Inrln ntawectv Epitome or Telegraphic News. COMPILED rilOH TDI OUIdOMIAN. UATK8 TO MAY 1. Chicago, April 14 Tiie Seuators fleet from C ilorAdo emphatically deny the imputation Hint there was a -Imrgniu and agreement to i secure voles for the passage of the bill ad u) irtinji Colorado, or that they promised their aid to Ibo Congressional majority against the l'resi'ienl, and they further eny f their calls upon the President, which had excited the r.'miirk that they weie pletlmo; Iheit support 1 1 him, was simply to present such facts nd d icumenis'ne would show the popu'aiinn, Mtbsiantinl wealth and permanent pro-parity ol Coloiado, and bad no reference whatever to polities'. S in Franeiieo, M iy IB. Qen. Muon writing to Q'U Mi D.iwell from headquarter at Sao riloiia, on tie Gila, April 30itj, anya be has lienr I via fort mmn, ol tne maiiiacro ni run (ioodn in. and that there is not a word "of t ruth In the etory. Saealona is only four days travel fim Fort Goodwin, and daily commu nication U kept up with headquarters. Nevada Cdy, May 15. T e San Juan stage , vlilTaix passengers, was stopped Ihij morn ing nhoui balfpist four o'clock, by three rob be.'d marked. They blew open Wells, Fargo k Cii.'a ir.-asuro box and took from it Beven tboii'and nine hundred dollars. None ot the lms.-cnirers wero rubbad. As soon as the mage arrived in tow n word was sent to Sheriff lent-y, who immediaiely started wltn a posse in pursuit of the robbers. The posse sepnr aled near Mills' ranch, ab ut three m l-a from town. Ni.t lomr after eeparaiU S'eve Ven ard. formerly (Jiiy Marshal, got on their track and'o.vcd them to Mver's ravine, about tw. n I es from where the robbery was commuted. J u t as he crossed the ravine he looked above on the hillside, and about twenty five feet from biro saw (he head of one of the robber-, who was ready to lire. Stevo leveled bis Ilei r 'i repealing r fl and Bred, the bait ft' iking Liui in the left side near the nipple, killing him instantly. Robber, No. 2 then raised his pistol to fire,-but S'eve being too ti'iick for him, fired, hitting him under the right ere, killing bim. instantly. Robber No .') then started to run, when S'eve fired, but missed. Fired again, the bull passe 1 through his heart. Gentry and bis posse secured all the treasuieand deposited it In town. The coroner is now holding an inquest on the -bodies. The robbers' names bare not been . Ascertained. Wi have received the first number of a "new paper published in Now York, called the, American Journal of Alinin , devoted exclu sively to the mining interests of the country, From a glance through its columns we are satisfied that the journal is exactly what it represents itself to be, and not like the min ing paper published in California, thatknows of no mines outside of California and Nevada. Kitch of the mining States is allotted a part of the paper, where all that pertains to the interests of that section is fairly represented. We recommend this paper to the miners as a valuable journal devoted to their interests. It is published at $4 per year, payable in advance. TrtB Salt Lake Vedette is continually after the Mormons. Sometime since it was re' lioried in Salt Lake that Brig.-Gcn. Connor wit' or.lered to be mustered out of service, and to express their great joy at the event the Mormons got up a ball When the re port was contradicted, and it was announced that ho had been promoted, the Vedette comes at Brigham's tribe in this style : " We ad vise the' Uappy Family, who .recently cele brated the muster-out of the Into Biig.