omttanucr. TUUESDAT EVENING, 'MAY 17. ISM. Till candidal lor UoveiDor united, tun evening, apd will apeak to-morrow. A Friedman's savings' bank at Beaufort, S. C, has deposit) exceeding $250,000. Thanks to Hon. E. D. Hulbrook, Delegate from Idaho, for public rloenmnt. Tai Pacific ocean ' cover seventy-eight millions of milea ; tho Atlantic twenty-five millions. ' ' ' . ' ' " ' ' 1 Sodtberm papers, generally, are urging the necessity of taking precautions against the cholera in tbeir cities. It Is stated that the defeated Democratic candidate for Governor of Connecticut, lost $20,000 in tbe campaign. Tub University of Michigan is now tbe largest university la this countiy, containing 1.031 students. Tbaddens Scott, a native ot Naperville,Ill., went into Taylor's saloon, New York, and choked himself to death on a beet steak. x Settlers in Southwest Missouri are pre paring to migrate to some other climate in consequence of bushwhackers. " 'What will you take first in Canada ?" asked a quizzing Yankea of a faithful Fenian. " Hot whiskey punch," was the prompt reply. Thi farmers, in many of the interior coun ties of California bare commenced cutting bay. Tho crop will be enormous this season. A cntJHCB is being erected at Savanna, Gf., by the freedmen, men who two years ago, were owned as chattels and' sold on tbe auction block. A benevolent New Haven nu.D lias placed a small library in tbe police office of New Haven for the use of the policemen in their leisure hours.. Tag people of Natick, Muss., are going to build a monument to tbe memory of tbe sol diers who left that place to fight in the re bellion. . The Legislature of Alabama has passed an nnnnal tax. law of fifty dollars on news deal ers who sell newspapers not published in tbe Thi military authorities in Salisbury, Nortb Carolina, have snppressei tbe sale of pictures of Gen. Lee, Jackson, aud other Confederate Generals. ' ' ' Thi Cincinnati Commercial says the light of tbe Opera House fire was seen forty-two miles away, on the ludianapolis and Cincinnati railroad. . ' . It is rumorod that Brlghaia Young, tho Mormon Chief, lately received an addition to ordnance, in tbo shape of a coup e of can non from California. - Ddbiko the pastyear 273 brick bouses and C12 woodon bouses, ia addition to several churches, school bouses, &c, have been rrccted in Washington. An lamination into the condition of the vtteam boilers in New York city reveals tbe fact-that out of 4,207 boilers, 130 were found to be defective. The Idaho Statesman says that Capt. Col lins writes from the Owyhee that he was after ' a band of Indians, and expected a fight within .n day or two. ' ' It is stated by the Washington correspon dent of tho New Ypik Herald that tbe bill Admitting Colorado was. passed bn a pledge of the Senators to go ngainBt tbt President. Nice business f ' WiMtttiaTOM, N. C , is going ahead with ' great rapidity. There are seven steamships 'plying between that place and the Northern cities, and five steamers in tbe Cape Fear b trade.' The business of three railrciids also ooorergo at that city. . Vetoes Tbe following Is a list of the vetoes wblcl have hoeu made by the different ' Presidents: By George Washington; 2 ; Jns. ' Madison, 6 j Jas. Monroe, 1 ; Andrew Jackson, 0 : John Tyler, 4: Jas. K. Polk, 8; Jas. Buob- t nn. 1 :' Andrew Jobnsot.' 