atltf Mountains VOLCANIC WONDER 1 31 THE AUIiCI. The sadden rieo of a volcanic island in the Grecian Arcbipolugo is one of the most remarkable phenomena of modern times. A correspondent at 1'atcrogue, hong Island, seuds tao JS. Y, Ilerald&n extract from & private letter, written near tho scene of the occurrence, giving following interest ing details in addition to those. we have already published , Syra, Greece, February 15, 18GG. The island of Suntorina has been in eruption for six wholo days, some say more. It is about 60 miles from here, and the water for a long distance around the island is boilng and steaming to a tremendous dogroo. An island has sprung up from under tho sea, not far distant from Santori, which soemsto boa mountain of coal or lava, and is now about 500 feet above tho surface. Day bcforo ycs torday a special stoamer was sent by tbo local authorities of this place Xo iaspeot tho appoaranco of tbo now is land and the conduion of Santorini Tho Fronch Consul joined the expedi tion. Among .the rcturjiod pnsson. gers was ono gontleman who landed on tfie now island, and- brought bak in his pocket five oggs, cooked hard, which some unlucky sea bird had pro maturoly doposited upon the new land which we have named the " Phenom enon." . '' Tho new island is. s vend miles in ciroumforenoe,; but boing of .volcanio origin, it is supposod it will disappear when .the internal action subsides. Tho Water, in its vicinity creates a great tumult, like a boiling cauldron, and at night shows white flames. Thero is ono curious fact in this con nection. About ten years ngo a ves sel of considerable size was sunk near tho Island of Santorini, and now all at or. co up comes this vessel, -as good as new. Yours, , II. It. THE UNITED STATES CONBUls DESPATCH. The United States Consul at Civ. rcuB, Greoce, undor dato of February 15, I860, transmits to tho Department of Stato a translation of a series of ob servations commeced tbo 23d of Janu' ary on tbo renewal of activity of the submarine volcano at Sautorina. It appears that remarkablo .phenomena have for soveal days occupied tho at tention of tho inhabitants x)f that place. On tho 8th instant a low rumbling sound was beard from time to time at Now Ca'nsem, and especially at the placo called Vulcan, whero tho miners al wells., aro situated. At iho samo time largo stonos detached themsolves from' different points on the Island and rolled continually down tho sides. Tho m'orning of tho 10th tho walls of buildings were covered with cracks, as was also tbo ground, 'iowardnoon tho rumblings began to bo more fre quent, till they scorned liko tbo sue ccssive detonations of artillery, tho soa was violently agitated, and an innn merablo quantity of bubblos rose in cessantly from the depthB ; on the sun face and at the bench was seen white vapor .with a sulphurous odor. Tbo afternoon of tbo same day tho ebulli tion of the.'sea inoreascd, and tbo soil at tho water 8 edgo commenced grac ually to sink down, and about 5 o' clock, on the sea and western side of the same port names were scon lorm insr a crucial firo of ten to fifteen square metres at its base, and from four to five metroB in height. After an hour theso flames entiroly disap ncared. A nearer examination was then made, when it was discovered that a portion of New Cansoin was pieces and Iho island was completely divided by a chasm, and four littlo lakes of pure and quite tweet water were seen, whose size was steadily increasing. As tho par ty of observation advanced toward tho focus of volcanic action they noticed a sulphurous vapor; white and suffoca' ting vap'ors' arose from the agitated sea and from time to time spots 6't greens ish color appoared pfeviYig that the vapors which arose were f bydrosoN pburouB and hydropbospborio nature At tho timo the Consul's despatches were mailed theoder and smoke were becoming more intense, and at timos red flames were seen at tho centre of volcanio action, and tbo smoke became thicker and of a deeper color. It is feared that if those phenomena contin ue the whole island may be sunk. OaAPHIO REPORT OP AN ENGLISH CAPTAIN. From the London Times Maroh 8th. . Her Majesty's ship Surprise, Com' manuer lyson, which had been des patched to Santorini to render assist nnco to tho inhabitants, returned to .Malta on Friday, tho 23d of February Wo have been kindly favored with tho following interesting particulars of tho recent volcanic eruption : As soon as bnntonni was sighted by tho Surprise, a dense white mass of vapor whs ob servod rising from tho soa, which ap peared to be boiling from some un. known cause, and when tho Island was