' 'Poverty of Statesmen. Statesmen generally fail to secure fortunes. They devote thetuBelves to pursuits wbiob, If 'honestly; 'Bdhored to, rarely yield Towards. . Jefferson died comparativei My poor. ' Indeed if Congress had not purchased hia library, and given for, U five times its value, be would with 'drfficulty tave Irept fbe wolf from bis xdopr8.; Madison saved money,' ana was comparatively rich. To add to his fortune, or rather that of his widow, Congress; purchased his manuscript manors, and Daid $30:000 for them. James Monroe' the siScth President of the United States, died in New York poor j his remains-found a rostings laOa through the charity of one of his friends, . John" Quincy Adams left some 8140,000, t'h result of industry, prudence and inheritance. He was a man of method and 'economy. Mar tin ' Van Boron died very rich. Throughout his political life he studi ously looked for his own interest. It is not believed -that bo ever spent much in politics. ' Daniel Webster squandered some millions in his life timethe'prodact of his professional . and political speculations. He died leaving his property to his children and : hid debts to his friends. The former sold for less than $20,000, and the latler exceeded $360,000. Hopry Clay left a. very handsome estate. It probably exceeded $1,000,000. He was a prudent manager, and a hern put lously honest man. James K. Folk lea about $150,000; 850,000 of which ho saved from his Presidency of four years. - John Tylor left $5Q,000j J3e. tore' ho reached' the Presidency he vas bankrupt. In offioe .be husband ed his means, find then' married a rich wife. Zacb&ry Taylor left- $150,000. - IIbstoSation or Slavery. A Sav anna paper expresses the fear that the profitable business of raising rice will never bo renewod in that State, and thatj tb.e rice.ficjds will become on pro ductive .swamps. .It says that the while man,, even the acclimated and native, is unable to cultivate these plantations, and tho negro will not ujiloss ho is raado to. The only rem ody.it sees lies in the hope that Com gress will consentthat the State shall make laws compelling the negroes to labor ' The pretence under which this may be done 1b thus foreshadow ed , V .For many years the negro pop ulation must form a large , proportion of the paupers, vagrants, and crimi-- nals in our midst. The States of South and' North Carolina have . no penitentiares't and it is well they have noi, or thev would be speedily crowd- o(l. JUet those atatee, then,- provide feettloments where negro criminal? and vagrants can be placed for penal serv itude j lot them buy up these rice fields mat are reverting to swamp ( wnicn they can do for a Bong),, and , sond their neero criminals there to work them. A Such, a plan would Inflict the punishment, attain the desired end, and prove a source of great revenue to loo State, and ot benebtto tbe peO- )le at larger It will be perfectly safe abor, as far as the neero's health is conoornod; for tiotigh disagreeable, he can stana io. yt::R - r 66 IDAHO.'.': i CAPT. J. MlNTJLTTK..j. Commander, Will leave DALLES, DAILY. (Sundays excepted) at 6 o'clock. A. M..connectl'iiL by tlie CASCADE RAILROAD, with the teamen .it, f ; Ciw. i r ; li t. NEW WORLD, u- -:u CASCADE, or WILSON GrllUNT, CArT.J. WOLF,......,........... ......... ......Commander, fc Portland. 5 -' .'. IRAN'S T. DODGE, ' ' Dalles, A pi 11 8. 