-Gen. Connor by a bull at the Jubilea House, to have a day of humiliation and prayer in commemoration , of his promotion and in view of the sudden bin-ting of their budding hopes. Make room tor the mourners. - A Fxrson, signing himself Jas. R. Tolles, advertised in tbe Sacramento Bee, recently, that he would give a lecture on rating, where by a person can live comfortably on five cents -woitli of food per day, and bid defiance to Cholera or " any other diseaFe.". ' He ought to be sent to Webfoot where tbe people eat about fifty cents worth of apples every any, aua never miss a meat. . , A Thkbsshan, lormorly a wealthy slave and land'owner, now a resident of Arkansap, i has notified Gen. Fiske of bis intention to Wld' school houses on his large plantation for the colored people, and requests to be 'supplied-with teachers by the Freedmen's 'Bureau. , . Tbi Mataraoras Ranchero asserts that tbe filibuster Gen. Crawford was permitted to escape from Fort Jackson because be had it in his power to implicate high military men C. S. Miller, Dalles. Bloch, Miller & Co., ' : WHOLESALE " G-.DEtO O ERS, AND DEALERS IN ' " ' Wines .S5 Liquors, And Iniporters and Joliberi or CLOTHING- Boots & Shoes, Under Clothing, ' .' Blankets, etc., etc., etc. ' ass a.y office. -TK XIKVR AN ASSAY OFFICE IN CONNECTION VV wlthour business, under the entire supervision of Mr. Miller. We make returns in Bars tn nix honrs We guarantee all our Assavs and pay the JIIOHKST CASH PKIOH for Bars. We also pay the Highest Cash Price for (told Dust. UliUUIl, JllLLKIl iuj . my6tf Cor. Main and Washington streets. Dalles. DEALERS IN HARDWARE, IRON 8l STEEL. GRO CERIES. BY TIIE PACKAGE, FOE CASH," At San Francisco Price3, Adding cost of Transportation. " ' CUMMINQ k GRANT m!3tf Dalles, progon. IiATEST NEWS! ALL THE jrfBfltZL LATEST SkFwSW EUROPEAN, EASTERN AND CALIFORNIA NEWSPAPERS & MAGAZINES, Received Regularly every steamer, by s. J. Mccormick, FMMvLIX BOOKSTORE, IO S Front Street Portlana Tapers and Magazluos packod and Forwarded by maior Express TO ANY PART OF THE MINES In Oregon, Waahtugton,ldaho or Montana. Subscriptions Received fcr any NEWSPAPER OK MAGAZINE PUBLISHED. , New Books, Masic, &o., by every Steamer, S3 oTb OO WORTU OF BO O K S ; STATIONERY AND ' 1 FANCY GOODS, CHEAP FOB CASH. al0dlw2w A. CARD. MADAME IB TBI.LIBR WOULD RESPECTFOLI.Y Inform the duties nf the Dalles and viclnitv. that he is now prepared to do all kinds of DIIK3S, CLOAK, and PALKI'OT making. Also, CUTIINO and KITTING In a new and Improved style, never before introduced In mis mace. 'Hue will warrant to give satisfaction, and would'lnosl respectfully solicit a liboral natrouagot In the ftooins lately oocunlad bv Mrs. White, over Wegener s store, on uusuiugton street, between cecouu 111 i Third. Dalles, March 27th, 1800 mr27tf rVliiW YORK UA-KliltY AND ' " GROCERY STORE : Main street Dalles.' " mli23tf FRKDKRICK BKNZER. NOTICE. A IX PKRSONS INDEBTRD to the undersigned are rn.netfully rvnuestod to come aud settle their ac counts witliln Til 111 IX dais, ana savo cnets. aiiauim A., l. niw:u JUSLIAI AAU cUKl ls' HI) 11 kilt At 50 cents per pound , For Sale by J. B. DICKURSON. n.9.11 Second Street. A o i l t ; 1rBM0YIN( MY RESIDENCE TO CLATSOP, MR H. J. WALDItON will acta my Agent, and is au- Jlnlrrl tniri-nrr I'l.mimir f.iii- lBAAO F. Bloch, Sun Frauolseo. : WAL.DIION imos., Wholesale & Retail Druggists, Main Street, Dalles, Oregon. WB NOW OCCUPY OTJK NEW TWO STOUT PIBE proof Stone building, opposite Bloch, Miller ft Co.. and offer to th pnhlto a full and complete stock of Drugs, .Medicines and Chemicals, consisting iu part of KKROSKNB, LAMP WICKS A CHIMNEYS HOPS, .. , BAOR, . . SPONGES, LKHOIIBS," - lUIIPKNTINE, ALCOHOL, ACIDS, . LINSBED, LARD, CO UK, CANTOR AND -INDIGO AND NKATSFOOT Oil, LAN PJ1 LACK TRUSSES, SHOULDER BRACES. SUPPORTERS. ' AND , PATKNT MEDICINES. Our stock of FaNCV QOJDS I s of the finest and best quality; new stylraond large assortoiouts, such as LUHIN 9 PKKeUKKItl, ilAlll, l.UUin'8TUlLKl BUAf, HLKSU, P0MADK8. 8IIAVIN0, 0O8MKTI03, II AT, UAIK0IL8, CLOTIIRS, - COLOGNK, l'OOTUAND FANCY 80APS AND N AIL ItHUSIIKB TUOTII PJ WD KU8, AND COUUS. PURE WINES AND LIQUORS, For Medicinal purposes. ' Our facilities for buying goods are Second to none in tne BiaiK, ana we snail at all tunes sell at a small ad' Vance from cost. Ready sales and small profits. PttlSICIANS' PRESCRIPTIONS Carefulfy compounded at all hours of the day and night liaues, Bcpi.u, low, sciu-ti VIS It Y IMPOrtX-A-NT TO Merchants, Families, Hotels and 11AU-UOOMH TCLIU8 KRAKMKK HAVING BOUGHT TUB BN 9 tire Stock of Merchandise and llook Acconuts of the late Arm ol M. Seller k Co., In this city, to which he lias added of his own lmKrtntlon (while doing business in roruanu) an immense block ortue best manufactured Crockery, Glassware, Plated Ware, Lamps, ' Chandelier, Table Cutlery Looktiig-Glaftges and All Kinds of Oils, All of which he offers at reduced rates. Persons wish- lug to buy any of the above-mentioned articles,- will do well to give me a can Derore purchasing olsewliere Orders from the interior promptly attended to, and goods packud to go secure. Don't fall to call on me. Radio's Stone i Uullding, Wasblngton street. Dalles. np:t JULIUS KRAEJIKR Dalles. March lTth, 1806. mhlitf ONE HUNDREOMILES SAVED I BL UKf00T&I5I0 BEND MIXES BV WAY OF Wliito DBluflfe! THE SHORTEST AND SAFEST ROAD For Land Travel. Distance from Dalles to White bluffs ....100 miles ' ', White Bluffs to Pen d'0ieille....160 ' " ' 'to Colvllle .........170 " Trarelera by land for either of the shore Gold Fields. will save Save Time Distance and Money By taking the White Bluff. Road. "Wood, "Water and Grass Are found on this Road within easy drives. The road Is now open, and possesses advantages over any uiuor mim rumv iruiu mo vmiu. - . - . ruuiiaitafl uy orner or THE CITliiKNB OF TIIE DAI.I.RS. Dalles, March. 20, 1866. m2fl:2in. W. 13. DOUGLASS, (Successor to William Blrnbanm.) PRACTICAL WATCHMAKER, ' AKO DXALCn t!t , F'ine Watclies AND JEWELRY, TNYITP.S TIIK ATTENTION OF Ilia FRIENDS AND JL tbe Public tobls choice selection of - New and Fashionable Goods, Respectfully soliciting their patronage. ' Wa'ches PROMPTLY and PROPERLY repaired and VVAIlliA.ViKU. mUlf Next Donr to the Post Office. P. DE n m; , Watchmaker and Jeweler; MAIN STREET, DALLES, rvBALUR IN FTNM WATOHF.8, JKWRLRY, I olockh, unia rens, silver ana 1'iarea ware. SDectaclee. Cutlery. c. , JWPartlcnlar attention paid to repairing flnev&ii? 'Watches, Clocks, Jewelry, etc. All Watnbea repaired by me warranted for twoive montns. N. U. All orders from the upper eonntry, by Express or otherwise prompuyjiiioouca io, iisNolulio.n Notice. WiTOTTCB IS IIKUEUY GIVEN, that the co-partner- 1 shin heretofore oxlstlmr between 1. M. JiVANS anil A. W. IIAVI8. In th Livery Shible huslneps, has been dimolvod; tliat A. w. Davis Is Indebted to the eo partnerahipi and that a bill In equity has been filed fur tne settlement ui me cu piirinrnnip nvi.