oiratainm TUESDAY EVENING, Mil 15, 18G6. ' Launched. We loaro through a private latter from Pen d'Oreille Lake, that Messrs. Moody & Co.'a boat was launched on the 28th ult. The new boat is called Mary Moody. She was to have started on her (rial trip on the 12th inst ' Tiie Grand Lodge I. 0. 0. F. will assemble in this city to morrow. The 0. S. N. Com pany have on this occasion exhibited an other of their praiseworthy acts iu giving orders along thoir line of steamers that the representatives to the Grand LoJge be pass ed at half the usual rate of travel. This is the more worthy since it came unsolicited. It docs credit to tho .officers of the com pany. Indians About. During the night of the 4th inst.,. some sixty animals were slolen from packers encampod on Reynolds creek, about eight miles from Ruby City, on the road from Boise City to Owyhee. Tho evi dence that the robbery was committed by In dians is conclusive. Most of the animals were mules of the very best quality, aud in excellent condition; One entire pack-train, consisting of forty thrc.e animals, was lost. The remaining seventeen were from other trains camped in the vicinity. A party of packers followed the Indians some seventy miles, but were unable to overhaul them or to recover a siogle animal. Tureo of the mules were killed by the Indiana on their retreat, and pieces cut from them for food. The total loss and damage is estimated, at $10,000. A Shooting Affair, From a gentleman who arrived from above by yesterday's boat we loarn that a shooting affair occurred at Crawford's Station, at the foot of the Blue Mountains, on Friday last. A man named Jeasce Eaton, resili ng at Spanish Hollow,, in this county, had. two horses stolen from him some time since and tracked them to wards Crawford's. On arriving there, he went out a short distance from the bouse and discovered his animals, and also a man named John Williams, the supposed thief, sitting near a saddle. What occurrod be tween the parties is- not known further than that Eaton instantly levelled his revolvor at Williams and commenced firing. Williams ran for his pictol which was a short distance off, but. fell before reaching it, having re ceived two shots under the shoulder. Wil liams was still alive on Sunday, though it is thought he cannot possibly recover. Eaton was arrested and- taken to Umatilla, where the affair will be tried before the Circuit Court now in session there. Citizbnb' Msitino. Tho meeting at the Court House, last evening, was largely at tended. The meeting was called to order by Mr. C. S. Miller.. Mr. II. A. Hoxue was ohoscn. chairman and James Halloran was elected Secretary. . Mr. Ilogue on taking the chair, stated the object for which the oitizens of the Dalles were called together at tuts time to be to de- vise means by Which the constant murders and robberies which are being perpetrated on the Uanyon Uity road, by hostile Indians can be abated and-the country cleared of tucm. The Secretary read a letter from Mr. A. II Morohead,, Secretary of the Grant County Protective--Association, asking aid from th citizens of this city to carry out the object of tbe Association.. Messrs. Haft, Denny, Hoguo and ITumason addressed the meeting as to tbe best means to be adopted and the policy to be pursued by the citizens ot tne Danes. On motion, a committee consisting of. Messrs. Miller, French and Halloran were appointed, to wait on tho citizens of the Dalles and solicit subscriptions in aid of the Grant County Protective Association.. On motion the number of the committee was Increased to five, with instructions to petition Gens. Steele and Halleck, and set forth the constant loss of lives and property on this road, and praying for tbe necessary protection to our citizens. Also to me morialise tbe Executive of this