- :. ... ,:;,,:..,.,; , ,. .0). vol. r; DALLES, OREGON, THURSDAY, MAY; 1, 180a. NO. "ST. PUBLISHED EVERY EVENING, i.- (SUNDAY KXOKPrKD.) BY ' E. G. COHAE a. J. HALLORAN, IDIT.OHS AND PltOl'UIKTOlU. Terms irWny;iiie cents per week, payatdejo the carrier per month, by mail, $1; throe mouth., t2&0; aix . months, to; one year, $S. Advertisements iuaerted at , Every description of plain aud tauoy Job Printing exe mud with uuatiioas and despatch, and forwarded per enter to any part of tiie country. yMmlJor Job Print ir must us mud tin illlru 11 fim-i V. If. Bftll I fjl.ANKi Prauticul Watchmakci', And Dealer In nE WATCHES . JEWELRY, DALLES, OREGON. ' ; ltabliuheU IWGT-. ' SEALERS IN . . ''; CORNER OF Alain and Union Streets, Dulles .1.0. ItALfiWIN iuii21-tf F, W, BALDWIN FURNITURE! FURNITURE DIERLAM Sc WENTZ, -1 NIT(Jfc ' Gl.ODK IIOTKL BC1LDIN0. Household Furniture, yr Lembracing Tables, Chairs, Bureaus bC Beds and lleditcada, Bedding, Carpete to., etc., all of which will lie auld at low rates. Furniture . Itopaired, and Upholstering dune to order. Also,ou hand ' Mattroaaaaad Pillows. Spring Rods made toorder. aul2 WM. MOAB0S. 0. B, KCKUKL. WM, MOABUS &.CO., i -r m xr ti a r t- -m r -rr AND - provision store; ' Cofnor of First and D StroetJ. WHOLES ALU AND RKTAI L DKALKKS In BREAD, CRACK KI18 and Family GUOCKIUKS. ttjOrdora froui a distance carefully filled andprompty ispatcneri. 1-11 JOSEPH JSLltSLsT, WnOII8.lL! AND RETAIL DEALER IN Fancy & Staple Dry Goods, CLOTHING, BOOTS AND SHOES, UA. TS AND VAI'S,-ANU : Gentlemen's Furnishing Goods Fire proof Stone. Stnro, corner of Main and Court streets. - oc-u IBU.TE-1.SO.Y & ornihiA, ATTOFIMEYS & COUNSELLORS AT LAW HHTILL I'RACTICH IN THE 8UPREMK AND 01R yf cult Courts of Oregon, aud the District Courts 0 v nrtiiniKion xerntury. Particular attention raid to thevcoflectlon of claims. 0. IIUMASON Dalles, O.'n. J. A. ODKLL. ITUXtJMSllKO lOtMS TO LET, By the Night, Week or Month, NEXT DOOU'tO JACKSON ENGINE HOUSE, niitf 'MRS. 8PREN0E1I. LAMSIEY, CR0WELL& CO,, IMPORTERS AND WHOLESALE ... , .. ; Corner of Clay and Battery Sts . SAN FliANCISCO. mh22:d0m. " : : 74. - 7.1. Wl: BROWN WARNER. M. D. OFFICE 74 SECOND STREET, between Washington and Court. Ornci Hours 0 to 12, A. m.; 2 to 4 t.M. and 8 to 10, . llt. IS. W. MITOHELI . Office WALBRONJS, BUILDING. RBBinENOB Corner nf 1'lnrd and AVaiililiiirtnn Htrents. C. Hi IJIJOQICS, M. 1. Oflice At Ir. Cvfiin'i Drujt Store. DALLKS. 0REG0f. .; NOTICE. ' WE OAT.T.Tlil? ATTKNTI0N OF TIIE PflBI.TO to the fact, that wo have cnnotudpd to (live tipb i )ne ,., there ore. nil parlies Indebted to its MUST P Y TP WITHIN NINETY DAYS or log"' pwwdlngn W II 1'' ftfc Jti i J 11 &. U 1 j .tl A L , 11IP0RTMHB AMD WB0LK8ALI ' !' Dealers in Wines, Liquors . Cilt-ooKitiii:!-, Miners' Goods, Uoat stores, &c. BATl UM0TD 10 TUSIE NtW STONE BUILDING, oouiiBor Second and Washington Streets. " DALIES CITY. NOW IN STORE A LAKOB AND COMPLETE At sortiucnt of the very beat brands of , wines And liquors. Also, a lull assortment of ' ' GROCERIES & STAPLE GOODS. sT- Constantly receiving our supplies direct front Now York and San Francisco, we are able and willing to sell at a very small advauoe on Ban Francisco prices. They hope by adopting a atrlctly sorrect and prompt method 01 doing business, they will receive the patronage of the pub- selu-11 UMATILLA HOUSE. DALLES, OREGON. IIANDLEY & SIMVOTT, I'rop'rs. THIS