vol. r. DALLES, OREGON, TUESDAY, MAY.1,5 1SOO. iso. res. 0unta.u1e.er, PUBLISHED EVERY EVENING, "(MONDAYS BXOKPTKD,) BV E. C. On.lE '& J. 1IALLORA1V, - BDIT011S AND PllOPHIETOkS. Terms Twcnty-fittcmlt per week, payable to the carrier : par month,' by mail, 1;. three months, (2 60; six months, id; one your, $s. Advertioeiuents inserted at low rules. Job Printing. Every description of nlaln nnd fancy Job Printing exe- oled with neatness and despatch, nnd forwarded as por oroerioany pari oi tne country. lMymcnlJorJoorrmt wg muni dp. muue on aeuvery of worlc. XV. El. lI.A!S!i. Practical VVatckmulicr, And Dealer iu FIXE WATCHES & JEWELRY, DALLES, OREGON. liettuljliisliecl I8G7. . BALDWIN 13TtO.. DEALERS IN GROCERIES ! consult of Main and Union Streets, Dalles. J. 0. BALDWIN nih21-tf P. W. BALDWIN. FURNITURE ! FURNITURE DIKllLAM Sc. WENTZ, -jNITUj, GLOBE HOTEL BUILDING, VtfPSJJ Dalloa City, have on hand a variety j$t?M3 Household Furniture, jH2Sie "lem,,rao'''R nu,e, Chairs, Burenua eij--y-4siljE lledsand IJedstends, Bedding, Carpets etc., etc., all of which will bo sold at low rates. Furniture Repaired, and Upholstering done to order. Also,on hand Uattr-oaswaaud Pillows. Spring Beds made to order. au!2 WM. 140AU08., 0. B. KOEUKL. ' WM. MOABUS & CO.,' O I TY BAKERY, " ' AND , r R 0 VIS ION STORE, Corner of First and B Streeta. WHOLESALE AND RETAILDEALERS In BREAD, CIlACIiBHSand Family OR00MUU3. . . . 0rderB from a distance carefully filled and prompty ispatched. 1-tf JOSEPH liLKJEL.T", . ' . WnolSSSXB AND RETAIL DEALER IN .. . Fancy & Staple Dry Goods, CLOTHING. BOOTS AND SHOES, UATS AND CAPS, AND Gentlemen's Furnishing Goods Fire-proof , Stune Store, corner of Main and Court streets. r - oc4-tt ATTORNEYS i COUNSELLORS At LAW WILL PRACTIOIS IN TUB SUPREME ANttCIR cult Courts of Oregon, and the District Courta o Washington Territory. . i Particular atteutioa paid to the collection of clalma. O. HUMASON Dalles, Ojtn. J, A. ODELL. , TO LET, . .. By the Night, Week or Month,' NEXT DOOIl TO JACKSON ENGINE HOUSE. ' . m2tf MRS. SPRKNGER. . LANGLEY, COTELL & CO,, IMPORTERS AND WHOLESALE DUTJGrG-IST S, Corner of Clay and Battery Sts., SAN FRANCISCO. . , ' mh22:d0nn"'' ' ' ' ""' " 74. 74. Witt. BROWN WARNER, M. O. OFFICE 74 SECOND STREET, between Washington nnd Court. . GrncE Uoima 9 toI2, A. M.; 2 to 4 p. M.; nnd 8 to 10, p. u 1311. JJ. 'W. MITCHELL, . Omen WALDRON'S "BUILDING. Residence Corner of Third and Washington Streets. v . B. IJIfcOOICS, m. r. dfflce-At "lir. 'Ci'RiR'n Hrua (Store. DALLES,' OREGON. NOTICE. WE CALL THE ATTENTION OF THE PUBLIC to the fact, that we have concluded to give up bus iness and thernore. all parlies indented tons MUST PAY UP W1TJU1N NINETY DAYS or legal proceeding will 1lrai. 1 . -i.Tfc- - M.BROWN DR01I k i)aHe,'MarchlO,186o. ll mllf IMPORTERS AND WHOLESALE Dealers in Wines, Liquors GItOCKltlES, ' Miners' Goods, Boat Stores, &c, BAVX BBMOVED TO THEIR NtW STONE BUILDING, ' conNint or Second and Washington Streets, . DALIES CITY. NOW, IN STOUK A LAUGH AND COMPLETE AS sortucnt of thu very best brands of WIIVli: AND LIQUORS. Also, a full assort meut of GROCERIES & STAPLE GOODS. . S" Constantly receiving onr supplies direct from New York and San Francisco, we are able and willing to sell at a very small advance on San Francisco prices. They hope by adopting a strictly torrect and uroinut method ol doing business, they will receive tuepntroungo ct the put nc. seio-tt UMATILLA HOUSE DALLES, OREGON. IIANBLEY & S1NNOTT, Prop'rs. TUIS P0PULAB house, ointraut located, Near the Steamboat Landing & Railroad Depot. Has beon recently enlarged and Improved, and will now aucuumiouaie , 300 GUESTS. IT WILL BE CONDUCTED as' heretofore, as a FIRST CLASS HOUSE, and the patronage of the traveling public is rcspeotfnlly solicited. - - OUT Dnggnge taken tolhe Honaofree of charge. House open an nignt. , . LARGE FIRE-PROOF SAFES TO DEPOSIT VALUABLES Dalles, Oct. 4-tf. : : EMPIRE HOTEL, t .;' HAIN STREET, DALLES, OREGON, TIIpniAS SMITH, Proprietor. A FIRST-CLASS HOUSE. y. :' THE CENTRE OP BUSINESS, ' - Near the Stoamboat and Railroad landing) Superior Accommodatlona for' FAinlllea and can Ao commodate One Hundred and Fllty Gueata, Meals 60 cat. . ; ! Lodging SOcta. ' Flro Proof Safe for deposltoof valuables. House opon all night. Baggage tnken to the Home free of charge, . THOUAfl SMITH, mh8-tf , . , Proprietor. CO UMBIA, RIVER MINES. Avlli .BOOT II , WHITE BLUFFS, W. T., FORWARDING AND COMMISSION MERCHANT, t , ' ; AND GENERAL DEALER IN ... MERCHANDISE l . AND- '." .'.'.' RUN J3 ESS' SUPPffilBS. ' PACK AND SADDLE HORSES FOB SALE. FREIGHTS C0NSIONFD to my care for Colvllle Kooterfal, or the Unnor Columbia Alluea, will re culve prompt attention . White Uiulla, Oct. 1st, 1864. . oo.2tr KEXV FIUilT, GKOCEUY ! AND PROVISION STORE. rpiIB UNDERSIQNE6 INFORMS HIS FRIENDS and X the public gonorally, that ho has Just established on Main street, next door to J. Juker, Tobacconist, A NEW. STORE I . wliere be keeps constantly on hand A large assortment o selected FRUIT. Also, in store acompletestock ofcholce UKUVHIUHH, I-KUVISWNS, VJJJSTAULKS,-ao All of which will be sold, wholesale and retail, at KE DUCED PRICES. Come and see and satisfy yourself. aellMf ., - JOHN SP081T0. COLUMBIA RIVER MINES! A. B. D00TH.. .....IIARRT NEVtSON. , BOOTH & NEVISON, Forwarding and Commlislon Merchant AND DELERS IN GENERAT MERCHANDISE, WJiito BluflW W. X, RETOHT FOR COLVII.LE, UPPER COLUMBIA, F KOOTENAI and 11LACKF00T MINES promptly turwarded. ' Mark OoodaB. 4 N., White Blufla, W. T, REPERENCES: PORTLAND-Rlcharda i McCrnkCn, Allen k Lewis, and nodge ft Calef. DAILESBloch, Miller k Co., French 4 Oilman. M. BROWN & BB0., WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALERS III jrTANoV And staple DEYGOO.DS! GR0CERIE3, PROVlBiONSr-Ao. Mr. M. nOVN. Tjalncr a resident of flan Frannlsen. vrm are enalded 'to offer great Indcements to pnrchasenh We rdspectfully Invite tle public to examine our stock hefbr hdrchaslng elsewhere. ' . mlft-tt jjr Stone Store, north' ilde Vain street. Dalles, Democratic State Ticket. FOR CONGRESS: . JAAlbS l. FAY, OlJackaon. . FOR GOVERNOR: JAMES K. KELLY, Of Wasco. TOR SECRETARY OF STATE; : LAFAYET1E LANE, ' Of Multnomah, i FOR STATE TREASURER: JOHN C. 11 ELL, , . , Of Marion. FOR STATE PRINTER: . ',' JAMES O'JJE IKA, Of Linn. FOR PROSECUTING ATTORNEY FIFTH DISTRIOT. J. H. "SLATER, ; Of Union." Democratic County Ticket. For Representatives, '.0. HUMASON, ' F. T. DODGE. . For Sheriff, a. w. Ferguson! For Clerk, ' F. S. HOLLAND. , For Treasurer, - ' . A. W. BUCHANAN. For Commissioners, . G.F.HERBERT, . . JOHN WILLIAMS. For Assessor, HARRISON CORUM. For School Superintendent, E. P. FITZGERALD, For Surveyor, . W, T.NEWOOMB. For Coroner, . DR. C. B. BROOKS. Virginia City, Montana & Blackfoot OVERLAND STAGE L1NEI BEX. IIOLLIDAY, Proprietor. COXCORB STAGES LEAVE BOISE CITY EVERY OTHER DAY FOR BLACKFOOT, Salt Lake City, Denver City, MISSOURI RIVER, .. Connoctlng at SALT LAKE CITY with Concord Stages Rnnulng to , Vlrgflnlo. City, Nevada, . 