amccr. MONTANA NKWS. From the Radiator, of the 21st ult., we lake the following : The Territorial. Convention had adjourned ine die. A State Constitution was Iramed, based on thn Con.-ti ut ons, in part, of Mis souri, Colorado and California. It is pro . nouneod perfect iu every rospect. In it, slavery and involuntary servimde of any kind, save as a puuishuiontfor crime, is pro hibited. TUB MINKS. James Kennedy, expressman from Black toot City to McClelland Oulcli, informs us that iho gulches in that vicinity aro turning out mii. li better than the mo.-t sanguine ex pected. MuClelluud has been mined all win ter It affords good lacilities for drifting, and in consequence-ofvuieu much dirt has been washed du iug the winter. Lincoln gulch lias proved a success ; the gulch gen erally pays well. One paity has been oner cd $1,000 for a third of (he dirt tnkon from one d i i ft during Ilia winter. Also, Keep Cool, as well as many others, is yielding ' fiuely. Through various sources, we ore informed that the Klk Creek mines are proving a mo can. Each trip ol our expressman, Mr. En nis, brings the glad tidings that all is hope fulness in that quarter. Many have com menced Bluicing, and the returns for their labors are beyond their uwst sanguine ex pectations. : FLOUR Is clear down, and thereat reioiceth ye lionst miner, eighteen to twenty dollars per sack are present rates but bow long they will contiuue so no one but the Great Being (if thoro is such a personage) knows From the 1'osl, of April 2 1 31 , we take the following : A letter from Elk Creek, April 11th, says a BllOOTINO AFFRAY Occurred' at Elk Creek, between a man named Kelly, late of lielrua, and n man named Loan, resulting m the death of the former. Loau attempted to escape, but was arrested and hancr-d by the citizens. It seems that Loan had jumped Kelly's claim, and nttenip cd to eject him from the sauiej when angry words ensued, ana tne men drew their weapon ana commencea nrmg This is the first affair of the kind at the new mines. BODIES FOUND The bodies of two men, supposed to bo John Manua and a man named Monroe, were ' recently found in the Flint Creek hills, where they bad frozen to death. Hanna lived at Silver Bow, during last winter, and was originally from California LARQE BOM. The onormons Bum of thirty thousand dof- lnrs was taken from a claim in McClelland gulcl), lately, in eleven days, with hve hands EXTENT OF TUB NEW DIOOlNQS. The new mioe3 are proving of undoubted richuB-s and emit extent, at least throe bun dred miles of placer diggings having been found the past winter. ALL TUB GULCHES TURNING OUT WILL Lincoln, Keep Cool, Reed', California, Washington, jeuerson, onowsuoe, upuir Flint Creek, and all tno otners, are aeveiop ing great riches. BANOUKS IN TIIE VALLEY, Deer Lodne Valley Is almost entirely claimed. Ranches are held at high figures, and ell froauentlv at hitch prices. An ira- iirnvfui rancbe. situated near Deer Lodge City, was sold a short time since for $5,000 111 currency. CONTINUED EXCITEMENT The stampede increases. Everybody says he has found a 11 big thing." A letter from Blackfoot City, to the Pott, says : The mines on Carpenter's bar and Prairie gulch are considered by many to be the best in the Vicinity 01 mis piacu, uuu- u&teaiiivv prcparalioDiare being made by the holders for the most advantageous working of their claims. I have no'doubt but 0, large yield nf cold