'''' 'I V,f.,., I I : U. Iff r . 7 ..1 ; VV . ,. . i 'if, '!' ' ;' J - T f. V 'r ! ? ( vol,, r. I) I.LlOr, Om.GON', FRIDAY. MAY 18, I860. no.. PlBtlSlIEU EVERY EVENING, SUNlMVs KXOKPTED,) BY E. G. tO,G & J. IIALLOKAN, EDITORS AND HK0PK1KT0R:". 1'tKuaTioaity-JliiecenU per week, payable to the carrier per month, by miiil, $1; throe months, 2 SO; aix luuntlia, $6; one year, fS. Advertlsetneuts Inserted at low I'lltUS. Job Printing. Every description of plain mid fancy Job Printing exe uted with neatness and despatch, and forwarded as per rdr tunny part of the country. ijment Jot Job Print (nj7 m ue muue on aeitvrry J work. Practical V atohuiukor, And Dealer la FINE WATCHES &. JEWELUY, . . ' DALLES, OREGON... lMtabliMheU 1857. BALDWIN 33T2,0., DEALERS IN GROCERIES ! CORNER OF ' Main and Union Streets, Dalles. J.C. BALDWIN ' mhSl-tf P.W.BALDWIN. FURNITURE ! FURNITURE DIEULAM &; WENTZ. gV) B ITta;. ai.OBK HOTEL BUILDING, jgfj&ffit&glSL Dalles City, have on hand a variety ' f&$8$0ffi Household Furniture, JwSOiV:JLr;liK Tables, Chairs, Bureaus eiiifc' Unhand Bedsteads, Bedding. Carpels tc, etc.. all of which will ho sold at low rates, Furniture Uepaireil, and Upholstering dono to order. Also.on hand Matlressgsand Pillow. Spring Beds made to order, aul!2 XH. MOAllOS. ' v 0. B. KOtOKL. WM. MOABUS &. CO., , CITY BAKERY, . . AND . ' rjtbvisioN STORE, ' -'" , Corner of FlrBt and B Streets, WHOLESALE AND ItKTAI L UK AI.KItS In BREAD, CltAOIiBKSulid Family GROCERIES. ; a$.0rders from a distance carefully filled and prompty Ispatclinil. 1-tt - ' " ' WIIOIESALS AND MTAIL DEALER IN- Fancy & Staple Dry Goods, CLOTHINC, BOOTS AND SViOES, . f UAVS AXI CAPS, AND . Gentlemen's Furnishing Good Fire-proof Stono titnro, corner of Mulu and Cuurt treet. ocVtt ATTORNEYS & COUNSELLORS AT LAW W1IX I'KACTIOK IN TUB 8UPMKMK ANDCIll cult Courts of Oregon, and the District Courts o fCaahiirirton Ti'tritory. . . : - I'articular uttoutlou paid to the collection of claims. O. 11 U MASON Dallos,Un. J. A.DDKl.L. : . . TO LET, By the Night, Week or Month, NltXT DOOK TO JACKSON KN01NE HOUSE, mitf . MRS. SI'UUNOKIt. LANGLEY, CROWELL &, CO,, IMPORTERS AND WHOLESALE V D3?MJQaiSTS; Corner of Clay and Battery Sts., SAN ITliANClSCO. , mhftfcdOm. - - . vi. " '. ."" " , WM. BROWN WAIUVER. M. D. OFFICE 74 SECOND TRK1!T, between Wnshlngton and Court. . Orncx Hours 9 toll A. .; 2 to 4 r.it.; and 6 to 10, r.u Ull. IS. W. MlTCHELIi, OrFics WALD RON'S BUILDIJIG. . R3IDno Cornnr of Third and Washington Wtrents. ? C.H. 1J ItOOICS, M l. , Office At Tr. fmin:' Irua Store. DAtiLES. OltEGQM. ' , . KOTICE. WE f!AT,I, Till! ATTKNTTON OF THE PTjnT.m to . the rnrt. flint, wn hare rdnrlud"d to live no lm. Itw nnd them ore nil partlns Ir.ilchtedtnnsMUSTPAV " VP WITlUN NINETY DAYS or 1"H nwwirtlnim will totwt.:-. ; ... M. DROWN 4BIIQ. ik Oallol, March 10, 1805. ' - milt '., ' kt ; . e ia v u i ii n ah, IkmiltlRS A.1D WIIOLIUALI Dealers in Wines, Liquors 'Ui&oj:it4.itg,' - Jllners' Goods, Hunt Mvi-cti, &c, UAVI KCMOVID TO Tuma 1 N W.STONE BUILDING, ' ' COHNEB OF Second and Vt aliliigton Streets, DAL E3 CITY. rOVt JN STORK A LA1IUK A.VD COMPLETE AS xl sortnicut uf iho very best bniuda.uf WINKS AND LIQUORS. AUo, a lull tMBitrtinent of GROCERIES & STAPLE GOODS. " Constantly recelvinR our supplies direct from New lork and Sun riniicmco. wa are ablo and willlns to sell at a very small luivauce on San Frunclsco price. They hope by adopting a mi ictly sorrect and prompt method ol doing business, they will receive the patronage cf th puo- 2 sflu-tf UMATILLA HOU ' . DALLES. OREGON. II AND LEY 4tSl..0,ll', I'roi THH P'lPULta U0U8I, O NIItAlLI LOCATED, Near the Steamboat Landing & Eailroad ij tins uoe ii recently enlarged and improved, and w accommodate 300 OUESXS. WT WILL DK CONDDCTED as heretofore. s a J ui.a.ms iiuukk. mid the patronage of the trn ,uuiii; in I enprri limy Biiiiciie '. Air Mbkiiiiko taken tothe House free ofbliarge, open all iiitcht. LARGE FIRE-PROOF SAFES TO DEPOSIT VALUA Dulles, Oct. 4-tf, - . EMPIRE HOTEL, 18. 