POPULAR BOUSI, 0SNTRALLT LOCATED, Near the Steamboat Landing & Railroad Depot, Has beeu recently enlarged aud Improved, and will now at'commudate 300 'GUESTS. '; frTWILLBK CONDUCTED as heretofore, as a FIRST Jl CLASS 110 IMF., and the patronage of the traveling public la respectfully aoliclteo, 49 HngiTAge taken to the House free of charge. House open an lugui, LARGE FWE-PROOF SAFES TO DEPOSIT VALUABLES Dalles, Oct. 4-tf. . EMPIRE HOTEL, MAIN STRUT, DALLES, OREOOaV THOMAS SMITH, Proprietor. A FIRST-CLASS HOUSE. IN TBI CENTRE OP BUSINESS,' Noar the Steamboat and Bailroad Landings Superior Accommodationa for Families and can Ac :oiumodute Ouo Hundred aud Filty Uuests. , . Meals .60 est. . Lodging..... 60 eta. Fire Proof Safe for deposlteof valuablos. t(3. House open all night. Baggage taken tothellouas ree 01 charge. Til JUAB SMITH, mh8-tf .. Proprietor. CO TJMBIA RIVER MINES. A. R. BOOTH, 1 WHITE BLUFFS, W. T., FORWARDING AND COMMISSION MERCHANT, . - AND GENERAL DEALER IN "' ) - ME RO IIANDI8E ; "... ' AND . iT11I F, RS SUPPLIES. PACK WD 8 ADDLE H0B3ES FOB SALE. fTlRlJIGHTa C0NSIONFD to my enre fur Oolvllle V Kootenai, or the Unoer Columbia Mines, will re cetve prompt attentlun. White Ululls, Oct. 1st, 180. oc atl NfEW -fUVIT, Ci&lOCUKV AND ' PROVISION STORE. , 'PHB TJNDERSI0NED INFORMS niS FRIK.ND8 and 1 the public genorally, tlint he has Just established on Malbstreot, next door to J. Juker, Tobacconist, ' " A NEW STORE I where bo keens ennatnntly on baud a large assortment 0 selorted KUUIT. Also,-ln store acompletostock ofcholo. VUUUEK1HS. rKOVJMVNN, V,UJiTAtSljlili, . All of which will be sold, wholesale nnd retail, at HE DU0KD PRICESr Come and aee and aatlafy yourself. sel8-tf- , . JOHN BP0SIT0. COLUMBIA RIVER MINES! A. R. BOOTH,. ..........HAEUT NEV180N. BOOTH &, NEVISON, Fortvirding and CommtaUon Merchanta . AND DELERS IN OENERAT MEROnANDISB, , Wliltb HliilTW, AV. T, E FREIGHT FOR COLVILLH. UPPER COLUMBIA, KOOTENAI and III.ACKKOOT MINES nrumntlv lorwardrd. . . Mark QoodaD. N. Wl.lt; Bluffs, W. T, , : ' ' '- ' REP RINCES I . . . Portland Rlcharda It McCraken, Alloa 1 Lewis, and . , - Ih.das A Cnlef. Dalus Dloch, Miller k Co., French t Oilman. M. BROWN & BROa. WB0LEBALS AND RETAIL DEALERS IS FANCY AND BTAPLB DEYGOOD S! GROCERIES, PROVISIONS. &o. , Mr. M. nuOWN, bftlnir a rofJnnt of Fnti frwiclnco. wt ire oitnliled (o offer trren( lnlr!mtintit to parchMdr. ,Wf Democratic State Ticket. FOR CONGRESS: JAIUL M. TAV, : OUackson. FOR GOVERNOR: ' .'. JAMES It. KELLY, : 01 Waaco. FOR SECRETARY OF STATE: LAFA1ETIE LANE, Of Multnouiah. . ' FOR STATE TREASURER: JOUAi V. IIELL, , Of Marlon. . - , I , , FOR STATE PRINTER: . ., JAMES O'ME IRA, . Of Linn. IfOR PROSECUTING ATTORNEY FIFTH DISTRICT. , J, II. SLATER, " Of Union. . . , . Democratic County Ticket, For RcprrBtuiutivesj 0. IIUMASON, . ' F. T. DOUUB. Fur Sheriff, ' ' ; y A. W. FERGUSON. For Oltrk, . . .:. ' F.S.HOLLAND. ". ' .. For Treasurer, 1 A.W.BUCHANAN. . For Commlasioners, O. F. HERBERT, JOnN WILLIAMS. . ' For Astossor, , ,' . HARRISON CORUM. For School Superintendent, ' ; ' ' E.P.FITZGERALD. . '. .' , For Survojror, ., ; . W. T. NEWOOMB. -.i .. ' ' JFor Coroner,) .' '.'