C3J onntatuccr:- kpltome of Telegraphic News. OOMULKD riOM Till OBIOOHIAS. . DATES TO MAV B. .Jf ....- Dallee. WaMngton, May 5l Tho Ways and Mean Commlttoa have considerably reduced the ti bill since reponi g it, nnd have there fore bad- the bill reprinted. ..Among the akanires, tbo gross receipts oZ-exri'ss aud teloeraph companies is reduced Irotu 3 to 5 oor cent. 'f lie Senate Committee on Public Lands reported on tbo 3d inst. in favor of grunting lands to aid in tbe construction of a military road in Oregon. . Tbe House passed a bill establishing bien nial se-sions of 'be Legislature ot.vvaslunx ton Territoiy and doubling tbe pay of inenv bcrs thereof. T ' . ' - A stormy debate was bad on the army ap . Driation bill on tbe 21. - Senator Conoeas advocated an amendment requiring the Quar. torraaster's Department io purchase bian keis in San Francisco to supply the Pacilic Department, and spoke Irgbly of the supe-' rior quality, aud cheapness of the blankets made there.' He finally withdrew his amend ment on tbe suggestion of Senator Sherman, who said the desired cud could be preached j by receiving tbe proposals, to be advertised "in California, and leaving competition' tbe same as now. ' ; ' ' Washington, May 5. The bill revising the e-rade of General, passed tbe House with only eleven dis-cnting votes. ,- An amendment offered by Stevens of Penn sylvania, providing that, tbe vacant office of Lientenant-ticneral shall not be filled during Scott's life, was promptly, rejected.' Tbe de bate was. highly eulogistical: The House debated the reconstruction re port, fine spee he were inado. Raymond of New York expressed bis g atification that the ttommittee bad tueir entire scheme. With one excepiion, the propositions were such ms he approved. Tbe first reasserted the principles of the C vil Itigliis bill, which be favored thoroughly and heartily. The seo ond proposition bad al-o been before tbo House, for its action, but in a form which he could not then support a lorm reeognia- iair bv implication tbe right of each State to disfrani Ui-e ft portion of its citizens, on accoum of race or color. In its present form he would support it.' Tbe tbird station, however, if it was adopted, by Congress, woald defeat the whole, for no Southeru Stato would then ratify it, and their people would be fools if they did. While not will ing to make these propositions conditions precedent to Southern representation, be . (Raymond) was willing to vote that all ex.- uept the t iird section, should be passed by Congress and submitted to tbe States for ra tification. He expressed a belief, that all States to be a&Vted, should bo now .repre seated, but did not bold it essential to tbe validity pf Congressional action, that tbey sbonld thus be represented. Wilson, of Iowa, called Raymond to ac 1 count about some incansiaiency between his ' position on the' pending measure and bis po sitlon on tbe civil rlirhts bill.x Ragaiond, r cknowledirinK tbe interest taken in bis record tj me gentleman from Iowa, explained it to be no inconsistency at all Stevens, of Penn., gave notice that at three o'clock to-morrow be would call the previous , uueslioo, and ask a vote on the joint resolu tion. A strong effort will be made to throw f nut tbe tbird section, and prominent Repub .', licans to-night believe the effort will prevail .Veto York, May 5. Tbe Commercial Adoer tiitr't special dispatch sari : The Presideut stated that be sbould veto tbe bill for tbe ad mission of Colorado. Wathin ton, May 5 The Senate yesterday eonurmed lion. Lewis D. Campbell as Minis ter to tbe Republic of Mexico, also tbe fol lowing