2. Tho Civil Vli.'nill ia th e fffond Instance In ot'ir bis- EXECUTION OP TilOS. SMITH. L si Thursday was the day appointed for tbe execution of Thomas Smith, convicted of tbe murder of his brother, Sidney Smith, and bis sister-in-law, .Barbery Smith. The time set for the execution was between the bours of 10 o'clock a. u. and 1 P .u. Long He tore ten o'clock crowds .of people were thronging the streets and sidewalks on foot, on horseback, and in wagons, buggies and' carriages old men and young boys of every age maids and matronsmothers with in fants in their arms all hurrying to witness a guilty fellow-creature suffer deatb by the linker. Before 1 o'clock a crowd had collect ed at the gallows variously estimated at from fire to Seven thousand. At 12 o'clock precise ly, the prisoner was taken from the room in tbe Court Il iune, where he bad been confined, and conducted by tbe Sheriff and bis deputies to a carriuge, and, followed by au immense throng, they proceeded to tbe gallows, aliout one half mile wen of town. The prisonor s cended the scaffold with the same callous iii difference that he exibited during bis trial and confinement. The Sneriff .then read to the spectator' a statement dictated and sign ed by prisoner, Jeclaring thnt any confession published on that day and attributed to him was " not his confession," and that if there was any such confession written or published it was " without bis knowledge or consent." The prisoner then advanced to tbe front of tbe scaffold and spoke as follows : Ladies and Gentlemen : You' all know wi'b what I am charged. I confess to the deed and fay tbnt my punishment ia just. I com mitted the murder.. I bare nothing to say against tbe sentence. I have been treo e 1 with respect by tbe Sheriff and his Deputies. The SueriB'a wife and some other ladies of Albany bate visited me and treated me with respect, and I thank them. I have read the Bible a good deal since I have been in jail and I shall die nappy. I don't fear death. I have feared it and since I have been in jail I have suDor ed deatb twenty times, I think. I feel now that I shall die happy. He whs led to a seat on tbe opposite side of tbe scaffold, and tbe Rev. J. B. Callaway knelt with him and engaged in prayer for a few minutes, after which tbe Sheriff again conducted the prisoqer to the sido of the scaffold, and be spoke again as follows . One more word,. Ladies and Gentlemen: I have been charged witb having money bid or put away. I do not know where there is a single dollar. God knows I do not know where there is a single dollar ol Sidney Smith s money. Tho man who don't believe this is a had man, I ilni K. If I knew where there wa any money I would tell. God knows I would not take one dollar from those cbiiaren. They will get what I have, and I am glad of it. Tuis is all I have to say. I will now bid you all good bje. 'i Wben bo bad finished speaking be was con ducted by tbe Sheriff to a chair placed on tbe drop. He maintained his stoical composure, though he became weak while addressing tbe crowd and bis voice husky, nod he faltered con siderably. After being seated over the drop, the rope was immediately put upon bis neck and adjusted, and at twenty minuteB before one o'clock the drop was let rait, and Thomas Smith, guilty before God of one of tbe deepest dyed and most atrocious murders to be lound on the criminal record, was ushered into eter nily. Two or three spasmodic jerks -or tbe feel were all tbe motions made by the body Everything was arranged in the most com plete manner about tbe scaffold.' Sheriff Richardson is deserving of great credit for the quiet, orderly and perfect manner wllb which everything relating to the execution was conducted. . The moat deplorable sight connected witb the whole transaction was to see so many persons of every nge, conditioo and sex pretcnt to witness a human being die an ignominious death. Of this feature of the affair we shall speak hereafter. Albany Jour mal Protection ron Utah I The Montana Post says : w have seen tbe cop) or a despatcn sent to Soil Lake City, on the 13'b, by Gen. Sherman, Commander of the: Department of the West. It reads : "BMgbam Youiig : You are the head of the Mormon Church, and if any more murders are committed