rABTirs who arrived here from Portland yesterday, represent that city at unusually dull. ' : ."V? - ' Tat report that tbe British steamer Qran- n'l an was destroyed by nitre-glycerine is em phatically. Contradicted. Thi old frigate Macedonian is at Norfolk navy yard", to be fitted up aa a cruising toi- sel far thd Midshipmen of tbe Annapolis Na val School. Tin steamer tbat left Celilo for White Bluffs, last Friday, we are informed on good nuthorit,bad upwards of fifty tons of freight for tbat pumt. , Jiioos Woods and Col. Kelly, candidates for Governor, will be bere on Friday and will address tbe citizens on the political is bus of tbe day, , . . No Nsws. The Portland papers of this morning contain no news, tbe wire having "become demoralized" immediately after tbe operator commenced sending bis dispatch, Tinas' will be an informal meeting of the members of Columbia Lodge, No. 6, 1. 0, 0. F., at the ball of Jackson Engine House, this evening at 8 o'clock. ' PaoKiBHt members of Congress have re ceived letters from tbe Honorable John P. Hale, Minister at Madrid, asking for more salary. He has only twelve thousand dollars in gold. The Oregon City paper mills will be to op eration early nest fall, and will want tons of paper rags, Everybody should save their lin en and cotton rags, for tbeywill be wanted, and probably will bring a good price. Ws learn from a reliable source that Com pany H, 1st Cavalry, will be ordered to Camp Watson, on tbe return of Gen. Steele to Fort Vancorer. Tbe General is now on a tour of Inspection to Puget Sound. Gens. HaWKCK and Steele, it is understood are to meot at Camp Lyon, I. T., on the 10th" I of June, and from there, they will travel through tbia department, making a critical inspection of all the military posts in it. About a week since the Indians visited the ranch of Mr. Cozard, on the Canyon City road, and stole five beautiful American mares and colts, valued at about $2,000. A party went In pursuit, but were unable to recover the stolen stock . ... i. . . Tn stampede from Canyon City to Olive Crock mines still continues. A gentleman writing us from Canyon City says that "Olive Creek is now the liveliest camp this side q Blackfoot Miocrs are pouring In from all - sides, but I would advise no one to go before June." ' Pebsosi. Quite a number of gentlemen Arrived from below last evening, to attend tuo session of the Grand Lodge of Odd Fel lows now in tension in tbli city, among whom are lion. S. E. May, Secretary of Stato, N. Cooke, State Treasurer, Mr. A. L. Sun- Boa and Mr. Denliugor, ' Elb and Moobi's Criers are booming with the muddy tide. Viewed from East Hill on a "sunn day tbe two streams glitter in tbe dis tance like two-silver lines, and slide .away southward in a united volume,. wbicb, if con- : stant. would entitle the creek to tbe more "honorable designation of a river. . ' 1 1 : I Military Road. Tbe Washington corres pondent of the , Ortgoniah says : In closing my Inter let me state tbat the Committee on Military Affairs nave agreed' to report favor ably upon, tbe bill introduced by Mr. Header. son to build a military wagon road from tbe. Dalles by way of Camp Watson, Canyon. City and Humboldt Basin to Fort Boise.