as tbe " minions of a tyraut " by tbe same pa per, and yet, a chief virtue which is claimed for Jobnson by them is, that he is following out the policy of that same " tyrant," Abra ham Lincoln, Tui opposing candidates for Governor, Judge Woods and Col. Kelly, addressed a large audience of ladies and gentlemen at Cbapin's Ilall this afternoon, on the political issues of tbe day. We were uuablo to be present during tbe opening speech of Judge Woods, and therefore cauuot give a synopsis of it. Col. Kelly was still speaking when we went to press. . Tbe Colonel made one remark which we think will come borne to his ticket: be said " he was opposed te those meu who are rebels at bearl, but shout Union for policy." Tula hits tbe Democratic candi dates for Congress and Secretary of State a heavy blow. A Short lime since during tbe performance at Music Hall, Virginia City, a woman wbo occupied one of the boxes fell out and drop ped about ten or twelve feet to tbe lower floor Itapoears the bad risen from her chair, and. in the act of resoating herself she missed tbe chair and tnmlied head firet out of tbe box. She recovered herself. ( .Gov. Hamilton, of Texan, declines to be a candidate for the office he now 611-t by mill tary appointment. Ills main reason is that be is poor and without a borne, and cannot affordjto spare four years of his life in official duties, while his family are in urgent need of his labor. Tug Pennsylvania Legislature has passed an act disfranchising all belonging in tbat S'ate who deserted from tbe army or navy during tbe late war, and for the punishment ol inspectors who, knowing them to be deserter-, allow their names to go upon the voting lists. . Tub Charleston Courier reporis that three thousand two hundred frecdinen have emi grated from North Carolina during the last three months to M issachusefs, Conncctict t, and 'lie other New England States, on con tracts to woik t $2U per month, and that more will fo low. AUCTION AND COMMISSION HOUSE! No. 100 MAIN STREET, DALLES. TnB UNDERSIOSKD THANKFUL FOR PAST Favors, respect Till ly Informs 1 lie citizens of th Cnllra, and the public generally, that lie continue, t sell at v PUBLIC AUCTION OR PRIVATE BALK, Real Estate, General merchandise, . Gioceilcs, llorHCN, Mules. Furniture, fetockM, &c. &c. REGULAR BALK DAYS, ". Tuesdays and Saturdays. Cash Advances made on' Consignments, And PROMPT RETURN m de or soles.' Out door and Special Bales attended to in any part ot the city. JOHN "WILLIAMS, Auctioneer. Union colored people doing bus ness on the Mississippi, engaged in raising cotton for market, Complairi that they cannot travel on tbe river except as freight, and as they el ect to furnish freight (cotton) in considor ble quantities for transportation, tbey will be under tbe necessity of bestowing tbeir patronage in that line, upon steamboat com panies that will not insist upon treating both them aud tbeir cotton alike as freight. They should bobsled up together. - LostobStolkn. A large aadience assem bled in Boston, recently, to hear Henry Ward Beeuher deliver his lecture on "The Ministry of the Beautiful." Bat Mr. B.. on beinir In troduced, was compelled to confers that the expected lecture bad 'been lost or stolen he could not tell which. If It bad been stolen. be would be sorry for the tbiel It' he were com polled to read it. Tbe lecture on " Tbe Com- monwealtu " substituted for tbe one tbat tbe audience to bear. ., . Turns is not a man in the North who de fires to postpone reunion for a single day, af ter being convinced that the rcadmissioD of (l'aU. the late Rebel S'atee il safe la respect to ptrsonal and e.liosal security. All the talk ' about keeping them out until after be Prcsl dc,ata.l election il stuff." PpniNO. Now Is the time to purify your blood, null's Saraspurlllii, Yellow Dock aud Iodide of Potass Is decided ly the best thing lu use for that purpose. Sold by drug gists everywhere. Religious Notice. Catiiouo CliWRcn Horning service: Mas., at 10J o'clock. Evening servlco: Vespers and Benediction, at V( '.'clock. Sunday School at 2 o'clock, p. m. uXIdtr FATHER L. DIELEMAN, Pastor. Columbia Lodge, No. 6, I. O. O. F Meets every Friday evening at T o'clock, lu Gates Ilall, corner of Second and Court 8treets. Brothers in good standing are iuvlted to attend. By order. N.G. Wasco Lodge, No. 15, A. F. A. M. Holds Its staled Communications on the Flirt and Third Mondays of etch month, at their hall. In Dull os City. Brethren lu good standing are Invited to attend. By order of the W. M. Beth L. Pops, Sec'y. J . J TJ K E H, Main Street, Dalles, V WnOUSALI iXD tTAlL DEALER I CIGARS. TOBACCO, SNUPF. PIPES, &o. ALWAYS IN 8T0RI THI BEST BRANDS OF Cigars, Tobacco, Matches, &c PLAYING CAHDS. POCK KT CUTLERY, PORT MONIES. COMBS and BRUSHES, o' all kinds, PERFUMERY, ot every description, . CU1NA ORNAMENTS. TOYS. DOLLS, etc. FISH HOOKS and FISI1TNQ TACKLE, MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS, FANCY GOODS. Ac. AIM Powder.Bhot, Lead, Powder Flasks. Baskets, aud many other articles too numerous to mention. y Interior dealers supplied with Cigars, Tobacco. etc. at