approaohed a strange Bight was soen the sea evidently was boiling. and clouds of tho whitest'steam rushed out, soaring heavenwards like an en ormous avalancho", and looking like snow, bomething black was then seen rising slowly from tho son, which afterwards turned out to bo no less than an island springing from the deep. It appears that thero wero no earth quakes, but convulsions of nature, causoa Dy volume islands having been thrown up from tho soa; and as vio lont eruptions had taken placo the inhabitants wero greatly alarmed, but at the timo the Surprise arrivod no immediate danger was npprohended. Iho postion of tbo vessel was a very good, ono to watch the eruptions from tno volcano on the burning island that had lately risen from the deep. ine sea tor soveral miles looked vory strange, the sulphur giving it-a yol lowisn appoaranco, i and round tho now volcauio island tho sea wjis boil ing at some 100 yards distance from tho shore. The steam rose with great granduoiy tho wholo island emmiU ting smoke and sulphurous vapors, colored by tho flames inside the volca no, in some places being cracked, and through too fissures an immense mass of red hot lava was visible. The vol cano was in a constant state of life, and an eruption took 'place on the morning of the arrival of the Surprise. A black maefrbf vapor was vomited from the volcano pouring upwards; but the fury of tho ourptioh was soon expended, and it suddenly ceased. " On the following day her Majest'y bhips fhcebe and Tyrian arrived to the succor of the island. A Greek man of-war had come in, and tho next day a ItUBsian .frigate was soon nps pi oacbing, but she did not seem to liko appearances," and kept at a distance, watching tho phenomenon for hours before going closer in. Tho second nigtit after the arrival of the Surprise another eruption took place. The roar was very fiorce, smoko poured forth from tbo volcano with terrifio fury, and largo blocks of rock and stono were burled into tho air, the whole presenting a most imposing Bight. During that night it was Baid that anew1 island bad. boon thrown up; the one pointed out was 300 yards long, and was a black smoking mass. Close to tbe anchorago of tho Surprise there bad been a place called " Miner al creek," which was then no more ; a large hill bad risen out of it. It mado its appoaranco beforo tho arrival of that vossol, but it rose higher tand higher during her , presence there, wbilo tho old island was sinking grad1 uall, as if about to return to tbo depths of tho sea from which it bad risen. On this sinking island were several houses, many of which were gono al together, and others were being wash cd by tho sea ; of one house, there was little more than the roof and chlmooy top abbvo the water, while a building sank and rose again. It was remark able that rocks were constantly ap pearing aovfl the sea. and then dis appearing; and hence tho position taken up by the Surprise was not very pleasant.' On the second night u slight concussion was felt two or throe times on board, nudjjas inland had been springing up in tho immediate neigh borhood, it appeared likely that one would como up under tho ship s hot torn. At the timo tbo wind and sea wero heavy," and the vessel , drilted rapidly in the direction of tho volcano, around which tho sea was boiling, and a worid of steam, vapor and smoke arising. . Tho Surprise immediately got up steani. A largo numbor of houses wero buried in tho lava and by ine new mil mat roso Horn Mineral creek ; but, fortunately, no lives wero lost, as timely warning had been given and the inhabitants-hud escaped. The damage done to property has not bo grout as might have been expected. U A L L E S CIT V KVo'sToilEi P. CRAIG, ' WHOLSSALB AMD RETAIL DEALER IN'DRUGS, MEDICINES, Perfumery, Fancy-Soaps, I'ATENT MEDICINES, 4c -1 Ji-ir 1-tf DRUGS AND PATENT MEDICINES!! DRUGS AND PATENT MEDICINES!! DRUGS' AND PATENT MEDICINES!! WHOLKS.Ug AMD RETAIL " DRUGGIST,- . . . . . .. i. - Washington Street, between Main and Second Stroots DALLES, OREGON. gj LEMON In able to supply parties In' want of Drnirs, Patent. Medlclnos. Chemicals. Arlila. l'urfumerv. and every other article enumerated with the WHOLESALE DRUG BUSINESS, At tho lowost market rates. Physician and Merchants Intending- to nnrchaae for tho Mines, will do well to give him a call. TRUSSES & SHOULDER BRACES In great variety.' S. LEMON,' ap.8:tf. Washington St., botweon Main adn Second.. Oregon Steam Navigation Co. SUMMER ARRANGEMENT. THE STEAMERS WEZ PERCE CISIEF, WEU-FOOT, -TEKIKO, " '-OWYHEE, . YAKIMA, SPRAY & KANAGOIV, Captains E. F. COE, C. C FELTO, J. II. D. GRAY, and