gailg lllonntaiuccr. Epitome of Telegraphic News. COMPILED rOX TUB OHIOONUK. DATES TO MAT 13. aiWinflon, May,, 13. Judge Underwood, wlio arrived yesterdny rnorniag from Nor folk, with a copy of the indictment against Jeff. Davis for treason, was In consul ati"a Kll day with Assistant Attorney Ooncral Asliton. Speed being temporarily absent la Kentucky. It is currently stated that Jeff, will be tried on this indictment when the United States Circuit Court reassembles at Hichmonilhto which place it is now adjourn ed to meet early in June; that Chief Justice Chase will preside, and that. Attorney Gen eral Speed will be nssist-d iu the prosecution by Ex-Governor Clifford, of Mass., and Mr. M. Evernt, of New York. "The test of the indictment is not yet made public, but it is said to be similar to the bill reported by the Grand Jury of Alexandria several months since, which the Government did not prose cute. Judge Underwood's charge to the Grand Jury on Tuesday May 8th, clearly sets lortn tner auty to act fearlessly, even though their fidelity might bring them ene mies and murderous assaults as had been the case with a previous grand jury. Ia this connection he adverted to his charge to tbe grand jury preceding them, and said ho would not express himself now as be believed xuoy ai Knew tne sentiments no baa ex pressed. Since then peace had been ' de clared, the writ of habeas corpus restored! recently President Johnson had expressed a desire that no such subordinates as;Wlrti should be brought to punishment for treason. but that the chief traitors should be tried; it was against tnese leading offenders that he would nave them act, and punish the prin cipals not the tools. .It' bad been decided -lUatsich offenders mast be tried in Virginia, At tbe North there had been much complaint of tbe tardiness ia bringing them to trial. The delay bad been unavoidable. There was no need for further delay, however, and lie hoped tbe time bad come when it would be shown that treason was held here as a crime meriting tbe highest pnnlsbment. lie urged that tbe most of the people of tbe State who sided with rebelliou and took up rms couia not oe held accountable for trea. son. Those who had imposed upon tbe credulity and ignorance of the masses, and incited mem to rebel against the Govern ruent be would have punished. There was no obstacle in tbo way of bringing indict ments against all tbe leaders in tbis rebel lion, paroiea prisoners as well as tbe un paroled. . Judge Underwood announced thai Justice Chase would be in attendance to preside in June. The grand jury then retired, and on Thursday brought in aft indictment against -Jen. Davis, when Judge Underwood adjourn cu me uourt to iiicnmona. Tbo judiciary committee who have been tnakinginquiries as to what evidence exists in regard to Jeff. Davis' complicity in the assassination of Lincoln, have been unable to get -any response from the Secretary of ataio snowing tbe reasons for tne famous proclamation of May. 1865. It is understood that the committee will call on tbe President before making a report to the House. "sprins is uoaiKo." Tbe Vedettt says that the decisions or Ju )ge Drake, of the U. 8. Court of Utah, denying tbe right of the Probate Courts, to issue naturalization papers nd refusing American citliemhip to poly. gamists, have excited - much comment and caused some frothy words from the pack oi law-defying polygamists of Utah. We have but one