0HEO0N. T . HAtX STREET, DALLES, 0REO0N, THOMAS SMITH, Proprietor. A FIRST-CLASS HOUSE; . , IN THE 0ENTRI Of BUSINESa, ' Near the Steamboat and Railroad landing! Superior Accommodations for Families and can Ao soiiiuiodute One Uundrud and Filty Quests. ileal 60 est. Lodging.....'. COcts. Fire Proof Safe for depositee! valuables. 4. House open all night. Baggage taken tn the House reeof charge. " THOMAS SMITH, , mh8-tf Pruprietor. CO UMBIA RIVER MINES. Ai. Xt. T3 O OTII, WHITE BLUFFS, W. T., FORWARDING AND COMMISSION MERCHANT, ' AND GENERAL DEALER IN MERCHANDISE ' . AND Mil K BIS' SUPPLIES. PACK AH0 SiODLU HJR3ES FOE 8 ALE. ' F?(ltEIO!ITS CONSIONl'D t my car for Cdlvllle H.' K.xiteiinl. or the Upper Columbia M Mines, will re celve promiit attention White Hluns. Oct. 1st, 1804. oe,tf iVBiW U-III'IV 'GKOCGRY :" AND PROVISION STORE. 'IMIR UNDERSIGNED INFORMS III8 FRIKNDS and I tlie public Kouornl!)', that he has Just established on Main street, next door to J. Juker, Tobacconist, :-, A NEW STORE! ' where he keeps constantly on hand a lnrire assortment o vlccted FRUIT. Also. In store acompletostnrk ofcholce GROCF.HIIM, I'HOMilONS. VEGETABLES, rfo. All of which will bo sold, wholesale and retail, at RE DUCKD PRICES. Come and soe and satisfy yourself. el3-tf . JOHN 8P081TO. COLUMBIA RIVER MINES! . A. a. BOOTH HARRI NCVIBON. BOOTJl As NEVISON, Forwarding ana Commliklon Meretanntt AND DELERS IN 0K.VF.lt AT MERCHANDISE, Wlilte IlluflH, W. T, FREIGHT FOR rOLVILI.K. UPPER COLUMBIA, KOuTKNAI and BLACKF00T MINES promptly loi waidrd. ' i Murk Goods B. ft N., Wl It BlofTs, W. T, ' .... Mr rrnces : , . Portland Richards - McCraken, Allea A Lewis, and Undue A Onlcf. ' , Dalles Blocli. Miller A Co., French k Oilman. ' m.'.AROWN & BE0., ' WIIOLESAL AND 'RETAIL DEALERS IN , ' ' . FANCY AND STAPLE DRY GKOOJDS! OnOCT3RIE3, PROVISIONS. &o. ' Mr. M. IIUOWNi blnir a resident of Ban Francisco, we r ensM.il to oer irrent IndrAments to piirehnsr. Wa espertfully Invito the public to examlneonr stork hefir .nreliHSltiir el.ewher... nilktr 4qr- Stone Store, norl'li side Main street, Dalles, "f i Democratic State Ticket FOR CONGRESS: - JAMI l. 1 AV, 0 Jackson. ' . ; . FOR G0V-JltN0R: , JAR1ES K.. KELLY, ; Of Waseo. . , , FOR BECRITA11Y OF STATE; . LAFAYET'lE LA.V'E, ' Of Multnomah. , FOR STATE TREASURER: JOUit V. 11LLL, Of Marlnn. ' ' ' ' FOR STATE PRINTER: : JA91ES O'AlEiKA, . . Of Linn. . i . ICT, t. """"'A."W'.,"IiLClJAtUlV.; 1 " . For Cumtniesiotirrs, ,". G. F. HERBERT,- '; ' JOHN WILLIAMS. . , : For As.-e. Bor, - HARRISON C0RU1I. j For School Superinteilddnt, E. P. FITZGERALD. - For Sun oj or, V W. T.NEWtlOiJB. ' ' V JFor Coroner, . DR. 0. B. BROOKS. Virginia City, Montana & Blackfoot OVERLAND STAGE LINE! BEX. IIOLLIOATf, Proprietor. COACORD STAGES LEAVE B0ISK CITY EVERY OTHER DAY FOR : BLACKFOOT," i Salt Lake City,' Denver City, , MISSOURI RIVER, Connecting at SALT LAKE CITY with Concord Stages Running to , , "Virginia City, ' Nevada, ' ' AND BACRAMENT0, CALIFORNIA. . ' FAJKBi - f Boise City to Pnlt Lake City .'