-imiii0. ah pot sons are notithnl that A. W. Davis has no powe. to dis rose of tlia pioporty, nor contract debts on tlie ercdlt FRANKLIN MARKET. ry CORNER OF SKCOHD AND WASHINGTON ETREJSTS DALLES, OIIEOON, ' " . JOHN EPPINGER Proprietor THH UNDERSKINKD having fitted np the above Market In the BE T STYLE, will keep oonstunt- ly ou band all sorts of iTenu and Cured Meats, Of the best quality furnished at Hie LOWEST KATE My motto Is to ' PLEASE ALL." PARTtl'.S HAVING SUPKltlOR STOCK FOR BALK will do well to call at the Franklin Market. . . ,o. JOHN KPP1NQXR. , Dalles, February 19th, 1865. AY AMI I At; J OA HIAKliliT. CORNKR Of COURT AND 8KC0ND STREETS, DALLES, OREGON JOHN MJCHELBACH, Proprietor. WILL KEEP -s5-e K2p"con8tnntly on hid all the varle- taUUxttlo! that the mavkutcan uosililv Hjll allonl.of. ., , . . ' l " IfltKSH & CURED MEAT8, aud always of the btst qnallty. ' " i FAMILIES, HOTELS, AND STEAMBOATS supplied on reasonable terms. Tbe underslgncq Is always prepared to pay the high est cash prtee lur FAT 04TTI.K. Parties having stuck in good condition, are requested to rait oa bim beftirs 8"Jn elsewhere. i JOUN MlCUtiLIlACH. ' Dalies, March 31st, 1866. mji81tf. NOTICE TO FARMERS. f BMIB DALLES LUMBER AND MANUFACTURING JL COMPANY hiurocently attached a FLOTJRING aiiLr. to their Steam Sash and Door Factory, tn this City, and are now prepared to CHOP FEED, UHJND WUEAt aird CORN, and warrant to give the best satisfaction. Ou hand constantly aud for sale FXTKA FAMILY FLOUR, SECONDS OR MIDDLINGS, . BKAN'ANP 8IIORTS, ' . ' CHOP FEED, CHICKEN FEED. . Allso, a Superior article of CORN MEAL, from !,c-w The highest market price paid for WnBAT, CORN a BR.'.'K U. A.UOGUE,Agent. Dalles, Not. 2, 1865. , uitf. -A. O. BRADFORD, . iUruilTEll AND JOBBER OF Wines Sc Liquors, FRONT STREET, Portland, - - . .' Oretran. OFFERS FOR SALE A" VERY. LARGE ASSORT msnt of Itrandleg, . Wines, ' Xiquors, Case Goodie, Tlio Traile ls particularly Invited to oxamlne my at jok before purchaslug elsewhere. II.HEUMAN&CO., MAIN BT., DALLES, OPPOSITE EMPIRE HOTEL, ' J.JAVE JUST RECEIVED A BEAUTIFUL STOCK OF SPRING AND SUMMER GOODS, ' Consisting in part of .... ' Fancy anil Staple Dry Goods ClGttlllsff, Uoota & Shoes, . Hats & Caps, Wlilch they offer to sell at S3! AT.L PROFITS. Dalles, Muroh 27th, 1800. ' . .. mr27tf MONTANA! IDAHO! WASHOE WB ARE PUTTING VP OVIl OR1U1NAL SUPKlUOll BRAND OF GROUND JAVA COFFEE, . , Aiso" ; . CIIARTRES COFFEE, IN DOUBLE GLAZED PAPERS, ' To preserve Its strength and flavor for the length of time required to bo t rwarded to the above p aces. " Bute nil ma .uuun, WIU WARDEN k F0L0KR, ' Tlonoer Steam Coffee end 8plce Mills, , HQ Front Street, San Sranciseo. al6ml)2 FURS, WOOL and HIDES. rJMIE HIQUEST CASH PRICE PAID FOR " . : - 1FCJUS, WOOL, AND IIIOES, at SIcCRAKEN, BIBRRILL k CO.'S ' 10 North Fiont Street, Portland. mhlKlm BOOKS! BOOKS! - WHOLESALE AND RETAIL. tCHOOL BOOKS, STATIONERY, k7 Htandaid ana Miscellaneous WU lilts, Ute NOVBIJ. MAUA.INK8. PAPKK8. ae.. by every Steamer. PosWMke Bookstore, Main street, Dalles. . Garden SccdS Tor tbe Million.' aut-tf H. J. WALDROK neTAl sai na.i ' .- ,: ...-. AND uir..iAii,r ROOM, JOHN NDLAVO, Proprietor.' WASHINGTON ST., noxtdenr to FRENCH cNhLMAN .'. . . NOTICE. " JTirAVTl appointed 7;,THTTMmr ni.tliorl.n,! frraTirw