consolation to extend to them. It is offered after the style of Police' Judge Clinton of this city, In-bis remarks to a citizen who had resented an insult' offered to his wife, " Spring is coming and if you do not like tbe laws of tbe United States you ean leave." Rowdoes the boot appear when' placed on tbe other foot T ' " -The celebrated Donald McDonald,: better known as ".wells', has. returned, to Idaho and resumed bis old occupation- as a miner. Some of bis old friends at Centerville1 gave him a reception on bis retnrn, Bring a few an vils and getting general!? jolly. McDonald I'm certHialy won all the congratulations wnicn do received. Ths Boisi Tradi Sacramento papers no tice tne departure ol a large number of wag ons, Heavily freighted, for tbe Boise country Tit Hull limn inninllnB4 nfkw . ... . . r . ' land friends, IS .doubtless owing to tbe fact tbat so much of tbe trade and travel from California to Boise goes overland. W. W. Staletmati. . r : . ' .r " , : . : ' It is proposed to hold a National labor Convention in Bnltimore', In' December next. to take steps to secure tbe' passage of Eight Hoar' laws in all' tbe States, and foPother purposes connected with' the ''interests of labor. ' '- -i a- 0.8. Mm, - , Dalle.. i rranctsco. Bloch, Miller & Co., WHOLESALE GROCER S , 9 AND DEALERS IN Wines & Liquors. And Importers and Jobber of CLOTHING Boots fc Shoes, ' ' Underclothing:, r r Blankets, etc., . etc.,' etc. ASSAY OFFICE.1 WE niVB AN AS8AT OFFICE IN CONNECTION with our hnalne, under-th entire supervision of Mr. Miller. We make returns In Bars la six boars. We guarantee all our Assays and pay tba HIGHEST CASH PRICK for Bar. We also pay the Highest Cash Prlca for Gold Dust. liLOCII, MILLKK CJ, mj6tf Cor. Main and Washington streets. Dalle. ' ft 3J ; DEALERS 15 f , ; HARDWARE, a IRON &, STEEL. , GROCERIES. BY THE PACKAGE, FOE OA.SBC," CC At San Francisco Prices, Adding coat of Transportation. CUMMINO k GRANT, mlStf Dalle. Oregon . LATEST NEWS! . ALI, THE yfgjf LATEST v. EUROPEAN, EASTERN AND CALIFORNIA NEWSPAPERS & MAGAZINES Becelved Regularly every iteamer, by S. J. McCOBMICK, FRMKLL BOOKSTORE, 105 Front Street Portland Paper and Magazines packed and . Forwarded by mail or Eiprea TO ANT PART OF THE MINES In Oregon, Washington, Idaho or Montana. Subscriptions Received fcr any NEWSPAPER OS MAGAZINE PUBLISHED . New Books, Muiio, to., by every Steamer, S3o7boo WORTH Of BOO IC S a STATIONERY AND 4 FANCY GOODS, CHEAP FOU CASH. 19dlw2w -,- i AOARD. 1A YADAMB US TEI.UER WOULD RESPECTFUL!,' IVjSl Inform the Ladle of the Dalle and vicinity, that she is now pronared to do all kinds of DRESS. CLOAK. and PALETOT making. Also, CUTTING and FITTING in a new ana improved style, never be Tore introduced In this place. She will warrant to give satisfaction, and would most respectfully solicit a liberal patronage. In th Room latelv oocUDled bv Mrs. White, over Degener Store, on Washington street, between Second ao J Third. ... Dalle, March 97th, 1808 ' , mr27tf NEW YORK UAKISHY ,L ;': '"'and''' ';;;'" ' GROCERY STORE Main Street Dalleg. ml&tr FREDERICK BENZER. NOTIC1J. i 1,1. prpravo TNnicnTKn t h. . i respectfully remieated to come and aett i. tZl.Z counU within TUIUTY DAYS, and save costs. A. I. RLOCR k CO, JOSiiYlW AND SJUKTl' lili 1 1 fcill At 50 ceatt per pound, For Sale by ' : i 'j. B. DICKERBONV' niMi , ' i. . ) .