State to.thn ' same effect, and ask that be apply to the mil itary tor tue protection needed. - , On motion, tbe Moumtaimikb was reauest- ' cd" to publish the proceedings of this meeU- log.. . Tbe. meeting then adjourned subject to the call of the committee. T .. H. A. H0QUE, Ch'ai. ailg fl Pass Him Around. Wo learn that a man named J. E. Vimon. is traveling through the country and representing himself as a Spe cial Postal Aitcnt. In this way he has man aged to get " dead-headed " over steamboat and stage lined. We have good authority foe saying that th fellow is an imposter. At last accounts be was traveling through the Boise country. .Our friends of the press will pass bis name around, and thus warn stage men and postmasters against the imposition. Walla Walla Statesman. The scantimonious cuss passed through Boisio City and has gone to Montana to play out bis pame. W beard of him down on the road toward Walla Walla playing him self off for a Special Agent and Methodist droachcr, calling upon ''the brethren" at different places, and promising them each a Post Oflice, but were not 'then quite Btire to "open him," and so waited for him to ar rive in town. It appears now that he came and went several weeks ago, being seen in this city by only a few persons, but not wittT out borrowing sundry little sums of money of some unsuspecting though benevolent cit izens here. Tins Vinton takes a hand at temperence lecturing sometimes, or almost anything that will give him an audience and pass - We advise our exchanges to the east of us to have an eye on him. Idaho Statesman. . The individual above Referred to is a peri patetic temperance lecturer, one-horse poli tician and bummer. In the assumed charac ter of an Agent of the Post Office Department, he traveled from California overland to Portland ; thence up the Columbia river to Wallula; 'thence overland to Boise City; thence on the Salt Lnko route as far as Bear river, and thence into Montana Territory, passing free over the entire distance ; pay ing few hotel bills, but borrowing money from postmasters and others on the route. It is estimated that the gross amount out of which he swindled mail contractors and others on the trip, falls little short of a thou sand dollars. At Helena be was detected and exposed by Postal Agent Lawrence. Yinton was fortunate enough to escape being hanged by the people, but they notified him to leave the country immediately. At last advicos he was seen passing out of the town, making most eloquent time on the back of a delapidated mule. Pass him around. Warns Bluffs Road. A party of seven men smrieu oiu lo-any ior .Montana via White Bluffs. The party . was fitted out here with both provisions and horses And are fully I I applied for a long trip. A letter received from a gentlemau who left here last week says that he passed several loaded wagons on the route near the Yakima river. The caflou road is now opon for teams. The wagons passed by the gentleman referred to, ent through without any difficulty. Parties staTting out on horseback will now find no trouble in following the road as there are plain wagon tracks all the way to While Bluffs. Mr. Joslyn, who left here with his family, writes from Whlta Bluffs, May 10th "We made the trip here in five days, and did not drive hard;, found tbe road better than had anticipated. I have no doubt but those who go the Columbia river and Black foot mines with stock will eventually come this way." It is now confirmed beyond a doubt that the road from the Dalles to the Columbia river and Montana, mines Is the best and shortest route to reach those dig gings. One thing la favor of this route is, that it ".works itsolf into notoriety without the amount-of newspaper "puffing" bestow ed on up countrytrails. We are sati.