C4 Mi ountatnccr. ROSENBAUM'S SETTEES! THESK JUSTLY CFXEIlilATED BITTERS AIIK fast dt-ivttiK Ml others from the market, as they nro acknowledged. bj all who use them mill tho Medical Fraternity a-euerally, to ha tha rLiiASANTUST cud Must Kulcaclous llomedy lur Dyspepsia, Loss of Apellle, Morning Headache, Bowel Complaint, Fever and Ague, Jaundice, Langrour, LIVCK COMPLAIXT In all its distressing forms. Rosenbaum's Bitters AUK AN EXCELLENT APPETISEIl. Bosenbauni's Bitters AB.E STRENGTHENING AND INV1GORATINO. nosenbaum's Bitters ARE AN AGREE ABLE TONIC. Rosenbaum's Bitters Aro marie in the most careful manner, from puro old Wheat Whisky, modiciited with roots and herbs especi ally adapted for the cure of all Stomach and Liver dis cuses. TRY THEM I Vor Sale overywhoro by DruRirlBts anil Liquor Dealers, urhy N.i.JA(;0U8 4C0., 423 Front Street, Bun Francisco, U m a t i 1 1 a, 13 b i s e, AND IDAHO Express and Fast Freight Line. THIS LINE IS NOW. IN COMPLETE RUNNING order from Umatilla Ui Idaho City, 'via Boise City, and prepared to cnrry Freijiht and Valuable Packages between these and all intermediate poiuts with certaiuty and despatch. The Line is Stocked with the Best Teams the country affords and entirely New Thorough-Brace . r-jC CONCORD Sg&im WAGONS, Which nsrrros Speed nnd Safety In the transmission of Freight, never before offered to Idaho. We offer Supe rior inducements for Shipping Goods from Pan Francisco and Portland to Idaho, as our arrangements with the Ocean Steamship Company and the Oregon Steam Navi gation are such that all Goods shipped by this Line will not be subject to the usual delays, but pass through as 'Fast.. Freight. Goods shipped from San Francisco to our care at Port land, Charges will bo paid and Goods shipped to destina tion. GOODS SHOULD BE MARKED: CARE D. M..D. 4 CO.. F. LINE, anil Shipping Receipts sent to our Agents at Portland and Umatilla. Advance Charges for Transportation Paid by the Line and Collected at Destination. ' Goods will be forwarded with Dispatch to owyhee and South BoiBe. PASSENGERS CARRIED AT GREATLY REDUCED RATES. Families will be furnished with Superior Ac commodations in New nnd Easy Ehlinfr Thorough flrnce Wagons on the Most Liberal Terms, We lay over each night on the Road at Good and Convenient Stations, bo that passengers will not he deprived of regular rest. , v AGHONTSt : RICHARDS t McCRAKKN .' Ban Francisco RICHARDS McCRAKBN Portland JOSEPH TEAL Dalles POWELL 4 CK.; Umatilla .1. B. WILKINSON '. Lc Grand B. M. DURUM, 4 CO Boise City II. M. DuKELL & CO Idaho Cltv MAJOR BPEKIt Rocky Bar (South Boise) DultliLL 4 MOORE Ruby and Silver Cities B. M. DuRELL &, CO., t23tf Proprietors. uiLLCS 1TY DRUG STORE. P. CEAIG, WHOLISALI AND RETAIL DEALER IN DRUGS, MEDICINES, Perfumery, Fancy Soaps, PATENT MEDICINES, 4c. fl-tf DRUGS AND PATENT MEDICINES!! DRUGS AND PATENT MEDTCINES !! DRUGS AND' PATENT UEDICINES1! m4w0ra S9IITVI & DAVIS, Portland. Agents for Oregon. SlicrllT's Sale of Real Property. BY VIRTUE OF AN EXECUTION Issued by the Clerk of the Circuit Court. In and for Wasco County, hlate of Oregon, to me directed in favor of Thomas Howe. et. nl , Plaintiff, and against the Dallos and Boise Rond Company. Defendants, for the sum of Four Hundred and fort' -live 25-100 ($145 25) dollars, pr.net pal, and soventy-throo 69 100 ($73 69) dollars, costs of action, with Interest and costs of this writ, for want of personal property. I have this day levied upon that por tion of the Dalles anil Boise