4-I y , ; SUNDAf tfORJiING, MAI ti, i66& A - With this number, we propose to change the publication of the Modrtaimo from a morning to an evening paper. . By this change ire will be able to publish the east ern and up country news the fame day that it arrives here, thus making it one day later than by the present arrangement. The paper will be issued (except Sunday) at 5 o'clock, p. m., and will be delivered to subscribers immediately. , ,. LETTER PROM C AMI OK CITTC. Cahyon City, Hay 8th, lbfifc Editob Uountaihiib : The continued evl dences of Indian hostility iq tb.ii part of the country form the principal topio of coo vt na tion. On the 3d lost., John Witmer, a Ger man, residing on the Middle Fork of John Day, near the EHc Oreek mines, was murdered by the savages, while an his way from Cation City to bis borne. He bad two horses packed with oats, potatoes and a plow, and when about eight miles from town was attacked by party of Indians, (nnmber unknown,) and after being chased a'bout a quarter of a mile, ,'- was slain, with twenty-three arrow wounds. JJis murderers dragged the corpse some fifty -yards from- the road,, and stripped it of most ,f its clQthlng ; but were probably alarmed 'hj to approach of a gentleman of ibis place, 0 was on his' way to the Middle Fork. is gentleman, seeing several arrows scat tered along the road, turned back, to a bouse, some three mires distant. His statement in duced a party to go out in search of Witmer, rbo bad left the house about two hours pre viously. Bis remains being found, a wagon wo procured,, and at two o'clock the neat lafcrnlng were brought in. The fact that be not scalned. and. that the Indiana had left their arrows scattered along the toad to the number of about a dozen, indicates that they bad no .time to perform the usual bar barous rite of mutilating the dead, or to pick up the missiles which they had fited at him, before tney saw the person approaching, as above-mentioned. Witmer was engaged in farming and- gar dening on the Middle Fork, and was a worthy aad useful man. His death adds another to the already extended, roll of those who have lost their lives by the neglect of the Govern tnent and the Inefficiency of the miHlary ee partmoutt . as to itiouaa m oihibai. rjRRiABorjTS. - The petty depredations and the attempts tpon life by the Indians hereabouts, are so numerous that it is a hopeless task to try and enumerate M'em'. Etery few miles of the road, from sixty miles this side of the Dalles, has a spot with a tale of blood connected with it; whites (San hope to' extirpate them until they I acquire a knowledge of the trails and moun tain fastnesses equal to tntt possessed' by theft? savage foes' To this' end, the country should ha garrisoned and scoured by troops, who should be kept here until tbey are per feci'ly acquainted with the country and the babits of their enemies. Any policy less per sistent than this will always fail of entire success. a 1HSNDHKNT TO TBI SOAIP BOUKTT SCHSMI. " My first objection to offering of a scalp- bounty is : It is not becoming in a civilized people to pay money for blood. ' Sven if it were proper, it would prove impracticable The first sufferers wonld be the friendly In dians. The reservations at Warm Springs nod Umatilla would be pretty well depopula ted before the scalps of hostile Indians would oome into market. Such has generally been the practical working of the scalp-bounty mode of warfare. If the scalp bounty fund was devoted to the purchase of Henry or Spenser rifles, to be placed in the bands of committees to be dis tributed to prospeotiog parties, the prospec tors giving security for their return, it would tend largely to insure life, to stimulate the DIED. In. San.FratMieoo, April 29tht Juiijf IoW,a satire, of Ireland, eed 84years, , , . Mr. Dowd wm for some a resident of this city, and wu known toour cltlseni. 