brevet Major Generals in tbe regular . army : Irwin McDowell,' John Hope, Oliver 1 O. Howard, Joseph Hooker, Winfield 8cott, Hancock li. unnneld, Alfred U. Terry, Edwin ,' u. u. Bond, Edward U. Uanby, 8. S. Fry, K ' !. Townsend, Jos. Holt, Richard Delaheld Hardee W. S. Ketcbum, Saml P. tteintael- man, and w. P. Kenny. . . Both Houaes passed ft resolution, extending mo time for tne completion or tbe first bun dred mile of the eastern division of the Union Paoifio Railroad for two years, Tbe time for. tbe Northern Pacific Railroad on all Hi sections. . 1 i Tbe committee of conference having agreed bo an amendatory habeas corpus act, It passed ,'botli houses, and only awaits tbe signature . of tbe President. It protect every officer . who, while ac(iig under orders, made wbat w generally known as arbitrary arrests during tbe war, and also remove! all such suits front tate to Federal courts. . ... The House veaterday passed the. bill erta ; Hog tbe office of Surveyor -Ueserar for tbe Territory pf Idaho. "', " ' " ' " 1 v . San Francitco, May lO.'-The certificate of ineorpbratlnn of the California and Uabo Stage and Fast Frei.'bt Company bar been ; n'ed in the County Court., Tbe company pro ' pose to run a line of coarbes from Chico, Calf, iforria, to tfoise 'City,' Idaho, via, Sunanville and Knhy City. Capital stock $28,000, di vided into 250 shares ol SrOO eacb. Trustees art iona Muiianr Joun I. ctaon ana ueo. a, Isua r. bumr( ,. Bui ITraucitco Bloch, Miller &, Co., .. VHOLESALE j ' - GR O C E R S , 1 ,.v AND DEALERS IS '' . Wines Ac . Liqixors, ' And Iniporteni an Jobbers of . , O Ij O THING Boots & Shoes, , , Under Clothing Itlankcts, i M WALOUOlS BROS.;1'' 3 Wholesale & Retail Druggists, . Main Street, Dalles, Oregon. , j W NOW OCCUPY OUR NKW TWO BTORY FIRB 1 proof 8tun bulldinc, opmnlte Uloch, Miller A etc., etc., etc. jVSS ATT OFFICE. WE II tVR AS AS8AY OFFTCB IN CONNECTION wiih our liiminiim. umler the nntlre anrlnlon r r- iniAr. Wi ninkft raturni In Bar in nia honrfl Wo iruarantea all onr anayi ann pay in inuimai CAHI1 Pniua tor Dttra. ro arav pj inn mguw Caah Prico for Oolii Bail. . ItLOCH, MI M.BR AO)., mydtf Cor. Main and Waililngton tr.tji, Dallos. Co and offer to the public a rail and ouiopleU .tocfc of Drag, Medicine and Chemical eoaeuting tu part of . KRROSKNR. ' LAMP WICKS 4 CI1IMNKY9 TUHPKNTINB, HUPP, ' ALCOHOL, v nt AOB, AC1PS. BI'ONOKS, LINBKED, 1 i UUtCHBS, LARD. COItKA, OASTOn AIH INUIQO AND NKAT3FOOT Oil, LANPU-ACK TRUSSES, SHOULDER BRACES, SUPPORTERS. . i AMD PATENT MKDICINKS, ' Onr etock of FANCY 0001)8 Is of the flntat and best quality ; new ntyn ond largo aeeortioouts, neb as LUUin'B rKKFUKKKX, . 1IA1K, , , HlHinSl'OlLISl'ByAl", I1.KSII, , POMADKS, BtlAVINO, . . C08MKTIC8, .;, ' - HAT. " UAIK0IL8, ' , , . OLOTIirB, COLOUNH. . TOOTH AND FANCY 80AP8 AND KA1LBKU8IIK.8 TOOTH POWDKttS, T AND COM Bo. "PTJRB WINES AND LIQUORS, For Mvdlclnal purpoeee. " Our mciiiuoe tor naying Rnnas are eecona lo-none in the BUiih, ud e eliall u ell times eell t a anwtl ad twice from eoel. Kundy ealee mid email ptoBta. 1 1 . PDYSICIANS' PRESCU1PTI0S3" Carefully compounded at all hour of the day and night. IMIiee, Sept. , litna. ...,.- j eeiu-ll IRANKLIN HI AEEET. - CORNER OF SECOND AND WASHINGTON STREETS' DALLES, ORSGOJT, ;tt JOHN KPP1NGKR Proprietor TUB UNDERSIGNED ( 1 '' , havlug fitted nu the Jpf EH almTt Market hi the llK.-T &IYLK,UI keep cone tout Iv tin hiiiiil nil flnrta nf 1 FreHn and cured MenUt, 1 Of the Met quality furnUhed at the LOWEST RAT ,, f,.....