vol. r. DALLES, OREGON, STJI t A.Y, MAY 13, tSOff.1 NO. 7-4; r -tyt i n I -1 fails P OMitaiittxr, ..a PUBLISHED EVERI MORNING, (MONDAYS CXCBPTBD,) BT E, G. CO WIVE &. J. HALLORAN, ' CDIT0H8 AND PBOPBIBTOBS.V t'-tIVny-Mn(j per week, payable to the carrier per month, by mail, 11 J three month, ti 60 ; six month, $6; oue year, $8. Advertisement iaeerted at tow rate. Job Printing. 1 ' Every description of plain and fancy Job Printing exe- -nted wild neatness and despatch, and forwarded a per order to an; part of the country. J'mgment Jar Job I'rint inn win oe moat on atuwry o taorfc. W. B. IOlLASS. Practical Watchmuker, 1 ' And Sealer la , FIXE WATCHES k. JEWELRY, ,,. . DALLES, OREGON, EHtubllslied 1857. 1 DEALERS IN '. ') GROCERIES ! CORNER OF ' Main and Union Streets, Dalles. J. 0. BALDWIN mhai-tf P. W. BALDWIN. TURNITURE ! FURNITURE , , DIKBLAI &. WENTZ, - -j H H I T U'tf GLOBE HOTKL BUILDING, "T-iai iriiaiwut Dalle City, Lave on hand a variety I 3 Dousehold Furniture, L embracing Table, Chain, Bureau! ' J"9 Bed. and l)edte-ul, Bedding, Carpet etc., etc., all of which will be sold at low rate. Furniture Repaired, and Upholstering done to order. Also,oq hand Mattresses and Pillows. Spring Beds made to order, aulg. Wit. MOABOS.' ' . i . fl. l, KOiaibJ 1 ' WM.'MOABUS &.CO., CI TY. BAKER'T, AND ...... ;' ItA O VISION, store,: Corner of Pint and B Street. WII0LB8 ALB AND RETAIL DEALERS In BRIAD, CllAOKKltSand Family GROCERIES. . q0rdera from a distance carefully filled and prompty fspiucbed, . ; . 1-tl JOSEPH ELPELT, WHOIBSAU AND BBTAI1 BBALBB'IX Fancy & Staple Dry Goods, CLOTHING, BOOTS AND SHOES, HATS AND CAPS, AND ' Gentlemen's Furhlsnlng Goods Fire-proof Stone Store, corner of Main and Court treat. -. - . ; oc-tl IIUU VM Sc ODELL, ATTORNEYS & COUNSELLORS AT LAW WILL PHACT1CK IN TUB SOPREMK AND CIR cult Court of Oregon, and the District Ooort o Wahlntoq Territory. Particular attention paid to the collection of claim. O. 11UJIA80N. , Callea, Ogn. J. A.ODKLt FUHNI8IIED BOOMS .vi;;;-Ta fcET,.v:.;-yr.r;r; By the Night, Week or Month, ' NRXT DOOR TO JACKSON KNQINK I10U8E. ' ' mitf - - - - MRS.. BPRBNOKB. 3 r-4.-vr.it. .-. :rr.4,. WM. DROWN WARNER. M. D OFFICR 74 .SECOND STBSBTj between Wuhington and Court. V - . Ornci Horms 9 to 12 a. v.; 2 to 4 v.; and 6 tolO, r. u 'LANGLEY, CROWELL & CO.,' ' IM6BTER8 AND WHOLESALB '. BBUG-GISTS, 'Corner of Clay and Battery Sts., SA1V FRA1NGISOO. . vtl'.-,;-. x , ' - - .: mh22;d6m. . J3. W. . i II ; MITCHELL. JrriOB WALDRON'S BUILDING. JRraiBbjjoi Corner of Third and Wahlnnton Btraata. T- o-A.t Dr. f-raia'. Drug Storto. ? - V " ALLKS. OREGON. u1 " 1 . ; NOTICE. -f. x' Wlk J'1, TIt,! ATTENTION OF THE PCBI.IC to .T I . whar concluded to )tl nplin. .' RTltfI?.Vif " fMln Indebted to n M OSTPAT BM, IM. Btt.OWN A UllO. , IMF0BTIU AMD WH0U81LB Dealers in Wines, Liquors' 6UOCE11IES, ., n 91 Iners' Goods, Boat Stores, &c, BATS BIHOTID TO TBBIB . n 1 NW STONE BUILDING, .. (0BI)aB0r Second and Washington Streets, . ' - , DALLES CITY. ' .' ' HxTOW IN STOKE A LARQE AND COMPLETE AS aortmcnt of the very beat brand of WINES AND LIQUORS. Also, lull assortment of GROCERIES & STAPLE GOODS. 