-' Taxation. Tbe Idaho Stateiman, in its issue of May 8th, bas an article on Internal Revenue which we heartily endorse. It says tbat instead of. a. reduction of' tbe present tax, the bill now before Congress will in crease the revenue some sixty millions. Ttat is of course all wrong ; and it is to be boped will be materially modified. Tbe country is already paying too much Internal Revenue. There is no need of the present generation paying off the National debt in too or fifteen years. It is enough that it has borne tbe sbock of the battle, and besides tbe interest pays aunually a fair part of tbe principal. President Johnson-is heavy on tbe exercise of the veto power it is even threatened by his organs tbat be will veto some more. We most heartily hope that be will veto any measure tending to increase tbe present rate of taxation, and announce ourselves in favor of the veto in, advance. There is another feature of the bill tbat ought to be held up to ridicule, and that is tbe reduction of tax on incomes over ten thousand dollars. That is the most unjust feature of tbe bill. In fact it is bo outrage ous that it appears there must be an error in tbe report. For instance, incomes under five thousand dollarB, pay five per cent.; and five thousand and over, ten per cent.' Now it will not be denied tbat as a general thing, the man whose incomers largest can pay bis taxes easiest, even though be Uasvto pay a bigber rate than the man of small income. But if this report be correct, there is a dis crimination ia favor of those incomes over ten thousand dollars, leaving those between five thousand and ten thousand dollars to pay tbe highest taxes of any. Certainly no such proposition can be entertained in Congress. Lane and tub Mint. When Lafayette Lane, Democratic candidate for Secretary of State, was bere soliciting the support of our people, he bad tbe impudence to attempt to convey tbe idea tbat be favored the location of the Branch Mint at the Dalles. As Mr. Lane resides east of tbe mountains, having his home at Umatilla, one would naturally suppose tbat be would be true to the interests of Eastern Oregon ; but alas for the frailty of his assertions, and what one would naturally suppose : bis record proves tbe contrary. On tbe 20th day of October, 1864, tbe memo rial asking Congress to change tbe location of tbe mint from the Dalles to Portland was passed in tbe Oregon Legislature, our friend Lane, being then a member from Umatilla coumy, voting for it. Tbe voters of Eastern Oregon will remember this against the dear Utile fellow in June. A. CAKD, This U to' cunt Ion parties having stock to trmmfmri from Portland to the Dalles, that tbe officer! of I fie 0. N. Company served as the- following 'jick, on fie-trie of tbe boal ob Saturday lasts TVs went to the President of the Company, In Portland, and he a freed tojearvy my horses for $ per bend, and said tb Clerk would ieene tickets for that price : when we came on' board the Steamer, they charged me $5, and refused to carry tbem tor less, co me public can jnuge tor inemseiTus. -.,' 0. W DUNLAP, K. 8. MARSHALL. : ' , Ms, BOSS. Portland papers copy. mylOtl 1, DRILL TO 8. Kuu, Sec'y. sine MOllHOW EVENING, at 7 o'clock vy oraer oi tue roroman. - - FlTTT ClNTS will buy a bottle of Hall's Pulmonary Bal aam, tbe best remedy known for congas, colds, audostb- One dose will stop any ordinary cough. ; Religions Notice. j Catbouo CnuRCH Morning services Mass, at 10 clm.k. Evening service: Vesnors and Benediction, at VA "'clock. Sunday School at 2 o'clock, p.m. aZodtl JTAIUKB 1 illCUIVJIAn, raviOT. Columbia Lodge, No. S, I. O. O. P. Meets every Friday evening St 7 o'clock, lu Gates Hall, corner of Second and Court Streets. Brothers la good standing are invited to attend. By order. N. 0. Wasco Lodge, No. IS, A. F. efc A. M. Holds Its stated Communication! on the First and ird Mondays of each month, at their hall. In Dalles City. ' Brethren ia good standing are invited to attend. isy oraer oi tue w . ju. Sun L. Fon, Bec'y. ejThll NOTICE. DURINO MY ABSENCE Mb. W. LOUD Is authorised to transact my business. Any persous knowing lemaeives inaeutea to me, win please can upon mm. Dalles, May 16, 