f IIOS. J. STUMP, Will run during the season from OEIII-O to TTMATIT, LA, WAI.MJLA, WITH BLUFFS, PALOUSE and LKW1STON. One of tho nbova named boats will lenvo CEI.ILO for UMATILLA and WALI.ULA, on TUESDAYS, T1IUHS DAYS mid SATURDAYS. ...... Tlio Passengroi Train to connect with steamers nt Ct-lllo will start from the Railroad Depot, DALLES CITY, at 6 o'clock, a. Hi FOR WHITE BLUFFS. ' THE YAKIMA," CAPT. E. F. COE Commander. Will leave CEL1LO every SATURDAY, for WHITE BLUFFS. , FOR LEWISTOS. THE " OWYHEE," CAPT. FELTON Commander. Will loave WALLULA every WEDNESDAY (upon tho arrival of the strainer that starts from Celllo ou Tues day), for LEW1STON. FOR PORTLAND THROUGH IN O'E DAY. . The Steamers --- . C? IV E.O NTA," OH - . "IDAHO," OAPT. . McNULTY, Commander, Will leave DALLES, DAILY. (Snndavs excepted) at t o'clock, a. M.. connecting by the CASCADE RAILROAD, with .the steamers NEW WORLD, ' CASCADE or WILSON G. HUNT, CAPT. J. WOLF , ...,!....Commander, fi Portland. FRANK T. DODGE, ' DAILY MOUNTAINEER i DaUes, April 3, 1860. nl2tf I, Agent 0. 6. N. (Jo. BSOK & J03 PRINTING OFFICE, First Street, between Main and B . DALLES OREGON. JCB PRINT1NC OF EVERY VARIETY Kxecnted with accuracy and dispatch, in A STYLE THAT WILL COMPARE FAVORABLY .with tho vory best, and AT HATES AS CHEAP AS IKE CHEAP EX to order: C a r ! s a h d JJS i 1 1-19 eads, CHECKS. DRAFTS, RECEIPTS, POSTERS AND PROGRAMMES FOR JflEATRES CONCERTS EXHIBITIONS , cfc, ' rfc, do,, PRINTEP 1.1 THE M08T AITBACTIVE MANMUt. ALSO, WAV-BILLS. UILLSOF FARE. LETTER ITFADS. RECEIPT R OOK.1. -- BILLS LADING, ' STricfs ami Famyhlets, nSlTIKQ, WEVDIKG AND " AT HOME" CARDS UruKtrists' Labelsl : In short, everythlns that can be done In a Book and Job Printing Ofllce, from the smallt'Ht and most delicate Card or Circularto the larost Bir.o and most huvy J'l-sting BiP and which will be turned out iu a style that cannot fail to insure entire satisfaction. .' ...... OUR FACILITIES roH THE EXECUTION OF DECORATIVE PRINTING ' In the most beautiful Colors, fcMailes ana Tints. Such as Taney Posting Bills! From a dingle Sheet to the largest Mummoth, ORNAMENTAL, SHOW CAtiDS, FVliFUMEliS LABELS,dc Are nniurpnsEtcd by those of any other eBtuMislinient in Oregon. We devote upecinl nttention to this lirmich uf the buaiueKS. and nro cotitlnuully adding to our nlu-ady exten sive and well appointed assortment ofiuuterml, NEW TYPES, BORDERS, ORNAMENTS. rf c rf c, &.-., Of the most modern and elaborate designs. Our stock oa FANCY INKS, TINTS, &C, Are'of the finest qnality, and for richness-of color and durability, cannot be equaled iu the State. The principle upon which bmincHS is anked for this ew tnhliHhnient is, tliut persons will their own iittrr este, by awarding their custom to that oQice in which tlieir money can be expended to the bist advantage. To' this end we solicit all in want of good Printing, at very reasonable chargeB, to call and esamiue specimens, and Judge for youreelvos. Ordca's from lEic Upper Country AV ill have out special care, and friendu from the interio may roly-upon having thoir ordcru filled promptly, as we HAVE THE ONLY IMPROVED GORDON POWER PRESS In the State of Oregon ! Address: , , MOUNTAINEER OFFICE m!8-tf Dalles. Oreiion. JACKSON SALOON" ! CORNER COURT AND SECOND STREETS, ; DALLES, OREGON. ' THE UNDWtSIGNKD, HAVING REMOVED FROM I'lIB "BELLA UNION" CKLI.AU, INTO Gates Now Building:, Hop; to inform the public tliat tlioy are prepared to servo their customers with the best Wines, Liquors and Cigars, THE MARKET AFFORDS. ALSO, A " . Free launch I Every day and erening. . SCHUTZ &. S. KLEIN, doc?-lf . .. . ' . :. Iroprletors. Hard. Wood Lumber. CARRIAGE AMD 'WAGON. MATERIALS WE liKO TO CALL ATTENTION of Carriage Man ufucturerfl and Peal era to the Larjre and Com plete assortment of CA Kill AUK nud WAUUN WATKlii ALB we are constantly receiving from the Kant, .specially Kolected for the California nmikot, coniphAing, Oak, 111011017. and Socond Orowtli Anil Plank, Hickory Axlen, V'av'on I'olca, Hubs. Hpohon, Felloes, Itimn, 8hait,4c. Ac. wlitcli we oflVr at tlie lowest Cutth l'rlccn. Orders ftddresntd to our house will receive promp attention. N. W. Bit AUG k CO.. . Jul6:3m. 2ft ft 31 Buttery Street, tin Fruucicn( and 17 & ltf Seventh ftrevt Snoranipntn. C. M'atrbhoure. 11. W. liRAaa & Co., J. AW 6an Franciitco. Sacramento. New York F- TILLMAN, son AaiNT in OALironxiA ron . TILTON & McFARLAND'S Fire fc Itnrglnr Iroqf Sales. STEEL-LINED VAULTS, WITH " ACenstantly ' band a full assortment of BAFKSi 318 BAiTJJIlY STRUCT, ' JySi8m ., . Wm ,5 .t.r Ban JfranclscO) ,, J . i t.i t'rtv .!l.VXi;...-jf. 'j .'i -