49 Constantly receiving onr supplies direct from New Tor, and San Francisco, we are able and willing to sell at a very small advance on San Francisco prices. They hope by adopting a strictly correct and prompt method ol doing business, they will receive the patronage of the pub lic, seiu-u UMATILLA HOUSE, DALLES. OREGON. HANDLE Y &8INNOTT, I'rop'rs. ' THIS POPULAB BOUSB, OCKTRALLT LOCATED, Kmut the Steamboat Landing ft Railroad Depot, lift been receutly enlarged and Improved, and will now accommodate "' ;. 3 O O GrTJ E S X S . fl WILL BE CONDUCTED a heretofore, as a FIRST JL GLASS HOUSE, and the patronage of the traveling public la respectfully eollcited. . -49 Ban-age taken to the Uonse free of charge. House open an uigui. LARGE FIRE-PROOF SAFES TO DEPOSIT VALUABLES Dalle, Oct. 4-tf. , ' - r '. V. ,-- ' EMPIRE HOTEL, ,.. . , BUB BTBUT, BALUS, 0EM0H, -( THOMAS SMITH, Proprietor. A FIRST-CLASS HOUSE. - " ' I TH C1KTK Or D0SIKE88, " ' Kaar, the Steamboat and Railroad Landingt 1 ' Superior AccommodHtlori for Families and can AO sommodate One Hundred and Fifty Quests. Meals....... ::......60 cat. '' Lodging.. ,... SOcts Fire Proof Safe for deposits of valuable. Bf. Home open all night. Baggage taken to the Hons me oi enarge, - . - thujaAd HMiTH, mhg-tf . . . . Proprietor, CO UMBIA RIVER MINES. 'jl.:teL - 13 o O TH, v' . f , WHITE BLUFFS, JT. X., FORWARDING AND COMMISSION MERCHANT, - . - i AND OBNEBAL DEAUB IB ' MERCHANDISE 4 AMD HIRERS' SUPPLIES. ' FACE AND SADDLE HORSES FOR SALE. EREIOHTS C0N8IONFD to my ear for Oolvllle Kootenai, or the Upper Columbia Mines, will re oc.2tf care prompt attention White Bluffs, Oct. Iat, 1864, NEW FRUIT, GHOCEUY v i ' AND PROVISION STORE. rpH" UNDERSIONEl) INFORMS niS FRIENDS and I the publie generally, that he has Just eatabllabed on Main treet, next door to i. Juker, Tobacconist, ' "A NEW STORE! , where he keens constantly on hand a larare assortment o elected FRUIT. Also, in itore a complete tock ofcholce unuMMji-, t-Kuriaiuaif, veubtabijKS, ac. All of which will be sold, wholesale and retail, at RE DUCED PRICES'. Come and see and satisfy yourself. sel3-tf JOHN 8P08IT0. COLUMBIA RIVER MINES J A. a. ioorn. babbt Bmso-i. . BOOTH '& NEVIS ON, 1 Forwarding and Cemmlitlon Merchants AND DEL8B8 IN OBNERAT MERCHANDISE, - White1 Blums, "W. X, FBEiarrr for colville, upper Columbia, KOOTENAI and BLACK VOflT MINES nramntlv torwardrd. Mark Good B. N White Bluffs, W. T, Bay sbebcbb : .' PoBTuas Richard A