-'r Second Street, KO'l'I4:ii. REMOTlNO Ut RESIDENCE Td'ctATSOP, Mb! II. J. WALDRON will act as my Agent, and I an l&uo V. Biooa, woneea to rrstivt ail Bonn a dm. , aSMlis A.B. BTEKLE, II. S, itauiiiuiihuus., f Wholesale & Retail Druggists, Malm Street, Dalit, Oregon. ,v ., i WE NOW OCCUPY OUR NEW TWO 8T0RTFIRK nroof Stitne Imllfllnfr. nntuwItA Hlnih. Mllla A iroof Stone bulldlnir. nnnoaita lUnch. Millar Jk I Co., and onor to the rnfclic a roll and coninleta-stock at I Drugs, Medicines. anil CHomlcals, consisting In part of KEROSENE, LAMP WICKS k CUlEYi UOPS, ' y SAGE. ' ' ' ' . r SPONGES, LKKCHKS, " TURPENTINE, ACIDS, LINSEED, liAKil, IX1KKM, CACTOR AND . INDIGO ANT NKATSFOOT OIL, LANPBLACS TRUSSES, SHOULDER BRACES.' SUPPORTERS. PATKNT MEDICINEH. Oar stock of FANCY GOODS I of the finest and but quality; new styiraonn larg aeoorttnents, luch a jjuiiinorrjitiunRKi, UAKK, COSMETICS 11AT,. " UAIKOILS, ' v CL0THE8, COLOGNE, ' TOOTH AND FANCY SOAPS AND NAILBRUSHES TOOT II POWDERS, , AND COMBS. FTJRE WINES AND LIQUORS, or Medicinal purpose. . ... . Our facilities fbr buvlns? srooda are aeonnd to nniM In the Stat, vid we shall at all timer sell, at a amaH ad vance Irom cost. Hea.1T sales and snuiH profit. . PMSICIAXSV PRESCRIPTIONS Carefully compounded at all hour of tbe day and night. lu.ies,oepi.v, looo. eiO-lf VKBY IMPORTANT .. TO Merchants, Families, Hotels and HAH.ROOMH TULIUS KRAEMER HAVING BOUGHT THE EN- tv tire Stock of Herchandlie and Book Accounts of the taJ? 5rI? 2f M 1 Ml" Co- ,n tUt wb,,!h h" added of hi. own Importation (while doing buslnen k, Crockery, Glassware, Plated Ware, Lamps, Chandelier, Table Cutlery Ii00klnt;-Glages and All Kinds of Oils. ' All of which he offer at reduced rate. Person wish IK to buy any of the above-mentioned articles, will do ell to give me a call before purchasing elsewhere. . wen ro giro me a can oeiora pnronaaing elsewhere. . Orders from the interior promptly attended to, and goods packed to go secure. Don't fail to call on m. , Budl7.8ton.fiulldtaaiWa.hlnrton.treet. Dalle. .. ; .. . iUluUH SknAAUfiH, Dalle. March lTth, lgOt. mbHtf ONE HUNDRED MILES SAVED CL ACKFOOT & BIG BEND MINES BT WAY OF White Bluffs ! THE SHORTEST AND SAFEST ROAD For Land. Travel.- Distance from Dalle to White BlufiV.........., ) mile " , Whit BlaB to Pen d'OieUle... ,.160 -170 . w " toColvlll.. Traveler by land for either of the above Gold rinMa SaYeTImc Distance and Money By taking the Whit BInffi Head. Wood, Water and Grass Are found on thlt Road within easy drive: The road is now open, and Dosaesse adsantama v muj uuiqr inii.i ruble iruin n. 1aiiee. nnilsitea ky order or THE CITIZENS Ot THE DALLES. Dalles, March, 20, 1866. . - m3ft2m. B. DOUGLASS, (Successor to William Birnbamn.) PEACTICAL WATCHMAKER, am auta ui Iine ;Vatclies AlSTD JEWEL R Y, TNTITES TIIE ATTENTION OF HIS FRIENDS AND M. tb Public to his choice selection of . New and Fashionable Goods, Respectfully soliciting their patronage. Wa'ches PROMPTLY and PROPERLY repaired and WAKKANTJKU. niMf Next Door to the Post Office,. F . T E H M , Watchmaker and Jeweler, , MAIN STREET, DALLES, DEALER IN PINE WATCHES. JEWELRY, OI0KS,Oold Pens, Stiver and Plated Ware, ' Spectacles, unviery, c. ' ' . t Partlcnlar attention pM to rapalrlaa tne' Watches, Clock, Jewelry, etc All Watnke repaired by me warranted lor iweiv monin. N. B. All order from the upper oonntry, by Eiprea or otherwise, promptly aiienaea to. I ' UlsBOlutiou Notice. mrOTICB 18 IIEREBY GIVEN, thai tb HI aMp heretofore existing between 