will be the result of their energy. ' llaaides. there are many smaller gulches and lar that will DttV Weil, oeverni now ui- coveries, both eaBt and west of Blackfoot, have been made during tne winter, una oe. (ween snow8Uoe anuLiiuiu uuwiuuiuttiui un new districts have been found. A ditch lms been surveyed, and, 1 understana, will be prosecuted to comple ion as early as pos- Bible, to convey me water nuuitiuimj mu to cover the new digging. There Is ojarge ai'.ooe of cuuntry between thoso two streams that prospects weil, aud only remains unten anted Irom tue wanv 01 waver 10 wuib,' iu grouiirV . Vrnm No. 8 below discovery, on McClellnnd gulcb, $12,584 were taken out Inst week'tho result of five days" run with one string of same cliltn,. since.. 'Ibis, considering the disadvantages of working at this season of the year, is protty good, even for Montana. Oxi Doss of Hall's Pulmonary Balsam will cure as or 4Ury. coogb or cold. Pries only nf7 . C. S., Dalles. ' Bloch, Miller &; Co., WHOLESALE GKOC ES TZ S AND DEALERS IN "Wines fc Lixjriors, . And Importers and Jobbers of ' CLOTHING Boots & Shoes, Under Clothing, .Blankets, etc., etc., etc. ASSAY OFFICE. WE HaVB AN ASSAY OFFICE IN CONNECTION with our liusineM, under the entire supervision of Mr. Miller. We make returns in Bare in six hours- We guarantee all our Assays and pay the HIGHEST CASH pkiuk for liars, we also pay tne lilgnest Cash Price for uoid liust. lilAltm, M11,I.KK uj., myfttf Cor. Main and WaBlilngtnn streets, Dallei dealers' in ' HARDWARE, IRON & STEEL. GROCERIES. BY TIIE PACKAGE, FOR CASH," At San Francisco Prices, Adding cost of Transportation. CUMMINO A GRANT,. m!3tf Dalles, Oregon. LATEST NEWS! ALL THE! JPfgfgl LATEST gjrcaq EUROPEAN, EASTERN AND CALIFORNIA NEWSPAPERS & MAGAZINES, Received Regularly every steamer, by s. j. Mccormick, FRAMLIN BOOKSTORE, lO5 Front Street Portland Papers and Magazines packed and Forwarded by mail or Express TO ANY. PART OP THE MINES In Oregon, Washington, Idaho or Montana. Subscriptions Received for any NEWSPAPER 0B MAGAZINE PUBLISHED. New Books, Muiio, fto., by every St'eamor. 830,000 WORTH 0? B 6 O IC S ', earn a rrTk"rvr"T'T IK? Jt. -M. -M- X 1 Jl -A M Wlj JL. AND FANCY GOODS, CHEAP JPOU, CA.SII. al9.llw2w A. CARD. mWADAME LB TKLLIKR. WOULD RESPECTFPLLY XTJL Inlorni the Uiaios nt tne uaues ami Tloiulty, that sue is now prepared to uo an kiwi or ukkss, ijmmk,, and PALKI'Of mnking. Also, CUTTING and KUTINU In a new and Improved style, never before introduced la this place. She will . warrant to glvo satisfaction, and would mesti respectfully solicit a liberal patronago In the Kootns lately' occupied by Mm. White, over Degener's Store, on Washtugtou street, between Second ana mini. Dalles, March 27th; 1800 mr27tf NIUW YOliK Axn GROCER Y' STORE Main street Dalles. mh23tr PRKDKRICK BRNZER. NOTICE. A" LL PERSONS INDEBTED to the nndomlgood aro. 2.3k. rnapuctiuiiy reqiiesien to come ana settio their ao- counts witiiin tuih.1 x uaxu, auu save costs. , aoSdlm A. 1. 