-fied to let public opinion solve the question, know ing that a decision will be given in favor of the White Bluffs route. Military Ordbrt Department of Nevada Below is an order issued at Fort Churc hill, dated April 10th, by Lieut. Col. Hooker, which fully explains itsolf. Why tbe com mander of the Department of Columbia has not the same authority, or if he has, why he does not exercise it in protecting travel on tbe road from the Dalles to Owyhee, is some thing we cannot account for. 1. Commanding officers of posts in north ern Nevada will furnish such escorts as may be necessary for the saft-ty of trains of four .:?;.tJ!.sB.,S! Owyhee mines. The limited number of troops serving in this district at the present time will not admit of o corts being turnisb- ed to isolated and straggling teams. Team sters and others passing through a hostile Indian country.wnoafa.- unwilling or neg lect to provide themselves wliu arms to' as sist In their' own defense, are unworthy of I toe protection of United States troops. II. Trains rM4vlgj Ejection provided for in this order will be required to trans port the necessary subsistence and forage for their escorts, the escorts to proceed no further on the routes than may be necessary for 'he safety of the trains. ' III. All troops not required for escort and for the performance of the necessary camp duties will be kept actively employed hunt ing down hostile savages wherever they may be found more especial attention being given to that portion of country along the routes from California and Nevada to Idaho, and in the immediate vicinity of advancing civilization. . By order of Lient.-Col. Ilookor. C. T. SHERWOOD, 2d Lieut. 2d Cav. C. V.. A. A. G. REfJULAR MEKTINO of the Dalles 8ocial Club, TIITS EVENING, at 7 o'clock. ' By older. PUMP! your blood by using Hull's Sarsaparilla, Yel low Dock and Iodide Potass. It contains neither arsouic nor inercury. Religion Notice. . Cathouo CniracH Morning service: Mass, at 10JJ o'clock. 'Eveninir service: Vospers and lloiiedlctlon, at 7 o'clock, Sunday School at 2 o'clock, p. in. u23dtf FATIIKU L. D1ELKUAN, Pastor. Columbia Lodge, No. 6, I. O. O. F Meets every Friday evening at 7 o'clock, 111 Gates, Hall, corner of Second and Court Streets. Brothers In good standing are invited to attend, lly order. M.U. Wasco Lodge, No. 15, A. P. & A. M. Holds its stated Conimnulctition. on the First and Third Mondays of each month, at their liall, in Dalies City, Brethren in good standing are invited to attend. lly order of the W. M. Sktii L. Popk, Scc'y. Notice to Democrats. R. OILMAN having declined the nomtnatlod as Candldato of the Democratic party for Conntv Commissioner, we do horeby nominate JOHN WIL LIAMS lu his stead. W. T. NKWCOMB, llwl Ch'n Dem. Co. Committee. Al UTILE. TnE UNDERSIGNED HAVING BOUGHT the Schooner IWtcverance and half the schooner Jfu pid, from Torence Quiti, all debts against the above named Boats must he prosented to mo b" the 20th day of May. ASA STRONG. Dalles, May 3. 1816. nilOdiw. Herald copy, 2 weeks, and send bill to this office. PROF. MURRAY'S r MAGIC OIL, For Sale hy OATHS CUAPIN. ALSO, AGENTS FOR DR. DUNCAN'S Whooping Cough Specific. FRED. LIEBE, GROCERY. PROVISION, AND FBTJ1T STORE Washington Stroet, opposite French A Gil man's, Dalles. 