1. N. EVANS and A. W. DAVIS, In the Livry Btabl biulneea, has been dissolved; tht A. W. Davis I indebted to the co partnership and that a bill b equity ha been Sled fot the settlement of the co partnership accounts. AU per sons are notified that A. W. Davl ha no powar tail raw of the pioperty, nor contract det)a on th credit , DaUM,ABrnB,lSM. . I .. , a33dUk PPflTMTTTTTVT 11 bTIk'T'I r Uorneb o BEqKr:AjiiA!8iNo mxstv DAUBS, OREGON', ! r - ..f 'c'"' ' - ' fiu UNDERSIGNED havlna fitted no the rO abov laarket in the kK-T ST VIA will keen cons ran. alaaJlaSi ly on band all sorts of - rresu and Cured iwonfa. Of the-best quality furnished at the LOWEST RATI juy mono 1 to " PLEASE ALL." P11,?!1?8 nA"NG "SUPERIOR wittdowell toeallatth Franklin Mark lllW,Febraa.ylMh,MaK, ri ' tntiiia o COURT AND SECOND- STREETS, DALLES, OEEOOS wan micheibacH, Proprietor. wiavj KEEP '-.0 constantly on hand all the varla- i allord.of , . r itiea um ma autkHtn mu ki ' FRKSII &: CTJRI$r MEATS, ana aiwayt or tlx btf ijnnllty. FAMILIES,-' HOTEL'S,' AND STEAMBOATS nppiled on reasonable terms. Tbe undenlcneq It alwavs neeuared tn. n.. tk. i.ik. est cash p,lce for FAT OATTI.K. Partlw Wving stock la good coaditlen, are requested t call on blm belor nir Dalies, March Met, 1888, AUVMELBACll. , . ,. , Blll81tf NOTICE TO FARMERS. rrmM!,MS8K"MB15S AND MANUFACTVRIN8 jSL COMPANY ha rmntly attacked a.- . JB JL'- URINQ MILL to their Steam Sash and Door Factnn thi. ru. ,re now P"Pred CUOPFKED, GRIND WMKAT !2 CORN, and warrant to give th.b.rt t 1.1 nt Ob VYTHA V1UTTV vrnmt 11 J. '"' SECONDS Oft WIDdLinM, BKAN AND SHORTS, "' ' " CHOP IEEi CUICKEN VEEDw , ABjo. as Sunerlor wttUVrnuM ima' m ' . Corn. 7" "" "w ?t Ete" morketprlcepall for WHEAT, CORN a I a . -w-ar-a, - 1 I VJT. JACiV.AFOTt,X) I .IMPOOTJii in. . IMPORTSA AND JOBBER Of .; Wines Sc Lionora. J. "T II . : ont stbeet. I - - - Oi-caram. . f,0B T,M L" "sw' Brandies, ' Wlneg, . :;; ' ' ;.! ; I4quors V:, i (, : , . Casef Goods, '&C . &C.e ' Ac; " .' I ; Th Trade i aartlcaiaely I write to aaamln m stock before purcbasing eleewnete. .. lualtt II. HERMAN & CO.. MAIN ST., DALLES, OPPOSITE EMPIRE HOTEL, nA?.f.ww aa-mimnu amii ssynniER GOODS, t'onltiD In part of .. ,: . Fancy and Staple Dry Goods ClOtbln?, .,; -.o . v ' Boots V Shoes,' ! ; r ' ..r." ' , Hats & Caps' Which they oSer to tell at 8M ALL PltOriTS. DaUe, March 27th, lSBft, ; , . mrtttl MONTANA! IDAHO! WASHOE ARB PUTTIJfCi TJP ova. OiHGliAL BUPKUIOH BRAND OP GROITJKD JATA COFFEE, . , , . also.,.. CIIARTRES COFFEE, ' I IS DOVDLE GLAZED PAPERS, To prwnr It strength and flavor fot tk leUcth at time required to be I rwarded to tb. abov plac. tot sale by all tb Jobber, and , ' " :', , MARDBN JOLOKR, ', , Ptooecr Steam Coffee and Bplr Mills, a!8mlp2 'J Knot Btreet, San Braucisco. FURS, WOOL and HIDES. (JtHEHIOUESTCASnPRICS PAID FOB ;ri)US, WOOL., AND BIOBS,at ' 1nClt kVVK trvntirr a. a wuvstrsnwiv, a1 ultlulili sJ. B H North Front StrE, 1'ortlapc?. , books: BOOKS! WHOLESALE AND RETAIL.. aCBOOL BOOKS, STATIONERY, Btanuimi ana Misceiiuueou w units, Lai NOVELS, MAGAZINES, PAPERS, Ac, Ac. by every Steamer. Pot-Omc Bookstore, Mala street, Dalle. Garden SeedS for the Million. e7-tf ' ' H. J. WALDROH : CRYSTAL SALOON ..-...-'v. -.v. . ' AND . BILlllARD ROOM, , v ; JOHN niNDLACB, Prnprt.toh WASTlINgTOlT ST next deor to PRENCH A OILMAN ' - NOTICE. . ... 1:. JMfli appoinUd . 'k HAH lay autborlui acn4 toeolhwtail Bs7dn. , attsnd I. my k.eH