in Utah such as thnt of Mr. Brassfiold, I shall bold you res ponsible." To the Gentiles he said': You shall be protected, and if you have not troops enough now, I will give you all you need." The first lot of cotton , raised in - Snn Joa quin county, California, consisting of three bales, was shipped from Stockton recently. It was sent to the cotton mill at Oakland, to be manufactured into cloth for grain sacks. There are not many countries in this world in which they raise their own cotton and wheat sida by side. ' .' ' Thr members of Columbia Lodge of Old Fellows witb the Grand Lodge and friends made an excursion over the O. S. N. Co's Railroad to Celilo to-dnr. . Everything pass ed off nicely and all hands enjoved them selves well, considering the sligbt foot mists. . . Web- AUCTION W coinmoN EC q -r-j g j No. 100 MAO STREET, DALLES. THE UNDER8IONED THANKFUL FOR PAST Favors, respectfully Informs the cititens of the Dulles, and the public generally, that ho continues to sell at ' PUBLIC AUCTIOIV OK PRIVATE SALE, Real Estate, General Merchandise, tilOCvi lt'8, , . UorweN, : Mules. Furnlfure, ' - Mock, &.C, &.e. BEGULAR BALK DAYS, Tuesdays and Saturdays. Cash Advances made on Consignments, Aort PROMPT RETURN m ue of sales. Out door aud Spocial Bales attended to in any part ol the city. JOHN WILLIAMS, Auctioneer. TwEXTY-FtvB girls were recenily turned out of tbe United States Treasury for quarrelling. Spkino. Nowls the timetopurllyyour blood. Hull'. 8 inuparllla. Yellow Dock aud Iodido of Potass Is decide' ly the best thing in ujo for that purpose, gold by drug gists everywhere. RcliKtou Notice. CirnoLio Chciioh Morning service : lias., at 10 o'clock. Evening setvico: V papers and Benediction, at 7 .Vlock. Sunday School at 2 o'clock, p. ni. aSidtf FATHER L. DIELBMAN, Pastor. Columbia Lodge, No. S, I. O. O. F. Meet, every Friday evening at 7. o'clock, lu Gates Hall, vomer of Second and Court 8treet. Brothers in good standing are invited to attend. )y order. N.O. Wasco Lodge, No. 15, A. F. & A. 91. Holds its stated Coinmnnlcittiun" on the Fiift and Third Mondays of etch month, at their hall. In Dalles City. Brethren in good standing are invited to attend. iiy order onue w. u. Bitu L. Pops, 8ec'y. NOTICE. TrkURINO MY ABSENCE MR. W. LORD 1 authorized JLF to transact my business. Any persons knowing themselves indebted to mo, will please call upon mm. Dalles, May 16, 1806. mylthvl it. II. WOOD. Notice to Democrats.' M It. OILMAN having declined the nominating as Candidate of tbe Democratic Durtv for County Commissioner, we do hereby nominate JOHN W1L- L1AMH lu bis steau. M.BisnuiJiii, llwl Cli n Dem. Co. Committee. rsrv I. Schooner Ptrttverawx and half the schooner Jfa- pia, froiu Torence' tluln, all debt against tlio above named Boats must be presented to me b" the '20th day of May. ASA STIUIMU. Dalles, May 3. IS'fl. miouz. ITtrald copy, 2 weeks, and send bill to this office. pnoifrBiiJituAif's -MA' Grid OIL, For Sale by GATES ft CHAl'IN. ALSO, AGENTS FOB DR. DUNCAN'S Whooping Cough Specific. J . jJ TJ K E R , Main Street, Dalles, WHQUSA1I AMD RETAIL DEALER IS CIGARS. TOBACCO, SNUFF, . PIPES, &c. ALT ATS IN STORE THE DEBT DBAHDS OF Cigars, Tobacco, Matches, &c. P LAYING CARDS. POCKKT CUTLERY, PORT MONIE8, ' . COM IIS and BltUBIIES, o' all kinds, PEHFUMKHY. ot every description. CHINA ORNAMENTS - TOYS, DOLLS, etc. FISH HOOKS and FISniNO TACK LB, MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS, FANCY GOODS. Ac. Also Powder.Shot. Load. Powder Flasks. Baskets, and many ether articles too numerous to mention. Interior dealers supplied with Cigars. Tobacco, etc. at less than Portland prices, with freight added, oc-8 SELLING OFF AT COST ! J. GOETZ & CO.. STONE BUII.DINO, WASHINGTON STREET, DALLK3, . Offer their well-sclectod stock of