'AND SACRAMENTO, CALIFORNIA. FARKi . . Boise City to Fait Luke City , 100 00 " i. Virginia City, MnnUna 125 00 i " " Missouri lllvcrj Legal Tender $300. Gold, $100 400 00 For further Information apply at ' OVERLAND STAOR LINE OFFICE. lioUa City, I. T., mh0d3m : ' J. N. TODD, Agent. TO TEAMSTERS AND DAIRYMEN! FEED ! FEED 1 1 SHORTS, ,: oit-ALllS'" ';'' AND ; - ' ' 0FJALL KINDS, FOR SAB BY ; ; . ' ; LAW, l" "26-Froht Street, Portland ' n!9:tf. . .Opposite O.B.N. Worehonae. N.H.OATE8. . . . , ; .i.HAri. , GATES .-'eSe IIAiT, .;, Attorneys & Counsellors at Law, bi dalles; OREGON 'sm. Union State Ticket . . FOR CONGRESS . , , . RUFUS 91ALLORY, Of Marlon. , ' v F0R GOVERNOR: ' GEO. L. WOODS, : Of Wasco. FOR SECRETARY OF STATE: SAMUEL E. MAY, Of Marion, FOR STATE TREASURER: E. N. COOKE, Of Marion. .FOR STATE PRINTER: W. A. McrilERSOJV, Of Linn. '. ' FOR I'ROSECUTINO ATTORNEY FIFTH DISTRICT: C. II. MEIGS, OfWaato."' Union County, Ticket. For Rpresentative9, H. A. H0GUE,' ' " ' 0. B. KG5GEL, For Sheriff, R. W. CRANDALL. For Cleric, ' R. B. REED, For Treasurer,' ' ' ' '" "G. W-'WALDRON. . For Commissioners', ' R. MAYS, R. H. WOOD. For Assessor, - L. L. ROWLAND. For School Superintendent, ' '',T. CONDON. ... ' ' '. For Corohr, DR. W. B WARNER. . ' A CARD FOR THE , Spring & Summer CIotMng TraSe i OF SAX FRACISCO. B ADGER & LINDENBEHGEE,': , No: 411, 413 and 413 Battery Street, v Cor. Itlcrcliant, San Francisco. . Importers and Wholesale Dealers. , ENTIDE NEW AND FRESH STOCK WE WOULD CALL ATTENTION of Country Mcr. cliauta to our nsunlly large stock of Goods. Our : . atock comprises every article in the Clothing and Fur -niahingllne. We have constantly on hand'the'largeat Rnd greatest variety of Cassimoro and Wool UA'Ibl auy house iu San Francisco, and our priies-.for these, Goods are less than those ofany'hpuse, aa;weTeoelve them diroct from the manufacturer,B.coslgument.'':0r, stock of Summer and Fall Goops is particularly attpict lve, and the great feature to the country merchant is the unusually low prices. - ' ' ' less Than the Cost of Importation! We alao keep the STAPLE ARTICLES In the Dry Good line, which Goods wo have purchased In tills market un- , der the hammer, and are oOeriug them at Mew Yolk voni, anu less. - . We publish this card In order that we may make new ' acquaintanccarand induce those who have not heretofore purchased of ua, to call and examine our stock. Good Articles and Low Prices! Are the greateat Inducements to all who purchaae to) aell again. Merchants who.buy of ua can make a good . ' profit, and sell to their customers at t low figure. We remain, respectfully, . .' , . Your Obedient servants, V BADGER 4 LINDENBEROER, Wholesale Clothing and Hat Warehouse, . . Noa. 411, 418 and 416 Battery street, -' Bon Franclaco, April 20,1806. flimsy . MRS. LEESEB!' FRENCH MILLINERY jSTOi AND --VV if. '- Dress Maklny .Kstaia.wb?.!.;,-'-',; ' 1 WOULD .OALr.-iint'tf taNWONone'Lad theDaiJesto-yiana-lttwetutkof . , .,-, . BOKikS.ATsj" FEATHERS,'. ' jyt'phi JVviTnmixtgmt Sic. IfwMpe aowei'the sorvlcea of MRS. IRARY. In the Dress miOrriit; apnrtnteut,'wc will do all work in that line and guarantee perfect satisfaction. DYlis'G tlouein all colors. t. , .:.. . .'UlTe-roe an'eiirly call and I will endeavor" to suit ' everybody In TASTE and at REASONABLE PRICES, ; Particular 'attontioD paid ta Embioldery and EraLldlng StamplDff,'