McCraken, Alien Lewi, and ..... ... Hodge Catef. . ,. ' Daius Bloch, Miller A Co., Vren'cb k Gllm'an. ' M. BROWN if BRO., ' ' waouaALi abd bbtaii bbalbbb ib ' FANCY AND STAPLE DEYGOODS! GBOCBRIEa, PROVISIONS, Ao. J Mr. M. BROWN, betnff a reatdent nf Ban r.n.i... re enabled to offer mat Indcement to pnrchasers. " We respectfully invite the public to examine onistook befor 8touf 8 tore, nort lid ritjf ltrtet, Dll,Tg Democratic State Tieket . WE CONQUESSt ' ,( . ! V' ' . JAMLS p. FAY,' , 01Jackon. ,', . , , .' '. FOR GOVHRNORt ; ' JAMES K. KELLY, . ,.. , : :: Of Wasco, -vr '' -.) , , FOR SECRETARY OF STATE: ,( '. ' LAFAYETTE LA-MI?, . . Of Multnomah. . ,' : .! (,; .'.I . ' n : . i 0 , . WR STATE TREASURER t .:.t-l-i ' JOHN C. DELL, A 1 :. t, : . 4 ,;' . Of Marlon. '-''I !:. i ' FOR STATE PRINTER: i ' JAMES O'MEAPA't : FOR PROBECUTINO ATTORNEY FTPTH DISTRICT. J. II. SLATER, .; . . OfUdlob . . . Democratic County Ticket.! - i For Representative!, 0. HDMASON, V..T. DODUB. . i . For Sheriff,-' k. W. FERGUSON. : For Clerk, ,r . F. S. HOLLAND. ' For Treaenrer, A. W. BUCHANAN. , For CommiBBionerB, O. F. HERBERT)"" '' JOHN WILLIAMS., . : For Assessor, - HARRISON CORUM. . . For School Superintendent, - E. P. FITZGERALD. -, .-) ' For Surveyor, ., . x W, T. NEWCOMB. . For Coroner, DR. C B. BROOKS. . Virginia City,' Montana & Blackroot OVERLAND TAGE LINE! BEST. UOLLIDAY, Proprietor. CONCORD STAGES . LEAVE BOISE CITY EVERY OTHER DAY FOR BLACKFOOT, Salt Lake City, Denver City, ' MISSOURI RIVER, . - Connecting at SALT LAKE CITY with Concord Stage , itunmng to -. ., Vlrerlpla City, Nevada, ' ' AND SACRAMENTO, CALIFORNIA, . .' ' in.AriiiCt ' . Boise City to Fait Lake City , $100 Ob . - v irginia uny, Montana........ rib w " -"" Mlasonrl Blvor, Legal Tender 1300, - . ' Uold.tlOO.. .400 00 'For further. Information apply at -' ' . : ' OVERLAND STAQK LINT) OFFICE, mh0d3m ' Boise Ctt J yl. T., .. .: iuuu, Agent. TO TEAMSTERS AND DAIRYMEN! FEED! ;; FEEt)'! v -. , iSHORTSi' . ' . . ' .'..!,- - " 1 1'.!! AND I I lit t ...''J . ... . 0T ALL KIn)8, FDR8AE By ''Jl- . nl9:tt i n .M J2 Front 8trvet, Portland, . Opposite O. S. N. WarehouM. H.B.SUH. 1 ' B.3. BAFT. , GATES " ItXWXtS Attorneys A. Conhsellbra at LatV, DALLES., ORTJGOoil- n s1 tlnion State ticket. FOR CONGRESS ' ; " - ' -ItrFIJS MALLORY, ;,' Of Marlon. . ., t 'FOR OOVBRN0R: ' c -, . , ,, ." GEO. L. WOODS, s ...... , -..-; )' Of Wasco. . ( .kl V ; ,, , ,i TOR SKCBETARY 01 8TAT: ,1 -SAMIJEL E. MAY,' ,''-- ... ; . Of Marlon..U .. ' FOR STATE TREASUREK:1 ' ' ' 1 B.'W. COOKE, 1 ' " ' !...' ' j :0"f Marioh.' I '"' : ' FOR STATE PRINTER: . . . ., , : Vr; a. mcpuersox, ; - , . -f "'- ' OfLln-n.;- ' . '" tQH nfOSECCTINO ATTORNEY FIFTjI'dISTRICT: , ., C. R. MEIGS Of Wasco. . ., ., '..I ; :K r "i ('1 l.i a ' i.'.I Union County Tieket. -r .,. .;!i i ! -r -.