-lly motto le to PLEA8B ALL." . tf nARTIES IIAYINO SUPERIOR STOCK FOR BAtR JL will uo well to call at Uia FuuikUa Mm art. . Sollei, February 19th, I860. JOHN Kl'PlNQJCR. VA!SlIirVTO MAKKliT. ooaasaor' . '. , COURT AND SECOND 8TREKT8, DALI.K8, OBJEOOM JOHN MiCHELBACH, Pioprfetor. jtml ' KEEP fbJconetaatly on hand all tho Mrla-1 ii Jswloe that the markutcan poulbly allurd, of . k . FJttlCSII Sc CURED MEATS, and alway of the bt quality. ' ' FAMILIES, HOTELS, AND STEAMBOATS '1 s supplied on reasonable terms. ' ", DEALERS IN HARDWARE, IRON & STEEL. GROCERIES. ... BY TUB PACKAQE, . . ' . OK GASH" At San Francisco Prices, Adding coet of Traiuportatloo. ' . CUMMINQ k GRANT, rolStf . Dallee, pregon. LiATJEST NEWS! , ALL TUB LATEST EUROfKAN, EA8TKUN AND CALIFORNIA NEWSPAPERS & MAGAZINES. Rocelred Regularly erory iteumer, by s. j. Mccormick, FRVKLI BOOKSTORE, IOS Front Street Portland Papers and Vagaslnes pockel and Iforwnrdecl by mail or Kxprcii TO ANT FART Or THE MINES In Oregon, Washington, Idaho or Montana. Babecrtptione Received fcr any NEWSPAPER OB HAGAZIX& PUBLISHED. New Books, Masie, &oH by every Steamer. ssoTboo ' WORTH or BOOKS , AND FANCY GOODS, CIIKAP FOB CASH. alftllw2w Jfi. CARD. MADAME LB TBLUBR WOULD1 RKSPBCTFOLLT Inform the Ladlee of Ihe Dallee and violnltr. tlmt ehe n now prepared to do all kind of DRK88, CLOAK, and PALBTOT making. Aleo, OUTTINU and PITTING In a naw.and Improved style, neror tterore introaaceoTIn this place. - Hho will warrant to giro aatierootlaa, and would most reepeetfolly eollcU aJiberal ptrouairoa - la the Room lately occupied by Mm. White, orer vegener a store, on waeaingtou itreet, oelweea Decoud 1U J VJUltY IMPORTANT . TO merchants, Families, Hotels and BA.R-R.OOMt. TUUU8 KRAKMBR HAVING BOUGUT THB EN. r tire Stock of Merchandiie and Book Accoaute of the late Brra ot M . Seller A Co., In IhU city, to which be hoe added of hie own Importation (while doing iMuinooe In rurtianu) an iniiueui euca 01 u neat uanuMutureu (jrockery, ' GlaHSware, Plated Ware, Lamps,' ' Chandeliers), Table Cutlerj Looklng-Glasseg and AllKlnclB of Oils. All of which he offers at reduced rata. Pireone wish ing to buy any of tbe above-mentioned artlolee, will do well to give me a call betor purcnaemgoieewhere. Ordure from tbe Interior promptly attended to, and goode pocked to go secure. Don't loll to call on me . JKBUIo'a atone uaiiuiug, itaeaingieaetreei. neitee. Dallee. March IT th. 180B. mlilTtf ONE HUNDRED MILES SAVED BLACKFOOT & BIG BEND MIKES . . . -.. BY WAT OF'.,. ,v-r THE SHORTEST AND SAFEST ROAD For Land Travel. Distance from Dalles lo-White BluflV. ' 'I' ', White Bluffe to Pea dOiell)a... I toColTfflC.l Tbe underelgneQ le alwaye nresaaed to nav the blah- eat cosh price fur VAT C4TTLK. Parties having thick la good condition, are nqueeted to call, on blm before going eieewnera. jyun tut;nt:i.BAen . iauoBj.ai.uxou jibi,iw)o. ...j t xnueltl ..100 miles ..190 .170 Travelers by land for either of tbe itkove Oold fields, Will HID ' v - Save Time Distance and Money By Uklug the White Bloffi Hood. Wood, Water and Grasa Ave found on this Road within easy drives). The road Is now open, and soeeeatet advaatasea over any other land route from the Dalle. ruiuuiiea oy oruer 01 TUB CmiUCNS Of TUB D ALLKS. Dallee, March. 20. I860. wi20:2m. - W. 13. DOUGLASS, NOTICE TO FARMERS. f MIB DALI.K8 LTJMBRR AND MANCPACTURINO J. COMlfANKIiasreceutly attached a . . . FLOURING MILL, to their Steam Saea and Door Factory,, In thle City, ant are now prepared to CHOP FEED, UlilND WHEAT aud CORN, and warrant to give Uta beet satin faction. On hand couiUntly and fur aal ' FXTBA FAMILY FLOVR. . .. BEC0ND8 OR MMaf.tN(J9, ' ' . . BRAN, ANJ 8U0UT8 . . '! CHOP FEED, CHICKEN FEED. Also, a Superior, article of CORN II BAB. from u Oorr., The lilgbeet market price paid for WIIRAT, CORN a BAltLKV. , . 