1868. fnl2tf Agent O. S. N. Co. y " fetitritaonsi In Justice's Court,, bsfore B. Wliftloh. Justice f the Peace In ana lor upper Canyon Cltf Precinct. IS. O, Hardy; vs. A. W. Asgln; .. ,. ,- mO A'.'T. ASKIN, i)EF KNDANT ABOVE NAMED JL .In the neme of the 8tate'of Oregon, you are rank mnaeil Aim required to be end appear In tbe above) enti tled Court, within tlx manthe from data hereof, then and there, to anawer to a civil action, entitled na above, the complaint in which li 6ri Ale In said caurt; and tane Do tine, that tf yon fall to appear and anawer. plaintiff will taae judgment against yon tor me turn oi W7 js, and tor M. V. HARDY, hla ooata herein. Canyon Oity, March 20, 188, apl8 - 'Administrator' Notlfce A N APPLICATION . . HAVING BEEN TH1 J made by F. O. Sela. administrator, fhr an 'order to aall lh real property uf tlie aetata of Mi If. Ailkmf, he- eeaM, lor the purpose oi paying the dents ni eaid eetate administration. It la ordered that aald Oregon Stora Navigation a(Cp, SUMMER; ARRANGEMENT. ' ' ''''UBS 8TEAMER8 , '. , t ! EZVfcllCE CHIEF,' ' 'WEB-FOOT, ... j '''i-,'frEJMSlO;-1 t3 . . ' .. ' j ,.OWIIEE, - !.'. ' '! . A YAKIMA, -i J SPRAT- it ' 1 OK.A1VAGON, CapUini B. I. CQ8, a 0. JELTON, J. U. B. GRAY, and TUOS.J. STUMP, " j Will ran (tnrlr.IT the aeaann from TRT.TI.O A TUATTT. 1.A, WALLULA, M'UITS BLUFFS, PALOUSK and LKW1STON. One of the abore- named boats will leave CKLILO for UMATILLA and WALI.ULA. on TUEBDAYS. T11U118. DAYS and SATUBDAyS-. " - , ; The jfassensrei l'raln to connect wilb steamers at Celilo will start from the Knilroed Depot, DALLES CITY, at S o'clock, A. M. f - ; '?v BLUFFS. ,.. , vTHE YAKIMA,';,!., CAPT. X. f . COB. .,.t,. ........ ..Commander. Will leave CKLILO every SATUKDAT, for TVH1TM I ., i - . . t in I iy I j ) :,. : lt I THE QWYlIEE" CAPT. FKLT0N..;...4..'.....;... ..Xommamler. Will leave V ALLULA every WEDNESDAY moon the arrival of the steamer that starts from Celilo ou Tues day), for LKW18TON. t " . VOn POHTLAND THKOUQIJ IN ONE DAY. I : ,1.,.,-J i-i-i ' ' . . .t ... The Steamers . , . . t ,; ' O 3N".E O 3V rt 'A. . f t i i OB ,t ti; BLUFFS. Umatil ra."B b i s o '1!!: Ca'ND IDAHO " ' Exnress and Fast Freight Line. I -'' 4 1 1 !!-.' THIS LINE IS NOW IS COMPLETE RUNNING order from Umatilla to Idaho City, via Boise City. and prepared to carry Freight and Valuable Packayea between these and all Inter mediate points wttkterteiaty and despatch.' " . Tbe Iilnela Stocked with tbe Beat Teams tbe country affords and entirely . . ( .. New yiorough-Braco CONCORD , WAGONS; Which ensures Bpesd and Safety In the transmission of i reight, never before onereu to jdano. we odor Dupe rlor inducero'ente for Shtfipfnp; Ooods from San Francisco and Portland to Idaho, as our arrangements wltb tlie Ocean Steamship Company and the Oregon Steam Navi gation are such that all Goods shipped by this Lin will not be subject to the usual delays, but pans through as . fjrtorl shipped from San Franclaco to onr care at Port and. Charkea will Be paid and Goods shinned to destina tion. ; GOODS SHOULD BB MARKED: CARE' B. M. D. A CO., F, LIN K, and Shipping Receipt sent to our Agents at Portland and Umatilla... ... Advance Charges for Transportation Paid by the Line and Collected at Destination. Goods will be forwarded with Dispatch, to Qwyhes aud South Boise, PASSENGERS CARRIED AT GREATLY REDUCED BATES. Families will be furnished with Superior Ac commodations In New and Kaay Riding Thorough Brace Wagons on the Most Liberal Terms, Via lay over eacn nignt on tne itoaa at uooa ana uonvenient stations, so that passengers will not be,deprived of regular rest. AOUMX81 u........UM.....8an Francisco UICIIAHDS McOltAKBN. ..Portland JOSEi'llTEAL.......... . Dalles POWELL A C"B Mu. A...............Uaialllla J. B. WILKINSON U Grand B. M. DvRKLL A CO...i......... jtnlee City B. M. DuHKLL A CO... IdaboClty MAJOK HPKKll...