1808. mylOwl B. II. WOOD. Notice to Democrats. MR. OILMAN having declined the nomlnatlod as Candidate of the Democratic party for County Commissioner, we do hereby nominate JOHN MIL- LI am in bis steua. W. 1. NKWUUMB, llwl Ch'nDem. Co. Committee. A OTIC 12. mng UNDERSIGNED HAVING BOUGHT the JL Schooner Perteverance and half the schooner Ra pid, from Torence Quin, oil debts against the above namea Boats must oe preseniea so me or tue win aay oi nay. aba biikhu, Dallas, Slay a, low. . niitxuw. Herald copy, 2 weeks, and send bill to this office. Horrible. -The Arieonv Miner, alluding to tb killing of Major Millet (tnd some of bis party by the Apaches, says that one of tbe soldiers with Major. Miller was shot lu. the ' ta'ead with an arrow. His companions tried. , to rotaa it, wheV it was broke off, leaving the point ia his brain. He wai soon crated l and uocontrbll&ble, and' died a , hnrrlble death,' !iteraly beating hlmelf.ci, jieccs, on. otranqi. Tbe Louisville Democrat says tnat on the Bin ofFebrury last, Michael King about 17 years of age, was killed at Oak land, Kentucky, by being struck on the bead with a strike wbicb was drawn from tbe ground by an unruly horse. Two days after the fatal accident, and when tbe body was about to be burled tbe ' relatives of King thought they noticed evideut signs of lite and the body was removed to tbe bouse where be was kept several days. A report got Into circulation at the time, to the effect tbat tbe boy had come to life. After keeping tne Douy several days it was removed to lb lower graveyard and placed in a vault, where II is now, and it bas been visited by bund reds or our-citizens. The body retains its natural appearance, is limber and warm, af ter being dead In the graveyard one month We have beard no reason assigned for this strange phenomenon. Grand Lome I. 0.' O. F. The- RJgb Wortby Grand Lodge of Odd Fellows of Oregon, met this morning, in Odd Fellows Hall, In this city. The attendance was large The report of the Grand Officers show a large increase iu tbe order during the past year The whole number oi1 Lodges under the juria diction is 16 : whole number of members 679, the amount of receipts oi the Lodges, $13,085. j Tbe Grand Lodge will remain in session about three days. By invitation of Columbia Lodge, of this city, tbe members of the Grand Lodge will accompany tbem on an excursion to Celilo, to-morrow, at one o'clock p. m :: COMMISSION1 AUCTION AMI HOUSE! Ito. 100 JUI STREET, DALLES. THE UNDER8IONEdiIaNKFUI. FOR PAW Fntora, respectfully informs the citizen nf the Dnlles, and the pubilp generally, that be continues tv sell at , -; . -v j .. PUBLIC AUCTION . OR PR1TATE BALE, Real Estate, General Iricrcuandlge, Groceries, ilorsea"'1 " ' " Mule ' ' JTnrnlfare, steck.it, &.C. &c. .f BESULAR SALE DAfSj, ;, . Tuesdays and Saturdays. . Cash Advances made on I Consig&meiils, And rilOMIT RETURN nude oi sales. Oat-door and Special Salos attended to IA an unft of lb city. JOllTI WILLIAMS, AuetlonaefV PROF. JMURRAY'S M! A. Or I C OIL, For Bale by . OATK8 CHAPIN. , '; e ; ' ALSO, AGENTS FOII DR. DUNCAN'S Whooping Cougb Specific. FRED. LIEI3EL, GROCERY, PROVISION, AND FRUIT STORE, Washington Street, opposite French k Oilman's, Dallas. lias on nana a large aaa weii-assortea stoca oi GROCERIES & PROVISIONS, Tresh' Butter &. "Egga, Received dallv. A lane lot of CHICKENS always on hand. FRUITS of all kinds. FRESH VEGETABLES . every morning. All articles warranted . Give Me a Call, Everybody PRICKS LOW. aulfctf F.LIEB1S. J. F. KELLOGG, DENTIST, Main St., Dalles, Oregon. AFTER NEARLY SIXTEEN TEARS Practice la his profession, would respectfully inform tue citizens or the Dalles and tne nuDlla Kenerauy, that