1 Daring the past year he rof fered mil oh from slcknese; ami at the time of Jils depart ure lor San Francisco, hli friends had no hope ol bis re covery. Peace to his ashes. ' i- .f. 11 ultr. Recruit your health by purllog yonr blooa with Hall's Banaparille, Yellow Dock and Iodide of Potaas. gold by all drng-glsts everywhere. Om Doss of Hall's Pnlmonary Dalmm will care an oi- dinar? oongh or cold. Price only fifty cents. 1IKGULAR MKKTINO of the Dalles Social Clob, THIS KVKMINO, at 7 o'clock. - . . By order. , Religions Nut toe. CATItouo CHOncn Morning service t Mass, at 10 o'clock. Evening seirlcet Venpers and Benediction, at 7 o'clock. Sunday School at 2 o'clock, p. in. . a&Hiu jtai iiBtt u. iHuunmAft, rasior. Columbia Lodge, Mo. 5, I. O. O. F. Meets everV Friday evening at 7 o'clock, In Oatea Ilnll. corner of Second anrttCoiirt 8treets. Brothers In good standing are Inrited to atteud. By order. N.G. Wasco Lodge, No. 15, A. F. dfc A. M. Holds tts stated Comniniilcntlonx on the Fire t and 'Tliirtl Mondavi of each month, at their hall, in Dalles City. Brethren in good Handing are inrited to attend. By order of the W. M. Bxtb L. Port, Soc'y. CITIZENS' MEETING. npiIX CIT1ZKNS OF TIIK DALLES ARK RKQUE8T ' JL od ewsawncr uuiuir (""Tfcl r XT O T7'fi. , . I Kt J a 1 l V t No. 100 SIALUTftEET. DALLES, THR UNDKRBIONKD' THANKFUL tOK PAS Farori, reapectlull) Informs the cltitene of the Dalles, and the public generally, that be continues M sell at . PUBLICAUCTIOIS . OR PRIVATE 8ALB, ' Real Estate, - . - ! ' " " General Merchandise," " "" Uiocei'leN, : r ; florae-'' ? ! ' - Mule, : 1 ' 3i Fur it It are, '- Mocka, &c &c, REGULAR SALK DAYS, ? ' Tuesdays and Saturdays.'- Cash Advances made on Consignments, And PROMPT RKTUI'N m de or sales. ' Outdoor and Special Bales attended te In any part ot the city. JOHN WILLIAMS, Anotlomcer. J . J TJ K E R, "'""""Main jSlrect, Dalles, WaOUSAUt AND IVtktL DEAUft IK Htant lnuliisi i0pTediitlun8 tlial r being com in tt tea on tlie Cnjoo Cty road. C. f . MILLKH, 'ot Uomuittoe. Alotlce to Ueniocrats ; MR. OILMAN hftTing decltnd the nomtnattotl M Candidato of the Demtmratlo prty fur County CommiHsloner, we do hereby uoininate JOHN LIAMa in bit stead. . W. T. NKWCOMB, llwl ' Cho Dein. Co. Com mi We, exploration of the country, and, finally, to (Monday) KVJ4SlNO.at7Ho'clock, for the purple of CIGARS, TOBACCO. SNTJFF, " . . , .. . , . I con.iclering and devl.lng m.ans to put a stop to the con- I . auora tue means to occaeiouaiij ennsuee sucn predator band! of savages as oiigbt be found prowling about the settlements. . . Upon this point, I recommend the examin ation of the Spenser rifle, which is much less likely to get out ef repair than Henry's gun, and is considerably cheaper. It is possible that the Government might be disposed to distribute . the Spenser rifle gratuitously to permanent settlers on this frontier. It would prove a better defence than military ever lias been, and would be cheaper method of car rying on war against the Indians than the maintenance of expensive posts, which invite rather than repel the Indians, and bodies of useless soldiery which are nearly as much a terror to the whites as the redskins. I sug gest the propriety of petitioning the Depart ment Commander upon this point. From some observation amnnir the citizens of this country, I am led to believe that if these arms are put Into their bands tbey will be gallantly used whenever occasion requires. V reserve, my conclusions in regard to the mines and prospects uniill better Informed. B. at. AOTICE. ri'IIF. TJNDRnatONKU UAVINO BOUGHT the m. ttchoonrr rtruvtmnc and half the schxouer Ra pid, from Torenco Uuiu all debt, against the above ivmed Boats uiuaS be presented, to mo b- the 20k day IX May. ASA BTHU.XU. vuues, nay s. uo. nuvazw. Heratd copy, 2- weeks, and