-..V...i.. .ocky Bar (Sooth Boise) DuKELL A MOOKB Ruby and Silver Cities ,'n2w . . ' Proprietors., uaLl.es city JWR-lr VHsr'rn: lt'aur B DRUG STOR . P. CRAIG, , WBOLI8ALB ilO'SIf All"4 ' " " - V . J - 4. 4. -1 DEALER IN DRUGS. Perfumery, Fancy Soaps? PATENT MEDICINES , Ac. . , , n-tr 'DRUGS AND PATENT MEDICINES!! DR UOS AND PA TEST MEDICINES ! DRUGS AND PATENT MEDICINES!!, S. LEMON, wholmaliihb bktail DKUQGI8T, t Washington Street, between Main and Second 8treets DALLES, OREGON. , , LEMON Is able to snpply parties In want of Drops, Patent Medicines. Chonticsls, Adds, Perfumery, and every other article enumerated wlih tl . ,, WHOLESALE DRUG BUSINESS, At the lowest market rates. '' ' 49" Physicians and Merchants Intending; to purchase for the Mines, will do well to give him a call. TRUSSES & SHOULDER BRACES In great variety.) S. T.IMnK ap.3:tf. Washington St., between Main adn Second. PORTLiilVDTUIINDRY ' - ' AND -H ' MACHINE SHOP,; FIRST STREET, between Yamhill and Morrison. Steam unginst offrom4to40 horse. power,eitlier Portable or Stationary. Also. CIU- CULAB SAW MILLS CQMPLETH, constantly on hand. Also, (lay Prea aeaof allaixes; Planing Mac)iinee,(Woodwortb's pattern,) Wronglit and Cass Iron work lor Ver tical Sawand Grist mills; Brass and Iron CastinKS and. - t v , r' " t" r T IVROVGIIT IROIV'WOltK of every description. I am also prepared to farulsln, n Quart MUW complete),' of thi Latest A , most proyed. Patterns, . These Mills can beforwarded to anv nart of the mines as the weight of the entire machinery will not exceed 8, OOOpounds. l-.r'-t Horse rowers' Agricultural ImPlernenti . manufactured to order at the very LOWEST CASK I'KICB m. r-raxticuiorauention paid to KKfAllia. feXMf 0Sm i BTCIIARDS A McCRAKEN, r, jSummons. , In Justice's Court for West Ballet Precinct." John Eppinger, plalhtiff, vs. John Yonog, defeudant. Civil TO JOnN r0t)N0, DBFBNDANT: - Tn the name of the State of Oregon, you are hereby required to ap pear before the undersigned,1 a Jnstlfeof the Peace of ine aioresaia nrecinct,in tne m day orjnne.lSoe, at tin hour of 10 o'clock in the turenooiff ld Jay, at theuf Ice of aald Justice of the Peace, to anawer the above anted plaintiff in a elvll action. : The defendant will take notice, that If he fall to appear and anawer the plaintiff's compaint, the plsliit(fr will take Judgment against him for the sum of Ninety Dollars, Olth iuterest thereon. -!. V . 1 ' ' Given under my band, tills 10th ds of April, 18RA. j ap20w8 F. 8. HOLLAND, ' Dalles, April 1Q,J8M. t : lit r i JusUe of the Peaee. ?- " . Notice. " : " SEALED PROPOSALS, in duplicate, will be received at the office of the undersigned at Tan. ouver Depot, W. T.. also, at the office of the A. O. B.. at FORT DALLES, Oregon, and at FORT BOISE. I. T.. until Tlmreday, li o'clock M, the 10th DAY OF MAY, 1866, for furnishing the U. 8. Subsistence Department with Two Hundred Head f200of BeefCuttlo, for the Subsist ence of the Troops in the District of Boise. Said Cattle to be of goodand Merchantable quality, aud to.be deliv ered to tlie A. C. 8. at FORT BOISE. I. T or an author ised agent of the 8nlislstenre Department, tn said Dis trict, on or before the 30th day of June, 1866. . f Each Bid to lie accompanied by a Bond (with at- least