11. A. HOOUK. Airenr ' ' DallNoa.SjlMB. .. 1 .... . . , . ,- 3tf. ,, A.. Gr. 13H,AIF'OItr 7 1 " 1MP0RTBR AND JOBBER OF " "VViiies Stc lutqubrs FRONT STREET, ' ' Portlamd, . ... .... Qregea. OFFERS FOB BALE A f.HX LABQB ASBOhT a. jut of s Brondless ' ' ;" " y Vlnen, ' ' ; . Llqaont, 'J.'i,'' ' t'age Gt oIr tc.,' vr ' Acw.'-t; he. if Tlie Trade le particularly Invited' to u amine m etock before purchanlugeUcMhere... . 1 au24-tf H.HEUMAN&CO.? MAIN ST.," DALLES, OPPOSITE EMPIRE lIOTXt, ' JJAva JUST BJECBI TBO A BEAUTIFUL STOCK P' SPRIG AXD KCSIMDR OODIk ConaieUng la part of . . . n i , . ' Fancy and Staple Dry Good Clothing, -. Uoot&Shoe ' , . Ilata A Capty. . Which they offer to eell at SMALL PROFITS. , Dallee, Moron 27 th, 180b. ' t tajXlt : Third. Dallee, Hnnh Wth, 1809 - : NEW. 4 YORK - AND- GROCERY mrartr STORE (Silceeeeor to William Birnbaum.) I PRACTICAL WATCHMAKER, air malsb n Iino AVatclies AND JEWELRY, TNFITRSTIIB ATTENTION OF HIS FKIEKDB AND M. the Pablls to Bit choice aeleetwa of New and Fashionable Goods, Beepectfalry eoliclrlng their patranagt. Wacbee PROMPTLY and PROPBRLT repaired and WAKIIANIKD. mtf Next Door to tt roat unte mbZltf Main fctreet Dalles. FRKDEKICK BKNZBR. 1 . - ! JfOTICE. . i . A LL.PBRSONS 1NDRBTED U the aiulrlnl . JM. nwp-ctfully requeeteil to come and nettle their as. couuie wiwin iiuKi U4 u, aud tare caeta. A. I. HIm:h a CO. At BO cents per pound, For Sale by vl , , . ' J. B. DICKBK80N. Seeanit Street. Watchmaker and Jeweler, MAIN STREET, tTALLE. . -1VEALBR IN FINB WATCH EHL J.WRLKr, o ' I CLOCKS, Gold Pens, 811vr and Plated War fcrjv 1 Spectaclee, Cutleey, Ao. JStA Aparticular attention paid to repairing loWAu9 Watahee, Clocke, Jewelry, etc. All Watches repaired by me warranted tor twelve moaiiia. N. B. All ordsre Ivom to upper eoaatry, by Eipreas or otherwiee, promptly attenaeu to. 'uMl c aioti;e. 1 . TWi EMOTING Mt RE8IDKN0B TO CLATSOPi MR. Jim. II. J, WALDKON will act as my Ageut, aad iaao tnomea 10 receive an moneje aue me. onw a. u. ciaai,a, 0. ulBttolutlon Notice., - OTTCB IS UBREDY OITBN, that the eo-partner- ehla bereuroce aaliuiig oeiweea 1. at. Mini and A. W. UAVIBl in th Livery. Stable buaium, hae bam diavelvad) thai A. W. Davie Is Indebted to th e partnership; and that a bill la eqnlty hot been Bled for the settlement of the 00 partnership aecoaata, All per aene are aotiBed that A. W. Davie hs ao power4o dle- rnee of Ihe saoperty, aar toatnet ebts on the credit I, a,siAna of the m. Salleai April Jt, lSSf. aSSdlm MONTANA! IDAHO I WASHOE WK ARB PUTTISO ' UP OUR OUIOINAL. HUPaUUOlt BRAND OF 6R017MD JATA COFFEE ,( CIIARTUES COFFEE . IS JMUDLS QLAZEJD. PAPERS, To preserve ita strength and flavor fcr" the length if time required u be rwitcded to the above n'acee For sale by all tbe Jobbers, auk MARDBN A FOLOXR, al8ialp2. rioneor Steam Coffee and Sploe Hille, - 220 Front Street, Boo Brouctoeo.. FUI18, WOOL and I1IDES. fpUKUIOHEST CASH PRICE PAID FOR . ir fas, wool, Ann hides, t ' j : to nona Front atr t, PortlM4 ,. mhl83in BOOKSIBOOKS; WUOLBSALS AN SSTATL, oOCHOOI. BOOKSV8TATI0NERT, ovnouuiu ann aiieoeiwueoue WVKKS, Lata NOVELS, MAOAJNKS. PAPKK8. Ac., Ac. by every 8teamer. Poet-Offliietaweiahaemw ' Bookglore, Main etreet, Dallas. : , . 'v Garden Seeds ror tne StDlton. 'aT-tf ' B.J.WALDBW CRYSTAL 8 A LOOM- . -v . ';. :' and v;.;,.. . : billiaud Roost, ? t U JOHK nilf DI.ACB, Propel.!.; WASI1IK0T0N ST, aaat Bear to FRENCH A CILMAy 1 . , " . NOTICE. IiSii.? W1 B wrla4 agent Krllec M moaeye due m, aad attend l. myVm- arm generally. ;taStfJ. . BEltJw.