11m. nil itniwl it litrtrA anil wi.ll.iuiuiFt.il .tm-le nf UftUUXsiSilXiO OC. JTJfcU V ABJAJIVD, Ereslk Butter &. Eggs, Received dally. A larce lot of CHICKENS always on hand. FRUITS of all kinds. FRESH VEGETABLES every morning. All articles warranted. . Give Me. a Call, Everybody PRICKS LOW. ao!8:tf F. LTF.BF,. J. F. KELLOGG, DENTIST, Main St., Dalles, Oregon. FTKR NEARLY SIXTEEN YKARS . Practice in his DrofeMion. would RiiLil??: respectfully inform the citizens of the Dulles and the imblic irenernllv. that h lias loaned the Dental Olllce lately occupied hy J. W OURLK Y, Dentist, where he can bo found prepared to at lend to tnose requiring Ills prolosstonal services. Omen Hours From 8 o'clock, a. h.. to 12 a : and from i o chick, r. h. too p. x. man SELECT SCHOOL. rrWIR UNDKRSIONKD WILL OPBN A SELECT .bl SCHOOL for children on Monday, May Vtli. 1866, On THIRD ETEEET, hetween Washington and Court. Tuition per quarter, $6 OO m2tf MI3SSr, SNYDER. J. 13. DICKERSON, Dealer In all kinds of GROCERIES & GRAIN, ATina Lowest Oasli Rates. ALSO, JOSLYN & CUKTIS' BUTTEB On hand, and receivod Fresh evory week. Come One, Come All, ami Give me a Call AT CONSER k BARTER'S OLD STAND. SUl'UKIOK C1L1IOKMA RANCH BUTTER! A Few Taekages Choico, la quantities to suit, at aOtf. BALDWIN BROS. omom steam mv. cmpam NOTICE. FREIGHT ON FLOUR REDUCED. TkN AND AFTER TUESDAY, MAY 1st, until further F notic irenriii on Floor will De as follows : From Dalles to Umatilla ... f 6 00 per too, nanuia .t... 7.DU " " ' Wnlts BluttM... .1 00 " - Lswlston,,,- 34 Dalles, Mar Ut,;8t),. FRANK T DODO R,, ntdta., sfa 0i8 H. C, pUi FCTION; AND HOUSE! No. 100 MALM STREET, DALLES.. TUB TJNDE..8IONKD THANKFUL FOR, PAST Fuvm-B. respectfully Informs the citizen of iw DtUlfw, and the public generally, that lie continues to sell at -. UBLIC AUCTION Oil PRIVATE BALIS, Rcsil IvKlafc, (jleiieral Aiercbandlse, GlUCCI'iCN, , '.. SilllCS, Furniture, . Mocks, Slc. &c, REGULAR SALE DAYS, . . Tuesdays and Saturdays. Cash Advances made on Consignments, And PROMPT RETURN m de of Bales. Ont-doorand Special Sales attended to in anv part ot tho city. . , . JOHN WILLIAMS, Auctioneer. J. J U K E H, Slain Street, Dalles, WD0LI8ALI AND RETAIL DEALER IM CIGARS. TOBACCO, SNUIT, PIPES, &o. ALWAYS IK BTOBI THI DI8T BRANDS OF 'igars, Tobacco, Matches, &c. PLAYING CARDS, ' I'OCKKT CUTLERY, ' PORT MONIES, COMBS and UltUSHES, o' all kinds, PERFUMERY, ot every description. CHINA ORNAMENTS TOYS, DOLLS, etc. FISH HOOKS and FISHING TACKLE, . MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS, FANCY GOODS, Ac. Also Powder. Shot, Loud, Powder Flasks, Baskets. ar. nfany other articles too numerous to mention. - Interior dealers supplied with Clears. Tobaeeo, etc. at less than Portland prices, with frelidit added. oc-S - SELLING OFF AT COST ! J. GOETZ & CO.. STONE BUILDING, WASHINGTON STREET, DALLES, Offer their well-selected stock of ' TOBACCO, ' SEGARS, PIPES, YANKEE JNOTIONS, AND STATIONEEY. AT BAN FRANCISCO COST. nirZItf (JATES sfe CHAPIN WHOLESALE A RETAIL DRUGGISTS, STONE BUILDINO, WASHINGTON STREET, DALLES, OREGON. Importors and Jobbers of PATENT MEDICINES, CHEMICALS FANCY GOODS, SODA, CORKS ACIDS, - - OILS, 4 ALCOHOL, TURK WINES LIQUORS, PAINTS, GLASS ft BRUSHES. PHYSICIANS' PRESCRIPTIONS Accurately conipcunded. ' " PHOTOGRAPHIC EMPORIUM. A full and comnleto assortment of all artlt-lm in .- Photographic Line, at a SMALL ADVANCE ON SAN FRANCISCO PRICES. r Merchants will please get our prices before order ing below. H. L.CUAl'iN, JUSTIN GATES. . Dalles. Sacrameuto, Cal. LAST CHANCE 2 WE WOULD CALL THE ATTENTION OF TIIH public to tho lact that we era eloaluiF nut stock of CLOTHINGr' DRY GOODS, &C, &C, At Greatly Reduced Rates, And offer burtca ns which cannot fall to satisfy anybody wanting articles lu our Hue. Tnlr Warning-! t INTEND CLOSINO OUR BUSINESS HERE l t the FIRST OF JUNE noxt,and we take this o portuuitv of once more cullin i.pon those indebted t us to fall and settle. We'will not, If e can help it place any of our accounts In the hands of legal ci llec tore; but If obliged to do so. v.-e shall have recourse t that when this uolice expires. . HJl.- M. BROWN A BR0. DALLES & ROCKLAND Landings-Foot of lTnlon Street. TH" PROPRIETORS ARB NOW PREPARED WFHi BTADNCH ANIMIOOMY BOATB, to TerosT j Travelers, Horses it Stock, L'.ai4:WP''lW" nuiuur, aul at RmmmM