Roa.1, being and situated In Wasco County, Oregon, commencing at Cross Hollows and running East to thoConntv Line between Wasco and 4if,.n n.MinHn. containing seventv-fonr f?4) tulle, more ir less. I will proceed to sell the ubovo described pro BO'.ty at I'liblie Auction, before tho Court House Door, in Dalles City, to the highest bidder for cash In hand, on Wednesday, Juno OUi, 1SOO, to satisfy the above execution. Interest nnd costs. CI1AS. WHITE, Sheriff. By R. W. OUIWW.L, Deputy. mllw4 DR. DAVY'S SPECIFIC COMPOUND, An Expeditious Cure for all diseases of the SEXUAL ORGANS. rTVIIS prompt and efAcatiotis Remedy for the cure fL Ohonorrooa, Gleet, Strictures, nnd Diseases of the Urinary Organs, makes a speedy cure without the least restriction to diet, exposure or change In application bnsiness; it will radically cure any case which win be produced. The disease it removes as speedily as Is con sistent with the production of a thorough and pormanent cure. Further, the disease cannot be contracted If the SPECIFIC COMPOUND Is taken when exposed, Its ingredients are entire! v vegetable. and no Inlurlniis effect, oither constitutionally or locally, can be caused by in lino. Prlco One Dollar and Fifty centB Dor bottle. Sent bv Express carefully parked. HUSTETTHH, SMITH & DEAN. Agents, 401 and 403 Battery street, cor Ciav, Jy22-6m. San Francisco. Shcrier'N Sale of Real Estate, BY YIHTUK OV AN EXECUTION Issued by the Clerk ol the Circuit Court of the Slntoof Oregon, for tho county of Grant nnd Id me dlrecto'l, in favor of Chaa. Becker, plaintiff, nnd against W. Devine, W. Barnes snd 11. Suinuier(lelil. defendants, for the sum of one hum red anil sixty-six uoiiars (n.o.) in gain coin, nnd sIxM-four dollars nnd ninety live cents ($04 96) Costs, accruing costs, nnd costs of sale and execution. I havel vied upon nnd will sell at public unction, before the Court House door In Canyon City, to the highest bidder for cash iu hand, (Gvld coin ol the United Slates) On r-inlurclrtv. .Tune 2nd, 180G. Between the hours of 12 and 2 o'clock, the following real ortHtn, vlr. i Ono-fnurlh Cm) undivided intorcst In four placer mining claims, situate In Ollvo Precinct, Urant ennn'y. Slate of Oregon sold After A Co 'a claims are bounded ns follows : Commencing' at the lower boun dary of pntt(rpn'a claims, and running down Olive Creek lour (4) claims In all, SCO feet more or less, . M. P. BUHHY. Sheriff. Canyon City, April ilOth, lflf.fl. inyllwi Mimnions, Tn Justice's Canrt. for Upper Canyon City Precinct, County or Grant, Stateo' uregon. r. II. rolnucxtor, vb, . Jnbn Btrlnirbacb. rlllO J"I1N BTRINGBAOTT. defendant above named: H. Yon aro hereby requlnd to be and nppear before the undersigned, a Justice of the Peace In nnd for said I'reolnct, county nnd Slnto, on tho 2f Hi day nl May. lftiifl, at 10 o'clock In the fnnenonn of said day. nt his ofllce In saltl precinct, then nnd there to answer in a c'vll action to the complaint cf P. II. Polndexter. now on file In my office; ned dcfoiulant will take notice that If he fail to nppear nnd answer snld complaint, plalnt'ff will take Indgnient ngnldst him forthe sum of $.',2 lift, nnd costs n this action, and tnke notice further, that your property has been attached to secure tho payment of tho said Bum oi $az uv anu costs. Given tiudor my hand this Ptb dav of April. ISCfl.' nplSwO ,'. B. WH1TTEN, Justice of the Peace Summons. In Justice's Conrt for West Dallea Precinct. John Epplngcr, plnintlff, vs. John