.. DR. C. B. BROOKS.' Virginia City, Montana & Blackfoot OVERLAND STAGE LINE! ; BEX. IIOLLIDAT, Proprietor. COXCORD STAGES LEAVE BOISE CITY EVERY OTHER DAY FOR . ULACKFOOT, Salt Lake City, Denver City, MISSOURI RIVER, Connecting at SALT LAKE CITY with Concord Stages . Running to '. ; Virjrliaia City, Nevada, AND SACRAMENTO, CALIFORNIA. IT AUKi Boise City to Pnlt kike rity 100 00 " " ," Vlridnla City, Montana 126 00 . " Missouri Hlver, Legal Tender J300, Oold, (100 400 00 For further Information apply at . ' OVERLAND STAOR LINE OFFICE, llolsewCtty, I. T., J. N. TODD, Agent.? mh6d3m TO TEAMSTERS AND DAIRYMEN! FEED! FEED tV '''"silOXttTSi.': " AND or ALL KINDS, TOR SAE BY i i . it. irtiAw.ni k JI Fropt Street, Portland, , nl9:tf. "Tfl"" 1 Opposite 0. 8. N. Warehouse. N. H. OATKI. ' GATES Se HAIN'T, Union State Ticket FOR CuftUKESS ' RUFUS MALLOnr, ,, Of Marlon. - . . , - (FOR GOVERNOR1! f GEO. L. U OODS, , . .Of Wasco. , . . , t . TOR SECRETARY OF STATE: SAMUEL E. MAY, Of Marlon. T0R STATE TREASURER: . E. . COOKE, Of Marlon. FOR STATE PRINTER: w. a. Mcpherson1, Of Linn. , j FOR V R'OSECUTINa ATTORNEY F1PTH1)ISTRICT: C.R.MEIGS, . Of Wasco. . Union County. Ticket . For Representatives, '' ' , H. A.HOGUE, ... , . , r , O. B. K05QEL. : r . For Sberiff, 1 B. W. CRANDALL. ; For Clerk, f. K. B. REED, . .' .... For Treasurer", . , O. W. WALDR0N. ,- . ... For CommlBBioner, 1 R. MAYS, R. H. WOOD. . For Assessor, ; , 1 -; L. L. ROWLAND. '' For School SuperlDtendOnt, " T.CONDON. - i ' ! ' For Surveyoi',' '.: ' ' 1 W.B.CAMPBELL. 1 For Coroner, ' , ' DR. W. 8 WARNER. A CARD FOR THE Spring & Summer Clothing Trade, OF SAN FRANCISCO, r BADGER &LINDENBER6ER, HJ. 411,413 and 415 Batterr Street, Cor. Merchant, Ban Franclaco. , t Importers and Wholesale Dealers. ENTIBE NEW AND FRESH STOCK WE WOULD CALL ATTENTION of Country Mer chnnta to our usually lance stock of Goods. Our stock comprises every article In tl Clothing and Fur- ' nishlng Due. We havo constantly on. hand the lnrccst -and greatest variety of Casslmuro and. Wool II ATS ot any house in Ban Francisco, and our prl c. for theajs Qotxliare less than those of any house, as wo receive tnem airoct iron) me manufacturers consiirnmont. our stock of Summer and Fall Goopa Is particularly attract ive, and the great feature to the country merchant la the unusually low prices. :. less Than tno Cost of Importation! - We also keen the STAPLE ARTICLES In the Dry Goods line, which Oooda We have purchased In this hiaidcet un der the hammer, and are offering them at Now Yolk Cost, and less. m , We publish this card In order that wo may make new acquaintances, and induce those whobav not heretofore , purchasbd of us, to call and examine our stock. Good Articles and Low Prices! Are the greatest Inducements to all who purchase to ell again. Merchants who bny of ui can make a good profit, and sell to their customers at a low figure. W remain, rospeatfully, . Your Obedient servants, DADOKll A I.INDENBERGER, ' t Wholesale Clothing aud Hat Warehouse. ' , NoS.4U.4ia and 416 Battery atrM-t, . Bon Francisco, April 20,1806. , . . ; 8mw. AI11S. LISICSEIt'S FRENCH MILLINERY STORE, Dress Making Establishment, . Opposite Coha 4t Behm'l, . I WOULD CALL TUB TTENTION of the Ladle. 6 the Dalles to my larce aud fine stock of FLOWERS, EMBROIDERY, ilONNETS, HATS, FEATHERS j Dross Trlmiiiliia:1. , Having secured the services of MRS. FRARY, In tba Drnaa Making apartment, we will do all work In that Hue jnid arnnrnntee perfect satlsfaotuKU. . i im anno in an colors. . 1 , Give rue an enrlv call and t will endeavor' to suit everybody In TAHTK and at REASONABLE PRICES. "in '""1 1 1