TOBACCO, PIPES, YANKEE NOTIONS, X AND STATIONERY, .HE A OTIC 12. UNDERSIGNED HAVING BOUGHT the AT SAN FRANCISCO COST. mr27tf Death of a Vktkuan Puintbii. Tbe Balti more Sun mentions tbe deatb of Col. Robert Carr, an old aod wrll-koown citizen of Puila. dclnliia, on the 15tb of March, In his eighty ninth year. He was A printer Rod publisher in tbe early part of tbe present century, nod among other works printed some of Torn Mooie's while that celebrated Irish bard was in this country.. Col. Carr learned his trade in Benjamin Franklin's old printing office, but of course after Franklin bad retired. Be bad, however, a vivid recollection of Franklin. He wab a soldier of tbe war of 1912, an early member, of tbe Pennsylvania Historical So ciety, and also of the Typographical Associa tion, and was highly esteemed by a large circle ot friends. '. ' . Tin Civil Rights Bill has been charged with granting BUlTroge to negroes, Kanakas and Chinamen, although that ronstruction cannot ia justice be placed upon it as originally pub lished, yet it now appears that as given to the publio through tbe press originally it lucked the final or 12th clause, which provides lha,t 11 nothing in the bill shall be construed to in terere witb the regulation of tbe suffrage in FRED. L1EBE, GROCERY, PROVISION, - AND FRUIT STORE Washington Street, opposite French ft Oilman's, Dalles. lliu on hand a large aud well-assorted stocK ol GROCERIES & PROVISIONS, Fresh Butter &. HZgrga, Received dally. A large lot of CIIICKKNS always on hand. FRUITS of nil kinds. F11KS1I VEGETAULES every morning. AU articles warranted. Give Me a Call, Everybody PRICKS LOW. a18:tf F. L1F.DE. J. F. KELLOGG, DENTIST, AIbIia St., Dalles, Oregon. A FTKR NEARLY SIXTEEN YEARS 2. Pmctlco la hi" profesKlon, would, bfei renpucumiy iiiiurm nit) i-imkuiis ui hid Dalles mil the miotic Konerally. that h has leHffil tho Dental Olllce Intoly occupied liy J. W. GUItLEY, Dentist, where he can bo found prepared to-at- teud to those requiring ins provisional services. Orncs ftonas From 8 o'clock, A. to 12 x; and from 1 o clock, T. M. to 5 r. M. - inllll GATES & CIIA1?I2V WHOLESALE a RETAIL . DRUGGISTS, STONE DUILDINO, WASHINGTON STREET, DALLES, OREGON, i . . Importers and Jobhcrs of TATENT MKDICINE3, CHEMICALS i FANCY GOODS, SODA, CORKS ft ACIDS, r-" OILS, ALCOHOL, PURE WINES A LIQUORS, PAINTS, GLASS A BRUSHES. piiysicians"' rREscmruoxs Accurately compcundod. ' . . PHOTOGRAPHIC EMPORIUM. Afuilnnd comnlnta nssnrtmnnt nf Mil rti..i tn ' Photographic Lino, at a SMALL ADVANCE ON SAN FRANCISCO I'KICKS. $ Merchants will please get our prices bcroro order ing below. . U. L.UUAPIN, JUSTIN GATES. Dalles. Sacramento, Col. LAST CIIAIVCE! WE WOULD OAT.T. THE ATTENTION OF THR public to tho luct that we ure closlug out our- stoeiL or t CLOTHING, DRY GOODS, &C, &Q., At Greatly Reduced Rates, And offer barga ns which cannot full to satlnfv nnvll wanting articles in our line. " J. li. DICKKUSON, Dealer In all kinds of GROCERIES & GRAIN, - AT TUB Lowest CmsIi Hates. also; ... JOSLYN & CURTIS' BUTTER, On hand, and received Fresh every week. Come One, Come All, an 'I Give mo a Call, AT CONSKIl A DtliTBlfS OLD STND. RANCH BUTTER! l ft ?ryr T"rm rimlc fn'nnantltlosto wilt, st Fair "Warning' ! YB INTEND CLOSING OUR RUSINKSS HERE hv tho FIRST OF JUN H next, and we take this up. portunity of onco more cnlllnir i pon those indebted to us to carl anil settle. We will not, If wo can help It place any of our accounts in the hands of local crileel tore; but If obliged to do so, v.o shall .have raoouriio-to : "'WU1 . ,v , M. BROWN A BRO. DALLES & UOCKLAIl Jeery; LandingFoot of In I on Street. THE PROPRIETORS ARE NOW I'REPARED WITU STAUNCH AND ROOMY BOATS, to eross Travelers, Horses & Stock, Tn a Snfo nni expedltlon manner, and at Reusviuift!.