1ILOCII CO. JOSLYN ANU CUlt lls' li(J L 1 t - DOUnd. ' tit I , . . , I lor Bale by . J. B. DICKERSON, m9dl Second Street.1 AIOT14JU. WEMOVINO MY RRBIDENCB TO CLATSOP. MR. Xm H. J.WALDKON Will aotasmyAgent, andUau- tnonsM to receive all moneys ana me. eJMLn A,H, STSJsLX, M.S.. lSAiO F. Ill.OCH, San Francisco, -. WALDKOUI UROS., Wholesale & Retail Druggists, Mala Street, Dalle, Oregon. WE NOW OCCUPY OUR NEW TWO STOUT FIRR proof Stone building, opposite Blocb, Miller A Co.: and offer to tin nubile full and emnnlete stock of nd 0 Drugs, Medicines and Chemicals, consisting iu part of KEROSENK, LAMP WICKS CUIMNKYS .HOPS, 8AGR, 8PONOBS, LEECHES,. TURPENTINE, . AU1DS, LINSEED, LAKU, CAbTOR AND , INDIOO AND NKATSFOOT Olt, LANPBLACK TRUSSES, SHOULDER BRACES, SUPPORTERS. ' AND " PATENT MEDICINES,.; Our stock of FANCY GOODS I of the finest and best quality; new styles ond large assortments, such as. iiUHI'S V KIIPUKKIIX, UAIK, ... LUillM'STIULKX'SUAP, JTLKS11, fUIUAUKS, BIIAVIHU, UOHMUT1UH, UAT, UAIROll.S, CLOTH'S, . .. COLOONlt, TOOTH AND FANCY SOAPS AND NAIL BRUSHES TOOTH POWDERS, AND C0.M1IS. PURE WINES AND LIQUORS, For Medicinal nurnosos. Our raciiities lor buying goons are seconn to none in the stale, ana we snail at all tunes sell at a small au vance from cot. Ready sales and small prutlts. . PHYSICIANS' PRESCRIPTIONS Carefully compounded at all hours of the day and night Dalles, Sept. , lwo. soiu-ti VEKY IMPORTANT TO Merchants, Families, Hotels and UA.It-H.OOMH. - JDLIUS KRAKMKH HAVING DOUUHT TIIK EN lire Stock of Merchandize and llook Accounts of the .late Ann ot M. i-jjller A Co., in this city, to which he has added or ma own importation (wnue doing business in Portland) an immense &tock of the best manufactured Crockery, Glassware, Plated Ware, Lamps, Chandeliers,- Table Cutlery Looklng-Glaftses and i All Kinds of Oils, All of which he offers at reduced rates. Persons wish. tug to buy any of the above-mentioned articles, will do welt to give me a call before purcnasing elsewhere. ui'ders irnm tne interior promptly attondeu to, ana gooas pacKea to go secure, iion't can on me. liuuio s atone liunuing, vt asuington streot, uai ies, JULIUS KUAEMKR Dalles. March 17th. 1808. mh!7tf ONE HUNDRED MILES SAVED I BL4CEF00T & BIG BEND MIXES ' BY WA? OF Vliito Bliiflfe! TIIE SHORTEST AND SAFEST ROAD For Land Travel. Distance from Dalles to White Bluff...-,... ..100 miles S White Bluffs to Pen d'Oiellle, . to Colvllle ..ISO . ..170 Traveters by land for either of the above Gold Fields, will save Save Time Distance and Money By taking tb White, Rluffi ttoaaV Wood, Water andl Gtassr Aro found on this Road within easy drives. The road is now onon, and possesses advantages ever any otner land route irom tne i;aues. ruunsuea oy oraor oi - THE CITIZENS OF TAB DALLE3, Dalles, March. 20, 186. m2i):2in W. 33. DOUGLASS, (Successor to William Blrnbanm.) PRACTICAL WATCHMAKER and puata w Fine "Watches" AND JEWELRY, rNVITES THE ATTENTION OF ITIS FRIENDS AND m. the Public to hu choice solectlon o(. . New and Fashionable. Goods, Respectfully soliciting their patronage. Wa'chos PROMPTLY cud. PROPERLY repaired'and WAItllANTED. nidtf Ktxt uoor to tns roit umce, J? . DEIIM,. Watclimaker ami Jeweler MAIN STREET, DALLES, T-virI.ltll in FINK WATCHES. JKWKI.KY, I ) CLOCKS, Gold Pens.Sllver and Plated Ware, Spectacles, Cutlery, as. ,rtiuUi.itttAntlon naid to renalrlnsr line Watches, Clocks, Jewelry, etc. All Watches repaired by rue warranteu lor twelve muu N. B. All orders from the tipper nonntry, by Express or otherwise, promptly atteniieu to. Olssolullou Notice. rOTICB IS HEREBY OIVEM, that the co-uartnerr ship heretofore eiHtuig oetween i. m..iao aud A. W. DAVIS, in tlw Llvory Btauie uusiness, tias been dissolved: that A. W. Davis Is lodebteil to tueco- partnanrrip; and that a bill In equity has been oleu for. the settlemenc or tne co parmerBinii wwu. nntiAii that A. W. Davis has no power to die rosdof tha pioperty, nor iBontrac. ttebta on the credit Dalles. ADrUW.l00. mmm FRANKLIN MARKET. CORNER OF SECOND AND WASHINGTON STREETS- " DALLES, OREGON '.' '-" JOHNEPPiriGKB Proprietor rfl"VIB UNDERSIGNED JL having fitted up the above Market In the BE.