send bill to this office. " pito FrBiviutAY's . OIL, OATKfl CHAl'IN. MAGIC For Sale by AL80, AGENTS FOR DR. DUNCAN'S Whooping Cough Spcciffc. FltiEp. LIEBE, GROCERY, PROVISION, AND FRUIT STORE, Waihlnf ton Street, opposite French A Oilman's, Dalles. lias on hand a large and well-aseorteu stock ol GROCERIES & PROVISIONS, Fresh Butter Ac Ejiyw Wa have receiveJ trom UcUraken, Merrill k Co., their Portland Jobbing Prices Current for the week ending May 10th. Fiour bad declined from BO cent to SI tier harral with. I Recetred dally. A large lot of CHICKENS, always on declined trom ou cents to t per oarrel, wittt hMlJ- FKU1T3 of all kindi. fkksh VKUKTABLsa a very strong, desire to sell, on the part of I ererymorning. All article, warranted. ot those who held any consfi Jerable amounts. I GiVO lVLe & Call, Everybody The report says : BustMSs has been so dull for I the past three week, and so little of interest has transpired, that we have deferred issuing I our Price Current at the usual time, hoping 1 that a lew days' delay would enable, us to note tnnre encouraging' features of trade I'ntCKSt LOW. aul&tf r. iiebi. every camping place is marked by a robbery Tb6 ,,rRMt niPn'f treasure.-thls year, of stock, involving the bard earnings of months or years,, and the ordinary conversa tion of men turns upon what the Indians have cone ot may. do. More than at any time for the last three years are the toads dangerous to travel; and while the larger settlements nre felt to be safe, exposed- farms and small r arties of travelers afe in constant danger of attack. The Indians make their appearance in the most unexpected places, and bare so tar always, caught the whites at a disadvan tsge. - ' , TVI WADIQOAOY Off THS MILITARY FOBCI The military torce now stationed in this (oction is entirely inadequate to the task of eubjugatiog the savages; the troops are mostly iolantry, and not fined to the special demands of the country; and, I am sorry to add, the publio miod is imbued with the id that there is a tuck of disposition among the . military to make the most of the limited force now In the country. .. Without endorsing the lCmlst.idea oa this point, the Impunity wish which. 4he ledlaas-ate allowed to depredate y eadtsurder gives too much color to the charge against the officers In command to be lightly penod over. - At the same time, no man of intelligence can tie .blind to the peculiar ad vantage afforded hy the- topography of the count' J irregalar and predatory waif ate The pen. country, below the higher noun vtstas, Is what is called a traprock ." forma- ' T.oc, ana see fterneoatcuiar cum, oiten ex- -'tog for Aiifas, at occe impede pursuit and J. F. KELLOGG, DENTIST, Main St., Dalles, Oreajom. A FTF.R NEARLY BIXTKEN YKARS Xm. Practice In his profeitHion, would1' reaiiectfully infurm the citisens of the Dalles end the nubUc eenerallr. that.k' hu leued the bentar OlUie lately occnpleA by J. V. OUKLKY, Dentiit. where he can be found prepared to at tend to those requiring hi, professional serrtces. (irrics Ilotras From B o'clock, a. u., t12H4 and horn 1 o'clock, t.m. to s I. si. aisu wet received by boat of the 8th lost., which was accompauied by liberal orders for goods, gave our town, yesterday, a more lively ap oearance than ai anv lime treviou. under review; we trust it is the commencement of SELECT SCHOOL. toe aeasoas ousiness. i OPKN A SELECT PIPES, SC O . aiwsTs ik sroas tas inr ikakds or Cigars, Tobacco, Matches, &r. PLAYING CARDS." -l'OCKKT CUTLERY, PORT HON IKS. ' ; COMBS and BRUSHES, o all kinds, ' ' PEKFUMEIIX. ot erery deecriptioa, CHINA ORNAMENTS TOYS. DOLLS, eU. FISH HOOKS and F18TT1NQ TACKhl, MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS, FANCY GOODS. Ac. . Also Powder.Shok Lead, Powder Flasks, Baskets, ow many other artlcSte too- aumerous to mention. - ' 93r Interior 