Yonng. defeudaut. Civil Aetlrn, TWW JOHN Y0UNO. DKFFNDANTt In Ihe name of M. the State of Oregon, yen nre hereby required to np pear before the iiiulcrsii nid. a Jnctlee of the Pence of Ihe !oronld precinct, on the 2d dev of June. 1811(1, nt the pour of 10 o clock In the forenoon f paid d'iy, nt the of fice of said Justice of the pace, to answer the above ' named plaintiff In a civil action. Ihe do'endant will take notice, that If be fall tn nppenr and answer the plaintiff's ron p nlut. the plaintiff will take Judgment ninlnst him for Ihe sum of Ninety Dollars, with Interest thereon. . Olten nnilcr my hand, this 10th dnv of April. 1 Stiff. p20w6 F. P. HOLLAND. Dalles, April 10, If CO. Justice of the Pence, JUliTlIiT pecrnlt vnnr health by purlylng yohf nee Machines.( Wood worth's pattern.) Wrought and Cast Iron work for Vor- tical Sawand Grist mills; Brass and Iron Castings and WROUGHT IRON WORK of every description. I am also prepared to furuish Quartz Mills complete, of the Latest & most Improved Patterns. These Mills can beforwarded to any pnrt of the mines aa the weight of the entire machinery will not oxceed 3, OOOpounds. Horse Fowors ft Agricultural Implements manufactured toordor a( the very LOWEST CASH l'HICE n. u. rarucuior attention paiu to iiisi'Ai us. rezu-tr LINCOLN HOUSE. Corner lYaslilngton and Front Streets! PORTLAND, OREGON, IJVRST-CLASS HOTEL. LARGEST IN THE STATE. ' Charges Reasonable. , AN OMNIBUS will attend all'the Boats and eonvev Passengers and their baggage to the House Free of uuarge, or to any other House in the t'lry for 50 cents. f. cunm, proprietor. P. S HOT AND COLD BATII8 in tho House. All the Steamers for Oregon Cltv. Vancouver. Monti. cello nnd Astoria land at the Lincolu House Wharf. Bopl:3m .... Summons. In the Circuit Court of tho Stnte of Oregon for tho Comity nt Grant June Term I860. A. L. Sutton, plain tiff, vs. T. A. Wh'tliig, detendnnt. - - - flOT. A. WHITING, Defendant: In the name of the St te of Orocon you nro heroby untitled nnd required to npponr nnd nuswer tho complaint ngninst you now on tllo with the Clerk of the nburo entitled Court by the nlaliitlff In the ahovo entitle,! action, with in ten nays irum ttie service ot tins summons on 3011, u served in the County of Grant, and If served in nnv other County in this Stale, then within twenty days n'tor sucn service: anil in case 01 publication, within ten 1. ays niter expuaiion 01 putiitcation, nnd unless yon shall snnppenr and answer said complaint, the plaintiff will tnke Judgment agalnt you at the next term 01 the snid Couri for the sum of $1212 50 nn! interest from the 16th day of Augnst, 18(14, ami for his costs and dlslmrs- moms. vt. J.A111 uilu, auv lor run. Dated. April 17. IBUff. Ordered, That the foregoing summons bo served by publishing the same for tax consecutlvo weeks in the Wehki.t MouNTAlNttR, a paper publiNhi d at Dalles City, 111 n asco uonniy. - j. u. n Jbsu.i. juuge. Slierlfl's Sale of Real Tstate. TTY VIRTUE OF A DECREE of Foreclosure of Mort Js 9 cage and execution thereon, by tho Clerk of the Circuit Conrt. In nnd for Wasco County State of Oregon, to pio directed. I have this day levied upon the follow ing described Real Estate, tn wit: The South half of tho Houthwest Quarter of Fection one. In Township one North, Ranee twelve east; also, the Nmtheast quarter o tho Southwest Quarter of Section ono, in Township one North, Rango Twelve Enst; also, tho Northwest Quarter of tho Nu'thwest of Section Twelve, in Town. shin one