- STYLE, will keep constant- ly on Imnil all sorts of i resit and Cured Bleats, Of the best quality furnished at the LOWE8T RATS. ' My. motto is to "PLEASK ALL." PARTIES nATING SUPHltlOR STOCK FOR SALBf will do well to cull at tha Franklin Market, Dalles, February 10th, 1866.. . conmao v:.: COURT AND SECOND STREETS, DALLE8, OREGON. JOHN MXCHELBACH, Proprietor. -swyi, WILL KEEP 0 flr"constantly on hand nil theVarle- j i lemfiwwiiuMB iuni. uie uiaiaetcan possibly Lttl aUurd.of . . Itil FRESH Sc CURED MEATS,, '. and always-of the Wat quality. FAMILIES, HOTELS, AND STEAMBOATS" ' supplied on reasonable terms. " Tbe undcrslghtq is always prepared to pay the hlglh est cash ppice lor FAT CATTLE. Parties liavlnz stotk. In good cundltlon, ate rcquestod to rail on him before-, going elsewhere. JOHN M1CUKLBACH. Danes, Slurcli mat, 18Bo. luliSltf N.OTICE TO FARMERS. T MIK DALLES LUMBER AND MANUFACTURING; 1U.iirA.u una recently attached a FLOUKING MILL, to their Steam Saul) and Door Fnctorv. In this Cllv. una. are now prepared to CHOP FEED, UII1ND WHEAT audx ui..i, una wnrrunc in give tue. best satisfaction. Oiu hand constantly and for sale i - FXTltA FAMILY FLOUR,.' 1 OMAJVH UB UK Hj.UVt.INU8) ' J . ' BRAN AND SHOHTS,. CHOP FEED, CHICKEN FEED. . Also, a Snnerior article of CORN MRU. rm Coin. .The highest market price paM forWnEAT, CORNa, BAULKY. . U. A.UOQUK.Aitent. Dulles, Nov. 2,1865. uatf. IMrOlfTEIt AND JOBBER OF Wines & Iiqiiors FRONT STREET, Portland, - .... Oregon. OFFERS FOB,. SALE A. VHRY. LARCH ASSORT, meut ol, Urandles, Wines,. Liquors, Case' Goods,. i The Trade Is particularly Invited tn. axamlna m.. stock before purchaaiug elsewhere.! auiU-tf II. HE IIM AN & CO.,, MAIN ST., DALLES, OPPOSITE EMPIRB HOTEL; J JAVE JUST RECEI VED A BEAUTIFUL STOCK OF,' SPRING AND SUMMER GOODS,. Consisting In fart of. ' Fancy and Staple Dry GoodK ClctSiIng, Boots & Shoes,. . IIats& Caps,. Which they offer to sell rtt SMALLi'ROFITS.. Dalles, Maroh 27th,.18li8. " , mrSTtf ; MONTANA! IDAHO! WASHOE; ARB PUTTING. TJP- OUIU ' 0H1U1NAL SUPE1U0U BRAND OF. GROUND JAVA. COFFEE,. I . ' ALSO CII ARTRES COFFEE, IN DO (IDLE. GLAZED PAPERS, , ' To preserve lis strength-aad flavor for, tU-length nlY liiimiciiuiii'u iu ue i rwnruuu to lie auuYe p A6SS. For sale by all the Jobbers, and. , MARDKN F0IXJEB( rioooor Steam otroe and Spire Mills, . 2M Front Streot, San Srauclsco.. al8mlp2: FUKS, WOOL and IlIDEMw fjpUE IlTOHEST CASIIlPJUCE PAID FOR ;FtlnS, WOOL, AND HlDES,t McCRAKEN, MERRILL A C0.' 10 North Front Btrtwt, Purtlaud: mhl'Sm books: books WHOLESALE AND RETAIL'. aOCIlOOIi BOOKS, STATIONERY, 53 Btnuiliud and Miscellaneous WORKS, , Late NOVELS, MAUA.INES, PAPKKS.i Ac, Ac. by every Steamer. Post-OlBce Bookstore, Main street, Dalles. . Garden Seeds for thfi SUlUon,. ma7-tr . H.J. WALDRON CRY'STAL SALOON AND IJILLI AltD ROOM. JOHN RINDIiAVD,, Proprietor. WASHINGTON ST., next deor t FRENCH A OILMAX NOTICE. " I HAVE appointed E. E. HAFT, my authorked agtirtj to collect all moneys due me, and attend to my b.t. nesiietwrally.. ,ftfj, , M..KKIIWL,.