4jenlers Rnpplied with Cifrars, Tobacco. etc. at leas than Pof tleud prices, with freight added. o-t ' SELLIHG OFF AT COST! j.goetz & cb:. STONE BUILDING, WASHINGTON STREET, DAM. KS, OITvr their well-aelected stock tfi 1 t TOBACCO, 8EGAHS, PIPES, YANKEE NOTIONS, STATI O NEEYh AT . SAN FRANCIiSCO COST; ' mr2Itf GATES ate CHA0PI1X . WHOLESALE k RETAIL . . DEUGGISTS, STONE BUILDING, WASHINGTON STREET,. DALLES, OREGON Importers and Jobbertaf. PATENT MEDICINE9, . , CHEMICALS A FANCY GOODS, BODA, CORKS A ACIDS, OILS, A ALCOHOL, PURE WINES A LIQUORS, PAINTS, GLASS A BRUSHES, PHYSICIANS' PRESCRIPTIONS, i Aesuntely.compeanded. Tnt Virginia City Ehttrprite says that a Mr. Toung, who. some time since left that city for the mines of New Oranada, got back safe and sound- and mighty glad to get out of the land of scorpions, qenripedes, snakes and. vampire bats. He. says that if there is anybody stuck after the country tbey can go and take bis share of it, aabe left it lay ing about loose when he came away.. LSTNUB UNDERSIGNED WILL JB. SCHOOL for children on Monday, May Tth. 1869j On THIRD FTEEET,' between Washington aad Conrt. Tuition per quarter, .......u..H.e OOx-1 m2tf . MISS Mi SNYDER.. J. IS. DIOKERHON , Dealer In all klncUf. GROCERIES & GRAIN1, . AT THE. ... . ALSO,. ' Lowest A COBBS8POHDKST says that in Georgia where Sherman's army made a sweep of all the-carriages, the ladies- now go- visiting in carts. They call them carta dt viiUe, and JOSIsYN. & CURTIS' BUTTER, consolo themselves with the thought that tnoy are in tne Height or taanion. Tub Vancouver RtgUler says that the late riot at that place was not so serious as re presented in the Portland papers only ono man killed. - ' - UAYOa Tripp, Or Vancouver,' published a card tendering his thanks to the officers of Fort Vancouver, for their assistance in quell ing the riot at that place on Monday last. .Wi invito- the attention of our military authorities to the letter of oar Canyon City correspondent, in to-day's paper. Thoy may possibly get some Information from it ., ! ' On hand, and received Fresh every week. Come One, Come All, aat tilve me a Call, AT OONSBIt A BARTER'S OLD STAND. SUPERIOR CALIFORNIA RANCH BUTTER! A Few Packaees Choice, to quantities to salt, at sSCtf BALDWIN BROS. 0UEG0X STEAM JVAWCOMPAIaY NOTICE... 4 aw. isa ., FREIGHT ON FLOUR REDUCED. ti AND AFTER TURBDAY, MAY 1st, until further wa notice, treluht on riour will be as follows:: From Dalles to Umaillla........ H $ 6 .0 per tou. v: hXMMnos Vhortrnghly. ap-1 , 8aa notice for a meeting of tba citisehi of I aUvaatag et ead Mct of this Cit est to-morrow, (Monday) er.ening, " Wallola. u u yHit, BnB-, ' Lewl.ton...... Dalles, Hsji 1st, tset; VsMlW. T 60 16 00 ...24 00 , FRANK T DODO E. AatO.S.N. Co., Dailel PHOTOGRAPHIC EMPORIUM:. A foil and complete assortment of all articlra In tl.a. Photographic Liue, at a SMALL ADVANCE ON SAN. FRANCISCO PRICES. Mf Merchants will please jet our price btbre oriitrr Inn below. U..U.CUAVliVv JUSTIN OATESi Uallcs.. , . Bacraneuto, Cat. LAST CHANCEL WE WOULD CALL TUB ATTRNTTON OP THE public to the laot that we are closing, ont oar stoca oi OLOTH'IKG, DRY GOODS, At Greatly Reduced Rate, Andofter barira ns which cannot fail to satWj aayhod wauuug articles tu our Hue. lnir- Warning' !: WTE INTKND CLOSING OUR BUSINESS HERB b !. thaFIRT'OP JUNK neat, and wji take this f portonlt.v of once niore cnllliift upon those iodebts t na to call and settle. We will not, if we can tseV - place any of onr scoeunt In- the hands bt legal torr, hut If ohligcd,to do no. re shall have.recoarse (.' that when this uotice expires.. , a'-nyi : :; , , : ai. uvku DALLES Ac ItOCKI-A.M FEBEYa ' rain sc phiii'ii i kt inn stir. niiv rRftrmtau n r-asav JL BTAUNCII AND k60M BOATS, to croes . , A Trnioleri. llnraes Jl Rtsrati' In a Safe and expeditions msnaer, aad at leasee? -