two sureties) In the sum of Five Thousand Dollars, for. the faithful performance of the proposals contained Id tlie bids, ln'cnse the bid is accepted. . no iia will ue received lor a less quantity man nity (80) Head. 1 urns must state tne price in u. s. uuLiii ooin. ' The contract will bo subi ect to the approval of the De partment and Division Commanders, ' ' i t- i - ine undersigned reserves to nimseil the right to reject any or all Bids that be may deem unieaavnable. i Bids to be addressed to the A. O. 8., at either of the nbove named Posts, and endorsed thus: "Proposals for BeefCattlo."V ' T , ,, ....... GEO. n. WEEKS, J . .1 t -Capt.and A.Q.M. TJ. 8. Jt.,A.O.S. U. 8. SnnsnixcE Orrici, : :, - Vancouver Depot, W.T.,.-. . aciJ. Vi.. np22-12t April 18th, 1806. DR. DAVY'S'SPECIFIC COMPOUND , i An Expeditions Cure for all diseases oftlie SEXUAL ORGANS. TUTS prompt aniefflcatlons Remedy Mr the enre -Hionorrrea. Gleet. Stricture's, and Diseases of the Urinary Organs, makes a speedy cure without the least restriction to diet, exposure or change In application business ; It will radically cure Viy cam which can be produced. , The disease it removes a speedily as- la con sistent with the production of a thorough and permanent cure. Pnrther. the disease cannot ba oontracted if the BPECTFIG COMPOUND is taken when exnosed. i Its Ingredients are entirely vegetable, aud no Injurious enect, either constitutionally or locally, can he caused uy its use, 1 Price One Dollar and Fifty cents per bottle. Sent by Express carefully packed. -o i i ; UOSTETTKR, SMITH A DBAN. Agents ' . 401 and 403 Battery street, cor Clay,': : . Jy22-6m. .. j ,.,, . .... Ban Fraoolsco. i.DAUAii. ;.. . o. w. aarns. , a.w.AKMsa. - ARME8 D ALLAM, J I.4.V-. .-. u " Imporien and Jobbers of i'' ' WOOD AND WILLOW WARE, I BBU8UE3I TWINES, CORDAGE. Ae.fi' J ' And Manufacturers of California Palls, Tqbs, Brooms, Ac. ' 21T A 219 Sacramento Btreet, between FYont And Davis Ban Francisco: ' "' oclliSmdaw. DAILY IIOTJKTAIHEEB .... j., v.. S5". POWER PBtB8'' BOOK & JOB PRINTING OFFICE. :. , i ; First Street, between Main and B 1 i DALLES, ., ....... OREGON.' JOB PRINTINC OF EVERY VARIET Y - Executed with accuracy and dispatch. IK A STYLE THAT WILL COMPARE FAVORABLY '.,"' with the very best, and' AT BATES A8 CHEAP AS THB. CHEAP ST Cards and Ilil l-tleadni. "' ' CHECKS, DRAFTS,: RECEIPTS. 1 POSTERS AND PROGRAMMES I i FOR ' ' i THEATRES CONCERTS' EXHIBITIONS xc. arc, , . (Sc., .' nntTKB tbi aoaf Anaacnvi k&mrii. also, WAT-BILLE, " n,i.MHl80F TARE, -. i ,...;'::. . . iATTA- BEADS, RECEIPT BOOKS. 21 ...: ' '''"" 1 BILLS lADIXO. i" ' nvlr nnd P9ninhlp. VISITING, VEDD1NO AND UJT HOME" CARDS .'' , DrujtBlt' Label, ..... In short, everything that can be done in a Book and Job Printlnf Office, from the smallest and most delicate Card or Circular! to the largest slse and most ehowy Post It, g BUI and which will be turned out m a style that cannot (ail to Insure entire satisfaction. : . . .. ova ruiuriH rua tub mm mjutiuj vr DECORATIVE PRINTING . . , la the most beautiful Colors, Shades and Tints., i-, Such as Taney FoBting Bills ! ' ' yrom a single sheet to the Largest wammotn, ' ORNAMENTAL SHOW CARDS, ii Are ansorpassed by those ol any other establishment in Oregon. We devote special attention to this branch of ti e business, and are continually adding to our already exten sive and wall appointed assortment of material, ; NEW TYPES, BORDERS, .ORNAMENTS. etc. etc . rfii.. Of the most modern and elaborate designs. Onr