-if. r . , , . For Representatives, , t . -. H. A.H0GTDE, ;.,;-.',. ' . ',' t ' C. B. KffiGEL. , V, ., , .. s, , , . ' For Sheriff, ( i. -. -.:! H. TV. CRANDALL. . i -: ..-.v- ' For Clerk, - i ?' B. B. REED, f ' "' . ; Vor Mreasarer," '' '''' ' G.W. WALDR0N. " tor Commiflsionorp, , ' R. MAYS, ' ' :-'fJ. " ' B. H. WOOD. ' ' ' ' ; Vl ., ,t ..'... .-! J For Assessor. L.i. ROWLAND. . For School Superintendent, T. CONDON, t . . i "' " For Coroner, : ' DR. W. B WARNHR. " A CARD FOR THE Spring & Slimmer Clothing Trade OF SAN FRANCISCO, i- BADGER & LINDENBERGER, Nos. 411, 413 and 419 Battery Street,' Oor. Merchant, Ban Francisco. Importers' and Wholesale Dealers ENTIBE NEW AND FRESh STOCK. ' j. -Jpp.. .!. .. .'. ' Wl WOULD CALL ATTENTION of Country Mer chants to onr nnally large atock of Oooils. Our aha Fur- tack ooruprlses every article, in the Clothin nlshing line. 4Ve have constantly on band the largest and greatest variety of Cessihiere and Wool HATS ol any bollse in San Francisco, and onr prrea for these wiij uuun in cu eiwuhu mju vnr ffi, w wr .neve flood are ltBS tlinn those of any house, as we receive them direct from the manufacturer's coasljrtinnttlt.' Our stock of Summerand.Jfall (Jflm Is particularly pttrncj lve, and the great feature to the country merchant is tlie uuusuauy tow price.; .. , ,. , , Less Than the Cdst of ruiportatlont We alio keep the 8TAPLB ARTICLES In th Dry 'Goods line, which floods we have nnrchaaed hi this mitHcAi un. cTap the hammer, and are offering them at New Yolk Cost, and less. .,-. . We publish this card In order that we may mnke n.w acquaintance, and Induce those who hive notlieretofor purchased of u, to call and examine our stock, , , ' Good Articles and LoW, Prices t Are the greatest Inducements to all who purchase to ell again. Merchant who buy of us can make a good prodVand sell to their customers at a low flgrif. W remain, reepecifnlly, .,, . , , . . . . sour uDeaieotaervant. SAUUK1V l,UIUKNUKltUK9, ' , -t , - ' MW, 114, fid W Bon Francisco, April 20, 1866. Wholesale Clothing and Hat Warehouse,. . nom M, io ana io nailery STrwi. ' . - -anrw. , . MRS. LEESEll'S,, i,. French millinery store-, i. :..! ; . AND i , -' Dress Making Establishment, . Opposlta Conn . Bobm's, Vi f I WOULD CALL THE ATTENTION of the laBics b the talles o my larje and fine stock of . , , , FLOWERS. EhlBROlDERY-.,. , noNXETSi u Afar, w fe at hersj Aa. oaa A a. j jiajii as,y VK.aT. "ifaVlneseeured Hi sorvicM nf MBS. FRARY. 'in the bre waklnK apartraant, wc. will do All work-in tbtlina ' and srnnrutee porfect SAtlHfnctiouJ. ' , jji inu uone m ncoior. . - , " ,. (live mo an-enrlvcnll and T wilt anriVurni- tn... . verybodyln TAOTJ4 and at It K ABON A-M.i! i'llicSS, ' jj particular auitior:psiuiti , . XmUlOl&tfJ Bad Efald&g S,,ri i-0 V '' '. .'''. V -