less than Portlaud prices, with freight added, oc-t Ti W to transact my themselves indebted to me, will Notice to Democrats. MR. OILMAN having declined the nomination as Candidate of the Democratic party for County Commissioner, we do horeby nominate JOHN WIL LIAMS iu his stead. w. t. niswuujnn, llwl Ch n Dem. Co. committee. AOT1CC. rUB UNDER3IGNEB HAVING BOUGHT the Schooner Ptruvtranct and half the schooner Ka id. (miii Toronto Uuin, all debt, against the above named Bouts must be presented to we b- the 20th day of May. ASA BTRONG. Dalles, May il. is'. uuuu-w. Htrttld copy, 2 weeks, and send bill to tills office. Tin heavy rains in tbe South and West have so raised tbe Mississippi tbat tbe most valuable sugar ond coiton plantations of Louisiana nre either flooded or in Imminent danger of being so. An extensive erevaw had formed at Baton Rouge, and others be low ana above nre hourly looked for. After (our years of litigation, the final decree of distribution was made by Judge Cadwalder In Philadelphia recently, of the proceeds of sale of tbe steamship Bermuda and cargo. ' Tbe whole amount realized was $401,440 2G, to bo divided among the officers and crew of the U. S. steamor Mercedita, at the time Of the capture about one hundred ana uny in tu, Judge White, an old and prominent citizen of Gunterville, Ala., is setting before the people the terrible state of affairs in that county, and soliciting aid fsr the starving people. .Three cases of actual starvation have already occurred, and hundreds must perish if relief is not speedily offered. In Tennossee, forty-threo newspapers are now published, With tbe prospect of bavin the numberjnereased to fifty In a few months Eighteen of tbe number are dailies an twenty-five weeklies. Nashville supports seven ana Memphis nino dailies. , Wi are Informed tbat Mr. Baton) whom we stated a few days since as being under arrest at Umatilla, for shooting Williams, the horse thief, was not arrested, but is now In Umatill as proiecutlog witness .against Williams for the theft. NOTICE. TjniNO MY ABSENCE Ma. W. LORD la authorised to transact my business. Any persons knowing PI Dalles, May 10, 1800 mylOwl olouu call upon him. It. 11. WOOD. SELLING OFF AT COST! J.GOETZ&CO.- STONE BUILDING, WASHINGTON STREET, DALLHS, Oner their well-selected stock of TOBACCO, 8EGAR8, PIPES, YANKEE NOTIONS, AND STATIONERY, AT SAN FRANCISCO COST. mrHtf lKOF. MURRAY'S MAGIC OIL, For Sale by GATES I CHAPIN. ALSO, AGENTS FOB DR. DUNCAN'S Whooping Cough Specific. FRED. LIEBE, GROCERY, PROVISION, AND FltUlT STORE, Washington 8trcot, opposite Fronch A Oilman's, Dalles. lias on nana a large ana wcn-assorieu iwck oi . GROCERIES & PROVISIONS, Fresh Kuttor & Efjjjs, Received .lallr. A laree lot of CHICKENS always on hand. FRUITS of all kinds. FRESH VEGETABLES every morning. All articles warranted. Give Me a Call, Everybody PniOESt LOW. au!8:tf f. I.TRBE. J. F. KELLOGG, DENTIST, Main St.( DaJles), Oregon. A PTE". NEARLY SIXTEEN YKAlls - Practice in Ills nroreron. woma rcHpectrnlly Inform the citizens of the HaMm mnA tl, txitilln aenerallr. that h- has leased tho Dental Offlco lately occnplid by J. W GURLEV, Dentist, where he can ho found prepared to at tend to those requiring his professional servicos. . limes Hours From 8 o'clock, A. M., to n u ; ana irom o'clock, p. M. to 5 p . K. , ni.m J. 13. DICKEBSON, Dealer In all kinds of . GROCERIES & GRAIN, AT THE T,owest Cash liates ALSO, JOSLYN & CURTIS' BUTTER ' On hand, and received Fresh every Week. Come One, Come All, an Give mo a Call AT C0N8EK k B A TITER'S OLD 8TND. I GATES &, CHAPIIST WHOLESALE RETAIL' DEtFGGISTS, STONE BUILDING, WASHINGTON STREET, DALLES, OREGON. Importers and Jobbers of PATENT MEDICINES, CHEMICALS ft FANCY GOODS, SODA, CORKS A ACIDS, , OILS, ALCOHOL, rUKE WINES k LIQUORS," PAINTS, GLASS t B11USIIE8. PHYSICIANS' rBESCBIPTIOXS Accurately compennded. . , PHOTOGRAPHIC EMPORIUM. A full and comnlete assortment all articles In Uia. Photographic Line, at a SMALL ADVANCE ON SAN FRANCISCO PRICKS. .. aa-McrcltKiiti will please get our prices heron order ing below. ' 11. 1.. cllArin, tpuoiin uAifin. Dalits, ' Sacramento, Cat. , SUPERIOR CALIFORNIA ItA-NCII BUTTER! A Few Packrujes Cuolco, In quantities to suit, at - : aaotf - BALDWIN BROS. LAST chance: WE WOULD CALL THE ATTENTION OF TITH public to the tact that we are closing out at' lock of - OLOTHING ' DRY GOODS, &C, &,C, At Greatly Reduced Rates, Ana oiler uarca ns Wllicn cannot iaii to aatisiy aaynuay wanting articles in our Hue. , irairWariiiiig' ! -B7'E INTKN'D CLOSING OUR BUSINESS HERE by t the K1RST OF JUNE next, ami we take this op portunity of once more callinx upon those iud4ted t us to call and settle. We will not, if we can help it, place any of our accounts In the kamla of legal clleo tors; but If obllseil to do so, v e shall have recourse tm that when this notice expires. 29tjt M. BROWN k BRO. DALLES & KOCKLAKD Landing Foot ofFnlon Street. FTHB PROPRIETORS ARE NOW PREPARED W1TU JL STAUNCH AND ROOMY BOATS, to cress Travelers, Horses & Stock, , In Faft and ciped'ttoo." manner, and it ReAeemil nates, . .