North. Rango Twelve East, being 1(10 acres more or less, being the property described in tho aforesaid de cree of foreclosure of mortgng", In favor of Elizabeth Rriidehaw. Plaintiff, and against Joseph Trow and Jnssoe Hays. Hrlendnnts. for tho sum of Two Hundred nnd two seventy-live ($202 75) dollars principal, nnd twenty-flvo clghty-lour ($26 84) dollars costs of action, with Interest and acciuing costs. I will proceed to sell the above de scribed premises at Public Auction, at tho Court Houso door in Dalles City, to the highest bidder for cash lu band, on (Saturday, .Tune Oth, i860, between the hours of 12 o', lock. M ., nnd 4 o'clock, P. M. to satisfy said execution, Interest nnd costs. CHAS. WHITE, Sheriff. Bv It. W. CnAD!.I. Deputy. lnllw4. . Dalles Cit), May 9, 18G0. ' Final Settlement. "lOTICE 18 III'Rli.BY 01 YEN tn nil persons Interest Jll ed In the estnto of Andr-w Wntson. deceased, thni A. L. Sutton. Administrator of said relate, has filed his final account in the ConntV Cnttrt of the State of Oroirnn for tne Comity of (lr nt. and that FitlDAY. tho Sib, day ol Jnne. 1K0, has been sot for hfarli g said arenun! by ""'Cnrt, W I, II1M S. LEMOIV, WUOLE8ALS AMD RETAIL DRUGGIST, Washington Street, betwoon Main and Second Streets OAI.I.E8, OREGON. LEMON In nble to supply pnrt lea in want of Drops, Patent Medlcinos. Cnemirnla, Acldw, Perfumery, and every other article onumemtml with tha WHOLESALE DRUG BUStNESS, At the lowest market rates. 49 Physicians and Morchants Intending to purchase for the Mines, will do well to give him a call. TRUSSES & SHOULDER BRACE 3 In great variety.' S. LEMON, ap.8:tf. . .- Washington St., between Main adn Second. PORTLAND FOUNDRY AND MACHINE SHOP, FIRST STREET, between Yamhill and Morrison. iDtenm Knetnes 3 of from 4 to 4u horse. ---5iipi power.tithor Portalile or Stationary. Also, cut- rys MiStffiua J -Juis UULAIl PAW WILLS W,V&S WJJ- COMPLETE, constantly tgsfe3 i'&tf& onhand. Also. Hav Pres- ?&W.W:A,ASiS tJjFt if all sizes; Planing yaTElBa TX Ht Oregon Steam Kaigation Co. SUMMER ARRANGEMENT. TnE STEAMERS ' JVEZ PERCE CHIEF, WEB-FOOT, TEXIKO, OWYHEE, YAKI9IA, , Sl'RAY & OIii'AOX. Captains E. F. COE, C. C. FULTON. J. II. D. GRAY, and T1I0S. J. STUMP, Will run dnrirg the season from CELII.O to UMATIL LA. WALLULA, WHITE BLUFFS, PALOUSE nnd LEWISTON. One of the above pnmed boats will leave CEL1I.0 for UMATILLA and WALI.ULA, on TUESDAYS, THURS DAYS and SATURDAYS. Tli Inssonarel Train to connect with steamers nt Celilo will start from the lluilroad Depot, DALLAS CITY at 6 o'clock, A. Id. FOR WHITE BLUFFS. THIS "YAKIMA," CArT. E. F. COE., ,. Commnndcr. Will leavo CELILO every SATURDAY, for WHITE BLUFFS. . FOR I.KWISTON. THE "OWYHEE."' CAPT. FEI.TON .....Commander. Willleavo WALI.ULA every WEDNESDAY (upon tho arrival of the stonmerthat starts from Celilo ou Tul-b-duy), for LEW1STON. J0R PORTLAND THROUGH IN ONE DAY. The bl camera "ONEON T A. 9 " OR "IDAHO," CAPT. J. McNULTY, Commander, Will leave DALLES, DAILY. (Snndavs e?cepted)at o'clock. A. H.,cnnuectin by the CASCADE RAILROAD, with the steamers v NEW WORLD, ' or WILSON G. HUNT, CAPT. J. WOLF, Commander, f Portlanu. Dallos. A pi 11 8. 18f.O. - FRANK T..DODQE. nl2tf Agent O.B.N. Co. B.PALLAM. 0. W. AHMRS. O. W. AMISS. AkfvlES DALLAM, . Importers nnd Jobbers of , iroob axd willow ware, BRtSIIKS, TWINES, CORDAGE. 