stock o. ' FANCY INKS. TINTS. AC, Are' of the finest quality, and for richness of color and durability, cannot be equaled in tbe State, i The principle upon which buaineas is asked for this es tablishment Is, that persons will consult their own Inter ests, by awarding their custom to that office in whirl their money can be expended to the best advantage. To thla end we solicit all In want or good Printing, at very reasonable charges, to call and examine epeoiniens, and judge for yourselves. ' ' Orders from the Upper Country Will have onr special care, and friends from the Intern may rely npon having their orders filled promptly, as HAVE THE ONIYIMPRQVCO cowioN rowtftfness -; - En tae tttate ot Oregon ., Add"'" MOUNTAINEER OFFICE mlS-tf pallss. Oregon. JACKSON SALOON ! CORNER COURT AND SECOND STREETS, '' DALLES,. OREGON ' ' TnB CNDERSIONKO, HAVING REMOVED FHOI , T1IK "BELLA UNION" CELLAR, INTO , . . Gates' New IJulldlnff, :, Bea to Infcrm the nubile that they art prepared to serve their customers with the best , , , ,i ,. ' '' Wines, Liquors and Cigars, TUB.' MARKET AFFORDS. AL80, A , . , i . u . :iTree Luncn i Every day and evening. "- I decMf KLEIN, ' Proprietors. aad eznenses ol auminlStratloii.lt is ordered that anl, ppllration ha beard tli first Monday of May, lfc&S, and that this line notice thereiif be given by puliliahlrli the same in tne uoyHTaJUgBiu a oew"iper pnniiHiied In Waooant. ;, ' . . W. LAIR HILIV::, . t. :! " '-udge 01 qrant county. . i r. -. rPlnal Settlement; - 1 ' -fOTTCE IS UKRUlf OIVEN to all persons interest. ? ed In the estate of Andrew Watson, deceaaeil. that 4. L. Sutton. Admlniatrator of said estate, luis filed hie final acronnt In ihe County Crt of the State of Oregon fer the Con my .f Or lit, and that FltlD AT. the' ih day of June. 1866, has been set for bearing said account by said Court.- " r '. 'W. L. HILL, I -. , j-j .H V T' jMMof Grant nonnl.. J Cnyon City; AprlJ Mtli; ltte . u n , j LINCOLN HOUSE, , Owrnnr WaarUMffton md f rsnt Btrcetat . ' - PORTLAND, 0RBO0N.. .'..".. -v v.. VTvIRST-CLASS IIOTELr LARGEST IN TBS STATE. MJ , Charges Reaeonaule. . - v.. ' AN OMNIBC8 will attend ll she Boats and convey Paaeengera nd tbelr baggaga ' tor the House' Free if CtiargeHor to any other Uouse In the Clry for fiOenis.' j 8. COFFIN, Proprietor, IP. 8 nOT AND COLD BATHS in-the House. ' ' 'All the Steamers for Ofeiron City. Vancouver, Monti- csuo ana Astoria una at tlie uncoil iseyiitui, ,.ma. a at sa ,1" Hard Wood Lumber.; CARRIAGE AND WAGON MATERIALS , WE BSO TO CALL ATTENTION of Carriage Jlsri uScturlrsand Dealer, to thj Large and C;,m. plete aasortmrnt of CARRIAGE and WAllDuiV ALB we are eonatantly raeelvlng from lh .East, specWIy elected for the Californ a market, wPrJl0e. 0k! S c"o7y. d Second Growth A.h W".""" i Wagon Poles, Hnbe, Spokes, Felloes Rims, Shalts, Ac. Ac. " which we offer at the lowest Cash Prices. , Order. ldrs.d to leli Sni " A 81 Battery Street, Ban Francisco, J81 1"'., ' and IT A 1 Seventh Street Sacramento, O.WHOJr, II.W.BM00AC0, . .- San Francisco. Sacramento. " ot" land at tlie Lincoln liouse Wharf, .,, . 1 . aAvr.1 aai:a llw i.l-U.'.'SI .t .U .1 0 .... . I i .uig tueaV" !"- j TILLMAN, au aann 1 CAUtouns. ro . .!:'. TILTON & MoFAHtAND'S Fire St Burglar Proof 8atc I v. STEEL-LINED VAUltTO, jaf-CanttaaUi band foil aawirttnent f BAFEfr ? ! i t i ii ti.A.'atonU.I et-'ul. ,it.-'. t V vaayea vuy, marcn is, f eouf . , apaiwa l x , .6 a I 4' Vl 'r-'TiiV1'-: mit'i I ' a te iXLHtnti -mm .w v' n . " "I V. .1 .