. S100 00 i." " " Vlrilnla City. Montana : 120 00 Missouri H Iver, Legal Tendet 1300, ' . Uuld, 100 100 00 For further Information apply at . i OVERLAND STAGE LINE OFFICE. Bolsa City, I. T., mliOdSra . , . . o '.J.N. TODD, Agont."'' TO TEAMSTERS ASP DAIRYMEN! FEED I '.FEED I!. ', . , , , AND . ' ' ' .... ' ;feed " y. ;:; OF ALL KINDS, FOR SAB RY, .:. . S3jA-.a '-u '.: It. H.LAW,-" I' K Front 8treet, Portland, 'nl9:tf. " . . Opposite 0. 8. N. Warehouse. , N. a. OATHS. . GATES & IT AFX, Attorney & rotinnellorB tit Law, DALLES, 0EBQ0N.;i2 , : r - ni , - v-. ' Union State Ticket. fju l;ouE!8 '.-'' N RUFIJS MAI.LOnV, ; .'i ...! 01 Marlon., j ; ,,-,: . ,- " - 0R GOVERNOR :' ' : " ' ' . GEO. t. WOODS, r ". ;, , Of Wasco, . . . ,s ,.,.',- i FOR BECHETAUY OF STATE-! j SAMUEL E. MAY, -, , , Of M'arloa " -..'. t FOR STATE TREASURER: ( E. W. COOKE, : Of Marlon. FOR STATE PRINTER: ' ' W. A. IttcI'llEUSOSr, " Of Lfan. F(R I'ROSECUTlKa ATTORN EY FIFTH DlSfiUCt: C. It. MEIUS, , Of Wasco. ; ' Union County Ticket. For Represfiitativer, ' 1 H. A. HOGUE, : IC. B. KCEGEL'. : ; . For Slirtiir, . ' " ; - R. W. CRANDALLi. ' . " ; ' For Oterk,' y- , ' . .. 11. B. REED, For Tieaeurety " : O. W.-WALDR0N. , ; ' - " '', For Commissioners, . ; ; B. MAYS,: .;'. e . ' . U. H. WOOD, v y; For Ansesfor, . L. L. ROWLAND. For Scliuol SuperlniendeoV ' ' T. CONDON. For Surveyoi, .... Ws B. CAMPBELL. For Cnron'r, ... DR. W. B WARNER. " " A CAKD FOR THE Spring & Summer Clothing Trade OF SAN FRANCISCO. BADGER &LINDENBERGER, os. tit, tin ana tin natter? street, Cor. Merchant, San Francisco. Importers and Wholesale Dealers. ENTIBE NEW AND FRESH STOCK j Wl WOULD CALL ATTENTION of Country Mir chants to our usually larse stuck of Uoods. Our stock comprises every artlrle In li e Clutlilna; and Fur nishing; line. We have constantly on hand the Inriest and crentest variety of t'nssimeio end Wool HATS ot any hunse In San Francisco, and our prl es for theso Goixli are less than those of any house, as we receive them Ulrcot from tho manumcturer's consignment. Our stock ofSnnimeraud Fall (loops Is particularly attract ive, and tha (treat feature to the country merchant Is the unusually low prices. .. , . i : ' i less Thnn the Cost of Importation! We also keen the STAPLE AltTIOM'S In the Tlrv (Tnnila line, which Ooods we have purchased In this nuirkot liu-oei- the hammer, and are uttering them ot New l'oilt Cost, and less. , We publish this card In order that we may make new acaiiainiances, and Induce those w ho have not lieretoforo purchased of us, to call and examine our stock. Good Articles and LoW Pricen Are the greatest Inducements to all who purchase to sell again. Merchants .who buy of us can make a good profit, and eell to Iheir customers at alow figure. We remalu, respectfully, i . . Your Obedient servants, , 1IADUKR 4 LINDENBEROER, . Wholesale) ClotMit and Hat Wardntncv "' Noa. 411. 413 and 416 Battery street, Son Franelsco, April 20, 1808. ' ', - 'Smw. ' BJaTTLEIfiS ICR'S ' FRENCH MILLINERY STORE, , AND ' - . , , Dricss Making- Establishment, Oppoilte Cobn ek. Dohm's, f I WOULD CALL TI1E TTENTION of the Ladles o the Dalles to my lari e and line stock of ' FLOWERSj EMBROIDERY, nONNETS, 11 4TS, FEATHERS, Dress TriinmliijrB, &o. , Mavlnir secured the services of MRS. FRARY. tn the Drees Making: epa'tmeut. we. will do all work In that line and miarantee perfect eat Infliction. , DYING done In all colors. - . 1 V ' ' " -l . , Give me an rarlr call nnd I will endeavor tn atrit everybody to TASTE and at H KAS0N ABLE PRICES. Particular attent lor paid toi i .. ,.- . Cmbrbldery and Braiding Btamplnft