u 1ms leased the Dental OlUce lately occupied by J, W. uuklki, nenttst, wnere necan oe louna preparea to at- tena to tnose requiring nis proiessionai aerrices, Orncs Uotnts From 8 o'clock, a. u., to 12 u : and from l o ciock, p. M. to op.m. nwtl J. JUKEE, Main Street, Dalles, ' MUUU11HU1 K1UI IS- - CIGARS, TOBACCO,- SNUIF. PIPES,' &o. , IWT6 D STOl TBI UI BEAKD8 0 Cigars, Tobacco, Matches, &c. PLAYING CARDS, : . ' ;. POCKET CUTLERY. PORT MONIES, l? i -. ; COMBS and BKUSHKg, all kinds, PERFUMERY, ot srery sVoeriptkia, , CHINA ORNAMENTS. ' ' ' . TOYS, DOLLS, etc. FISH HOOKS and FISHIKA TACKLE, MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS, FANCY GOODS. Ac . ) 7 ' Also Powder, Shot, Lead. Powder FTaste. Baskets. anA many other articles too numerous to mention. - Interior dealers supplied with Cigars, Twcs,etr. at less than Portland prices, with freight added.. . eo4 SELLING OFF AT COST! J. QOfiTZ fc CO., STONE BUILDING, WASHINGTON STREET, DALU3y : Offer their well-selected stock of ' TOBACCO, ' SEGABS, - PIPES, YANKEE JNOTIONS, , . . . AND I- iv' . I -. STATIO N" E RY, AT SAN PBANO180d' 068T. GATES &, CH-A.1PI1V TTHOLESALE A RETAIL DRUGGIS T S STONE BUILDING, WASHINGTON STREET, D ALLES, OREGON. ' Importers and Jobbers of , PATENT MEDICINES, , . CHEMICALS A FANCY GOODS, SODA, CORKS A ACIDS, . t . , .,". OILS, ALCOHOL, ' ' - . PURE WINB8 A LIQUORS, -.7. i '' - ' PAINTS, GLASS BRUSHES. . , ; " ' ,. Pni8ICIANS PRESCKIPTIOirS ' Accurately compounded. SELECT SCHOOL, photographic emporium rWHB UNDERSIGNED. WILL OPEN A SELECT JL SCHOOL for children on Mondr, Nay Tth. 1866, On THIRD fTEEET, between Washington aud Court. Tuition per quarter, $6 00 m2tf ' MI3B M SNYDER. J. B. rICICEHS01V, ' .'. Dealer In all kinds of GROCERIES & GRAIN, . . . . . V AT TUB . ; . 1 : TiOWest Caslt Hates. ALSO, ' ; ' JOSLYN & CURTIS' BUTTER, . On hand, and received Fresh every week. . Come One, Come All, nn4 Give me & Call, AT CONSER A BARTER'S OLD 8T AND. A full and complete assortment of all artlM.. l n, Photographlo Line, at a SMALL ADVANCE ON SAN WMerchants will please eat onr jiVlrn. Iur.,m Ing below.- ' - . ..... ' U. L. CUAPiN, . JUSTIN 0ATB8. D"""'- Bacramento, Cal. - LAST CHANCE I WE WOULD CAt.L TnE ATTENTION OF THE public to the luct that we are olusinir ataek aft ' . . . . -r ' Dallis MoDMTAtNRiR This paper earn to oi yesterday greatly reduced in sice, but changed front, weekly to a dally. Nevada - A mistake. Tbe change from a weekly to a dally took plaoe soate feur years ago Too now.noelya the- dally, iosteai of thft wseUy tzebange. . ; i SUPERIOR CALIFORNIA A Few Packazes Choice, la quantities to suit, at a26tf BALDWIN BROS. OREGON STEAM MY, COMPANY . .. .'NOTICE FREIGHT ON FLOUR REDUCED -CkN AND AFTER TUESDAY, MAY 1st, until further VP notice; might on Flour will be as follows : From Dalles to Umatilla., - " f Wallala..., " Wblta DIoAs..., - Lewlston Donas, May lit. 188. . I 6 00 per ton. i i su 1ft no FRANK T DODGE, CILOTTrIISrG, DRY r GO O D S ,v &C & C . , At Greatly Reduced Rates, And nffor bnrca'ns which oannot fail to satisfy .nvl.n,! wanting articles in our lino. XTX INTEND CIX)SINO OUR BUSINESS HERB b the FIRST OF JUNK next, and we title, n.if portuntty of once more calling upon those iudebted to us to call and settle. We will- not, If we can helnlt place any of our accounts In the hands of legal cnlloc. torsi but If obliged to do so, ve. shall hav reoourne ta that when' this uutioe expires, aam . . . , . . , . M. BROWN A BRO, DALLES 8c ieOKLAII LandingFort of rnlon Street, THE PROPRIETORS ARB NOW PREPARED WIW MAVNCil AND ROOMY BOATS, t. o, ,, " Agent 08. M, Oo, Dallss, Travelers, Uoraes it Stock: aUtti! and reditlouf naaaer, aad'at BeasowMf