40. And Mantihictilrers of California rails tubs, Brooms, &c. DAILY M0DKTA1NEER POWER PRESS, BOOK & JOB PRINTING OFFICE. First Street, between Main and B DALLES OREGON. JOB PRINTINC OF EVERY VARIETY Executed witn accuracy ana dispatch. I A 8TYLE THAT WILL COMPARE FAVORABLY with the very best, and AT BATES AS CHEAP AS THE CHEAP ST to onncR:. , Cards and IS i J I-I3 end. CIIECKS, DRAFTS, SECEll'TS, POSTERS AND PROGRAMMES ' FOR THEATRES CONCERTS EXHIBITIONS ., etc., ' if c, PRINTED III THE HOST ATTRACTIVE K1K.11R. ALSO, WAY-BILLS. BILLS OF FARE. LETTER HEADS. RECEJl'T ROOKS. BILLS I.ADIAG, ETricfs and Fnis!,rh let's, risirma, wevdikg akd "at home" cards Irurtisti Lnbels, Tn short, everything that can be done in a Rook nnd Job Printing Office, from the smallest nnd most delicate Cord or Circular, tn the largest Bir,e and most show y posting Rill and which will be turned out in a style that unmet fall to insure entire satisfaction. 0D, FACILITIES TOR THE EXECUTI0X 0 DECORATIVE PRINTING In the most beautiful Colors, Shades and Tints. Such as Taney Posting Bills ! From a single Sheet to the Largest Mammoth, ORNAMENTAL MOW CARDS. I'LJiLMERS' l.ARELS.tfe Ate unsurpassed by those ol any other establishment in Oregon. We devote special attention to thisl.ri.nch ol the business, nnd are continually adding to our already exlen-. sive and well appointed aseoriutcnl ot material. NEW TYPES, BORDERS, ORNAMENTS. ' dJe- ' d)c.. rft.. Of the most modern and elaborate deoipnti. Our stock o. FANCY INKS, TINTS, AC. Are of the finest quality, and for richness of color nnd durability, canuot be equaled in the State. The principle upon which tmehi.'sa iff aeked for tills v. tahlishiiieut ib, that persons will connnlt their own intrr est, by awarding their ci)stim to that oBice in vl.lrS their money can be exploded to the bmi ailvuptnpe. To this end we solicit all iu want of good l'riiiting, at vi ry reasunable charfTcs, to call and examine SLocimens. and Jude for yourselves. Orders from the Upper Country Will have our special care, and friomls from the Interim may rely upon having their ordcrg. tilled promptly, as w HAVE THE ONLY IMPROVED GORDON POWER PRESS Address: m18-tf In tho State of Oregon ! MOUNTAINEER OFFICE UalltB. Oregon. JACKSON SALOON ! COliNEH COURT AND SECOND SSTREKTS, DALLES, OUICGON. rWTITK TJNItRP.STQNKl), IIAVIVO 1SKMOVED Fl'.OM i THK -liKIXA, UNION" CULI.All. INTO Gatci' New Ilnilcling:, Beg to Inform the public thnt they are prepared to acrve their customers with tho best Wines, Liquors and Cigars, THE JIAKKKT AFl'OltDS. LSO, A Free Ijiincli I Every day aud evening. E. 8CIIITZ & S. Kl.EIV, decf-If Proprietors. , ht f- "IS ltc-''-ir-intlSti;e,syitTfKji rwhtBTnt faTla Ilarcl Wood Lumber; CARRIAGE AND WAGON MATERIALS Wli BKO TO CALL ATTENTION of Cnrrlape Man tifncturors and Dealors to the I.arfre and Com plcte nssortment of CAIIlilAGE and WAGON MATEltl ALS we are cm'tsntly receiving from tho Kast. specially Holertcd for tlio California market, comprising, Oak, Hickory, and fecund Growth Ash l'laiik, Hickory Axle Viagnn Poles. Hubs. Spokes. Folloes, lllms,Shalta,4c.4c. which we offer at the lowest Cash I'rlrcs, ordors addrossed to our house will receive prompt otlention. . 1 M. W. Bit A10 A CO.. Jul6:3m, 29 A 81 Bnttery Street, San Krancirco; and 17 & 10 Seventlrstroet Sacrniiienlo. 0. WATranocsii, , 11. W. 1ibiiu 4 Co., J.W.I.mril San Francisco. Sacramento. New York 1 F..TIL LMAn7 SOU A0SKI m CALirOHKU FOB TILTON & McFABLAND'S ft'ia'f &. If uvular 'roof Safes. , , STEEL LINED VA ULTS, . , wttn . Combination Io . JCSfCouslaiilly hnnd s full assortment of SAFESi 318 liAITKHY FTnKKT, ,